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How is the tiirn to Plant your Spring Garden! psf
.We have a full and complete line of
5k S8& Fresh Garden Seed!
Also Onion Sets and Irish Potatoes.
- ' . # .
Plant Wood’s Earliest for very early potatoes and the Red Bermuda
for a big crop. Remember our seed are fresh and guaranteed.
We are doing our best to get in all the new school books and are making exchanges as fast as
possible. We hope to have a full assortment of all kinds the last of this
week. We have also a complete assortment of
*■ * t
Tablets, Paper, Pens and Ink:.
Let us supply your wants*
The Lewis Drug Co.
Salt and its Varied Uses.
According to the Detroit Trib¬
une, “salt is qualified for many
excellent pses besides that of
seasoning, and in oach case it is
quite as effective as in its pri¬
mary use,” said Mrs. Joseph R.
McLaughlin, of Mac Manor,
Boston boulevard. “In the first
place there are several medicinal
uses where it has proved most
effectual, but ^common as it is
there do not seem to be many
who realize its vrflue. In the
case of weak eyes or to give re¬
lief to overworked eyes a strong
solution of salt and water with
the water as hot as can be borne
is the best thing one can use. A
weak brine if used persistently
will cure nasal catarrh, the brine
in that case being snuffed up the
nostrils and allowed to run
through the throat. The teeth
will also be helped by the use of
salt as it hardens the gums and
is one of the best things witn
which to sweeten the breath. A
little salt allowed to dissolve
slowly on the tip of the tongue
will be found to be the most ef¬
fectual in case of a sick headache
but it must be dissolved slowly
and no water taken for about ten
minutes after.
“Then salt will be found a spec¬
ial remedy for a claret stain on
the table linen or an ink spot on
a heavy carpet. In either case
cover the stain with salt and^ it
will soak up the liquid, after
which apply clean salt until the
stain has disappeared. Tne ink
stain can be almost entirely re¬
moved in this way if it is taken
at once and the claret stain will
be taken out sufficiently so that
will entirely, disappear, when
e cloth is laundered.
, “Black spots on dishes may be
I; oved by an application of this
pie remedy and the Japanese
mattings which are used so much
nowadays for bedroom use will
retain their freshness and be
kept sweet and clean if after the
weekly sweeping they are wash¬
ed with a solution of salt and wa¬
A Mother’s Recommendation.
I have used Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy for a number of
years and have no hesitancy in
saying that it is the best remedy
for coughs, colds and croup I
have ever used in my family. I
have not words to express my
confidence in this remedy.—Mrs.
J. A. Moore. North Star, Mich.—
For sale by Lewis Drug Co.
A petition for an election to be
held in Mitehell county, Ga., for
the sale'of Alcoholic, Spirituous,
Malt, or intoxicating liquors, un¬
der Section 1541, of the Code of
Ga., having been filed in ray of¬
fice in accordance witl\ law to be
determined by the voters of said
county as to whether or not said
liquors ahall be sold.
It is therefore ordered that an
election for said purpose, to be
held on the 27th day of February
2904, at all of the election pre¬
cincts of said county pnder the
same regulations as are prescrib¬
ed by law for holding elections
for members of the General As¬
sembly. All persons qualified to
vote for the General Assembly
are qualified to vote in this elec¬
tion. * All persons who are
against the sale of intoxicating
liquors as are mentioned in Sec¬
tion 1548 ef the Code, shall have
written or printed on their tickets
Against the Sale; and those who
favor the sate of the articles men¬
tioned in said Section 1548, shall
have written or printed on their
ballots, For the Sale.
Given under my hand officially
this ^he 25th J- G. day Wood, of January, Ordinary. 1904
Do You Want the best.
Try a settling of our peerless
Brown Leghorn eggs They are
bred with especial oareto greatest
egg production. Should
ordering at once as early hatch¬
ed birds are the most vigorons.
Price per setting of 15
Address Miss Flora Monis
Peerless Dairy Farm.
Pascal Ga.
IM«p*n4*Rt Manufacturers of
THBRr ar* «ra tto no other- other- • junta* goad ’* T*»:
11 ere, trei m tturtr core tot, acitatlltc p— pore
tfeo. the*PUREST >PIJfte»T. BEST end CHEAPEST
Tons Sold Last Year.
Southern Manufacturers of Fer¬
tilizers for Southern Farmers,
Planters and Truckers.
The largest independent
makers of Fertilizers in
the world. The largest I
producers of material.
Better Fertilizers, Lower
prices, larger sales.
The users of our goods
Thousands of men. Our
customers run into the
hundreds of thousands of
satisfied, progressi ve
Write for free Booklet and Calendar for
\ 1904.
Atlanta, Oa. Memphis, Tend.
Charleston, S. C. Richmond, Va.
Hontgomery, Ala.
Camilla, g.
LIFE—Protect your family from want by securing a
policy in the Mutual Life Ins. Co., of New York.
Careful Investments, Have made this com¬
Liberality to the Insured. pany the
Prompt payment of claims, Largest, Strongest and
The most liberal form of policy, Best in
Loans to the Insured • • « « the World.......
FIRE—Insure your Property in
an American Company.
The Continental Insurance Co., Assets $14,197,177 63
Fire, Rent and Tornado Policies Written.
The Rochester-German las. Co , Assets over $1,500,000
of Rocnester, N. Y. Liberal, Conservative, Reliable.
51 $ 53.S. Forsyth SI., Atlanta, Ga, 4
Engines, Eoilers SawMllIs
All Kinds of Machinery.
Corn Mills, Feed Mills, Grain Separators,
All kinds of Patent Dogs, Circular^saws, Saw Teeth Locks,
Steam Governors ✓
Mill S^oi/lies, Engine and Mill Reva : rs Send or Cat’£