Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, January 25, 1881, Image 4

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■aaaal laker va. Machinery- A fear eeems to h»w tofan j. nassonon rrf many mmds teat by the inventive grains erf man machine? might be prr>- duced capable at eccompliehing ao much aa to retoowafae necroetty to-r manual labor, and, as a (toMequrace, fat they thcmaelve* should fa unable to gain a hvi'iihixxl H<> widely have thee* view* j l«<n unbilled, even by men <rf ejiparent intelligence al a comparatively high j r l. r, Ufa they have advocated in stnxig t.-ou*. upon th* r-atnrnaan.l elsewhere, I the itewnraliiliiy of not only liantahmg new machinery' fat inventor* alao Thia otqxsution ha* xnaite tbo ]<atii of th<»« | who |«»i*ee**i!sufßci*nlentar]>ri*etolee») them to devise new method*, and new npparatue to effect the Mme, not only nnpleaaalrt, fat graerallv unpeofltebte; wherro* if mankind hail Loen more fully < n,towed with wtwd'Wn wrd-Sr-W'-vri > love a awry different state of affair* would save existed. The cry that "the rich are growing richer and the poor arc gvowutg poorer," j aa tin* result of the iutnalartion <rf new machinery is not trn<- In tact, the uac oi machinery la eonatantiy improving the condition of all ehufa«: and the advance I that ha* been tuad- by the masse* to ward a higher riviltzatlQD the fat half ritary to simply woiulerhil. and ia due to the development of the inventive | gi-uiua of man. That there to not an <-<|tutalde distribution of the product* of the farm, the mine, ami the manufactory cannot fa denied Hut where doe* tin fault lie? hot with the machinery rithet of old or now design Let the reader look l>ork with the aid of pnqier tanks of reference to the con ditfoii of thinga fifty year* ago. At that time it waa beginning to dawn upon tin mlndaof the must progri-asive that atcani railway* were a poaallrility; fat every thing for the next ten year* was in the cnafat iioaaiblo condition. no more like the reunfortable railway* of to-, lay than i a two-wheel apnugfa* ox-cart la like a I modern pteaatire carnage Then travel vu dow and tcdioua f<* all < lease*, rich or poor. Now the rich, and the poor a* well, may travel five hundred mill's com fortably in twraty-four hour*. Then the mail* wore week* in going and coming w here daya will now suffice. Then tele graphs were unknown, fat now any one may send a uieaaagetoa friend hundred* of miles away for a few cents, slid get an answer almost al unci', wberuaa it for- . tnerly required several dare if not week* for a message to go and come. These am! bund nil* of other improvements that have been inaugurated are open to . the UM' and Iw'iieflt of all, and have greatly hwaeiml the moat arduous work of tfa laboring man, while the necessity for hto etrne«* to in n<> wine lea* no* than f r uteri y In fact it may fa truly said that tlie day lalsirer can now enjoy many thinga that tbs wealthiest men half a century ago could not obtain.— New 1 York Mercantile Journal. f The Npliler. The wont tiling alxxit thi* )>>or inaect I*, thxt it is k> tlMiroughly ugly. In it Nature lin* sacrifiool uverytlnug in the tonustUMi of ths imliwlnal machine iwivhTv for sntisfymg its wants. Os a circular form, fiiruishcl with eight leg* anti eight *T«a, it a*t«ni«h<M (and diaguste) us by the pr»-emini iioe of an enormous alxlomou. Ignoble trait in which tho inattentive and su|>erficial olmerver will sew uotluug but n type of gluttony Ala*! it i* quite the con trary Tlii* alidonien ia its workshop, its magaxiiK', the I'o'-kot in which the rope-maker kre)* iti* stock, bnt ss ho fills this ]><>cket with nothing but his own siiiwteuoe, he can only increase it at lAa own eipatise by tnnans of a rigul rolfagty. True type of the artisen "If I feM to-dey," be eays, " 1 shall, per haps, gvt something to eat to-morrow; but if my mauufaclnre be stopped, every thing is lost, and my stomach will have to fast forever.** In character the spider is watchful and ouinnug, in di*j»»iUon timid, un easy and nemms- being endowed with s m<we OAiiaitive nature than is ixwaeesed by any other iuaect. Tlieae character istic* arc ths nstursl rvsulte of its miser able condition, which is s state erf con stant, |Muuuve, weary waiting. To lie forever watehmg the oeascleM, joyless, carslees donees of the fly, which )>svs no »ttentfoa to the groedy desires of hi* eneeny, ar the gentle wliisperaof "Cera* here, little one, come tin* way"—is to lie In a state of constant torment, to bo '••iritiuually undergoing a suceeasion of hopes end mortification. Tho fata) question, "Hhall I get any dinner?" is continually jwrootiUiig itself to the dwsller in the web, followed by the still more sinister relliction, "If I hsve no dinner to-day, then no more thread, and still less hope of dining to-morrow.** The mole spider often make* a meal at hi* i>rogeny, while the female loves them •o tenderly that if she cannot save them in circumatancee of peril she prefer* to penah with them. The love which she l>ear* to her little oue* she does not ex tend toward* her mate Hometimes, after having in vain attempted to pre vent him from devouring their offspring, the idea appear* mddaidv to prroaut it self to bar mind thsi tae canmbal is himself good for food, on which *ho inetantlv tall* upon him and ecu him up. Kheep-Kalalßir la Montana. Judge of Montana Terri- tory, says aa emhaagr pnn*haae<i 1,000 ewes which coat him about $3,000. He pal the** id charge • young man who waa to take them cm to a range, take all the core of them, pay all the MpeneM at the band and to receive aa hia share one half of the wool j»mdneei! and one half the increase of the flock. At the end of fur veers a settlement waa to bo made and Judge Daven|xirtNraa to receive hack 1,000«( the beetewea which the baml contained. When the Battlement waa made Judge Ikvetipori had received for hia share of the proceeds of the wool *1,500, and for his share of the increaae *I,OOO. The prodta on the investment cf IP,ODD tor f<mr years were gIASOO, ot IJO 4-3 per cent par annum Smart Reckoning. •• Pa, will von eel me a pair of skates if I prove that a dog has tea taiW ° Tea, my Boa." •• Well, one dog has one more tail than no dog. haaa t her" ■* Tea.” •' Well, rn> dog han tune tail*, aad it one dog haa one more tail than no dog. thee erne dog asust have ten talk. Hand over the skates, plea as." The Rerae’i Pwaiabaaeut. Tfa sane appreciate* a comtortabte fittuig hamee* m much a* be does a ]>roprriy-fitted shoe The latter, when set too tight, or with a nail dnveajnto at too m-ar the acflsttiae tissues. preface* | |xwftire larnciieaa Under this condition <rf thing* fa 1* promptly taken to the shop Cm wild. But fa msy sutler nearly or quite a* much from tfa chafing of a . l«<Ur fitted cUlar or a narrow faMj- j lauid. drawn too tight Or from a cheek rein dwwtswed wp so a* U> Coma of gelJf, one of the *ev< rest punishments. Fjthm of these condition* will jinxlnee reetiw u>-*x in tti>- dnllest iwute, sad in the of an animal of nervous tcmiwramAt, an<l haring a thin, sensitive akin, V to lie tolwicmne frantic, throbtnae O&er I or .Inver *eJ<k>m appreciating the oflgui of tin- difficulty. ■ , Ko greater evidence can fa advAcod I to establish a home'» cutin* anbiiiiMivs* j !><•*.* than hi* wiiliugneae to pull a&asi the collar with a portion of the iMMt surfaoe fan ruled of its skin, and shftng the highest ]*rsible state of aensibßtv. Tfa average horse will do this, lug St every step. A horse lea || dread the approach of the maaterß[ dnver with harness in hand, if this previously liaen a aonrns of torment, even discomfort A horse properly han dled forajienod, in swell ntted harnse*. then chancing to fall into the hands of a Inmglcr, will at ouce detect tfa undue tightness or looseness of the strap, anil will not settle down to his usual gait con tentedly, while tfa irregularity remain* A *jnnU*d horse may. under auoh an im taliiig influence, do from downright fear what mav fa wrongly charged aa vicioua ness. kieary strokes of the whip may fall upon the irritated beast only to fa follow <*l by evil results. Among the every-day torments to which the horse ia subjected. w« will enumerate the following Ist Abraded breast 2d. Inflamed back from defect ive saddle ur harness pad- 3d. Hora mouth from a too tight gag-rain, a severs bit, or both 4th. A sore tail from a too tight or ill-made emptier ftth An abrasion under the Ikmlv, cana<*l by a too tight « fadly-Attod fally-liand fitti. Irritation of the eye* from blinders being strapped too close together, or on tfa other hand are allowed to swing around, first staking one eye and then the other. 7th. Flars chafed by the brow band being placed too iiigh, or by metallic rosette* with a aliarji outer rim, the liaao of tfa ear pressing across this nt everv motion. Bth. The . exceaaivo fatig no of all tfa stm. tnrea of the neck under the influence of the faanug rein. The lieanng rein, if made tent, and kept so for any coiiaularabla length of time, is a source of great discomfort to all bones, and an insufferable torment to many. A tent rein can be used with entire pro priety on horses of fine easyuip-camage, especially while ia motiotJ; but if the muscles and bony structure of the neck exteud forward horixontally from an up right shoulder, rather than striking out from a slanting shoulder, then the meet intense snffenng will be inflicted by straining the neck up to an angle entirely unnatural to the animal, especially if this ■train fa long kept up. To strain a cul prit up by the thumfa, till only his toes touch the ground, is certainly one erf the severest admissible puatohnirate that can fa inflicted upon mortal, and the alicck rein i« undoubtedly akin to it, in its ex treme application.* (Milwaukee Sentinel ] That wonderful remedy for rheumn • tisni, St. Jacolw Oil, hsx been umul by a | large niiinla-r of people in thi* city, and | with rflect truly marveion- Frequent ! repirta are made where aiifleryr. nave I been aflbrded relief, and the tale la griw- I ing largely. The fact that it i* an ex it crua I reutedy, conuncnd* it ti many 1 who would not otherwise think of going liiMt of the beaten track tfi find a remedy. A Doctor’s Joy. A doctor tells, with pardonable pride, how, laung calhid in at tho debut of Ins career to a consultation with an eminent priuce of the soienoe, he had insisted, despite the opinion of hie famous senior, that tho |>atieut had an incurable affec tiou of thu heart “And what were my delight and pride," he ways, beamingly, ‘on learning three days later that'my j )«tiout luml gone off precisely a* I had declared bo would. " [lnillanspolia l>*ily faulinrl,] Mo More U'Moop. If we are correctly informed, St ,la colx Oil ia now the ri.ual tea-party topic in place of the former staple—free pm »hi. Hon wine and how much more ben cncial. Tire further West yon go, the more ternlJe do the newspaper headings te em*. Tho Omaha Jte. has the follow ing: "The Clash of Elements. A Cot tage Devoured hv Flamro in the Teeth <rf the Hale." (hi reading the article the discover? is made that tho cottage c*»t >375. Here is another heeding from the same issue "At Noon of Night. The Hun of Eternity Reams Upon the Soul of Mian Free, Who Failed to Reach Her Earthly Home, But < lamed Her . Heavenly One. "— Detroit Nrre PrtM. Father h l.rttlair Well. < -I My daughters say, "Ho* much better 1 I fatltrr is wince he used Hop Hfttrre ” i He i» getting well after hin long suffer i ing from a diseaee declared incurable, , and we arc m glad that he lined vour < ! j Bitten—A lady of Rochester N. Y.— i Utica Herald. * | wbs4kiu A Fortkameus Jake. In the* Loudon protoate regi*trv is a will dated 1791, by which th* testator i I terft A’* l • year to lie spent on whiakv to * ‘ ' I* fflvcn to a number of Irish ptooplo, ( - not excecliag twenty, who mav visit the ' cemetery on the anniversary of ~h,* awwth ! Each ia to go with a penknife and a stout aix'k, and the wUiakyi* to toedisMhutad | in half-piat dose* Th, j, explained by the teetatnr "Knowing f w bat I know of the Inah character, mv ! conviction is that with throe v.1r0.1. given they will not fail to destroy each I other, and wtea. ia coarse of tiaat, the race onoaea so be exterminated, th*. ncigldiorhood. et Inaet. may per hep* be ('•*l*.Mii*e<l by civil and ruepectabio man." I V*w<*ee*aaer aetaaoe ha. raoHved an tmpoHsnt addition ia tho ete- Itant otwervatory whirl. Mr. H. H Wereer. twoprotov <rf th* valuable Bar, RMn.* and I Liver Cur% ha* erected at Itmtaetor Hew to Travel like Uetetoiwg. An imaginative man jwopaaes the tol lowing piaii by which fa bold* it pcaaibie to transport freight and piss if eve by rad from New bit to fan Fiwms* » sa ten toowrs Wfat tfa freight spc gers would fa good frw when delivered fa does not fretsod to saj, Tfa plan » thi* "A Utt tike at speed for a railway train 1* forty miles an hair. Tfa dfa tauoe from New York to fan "Fl* arsenc is, rooghly, three thouaasad mil— I Ufa dutepcc Ufa UuAx. ■lie ordinary radmed track, should fa laid for a Minitred miles, and it is only lieoeaarv to stndr rapid transit accord fngto nrr plan over Ufa section of tfa l<*d to undrntand bow the whole*ywten, ■would work, trier tbs first track <rf 100 rmilcs and running ower cannon bwfa I upon tfa track, w another, any 90 mfles Jong, on which, in turn, is * father, 80 mile* long, and ao on till on the whole BV'teui the freight and pnmcagVr train run*, it Ix-ing of any demral sod practi cable atrragtli Suppose it is required to go from A toB, a distance ors 100 miles, the stable track prer which all the others run is, of course, 100 mile* long, tend the first movable track upon it is 90 Nhiles long. Let tfa first movable track < b.- drawn bv s stationary engine the 10 remainmg so miles, wlierebv one <rf its cxtrrmittea will reach B, and let us spy. Uiat it takes fifteen minutes forit tomove through the ten mile*. In the mean tune tin* truck eighty tnil<-« long which run* on tbs track ninety miles long will has* liecn advanced ten miles by the motion yrs the ninety mile track, and will itself I either by means cf a stationary engine or a kxxiinotlve) have advanced tan miles cu its own hook, so that in all it will have gone twenty mile* in the fifteen minutes, and it* extromitv will reach B at tfa *ame time that H ia reached by the ninety mile track. Ho with the seventy, the sixty, the fifty tracks, aud up to the passenger and freight trains, which will resell fi a* *xa a* the ninety mile track renche* B— that ia to nay, in fifteen tnm utee, at the end of which it will have traveled about 100 miles. Perhaps the following statement will make tfa mat ter clearer, fat ns call tfa ninety mile track A, the eighty mile track B. and so on. Ais drawn ten miles, carrying with it B for the same distance. But B has a motion of its own ami travel* over ten miles on its own sooount It has there fore gone 20 miles. C, with a ten mile motion of its own over B, which draws it along, han gone3o miles; I), 40; T. 50. F. 60; O, 70; H, 80; I, 90; J (whieh is the {tasaengcr and freight train), 100 miles, and all in fifteen minute*. The whole system of tracks need not fa more (han four or five feet in height. With sufficient power the sefamo is practica ble, ami with motors at present at our command it would w< rk for short dis tance*.—,S< irziti/fc American. Answer Thia. Did you ever know any person la !*■ ill without inaction of the Htomach, Liver o: kidneys, or did you ever know one who w** well when either waa ol*- ntructed or inactive; and did you ever know or hear of any case of the kind that Hop Bitters would not cure. Ank your neighbor this name question.—Ttmen. Th* Tsbles Tn rued. President Diaz, of Mexico, had a mar row ceea]M> not long ago. It in his habit to go out shooting on Sunday near tho city, attended only by hi* little son, hi* nephew, one servant and three or four friends, and a plan had been formed to surround aud capture the party and hold the President to ransom Fortunately, bo waa detained one Hnndav, just aa he was alxiut to leave tho National Palace by some important telegrams, which re quired hi* immediate attention, and in this way eacapwd, tlie liand of robber* Iw'iug tliemaelven *nrpnaed a* they were lying in wait for him. Somv person* are so thriftless they would convert a garden into a denert, while others txiaseHM thu energy to make tho dosert blossom like the rose. Dt. Table.- rauk* with tlie latter class of |Mlblic benefactors, because he prepares out of the common Buckeye a superiui ointment to cure Pile*. l*rice 50c. For tale by all druggists. A Remarkable Railway Aecitseal. An almont incredible explanation waa given of the cause of an aooidant to tho Scotch express, near Leicester. England. It is aatoi that the train was stopped a little beyond the town of Kibwortn, the engineer thinking something waa the mattefr with his engine. Examination showed the locomotive to be all right, and the engineer again applied tteam. but instead erf running forward the train waa backed, and the engineer did not uoUfa the ehang*' of direction untal th* train had returned to Kibworth station, where it ran into a freight train, but not liefore the engineer bail applied the Westinghouse brake, and so prevented more damage than the smashing ors two can and the wounding of four ar five )>aa*aiigen> Tbo engineer was stuped ed; but it appeared from inreetigaCtozi that none of th* train teauxis knew that they were going backward instead <rf for ward until it was too late to avert an ac cident It waa stated byway of expla nation that the night of the accident waa vmnr dark. __________ M*N<pMfrf« aflboted with phthuu pulmonans , <\>naniptk>n> om Ur. BuU'a Ccitgh Syrup with verv citat benefit and raltef. Fnc* M Ms. « both*. Vmxtxxx—No mat mo* ha* attamrd *uoh * ettstwatai com- , Uwu »*» «iv** th«aa Nature * D 1 BULLS COUGH SYRUP Loudon, advwes the following improved method erf peepanng beef tea: The meat is cut into small pieces and piaevd in the evening, in an earthenwari' Vessel with suffuuMUt cold water to cover £ie meat; in this it is allowed to remain 1 night In the morning tfa must is taken out, placed in other water, and fatlesl for several boors. The meat of sold liquor in which the meat wa**teej>ad , ths previous night, and upon this the boiligg liquor from the dav s beef tea h pmu-ed, and tfa whole well *tirred and it theAfonns the complete beef tea. The •haraAenst ic* of good beef tea are that all th J nutrition* elements of the l>eef sfaulil fa made available; and by the proeeMcam*-* 1 oat as above this is effect •ally pone, tfa albumen, fibnne, and telain&e faing all retained and taken by thigfant. M' Twvme by tfa above sisUUPatfach staailt-r £giawtyfof nwfa is • than under the ordinary aoodefand it would, consequently, not beoqXe a jelly if allowed to stand; but by Itailing u larger quantity of Iwwf this MKt could of course fa obtained. terms w*»l> «• wtetois-oalisd faef Telly Uwbtads. fawvvwr, farivnarked that in very hot weather the beef tea sannot fa made in thia manner, as it would liecome sour from the length Os time required for its preparation. Bnsy Men. Busy men of affair* like Thier* hsve often surprised the world by the extent of their literary labor*. Bo**uet was a prolific water, and the following pa# *ag« from the mvFlv ixiblfotisd “»nt* Ineilits” of Hf Simon explain* how fa reconciled his literary tastes with his absorbing duties of Bishop of Meaux; “He know so much, and with so much ordey an.l methqd, that fa wrote with antouiHluug faeilitv. He. like tfa poets, had no fixed hours for work, though he worked a great ileal daily. At night fa hail a fire, a light, a ]wur of pantaloons aud a druuqjig gown near bis bed, and noarly every mght he rqps agd worked alone several hour*. People who were ignorant of tin* circnni*tan<-e were often very mus h surprised that he was not out of his chamber nt 11 a. m., aud that soon after he randy dressed to say mass. He had w<gk*d u»til 3,7 aud Ba. m.. car ried away by his abundance and subject. The quantity of work* he ha* left ia prodigious, and with mi many, such con buual and such varied labors, he nons tfa 11'aa.provcd to fa an excuUaut Igsliqp, visiting and praacfrmg iijmaelf to hb flock, and he measured hi* tesr+dng* to their mind. " Thiri are section* in Western Vir ginia, Southwestern J£issouri and Toxas where good sheep grazing lands in large tanches can fa had at fifty cents per acre, -■> F Vegetine WILL« WliflSl. MB. AI.BEBT the wbikk»own dtawMMkl Mwritemry of Hb/tnrvxfa, Ma., alwim s»Si* «a« tfvubkW with fa try VtoOCTTNK Read His Statement: S»H*h». M>, OM. U, ISIS, i Ms H B. Brnnt: ftrote A»r—T*<r« MO Uri MJ I I wm Uksa sick <Ub rIwrUMMUiuL vas '■»»«« io tncw nnfcl Ut« nsrt April. Hearn tfwt unit! thrao yasus •*-< Mil 1 •WftKln< BhA r hosiMfaflisrn FcmosUommi ifeots would bo st a tubs tlfat I eoaM aqtwWp bo« ti.< co utaokrs wra oftost. I ihxitoisii omU4. Over ftiHM rostra ifoiwl sprlog I -a inlee ilMßtflf Vs<wttna f.4low*d It op uutfl I >wi sevoa hrritMs tMT» rbowstfam aUKO tlsulUnie : »}• aw. arjr... avwrv HmM ts Uoubhr*4 «i(h rhe tnkgUnn tn try V«£pfta«, and a*ri luSkr mr yswUt •a I bav* dot**. This sfaAomMl is (TatuitouaaoMrM Mt. *«« vans to eoooorued. ) auro, okh., A LBBBT <lloo*ll. Flna as A. Crook st B Co., gad Af>u<hMaViaa Vegetine. For Kldasy Complaint sad hervoa* Debility. l»t.ww>, W> tvw.w, ISTT. Ma. travaaa; rtrak a«r-I bfo! had a ssyh «*fht««ti aoara, BMan T *«MAsa:jerid Uhbif the I was vjrr z tay sysiMn *•• dabiirutsd by dfaraas I Wlha *Mp«T Coxa plAtnl, and w»a wry hafvnna—eoogb had, jrrt. W .**•■ I hpdJsks’. oa« MotUa I ftnn. JH *aa featptaa tns t i hsahXJwdtuy OteQfffe, sod h auwogthaat ac» 1 bui •K* •al he kidoay *« r k X*r«r h*vw foa«d anyUttag ilka 1 .... J ••VsmwUbs ’’ aays a Rrotoa phrsKsAa, “ha* naaqaal aa sNwff pa filar Hpaimg of ria manr •< oderhil cqraa after *T. <4bar rva»s4te« hai Ito fad, I wist tad th* tary and aaavlncad mv»alf of ita frairiow r.ent his w»pared hacks taola aad bar fa, ear h of which ta MgMv . tfvcsjsa, and thev are .b» ( « andad la isMism na< aa u» prodaoa aMooiahtag rasuila." . VEGETINE, HtWlkKB It H. R. aVSVKNS. Boston. Mas*. HOSIELKR’s BIffERS Sleep. Appetite te* ftlreagtk Return when Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters W uy***m aiioaMv e*M> hvwSitooM SyapapUe euffawv. M*vmwv¥. Mwne toe SnUn svwpw. ll.iM eleeety with toe *Smaa«h and its amo eista orgMs tfa frvev Wad the fawela, m their tieraaitrai.Ai i. rec liked by the action of the Ritter*, meatal drwpoadaocy predated by that derangement disappear* For sale by all IWuimsts and Dealer* fenenuly. — . - . . , f i s t i xiv f iznsxr fltn 1 fl wW f|mwr pm an IM 1 X awiigaaf fa asaoa v«fafa totT VHL*. eVaMvBA.7BTY7 Baa IMB. - Hairy Mita Bwd, so Bnghsh lady, » • book 00 the Ainos, bow she scrota a nver bT cm»‘ Ajik>, hrftfar. wlrifa <« hta •faakfa’’* wmt lifa »b*t <* » reSnwmw, • dx “' iittfed. gl«*Uauw quite Deodlfs <ah«M euveimg or warmth,” and how in another pfaTX met with whom die emphatically ifacrrt*- “the mfafar &- Hw , 72. 1 vai-ant an.l apathetic, his arms and leg* nMatswaliv l<Mg afa ur sqae.itg- In. kt— taskril MSoWkm-pt* and hi* whole body was ooverod wrih black hair mom tiiaii an inch long. , and slightly curled on tfa ahouldem He had, however, a bare patch on each ante probably marking the partt on whieh he rtated when mleep apecub mmy found ui *** luire spot on his back w here na lean* against trees. w®Eoi l-’OLC RHEUMATISM, Meunlgia, Scraftett, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chost, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat,S»eH ings end Sprajfis, Bums ano Scalds. General Bodily Pains, _ Tooth, Ear and Headache. Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. >fn PrwparsUfHi on mfth « Ol M s M>Ap nrwr, rineptr snd rAMp'Kik-nsl Bemedy A trial entails Bat cunparaUva r trifling <nx!kv <if 60 Ofrtt. an*! evirt on» sifWrrtrc: with pein ran hat" ••♦-Tcalti’r prwf of its eloims IHroctkMfa in LAn(na<we BOLD BY ILL DBUQOI3TB AID DEALERS II MEDIUTIE. A. VOGELER A CO., R«vfHmrf*P** VJ„ IT. 8. jLo Altaarl Female Moto. Second holy session l«in*« IStli February. Full Faculty. Superior nd vantage*- kicreawd patroaagr. TF.KMS REHrt'Eli. Apply for cataiosni- to Princfptb- it. H itAwrrv*. a m Wrl*. jutkixwi.v, t'huelMfeiville, V*. ■I AU. S*u A* V ye.——lk AUKXWBNSCB •4r*««l. WAUaa e»M SLQAN U a VW. »*• Wooraw ai. Clnstaarfu. •. © SAWING MADE EAST. Jpy i kxH 4a twa ■Una taa, Oar mw portable Monarch UgßtMiod laving Mach inart rift all trthar*. •»<» cash be ta rwn nen who can lav o» degtf aa4 <ary ia the o!4 way, at ooa boy t 6 yaart aU caa faith tha autchme Warraatad. Circuian tent Froa. Afrnty vranteA mdvu:h uamrara uw co M iba Randolpa &L. Ch tear a. LU. Price | ""jfr $22. »' BABY*J BABY CABDirr OMAJ-BTW STYIV K» TDKM VXD A qrARTEB OCTAVE*, t* BLACX WALXTT CA*> dm**** wtth GOlm B&OXZ1. taasrn. x inche* s heicbt. a In., dypib. u is. Till* urel role Ct tta MASON i HAMLIN CAP INET OKGXTS (ready thu moalhj hss snSclrr.: comp*** u* espeet'y for Un perVotwiMee. with tell pnru. et Byvu Twne*. Asttew. tone*, and Popwlsr Sncred and Swcular Msslc grnarsdj. Il rpsla* tn « woodertel **t*nu fa au loontoani *o pn*H, u< •stnordlnary exentleoee.WUiuiA pcw**»ndqtaUty ct tow. whir* ba* tteto th. MMOW • BAMLIN <*•<*•« Or*w Uito ennt repns«n and w»n so, ttaa to* fflomi DISTINCTIONS aa £VZE 0101 of Uh OIMiAT WOBLDB INDCBTBtAL Kt HIBITtONS for TIHlrHtr.N VSAU*. Stm», 0,, WU4, s* WU.T waxsajito CASH FIUCB ternetlpof wblflillwnita atawsd Lr OW swearrr swn mav fr tv-anror Ornrr rirr rvwcwia**. rr *av *■ Bsrewno atd ni .rail wim. naWsyryiMu,. XICli 11 F i TI.IN ot Orfiu ir. rrc*U.’lj mar.r ri Uw MASON * HAMLIN CO, fare the HALT CABUrPT ORO AN at .to Urt» CXJMOtPT OL. UAXB at IM nadnpwwrda The treat wadortxy a*y alPMloKWane* ILLVSTHATVn CATAUXWXS aßCtnjUtß and PRICE LINTS fan mawm <k-n«wrt.t« okoaw en,. IM Tremont 81, DOSTQ> . a I>*| .Ulh 81. XKW TOM* , u> WStato AN. CMC AGO =g<S=S=HJSS HU NG ~O J . SHFu-y ta» n. CELLtfLOiD wk tod atrvogwri, fa°fa- iil *ad Inwelar* • ■*«* fa OPTICAL U FO 00.. U Mskten Lam. Now York. ALL ABOUT TEXAS *r **<■>■*>•« v«» HXAS PIMTER ANB fftRMFR. TOILY M Ptl YXA* STX W OWYH9 toe An Agricultural JxumL giving correct and reltal’e infonnslaen about Ifajponderfui r< source* and rapid development of the F.i oirrf MW Iff Ull' MMIBMt" a AMIS*i mw ri*rn«4iVAi*i> 110 Mark,l Street, D»!la*. Tex*. ■n CENTS aMonth, One D#Uai a Year, HM BI THE CIIICA4MI I I IXdffrt mO *” 7 tol(trated ;*« *«, F®feN® * bb* FM* . mr-arnomaa AJdraaa Er THK l kJXiKß.<fa»*i« ln. LIST OF DIA£AAF> ALWAYS CURABLE BY USING MEXICAN MUSTANG itINIMENT. op mui sum. op AinatuL Bbeaaultni, totrateMe*, Banu*ad*<*l<li. *owm nW QaU*. BUag* and Bite*, Spwvtea, Crack*. CnU mad Brwlaea, Screw Worm, (.rub, Bprwla* A Btllcbea, Foot Hot. Hoof All, < owerweted Nancies IsuMWeaa, StlffJotats, Wwtaay, Foenden, BaclaacJae, Iferwtaa. Mralu*. Km pilon*, Sore'Vctl, Front Bite*, ■tldkaea*, at >4 a U ent ternal 4lwaaa*. and every Sc r• or arrtdre • For|«n»l u*c tn tetoly.atablsand »tock yitd it to THE frksr or aYx LINIMENTS ♦ i. y -.(***• Literary Revolution. Sun*. tIL l*a.r*i*w» US* cl Mary qtm •< to-u IV. TM*. Maa***' MmUsm. M CSrt.l BCTg. n*r.?» ... L . Tr...l* u 4 sufriatet Atanweafa. »w SIX CF..M • ifa Buitm'i nUrtv'o Frc«raaa. lllmu*i»4 cm*- MOMflfa AMtkICAF BmOM BXCMkNuh, Jofa I A Mon. Trtbuaa Bfa»dM»g. Tatli tq/Lr vztfrtjU,. ggOWM, biUMj *«*. Deta,Eßrllisiias!s,Mm •fa. c. LUUAMAMta, Lka wall kß.w. Mfb«o4 Aand Bargaoa, Aether ba4 Wrlfar •• tbo U>«vo BtroMiiß. a»v baby mail « aamoaiiy fa fan gIM, fao dIS Walaal MUfafaA ■eedin<. Fo, ■ Wakaall book oak I ftaa- large ar»4 aaopeu wort ts F7t> pogo* •• DaafooM. IBobmo* of kho Xw aod To«* dio. «< oSurth, aa4 tbatr uaatmaai, yneo fB NOnL<wßaaa«a« | gavMm e oUafaa. .ri mao * wRBN •00.1 br tbe rtr.;n . t trn-toillru.’ g y‘.*r duller avoid W nl*At WVI*. K. r>. *tln.ul*nt« .n .1 u* * W ton- OnUn ' •»*• Hop Bitter*. ■»»«. . »«• Hop B. n" jzr nr*l ar Bintfi* Ud erMi null I Mfto' > poortaaHk I ;*TLl«hMln« on . bed ot ur. one. rely v* Ho pH Bitter*. Wl.or.rr SEta rir«u«n.- <!M .n ; wbnw*rr yo* <'Mfaß , tfa*t vo u r tn !<*«« nf K lane y wlLb.-ut inrfonr O-a. f Ukt> Hop - Hopßitters ® 1 f #r • ’ 3HMNE TTawa ▼**! ffy*- £1 “ Lt Mn ' Kfa * n a, ~ ,U "2-'at nop c: ? feiwr ( T <crvw* TM <>|4um.‘ You will bo I* nirrffrrt kt.Urr. , ui cunxl If }mu uaelß ’ 111 111 Hl ’ narevuo*. Hop Brnoo® KI f j It) NEVER iti It mpyKfu.. |. B or rmw AIL »«>od hun-■ te*e-<r.,« 1. drods. V*,;,, -t»» * * OPIUM P AGISTS WANTED TON THE ICTORIAL full at»4 guthootfa ocaaaaU ** kMr » DBl "T fa ancewat onri medot A thaae and taelvklag • b»eur’ * tbo r<w aad Bai I of thw Groat and Xomaa top '•* »id ifw •<♦*. tbofwaoadwa, tho ttudai arotom lb * r atßtuuc, iho drfocukocj afid boufamoai o< tbo Mo* fl eontfaßO boa kufaarioal * 4 *J •* faaot iMiai lata Utfaory kt th* World oaor pn*i •wad tuc o|mcmom Mgwaaad oaua torma ’• Ahobu. Addraoa K.TiookLFwaluaioe Oo . PfciladaWa. Ma LANE A BODLEY CO., CINCTMMATA MAXUFAcrraud or rriMDAAD PLANTATION MACHINERY, Stationary and l*ort»ble STEAM EMO-IN’ES Saw MUM, erta Vila, SteAiu Hu>n'*, telle'' > fa'wnro*«ry I* •<'•*<• m**« *nd wnll m»-i. »r’ M*MM*lf *S***ll I* IS* WM.U of ruin.r* *«1 I “->* *w Ornnm*. i*ua*. OHndin* aod tertorr M*. Bee. •> an liiolme* Oul«u BABB dk BWM.BV <*- _____ JMe * Wale* *U. CSetß.l $ 77 I*ubiishen>' Umcn, Atlanta G»- -•T'MWt FltaTWI rt.lT*l rt-AT*’ [“ <Tta <« *«**»■» iam****i>. T '* , ' k .7 fl»re. bteowt-keem Fl.y.- Very Ptey*. ttkwfae I •” •art. lou. Imliu, teaMMuM*. XaM**.> U* -‘ !*S*»w»w Itato, Catered Fw*. BwM fa*. Th--- ‘ rim fayarrtgea, teqaf. Wax >»■**, Wfa. ‘“.7 ■y* t*ter>*v raAadsrue*. oiteww a--'* c*"** I *.■ ***>l*ea*i Mel f»M, tea<ap ‘ < •"fate m* proa* saxivxi. rpAa 1 *