Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, February 15, 1881, Image 3

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imiuhi iWaari.M *• “v RaywM<a.rtblafur ttw cwitracb. or managemefit of the same. Tie (•!■■*<« AfTrrtUer h Me oflielal •r<an of ike couaty. t irraialiaa iacrra«taK Bally In < alaaUMa, Uncala aa< JcCbenm eaaalle*! B*lla h«r_adwtl<Miur due onjhret appear •aoa wf the advei tim-raent T> Com mbiaJAdvixtiuh will b» writ tn Bay arMrwe upon th-- following trema: One year, caah in advance SI uo tux »*Ue eaeli in advance She APPLING.COLUMBIA CXI, GA, January Xtti. 1881, NOTICE I* hereby given that the adver tkdn* medium es the Ordinary and Hheriff |a i-hatured from the Chronicle and Counti tutionaliKt to the Orhrfnbta Adv.-rilaer. Gnu. D. Ordinary B. IVKT. Sheriff ' VAttIETIKM. L--caia quiet. Finn »oathwr»»ace nxae Vi>i you gut a wtemtlne! C.-ok baa but one fine wagiai left New cottaaftfohur up In rear of n-111. Bey your gWanoe from thuee who speak to you through our erffiruin». We Irave Ir. our county the three chanr pl<« (xtrhlgv oaiera of the State- Firat trip from Harlem to Appling will be araile to-morrow, by our mail agent. i The genial p m at Appling will say bail I worde. Wednesday. when the mall arrive*, | A hire Hertehtre how anil pig wore killed by the train Thursday. They belonged to M< M B Hauiber A Mr Clark and Mias Lummle Reese, of M< Duffle county, were married on the Bth, Nov. T. B. Went officiating. Fur Uie scarcity of nwtlng matter m this iMtee we plead unavoidable ah-know- Will |m all right again next week. Mlm Matile Sutton and Mr. Wm. Stone, of M< D-.-ffl-’ county, were married on the Isth, the R-v. Dr. Jones officiating. There was a line congregation at Un- Itaptlei eliuich Nuudav morning and even ing to hear tlic R--V. Mr Perryelear, Bred our new legal and other ada. Will have special notices about some of them In our next week's l«Min. Head them all. Merchants at home ano abroad know tlie gttat benidlt tn bfi derived from advertising in our (XU-.C muicc our crowded column*. ConuuMiring tba 2*l Inst, the Georgia railroad will sell special axcureion tickets to Augusta. good for live days, at the low rate of live rents per tulle. Mall matter has bore accumulating at this point for the past Wk. for Appling. Lliandnton and all other offices on the new route. It goi through to-morrow. Jack Hussey - ‘Shoot the new route!' '1 he People- "Throe chet-re and a tiger' for those who worked,the change Dr Casey, prof. Ashuiorc and the Advertiser." Tlie Advertiser now reaches from Harlem to Lincolnton and surniundlug ■ ffi«* lM ’- tore any other weakly paper lu the Stab-, thus carrying the news Hist to Its readers. Wo are underspeelnl obligations to friend W 11 Cooper for a tine load of wood. The g.xwt Isa marl tan a are uot all dead yet, for W. 11. C. Is ore ol them, and a big one, too. Wonder If there are any more around? The Morning Stare of Bouevoleiice hail n little trouble among themselves at last mrelmg While the treasurer was count- ' lug his money, one of the dlssivtislled ele ment grabbed tlie pile, about S2B. and tied , to the woods. The money was next day re- ] turned, though, and tin' matter was am lea- | bly settled, thus preventing It from going before J isHpii Roebuck, much to fate chagrin. There waa a Literary Chib organised at the reeldeuce of Mr W. H. Cooper on last Thursday night, with ths folio wlngoffloers; i H. A. Merry. President; Miss Rosa Hicks, j Va-e-President; Oapt Palteison, of New i Jvraqy, Heoeeiary. The club mw-U again Kt Mr. Cooper's next Thursday night. The ! citirena of Harb-in are cordially Halted to ; attend, and aapedalty should the younger; m.rnliers bf the community do so. Wo | shall say more about tills good cause next I Week. Per-sonnl. Ml-s Mamie Harrison Ison a visit to rola lives ami friends In Thomson Mr. Pierre Young, from Lincoln county, moved to Uds place a day or two ago. We had a pleasant call from Dr. Hatton of Grovetown <mi Friday last. He compli-1 mooted the Advertiser very highly. Mr. Lewis, of Alkmi. H. C., is stopping at. | Mr. M. Hicks. We trust he will remain Ini Imr midst for some months at least. Mr. Wilhoit, of Warrenton, who had his ! horse stolon from him a short time since, in account ot which we published, called on is Tuesday night last. He caught tlie hiof. with his horse, in Edgefield. H C. Mr. T. N- Hleks came In to** us Friday o thank us for securing the printing of the j bunty oummtashmors Many others have ■ vxprnwd their apprnr iatlon of our es Uris in thia direction Mias Anna Matthews, of Berarlla. moved , i> Harlem last week We learn that this. »dv Intends making this place her home, nd has bought from II A Cook the house nimollataiy In rrerof the saw mill. Dr J P. Shockley paid Harlem a short i Uit a few days since. His was a sad mis . km. The news of bls mother's extreme i llnrea reaching him, be hastened to her j rd side only to find her cold In death. This > mun>unity sympathise daeply with the - tor in Uila and afflleUng dMpeneat i< ai | ■liedo vir has many friends lu this nan , gunite, sod while they mourn with him in afflicting dtspanimtxoa, were glad to him again in thrir midst We are also B giauia! to learn that he la fast mat lor himself tn bls new Aekl of (labor a j K i whk-hwe fed sneered will Incrm* ■-bettor he la known. He left Friday for | Bdumbla. S. C , taking with him ills udec. iiltiy Orrfc-—a bright, wineom cldkl; Mar , he live long and i-r-aqmr I* the wish of tie good people of Harlem, hie old hiam-. A|k|M»iiitiucnta. The following are the appointments made by the Rev. Mr. Duvall: Harlem, Ist Sunday at 11 a. n>. and 7 1-2 p. m. Linwood, bl Sunday and Saturday before, at 11 a. m Philadelphia, Bl Sunday and Satuniay before, at 11 a. m. Hawduxt, 4th Sundav and Naturdav before at It a. n>. In every other month. Will bo at Sawduel <>n 4th Sunday aud Saturday before in February. Ailamx, every other 4th Sunday and Sat unlay before at 11 a. m.. and every 4th Sun day evening at 3 1-1 o'clock. Ou the 3-1 Sunday night in eai-h month, there will bo preaching at Harlem by the Rev. Mr. Embry, except when services are to be at the liaptiet church; on the 31 Sun. day night by Rev Mr. Smith, and on tlio 4th by Rev. Mr. Tlmmona. Gm nd aiml ▼.-avprnc Jurors for Murcli Term Superior Court. The following i» a list of the grand juror* i for the March term Superior Court, 1881: John G Domer. Chnrhx Reeves, Abel Ha kina, Leroy H Hail. I Sllunt, M B Hatcher, Win li Holder, C R llriiue-’l Jiuina M tan koraly, Then E Daraoy, Chari J Clifford, Joe A Hill, R J Blount, W .ve Ballard, Geo R Rev lite, Harvey A Ootik Chaa W Arnold, Wm T Florence. John 11 Noel, Benjainlti E P.-arre, Thon LCiaty, Wm A Sturgla, Geo A HUI, Wm A G-Ilins, Geo C Crawford. M I Brancli. John L Bynum, Jae M Clary, Claiborne Rcvllle, R >bl B Stanford. Traverse Jury to appear Monday morn ing. March term, 1881: Wm Lanegan. Win Harrleon, John L I Shanklin, Geo M Berry, John A Bohler, ileorge Anderson, Rd Davidson, James I. I Connell, Talbert Ansley. James M Prather- I ChaH A Allen, G--o II Jenkins, Jamea Kelly, I Wm L Bender, Wm II Crawfoid. H C How ell, John D liankrt, ( ibhui S Bond. T Wiley Rose, Jbh R Guinea, Jae A Lamkin, James Kane, M II Evo, Francis M Stinger. Traverse jury to appear on Tuesday mondiig win" term: j W H Cooper, WJ L Cliatt, W R Tudor. L L Magruder, El ward Miles, Berry Bn • ay, John 11 Hobbs, Juiuee A Witght, PeU-i Huffman, Isaac N Averett, Mark Black- Htoiic, Wm M Bugg. Henry P Grugga, Elian F Bailey, Wm J Gninell, Joe S Morns, An deiHou W Widton, Geo P Taukorsloy. Jae A Davidson. Fred II Gibson, John A Eu banks, Emmet T Croon, A S Plill.fpu, Elishu Jenklus. A (.’limbi tig Mule. Mu. Epitob: I called on friend John yes terday; I found him Indtistrioiialy hrellf.g the i elite 111 Ilin upper leather of a granger's shoe. John motioned mu to the seat of honor (the old cumllebox); nlaiut this time the genial fare of the Major beamed upon US. I resigned the candle box to him, and put the lap-board on top of the soak tub | and nettled myself to hear wlmt tlie Maj r {bail to say. Thu Major tilled and lighted his short pipe; ad Hm blue smoke curled grau-fully above It, and flnnlb’ llmtod oft nto afiace, It seemed to local I to lilm inci- away i.ff in the long ago—fishing frolics, hunting jaunts, etc. These he re lated with zi-st and Inllnlte humor. If I rc meoibor correctly, ho said that when he ’ was u boy upon one occasion when hunting his shot gave out. Ha-mg heard tigit a tight titling slick was a good substitute, he cut a green persimmon sfinnit and ram med it down his gun barrel. Pretty Main a rabbit camo loping by; the Major took do litii-ralo aim and tlnvl. He went to the sp< t where the rabbit erst had been, and to Ids aatonishment ho found Instead of a dead lal bit, a patch of lialr about the else of a silver half dollar. The Major give It as his dellbi-ralc opinion that when the slick [ struck the rabbit it exploded like a shell, or , else Um rabbit just naturally busted. From j the rabbit common to mule-eared rabbits, | thence to slmon pure mules was an easy transition, hence the following story ot ths climbing mule: "My father." said the Major "once raised a mule. In fai t Im raised two, but 1 will only tell you about one of them at pieeent —he was the liangret mule to jump ami i climb feuees I over saw. 1 have often hmi ! him climb the ullnst fences in our county, | provided the fences were slightly Inclined. , You may de|M‘tid upon It that they were tall i sure onough, for it wax in slavery times and timber was plentiful. For all that the mule i was as mischievous as a monkey or asohool ' boy; he was kinder piously Inclined—loved I to go V> mcellng on Sunday, and enjoyed a long sermon better than the church niom- I iiera did. for il gave him an opportunity to ! teai up the horse toilers and chew up a tvmelderable amount of bridle reins. My latlier didn't appreveof such Innocent little f jokes, so one buiidav he ctmClOded to drive the dam mule- no, the dam of the mule to church. He told me ami Joo to fasten up j the mule in the stable securely, which we 'did. Theatablo was a log stable two stories high, had a door up stairs on Hie outside 'and a door on the Inside up in the loft for ' the purpose of throwing down fod'ler to the ! horses Right under the Inner door was a largo trough made out of half a big hollow | log. Well, after Joo and I bad shut up the mule we knocked around awhile to see what devilment we could kick up, such as break ing up hen nusla running the re lire rnd chunking the pigs In the midst of ou> fun I we looked up and saw the mule just In the I act of dlmbmg down the side <>f the bouse I from th<' wooed story he had got up In I the big trough and climbed up the inside wall 'till h" nuuslied tliec-cood story. Poo-; phi who think a climbing animal must have > a prehensile tall or a split foot very much mistaken. I never saw that mule climb a telegraph pole, but If that mule was hungry and a bundlsof oats waaplaci-d on the top <d one. I wouldn't swear that hs i didn't get it." The train arrived at this I I moment and we talk'd to learn how Joe and ; Um Major got the mule down. f. i biuee writing the above the Maj*-r tells i me that he ami Joe made the mule bar k down. The Major says that this mule was the fastest trotter in the ahapeof horw or it ole It ah that ever shade* I tlie eartn- |1 Ihe fiwpiently put the -togs titter him ' j One of the dogs could out run a mule-eared raiiblt with eaae. Wtgna er the mule triol to run, the dug Invariably caught him I but a lien the mule struck a trot be could ( 1 distance the dog m twenty seconds C. < TM H O TH GO Robtrosa- and G- hare- ooreplotolv ireolulhHiia<«l the miuir tl*ie by selling t the heat InsirunwHib- ala smaller margin of yr-Alt Uaau any ilealer In America. — ~ Old BRASS HIDEf BEESWAX, TALLOW, Eo- will be bought by the nn-ieraigned, at the highest CASH prieeu. R>om next to j rinl ng office, Harlem, Ga. B M VEBONEE. BRIDGE MOTICE. Office CotiMTY CoMMiaaiowaim. Columbia dainty Appilng, Ga., February ISth. 1881. Notk-e 1h hereby given, that the building of the bridge ncroee Big Creek, at Appling, will l»- let to the lowed bidder on th--l«t liert-dav In March next. 1881 Hpe elttcatk>n« to bo anti In theCk-rk's office. By order of the Board. GEO. K. DARSEY, Clerk. ' Il la Naw UoHCctlcd That ' The Muxle House fl! the South" U looated In Augm-ta, (la <k O BOniNSON and CO. I.OM Mllellcaet. Georgia Railr- ad Co., | Office Gen. Paaaenger Agt., r Atigueta, April sth 1879 ) Coiinneiicing Monday, 7th il-rt., thiu coinprinv will "-Il ONE THOUS AND MILE TICKETS, goml over main line un*l bruncliee, at TWENTY FIVE D: ILLARS each. Thea.- tick ets will beiasued loindividuala, firm and families, but not to firms and families combined. E. 11. DORSEY, Geu. i'luweuger Agent. 590 Mlle Tickets. Georgia Railroad <’o., I Office Gen Paawenger tgt. Augusta, March 2, 18811. i Commencing thia-late, this compa ny will sell FIVE lIUNDKED MILE I'ICKETS, good over tniiin line anil lirnnchva, at THIRTEEN 75-KMI DOLLARS etich. These lickets will be iHHiio-l to in-ltvidiinlH, firms or f ifutl ex, but not to firms and families combined. E. R FORSEY, Gen. Passenger \genl. PiMIKMt Itllll OrifHllH Seventh annua) holiday trade. Hupcrlor planosand organs. All kinds of musical instruments, ain' t music and uiusiobrsike I'wonty b> thirty jht rent, aavivl In pur chasing at "Th” Music Ihmseof the South" . U. O. Robinson. Augusts, Ga. Geo. Robinson A Co. Rhlp pianos and organs to any point In the Routh on trial for fifteen days, with privilege of returning, frre of all expense of transportation, If not entirely satlsia*. fee ry. LAHMEIHS! kw*M as! r-now VU<MS.a «-<-~< . .li.rKwairi i»avii>L'.i'>uwiflulbMN*,F—m The Muaic Houae of the Month G O. Robinson, of Augusta sr-ll in Texas. Aikaiisas, Ixmlslnna. Mlret-eUppl, Alabama Florida and every Hout hern that” north of (h-orgla. Augusta can justly claim to have Uie "Music House ot the Hraitli.” Notice to Pa sengers. COMMENCING FEBRUARY Ist. !*»1. and until further notice, the |siss<-nger fan over tlie Georgia Rallnwid main Hue and branches, will lie as follows; Agent's rate. t»>res rents per mile. I rain rats, four I’ents ;>er mile. Children between i sori l'j years, half the ills >ve rates. Minimum rati’, for any distance 5 rents Pa-uMMigerM are hereby notilb-d that II thev fall to purchase tickets from the Hta tion Ag -uts, they will be charged the train rate Conductors are not ticket •u-ll'-rs. and are not allowed fe> accept Ires than Um train rat” of four rents per mile. Therefore. b> s<vure the advantage of the reduced rate, purchase your tickets before entering the train. Ths company reserves the right to change or entirely afinigate these rates, at phwsiire ami without notke F. R DORHF.Y.Gen Pans. Agt. Imrge Ciudi Cons meta With the i-est manufacturers, and large sab-sat the “Mualc Hmisc of the HouUi.’’ anatde G O. Robinson <t Go., of Augusta, to sell siiperlur pianos and organs al less price than Is paid by small dealer*. C. H DSTJffI 8 CO. Wholesale find di ooerS ! PinTlTlof SUPPLIES! A in es, Liquor«, p . ars Tobacco, Wooden ware, Jtc. 843 Broad xtrrat, Aspwti, Ga. EI O M Notwithstanding the large and efewant stock of pianos and organs at " Th” Music House of the Mouth,” G O Robinson A <>». fe-iegraphed iaet we<-d for httcui Ptarsm ami | Organs to nil orrtera which are coming In by every mall. Mpecful Ordcrti For pianreand organs, for holiday gifts, are forwarded alirwat dally toG. O. Robla eoS A Co.. Auguvta, Ga. | established in ism ' M.B BmU- L A GarWh. J -1 hwipil BEALL & CO., /. POTBECARIKS —AND— Wholesale Drugfirht? -AND DEALERS IN - BUIS T ’ S GARDEN SEEDS, 111 VICI’S HEIEi SEIIS!! I READ tmr price Hat nnd send all yrntr orders fl>r DRI 'GH and NREDH to ua. We Is-g those win, have failed with oth*-r sresls to give oere s Gia I. We k<«-p noeonmiUmkin Htis-k. Il -liable m»«1. Ilketvllglde ne-rchiin disc, always tlisl a market. bI'INT’H s*s«l> as sold by us, are popular Is-oauwe RELI ABLE <hir price for all s*hm| in |»il>"-re Is Sc.each; 8 tor ide.; 8 for 25c. or Ss< per ■ lown pais-rs. Our pricu tot ecwl in bulk l« I as tolioa s: per qt Early Vah’ntlne Urena, '** Early Mohawk “ 30c Early yefkiw six week- D-ans, ats- jiwarf German Wax Beans. M-lix-t, 4hc luirge Lima or Butter Hrem-, S»c Carolina or small Lima Beam*, 4oc 1 t.B, ox -x 1 Extm early Turnip Beet, 75c Hie ' Early dark Idtssl" " 15c b>c Bulat's ex. early red" " Ino 15c IsVlg blood “ 75c Inc per ear ql Adams' extra early Corn. 5c kx- Evergreen sugar " 5c 2ne White llli.t " Ac «K- Golden Ih-nt gourd e-*ed Oirti (enrllret Held vark-ty known -ylokls enormously and grows on any land 1 5c 20c per or. Ext ra white spine Cucumber, I 'm- " long green “ 15c Egg l*lnnt, large purple. foe iM-ttm-e, Bulsl'a early prize 1 dew*l an,- Onion acta, white and rtvl, 3n to 4ft Bulat's extra rerlv P>-as. jis- f Extra Tom Thumb Peas. 4Ac , M, la-aii's Little Gem Free, m. Early Dan O'Rouki, " Ax- Bishop's <1 w art long pod " tax Champion of England “ !»' 1 Biack-eye Marrow Fat “ 2> 1 per t*e*-k I Bulst'a chokv early Rom- Potafems, ti *- ■ per f* Early long arerh-t Relish. t-v- I«t Turnip " lA- btudr or (uitty-pan H*ptaah, l ie " large angioth red Tomato, >x, NeW early Acme Tmuato - finest (variety known 4ft.- per lb. j R<d or purple top Turnip, for spring afe- Earl) white Flat Dutch, " " fkV per ok Early York Cal tiogix ».«■ large York " 1»; Bulat's Improvwl large late drumhre l (ftimmge, 4to Bulat's Improv**,! large tale Hat Dutch fablotge, <in North Carolhui Buiw-omhe " Ale Early Frers-h Wlmilngsladt " 4ft- Jersey W aketh-l-1 " 4 X: Bulst's tairly Hat Dutch “ 4 “ " lirumhesri ’• 4fti " green glared " 25>: We haven grret manv i-arietlre In papre n«»t neaiti'SHHl als>vr. Whouever you want : KE Tel A.BUE REED 1 or any Infiwmation in fegkrd b> one-1 l,Ual n*a>>, wrlfel to us. PeMoare and Kiptcm lewala- tloaw. Tb<> po*t*g** <gl all miTchandlso la le pet mim-e or Ift per pound. Etpiess emtrge on all packages from 1 lb up to >oor Its, is only 2A-. When you order aeftl sent by mail, don't 1 forget to a<l*l for p,s>lag>-. Pres. Brens and 1 1 f'lirn w**b*h assail 13 ■>*♦. to th*- pint, arei | ( Psas and Brens In pa|«*rw atsnit I ,< each. I We po-t-av twwtag*- rm all email toxl th t | papers Ad-lrese > <air urdetw to BEALL A CJ„ 1 UPI’OSI E AU' U-TA HOTEL, 1 AV- VST A, GA. Jan M sn> ■ ■■ J. LEA<>:tN LCW PRICES! FURNITURE of all Grades. mmissßs i» spring beds ill sizes 4 stiles Nice Walnut ead Chamber »u. Dre«Jng Care, M.rWe Top, for Fifty DvUara and »4> I nr HOU »T. AvmnrrA. «a. The Largest and CHEAPEST Crockery » IN THE SOUTH ! as. €O., 7LO SRO-A-X) BT., AQUUSTA, GF .Au. Carry a hill line of I ROCKERY, CHIN A. KLASBW ARE TIN and WOODENWARE, KKROSENK L VMPH, a-d HOUSE FURN ISHING GOODS GENERALLY, FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST NEW YuRK PRICES Ttxe T)ow Law cotton Planter. THE HERT eM Moreoftbe* tv , i»i.F Fleuteni m MU'l.' ''-I m.kert li liuh tiki t Endiaed mu - tiiai - Other ]-lun tern Ut-ed. *jT Inm aho .genl for Ihe combined Illngf and Koller, lor FIFM teles. The SIMPLEST, BEST and CHEAPEST hinge for farm gate* •ver invented. Call ami »oc them nt JOHN B ‘N’ES M :ORE*S, Old niand of J--hn l> >ne« Jt Co., nonr Eipr.vm < ffl :e, ACGUMTA. G t Opera House Garden! Ben Neisz- Propri tor. CHOICE WINES. LIQUORS I\D CIGM Philadelphia - and Giacluaati Beer. BROAD anti ELLIS STREETS, AUGUSTA, GA. (janll ly C. & €O„ Ha.rlom, G-el. XuEADERS OF X-.OW r»RI3ES ! -DEALERS IN &&&€£&£££ Fancy Groceries, Boats, Shoes, H»t«, Dry Groodo, 153T01 lone, umvaii. aissiAii. cmnmm. tt. We are determined io|NO T Bl". UNDERSOLD by any houae in thia aae» ti-»u of the Stale, an-1 Hi|ull*iiin< h our a m xball bo to give •utire**aat<«fac-' non both in lhe price ami qn-ibty <>f our good. Give ua a call and be i convinced of whut a r .av. For every Jjihtr spent with n* we give FULL ! VALUE. TRY US. yenll 1v « _ - - -=r—. soar. jbSms ——— Clenranoe OF ■“ CAHFETB ’ ■v e ffi • —» In ohier to n«luc- utock .nd av<4 1 carrying gi««H »vw. 1 will off.-r my SUirW nt CAR. i’EIX Hm->i tl lug to 44i.<m un-l i>v--r, all fraeh gtaxL. her ik-vigim ami oofoclaga, *4 vm y reduced prtcee, exiibrwing n» full -an Royal Velvet Carpe'k B>dyßrn«*ela d-i, T i«>e*try Brti«yel« do, Extra -uni Imperial Three-ply d-». Scotch l-tgrain do, Ex’m Soper an I Superfine -10, Colton,and Wreddn, Hemp and Vi.-ntu d<; |. *. J end 4 4 Venetian do'; 2 am* i Stair Hrwaeh do; Miuir Ro I. and Failure*, Napier and Cocoa Matting* ; Plain, < teecbed *nd Fancy ' 'inUn do; ( b«ap Strip- Carpeting; •t tndow Comic**, Lice C-.ri«im>. Creton--** Limbr.-.; tin Shade and Bullion Fnuge. Piano and T.ble < ovt-ra; Window Shade, in Scull >ped, Fringed Plain an I G >1 I Bind*. Velvet H-fi Rig. S.nviuaS f. Rug., Vei* vet and Bruaaelt ll»n •- Coco i D »r M it*. V Ivrt do, Bruasele do. Smyrna -!<•; Sh Shin Mai*, Liu-uli »I- iii-,, Wul I’-.p. i aud Borden, Huric Shade*. Fin-Sereena, C-arrreg* aud Buggy Mata, Cedar < best*, Star Oil Clothe and Craali. L-*r Allguuda void lor net cu*b or city aa ceptauuc. JAS. C. BAILIE, 71:i lll’.OAl) rtTUEKT AVOUrtTA. GA. THE WHITE bupulative in Its Attributes it m.»J. ackxowleihikxthk kino«< azwixaMAcuixiai th.n lo'.i i - -f • “ l * - IJU, IIIIIM! ''' ' ’ ISjßaSr wk wOI i >a We do out p- ddle ihetu. line 1 • ear.- enabled b> evil them <-b®-q'er than ■ W , 4 , | j nn-1 • '.'-I vvieui id. b-t.-- > r *' <-’U. R -'jMwMMfc- -mH or a me lor circular, ami pncea J. D. k T. F ‘•WITH J. HORACE SMI Hl, N '25 BRoAD STREE U JVSTA, OA