The Wilkes republican. (Washington, Ga.) 185?-18??, June 19, 1857, Image 4

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Broadway Gold l?cn Company. No 33i Broadway! l' iew * o|l '’ UFT OF RETAIL PRICES $1 o u ©old Pen* . o ,|0 Gold Pen ami Silver holdj*. ~ , g 3 Gold Ben >1 diml.lo e'-‘ d's ( .) ,!u Mamiftoiftli do >’ <j Leviathan do „ ?*’ „ 1,0 1 U Fountain Pen, Holder, Jjy Mamrnouth “ „ “<) Engrossing B™* - Jj Leviathan rod Lox n Gothic SBer Caso and l en - lyfgross-ne <i Mammcmtu “ Gold Tooth l’ieka “ Tooth nml I'-ir Picks 3 Pencil Olid Watch Keys Gold Pencils g g® t , (i * *1 co u *• - 44 with Pen 5 ( 0 Gent’s Gold Cas< sand Pen* -8 : 4, o •* *• 10 w Gothic *’ “ • Sorcw Pencil , 8 00 n d all other kinds and style nt the retail prices. Premium* Presented to Purchasers Toovorv having a gold pen of us we present a numbered ccnlihcatc., nud each of these certificates entitles the holder of it, try the extra payment of 85 cents, to an of Jewelry, ill value from $l to 1110 Thisje'VC’rv consists of (i.ildood Silver Watches in great variety. Silver Goblets, Silver Fruit Caskets, ?;uid Guard (%ins for ladies. Lockets, liracclels, t jicuts’ Gold Poland Vest Chains, ’J'himhlcs, Breast pins, Bracelets,,Ear Drops, Studs, King* Crosses, &c. none of which sell for less that *l. For every dollar paid or, the pijJy in entitled to a numbered certificate and by the pdMf ‘ut of 85 eh. extra each eerhfieatc he if whaurcr the number oj the certificate eleft&otef. We have been in operation for three vears add thousands have bought of ns, and we have never learned that uny one was ever dissatis fied. -Hiis plan affords every opportunity of obtaining a gold watch or some article of jewelry, for a trilling sum. All our pens, pencil cases, Jtc., ate genuine art icles manufactured by ourselves w ith great cure, and we offer them precisely at pricc3 asked in nlloth er stores in the city. To agents we matte advanta geous oilers, nnd any energetic person oun do well by working foi us. Wc wish agents in every place in the country, and persons who would liko to become sueli will please to address us, nud wo will send them piinted circulars of prices, terms. &c. We have no stated periods for distribution. The moment a pen is pur chased, the purchaser it entitled to receive ‘ liis pre mium on the payment 6? cent* extra. AH orders hv until should ltd addressed ftIISKRICK, BENTON & DEAN, 335 Bi'oatlwtD’i New \oik. Agents Wantea. X'n.—Gold Pert* reuoiutcd in u suporfo.’ inan7 ler j Kucloscthe pen nud 3‘> rents in I*, O. stumpe, utiu the nen will he rcpoiiited and returned post paid. ‘rile BROADWAY GOLD PEA’ MANUFAC TURING COMPANY, is well known throughout the ronntry ; hut, it* there .tie undoubtedly,some who ure not. acquainted with us, we appemi the following well kao-vii names as reference*: - FELLOWS &. Go, No 17 Maiden Lane, New Yolk. HICKS &3ureilELL, do do liENTONJJICOS., corner Broadway uihl Court landsts. NewTorU, and Chestnut street Philadelphia. A. H. STURDY A*. Go- \o r rr.w, nuMlag, new t orK. ■ GOULD Sc. WOOD, No. 3 Maiden Lane, New York. Alai eh 27 1857.—flnio- New Drugs and Chemicals. JUiST received and for sale at the Southern Ding Store. English Quinine, Sul. Mo pliiu. Cinnamon Dink, * Borax, refined. Alliim, Tdrkey JMiuLarh, Oil of Bergamot, “ Lemon, “ Anuta, “ Roses, “ Hone in ary, 44 Juniper, Gelatine, white (French) Crem Tartar, Hive Syrup. Syrup of Squills, , „ < (jumT-ninphor, t. * Saltpetre, Elixir Opci, WistnFs Balsam Wild Cherry, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Lvon’s Knthuiron, Tnriunts Ex. Copavia (’iibobs, I’liuloii’h Hair hivigunitor, Pulls and Boxes, Ramsey's Rose Toilet I'owdor, Mustard, Castor Oil, Clone Ether, White Wax. Husband's Alagncsin, Spirits Turpentine. JAMES W. PRICE. March 13, r^o7. MONUMENTS TOMBS AND HEAD STONES DESIOSHI .INI’ KXCcI.TI.iI IX PLAIN AXO ORNAMENTAL CAIiVKD WORK, OX Aiucvicim iui.l Ilnlimi Jlurblc. LIVER COMPLAINT, D.W epsia* Jaundice. Chrocic or Nervous De bility, Disease of the Kidneys , and all Diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach. Such an Constination. inward Piles, Fullness of blooc to the head, Acidity <* i the Stomach, iVausca, Heart* Burn, Disgust for Food, or weight in the (Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficu. : Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or suffocating Sensations hen in a lying posture. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs he* fore the sight, Fever and dull pain in the head, De ficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eves, Pain in the Side, Buck, Chert, Limbs, &c., Sudden Flushes of Head, Burning in the Flesh, Con stant imaginings of evil, and great Depression o Spirits. Can bk ekfkcti am.y curf.ii by IMS. 81001 LVMIS Prepared hv DIL C J\l. JCKON, No. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is nor. excelled If equalled hv any other preparation in the United States, ns the cures attest, i a many cases after skillful physicians Imd failed. These Bitters are worthy the at tention of invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most searching powers in weakness and .affections of the di gestive orgaus, they arc, withal, safe, certain and pleasant. For sale by John D. Chase. BOOKER’S EXCHANGE. 1 would hereby notify all those indebted to me tint 1 aui very nuxious to exchange their neeounts for the money. The time is come when oilmen expect to got''er ill their outlays, mid ns 1 have accommodated yon a whole ycur, it is nothing hut just that vou shciild return the compliment by culling at the Captain's of fice amlseltle. W. M. HOOKER. Jami.nv. 1 185*. Notice. LO.ST or MISI.AID a uote given to the subscriber by Ami Smith, for the amount of Twenty dollars payable by fbrwarued to trade for the same, as payment is stopped bv me. tVIAFREy ARNETT. April 23—ts Dry Goods. IM order to close the business of .1 F.BL'RCIIARI) 6i. Cos., ns early as possible, the large stock of good now oil bond will be offered ut greatly reduced prices. The Stock is large ami complete, embracing all the late style of DREISS. GOODB', Silk and Lace Talmas, &c., and will bo sold regardless of pro fits. A call will satisfy every purchaser, that this affords an opportunity of mviug"at fciift tweutv-live per ct. from customary prices. ’ S. J. BOYCE. Augusta, Apii! 1‘ 1857:—Jm CATIIARTIO TILI.S OPERATE T;y their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the. blood and stimu late it into healthy action. They remove the obstructions of thcstomach, hmvcls, liver, and other organs of the body, and, by restoring their irregular action to health, correct, wherever they exist, such derangements ns are the first causes of disease. An extensive trial of their virtues, by Professors, Physicians, nod Patients, has shown cures of dan <rorous diseases almost beyond belief were they nc tinted by persons of suen exalted position /id character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth, i heir ceTtificates are published in my American Almanac, * x 'hich the Agents below named are pleas'd to Jupush free to all inquiring. Annexed we Directions for their use in the foiuplaint* vvhicti tlfey have been found to cure. For'HS. } y U-e one or two i ids, or such quantity as to gent>’ wove the bowels. Cos tivencss is frequently the cause of Pn.i:s # and the cure of one complaint is the cure of both %No person can feel w w lnl e under a costive habit of body. should be, as 1 can he, promptly relieved. For DYSPErsiA, which is soinet.jnos the c^ u .. of Costivcncss , and always uncomfortable, take - TQ H doses from one to sou to stimulate the stomac.. and liver into healthy action. They will do it, an the heartburn, borlybum, and sotilburn of dypep* will rapidly disappear. When it has gone, doi foKCct what cured you. Fur a Foul Stomach, or Morbid Inaction of\ iioicch, which produces general depression of tnt vpirits and bad health, take from four to cittlifc Pills at first, and smaller doses afterwards, until activity and strength i3 restored to the system. For Nervousness, Sick. Headache, Nausea* Pain in the Stomach , Bach, or Side , take fr< i four to eight pills on going to bed. If thev do not oper ate sufficiently, take more the next day until the? do. These complaints will be swept out from tha system. Don’t wear these and their kindred di* orders because your stomach is foul. For Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all Disease of the Skin , take the Pills freely and frequently; ti Keep the bowel* open. The eruptions will frencr ally soon begin to diminish and disappear. Man) dreadful ulcers and sores have been healed up by the purging and purifying effect of these Pills, ana “*>me disgusting diseases which seemed to saturate \ne whole system have completely yielded to their influence, leering the sufferer in perfect nealth. Patients! your duty to society forbids that you £*tould parade yourself around the world covered with dimples, blotches, ulcers, sores, and all or an? of the uif°l ean dug*ases of the skin, because yoiu system want* cleansing. , To Purify tZ® Blood, they arc the best medi cine ever discovered. They should be taken freely and frequently, And the impurities which bow thr seeds of incurable disease.? will be swept out of the system like chaff before the \\i nd. By this property thny do as muoh good In prrvenu u o sickness as by the remarkable cures which tht'y are making every where. Liver Complaint, Jaundice, and cill Dihotti Affections , arise from some derangeinnni en ,l & torpidity, congestion, or obstructions of the Liver. Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and render it unfit for digestion. This is disastrous to tho health, and the constitution is frequently under mined by no other cause. Indigestion is the symp tom. Obstruction of the duct which empties the bile into the stomach causes the bile to overflow into the blooi. Phis produces Jaundice, with a long and dangerous train of evils. Costivcncss, or alternately costiveness and diarrhoea, prevails. Feverish symptoms, languor, low spirits, weariness, restlessness, and melancholy, with sometimes in ability to sleep, and sometimos great drowsiness; sometimfs there is severe pain in the side; the skin and Hie wnite of the eyes become a greenish yellow the stomach acid; the bowels sore to the touch; the whole system irritable, with a tendency to fever, .which may turn to bilious fever*bilious colic, bilious liarrhoca, dysentery, &<j. A medium dose of three or four Pills taken at night, followed by two or three *n the morning, and repeated a few days,will remove the cause of all these troubles. It is wicked to suffer >acl- pains when you can cure them for ‘lb cents. Rhlvmat'sm, u out, a/w aif. mpamnunory tu> are rapv Irj cured by the purifying effects of ;jirNC Pills upon the blood and the stimulus which diey afford to the vital principal of Life. For these and’ all kindred complaints they should be taken in mild doses, to move the bowels gently, but freely. Asa Dinner Pill, this is both agreeable and useful. No Pill can he made more pleasant to take, and certainly nono has been made more effectual to tho purpose for which a dinner pill i.> employed. PREPARED BY l*U. .J. €. AYER A 00,, and Analytical Chemiats LOWELL, MAS?., AND nut Iff John. 1). Chase, Washington. Wm. 11. Ward, Lexington. L\ G. Khome; Cniwfovdvillc,aml by deal ers in Medicine every where. April I I,i-B;’4 1 WHEREAS William M Reese, applies to me tor letters of Administration ou the estate 1). M. Andrews, deceased. Those are, t lu'ieliue to cite, summon .and admonish 111 and singular the kindred and creditors of said do ucascd, to he and appear at inyolflec, within the time prescribed by law, then amt there to shew cause, it uny they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand, at office tkisU’ih day ol Mov, 1857. G. G. NORMAN,o. vn GEOKGIA —WILKES COUNTY. WHEREAS Jolm S. Pool, applies to me for letters of Guardianship for the person and piopei ty of William AT. Jones, minor of Ailhur Jones, de ceased. These me therefore to cite summon and admonish all persons interested to he and appear at the July ‘Form of the Court of Ordinary of Wilkes county, to show cause, if any they have why letters of Guard mu. hip on the property of said children should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, in Washington, May ;>th 1857. G. G. NORMAN, O. IT. C. WHEREAS Emma 31. Barnett and Mary L. Bar nett, Excciitrixsof Eli/.aheth W. Burnett, have petitioned the Court of Ordinary to be dismissed rom said executorship. These ure thefefore to cite amt admonish all an singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear atiny office on or before the first Mm * day in July next , to shew cause, if any they c.c why said Emma M. and Alary L. Barnett , should not bedismissed from said Executorship. Givcnunder mv hand at. office, January 1857. m * G. U: NORMAN, c. o. w Oranges and Lemons. These may he obtained, for CVmli only hv early appli cation nt the Southern Drug Store Chairs and Furniture. 80/.F.N of those favorite Cottage Chairs w /1 llic soW nt Jt3 per < All those lio shoulil ‘-'like to pimliasc. will .lo well to cull lielbrc lire First of Deeoniber. ns those unsold will Vcsend ba k to the Factory ut that time. ALSO Anew lot of Foi nitiire of my own make, will be sold Yen - low for CASH only. Cull niul sec mo uiiil'biiva barguin whilst it luoy be bad. ’ E^^OI.FCKK. Medical Card. DK. j. It. FICKI.FIV, offers bis profession,-, semees to the citizens of Washington imd . ieini tv. Office on Main street in Clcvelanu’s nee: J auuory l 185t —1 \ Hollaway’s Pills and Ointment. HEIIE is health for all. All who limy wish sound bodies, clear conseicucies and pleasant dreams, w ill liud in these remedies a balm which, “like bulml v airs of sunny South will brighten every scene acting as they do upon tha main spring ol iite, restores health, when failing, gives energy and vigor to the system when flagging, in a maimer supe rior to any preparation ever niude known to the wo*ld: Sold at tht Southern Drug Store, Washington, Ga bv JAMES W. PRICE, M. D. Oranges and Lemons. A Fre-li supply jnst received and for sale at th„ Grocery of W.M M BOOKEIt M - Ire curing the Sick to an extent never before known of an/?l4i-ine. CLAUDS. READ AND JUDGE IMUSSfiiYIi. jITI.ES IIAUEL, Esq., the well known perfumer, o* Chestnut tiireer, Philadelphia, wi/ product! re found at aliiiasrevery toiler, sayfPrW i ;. m h*tppy to ray of your C-. jrAifrrc Fills, that have found them a better family me<)sdgp, for common t;. . ijiaii aav other within my Knowledge. Many of my jr ..I ,( < have'realized marked benefits worn them, and co il,, , ie with ice in believing that they possess extraordinary vir*u 4f r driving out diseases and the sick. 1 hey ■I- * •;<a tmlv effectual, btit safe and plifiiiM id ue taken-- p-aii;ie.4 which miwt make them vtfued hy tlie public wl.f it I hey are known. ** T.w venerable Chancellor WARDLAVMtrites from Bah timore, 15tli April, 1854 : “ !):•.. .T. Ater Sir: I have taken your Pills wufh err t !t*r.vrit, f'<*r tlie listlessness, languor, lots of aj) petite, ; t ,i.l IFduiiis headache, which has ot late years overtaken * !1( . i„ Raring. A few doses of Pills cured me. I haven ed your Cherry Pectoral many years in my family f, r .•out'lis and colds with unfailing rntmss. You make medirincs which cure : and I foel it a pleasure to commend \>.ii f,.r tlie good you iiave done and a rawing. JOHN F. BEATTY, Esq., Sec. of the rmn. Railroad Cos “ Pa. R. R. Office, PhiladelphVifbec. 13, 1853. “Sir: I take pleasure in adding mvjestiinony to the fttienev ~f y°ur medicines, having deiTOd very materia. ,i< fit from tho use of both your Pecttral and Cathartic P I'S I ant never without them in fnyTamdy.nor than oter consent tu he, while iny means wifi procure them. The widely renowned 3.3. STEVEN<rM. D., of Went worth, N. If., writes? “ Having used your C’athartic my 1 practice, I certify from experience that pi/rga> live. In cases of disordered causing In adaclic, indigestion, ©ostinetn#*, and^^ •< di.-ca-cs that follow, they arc a than any .*. In all ca. cs where a is required, . ‘Anciently recommend these Pilly jp the public, as , *r t‘ y “ I,ier 1 have ever founa- They are sura nne r affot l ) and perfectly safe ah qualities which . ,1 <v til, 111 an invaluable article for public use. I have f r ,Lnv vears k.-own your Cherry Pectoral as the - ,■ in thtf world! il,.s- Kr are in no wi"'n “a au.-urable j.reparjlion for the treat l.ient of disease..” “ ACton. Aft., Xm. 25, 1853. ref. tt. v * r . j r,M V e bean afflicted from Bib J. C. Aim Dear ... * ( a nd now, after my birth with scrofula in its wo. Bufrcrine. twenty years’ trial, and an untold ot a, £' I J in | ~r pu£ have been completely cured in a few Wt* K ® }°~ ba Will. wi.Et fe.-ii.iga or rejoicing f wore cn only M : 'uagined when you realize what I have wftWu, - nu “ 01,r lony. (i Never until now have I been free frt*n this loathsome disease in some shape. At times it attacked iny eye*, and made me almost blind, besides the unendurable pain ; at others It settled in the scalp of my head, and destr* veil my hair, and has kept me partly bjld all my djtysj sometimes it cnnio out in iny face, and kept it for infnths a raw sore. “About nine weeks ago I commenced taking your Ca thartic Pills, and now am entirely free from the complaint. My eyes are well, my skin is fair, and my hair has com menced a healthy growth; all of which makes me feel already :i new person. “ Hoping this statement maybe the m^nsofconveying information tliat shall do good to others J am, with c-very sentiment of gratitude. Yours, sit., MARIA RICKER.” * 4 l have known the above Ticker from her childhood, and her statement is strTnM! ru ®* ANDREW J. MESERVE, . Ove...*r of the Portsmouth Manufacturing Cos.” Capt. vOEL PR A IT, of the ship Marion, writes from Boston, SUt h Aqfil, 1854; 44 Your Pills have cured ino from a bilious attack which arose trom derangement of the Liver, which had become very serious. I had failed of any Physician, ami from every remedy I could try j but a few doses of your Pills have completely restored me to health. I have given them to my children for worm*? noth the best ef fects. ‘J hey w ere promptly cured. 1 recommended them *' a friend for costivencss, which had troubled him for * lO 1,10 ,n a *® w flays they h“d cured him. You make esl medicine in the I aiu free to say so ” deni tht. from the .li.thr-Ul.hed the K.’Prero t-'.‘..rt, whose brilliant aefUe. ‘ known, not ouly ill mis but tlie ,*-nhiur g . .. .. April, 1854. 44 hew Orleans, • t . . *'• Sir* I have great satisfaction In ‘ myself an i family have been vory much beinnteU ty j imdicmes. Mv wile was cured, ffvo years .-mce, or ti se vere am iianseroita .'. iigii, y voiiMiPV nr ., and since men nas enjoyed in ili if tMjrul My chddrer. have tieveuik times been cured from tt<taci#s of the Inlltt eii/a and Cn up \ y t. it is j invafuihle remedy for Urns® lomplamts. Y *ur Cathabtic^T ll L 4 have entirely cured me In in a lyspepsia.tuui grtiwn iijH.n me cor seine years,-MWjPi’. 1 ! rR , 19 much more riqtorani, from tlie fact i!ur ~ u ‘ * ul . ” get relief from tho .est Physicians w biM 1 - ,a * ec ” on tho country ath ( and from any of reme * die-. I had msen. ” You a. H, Doctor, like a t". ylliil’ i v siiiii- i “ Senate Chamber, bth, 1854. “ J. F. Aver—Honored Bir: I -*• v made a tlior ciigli trial of the Cathartic Pills, your agent, ami have been,cured by tliriu of thtr IfiiCutiiatrsin under wiiirh lit> found me suffering. The hrst dose re- Leve l me, and a low subsequent doses hare entirely remtnr.l iho disease. I feel in hotter health now than lor some years bei re, which 1 nttiiluite entinMy to ffie effectl cf your CATii va’ ic Pills. Yours with great respect, LUCICS IL NIITCADF.” ’Pbe :mme arc all from persons who are publicly known where they reside, and w ho would not mak. these state ments wi.lumi a tborongli conviction that tLev were Uuo. Propsro-T hy Bit. J. 0. AYER & CO., s *fotieal aad t. Lowell, Mast . J I). Clitwo, Wiisliiiipton ‘PKI'TOP.AI. STUM \( HfILLS’! A remedy for C'oughS) Colus-, Catarrh) ~C 'vVT*’ Whooping Cough, fist,’until Consumption , JVnrous Cisrasrs* l)y* prpsid) Krtjsipclns, Salt Jlhcnm, />/, w<‘s ->f the Heart) Fevers of ail kinds, Obstructed and n inf of. .'fensir Inflammation an<l Pain in the Ckcc t* />’ ..c'ancf .'iide and all discuses arising from a deranged strTtvf t >„• i£iuni ach , and to relieve the distress and bad jejliif J- ‘U ivg too hearty food , in iscak and dyspeptic habits. MR WARRANTED TO BE PURELY VIXiETA.V-6 ’ These Pills act as mi expectorant, tonic,-awl aperient, ami are designed to supersede tno use of the. various cough mixtures, in tljo form of Expectorants, rij>?, Balsumi and Sarsaparillas of the presont c.ay, bung what die public have long needed, and put at such a low price that all will be nblo to obtain them. One box of these pills, which costs but 25 cents, possesses four times the power of curing the diseases for which they aro recoimno hied, than the high priced, on© dollar bottles of any of syrups, balsams, or sarsaparillas now before tho public— and a fair trial of them will convince any dffb of tho truth of this statement. They possess properties peculiarly adapted to restore the lungs and vital organs to a healthy &tato. They loosen and discharge all tho morbid secretions, i Ait greatly tho expectoration, and render tho lungs free that effete matter which characterizes all those disuses: aud the proorie.lor leols authorized to state, from ijcrsonal obser vation, and witnessing the astonishing effect* ot tneso pilla on a multitude of cases, that is not t rjother remedy in the whole Materia Medica capable of such hoalliAr properties to |he lungs and vital .igans h thosu pills. box contains 25 pills. — Price l 2S\rents. He careful tn Inquire for Dr. BTfd*tf> Pectoral Stomach Pills. They are lor sale Wm. Ti Ward, Lexington OEOnaiA— W ILKES COLEXTI . > FTTIERFAS John WorHtnn, of \V WHbtun IVorthan, deceased has petitioned the ’ ■ Court of Ordinary to he dismissed said C \ late : * / These arc therefore to cite, summon, a id admonish all pod singuhwrthc kindred and eredif r *rs ‘td* said de ceased, to be and appear at m v office, by tic first Mon day in Julv next , then and there tt! show cause, if any they have, why saidlcttcrsshouU not be grunt ctl. <*ivcn under my hand at my office; tM Ist dav of January,llßo7. G. G. NORM AN. Prdinnry. GREENWAY HOTEL. ([ Tl IK above named Hotel is sitimleiliii the .<S JiiiLpleasant ami rapidly improving VT|:ige of jKkiiL Thomson, on the Georgia Hail Hoad,-iJiirty seven miles from Augusta. In the Villagers located Givea way Academy, the well known classical school of (\ C. ’Richards, whose fame ns an instructor of youth needs no comment. Not far from the Acuqetny stands the Hotel, which has been takenehni£*u4 by the sub seriher, who is well prepared for hoarding imi lodiging the students of said Academy, at the modjratc rate o twelve dollars per month; washing and lights extra. The traveling public are assured that thi j shall Hurt irjfh fin accommodating host , a good taldg, and every attention which maybe conducive to tHaV comfort. To that portion of tho traveling commuuiiy who lias been in the habit of laying over in Augusta, to take the morning up train, l will say if you w ;1T leave Au gusta on the evening train, you ran arrive at Thom son 7$ I’. 31. get a good supper—the omortunity of resting pleasantly at night and have breapast in the. morn ng in time to get on board the trulSiife A. 31. l*y pursuing this course I am sure yon \<dl add to your pleasure and comfort, * j ‘Hie low country and Augusta people, will find this village a pleasant Summering place. Hero they will also find good society, u good Hotel nn(L the best schools in Georgia. JA3IES J. HARMAN. March 27—ly Clothes, Cassimeres Vestings, Which can bo made up to order in the best and latest style at I\ DONNELLY. Ht-linbold’s Oenutn Preparation. OF Highly Consecrated Compound c Fluid Extract Buchu. For Diseases oftltc Bladder, Kiil/icj/s, Grave**Drop sy, Weaknesses, Obstructions 9 Secret Diseases, Female Complaints , and all Diseases of tut Sexual Organs , Arising from exceeses and Imprudent: res in life, and removing all Improper Discharges from tne Bhidufir. Kikneys, or Sexual Organs- whether existing m MALE OR FEMALE, • From whatever cause they may have originated, AND MO MATTER HOW LON G STANDING, Giving Health ami Vigor to the Frame, anil Bloom - to the J'altid Cheek. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED ! ! ! It cures Nervous and Deiionrated Sufferers, ants ie moves ull tlie, among which will be luund Indisposition to Exertion,l.OS3 oL Power Loss of, Memory, Difficulty of Breathing; Gen eral Weakness, Horror of pis case, Weak .Nerves, Tumbling Dread ful Horror ot Death, Night, Sw-ats Cold Feet, - Wakefulness, Dimnca.s of Vision Languor univer sal Lassitude oitbc -Muscular System, Often Enormous Appetite, with Dyspectic Symptoms, Hot tlands, Flush ingjpt’ the Body’, Dryness l*? kin, Pallid Countenance. and Eruptions on the Fuic, Pain T.i the Duel, Hea viness of the Eveiids, fre quently Black 2spots Flying before the Byes, with Temno-u v Suffusion and Loss of Sight f Want W, o atu'nli Urtut MoWlitv, Hest'ossneaa. with H ror of Society’’ Fotlimg is more De.-ira -Ili to such Patients than solitude, and Nothing they more Dread fur Fear ot Themselves ; no ltepose of .Man ner, no Earuestnes. no sf ec ulatoon, but a Hurried trausitioji from one question toan- Thote symptoms, is allowcli to go on—wm. tins medicine iiivnriuliiy removes— soon follows LOSS OF POWER.FATIifTV, AFD EPILECTIC I'|TS—ill one of which.'he patient mJy ezjiire. Who can say that these excesses are not frevnentlv foltoweu by thost di.of'il diseases—lNS.VFT’ AND BOF.SLiMP TION ! The recordaof the INSANE AS \ Lt, MS, and the melancholy deaths by C.uisump'iqn, bear uin •u witness to the truth of these assertions, to Lu natic Asvlunins the mo t melancholy exhibition op als. ‘''lie countenance is actually sodden aid quite V\- ’ | C _u>itlier uilrili or grief ever visits it. jSlioulQ a sound ot’ the vO'-.e occur, it is rarely articulate. “ men so red *iyeu despair Low sullen sounds Ins gin'.’ beguiled. Didelity is most terrible! and lias iuoug.*?’ thousands upon thousands to untimely graves, thus Idasti.Ty I' l ® ambition of many noble youths. Iteanbe cured by the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY, It you are suffering with any of the above distress ing ailments, the fluid extract Buchu will cure you- Beware of Quack Nostrums and Quack Doc tors. who falsely boast of ability and references. Citizens know and avoid tlidin, and save long suffering, money and exposure, by sending for a bottle of this popular and specific Remedy. It allays all pain and inflamatiou, is perfectly pleas ant in its taste and odor, but immediate in its’action Ilelinbold's Extract Buchu, Is prepared directly according to the rules of I’IiARMACY AND CHEMISTRY, with the greatest accuracy and chemical knowledge and oare devoted in it s combination. .Sec Pr >fe-w- Dlyvjkks’valuable work* on the Practice of Physic, and most of the late standard works of Medicine . * Will he paid to any physieitfH who can prove that the medicine ever injured a patient, and tin; testimony of thousands can he produced to prove that it docs great good. Cases of from one week to thirteen years standing have been effected. The mass of volunteer testimony in possession of the Proprietor, vouching its virtues and curative powers is immense, embracing; names well known to Science and frame* 100,000 Bottles have been .sold. and not a single instance of a failure has bemi report ed. 1 Peironnall v appeared holme me, an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia, 11. T. Helmhold, Chemist. win being duly sworn does say that his preparation con tains no .Narcotic, mere try. or iejtuious Drug, hut are purely vegetable 11. T. IIELMBOLl), Sole Maimfictmerf Sworn mid subscribed before me this SWrd day o November, 1854. \V. P. HIBBARD, Alderman. Price £1 per bottle, or six for §5, delivered to any Address, Accompanied by reliable and responsible certificates from Professors of Medical Clergymen and others. Piepaied and sold by I!. ‘I 1 . lIKLMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, N’o. 52 iSouth Tenth St. below Chesuut, Assembly Jluildings. Pliila. * k- B ° To be had of all Druggists and Pettier* in the Cniu'd kttfes, (\tutidas and British Prurimrs, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Ask for Ilelinbold’s —Take no other. May 15—rv CARTER’S SPANISH MIXTURE XOT A PARTICLE OF MERCFRY IX IT AS Infallible Remedy tor Scrofula, King’s Evi., Rhe .mutism, Obstimite Cutaneous Eruptions. P in pies or Pustuleson the Face, Blotches, Roils, Chronic .Sore Eyes, Ring W orm and Tetter, .Scald Mead En largement and pain of the Rones and Join is, Stubborn l'lcers;Sypliilitie Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Com* plaints, and all Diseases arising 10111 an injudicious use of Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the blood. This valuable [Medicine, which has become celebrat ed for the number of extraordinary cures effected through its agency, has induced the proprietors, at the urgent request of their friends, to oiler :r to the public which they do with the utmost confidence in its vir tues and wonderful curati\e properties. The follow ing certificates, selected from a large number,are, however, stronger testimony than the mere word of the proprie tors, and arc aH from gentlemen well known ‘ ’.‘heir localities, and of the highest respectability tiiMiy ot them residing in thecitv of Richmond, Va. F. Boyokn, Esq., of the-Exchaugc Hotel, Richmond known every where, says he has seen the Medicine culled Cutters .Spanish Mixture administered in over a hundred eases, in nearly nil the diseases for which it is recommended, with the most astonishingly-good re sults. He says it is the most extraordinary medicine lie has ever seen. Ague and Fever—Great Cure —thereby certify, that for three years 1 had Ague and Fever of the most vio lent description. I luul several physicians, took large quantities of Quinine, Mercury,and l believe all the Tonics advertised, hut all w ithout any permanent re lief. At last 1 tried Carter’s Spanish Mixture, two bottles of w hich effectually emeu me, and l am happy to say 1 have had neither chills or fevers since. I con sidej gv tlie best tonic in the world, and the only modi* cine that ever reached my case. ‘ JOHN LONG DEN. SALT RHEUM OF TiVETY YEARS ST ADI CURDED, Mr John Thampson f residing in the city of Rich mond, was cured by three bottles of Carter’s Spanish J/ixture, of Salt Rheum, which lie had nearly 20 years, and w hich all the physicians of the city could not euro. Mr. Tompson a well known merchant in the city of Richmond, Va., and his cure is most remarkable. 1 1 ‘in A Matthews of Richmond, had n servant cured of Syphilis, in “the worst form, hv Carter’s Spanish A/ixture. ‘lie says fa^eheeHhTty , it to the “public as an invaluable lnetii&tKv. * % > fc •* i * -’ W T Principal Depots atU > \\A IID, * (ihOSH # GO. f No 82, Maiden trfljfiww Voffk. T. M\ D YOTT+tfaSff&S, No.'l3*J AorKi 2nd* street. Philadelphia. -Jl - — * | JiKAXFTT BEEll\Sv) IJS -Vain street! Richmond, Va. J* AN$ for sale AT J. W. PRICE’S Southern Drugstore.* November 14,185 b. NEW GOODS \ \ Os the Latest anjLfinest Style). M. M aIR US. \ DEALER IN READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS Caps, Trunks, Valises, <fcc. No. I BOLTON’S RANGE, WASHINGTON 1 , GEORGIA. I would inform my friends and former patrons, that I have jnst r returned from New York, where I have been and selected decided- Iv the most handsome style of Goods ever vet brought to this mar ket, consisting in part of the following : Fine black frock Goats. Do Alpaeca, Sacks for Spring and Summer, an elegant style of Marsailes coats, different varieties. Fine black Cassimere pants, Linen, Marsaile’s do Vests of different style and qualities. l ’’ ready made and Collars. A superior lot of Drawers and UmreEstiTrts, also ii lot ol halt hose white, brown and Fahey.’ , AipllSdS asscruoei.t of Gait;.'®' 130615 “jj* ShWs, Hats aud 1 Caps, a large lot. Carpet Bags ami Tra,,.;, Z*™ tanC3 ’ gy Umbrellas, Whips, Bleached and'Brown Domestics, Guns and Pistols, Knives, Watches, Chains a::d Gold Buttons, eck Stocks, and fancy Cravats. Also a fine lot of Tobacco and Segars, and other artiles too tedious to mention, And indeed, friends, time would fail me to en umerate the intcrial beauties of the concern, just call and I will dazzle your eyes, and work hard for your money, with the promise you shall not go away dissatisfied. April -i, 1857—6 m PLUMB ATIEITNER, Druggists and Apothecaries, Dealers ia Pure Medicines, Chemicals, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Trench and American W indow Class, Varnishes, Putty, l’itint Alills, Gold foil, Gold leaf, Sponge, Choice Brandies and “Wines for medical purposes, Colog’ c Water. Ground Spiers ;uk! Flavoring Extracls, EANRETH’ FRENCH GARDEN SEEIAS. Toprbtlicr with every oilier article usually krp.t in their line—all of which hev oßkf (Hr WHOLESALE or KETAIL, on as liberal terms as can be had at any other establishment Ansrusta. October 2-1 th, ISSG YEasßiington, Ciu. THIS new Hotel, located on Alum struct, near the R u ilrouJ Depot, is*yow finished off* and in ready for tin; reception >t and tranynt edmputiy. I'lic house hits ?eeir enlarged the j-oomp arc £♦• and airv mid ore neatly Xiunisbed. The Uwl'l - will at at?J times he supplied *IRi best to be bad in theiuarkc ct Tiiid no pains witrbe spare.'! to render the inmate* of'the houv'.; cmnloatahlu and cut*hilled. A share of nuhlic putronnge is fr.-nec-tlullv snlicitcu. ’ S. DANFORT)!. Washington,Aluivh !4—Uni CALL AND SEE. I have just received and for sale the folio ving : AlOl. VSrBKS —a verv fineurticle, Rlci: “ \ JNF.Ci Mi—pure Apple, NIACKFRKh No. 2, .<L)AI’S- of different Adamantine candles Nt. 1. SKGA !IS and smoking tobacco which cannot be snr pass. 1 in this market. All articles in the grocery line will be sold at small advances fur c,*i?H only • J. \Y- PRICE 1) tStoie. Washington April JOth, 1857. NOKTiIEHN APPLES. l or sale at the Southern Drug Store* JAS. W. PRICE. April 10th, 1857 Bhick Frock Coats. Os the best make and cut, and trimmed maguifi. cientlv aL v P. DON.NKLLY. ‘PANTALOONS the best quality, black and fanev colors, at J*. DONNKU.V. CALL AND EXAMINE For yourselves, and you will find it (o your advantage to buy any of the above articles you stand in need of, and you may depend you shall have them at moderate prices and no mistake Come and sec at I‘. DONNELLY Nov. 12.—3 m Read tins, Pk-asc T TH E undet Mghed is now prepared to receive orders for all kind of Furniture, which he will manufacture in the most workman-like manner. I would inform my friends and patrons that 1 am compelled to adopt the CASH system to enable me to do work as cheap rr cheaper than any other similar establishment in Ihe State. Persons who w ish topurehus for CASH will do well to call on me before purchasing elsewerc. 1 w ould say to those who owe me up to the First of January, to call and settle their accounts, by cash or note, as I am determined to close my hooks. E GOLLCKE. January 2"—lf Glass, Glass. I HAVE on hand some eight or ten boxes of S by 10 Glass, of a superior quality, which will be dispos ed of at cost, for Cash. JAS. W. PRICE. -March 20, 1857. Milliner’s Store. THE undersigned would respectfully inforinfi>jg-* the Ladi of Washington, ana vicinity, she has just returned from the North, with a choice collection ot Crape, Naopoleton, and Straw Bonnets, which for beauty and elegance of fashion cannot bo surpassed. JMy Store is opposite the Post Oflice, and would bn pleased to have the Ladies call and examine my goods before purchasing elsewhere* CJs 5 * Milliner} wo**k done on the best style, and ilt short notice. All orders will be promptly attended to with neatness and dispatch. HARV POPIIAM. Washington, Geo. Mareh 25,180< .-25>nro. 7*"'’ MRS. 1L BKAUMULLER. Recipient of Premiums at the Georgia State Fairs of 1855 and 1856, also of the late Alabama State Fair. ARTISTE I-V Hair Braiding, t* ‘ AVMi\ BratiiKiflteFA’Music Store, -i —v V x • 49, ’ . W hUe-Unll'Ft&ct, Ailfluta, Georgia. _ ’ , \ with cross-. Vs-Wnchors, Hfarr?; -hritHMili* Bracelets, Fiugt r-ring.-p Vest-chains, .Vc., M iCcffi tby mail nml fil led at siiort notice? April i 5, 1857—3 m ERITISH PERIODICALS l lioir lltw Sf ornM 0., Net. Vorfe’ Coatiiiuc D.-Ti:MrTi'lmwfcNlv w ing British viz 1. THE i.o^Lfl^^Tn'KlU.Y, 2. TUK LDINBLuni REVIEW(\VRig) 3. THE NORTH BRITISH KF.VIEVV (fivechurch) WES I'M INS ! Ell REVIEW (Liberal) 3. BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH .MAGAZINE (Tory The pro u;nt critieul strtfe of **%*>?s nil under these publications mmsuaGy >^cef <s ;sl ! ff'ig during the*forthcoming rear. They will occupy u middle groiiutl between t* e hast 1 v written news-items, crude speculations, au.d dying ruyio/s of the daily Journal, and the ponderous tone of a future historian, written alter the* liviug interest and excitement ol the greut political events of the time shall have passed away. It is t • these Peiiodicals til; readers must look for tho only really intelligible and reliable history of current e\ in?., ami as such, in addition to their well-estublish* cd lirei.try, scientific, and theologicul ehuriLcter, urge them apoii im* euiisiderutiou oi’ the reading ]ub lie. C if* Arrangements arc now pennanentlv made for the receipt ot kaki.v from the Bririsli Ptili lishers, ly which we are euahled in place nti our Ko prints in the hands of su!>si:rihers. about as soon as they cm he furnished wit h the foreign copies. Al though this involves a very htrg* outlay on our part, we shall continue to furnish the Periodicals at the same low rates as heretofore, vi/.: Per min. For any oik of the four Reviews 00 For any two “ “ ft 00 iVi at.y t hree “ “ 7 00 For alifour of tho Reviews 8 00 V R lack wood's Magazine *1 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews 9 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews., 10 00 ’ Payments to he made in all cases in advance. Money current in tlie 2kute where issued will be >• ecived at par. CURBING. A discount of twenty-live percent, from the above prices will he allowed to Clubs ordering direct from L. SCOT I &. Cos., four or more copies of any one or mofe of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood or of one Review, will he sent to one address for $9 oUr copies of tire four Reviews and Blackwood for $3 and so oil. Postack.—Tn all the principal cities an towns these works will he delivered, through Agents free o Postage. When sent* by mail, the postage to any part of the United States will he but Twenty-Four cents a year for I’Jackwood, and but fourteen cents for each of the Reviews. Remittances and communications should always bo addressed,post-paid,to the publishers. LEONARD SCOTT CO., N 5-1 Gold-street, New York ‘ January 19,1851, GEORGIA— WILKES COL'S rr. WFHRE AS George \V. Bolton, Executor of A \ nuuida E. Armor, deceased,applies to uie for let ** tors of dismission. These are therefore to cite, summon and admonish ; ail and singular the kindred and creditors of said de* ceased to be and appear at my oflice, bv the first Monday in July next, to shew cause, if any they can. why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this fifli day of Jan uary, 1857. thn G, G. NORMAN, Ordinary GRIST MILLS. TIIIE best kind mid fastcst-GRINDERS, with Burr Rocks, all complete, ready, lur use at SUO, 200, 3UO and 8100 each. For sale hv _ , S. C. HILLS, 12 I’latt street, New York. Ecb 20—1 m TRAIN OIL. Can be had at the Southern Drug .Store. JAS \V. PRICE: April 10th, 1857. • - * - WHEREAS A. J. Ashmore and Wm. House, Ad ministrators-of James Healcv, deceased, apply tome for letters ofpsraission of said estate. , # .’RMpsc are|uotelore to cite, summon a ntis admfmiah ’ all itWl. sing'rflar the kindred and creditors of said de % reaped, to he and appear at n j office, on or before r u;e Ist Monday in September next, to show ca&se if any they can, why said ietters should not be granted* Given under my hand at office in Washington, this 12th day of March, 1857. . G. G. NORMAN, Ordinary. ELECTRIC OIL, 1 For the cure -ot Pdulf, Rheumatism, Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Coins, Toothache, and the; r L.7)id knows how*many mdre complaints, may be had at the Southern Drug store, it voa are in a hurry J. W. PRICE;’ April Kith, 1857. J *•