Newspaper Page Text
Court sessions Tuesday after
^ 3fd Monday in April and October.
City Court Officers.
. B I A Bush, Judge.
|;SE S B Bennet, Solicitor pro tem.
Cox, Clerk.
Court sessions on 2nd Monday
in January, April, July and Oc¬
Commissioners— T. R. Bennett,
I Chairman, Wyatt Adams, A.
B. Joiner, J. W-. Everett, and J,
G. Wood, clerk. Regular meet¬
ing second Tuesay in each
Ordinary’s court every first
Monday J. G. Wood, Ordinary.
County Officers.
J. L, Stewart, Tax collector.
O. T. Akridge, Tax Receiver,
.ronah palmer, Treasurer,
samuel Lucky, surveyor.
Green Spence, Coroner.
Board of'Education,
J P Heath, Chairnlan, Camilla,
! Ga.
Nat Bradford, Pelham, Ga.
'Glausier, Baconton, Ga.
|yE 1 Lewis, Davis, Camilla, Meigs, Ga Ga.
Powell, C. S. C. Camilla, Ga.
P? C.iurch Chimes.
Methodist Church— Corner
t Barney and Stephens Streets—
I Rev. C. T. Clark, pastor. Preach¬
ing second and fourth Sundays
Jin each month at 11 o’clock, a. m
*7:30 o’clock p. m. prayer meeting
| every Thursday evening at 7:30
•o’clock. Sunday school every
morning at 9:45 o’clock,
A. Bush, superintendent. Kp
worth League every Sunday af
ternoon at 3:30 o’clock. The pub¬
lic eoriaily invited to att end all
church services.
Baptist Church— Broad Street
Kev. Z.T. Weaver pastor. Preach¬
ing first and third Sunday in each
month at 11 o’clock?., m. and 7:30
o’clock. Sunday school every
Sunday morning at 9:30 o’clock;
J. L. Cochran, superintendent.
The'general public welcome to
all services.
Presbyterian Church - Broad St,
Rev. Archie MoLauehlin, pastor.
Preaching on the third and fourth
Sundays in each month at 11 o’¬
clock and at night. Prayer meet¬
ing every Tuesday night. Sun¬
day school at 9-30 a. in. All cor¬
dially invited to attend these
• 0<$>0.S>03>0<£0<?0'3»0<®0'$’0®‘0<S>0<$>0<S>0
^Professional Cardsi
Attobsey-at-Law and
Office-in Beanett’a Building, Broad ►
Physician and Surgeon.
Office at Drug Store of Lewis Drug
Go's,, during the dnv. Residence ►
at night. Prompt attention given
to all calls.
*1 A Bush. R D Bush M E Bush*
1. A. BtJSH & SONS, <
Attorn Eys- at- Law, 4
Camilla, (3a. J
Commercial law a specialty. . .
{H. C. Dasher, Jr. W. IT. Hoggaad
A rronxEYs- at-Law,
Camilla, Ga.
J Office in Enterprise Building.
|D. A. SPENCfi,
Dental Surgeon,
Pelham, Ga.
Office in new City Mall.
4 The best quality of work at*
2 reasonable charges. Your pa ^
<1 treatise solicitated.
Mr, Charles C- -Johnson, 171
Broadway, New York, is a level¬
headed man. He seems to know
what the present conditions in
the South really are, and advo¬
cates the clbsest and friendliest
relations between the business
men of the North and South- in
an interesting letter to the Manu
faeturers’ Record, Mr. Johnson
In the latest issue cf the Manu¬
facturers’ Record I notice a. rei
erence to published articles in¬
dicating a feeling of bitterness
toward the South by Northern
residents—business men and
others- No one of the slightest
knowledge here pays any atten¬
tion to such statements, because
they are palpably aosurd. Nor¬
thern business men recognize
the wonderful development of the
South and know that section of
the country will continue to pro¬
gress Many here do not fully
realize the fact—I know I did nob
until 1 spent ten weeks in the
South two years ago. It is a pity
mote Northern business men
cannot see the South for them¬
selves. It is to be regretted
that there are not more men who
will follow the methods of M, V,
Richards of the Southern Rail¬
way, who makes a personal mat¬
ter of introducing business men
of the North to the business con¬
ditions of the Soutn. No North¬
ern man of understanding lacks
appreciation of the real progress
of the South. Conditions of
thirty years ago no longer exist
down there, and as for a feeling
of bitterness in the North toward
the South, why that is all tommy
rot. Give us credit for better
business sense.
Mr. Johnson takes the proper
view of the situation in the South.
Every man of information can
but see it in the same light that
Mr. Johnson,.does. There has
been wonderful development
throughout this section during
the past few years and the ex¬
pansion and growth continue in
a marvelous manner. Many busi
ness men of the North already
realize the remarkable progress
that has been made in the South,
and others will soon be brought
to a like understanding.
' Croup
The peculiar cough which in¬
dicates croup, is usually well
known to the mothers of croupy
children. No time should be lost
in the treatment of it, and for this
purpose no medicine has received
more universal approval than
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.
Do not waste valuable time in
experimenting with-untried rem
idies, no matter how highly they
may be recommended, but give
this medicine as directed and all
symptoms of croup will quickly
disappear. For sale by Lewis
Drug Co.
The daily papers are.all right if
you want them, but it is the week¬
ly paper that advertises your
business, your schools, your
churches, your numerous socie¬
ties, sympathizes with you in
your affliction and rejoices in
your prosperity. In short, it is
your weekly paper that mentions
the thousand and one items in
which you are interested during
the year and which you do not
find .......... in the daily papers.- Dalton
All parties indebted to us on op.
en accounts or notes are
to make prompt settlement,
to avoid cost of collection.
appreciate your trade but
years business must be clot? jd
When he doesn’t have to
his arms to hook his bodice
the back.
When he can wear his best
in the rain without getting
curl out of the feathers.
When be gives his hair a
little slick with a comb and,
presto! his coiffure is complete.
When the children cry and
can whistle a tune, get his hat,
bang the door and go out.
When he stows things away in
his multitudinous pockets and
saunters on with unencumbered
When he trips up the street on
a rainy day with his trousers
jauntily turned up and no
to kick.
When he swings easily on and
off a moving car without
of tangling hiB heels in his petti¬
coats, spoiled\nd
Wt en the dinner is
he chata unconcernedly and all
the guests pity him because he is
married to an incompetent, fussy,
discomposed woman.—Chicago
Dislocated her Shoulder
Mrs. Johanna Soderholm, of
Fergus Fails, Minn., fell and dis¬
located her shoulder. She had a
a surgeon get it back in place as
soon be possible, but it was quite
sore: pained her very much. Her
son mentioned that he had seen
Chamberlain’s Pain Balm adver¬
tised for sprains and soreness,
and she asked him to buy her a
bottle of it, which he did. It
quickly relieved her and enabled
her to sleep which she had not
done for several days. The son
was so much pleased with the re¬
lief it gave his motherthathe has
since recommended it to many
others. For sale by Lewis Drug
The editor of the Albany Her¬
ald is one of the best gun shots in
Georgia, He knows as much
about birds as anybody. He
thinks he has found one here, if
there is anything in a name:
“Mrs. 8. William Robbin,
Louisville, Ky., was recently
married to David Buzzard. It is
her fourth matrimonial venture.
She was a Martin, of one of the
best known Bourbon families
She first married Robert Crow.
He died and she married John
Sparrow six months afterward.
She and Mr. Sparrow did not
agree and a divorce followed.
Mrs Sparrow became Mrs. Wil¬
liam Robbin, but again a divorce
was found advisable. After a
year of lonely life, Mrs. Rob¬
bin has become Mrs. David
Buzzard. She has two Crows,
one Sparrow, one Robbin and a
Blizzard at her home.
Cured after suffering* 10 years,
B. F. Hare, Supt. Miami Cycle
& Mfg. Co. Middleton, (). suffer*
ed for ten years with dyspepsia
He spent hundreds of dollars for
medicine and with doctors with¬
out receiving any “One
benefit. He says, night
while feeling exceptionally bau
I was about to throw down
evening paper when I saw an
item in the paper regarding the
merits oi Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
I concluded to try it andjwhile I
had no faith in it I felt better af¬
ter the second dose. After
two bottles I am stronger and
better than I have been for years
1 aud I recommend Kodol
sia Cure to my friends and ac
quaiutanees suffering
stomach trouble.” Sold by
Twenty candidates have an¬
nounced for office in Ware
ty and they are beginning
show up in other counties.
DeWitt'S * Hazel ttoh Salve
Fop Piios, Burns, Sores.
The South’s Resources.
Four-fifths of the world’s cot¬
ton is produced in the Southern
States. The South is the most
attractive field for immigration in
the world to-day; populated only
as thickly as is Belgium, one of
the thriftiest and most prosper¬
ous of nations, the South has
r'-om enough for 43,000,000 peo¬
ple. She mines annually 15,000
000 tons of coal; the South is a
great iron-producing country, to
bacco, stone and minerals and
upon her must our chief depend¬
ence be placed for our lumber,—
The South furnishes nearly all
the naval stores of the world, and
can furnish vegetables and many
other products of the field and
orchard in quantities sufficient to
meet the demand of the nations.
Yes. “the South is the most at¬
tractive field for immigration in
the world to-day,”and no part of
the South presents more inviting
prospects than our own south¬
west Georgia.
The school teachers of Georgia
will get tills week the balance of
their last year’s money. Vouch¬
ers have been made out, and the
checks will be signed and mailed
the first of the week. There are
two months’ salary still due the
teachers, and the distribution will
amount to about 8600,000.
51 $'53 S. Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga,
Engines, , Boilers “f 1 SawMllIs
AH Kinds of Mach in err.
Corn Mills, Feed Mills; Grain Separators,
All kinds of Patent Dogs, Circular'saws, Saw Teeth Locks,
Steam Governors
Mill S'lftylies, Engine and Mill Repairs Send or CaRg
Atlantic Ocast Line By. Co,
Florida and Cuba.
Montgomery, Troy, Ozark, Dothan, Elba, Bainbridge, Thumasville
Valdosta, Waycross, avanna h, harleston, Brunswick
Jacksonville and all -
JF^lojricio. Points
Through Pullman Cars on all through trains and to
New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington, Richmond
And all points East over its own rails to Richmond and Norfolk.
To St. Louis, Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago'
Kansas City, Birmingham. Nashville, Kew Orleans and
ali points west and northeast.
Lv. Camilla, northbound,............10:36 am...........6:04 p m
Lv. Camilla, southbound;............8:45 am............5:00 p m
Connections at Savannah with ocean steamship lifte and M & M T
Co., for New York, Boston and Philadelphia.
For further information call on or address
W. W. Cullens, Ticket Agent, CamilladGa.
T. J. Bottoms, Traveling Passenger Agent, Thomasville, Ga.
H. M. Emerson,. Traffic Mgr., Wilmington, N. C,
J. A^Taydev, T. P. A., Montgomery, Ala.
w, I. OSAia, w. H. LEAHY,
Gen Pass Agt Wilmingrin, N.C. D>, Pass. Ajb, Savennalr
At the annual meeting of the
State Board of Health held at the
eaf itol in Atlanta on Tuesday of
last week, resolutions were pass¬
ed urging the city and county
authorities to enforce the vaccin¬
ation and fumigation ordinance
to check the ravages of smallpox.
It was recommended by the board
that sulphur candles for fumiga¬
tion be discarded in fovor of for¬
maldehyde gas.
lias cured thousands and will
cure you.
ly you are troubled with Kid -
ney or Bladder troubles, such as
Dropsy, Bright's Disease, Ca
tarrah. Gravel of the Bladder.
Albumen in Urine and unhealthy
deposits, or too frequent dis¬
charge of the bladde'r, urine, pain in the
back and dropsical
swelling of the feet and legs etc.,
we guarantee bv using Smith’s
Sure Kidney Cure, a complete
cure will be effected.
Price 50 cents and 81.00. For
Sale by Lewis Drug Co.
«1 1 1. .~-«-_- ,. E
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