Newspaper Page Text
Council Proceedings.
Camilla, Ga., Feb. 1.—Council
met m regular session. Present
Mayor Palmer, Councilmen Per¬
ry, Dasher, Bennet, Turner,
Joiner and Watt.
Minutes of previous meeting
read and adopted. y
On motion of Councilman
Dasher, council proceeded to the
election of all officers formerly
nominated except night-watch¬
man. D. W. Faircloth declined
the position and J., E. Cochran
was elected to said office by bal¬
lot. Salaries of the various of¬
ficers as named in January meet¬
ing were ratified. On motion
Clerk was instructed to order
keys for night- watchman’s clock.
Appeal case of W. T. Spence
was taken up and on investiga¬
tion found that defendant had
failed to make bond as prescrib¬
ed by law andjon motion the mar¬
shal was instructed to collect the
fine imposed by former mayor
pro. tern. Davis and in default of
payment of said fine to enforce
the alternative sentence.
OiAiotion report of clerk and
treasurer be received and spread
upon minutes.
On motion marshal furnish
city attorney with statement of
fines collected by night-watch¬
man last year.
On motion clerk preceded to
collect street tax for the first
On motion council 'pay Enter¬
prise Co., $5,00 per month for
publishing proceedings of coun¬
cil and legal notices. Job work
to be paid for extra.
On motion night-policeman go
on duty at 8 o’clock and come off
at day light. Business license
for the year 1904 passed second
reading. On motion the follow¬
ing resolution was adopted
ff Whereas, it has been made
plain to the council that there is
a wide discrepancy between the
, amounts in fines, imposed by the
Mayor, and in the amounts col¬
lected by the Marshal for the
year 1008, Therefore:
i. “Be it resolved. That the mar¬
shal be and he is hereby requir¬
ed to collect all fines imposed by
the mayor instanter or keep the
defendant in custody to carry
out the alternative sentence, un¬
less an appeal has been entered
and bond taken and appearance
bond as required by law.
: ‘Resolved further, That if the
marshal fail as above required
he shall forfeit the amount of
said fine and costs, aud that the
marshal’s salary shall not be
paid until it has been O. K. by
the Finance Committee, after he
has shown to the Finance Com¬
mittee that all fines have been
“Resolved further, That the
marshal is hereby required to
make a written report to the
Council atr every regular meet¬
ing, of all the forfeitures impos¬
ed by the Mayor and collected by
him, and ‘attached vouchers for
the same.
“Resolved further, That the
Clerk is hereby ordered to issue
no warrants for marshal’s salary
except it bo O. K. by the Finance
Camilla, Ga., Feb. 1st, ’04.
To the Honorable Mayor and
I beg leave to make the
following report for year 1903.
To amt. adv. tax collected year
1903 S1653 67
By amt. adv. tax paid
treasurer 1653 67
To amt. school fund col*
* lected tax 1903 648 47
By amt. school fund col
lected paid treas. 648 47
To amt. fines collected ’03 .303 45
By amt. paid treasurer 308 45
To amt. specific tax col¬
lected ’03 572 85
By amt. specific tax paid
treasurer 572 75
To old fi fas. collected 26 07
By amt. old fi fas. paid
treasurer < 26 07
' DR.
To street fund collected
1908 * 407 00
By amt street fund paid
treasurer 407 00
To amt. in fi fas. tax 1903 138 08
Cr. Byjatnt. paid Ga. fund 2388 61
By amt. street fund
paid ou^ 417 47
Railroad tax to be collect¬
ed 92 26
I certify the above report is
correct and true to the best of
my knowledge and belief.
J. L. Cochran, Clerk.
Camilla, Ga., Feb. 1, ’04
To the Honorable Mayor and
Councilmen of the town of
Camilla, Ga.:
1 herewith submit
my annual financial report to
honorable body, as follows;
C- b- Taylor, Ttqas.
General Fund Rece-Wts.
bal. on hand Jaw. 29tb,
1008. / - $ 996 73
amt. rec’d' from - clerk
from Jan. 29th, ’03,
to tope Jjan. 30th 1904 2255 94
acctd for 3252 67
General Fund Disbursment.
amt paid Out on v< uch
es sjnee jjan Jan. 29th 1903
to 30th 1904 2390 11
on hand 862 56
'| ' 3252 67
Street Funds Receipts.
Bal. on hand Jan. 29th
1903 1
received from
clerk from Jan. 29th
1903 to Jan. 30th 1904 407 00
A mt. to be Actd for 408 70
Street Fund Disbursments,
By amount paid out on
voujehes from Jan. 29;h
190(3 to Jan. 30th 1904 417 49
By amount over drawn 8 79
408 70
i Bond Funds.
To Bal bn hand Jan. 29th
1903 9 58
Arsounjt received from
clejrk since Jan. 29th
19Q3 648 47
Total to be accounted for 658 05
Nothing paid out since last re¬
port. !
No other business council ad¬
journed to first Monday night in
J. L. Cochran
j A Subtle Reproof.
Miss Helen Lackaye, sister of the
actor, Wilton Lackaye, has the fam¬
ily jO?t of repartee fully developed.
Recently prides j himself a young society his popularity man who
with female acquaintances begged
from lier a few of the violets 6he
wore at her corsage. He placed the
flowers inside the case of his watch
vowing that as long as he lived they
should, repose there. A few days
later the two met agaiR, and Miss
Lackaye asked about the flowers,
The young man was visibly embar¬
rassed, hut explained that he had
opened and th the watch while in the street
at a gust of wind had blown
away .he violets. “And you kept
th6 witch after that?” said Miss
Lackaye, with sweet incredulity.
Latest Contribution. te the Wide
Wer1«f* Merriment.
Claude—And did that old maid
actually propose?
Maude—She leaped at it.
Cora—He turned as white as a
sheet when she refused him, she
Laura—Well, it’s only natural
that he should have paled into in¬
The Insurance Agent—Madam, I
have a proposal to make to you.
Miss Antique—Oh, this is so sud¬
The Insurance Agent — That’s
right. want is an acci¬
dent policy costing $5 monthly.
You know you can’t tell when some¬
thing might happen. f
Maude—A clairvoyant told Grace
a great story last night.
Claude—What did she say?
Maude—She told her that all her
hopes laid in the future, and she
actually proved that to be correct.
Claude—Indeed! How did she do
Maude—-She said that her hopes
couldn’t lay in the past.—Yonkers
The Financial Phase.
Man (in theater, to woman in
front)—Madam, I paid $5 for this
seat, and your hat—
Woman (calmly) — My hat cos
Strch Is Ufa.
"Talk about the irony of
exclaimed ite poet after the mail
carrier had passed on.
“What’s the trouble, dear?” ask¬
ed his wife.
“Trouble!” echoed the inspired
Off*. "Aye, trouble is the word, and
it has no synonym. I expected a
check for $4 this morning, and this
—this is what 1 received.
And, tossing a circular from a
safe deposit he company on the^, bare
floor, went over by the stove and
kicked the cat.-—New York News.
An Easy Change.
bill,” “They remarked have voted down your
the great man’s pri¬
vate secretary. “What ehall I do
about this speech of yours concern¬
ing the measure ?”
“Hum!” said the great man
thoughtfully. “Just find the para¬
graph where I said, ‘We point with
pride and change to those who read, cast ‘We their votes,’
it to point the
finger of scorn at those who cast
their votes.’ It will be all right
then.”—Cincinnati Times-Star.
Played on the Piano.
Mother (returning from a shop¬
ping tour) — For goodness’ sake,
what’s the matter with little Willie ?
New Nurse—’Tis a bad boomp he
ot, ma’am. Ye know, ye told me
i was to let him play on the pian
nv, an’ onct when he was slidin’ on
the top of it he slid too far, ma’am.
—Philadelphia Press.
No End.
“Mamie,” said Maud, “what is an
ultimatum ?”
“I don’t know exactly,” was the
reply; “but, judging from the way
it is used should in diplomatic correspond¬ Jern
ence, I say it was m
Latin for Ho he continued k»i
next.’”—Washington Star, 1( j|
Tsars of Joy.
Goodman—Of course itVte
ble to have your wife elope vcai
other, but why do you weep ?
cannot bring her back.
Henpeck—Ha, ha! ThatV© I
Fra shedding these tears.—.
delphia Press. ,,
From first page.
wells were spoken and the
departed, wishing Mr. and
Spence Perry a day of the
The best wishes will follow
and Mrs. Frank Perry, as
continue to move forward in
discharge of life’s duties.
Pepry has made life a
not as some measure success,
as a husband, father,
and eitizen, and as Robt.
has written;
The rank is but the guinea stamp,
The man '• the gold for *13 o’ that.
As is well known here, Mrs.
Perry is the sister of the
Judge W. N. Spence, and,
her brother, possesses those
of character, which family
develop into a'devotion, that
the admiration of noble hearts,
and the derision of churls, and
charlatans. As a wife, mother,
and grand-mother, Mrs. Perry
is making life for her family a
tims to be remembered, when
other days have come. Among
the guests were:
Rev. J. L. Underwood, Rev. C.
T. Clarke and wife, Dr. H. C.
Dasher and wife, Judge W. N.
Spence and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
G. B. Cochran, Mr. and Mrs. J.
L. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Cochran, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Alien, Mr. and Mrs. Green
Spence, Mr- and Mrs. S. E. Cox.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Turner, Mr.
and Mrs. A. B. Joiner, Mr. and
Mrs. T. B, Perry, Messrs. T. P.
Embry, C. R. Twitty, W. R.
Spence, J. K. Hilliard. Mesdames
Dan’l Palmer, A. P. Hilliard, J.
T. Owens, H-W. Spence, J. M.
McNair, Clara Twitty, J. S. Cul¬
pepper, T. R. Bennett. .T. H.
Bangs, J. H. Seaife, M- F. Brim*
berry. John G. Cress, Misses
Lawson Spence, Susie Spence,
Ethel Perry, Cleveland Baggs,
Kate Cochran, Mrs. T. Cochran.
Mrs. I. Smith and others.
OeWitt’s SaSve
For Plies, Burns, Soros*
Look This Way.
I have formed a partnership with Mr. D. B Holton in the
matter of Collections, Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors,
Blinds, Mantles, Brackets, Banisters, Columns, Brick and
all kinds of finishing material to build a dwelling, and we
therefore solicit your collections and trade.
We guarantee prices and just
Looking closely to the interests of our customers in
points of collections and sales.
We sell strictly for cash as we pay cash for all Ma¬
Yours for Business,
Bacbak & Holton.
Flint River & Nortli-Eastern
Railroad Co.
Effeotlve F'ebruary 4tn 1905, 10i50a.m
Mo. 3. iMol Daily Miles STATIONS Miles Mo 2 Daily Mel
A.M. I X
10 30 0 Lv Pelham Ar 25 4 30
10 35 1 Wilma 24 4 25
1100 6 Maples 18 4 04
11 08 9 Hinson 15 3 56
11 12 11 Floride 13 3 51
11 17 13 Abridge Sale 11. 3 43
11 25 15 City 9 3 35
11 40 18 Tuton 6 320
12 00 24 Ar Tiphnor Ar 1 3 00
25 Do^run 0
Connections: JVo. 1 Pelham Ga., Atlantic Coast Line •
No 2 Tichnor Ga,, Georgia Northern Ry.
J. W. Byrd, Ge&. Man. D. M. F ouers, Gen. Supt.
•xng-aaunj, 4b pvuupmQ—,
qq jatp sauioo ajqaoj).
8 HX q* azaarj Laq*
moA ^autzaaiy sadid '
ajqnoi} aub oakji,,
•s »iuoq »|qnojj_
ptrepAaft)— UaiBad UTBJJ;
SoflaAwj {< uapro msissng b s,p
,/Smqj uffrauoj aq* ptus
auras aq; cp spinoura jj,,
•XtajBara petnrao aq; J0 j33bubui aqp
pairnboi u< ;japro qstu b sxq; sp,,
■ ■ STOCK.
| Shredded Whole Wheat •
a • Try it.
a .
• N.
S Oatmeal and Finest lot
Crackers in town.
Full line of Groceries.
■ s Qukk Sates,
• a Small Profits.
® Prompt service. Phone 42. •
•J. J. F. r. WL/AKIV. CLARK. •
s sicBoasBeBOQoaeisBsisEioBsa 5
A Well Known Tire for Pifey.
Cures obstinate sores, cht-pved k - ec¬
zema, skin diseases. Makes bu>*- -*Bd scalds
painless. double We could not impre. _ tne quality
If paid the price. ~\e best salve
that experience can *. iuc„ -r that money
can buy.
Cures Piles Permanently
DeWIU’s Is the original and only pure and
genuine Witch Hazel Salve made. Look for
the name DeWITT on ever£ <ox. Ail others
are counterfeit, pkspared by