Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, February 22, 1881, Image 2

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COLOTBIA t “— -3=sssax=-=. < sa F.kltahv* Bvsry Taaa*,y. *' lUrlsw.Ha. J. W.VEBuXEC. IfBITOBGIiPtnssW. TUttDAY. FFHRI'ARY 33. 10. Ofttrlal Orrmi of the f'otinfy. EDITORIAL NEWH NOTEM Tt-w- are oaly l.TSr> iangnagvw Who will khowl Frrnarxio Wkxl’ snow stars* to Tlttr-ago r« Friday Hara II nAnwkt *■<■ tdteaccn, wa ll tax • nl.kle.oa M. Felton tea* swcssvd is •unking Atlant* a port </ delivery Vn^-i'. 1 up a big rail read aciietue for Atlanta. Merer <* to A .!«•* In owrrt of a square ■seal; tt ysu do. you’ll be fool Th* Georgia Htate ArrtruHoral Aaanda ton will meet to-day In Thoaraarilla A Mrs. Hralth. at Augusta, fall dead owe day last week while Mvxirlag a 1*14" Wm. C. Bee a pnwekwnu eotbs, and rtcr newhaMof Chariaaton. ti. C., la dead. Th* Pullman erwspsnr l» said to earn on ewou of Ito «M oars about »iau a ntouth. Hwa Fernando Wood, over über (X CuS grass froai lew York, died on the Htb. Dr R V. Pl*rr*'a palar* boUd, Buffalo, >', Y, baa bunu daatroyed by fire. loan. • MMM. Th* Oral rebel flag ever borne by an Au gusta company l» now t.vng'ng In the hall of the Clinch Blttas Mr. John K'llton. mad maatar of the Port Jioyal ndlntMl. was kub«t by a train near Augusta <m Friday. Senator Brown cmfl.lently npmta to liarr the at.wwpnaU .a l<* Uk haiaimab rivai taiM*i u> aai.kxxj. * ll<4> 'I ylbla ruluaoa bi seli.i hla picture b> Jeff Dsvla, b. apt*-ar in the latter'a new book. Rtulihorn Bob' It Is tbsight that R ltd T. Lincoln. aon of Prmlihuil Lincoln. will be appointed decretory of the Interior, A man In Wayemaa, <h». named Curry, lias started a flddle-atrlng lacb.ry, and la buying 1 at* by the hundrud. Ihabai/MiAw . To i»:ab all he can g»t ami run ear-uato♦» Mr. Hayes' Idea of d'*lng hla de facto administration. Mr, D. U ’Hn< k. of Riehaxwid county, and a prominent busln<*« man of Augusto. at his iioa>e on Saturday last. Dr. Wellington Htovcnaon. for a number Os yvwra a prominent cttlren of Augusta, died lu Aiken, H C., on the 17U1. An old resident German shoemaker nam ! ed Henry May, of <'.alartuwn, Gw, baa boon arrested fur uounterfsillug sUvm oolu. A woman near Man-gn*. Pram*, reocnt ly Wsvone the iwaiMnr of eight children at ooublrUi. None of them lived, Noil! One hundred dollar* reward la offered for the arrest ol Doo Wllarm.colored, who mur dered Jaram 11 n ley In Macon a fewa alone Thar* are worn* Dwrmcvats who would engage be sub-asetetant kteper << Gar field'* stable* If they could get th* poateh.' Mr* Martin , aged *>, wif.ufj, K Martin of Edgefield. H. C, recently prownted her husband with twin* ao say* the EdgetMd Adveittoer Ax a xuhaUtutx for be*f, aome of the At lanta txurdlna bousm use cast-off aok leather We wrrt> gagged oo a piece a tow day* slues. Every'member of the General Assembly who la optMoed to a Mtate regtatealiou tew •houkl be pat on the Meat list and roUrol from poiKieal honor*. It to a cruel stuune that non* of the col ored Repubiloaiix have beam invited to the errand tnauguiataxi bail. Truly, thia la a fan—ny fun ny world 1 Fred PauMtag. the actor, was arrested tn Columbus teal week chargwi with aaeaull. He gave bond to appear at the May term ot Muacugw kuporior Court. Tbx mu nil's and mixisfe* have about tak en pu*ee«*toi> of Ooover* White, of the Weakly, la about the only man lu towu too thin for them to get a bold on. There teaoroe talk of trying to keep Ar thur Irora taking lite scat. upon the ground that he to a Canadian. but the attempt. If rusk, will not amount to a row ot pin* A bIU to revive the whipping poet for I wife-heatera to about to pare the Indiana Ixwlxlalure Ronw of our rrvuhr* are no doubt glad they don't live lu Indiana, ebf We are la tovnr of Macon a* the (dace fur holding the next Htate fair. Put ua down Cd record, brother Edward*, and artel ua a pbvtaarnapti of Toru Arter with Uh' mumpa. You are right, the DemocraUc party haa not even tlie slump of a tall. Hold, wo are wasmt -Felten to the extreme aluiup of the party, cut off and coal aahieeoiiie time ago It to now astel that Garfield haa fully coni piatvd bla list of cabinet officer*, but the name* of the luckyo«»ea will not be made public until after the InsugeiaUuu. Won der If Georgia to reprowuteu? Five Prtaldenta of the Vnltrtl State* were tumel Jim. Boy* bearing that front name h’d beat be addnwwml aa tour Exixvtaul ExnUtarvy." Mot bar*, name your buy*, Jim; and yonr gilts, Jlm-lma I From what cauwe we cannot aay, but It la tievertueleee a tert that the Maiim Tele graph and Meax iuer haa woodnitully Im pr ivwl in every particular within the teat few days. Huccom to the ofu ‘oruan! Mr*. Barnwell Rhett, the widow nf Hana tor Rhett of South Garofioa, ba* become an Inmate of the Loutee Homa, kept up at Waahingbiu ftw thatwoeflt of the "boulhern gwuUeaoOH*! who bare bvwi unfortunate." The (Yxirier-Juuroal ba* declared Ita in tention to antaruuln* ibe Utah nasUnes* until the public demand shall be that the Morman* either abandon th* poiygatnou* and adulterous feature* of their seml-reli gtens octal or nwuv* beyond the bouatto rte* of the Unital tUoto* Jam** Hlggtna, bock Mallory. Uw and Robert Thweatt. Jam** Rider Murphy and Duffy, on trial tn Wtookester. Tran, tor muntor. war* taken from the court hou** by a mab mi the tkta and bung from th* ■■■i peg story window* of the building The prtenair* war* known aa the Laihade tantowu. New York Tribune lr«-ru.« Colquitt, of Georgia, .ski In fflSrwWH with a II - buiw repiwlor. "The people Mi ■ • Htat* bare ail settled deem qtewti y after the ate. - ' Uoo, having iwtiwag of a bind nature to sauce aay exMteW«t In nalhauil matters I tlwy are r<u4y lu gl»e Gartb-fcl a rkitxs What 1 mesa Io say by *at w they >h» mil mitxptufi Imu tsi-au— be dlff.-i s la hires from llwat* They » ovlUr poelUun that be I* legaß. Heeled Pi evident. wi they wattt Ui give Uiia a chance, brtirvliig te- is | lite ral minded rwmigh to be a Preablwil for I th* whole naintry. ted u*l •*- • IwTy akMM. A» bi the . Maxrt. Urv- ere shw Who think that •■■orgka m»v be repfwat e>l I tianlls think nivrrlt that ehe will ta, although I ladlrvr, with the r<»t of my P»e I pl<-. that ilmeral Gorbrid'a puiu-y will be a nsicAMting one ticvaid the H >uth H ho j <p.s» <lwld<- upon having any Htate n pre i Wilted In ku tabmel, we shall «a»a*de« Il an honor Ineb-wl of a disgrace, as sortie I would bar.'bad the North believe was the iCSMWhii PreeMi-nl Hayes d.« dwi upon 1 having the Houth represented In nls ahm t K lOM Notwithstanding the Jarg” and elegant iSbekrd pianos Sml organs at 'I Im Music ' H' ir-e of lh'' N ’Ulh.” G f> H-ddiiwm A Co b 4 -grwctw<l uvtseril h>rl|ilne» Piamaa ami Oigaua b'lill'wdeis Wlilch me cuuilng to tiy every mall. H|w«-Iml Unlrrs JAW plan'-asnd orgmia, for bo'ldav gifts, an- forwsr»l'«l almost daily to G O Robiu eoo > <Vk, Augusta, Ga. Notice to Pa peng n<. COMMENCING FEBUI’ARY l«t. I*l. and until further noth* thepaswng. r lare <ryer the <n« rgia Bai In aid main Una and tnani-hra, win b« as follows: Agrees rate three rents per mlln. ITalii rats. l«Air emits |*-r mile. C.blldi*n ts'twiwu 5 ami 13 years, half the iUmia t* rut** Minimum rat*, for anv distance 5 oeut -I‘aseAugiV* aie beleby notilled that il they fall b> purr ill** tlokete Inmi tlm Uta- Uon Ag lite, tliey will bv cbarg.d Um Uala mt*’. (\mdur*trww *fr n<< ***n»*i’*. ar*' nnt aihrWHl u» <♦**• U»mh Ui* tmtfi ’ rah• of four cents |»-r n>Ho. Therefore, to lesmrrlhr ndvantagv- of the rnlomsl rate. | liurrliaae your IkkrtM la-hxw <«u-img Uiu train. The rvwnpanv pwervesth" right torhangn or entirely atinsmb' these rales, at phimuro and without nof*«v. E. It DORSEY, Gen Pass. Agt. 1,000 Mlle Ticket. Georgia B«ilr r >a<i Co., Office Goll. Passenger Atft., Augusts, April S:b 1871) ) Couiiueiic ng Monday, 7th ihvt, this cotnpativ will •♦-II < >NE TIKIUS AND MILE TICKETS, good over . main Inrnn I branches,at ITVENTY i FIVE D< ILLARS each. These tick- I eta will be issued til individuals, fiitna and tamilies, hut not to Gnus aud fumilies combined, E. R. DORSEY, Geu. I’atmeuger Agent. IM)0 II lie Tlrkels. Georgia Railroad Co., i Office Gen Faaaenger Agt. > Augusta, Search 2. 1880. i Commencing thin date, tins compa ny biliedl FIVE HUNDRED MILE TICKETS, gtnid over main line atxl branch, s. at THIRTEEN 75-100 IXJI.LAIIS each. Three tickets will be maned to individuals, firms nr families, but not to firms and families combined. E R. COR'EY, Gen I'aaaenger igenl. ft.ln Now Concerled That ‘ The Music House of the Routh'* 1* located lu Augusta, Oa. G. 0 ROBINSON and 00. --■ • M R M Vintt the 'M uxlc Honan of the Routh,” or write to (1. O. Kobhisou and Co , Auguxta, for catalogiMW. piliex aud ternm of planoe anil .•rgxiie Purchaeer* will find price* fur *xm* make ami *tyk> of loti umciil from 10 U> go jx-t ixuit luee than nlix-wliere. 6KORVIA RAILROAV GEORGIA RAILROAD (X), BuiHTiiib-txleut'a Office. Augwatn, G*-. Nov Sth, IW, Commencing Nunday. the 7th inet, the following t>a«*<'iig<'r acbeduk* will be opei atexl: «. NO. 1 WENT. Dally. lewvc Auguxte 9SB* m Arrive Omak 11 *) a tu “ MUlixlgevillv 1 AS p m ” Mad XI «45 p 111 " Washington atop m * Athene 510 p in •• Atlanta 5 45 p ni NO 1- EAHT Dally. Leave Atlanta 7 15 a in •• At bon• , 9ISa ni •• Washington. 10 45 a m ” Mxdxi . 700 a m ” Millcilgevllle HM * m •• i'anmk Ito p in Arrive Augiteta 3 47 p ni No tvxiiMa-Uuu t*> nr from Waalilngtou un Nunda ya. Rarlaa Ataanwokattoa-Dally. Rie*pt (c*4*y Lv. Auguxte 4pui i Lv. Hai leni 7to a m Ar. Hailvui 5 s>l p m At Angu>ta 900a ni NO 3 -WEST. Dally. Leave Augueta 5 tu pm ** txiruak imam Arrive Nparta 11 45 a m “ Mllledtre' iiie 4*>a rn “ MaixHi «toa tn “ A then* 730 a m “ Atlanta JWam NU44 -RAST. Deify. Leave Atlanta fl 15 pm •* Athene «<«> p m “ Naivin 7cm pm •• MlHrtlgevttle 915 p ni “ Hpai te lu to pin Arrive (.laniak 4 10am ” Auguata 7«> a m Nu rtgincctiuu for Martin un Sunday night*. Train* N<x. 1.1. 3 and 4 will not atop at Flag Station* Sf rERIi IMPROVED BI.EF.nJM TO ATLANTA and MACON «. K. JOHNSON. E R DORSEY. Superintendent. Geo Pami Agent SAWMILLS. GRISTMILLS CANE MIL'S Plantation and Mill Machinery, Engines and Boilers, Cottou Screws shafung Pulleys, Hangers, Jonrnal Boiea. Mill Gearing, Godeona, Turbine Water W heel', Gin Gearing, Jndaon's G 'reniora, Diaaton a Circular Saws, Gammers and Files, Belting, Babbitt Metal, Brass Fittings, Globe and < beck X sires, Whistle Gaugers Etc. Iron and Brass Castings Gin Ribe, Iron Fronts and Balcunies and Fence Hailing FOREST CI FT FoVNDIS 1014 to 1(W FEN WICK STREET AUGUSTA, G A [ MTNear the B ater Tower.] wr Repairing promptly done at lowest pncee. Boiler repairs ot all kinds done promptly. dec2l-ly |R°H A PERFECT BTRENOTHENER.A SORT REVIVPI IKON BITTERS arw highly ncoßnMbdad for aB diawsw ra wniring a certain and iHtrbmt tonic ( especially E£s=^ l like s rharm on Uw digeeMve organa removing al 1 d yroepOe symptoma, web M TWaj Ur Food, Hani • AtoemrA. JJiwrtLwa, Me. The only Iron Propagation that will not blacken the teeth or give headaehe. Bold by all draggieta. Write for the A>o Beck, S 3 pp. rs aeafal and amoeing reading—rest BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTERS I bars Jnrt receiy.d a Bapp)y cf PAT PSC ’, OKX, 8 LUBLt PACIF'Csnd A'ID for COMP »3TIIfG. The already rataldWiMl reputation of th" above brands med no further reoommcn dathm fnan iu>-. It ineiutsT Uiu advuutagen I oiler whnu you g>> to buy. Ist. 1 ham It on liand ready when y.m **■ tit to unne for it. 2nd It In dry and not pul out ill the w.wther’ Sal. it hen , <>u come to settle 1 buy V.str overplus us cotton; you unik.r une trip, taku up ami gel I 'ANH fur rest us wttou. 1 wIM bu pleawud U. have your patronage. Yours truly, M. B. HATCHER. ID* G-. Tiogere, Fnrniture and Undertaking, Coffins, Metalic and Caskets, OF ALL GRADES. 249 BROAD STHbKT.AI OUBTA 0A SandayZand;* ght CallsOvsrtSUrs Juul 13m Immense fe»tool3L -OF- BOOTSH El and HAT?, fjr Winter Trade. Purchaer d for CASH fmnj the I.EADING MANUFACTURERS of tbe Country, and offered to our friends and the public at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. 00-. ORDERS BY MAIL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CARTFUL AT TENTION H.M HI LIIER'N 4 (0., 913 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. Now l« tho time for com- /ftSPS t**dliig yiiu uuUuii mix! xixl Uawme stable inanuiv. lhaluacar load of ACID POTASH just arrived, put up expii-Boly for cotupoeliiig with Cotton need and stable manure for CORN* and COTTON. H. A. COOK. READ THIS. HahhkM. Jun. 3'. istd. Mil H A. Cook Imai Sir: I uwd Ilin OOE'> guano Inst year on cotton uml rorn. by the able id Bdubte Paellle and Pata|iM-*»< and found ll tar nuix'iior b> either. And I ta-Ueve it to |a» the beet fertiliser hi tho market. Y .ut* truly. SAMUEL A. PALMER Mb H A Cook Dear Sir: The (XIE'S plnwpbnte I bought of you laxt year. 1 ue<*l by the nido ot Z- lte and Pataptn-o, ami be lieve it to be the beat 1 ewr naed. Yourwtruly, FRANK WHTTTAKEB. The above popular fciUllwt will be b>r aah> again by me. A car load will !»• lu next w.vk II A ( (MIA. Jauto-U 7HOv MURRAY. Pioprietor Pta-phi'e Fix'd ami Ixiery— Stables, Noe. OOaml «34 Ellis st , Angunte. Ga. Il'-raro and Mule* alwavx on hand Alan a tine collrt-llon ot (iarrtagea. Buggte*, Harneaa, vU at price* a* low iv. any in the State, All aalvx guarani eel <>r nxuiev re funded. Give no-a trial. fetils 3m 18 ! SO LTTJ3IL> fji IP A CIFIC GuanO 81 ! •bBH OIITY 1 HOU' \ND NINE HUNDRED AND NINETY THREE TON’S WERE SOLD LAST SEA MT SON WHEN THE STOCK GAVE OUT, A.VZ) THOUSANDS OF 1 PLANTERS -Wff Mar WERE DISAPPOINTED. OUR STOCK IS NO L ARGER ■kF* THIS SEASON, and ike demanti it Liertating '"ltfß W7J^^lDurTA«Ar/Ojr‘ DUi, ' ed ’ gDd iB ° f tbe I,,OBt£ST GRADE ATTAINABLE analysis ANALYSES Bt Prof. It. C. WHITE, for Dtp ar t m enl of Ag- By Prof C. V Shepard, Jr, for Department of, State of Georgia Agricolturo, Sfafa of IL.uth < MrohllB: Ktei kd l a x Ph "P bon « Acid, koloLle, 740 Notable Phosphoric Acid, 745 Reduced, 2 1 0 Reverted Phosphoric Acid, 3.01 Available, ggp Available PtiaapboncfAcid, 10.46 Undec- mpoaect, a gg Ammonia, 3 no T ot.l Pboaphoric Acid, la SO ~ , Ammonia, H 9. Po,t ’ h ' 138 I'ultab, m F&IC2S W TERM SEX Lam ASXKTc, CH J- O. MATHEWSON & OO. f CEN’L ACEmTS, Augusta, Georgia. Lmal Ag.ot^Tbom.o C , John E Benton; S.wdwt, G L Revillo; Berrob., II A Harry, HwUm, M B H.hbef. J. J. LOGUE’S IB BKtAB MTRKKT. GA.. •rOtrr E D Sat’.lb* 4 0* Cr.-ckevjf » «*• AIW f *«rT>- l -nfsJlirr**w tn J r b~P«tto l»t. I ugur ibe ixiwkht saw tom arr*n. ratoa. uiiuuii! suns, ciwicis iu wnn lsp:eulty A aeaurtureut of Nottingham Lne-s ewt in.tq.s « urtuw - lum-l Fulillne.g Upholsterv GLooris! - J-t-Am .1 kw* - re- • r SiXilX border. <HdeanwtstUen-.ndt-..t4-n R.GB. M r*. CRI MB < LOT! Me. Hv.lngHght—n veer* einerh-r*- I gr-.' J r' .11 ...rk Alt .wvl-r*.-hwlf.E.IGQg. . e ■ • OLE Iff Urft.fp purv ha-uniy KKFt’ { ni» i I h VANNEBSONa •*< 0,1 Gr- < hciH’Oai WOFIH.9, I, Again offer to their old . uab.roeiv. and the publle generally, who want ttitebie and uniform Fertliiaers. their well known brands of Superpbuepaaiaa, Gu’nn> Lowd’fl Georgia Formula* Grarge M : x f u r e. Mastodon Gumo I And thetr superior makes of ACID PHOSPHATES for composting, anolyjrtng IS •) b>l4 percent nvit' ble ph.Hphi.rk art>l. and over 3 per cent or potash. Man, mJUFHU- Kit? ACID from therr cbarnben., at H.wer ttgrrree than It can be_laki down If bought .Mt of tbeStstv It is the purp.Mi.iot the cnmpnnv u» o.ntlnneaa It tmgsn, and the aauir anoe Is given that no article will !»• manufactured or »>ld|by li.etu wluub onatuX atamt any r>vwx>nabb- teat which msy b" prr.|>erlv appIMI. ~ The large an l rapidly Increasing number of its patrons afford the h*«t evtdeoeH| of what has be-n done, and which iua> reae.*iatjy be etpactad from this HO wK rnanuM • tun-, wh<»e»' pnniucts ar> lined hi G»»nfii, Mouth C<n>iitu*. Alabaitx xnd i h«» wnrkn of tho onmpan v. Inrab’d at Au<uatn, ()%.. auw at all tlrwM o >*fl u» Uw» h»- apoctioti of the planti‘Uh and fat tooraof ()*<»rir<a no-1 theadjolninr and our H«i prrltitrtidf'iit and ch«-nilht. Mr. C. B. F. Low**, will tak** n|*«aa«ire in Uw wo kA and ita product**. For aalc by nwr a£’*T’t* who ni*v !»<» ’mod hi t«»wu* and of Georgia or Boutb Carolina, ur by M. A« STOTT ALL, TK«ABritk'< amp Businesh Masioeu AUGUS r A. GA. M R. HATCHER, Agent, Hsrlein f. bls 2m TBffi HARKWALTEBS MARBLE WORK< Broad street, near Lower Market, Augusta, Ga« MONUMENTS TOMBSTONES, and MARBLE WQKK generally, always on band or made U» ur.ier. A Urge selection ready for lettering and delivery al shortest uo ioe. Several hundreds of new designs nf the mot modern style of Monuments tarnieli.-<l nt a lower p.icv than ever before ia ' t^ ; -' asrkel, and of the best wurktiiaunbip. WAll order', promptly at / I io, and sntixfaciion guaranteed. 1 ly “ ine Angusla.Hotel, Near the Railroad Crossing 1 on Broad Street. The AUGUSTA is loca'ed tn the midst of the PRINCIPAL BUSINESS HOUSES of the city. The " estern Union Telegraph is in ibu building, and the South ern Express office next door. On the first of October the bouse st, thoroughly renovated and newly Inrni.hed by its prevent proprietors. The new system of Electric Bells is in successful operation, apd every other modern convenience and comfort of a first-class b«l»l. Polite and atten tive waiters in attendance. kiiF-.Termi moderate. Be snre to make t!u« house your headquarters when waiting Augusta.