The Wilkes republican. (Washington, Ga.) 185?-18??, April 16, 1858, Image 4

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Tlln MU I (.HA. lIAlu It c •*.• —a steak nfete to tell * T . br'ch P, J he I Mt, W irli il* itro and -n f. re <tf joy Tlia! thrift mvm •; It CBUj€ t*r fr*t of V Iff) fl*k*o Tint rum oh •if o**, Th- i'r * ofii>ny M -v-’ i ne hop a *1 list lum je 1 i,o uiUtt. rh. mav iho ‘■rrrii ffufiaydova. Which n w coiiic!src&|i:i4 on, Bp I g!,ted by thecc p-t Os atari* the jiurcat n,,?. Ami may the winter of rry life, This ht aaftil co,of>il bring. With nil ita onoa-a that o!iill todoath Kaiiii inctcinul -jr ,ig. gff.---- 1 1 1 - A llto* ‘1 Sconeiiaici..— We Imve recciv a (•••atl piniaii in Clni ‘taw enmity, Ain., for jiulil cstiytt. n a nnewlnl Icugtliy account of one r it tin: in -it vil.aiuniia caacr of bigeinv one in which u ,v.i;im-t!tbl,’ an i virluoue young l*'ly eaa tnclc the ol a Inalful ai-oUtl drcl—li it • It. vc cat r licitrl or r'ad of, A man lv tln-i, nin* ol Ja ii ‘aCii n • (Ans chance wou I be a Ijett'r rn ■•>'; fir in .) cam ■ into the the ut-ij oirlio i .ion t* ,ie!i o n c nica powlcnt w, oca, net bo i/i r rqir ai'iiling liimtelf n lia , li <ll ‘in Bik r c unty. fj i. to rvo cl prof .uti m fra w n-li he had in limt .->uic tie rcjiips -ii c.l biuiaelf ns an uiiiii rricl in n. mi l figure i ciK-noirel* among I lie l.nii a. pin nj Ina ml In tea In ai-v ----cral. Hint tin it v. on lii Sid of Kobillary lust, mini ‘ll a daughter ot h respectable citizen ol Oliiictaw county. Some ci uilraatanco led tb” fattier to •uji)iie rU it nil was riot right, mid hit wrote aecrtdli lo flic fslicrilFof Baker coun ty. Ihuugti doubt I he, with fnirt hopes that Cliaiice bad given correctly the plitcc from which he hailed. It turned out, however, that he had Imm-ii 100 l enougli to do. and Mr. S - in bis letter both from the ghentf and ‘ lumen's father, which confirmed hia worst auspicious, flic disclosuises in these letters sb jwed Chance to ho a most unmitiga ted scoundrel, lie bad n wife mid two chil dren living Georgia, mid bis f tlier. a man of wealth, bml slwasa be< it disposed to treat him with | at’ rind k ndneas and provide him ample nicsns for his support mid family. All this, however. Imd tint bct'ii suUicient to restrain bin menu propensities, and scvcrul years ago l.c bud left wile mid taken up with a loose wo mutt wit b whom ho lived with some twelve months. Jiis wile was afterwards persuaded to lire with him again, until Ito left Georgia for Alabama, where he committed liilcrowu it'g act of iiicitunesa mill villuriy, as we have related. l inline cot wind of what was going on. and left the iieiehbortioud if Ilia exploit be fore the lot (era ol Georgia were received, tin - dor tbo pretence of going hack to that .Stale to get tcbtiiuony to clear tip the suspicion which hail been awoken a against him. We have been requested to make this statement, in the hope Hint it may put the public on the watch tbr turn and lead lo his arrest— Pauld ing (Mi**,) Clarion■ Him.* or m> lliui.r.—lie who would know the value of a Bible limy leiuli it by comparing the United Slates with Mexico. Mexico whs •filled lirM by hs good uni p. chaps hi could be four I nny wliertt withmit the llilile. The frili the climate, I he luiuei'HlK of Mexico, were mII superior to the United Stales. She hurl the superiority in ex m tiling except no n. and the differs nee in the men ~s chiefly iiltlibiltetl to the Bible. We talk mart) of Anglo Saxon blood- Hut why is tb 1 1 1i10.i.l better thit the blood of Or* agon Miu Casti.i'T The blond of our race is feculent i.nd (ruble until the religion of the lti* bio given it purity and vigor. No candid mini can find uu.v caoso for tin* Icumlns. dlspiirity betwe.o tlio peoplo of the two l{. publics, except that one is a Protestant and the other a Catholic n I'lous one h ,h the tree use us the Word of (Jud mid the other baa not. let the w..i| I I .. k at the state of farts now exhibit'd in tlie two nation*, and give a ver dict of trot .1 let ti.ein aty whet u*r tlio Lord is do I, or the I‘ope of lb me ; whether they will |>’ ruled In ilie ...xxs.d and id. or by llioac oi mi ignorant, lewd and lyiug priest bond. In At x *o I. a po. o . : on of Blt hI.UIIU ol prop c. po r. ignorant lolent. revoluti aiary, and a priesthood who i. vi contrived to amasa all llif wealtii ill their o m bands ; a people and a lonntrx hi abjext poverty, ami a church * i'll seei ny m lliv u if dollars, in one nation cities rise on mi) h eel navies on every MM- canal* raili'ieioM, . nl communications of every sort O l late tlio growing get alneas and bapp'iie-s ... lie 1 p'e, whiai in tin*oilierei - tcs d'Viodie aw.n. ai • muerce scarcely Ims cx'stfive. to .ns naMi il ovary man is ill Jus’ trio a and uvenliv.. S". uro in Ins homo his family m: s prop ■; y; in ‘he other every thi.i* is .i denoo .... l inKcnr.ty. In one country. a 0n.,1s are #*ervwlier ‘. intelligence ami alumx iudepen ,it i overv c milei mice; in the ntlie oTMii ai, ia n prance, aervilit x. worllilessii. b One .uuntry feeds the starv ing t nth dis E v !••; 11l nth rsi irvos ill.- llalla us mi no, . Ono is the I uni of treed an and plenty, to viiii li the oppressed an I starv ing el E rixpe are Ihr gmgmton paradise; the the shoile I oppressors, and shun ned by . . in s’ n..s. aide as the i lace win le they would nun to made et ill more nii-crable. Tin*coil"’ ry is a kiu. and an 1 blessed with thx u mHints of churches. f. xx ■,i them rich, but tilled w.ib intelligent i hristians. taught by u thor educated mid pioua ministry; tlio other has diuretics tilled with images. pictures and ignorant <t-voters bowing before them, under tho dictation et priests. One nation is lull of Uhristiaiis; the other is full of Catholics. One nation is ti. and ibbles the other full of tradi tion. The Itihle ha* made us to diller. Let us thank God. suit Keep it; and uot only keep it. but study it. amt till our uiiuus of our chil dren with ns purifying axel ennobling truths. LiqC'a Ix>i'K'i ion. —A correspondent of the S*vauu*li Kepubu-.n, writing from Up son count,)-, euva: “A inau died one day lust w.-ek jut ov. r tho line in I’iko eouuty, frsm drinking poisonous liquor, ami last uight a citizen of tin* county —a neighbor to the for iner—uied from tho saute. Olheis have been very ill who partook of the liquor which >vaa ohiainod from Ca>itiiii and brought to a grocery near the lino between this county ami l’ike. No post mortem examination haa been made of either of is* persona who uied, but enough bsa hern Hacartained to satisfy tho attending pnysiciau. that the liquor contained stiych u:ne or other dehtcitoo* substances. 1 l ava beard of other persona, in other parts of the eonntry, who have heeu made aiek by a single drink o; lids meslutf. What bus bcioine of too ciccll. lit law passed at tho lute amnion of tbe Legislature, providing tor the appoint’ incut ol iuapeit rs of liquor! Ino re should, at one in Savannah, Augusta. At lanta. Alliens Muon, and Columbus. These are the p tes through which tbe State is flO’ led.'’ We t ko up the qti-ation of our eotres p u lout, says the Kepubliean. aud ask what has become of the#. new nfliciaia whoso ap {l datum.t was pioiidod for by tin* n.t l.egia ailirof VVe have !•*. kid over the “by au* tWrity “ publieatioa of tl.o Miltcdgeviilc pi< pen fir the law. out haw been uutotii tu tinu I’ vvuscqueuil) we can give no iiiioriiialnui of t ic prov so" >u regard to the manuer of up poiiitiag the lm; sctnis- The matter. liowt-i ar. ia one of ‘upoiuaiMe. aal then- wboeo biiaioissit ia. vhoaM tb tk* law ia car lied into off ct wiihont forth r delay. Tu • surest way, though, to piovule ng .uM the evil, is to qni* d.inking tin vi e stu.f that men “put into their uioutns to steal away th ‘ir brains.” Doksticks Beat.— The .Saturday evening Gaaelte haa a New York correspondent who beats Uocsticks in humor and : be uaek in play* iug upon words. The tollowiug is an extract from his letter: It's a free institution—filled with “dead heads. 1 Professor wished to feel of tn v head. Cold me 11 uncover. Told him to feel of it with my bat on. The hat wan felt. In took it off. He examined tnv wig. Said he knew there was something in tuv In-ad —it was full of life. He dwelt a long lime on a b imp caused by the si !e wa.k failing against it w..ilc I was taking my room-mate home from a primary election, (liooin mate was very drunk on th t occasion ; ho thought he was ta king me home.) • had an awful headache next morning. I fit !ragged out. Brofeasnr said large liutnps denoted great acq ibiiivoueaa; said I hid n searching mm I. Told oaetns ili it llt eta quarter in my pocket—caned liiat vxperim ti la! phreno'ogy.* l'rofessor. after I had ii e itiote and tnv name, cmdiieted me nrouud ‘lie muaeuiii; allowed me all the heads. Some were piaster casM; said tliev cast lots, told him I was opposed to K mb!; ‘g —he looked bewildered. Showed me the skull of Mulligan. Mulli gan was an accrohat—made iiis last appear ance on a tight rope at the city prison lor hen e/it of the public—broke his neck in tlio per formance. Next, showed me skulls of tn n killed in wars. Professor observed as a curious fact, than those slain in battle were generally aged —having buld heads. In the next row was the skull of a boatman ; it was not for sale; it looked ordinary,—poor fellow, lie had run his race. Wc next paid our attention to the females. They were seemingly old maids—being laid on the shelf—in tiers. I couldn’t tell them from the heads of the males. Profess r sai l tli>y had a little tnoro jaw. Hu iiidu t speak ot their sighs. As I was about depaiting. I noticed a curt ou shaped skill . I took it up. exclaiming,— •How wonderful and fearful we are rn le !’ •Put tbut down., said the Professor, ‘it bc longst o me.’ !t was marked “baboon P* Attempted Petticoat Swisdee. —At Battle Creek, Nci” York, the other evening, two gentlemen and a iady—one of the real skirt expanders—got nhnard the cars for Chi cago One gentleman and his wife bad through tickets, while the other paid liis fare only to the first station. From certain manifestations. George Wendies, tlio conductor, who is keen on scent, concluded it was the int ntion of the trio to dead head one of the party through. On arriving at Augusta, the gentleman did not get off. and on search bring made, lie was found secreted in the ladies saloon. He was brought forth, and dire-ted to leave the train at the next station, hut on arriving there lie was not to be found. After a long md diligent search, in which c i ! >dy had lieeoine inter ested, it was eoi o 1,-d lie had leaped off the train while in mot ,i. Speculation was then rife as to liis fate, when a gentleman sitting near the lady of big dimension', hinted that those lumps might there •• a tale unfold.'’ On prod.icing a light, four fee were seen pi ■ turning Inm her pi'tt.ciHis, which it vi, tin* reasonable to suppose belonged tunas person, and the was requested to rise, vli ,!■ she • lid after some hesitation, r.ivoming too lust passenger. Adminifiti'alor's Snlet. O'* ti I t l iuisday in Mav net: w ( || he sold tlu* C’lmrth ii uiliHir in the t"vn of ugiuu. Wilkeacdiinl v, • iiegn* woman n used £toil ih md In*, t vvorliililro.i. ,S> 1,1 hm tho property of Ida A, .Nuqd'-I- Ico, deceasad, onUermi criler irons ths Ctwirt f*f Onli iinry ol Wilke * rosntv foi tho bcoefit < t tho hciis and crenitoiaof anid deceased ’ J*” Tonus on th** dav ofii|. D U. li. SORM.l?\\ Adm’r. Mu roll 1(>, 1‘ 5 —lds c WOHC'ImI— li U.KES cotwr . Wl 11'iKKA.S A. Pope, J*e i’r., Pxecutor c n the c tuteoi Ami Inilionv. doceused ha* et.tinned the fouit ui Ordinary to be dismissed ’from and estate : Tbo e arc therefore to cite, fttiuunon, and admouiah all and aiugulai the kiuilrcd mid credo oik ol su.d de -4’(mm(l, t hound appeal •t my thofuxt Ahm div in June next, theu aisd tlicie to .show cause, il nuy :hey liuvc, wr y saulkttciuslrould uot he grnut cd. t'%ets u;uVr my hand ul my oftice, this Ist dav of Dfcoaiber, lt's7. li, (i* NORMA.\, Onliuaiv oL U L'lil.l— II JLki.ii (,'(><, ii . lit’REAS l a * A* McLon ‘oi, applies to me fm letter# 01 Admin is, rat tots ou lire est 10 i Llzubth i'oiiina, ilcceaaed. TheMf are the cfoieto cite, 111 inuion and nduiouish til ami ongulm thekimlred und creditura ol saiu dc vusod, io he and upp* and ut ui* obii-c, withiu tiic time picscrilH'd by iaw. to show enuse, if any they have why 'iullotioiisliuiitii not *c gjuutrd. ti\(*ii uuder my hand, ui alhee, this 22rd day ol March IS*>B. <. (i. NORMAN, O. W. C. 1; EO KG l A—\V l IKES COE NT V. WHEREAS D J. iluirin and Jacob islick npplv to me t r letters of udiuruisirutn ude owie mm, w,tb the will uuuexed outlie estate ol Uibau Cmhus, de ceased. Thene are to cite, auomsmi and udasottish ail and aiufular the kindred mid cml'lOrs of suid de ceased to he and appear at my odiee. at the tuue prcFcubi'd by law to show cause if ttuy they can* why Httid letter?* should uot le granted. (liven under mv hand utolbcc *u W ash.ngton. this 23rd dav of Muun, 18! S. a. G. NORMAN, Ordinary, UtIORGIA WUmKLS COUA i l ; \niIKKBAS Jrre Paschal, to me for let- IV tew oi n* thr*astute vt Wtxkcs *’ K. Weilborir, iWceascii. These • re. tlieietote toeite. siimtmtu.aud -h\ uouish nil aud singular the kindred aud peiou> cancented, to be nud u|*;*.vit at uivoJKs. 'vjthtu the time jne scnt'ffd by law, then and thete to shew cause, it any they have, way said lettersshoutd not he granted. Given under ruy baud, at ultice Match, G. G. NORMAN, o. w c. ivoriiE. TWO .MONTHS aPer date application will he made to the const of Ordinary ul’ Wilkee county far leave to sell the uegjocs belouging toMfcry Rullou aud John Bolton. JAMES .X. BOLTUtW Guardian. March 10—2 in Spetial xNutice. A 1.1, pciskuta indebted to me arc requested to mtko X mmaediate p yme t*toG. li. woo a ‘h*-uuiio>t red tu culloct aUdthie oueiuo. PKPLK DO.xNELLY. Febr* ary ll—ut f|vNV e Al\l tic* wit* * ihu* oppiuanou wall he t” do i Ito (tie houoiuUb) Comn ut Otduiary m WnKee 1 A cetiLty, for les’’ (os4ii, (wo mgroe* belonging to J the eat ate ol Jolm Al, late ol Wdkcscouuty j uccearcd. JOSHUA C. ATLLIAMSOoW Adia’r. I January 16, ltC> licorgiu &*unsa|>.irilla Cuinpouiui. Oil DENNIS’ AIiTEUNATIVE. | For Li%*r CouipUinta aud tu pttrifv tho blood. IT JUJC opunuu und |*h>sActona haie de *cd tint tin* • UK* U,‘M !*<vparnitoa da that uU(r ucd. It nviduy g’\e.i |p> and aatMuat., **a j the iut,t< • al*’ weAi Mc-eiiio 4 ay* viaus and il# pvufw al the South, iuik g *ki. ar... „’ .4 wfllMi'HV erhtfii apprupruCely umniuad uJlou coeci b reui cure* ! .'.'an U. Chut, Waß. oo. t,'w. : CATH ARTIC FILLS OPR RATE by their powerful influence on the internal rise-era to purify the blood aud stiiau lete it into healthy at!ron. Thor rew.ove the obstructions of the stomach* bowel*. i:ret, mil other or/au of the body, and, by reetoring their irreuiUsU action to health, correct, whererrr Ifrey eatflt. such derangement* a* are the fir*t cauaaa of diaeaae. An fxtenaire trial of fhftr virtnoe, by JVofeaaore, Ptt vaictan*. and I ’alien t*. haa shown care* *>f du*t gerouq disease* almost !>eyond lieiteJ were they nf. subatanti.ited bv peron* of such httited poeiUoa nd rhan< ter a* to forbid the auteicion >f ’dUtxuth. .heir certiftcatea are puOliMhed io m* Auiencau Almanac, which the Aleuts orl- :uuoed aie pieaed to furnish free to ill iu^uidpg. Annexed we im* for * i- r use ie th#’ •emplairits wi-,i h they hn%e been feuoel to < ore. Fu Oor[V*.stiey i'i**ce'ne at.’wo PiUb, * such (quantity grr*Uv move ttia>'o'*els. o<>a tieeue** .a rrc ucrrlv ‘.he izfgnvjunu ceuae o£ Rn.fcM, and the .’•eof one o*oi|rlu&* a the cure of kith No i*h on can feel well while a ooatrve neb tof bodr. 1 lease, it:should be ae it can be* promptly relieved. For ItYHi'Kraie* which U-semehm.** the caeea of (’oMluenes*, and nlway i uucotnfrtivtnie, takeuiii •loses from one to four— to ttomaeh and liver into healthy action, ‘rt-ypi* ti do the Utarlhtun* bodyburn. and *<*u ■* will rapidly disappear. When >la forget what cured you. W For a For i. Stomach, r>r Mo, of % P.otr.tUy which ]>r>duoee 1 01-thl, vpirit* and bad health, take from fodt® eiaat i’illa at iix*t, and smaller dosee afterwards until activity and etrength i* restored to the sy*tt< For N.H.voreMioo. Sicit Hkai.awhr, .Navsba* Pain in the Sionuurh, Hark , or Suit* -eke fu fdui to -*fct pill* on going to bod. Htl <io not own ate aufficientlr. take more the neat dhy until they do. These complaint*.will be ewept >ut from thh* syntem. Don’t wear these and their kindred daa erdrrs bemuse your stomach i fouL Fur S kofi’LA, Krtsipbi.a*. amt ail Data* of the Shen take the Pill* freely and freciuerUy, ** aeep the nowel* (*rwn. Tlie cruntioos will cei*or ally *oon Ivirin to diminish ;uiu ilviappcar. Many dreadful ulcers and •oree have br>ea heeled up by the purging and purifying etffct of tiieav lMU#aud iiue disguatiug diseases which seoned to satucate tne whole systeal have completely yielded to thed influence, lee/iug the sufferer in pfffoet Health. Piitien t* ! ynur duty to society foryids that-you. should jiaradc yourself around the world covered with piniples, blotche*. ulcers, sore#, ad or any of the unclean diseasce of the siu%be€ause >on& system wants cleansing. * To Pnurr the Blood, they are the best mcdl olne ever ilkcovered. They should ha taken freely and frequently, and the- impurities which sowthf seeds of iuc,**“ble <iissasee willbwswsnt out of ihe system Like eha u Ike wind. By this property they do us much go n loess as by the remarkable cure# which they ui akitg every where. Pi veil Complaikt, Jauhoicb, omJ aU B&cia* Affto tton*, arise from some derangeiaent—cither torpidity, congestion, or obstructions -f the- Liver. Torpidity and mtikTrstion vitiate the bile and tender it unfit for dkyshoß l‘h:s is disanrous to tbw health, and the constitution is frwit tily uudepr mined by no i -Lrr cau-ie. Ibdigestion i*. th; symp tom. Obstruction ot the duct wluck empties the bile into the stomach causes-the Idle to overflow into the blivni. 1 iiis produces Jaundice, with a long and dangerous-train ot evil*a U stivene**. us alternateiy cosUvenees and diarrhea, yfevsils. Feverish hymptoma# languor, low spirits, weariness, restlessness, nnd laelaucholy, with ssmeltmes iu abilitr to sieept, and rumetimes grest drowsiness; *om* 4 luxs there is severe pain iu the s le ; the skis and the wuite ot the eyes t>ecome gissmshyeßos the stomacn acid: the oowelii sore to the touch, the whole *vster* ‘rritanle* vvitha tetuiency to fever vhi h may turn to mlous-fever, biUous colic, bilious liarri-.'i*a, dvsentffv, itc. A\iik-iUuiu dose if three r four Pills taken al irght. followedb> twovr three r. the morning, repentwl afew days,willirn v ’ causs-of alltb**etroubles It is wicked t’- • pain* when vou can cure them for ‘26 coni. Ilitßi HiT'iM Cioivr, rind aU Ihii > t'v ’tr. Hie rnp. !? x ttred by the purifyirr. - d’ lAese Pi U upm Ue i>h*d and tb jflt'u- luv ‘b • r. .ii* >rd i< ‘ te ci’al pnm ipai <** F’ H Ihssa < •/.mi .1 -koi, tc* move the bowei** gei J* >* fledv. .Iv a DiNMct Pm.l., is both If id ‘-(•'111. N* f*iU c t v.b :tl'’ . i :'nct,. >t ko, :nnl certainly none h?* la/en ruude thv purpose lor whom i di ur p.U tMupiv)ul. mt i’Aict.n itv III?, .ft <!. VVlkli itPO., Crnolio/il uart Auttlytianl Uiuunixts LQWELI , MAST., AMII • ‘ “ •'■ ~ ‘( War.); L. xlngtrn. A|>riU4,-Ss*l U LIVtHJi MeHniiiiiiii- KM. j A twtnplc, pnliilnhlu unibuily pur niani’iit ini’ naiimd < njr: ‘**r it.her rttM.o Gout ‘i in I ?*•• intic . Is'hetmi ti i: * i di>t eof inch ir fent ‘cenr rence. t.nd * aclliojiki v.pi n. tS&c ttoif a lull ilescrip*: n*: i* *ntirfli unmjMoiy. ft’i ::tfrced by nli eminent ti*?<:cttiMrtiarfi ..on th>-4-s|se<-t th'al it le end- up • 1 p -o'i ii .he I loud |*t iwlnMv lectic mi hi us ts t iiMuy and cs.-ouiui treed?-; ug (rdy exp *saie. irregularity o| living. *r soiu *• 1.1 • g to disturb the functions of the ami., e* • .oao 1 (he 1'’ 1 and lualthi - iu tiun. tn hi ig >< out aud that s|H**dfly\ all the mua.uiioiy itd lul sviupv uttus “h ;hevery uuli,uti:u’.tesuti rer m vn* egiims de*crip(i'n. lln eipowders ure taken iutemt'lly. *R vii’ig and e cimuai.oll tlsey /.* the • kg*io o* i’ prevdU'li c ig. stiw nutl uactoe . t.i-te vv.i.’ bv a treedhmhargr lakes |,.,ce. “lid ihtti fM luotl i is -expelled Irom the s\ie.ti. Put up iu lliu Boxes with fall direct 1‘ is powxiere* enough* olotr to cure two cases, and ,a.*ti4blv i*ue. None genu!***'wdhv ul ihe pro* riefor •* v* a *jartuie on th’ labels f the la.ix !s<f* i ands count made to A'gems mid wht>leHle dealers. The incmrsiNtr demoml for these T. tgue * wlere first irt'itie pub'ic‘ind lest kaaicn, is iuci'Ht-Or vrrttUe at /Ati/ intriuc efficacy. J., li* Pioprietm, v\ew ViYiLjend Puinu ton. (n. And br sale slwlet-l# *ml by |lu?'| rst. ilUleytSE ‘.\rcne*x. 7i Hwl y ‘lar-A. V„ mi ,'i\ J. Ww piucb. m. D.. u.(*'U'gi>4rSh ‘l** ***’ Ditt/t 1 ere ceuMHily Juue *.o —iu SWM 4 Km Tbo mot BrilliunfT4t'nettte ever Drarnt. ! Owing to (lie great fxyoi mth whinh *>n*4Ugle No Lotteries have he#n received hy the .. ’iia aud th Urgedemaod for INcxets the Managers >"C. fitwas fe- Cos. will have a drawing each Saturday tfrbughaut the year. I he fnllowtnt: Scheme will he drawn it a*oh of therr Lotteries tuj Oaoiur 1867. GLAvSH 54. To be drawn n the City of August 1. a pubiu: ou HATLIM*. F, TtJunary tilhoa.. QTiAUS- AS. To b vlrawn in tffoolv 1 Xiisxitv,Hi# jf n, oa S-turil-v I'v rusiy ID tr-.i M ON THE P’ vXOr SIN-ILK NUMBERS-. | More than One Prixt- tn evew T. ‘lttokUo. j mav.ntp.le r som;me! To be ilmirn ont-it .StluHuy in sujnliuubrr. ( l'ri/,-s,if Jifi') luqviuuuuiux lu * Jut !*io tin ‘/OU no JU.,f SW 4. jj lii .to ie.u4L • a .lu ro Ov „ Mio! la do M do i,om <- lli >*o 40 do l.UiHj 640 300 U do an M* (6U. u />J. .1 |4mzc* amountmc to 1 ” tiule ti, kets dto. Holloa X tdnomioSk'r. .iddraoo unkuo H,I uoionui Cfonidcoloo to S. fW i&l Cm. An<u* Go. ■ ■■ I Ora>i .tfs ami Ltniinu*. A ff’roM * , p>/ T. Ii Ob'ou 0,,i o.:Ulut *o.B *4 (X* UtaoM ■ WM M SOObiSS Was ail g-oa Sba- R / V v .. U d Ski. IM.-V.U . > (. • Mm # toe - <oun*sAr (L'.VU.>. XtSf im! IBeat* Wh ‘.ougioo •'• m \ . .\%rv.u6 Ummiufig VUuU’A 1 1.-tt \\ ihionoiikg t*a J m m V* 3fl {b.M.*.- A. % Mi lUt i . - HA . _/ 4 ;,. Atrive at *Vu.*ku*t£Ccu >,u. 7 A* Ml* U i N\V.iu (Jky ujMt Ij> .*]♦ . V'‘ TANARUS, ‘tltflh an L .tr i Ti -hj wud, cguael v*• oma> tritie Lj,• ■'♦**•• m ton 1. *>. >k aA’ V'sp soma* 3.-BI I* U. < \UM. ? 11. ML UVo* wiSI Luc <' •OfiiJOig t-l K ‘Jk Vli . ; j \u. vc *h VVuali ustu r i*ot •-u . l-V I,A J.UIk.V H. hi x,,'xs.\'. - i. H be? V %#* > U- . l.>.kkU.\l v eal feta^e. o *V.u -i *•*•>:*. •br*‘h ;<>*• Utter* >tii •k.'uw.'wn. ivu* ke.: Mui-a- tie, tW.-re****.#, tocetc, • o*/^n.d ■'% nil inl U-i tbrA ue kc'ijjjtcdi u ut <i\r- cwk-M ceas-'lvLO be-*u*.d vppe*** ’thui.y tU'fik r >(*. ir*L iifbv in ?fr ynii t w. 1 Uay.iwive- vby h.letter* ‘cultu tuv- unwis ah 4avti* -kiS’ yflr! ay. lheZ: <4. Ha a<.KUMA\\N l| %U x IVMWSWiW ww, ss I \nr .\ !’ W ‘rt AC* loin liAl* Ida. -Riviitii- kj, 'Of . e-ji. -, k . u-- atntn*(f> t-'tww xa.v*. r . . t 1 % |>ld- • S'.-itu’.- V-AWNir ’, 1,, -'. A v\vuii . ‘l,i‘*wi:, Ji*| . lax/."".'aA *, Ernuiamidi , I .if XT 1.-BKE VI, VMdO'tfN., .'-MlifMk. Vvi*. k IX.-, amiiu. : • ■ ■ -iau*x . <4i votnuy, luv,- —Q- ...Uig, vt- V 4 ‘,MX 3 1 bto,ok’ ) 1 hinontookk ‘ifcUia*. vtkjtck, Icd Am iti* noßuioi. .* < VMM vow.iicdi | ! • hrtwigh it, ugvouiy. Una . ajJ'! l . cd. : wa iv. ..,w,,a!.-fv.v ..i ,1, ! ! .../cia* wioaMvi otifadw- t,vSrx ■* iviikfi- ywtift:, j j wiu.fb. tblT V lUa vvvi.U I h,... allw.ftt . “ja'id,;;. | turn mid -vunik'.t’jif iMultvi'fJ.iqumU'.-n t,tv. t;'! . fiuiic-'.tc-. -vaif .liiv*. tMwaav,.>f>iAs'.-va. 1 -tiviign tcvnuMO.- li -a. I** wwair. -v*f d| • aiky* run, .ud. a..ii,iew a.’.aiW| laM vwnvivi ’ ‘'WM l lanablMa. •mAiM.lfcwv*| ilwiu ii'aniowz iitikiMi'ii- i . f'.'JJi -- H. b'.'Xdx.'. G-q,. u* the. . . Iv*?lk J aiewat. f'vav wtiet ■ -->• til.- Ti,'.* -aaNB, - ‘ Ij ■iiiieAU4*iwl*^fpiwh.''i , .\imv’ ‘kn. ‘x liuaikmi <•,**, “■ nia aiiitA-Wsv-'i|W.;\vk(khk' l i*' l .■ja.ji'Mi'i-Tii. Wt.h Lie, umiS aaviiMvah-igi- uit-. ll* -vat 14 :to I!*I,fAM*vxkAVMX WW. J lill, fH . SH. • il lie ruuj, h\tfi ~(isetHhux, —|lwaek’, cvulqt;. ihiC An ItiM-e vent’ itifid if.'a.MM ik.yca w/.v>i \Vir | lent .le-ciii>xieia. thud.:-v\v*uaiY*f. ...-ka. iav,-U-x?. .(aautitie" t(M.unov-0,-i i U4V^, at .tyi. [tn*Ma luivcttlHai, Uul ail ■’ .It- ui te liel. At I*3l i Itwi UaitM a \it-l|tws. iW, liuttU’B “i M-luvhvJt<!fUMiU.v aav,ai W- awtlkm ir suv I Kuve uadla.alUvi vhiUava ivvvaa s>W*, t |lwk . iuttui i vci leavhek iu\ vaivv- UMtN-MtWUMWit. Hr\r,u*U> Viv--11 |l (fhaae. \Y-v,i,iahfß-Ht “wttf*# |l tv the Unite,,iv td ‘\d*w Vs'l the th’Z*.-'*l’ >a'ho\ qv*. y*. |kM*, ims (l. (’hail utt. - ( WvikU’ mf-'. v\ ktmsatawi w,.w- hah,a wKW Jidtmv 1 fx* lb AH. aiui’Jtimm iHiit IN UI- MIT i^ oul\. pretest hi j* t hii ;u tl eirortbrs— JUrlV’l —tin AVER'S Plltll ire curies; th> tti h iuaw\ii'l w-vw lii'lnr Wiv>wiMf'ur ttwHilup, mm. m m.m wr • I'titGU .it abrupt svtiy I hkiinr i# >, >•< vwi, ■ ,aM„i-- ! .avo i .1,11.1 i urn, i tens, aiuof uiiUicos, ‘. t oatuuHtE a-i., ii...a an, l itaa intoiu iu, .aowiska,. VMsa . i yqoa ’ T.'ti l.iivs rsslUiit mm * I oil, li a I Bail i*iu. a,a IVI j . I II- With “IS IU 111 iiovii.s Ih,tb, WHMI4 uln ,qoi.lrlvhhuuqni|B,Bißßaimitii||iv,aH,wiA nr li,Ii, . . ..tilv ■ Itvilo.iL \.l su.|uJ ;i|ila*l.l i,h,lt|*Bii i i|uah.ifl* iuut*y iiulvK timw votUßtl h*>|**. i'.udlir f. iu.,u thev his knowifu^’ j ‘■■■<> VfHß„t)|o l ‘lit!O’ Oitll, tVAKIIMW WMB flfhff. Slh tiiuofft lith “ “*■ ‘ •’ ttßtrJS:| in*,-iMh- vpiu-WK wirtr I Ih-I’HIIITW. Mt ibuliwlßßsHOM, lßgqu„ I.umvl'MMU'MS’ ‘ *>'-* •> iUtlio, wluth 1.58. r Ui, , vMo,Btl-18l iw in I„a.i.iiiim Vloiv loi-iiiH'tvi'iifi'illa ftltßU HIO’ i i in,..;,0il >..iii (illßtir iVvIBHI iiiaov >v,M mon I|,ni , 1 . lui- i'inh, .Bit n.litß isqb uiiiaiiiH, Miiti BBu. Ifift, lay* - i >di.iiNvi.wt,H< BMtiisw tftiilnnnii ig msiiiw * ; . i..i rn ; In, uvshl j i'll In,, e Uu|i, Bait .ill ‘.iiHitlaii JtlliN't’ HHA'm'. t'-nni. HoKWhUS •Bj-:: •• fti. ft H MAt*. flu 1C tm ••,[: I I,ln> )>t*ntilß ill i|i(i(ll.*:l.q |Bb>l||.i;.> |a l* till’ aI Ol Ji’l.t moil., 1..1I HiO. ‘lltivo, low urn, on*.- M i.iau mm 11.0 as, liuth nus (Vvlufo) tmi| iq***#. IMIS I .nil uovar 151.1.1111, iliboi in m, umil|. nufviiiK’ I o,' na.MH.tiu • rn., i„ uibiwwill i feoutß IMUi' 1 ’ Tut iM.iei. ;"moil aaaMSTPV'PJtft IV IVy.HfAYWH’ 1 IKI tih. A. l|., wtim, . ‘MltVin, usoit ll.rwami IH> RHB|||l,r|! renuy Ir. iu „i rranre I It.l Itnt ,BB uWI WBfWb,|llH l!IIM|- “ In . uii..iaM<ii (ill.t|M|iai'! iub li>otiißnKi|c ."tv.l-n tia. 1".ti1,,'"" 1 neUTMiOM. owl 111, (ml tUMBM’ , i ithoaio, iiuit'lliHo, ino, 0,-THfn inio>i| !A*i -mi i-tho, lo ill . *•#- n|iow-,a>Hmi|?,',tMinH|.iKOHmHnf r I n.!iMMly rori'lillliooil mo lull, 11, [M-|l||,|ff. l(- su|ioi'"r iianuy ion,l I tl,, MW •'•‘*‘il. n),f •!,’ ,HM> m Ihoir c.|.MMoiiii IWt AMHW'D ‘■ ..ihIiIiH'IWIIOft limb. Ilium no iHviußlilf-,,tq*,.|iw j'|iO,piiß*s | |.n. •“* iMor yootfkiuiaii yi'ii, tuorr, Pui tM <1 lt| H .. 11.I*ui it iAm .utuiiioiitn !U(|l)|oiMV India .1 .law,oo,V ’ ••.(•Mo iw •MIBmI-C. a-BO- fool *t: I |.B„I.00II atPFlOit Ihlfr mV I'l|| >Ol 11 -. r-t'.lß !M IM'tmml |ofll|. il,,'Mi. • UM nort.l) t tow* IIMI. ami ,0 noon.l us bi.iinot i ftHMMI*. invo ieM* . I idburiowM lib twqftl* H-fih .vtis. INM.’ nvaritia htl# Mrir M illuril sl I!,0:0 l.lutl oovt Mllh:uii.oo4.j|(|*r IIW.I ■ \o,w not:. - * 1-0,0 I w I'lmdtOW tUtXItISWIIII itisosa, i -onio mo., 41 HUM, qmi irlHt# ijqi'Wf't. toft nMOO IM oOmo<*... t',oiM.iAo !fonilAtl)Ml-MW>f ■ ,0110,1 II Mtiloif 10 ... -raip I ftarl oi(, >ißflfl>FO!W* tun, out lino kn | iijoi ,mx u,ni .m ...|l .ii),; -MusumS, it MOW mil 111 IU I4KC, SOU kill l| MI 11)1 1:11..1 1 Ul> ‘'Atw.uußO worlM i(i! | i.mHiOl.ico ItblOfrnWfCiß thaitu hlhkami not, ooj WngmftMfrffl % <•*• iboiv iw *( n-fMi.imf'm-m: iV-fwr mooro.l x-luolA > SpHWIM Mi HI WtmV suesiiy J-iits ,>pfi> n. ii.)oof Ibis,mo,t mot titiOo oiifia-flo,n!( 1 iMMummoi U< U.. On ,isi jo.tnofl-f ♦to- NOW t# —uuuitt.l (4 g|mvde- > I I.ri Me. **< ‘'• *""Y ,,, '•www heeehiMhufu .in 4 listrM>yyy < ■ i •■*',l.l tv.u 1.0,0 ‘a 1,0 ..> BM o t 1i1.a., HIM svi.lftt .loiltoowi't.o etOkl) loio f-WAfltf-’ wv omom, lim uiitu 1 1 w 1,.0rf )> mt Fbfufim, •ml Iran orMT t od* I cnilil qra |.|d f tjn, .la,#t 1 Jinn (- 11,.tmB,con:jatiolv tnt<fßmMl*i>hottC. • >‘#♦l’ I Sr,r ilomo 10 is* ilidJiw it s, yfflt fb rim Sf i- itiof MO-,, .ootqr.iuaod- l icvi'twuri IC, IflPfff i I, 0 nl .l tot I'OMItmoMA “tllfh /.# IftHlUnf im #1 nouiKi h, 1 too mo 0 ,/, 4,., .on, |u.d rwf 4 I Ytm umbo ib fM< mooimti, :s ifo-vnuif ■. im I j IO A4 A* • a*iu ioiiino ibodmiosoon-o* *aicqpf a* omm. I<a,. lonUmT,. lijuro- oioOc I.lof (ML tun.ll, IM* uotf, .0 .m*h .1 . lit Hol(j*ofi- . rdMtfi Xtni, .MX -9f 1 •. (RMI iun--<oiiiaf If oon.fl/.0. i,.| itM. ww i.f too v„Ji I.IHUV ft#’ üb/*MriUW M* *w t-ciapflw wt> yes?#fp :‘;Pf 1 iu4 ‘buct ’iatN’ 3* cr \ed f.Mta| l.fieijk. W ci^.bV).’ : near ‘♦ifii - .u'** Uet> i wni fto* j V-.IZS -im* < -miy 11 1 It i .I*l .JA'i< ifUigdf fto* • *••.. .t a b .in fSff ftfa-t •rffy-.tfaiurJ?’ 1 1 < rrd ut iiNu at J aj \ freee • -uh J|l i (fpc I'xs-H nw- ‘me->r#D. jjw/iMrd. ! m <ci us e :>f*9c. n# lbs* ) M-*d ifuite sh jar* re. et i tij? •** llhjy j Ilf.- •>(< in itNqiij ai.d ir m axy b|’ itjp rsUiagre ■nee 4 hav * • V ‘***o ha :#* .e*c;s#. .ike a ,vb\pww< Dai •■atu-ij, auu v*<u u*a>’ ftvil ‘u}|se v.s jay :. • I <4 iU fkoji ifriyjtfn-j J 4, “ S***u Oeaw ,sr. ukw. syrr LUuJtbU *'<fo‘ J.jU. Aire 1 -**s/i ir*a* -d raj nvui ■•tf-I+, >M !u.wly#sasr4lii} d itUijSBW. •iwUn wkfclt > e iv*u*v iys TPy*/<tfn .ns, And a lew ft. r -ioevc• 2u. e.i fie •e*(. il.e c *•#, J fee* ‘i. r J-efUCtt’’ v w d*. /?. >e.*n i'e* nr v*(4ch lUI . t tuveJv • - .r f|fchat . i yuur <a4*n*jn V 3114. V* ‘ r - T j ij; ‘i A4a> ,\.y - Up .U inm* imsot? .wdiv k n.,’ -.„ ytp ‘iff* tk is* ‘•*- -‘e# mmt User .*ttU * • |tVK ilvM ll f} R*l C IJ ‘.Sr J)*. 10. &3M RA9.. tic'‘l 4wwmJ. #4S’ For Mtlv by John 0. Gksse. W.*tixtii|*tn.. Win W aiiuvi. loiui 1} r hM*. “tfSßi riil Nil A liKimß, □ncjpgtets md Apothicariss vwwvib, IK vwf %w. fjr %. mut, fluff,is* is, Ire?*, Points, Oils, kins W ‘aw,- tafawhen. Putty, WilLv Msf fMs 4h cuf PhnkftA &L* e f xttwia ******* rwetfWfzMVWvv • n*f 0 I'uti lie hl ut #v Ottn'* ertblfahmit. ttomiwfHr* tww VRMW Wn¥*W U> iVWy AVfWV’ ws i)ft4‘V*ewiyaGwyirt.ji fawnwa av,- 1). VAS‘ V'VVtAV. \‘l4A‘B4tViA v , v'iltfifAAlrtil¥l •v ws \>M*;WttawfcaiHyvn\v ;,V Vh#\hnaim)l KiVi.vvvHaw fiH)*wNt. I— s fiMiy PdOYiWKhV Knnwttdm ofVMf >tq ti- •,-(*A-'raiWfTV-,iuri‘nMlA imvi*ins. iffrKna- I ‘ifr- 1 40VTrvi-,H'f t f. vVMi IVI V VH .Irnqiv ii- .tttfffllf • iV'VffMifAvvvAq,. vtf.-AAy .v,',m*ii .ivwv-ifihHV rfmm I•-‘rAAiSdftv tVMvlvtfh- .•rtfriV'iU ilir> il/illA .mABIMr a- itrtWW'Vilrtfilh inbtiA’ i"""’ Y i(rtvi* tvM'i'V’iaArintt itf'iW 0l ul I ■,■ ‘a—--’ 1’ A’li-i0 1 Vi'-ISrr-V.-- 11*1 11MV inaWliiWliV'. t* •Tii-j,lMbrtfH^''t ! iWMAt'Mml’ iMH- itv , ii.i i|. JSWtViV.VHX iVi'H-HTtaHh aVM Ifit xrtMVTfV lH . Itlit* 1 IW-m* vwAw.TH'rt-. .a ldAmn- . iltWnWlWinlUiiti ! VV-vtS AY', iWHaWti, rrt'rt rtH'rjrtful itt'.lltt tW‘, it'. ■ 4ff w *l# tiaitiMitAtrty itinfr Vi-tW'tWAVf tfVKVVaHq-i- ilifi ftHtioit I'ul ■''-WTfiv“V iMrffAt \W'n->v .A'lAt'ti'.h'i tOn’A .11 uni |(|. ■.V.-ni .n I*r ffbVtVtVill vnKtFiWn* ujuial ui ~iwm OF H'*i v-vd-w wtwmm \*MK iWri%wiv>*wi'4; aV itwAfA'i m- iwwwteMeAV itoiftmutv Hit lint- nan; ■w ‘VtiH .-TMilnn*- iH iVnfAtff iVittMlrirtt ottlir : AWWAW- WMM- tMtAWAfi vtFi= {VA’Wit viw tV'irvtWft HHWtv.-.-.-.v.v,^*o% “■ ,'.IAV.',AAAt-, Atltf JJ* .. ’ ‘.v.'.mvrFiM JtYjfW'iviVvW}.’ Pjm uv,if Os mwWvviwAl- jastww.v.v.'.v.;i im .£w W*VV\YWrtA litAAW,,-. .. [on 4Hi* UwtrhVtviwA iVM ‘li'h ff.rn Hfiuw-. of , i*r iHt>VMV*Vhirt'tlt tAW iif utlwiiiro \*vvin vw\t-w WfttW Slhtfi \VWM> iwtinl )fi|| lifi (rdnAWAMAft IMapa-w w. BWSIAjS'.. iiMAWt'. ift.n* tlw uluitV IdftWJ'fl/Vf-MlWWWHtlf'AnlWl'iJ .tivK-t Iltim || ; -A'ltvV l o*l*ol • tit imeVt innrA “t iW-Va- iy,ioi SM) h .nti-4 ui lllntittvlHwl 1 M •oavUmww.. MllUtiWiv, ,rtft|ii;a (hi Mi iAhl -fwU-Gm*. 4a'**AW( —Hi Ml )S* iVUlHilitl i/IBi'a im tbti'iiV ‘!'*-** vwivhi -i( w.titii ■ ‘ Ay~ ttiv it if 1 1’ -- Mwt -H't io •A'ttl- •If l.O'l'ifa 1 li’ htlV irH* tSila A v!||!t lott IV'-inv-f o'l ‘ic-i it I l' : Tlli-t.tiWtmt, amltr-t’ rrtri-- IvY. I Hi-1| \ A |h,H >■ V •iVA**’ ll ‘,Vb))|m, aqh'i .lAhfftHl’ nllttit* ttAllW w**i”b*'! Im ‘At''4*lt'l.’ ‘''-(VIM r*l r;l >l'r 1 Yl-jfb-i -) y s*'tM"i a ; t'tV; .. ... a**lM'--*WMrawv'tfrtr 4Awa~m,‘4*tAM- tt'UH* •*•*•!*: A-4HU44 f4 , -i i l l n* Mintir>wv*t .tM ,- ( ifir.'iiHnln a. R* Hf iHCtlHllS?’ _________________ u yF'\V'fr-i(,)u ( ,i.,jM..a vtHAMtr. Ab* a t'Wl# “ •*•:* tPn’ 1 wWtifV Pi'-C It'j.|nHa, .-itir.or , iit.-il 1 A-i |t • |1 ni |V'I,A •'i4'.'(V)ll. Im-’#’ t U’ iii'i,, ’ n*n*U’ ‘twyi'r WWtthV rtf‘iMlcl?lfi ! Jtr tlrff. it Off t’rit# li-ifivWiH lit • it in A “Vljt'it ,vrt v’i* ulftMCiitrait lAVI* ir-> u,. ilftri-'iAA- itt ittdtb iMlff irtiitn'ti >rl llm*?AOlm ’ ■ lIM : ■ Wti rilHWf- W-vK’ hl‘'\!i’i-,;\iy,-7 ! H ■*’ ■ iMO'.-f W.pfir f\ MBH'i- ‘Uh tis ifa- iffif ~,(*>• MM TWfrHWVfr “r't'iSf fli'.-t . MA'tfßMtTtf ii* tA-ftß- ■ “HAH a*t 4 i H'q'iait'h.mtrtWtiti! I'llrfj I‘ll Htl'i'iP iff iilnrt Ift 11t- li- M > Htrtj.l. l.'Jtr iff’ lit “tij. i!tti 11, tfriltl’ ■tt! 1 “ t a ; If 1 ‘tnr> : ot tfMM't itr Ihr atl '!> Ii ‘'ttfTjHHff l itlrtr s |t*TfvAfnp- ifr i'lrifihln# of ip l. >t fflWMHji ■'ii'tHWtnift-iftiln* Ilf ml. (■‘l'll-liii+Ht HrtHAilr llff rtlrmSi i'laftM’it'g iit tiir HcffMt' lttvttMjnysifmlwiHgp- muiiJflAtfiVu h n*-„- |.trt, lUMiHIH Jlfit-'tt'f. - \ a -.rn , 11,,,: ].) Utli-lifC li,. 1 leffffj l'H'’i'!itm..}riHi(t+tfiff ilWliWitt, lift ot I'.’ i ‘•>’ • f ill.- -Titiioml I'. ■ p ■ ‘ T- “■■ 1 1. PI rn. .gfi ,( P*WWW>Wit?Hv9itflll .Pi-, r miiqi'M, I'tnfi sfftHl HtWRWiHS ui.a lit ‘ hat ffiftir Umtionieft q fqttll'it’ Wff WMifffW’ U ‘1 1 rtitHi rt’ Rtt- k+ *V i. iVie Wrfi'tAffi ♦’ Du;, a Uv JiVhM-idNv I’ PfffltTMr r tplrf ft.*’ ’ out) j - |Mff Ifi/Kf Ilia i.tii.j-h .11 UHli dr* A ‘i’ imT I'SH'ffft) If- . t*(*-•( lit aW oflPi |i--ifttfltl ,t| lit tltv I'lriiHt tßi-o:-triM vttt ••'( fit* i tit irrttrt-i'it trtfW’ ttlwifm* liAT’ ltllPP'iP. ii’Mlfil lira IlfFfi'l'wr iiMfiihiMo.’ I 1 M-'fffHWl(filtt> trtt-f?tiv.,tfi n iff iffoAiiXii. ‘lf ‘¥ Ifith'f U+ht l-'MP ‘I ‘rtOßp.’fifi, Mfr* Ilf 01tlT| 1 fMIH-'H 11-I i-!If I: ~••! 1, - ■ 1 1101 . Inn -■ ; I lir |||. of:’ A’ tf|Stß7'WV’ iffft fftHirlfsnff, I'fittfi+rr iifi'tl jwwopwi- i*M* iftMtttl'rWtm-drii. r-rt*-iiMirt ifnv eSftitA tit lit ih i-'iihtf-nitf’ -1 iTiir.-#? i tmntv; (twrusrd.-■ ill iißdnr t.lf-W tit-WHn*’ tihlf’ hik’lafut ifewe to&Htt-tt at<iiMHlim ‘ntfiillt- litn - if >f; If'lftfs^.-Alhnhr - —t WsmsMSsflft wWr*t irfrtf iThlfdr irtiffTmSil’ I 4r *e vVvHWrttf • - Htt** if*- rfj MTItmWM flfnt n'm onrhur tb> ■” ~r* •fWHf ftflMNfe vfi/i . iff i- ( I fr—At -nr a^tshf; „ ... .. “ rs? v -teittimr #hriye-f- ***!*< ft Mfe.‘ iWPjNWl+Wi r rA'iMib’ r-ifiM jr ,t>r(r t-tr |:-(iM n ■ -~in# f".. ti?! f'-'-j. h,* sWiit/vitfcft**: • ‘M* i i* fft’ tMrm 7 -‘fv,#*#*.**’ fHNHMf 1 nW-itr --f ftirl'ttwtltpudl . „ . ...... I - m i rP* i HftfW tflhSfht jpcL ~2H| HHP§ ‘ *t 1 ill v *e mH/Ht* e^snmws ANtfaty*, (V)ittVi, thvp arJWWjrvirtM'i i-ffp <nn>H!K .nVt ftwl‘l fwmt xmiymnnt. *><&,iff mnntv t .Vivo O ogittt*. AWifi)t f'om tHAtrt oi'o'at.ii ltii|Htth'm'lM in hr. ,m) tViintfflf-ntl IwnniiiOi’ lira rtlmtjvr. I fi’ittfitvo, et .vi vnuttW ii> ‘GSjJtClPflrtMmif in , *fcf OR pRwvK, riirni dli tt“.’i milv” iHfv itmv imve eHfinnlMl, I— ‘ itlTlEn 0"” I.o*l ftAfiMfitt. dfiff Pilfc') rtv rYftmr, nod Ptotm _ __ emrttrip t Ami. jny so THfr AFFIjK!TBD ! I! It I'lttKbN'. lAIIUO anti ttelhimalv’il .dultArvi*. and r* fitMts* i**f . tilali tfllltoi (bund )lnt,*)io=itir . . tHvfiwnmt.l.trtfof Vewvi l.ti rn or Mt-inwy, Utltkiilty 01 lilvnthinir, ot>n . (ftnl \twitfci Uum of Dl- .. ewif. VlVilf iM*mi, Tiviiililing tbtmth .ml HtlrtnnH BtttiC , iVgl|t BiM-uI, ulil I not, IMm"’ 1 iiHqoihu l .nngmir Cniveifi “Hi HoAßftitllr iifll i’ Mil. rlllhl .iVali 111, t llthll Pliullliiiui I‘Plwitfi ( V uMIt .iurtutum*. Hut lliiinia, Pltl'-tlllifriil titP Hnlv\ InytlfuS Ilf lliO Bkltl, I'litlul t'mmUiJtlttfS lilnl ITlllltiul'i. utl lits ISilu i.t lit. Dink, Her vltresit’ tiff tlif I?’ ojliWl l ie i|tientlv 111 ok B|utl HINiHt .l otoie „ iwt . null ‘lVni|.,if tA ButtiiMi ii uiitl l.usauf ••ielit 1 \V,nt ■'ll’ tltihiliiv, ttholleoninwli nltit Hnitiii .11 i-ot ii ti 1 Hillingu mme Hfilt* Im t _. iMt l'uttt'lTt'ijlyiti siilluitle, mill oililnritiev more Dn-uil im lVamf Tin ium'lp -a . H Hi I* ma <1 Man* tiff-, no Knttifsliii'o. iinojiee* ulfttoHii, lull it litmloil tHiitsUtou iluin i tie t)tte,iimi tutiti- IV.t> ,yH!|itiiiii, ■ ulloeeliui m „n—w-lilrh thl* iVoVi-V’tWxT."’.'.-* ono orniiit li tlio imlkiit 111 J) i t;,lie, Vnjft fnn ,ny ‘toil 111, ■• f m;o fi'* ite not lit iiit-nilv itilluneu lit 11M ill.rltil il oPiiofv-^tiiHAV'iANH BO|'‘bl'Ml’ 810S 1 tip IVi Mi iSufiOMH, utul lltf ittfiiitffWfltl ilonlliß liv t'liliillliiii lull, I,rut uni |iti inini-01” 1 lie ntitli f iliesi iiMDoiihm,. In i.u* it'ltif ‘ ‘ ItfiirtthAlW ifiust inrtiili liul) otiWliiliun eh, |ifuli'. lln> 1 iinttlltplraj li uttnuMv si tltleii ai J quit, ilop nite-Yfifiiliri ini ,li m gtjci tftkr n,n, n, niiuutd mtmml w tlio vt ito hooiii, it leTumlv iittlflilut,, “AiAlltwholltl inouoiiri'B ii’iin ilmjniif b.iv"Ritltffto?iiilrils l!i |MIII l igiilloil,” liflllilti Ifllllllf! Mill II I 111 llllgtlt HIUMMUI* 11)11,11 i.liniioutitK itt untilin'!) mini',, itm, hlnilinx the tmihlttMia ff iintn untile ytmtlte; Htiehlin otnoit by •Wf’ifiP nriltlr .... IK Al'l.mi.K KF.MIiDY, It v'ui ulk auih ili ir ivlilt uirv iit ilio almv, illotioo,- inr iiiititoittv; ilir iiriiit vxliiitt Iturlnt will ouin iuU’ llfffitH? of ijtiiii'k NVolhiih* nhH Qtthck Dots* , , . o'lio Mifilv liiiuot iff iff iltl) Hint ifftilnmno. Cltifoite lettmv obit .iihn| ill :m. ml tultli I nooiin'eiing, iiiinoy nil 1 x|i, ottio, hi siilirtltift Ibi a I,little nl till, nutiulaf I nil i” ti u, nib. it 11 utul inffnrttetlunj l|#iftin)ynlH** ati’* tjiMi i'Hiulorifei iKmtetUnli’ in itaiiutiun l , b'lHHiHlil i irE\u ut*| : Hiit'liu, lil p 1 ‘Ui'd .liitiil.v tint 1 1 itlinf tu the in leu ur iMIAiIHAtMi’ ANH CIIHMISTIIY, h •*>’ ■ ‘"” irtm I* In init'fil ktiuHml*, uhft uri( ifriolfd id IfU Fiiihbiiinliuil. Fee I'll (VllßUr II \VH vM ume WliiKp uh tim i'Hiutitip il •Ifift IfTfiril • I !In’ Int aThmtiilil Wi;ikml Mcilicint* i-W j'4i ; illb'"t! 1 V |*K)+!plnl! ysMiT tuft hitddDhai !. ■ iiit'lnr *i Vll'binul ,1 tAltmtfillHHf l(io b-'U’ind •’ •*•■*-!liihxi-i-cl to I'H.m* ilud t iioen *tti 1 isrt ‘! ( ‘I . 1 liinYiC \V|ilv In IMllMh ril (i ~fnfiiTir*'r ltd *l.‘i u ! I’lip ndiM ul‘ iblnnteei ih^iitiViftij m tin’ Piopritlor, voui'iiiiirii* ” ! “and -m :v , R 1 ; eiutiHU'ihg I* iSlli 1 *l•“ * f ‘ V nlitl rttlfid* Ob Ibtldcrf lIUNV IH'CH sold, “ml im* ohii a-l'’ itiit'inoo iff n nitlntd Imi'lm;n tf|iurt’ iVHftlffi'tlb i,|>|o'iit(it jyf,io'i!ii. un Aliiemten uflhe I*s “J ‘o 11 li-i|diri, H. I‘. Iff liiilmlil, nmh!l"i. him In uig itiir.i a A'l ll ihniioitv (Im! inn iMbjiuiiiliun cutii letna mi Alt’ 1•: lo inrtf'iiA . uV io|Mtli<Uit Dilip, I ut ute ■ | . a **■ ’*'• *O.l Meiiufttflimi- 1 il I fibre me tliio do I u .Nlitfintier, Dodi- * j ji), , I • riliihAKy, AltlfMimn. l J ilcf fi | oh- Imitlf. gt* oik stir *fi, dftlvSfcd lh ittrv Atltlft'eS, /’ I'h'Wintril ha ifJmMf'bjhit rpoiwnollile retlillcatea ft 1 iMoaallPl llff Affllllhlt ff'nllfgOi, (VlpllllMl 11111 l I‘m(wlieir u>,|*r. |i|i v llj r, lIlil.MltOLf), Cl lift ml milt AhafyHmt r/imut, a Dirt tmih lVtil 1 t. lifhnv ( lipnntit, /loienihly jinil jiiieo. i’liilii, MF>* ABh Or wONTJ>lHt"Bl'rij. rid w/i i-rff. — Vti I ' l O.;>l| the xvtlt iihh-xnl ol 1(. I(flliitu|ip|| ilwht-afttl lAtthris pp|dldtldh id dfmiiilmmluii Ooiii I rbl ilvrHdftl, I” • ‘ll ore thitipfhw in effp ami nitninHlflli nil par tlftl “I I” lilt nwwm at inv i.lttnc, Pit nr iH'lm'fl ijrv Eil'd MMiibiy 111 Abut next, suit dime .mis.’ if nny they ml w'liveltil’\Tlftttm AL itresd, v ‘ opd .a nd ahmim not be dltinhMMl from l.i* until ailitVfjrt!iilntjiiii. ( onrier ihv le .and idi.ntee. thlx 6tf JnvofOth nliff'flßfi (l (1. NrtKMAN, (Intimity, WllWtHAh John 1.. Atnleison, umttsa iiiutll.oitluh to‘id ini ikj. ‘.lnitiilbluxttlli us Julia L, Aider ■ nH. ivfnry t‘. A r.l ■ i ... In. lnv l. ■ S ’ “> “dtt t(~t4 tfietelbre ..idei-ed that nil paisnti” eoneetiiet) be'mol iifvfHt’tr iif the Wftmirt ‘ijritu ..t thin ehtirt, t u tml be ‘inti Afroobiv ... Jmiootv .|,*w I imSn lb Mlty they enn j why mud goiiidbinelilp rlo.uld • ‘ frtm themltittfexof mild totnt, Nan P | .„ ♦/'& ©nNtivy, tHiOtfillTti-U'liMt) t'ljf'A •/')*, tUff Its Af~lMfiraii ‘K thmdiilh, Ailmlntstfiina W'"fWrl nf S el IJnllHulh. iln-cIIVCd, liplillea ’’ KniCfi:r Irltrll tis dl<uilvlun. ftihr nrA thei -flip m eli, saiimmn mid mlinimlsh sffshti vmpihifw ktiiihi'ihiml i-istl'tiiiv of skid d< neSJfd in iif dirt Hpiiimr ,i|| nit ofttew. htrthsfnal WMiihit id ilniir iirlt. (A liiiw t-inivd, ifany IM)- eSn; ht mi id h'tti'H shtuild mil he grsnii'di <l\‘h im.ilm niyimml at urtles, thta ifih uay -ifNo- W tij til Ml/ftMAN, thillnity* rhapatoh’ U l-t/.l'ul'i al"'j-i-kly id A uMifa. titi, Iftt itid tlsahr sdhvi-Hjdinu i r IMitfivi'i ’ ’ * • |4 0 .. i’inltji'flr *’ *’ *’ rii \m%u, tiv, nmiiim .- •• * • • PB* | “ i ‘neal"|r’ ’ • i - 155 ftf Witti i.dli-j, , tfy* liliiarHubli; and taitifa i-f-H-i, >.nd * itfftr id|.n wrtmiWßrfrstht* #r i’-i au | 11 |s|)|k a sfdtf rdflfti nf aH'^vflt* iii'i i i'ld iU- sfid ii Ltr mf)M /( -*vi.i w iifii ss our- I ( 1:1 vffa’ Ic’ i liiu) luintla, nr/’Tai h.H tgr.ff‘nd 0!1.* , < i -.sM ihsitp v- “* Vj <d( “j? IjSi. i i-ff i pit i -liar was te * me -t uhr, ‘Wjui.•d*ptrffßJi* sifsiidM is sfivs,. av skiisa f __s a l_Tk la.-L. it ry z ___jC * if . ’ fUMibvag hM fynnU *,,1 ft In. ■■hu‘ ijid* m Mr • .owns..