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CfttitiUa •if ;
VOL. 2. NO 42
4^ ^Do you know that the Camilla Branch of the Cincinnati Bargain House offers^->^|^
Best Goods I^ot- llie Least Money!
If not you’d better investigate and see if our statement is correct. Our Buyers attend the larg¬
est Auction Sales of the country and with Spot Cash get the cream of the market for lowest
prices. That’s the main reason we can sell to the most economical person in Mitchell coun¬ um
ty goods at a positive saving. w/
Grand special sale of Men’s Wool Suits $2.25 and up.
Cincinnati Bargain House,
214-216 W 5tli st. and 115 E. Court st. Camilla Branch next to Bank. B. Lubin, Manager.
£G0 TOjss^.
Butler Heath & Butlers'
a>—j FOR
Biller, Heal & Boiler
Phone 10, Camilla,
Look This Way.
! have formed a partnership with Mr. D. B Holton in the
matter of Collections, Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors,
Blinds, Mantles, Brackets, Banisters, Columns, Brick and
all kinds of finishing material to build a dwelling, and we
therefore solicit your collections and trade.
We guarantee prices and just
Looking closely to the interests of our customers in
points of collections and sales. •
We sell strictly for cash as we pay cash for all Ma¬
Yours for Business,
Mach sals & Holton.
Flint River & Nxyrtbi-eastern Ry. Co.
Effeotlve February 4th 1904, lOsSO a. Mm,
No. 3. No 1 Daily Miles Miles No 2 Eaily No i
10 30 V 0 Lv Pelham Ar 25 4 30
10 35 1 Wilma 24 4 25
1100 6 Maples 18 4 04
1108 9 Hinson 15 3 56
11 12 11 Flo ride 13 3 51
11 17 13 Akridge 11 3 43
11 25 *5 Sale City 9 , 3 35
?l 40 13 Tuton 6 3 20
12 00 24 Ar Tichnor Ar 1 3 00
25 Doerun 0
Connections: -No. 1 Pelham Ga., Atlantic Coast Line
No. 2 Tichnor Ga., Georgia Northern Ry.
j. W. Byrd, Gen. Man. D. M. Rogers, Gen. Supt.
Heath’s Cotton and
Corn Fertilizer,
Heath’s High
Grade Acid,
German Kainit,
otton seel Meal,
Georgia State Grange.
The annual benefit of the Al¬
bany, Ga., Lodge B. P. E. No.
714, will be that of a Ladies’
Minstrel, given at Sale-Davis
Opera House, Albany, Ga., Tues¬
day night, Feb. 16th, 1904. It
will be the most unique enter¬
tainment ever given in the histo¬
ry of the city; fifty of the society
ladies taking part. Part first will
be a great Japanese reception ;
pai$ second will be given by the
Elks’ in black face. The rail¬
roads make a party rate for ten
or more and the Elks invite ev¬
erybody to come to Albany on
that night.
Kodoi Dyspepsia Ci
Digests what you eat.
Mrs. M, F. Brimberry Entertains
In Honor of Mrs. John W.
Cress, of Virginia, and Mrs.
John M. Spence, of Camilla.
Among the pleasantest events
of, the season, was the reception
by Mrs. M. F. Brimberry on
Winrsday afternoon of last week,
in compliment to her guest, Mrs.
■Too. W. Cress, of Virginia, and
Mrs. Jno. M. Spence, of Camilla.
The Brimberry home is an
ideal one in every respect and
particularly so for entertaining;
and as a hostess there is none
I more charming than Mrs. Brim
berry. The reception hall, par¬
lor and library were tastily dec¬
orated with ferns, palms and cut
a Here the guests mingled in
happy greetings and conversa¬
tion for a while, then they were
§shered into the dining-room
which was charmingly decorated
with violets and japonicas. A
buffet luncheon was served,
complete in every respect. The
feast of soul and flow of wit,”
and good humor prevailed here
while the guests were presided
over by Misses Henrietta and
Annie Grace Brimberry.
Among those present during
the afternoon besides the guests
of honor were Mesdames J. H.
Palmer, I. Smith, F. S- Perry, C.
C, Spence, T. R. Bennet, Jr., W.
A. Bennett, W, N. Spence, F. M.
Perry, J. L Cochran, J. W. But
ler, T. B. Perry, C. T. Clark, M.
R- Freeman, .T. T. Owen, T. R
Bennett, Sr., W. W. Cullen^,
ill Cross, Joe Collins, E. L.
Whitworth, F. L: Lewis, Clara
Horace Dasher, E. E.
W. T. Bennett, Misses Law
Spence, Kate Cochran, Ma¬
Turner and Emma Cochran,
-*- ‘
I adies’ Minstrel.
but they knew that in all prpba
bility they would lose at least
$10.00. They were willing to
lose this amount for the com¬
mensurate gain that would be
Camilla’s. Repeated bad weath¬
er has increased their loss ti a
much larger and unexpected ex
tent. We are/permitted to say
that the next entertainment will
have to be greeted with a $115 00
house, else the company is at a
severe loss—such a loss as would
possibly make it impossible for
Camilla to have another Lyceum
course. Every town of any size
or pretentions has these courses
and surely Camilla will not lag
One thing is left to us —the
people of Camilla—everybody
turn out to the next attraction.
You will not only bq altogether
the entertainment,
but you will each one have given
a helping hand to our young
friends and loyal fellow-towns¬
Quick Service.
It is a fact that if you want the
very latest news now of the
events of the world as furnished
by the Associated Press, the great
news gatherers of the world, you
shouldjake the Albany Evening
Herald, and get to-day’s news
to-day. The Herald goes to press
about the same time that other
afternoon papers do, and being
near with a convenient mail ser¬
vice they can furnish you the
latest news of the day for your
evening reading.
The Lyceum Scored
On January, 28bh, a t the
auditorium Mr. Spedon thorough¬
ly upheld the high standard
by the earlier Lyceum entertain¬
ers, keeping his audience in¬
tensely interested and highly
excited by his wonderful off-hand
drawing. W e feel safe in assert¬
ing that no such exhibition of art
has ever before been made in Ca¬
However, the success was one¬
sided. The Lyceum Company
came fully up to their promises
giving a worthy entertainment,
but the miserably poor atten¬
was enough to discourage
the bravest and check the most
It was an inclement
it is true, yet the ex¬
on the stock-holders was
same, and consequently they
at a great loss. The young
who secured these enter¬
did not undertake the
for any
20 pounds for $1.00
25 Pounds for $1.00
j Staniefsi
«> <$> Business j
<?> College, o
Zbomasville, <s>
» Georgia. o
Watch this Space.
■ 6
Fire Insurance,
J. C. Turner, Agent.
Pepresents the following Fire In¬
surance Companies:
Liverpool and London and Globe. Hartford
Fire. Home insurance Co of N. Y.
Greenwich Insurant Co;
DeWItfi Salve