Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, March 01, 1881, Image 3

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CCLtf zcrii TUt£. WV-'V •■ *!-!■■--- ' -l mro.AeffM A. ftgIVML tanpektear at ttw ■jpVWftv* *4w» »m at tri Wgr !■»> Orowwk to Mta Stay Item UiftlD for tM«*rtsU> nr MUMfoltant at Lb* HMBK (trefetHtoe i*eete*lM Belli le OalaaMa. Ummlr m 4 Jefbnra eawlm! BlfoH u» Utl*4ngd**. oaffrta aptasr w* te tta *4ve*'lriWi. i.L rta *' o *-v*W*M* l pun I»■ "W b* erot toney a*Afinm* Wem tta (bifowtng tame; fiaa roar. rush te ahw SI as rash ta adeacro ... m~ VARIETIES. ______ Marr* tat. Nroesr wthre Read new tar*> ad«. Fnm «» roue tenm* Oh! tta nasty guan.,' Lrota tafftan ta mn*n>w Jfo afckama tn our atat No atari brought hero yet. > mra am ta-rn i, Uli road*. Weather* new mate tag John Prorre rot* raw ta nipe lurry teontaug N.tokte trees' ttarNlfwy ta team Ttwmtay. Match ta tare; abut ytatr Coors Ordtasry'a const re-xt MwOey CMCtay Batann m taara Bunday. r/MW tl ‘"'F* -?- Martan takMßapaada bcffhtour «• Tkxaa Hay* wltt March *»* WadMMtay K-*nar*dtatata.hetad*tUiw*a. Wo oniUU li MB l» Wf i 1 —irtamy Alt »rr*nj|ar».aßnrtta- ear mtte burg. UsriJ aa.«ataA!Mr Mtal Ktaypy Bring to amne taeC ■ »■ ta. ly, ptaaee! Hsrteoi ta hmdquartam fur <nme-ttas. Kivkre waste Boratanß ta acxne tart krantr’s bulletin board »u up taVirclaj- Our worthyOadtanry««tata<wrwa Friday, rtrtk*** lawrtataft yinn i day lur AUania A good many guano buyers ta towa Mat eoiav. Ladtta. MsOura to aataar Are torn* ta a •ktaF »dn Hidtaetaantamatar Un<a<>lt am •«i toupee TIM Hartree K L. and M. club baa M ac- Urr awaahira. Nome naw etore bouses are to hr befit ta our midst anno. Appling wants tn ha eonnMed wtth ear dty by railroad. Owl Prnetaltnge •» Ououty Oommtactaearo will apptar next war*. ■rty-ffro erttnter* etlstaiug oar noncfe my, and more to ftdtn*. is* taera that Mr. John F. Mount of Grovetown to Quito ta*, Va know a ocurt-ertor with aa (moniker, t voice for currvtag tarram bettor fron “Augustus" will appear ta our nett iasu*; write often. The count x B-mrd of EdMkUoc mat at Appilng oo fast Saturday. Hartem ta the bast kxiatioo ta tbs Btate for a large hoarding scboui. Wa learn that there are arveral oaern of pnauanuta* aruuvd Oubbam. Hatcher Bro* have mntnaete lor makltar AtoOooUon seed dtoulbuurw. H A. Ouott baa just recHvoi a fresh tot of Cue’s Guauu and Add Poteat. Mr. WlHta Anton v will bring bis cbann ing bride to Hartem Ibis week Harleru Supreme court met Stator Jay - Chief Justice B>*i>uck t>t raiding W« have Hembsrdt e plctota posted to our offlo She is bkfenesJy thin* Jack McCord was mistaken for a woman tomuy (towased u* iMto a aUirn. The finer star' Is th* mo»t bashful rmrtor In tenniub—he bluabm effectively. Mr. Wm. D ialer, of Cobham neighbor baud, died last week of pttoutauola. Mr John T. Prrg>>arx>. </ Lfnodutoo. has taken change of a acbuui at Klokee Dr. Bevnne nawe owned iba tend oe which Thomson Is built. He sold It tor AL.MAi Johnny Tbomeo>i from Hundley is In our atty,-with a •«« of Thomauc mumps Mb boas* Hondtav arrived Saturday, and lends an additional charm to our eucte ty drek. He says ta* only tries tn itv» st BersnO*. ano Uita bto heart is out a beart -lte a Uu* gtsaard. If heavy frosts do act follow th I* mtM weather, we will have a epteodid fruit and [daoting seaaua. Wa may yet get a railroad from thia point to HteltavUi* Ihe matter will be agitated by us a little later. Mita Laura Smith, of Ttaotnaon, Is viatl tng Mrs J. W. McCord Another star ta our society crown. The “Trippe spring" could be made to be a sourte of great revenue to our town, if put ta proper order. Eb. Lamktn toft yeeterdav tor Athens ; be enters the taw w-bout at that piaoe bucceae to our young Mend Mrs Queen Galbraith, wife of Mr Joseph Calbialth. dtod at her home in Mclhxffi- on F riday looming last Wesre now ab«e In owr agony—onr bet ter-half spending the wens ta Wamnuxi w.tbltasm IMI frtatato Tbe huaoue Watson of MeDuffi- was tn town ttaturdai. ineaauriag toga, swords with Ban. C.H. Mock ley Cbarles Clifford of (Arovetewn I* snxtooa to ■»« rance of tn obex -b* t»e> er twara of it ta all me Ma before last week. W hat dM yaa tape st the reeve ’ We eaw you-m>, we beard that sane of our boys were there. Own tee oom, bora Ona thnnsand three baadrud and atxty- Mwan baba •< entson haw beau shipped to Augusta from tai* pant this eeesoc. The hiawtiful Mine B-as Hteks to tbe Vtae PrmadHM of the Hartern H. L. aad M. eiub. ■■d»« Mias Mamie Maritoua. as wa rs t* ■rwd teas week Weareeorry totaam that Ed Hateber had <me ufb» bawls ci awfctei abl v hurt by the ears tee utaer day; hope he'll sure be all right agata. One nrtaooer to th* county JalL Ihmgiaa Pofiard by name charged with stasJing gui<to tn the eight Uses from the store of Larkin and Burney Char lea Grovetown of CUfford wante tn buy uno eeeoad-haad elagtetms; he waste them to put with bta aoUecttoc of tn altar and other wrksltta A .ten am ah nr wot tar from hers got mad bernue* her lover eerrmsted her with a Bute, she said she could get all tbe ftuttag Ste wanted el ter regnlar buelnees ..The matraul ler harrying the mail from Harlem tefftaiMvlße baa beer a wanted to Devtoand Moaseief K*wtacky. toe fTTW; from Bwn tta tu napaihah, to O C Haae kwdhggW Tbe te M. H Beans, well known ta tbta tow>ty,dtad rervnoddimlyof teert dlaaaw In Augmsta <m Wadnanday last Hto re wrteTw bfwM BohmMb as Tbar*- Uy uKlloUriWMthtNM ptaer We want to Awuata Wiiktadiv ta com >aa r w«h BatHtaM; MattaU Mltu aad ' ■ t.e.ksiMiUKl fbaas wrrda ->vu-g -tuinnh pamah wfffc care punch ta the tewwoos <g then a r Tam. yuat- ra» pimrti fcl pmaah." A K. ffhaAaa ahdOo. of Aagnate bar. a ardia thtataewe; read ikaadif you want a* rtbiag m UmAt Maa go er seed tear* tor I and tens aarara ffrnt Haas r *tas st the >WM pamffhte patent Itaa’i tel to toy tew eamtuate bouse, tar they carry a tram at MmataMaJMtecrtargwM. I Jtatol tali wtea raw >tart A wnaWa N. roll •* 8,4 > e * r “ H*’ ebwr. Tteta etorft to naptae sad prime are aa tew as the tow*M Helsa a I Moot. M»4te ( toem>. Tte anhtart of ate il tanks to asm of rtoal importsere to tte panel, rs tte Baste *lia i the war tb>rw haw Iwani many radius! Ha urea ta W. taatas. aad tee ewartar of trvga hna hat mm i tar* « Tte anCarnl eae- I aeqottw ha* hern s frwiyi—< Hinge of . artairl borka wtteh baa teea s esnri ■ of : ato» • venae to pepßto and <4 grant rtgance to There to a tow mt our atatate tavgtt wtard ronwirw tte Bard of Ertueatbr, d eneh opoMy to eweeriha a aertoa of lent buoks whteh tte taw says "shaJl oa ne*d in tte . pnbte oebnnAa of tte county “ Thto tow. . up to (tat* tea we a --taart ntor" aa P ' wore, |> C>4srebla«Wßtv, but our R>mrd of I Btersrim. on tiatantoy last, anta to areria water ao-1 rvaofwd to etwepfy with the I taw. To teto *wi they ir ii'rtoed a aartae i•* tort bong« to te eo>d ta tee artonta of ' the amnlv. and feitheiutorr, and vary juat- I Iv V. think rea lml to eoloew tha ndcx> ttaa by reoulrmg teacher* who essnri the I hmedt ig the puhhe fsed in uw tea prv i aerihed larks ta tteir aateeata. The ataeo : ttan of tte reader is ekltad to tte action us ; as it appears la p< tak to another RIPPLES FROM APPLING »T W There to a great saeunnt of Mekeae* tn our mte>* Mlrt Ora Gear. John itastrr jr. Jtar. t>awtrd sod Mia W. err s! sera Managing dam anile affairs to aH ■' sober- T H Darner and W H ttaiehi* reptnml and touted ta Jal! a benrtar uc the taut, s rotorad buy shunt B years age Bmffaad Mite, aa thrtr round .4 Hhariff d sites, uronanwated by the oM and dtetegs. happewaJ to a naiafsl aechtect Katesvortmr tn aacertata a naar roaks to a awtaal li ttew tar grub came to a crank keto! aA ha vlag Ume to kOk up a tard, sun. ed upateobtesnamutoftourage and pro ntaM to tstbotei the qaek sacks; but alas ' Mika, teiag wraried. fell pell-melL prertpi tasteg hto baggage twin tbe entek Brad was a waked tn omriousoem by M ik* era -ry Kef trying to reach toe op- r» tt stare, bur be eturk fast. Brad aroee Utas a dru wrv-d rat. and to fate astotanbCD*e t saw hto saridta-tags dueling tawa the Mnseni. tasdtag him tn a wrong ffiroettan. Take bwrt. Ed -te pianged after toe aaddi toga and just rneebed them to time to eave them from s water* grave. He taally 0.00-1 Mite to um» b*ek the earn- way from whMO- be elartta. and wbal troubtad aim then was tte tnoaneotoas qieeekii a : Loot csv grub! Oh. my stomaeh ! my areas oeh! He tten rvphlred tofrteted Griff itah. kta a. arbece be wa* well asm! for, Gnff stonmooauig ell bands uo tte Nace to el land the SberifTa wants Griff was uaiag *v«rv nffurt to proeuro pooer phyrte when tbe nM saddle bags tn to* comer apke In semsta soft and awe- L 'Ba and Byv* Thus our worthy btertff was saved from another spoil of the 'all over"; he te now wed aad bearty. - ■■ » + DRIFTS FROM GROVETOWN BT UOCAAtOMAI. PCaiBSLBk.” On time again. Edd What han become of J»ff and hto beep ifrovrtowa will »<m have a a*w church "Each anomer-> •’.skua thee dearer.’ as ya H. roe ring sis wife** dry goods till .. Jmige Morris al ways carries a pteanaat tern Ota of our young sp-irtwsv-c. waste to know what la the boat kind at a tag lor him to buy; w*> ttildk a dead one., and burr tom toe day you buy "My nio." eaya Bid, "have you ear* my momitarbutee*" 'No. pain ; but I saw Bttaknr toktag tor It" tex>Mbod> eayn enuring te tte coetaneous escape of malignant leriiags wtueb the Steeper has ra»t had time to ext-resa white awake Mun Pink Bacbteor. of lamb, ta spend ing a frw days with ter stater. Mrs. C. J <’lUToed .Bra-1 Ivey wan ta town bnturday He wants Cid P. or Store barton to gv up and stay wtu him. Juntto kew? him com pany. We oanitot tat th* O-tones go, bet If you can du any thing with Eld, rocn* and get lua. .. We Wish ba would tali IM wtial Ft means when a young man nnee like Hamlet a gb.»l ta the adP of hie slum bers, rfraspe hte oorapantajo s balr sod in state that ft ta a hall of thread P-jut Witoe to ttev M H Boenc. of AugiMta. who dml on Wninewtay last, bad rannv warm frteoda to mu aecttoc In aeeeqoeoce of the loctemeut state of tee weattac. tears was co service st tbe Bapital ekureh at tote piner or last Bunday Four Csdumtaaae ta the fteld wb-- iteeiro to nerve tte people as N. P la tee IMth dtoUtat. TEXT BO Ki Adffpted by Board of Edae«tloa COLUMBIA CO. Board of Edoeattoc. OiAambta county, Apptaag. Gs, Fetcunn M. l« W bereua, a uniform errten at text txsjks ar* ro rveeiry. and ar* req aired try law. aad after a cm*fui exam inatton of tbooe pub itebed by lv*mm. Blakemna, Taylor and Ou., th* Bjard, bv antbority rogted by see thm IW. arts of tyfj, du Reaulve. lat That we pruaerttre tbs Bta lowing text trmka to te used la tbe pubite arbuitae of CoiombAs eoaaty, tor toe term of fir- yean, vta: New Gradad <American Educations;) Banders; Cathcart's Literary B-wter; Hwtotoo's Word Books as tspeiitag ; hsHntno « (ta graph tan; Hrintoc'i Hteto ■tee; Weil e English Grammar aad Coeapo- Mteoc; Wetwter » DktKuaariaa, bpeaoenac Copy Br»>ks Jt. That this row-tatkm ropaate tbe eetexi lof tbs Board r-wxumeadiog Apptehrt • ew rteeeflteteKrl Bucks M. That each taaeter and the petrous of th* aobool la tbs oouatr. be provtoed with a nuttoe of tbe trtie of tbe Hoard, aad that they te renidrxd to ndopl at ooce toe above prescribed books ! .Tbe 3-terd baa made wry aettoteetory arrangeoeeote with tbe poivi takers of tbe alove bouka. aocortaur both intradoetory aad ex near’ rates oa the must reaarmtee aud Literal terras. These terms can be taarned from tetter C, E MoOogto aad Cd, iooal agweta st Hartaen. or Mr. J T. Holte. . general ageet for tte cuucty. On Bea-tara and Gmgraphtaa. tte pubiiaterk ha*v very . rroerou*! r agreed to make an rveo ax ctengo. withuul say enat to patrons cr trouble to teacters. A new Beater or Ge rgTspby will be given for casta use of earn* grate, tank for book Thta even exchange b made to eerorv uaiiormKy. but will ax te coati trend koger than three naoette from ■ the opening of each eoboj-i i A M OiAWFOBD. Pros. Bd. pro tom. J T Hnryg ton’rotary and C.KC. Local Agent* -C. E MOrd aad tte J T. barite, CMnsraJ Agent tor roust r For eperimro ropi es. term a. ate, atoreee BOtTTJL PABK. 6en. Booth. Agt, Macoc. G«m. Hobiiaeon Jt.Co. Ship taanoa and organ* to say pctet ta * tbe South on tris! for ttftean -taro, with I printed of rotoratag. tree of all ropenee - al trxaapi rxatiue. if not eatirei y eattoiacto jry- Tlse Music Hotxee of tbe Steutli . G O Bohtneou. of Aaron** etel ta Texas. Araamrn*, Lortotaaa. MimtotappU Atetema FVritta and every Suet keen Stato north of Georwta. AteiMO CM justly etaim to tare the "Mash:' Huuee of the Buekb- Lmnre Ckkb CmtatrweV With the tee* maateawararo ami targe .antae at tte 'Maate Bowe of tte ifouth. anwMe G O B--taaaon ff On, <4 Aagwnti . to anil enpertar psaaoe and orgaae al tana price thaa ta pato by email tester* KIOM N<<wtttetaa<ltac tte rarr* ted itjgewt nachos ptaaue aad uranue aA "Tte Marte H. wee ./tte teeth.* 00. fchteau AO» ' nmgropted mat weed tar tnasu Ptaano ata > Q-ga-- to tiloetero wtaeh are turning|to py every mall Lkftl AdFertuenienU SHERIFFS SALE' OBOMU i ll'. WUI ta eoH tatora tta route tamne done, ta tta town us AMrita*. Catamite oueetv. brtwma tbe natal taure of anta, en tte Brat Ttaadny ta kFBIL next, the Mtoer mg property, to wtt: Owe truodred aer-e of Had. onto aa tta property of Thue J Herring, to saUafy tax It ta in favor of Tax Collector nf OolueaMa routay J A LAM KU. Dep. B NcHtoete Jtetmw g Btamtatae. Btatb or GaometA-Otembta oantv * ber>w*.lk» V Ballard. Admletatratie on IteeMatanf Juba H Trippe. lateof aa>l rouwty, linns»nd, spates to me for tetters of dtemieetoa froen aato aetata; These are Uwwduce to cite ata admonish all an-1 siagtaer tta ktodrro ata creditors of eald deesunod to be ata appear at my nf itee on or before tte trot Montey te May. IMI. to show eaann. ts any they Mrs, why th* sate letters should not be rrsntad Given aster my hand ata "Sitel signature at oMne. thia rib day <4 February UM GBUBGE D, DUMKT. Ordtoary fetiUtoi OUambta ouuaty. Piffttea tar Itaton at 1 ini taw ißu Mriro op ijgieeu--Gutambta county. Wnereuh. G B Lamkin eptetaa u> aw for letters of Adm-iuatiuatoa on tte eatate nf B L. Lamkin, hto of said rouaky, Imoail Trvwe era theref'-ro to rite aad admonish all ata singular tta kltared ata creditors o' tta wu-1 terowse-l to he and appear at m y offkv on or bes-re the licet Munday In Marra. 1«1 to *b- ( w mum. If aav U»v bav*. why said tetters *hould not begroatel Given eater my hand aad oflb-ial signature at my office, Una Tth day of February. IMI. 080 D. DaBHEY Ordlaarv feta iw Cutumbta ooenty BRIDGE NOTICE, umon CorwTT CowinnMtJsnam. t'Uumhta omiuty, Appling, Ga, February UUs. IMI Notice U hereby given, that tte building us tte bridge aer ue Big Kak*e (rid. at Aprltrsr. will be tet to the lowest Mdd*r on th* Ist Tonsdav tn March nett, itol Hpe riteaume V> b* men Io the Ctert'e uffitw. By order us tta Hard GBO R. DABSET. Ctork. Piano* aud Organa Seventh annual holiday trade. Superi-r ctemwand irgans AH kind* of muelcel Inetrumenta. sheet muter aad muaic books. Twenty bi thirty per cent, total In pur .•baung *t '’Tbe Music Houseuf tta Mouth" <».O Bobinhia, Augusta. Ga- ~TM H O TH G. O. BoHnaon and Ov have roroptetely rwvoiutloalami tta mate- trad* by selling th* test iaairunieota at a smaller margin of profit than aay tester In America SPECIAIINOTICE. HriiO. February Hkt. ttol. To tta People of Columbia aad and adjoin ing rouettee: After three years experience In th* t»*r eaotll* business. I’m o-oviooel that th* ocly way to bring trade to Harfom and to build up tM place, te to sell goods nf all kinds as cheap as they can be nought In Augusta or aav other market. And this I prupowe to do for tte next tex nv-ntha! I bare sold my place at Harietu. sod my Im menes stock must te sold by tte first of tteptacaber. To roerincs tae pubiictthat I am eeillaff] goods cteaper than any mer chaat thia sid* <X Augusta. I give fy-M ths fol lowing pi less to compere with tta cheap ant; Fteora -White Rsae, par barrel. M SO Doubte extra, per barrel, A to Family, per barrel, A 90 MasL-Bottta la white aaaka per bush TIH Com- Mlxad. ta good seek*. 7754 White, ta good aack*. SO Aittaagh corn has advanced te per bask et I will give my frtaeO* tta baosrtt te tbe low prices quota! stare Meat laqmited at I S-fc to ear lota teto ta tta Augusta pa para. but I will not ad ram» oo my prices until forced to it. Ries—Slxteee pemte for 1 » Sona-Rtxtoan pcoeda tor 1 so graucu—Rtetead, uxteeo'pouoda for t 00 MkaT-Wtatoatde, per pound, S Srsrr —beat per galtoo. AC Oam -laed. per taakte, M OoTFSn—good, six pounds for 1 00 I (Sriexa-Light brown, artvea pound* 1 00 | Axlb (ixmx per box. TJ4 | Pcrrxsa—tax aad ball. S-U ; Touaoco—sound, per pound. to ! taxr -good, thlrtaon bars, to Boors-worth S 3 M, ISO I Nxiia—pro pound. 4 B*ou»—worth 11 71. IB Dur Lioooa AT Cost. ! I have on head four different kinds o . axes, tel weights. Alan, Pteow*. Ptziw . Loras. Ttwwxbx ('uocxswr. Potwxm and , btadreda of attar things that can't be pat | before yoa st this Us*. i Above quatAbtae achjact to ehsngee of I the market Good for tax days. Tzsms rtvm r exa* Or I will tax. la trade eow khtaa. old oast Iron, wrought Iron. Oto braaa aod -upper, live or-tend hogs beef aatxte, end «<rnn rsgs WUI give you full vtei*e In trade tor ' tbs stave mectiooed things. Jai. W. Keener Wanted. Old BRASS HIDES, (Beeswax, tallow ku. «ui i be bought by the oa ierrngned, te bigbeet CASH pneee. R»a next; to printing oOce. Harlem, Ge. ■F" Rags, in 60 pound lota, will also he bought by toe Sou* but clean oottoe rag* wanted. B. M VERONEE. EvT ABU SHED IN 1866 sb B-n. l * BULL * 00 n J FOTHKCABin -A.ND- Wholßsalß Drugarists -AND DEALEBNIN- BUIST’B GARDEN SEED 3, m uni ruiu suisi i BEA Door price list and eend all yvwir onters tor DHI GH and NKEDH b> us We tag tluw wlhi have falh-d with other seeds to give -«-ro atrial Wh keep ooaxnmlaaion stuck. B-ltablewta.llkerellidileinercUan dine, always Bud a market HUlBr’H aw'd* aa wild by u», are popular because RELI ABLE Our price all seed In pai*re te Ac. eai-b; S for Ita.; I tor 1A or Me per . U-wro peoers. Our price for seed In bulk Is aa follows: per «t Early Vktehttne Hcana. Early Mohawk “ 800 Early yellow six weak* B**i», too Dwarf German Was Beeos. select, too Lara* Uma <w Butter Beans. to- ' Carodaa ur small Lima Beans, toe AB. <ML Extra early Turnip B**l Me Wo Early dark biiiod" * 75c l«e Bulat'* ex. early rod “ ” Ino Ito lamg Mota " 7»o Ito per aar q< Adam*’ extra early Gora, Au »■ Ev-rgr-»-i> sugar •* to 10c White ffltt " fc Mu G-lten Dent gourd seed Corn (mritest Heid variety known --ytetds eoormoualy ata grows on any land) Ac tor per ox Extra white spina Cucumber, Ifc “ hwur green “ Ik Egg Plant, large purple. too Lettuce Butet a early priae (head Ata Onion set* white aad red. *0 to too Bute' s extra early Pros, toe Extra Tom Thumb Proa. toe Mctaan’s Little Gean Peas, Me Early Dan GBoOke Ate Bishop's dwarf k«g pod “ AOc Champion of England “ Me Black-ero Marrow Fat “ 15c per paek Ihr Ist • states sariy Bose Potatoes. kfc per « Early long Mwrtet Radish. 10c " w-arlet Turnip “ ite “ buah or patty pan Hqoash, toe mra* smooth rod Toffihio. Me I New early Acme Tomato-Unset (varitey known too psr IN. Red or partH* top TUCsIp. foe spring ifc Early white Fla* Dutch. - - i&o per ox : Early Turk Cal bag*. Nr “ large York " Mo ' Bulat's improved large Ist* drumhead Cabtage, Ms Butet's Improveii large late Sat Dutch Cabbage, toe North Carolina Buneosate " toe Early Freach Wtmilngstadt too “ Jersey Wakotteid * too Hotet a eerie flat DariW " too “ Drumhead “ too " green glased " Mo W* have a great many varieties in paper* not menUutal above, wtenever yon want or any Infornmtton In regard to atal bnsl neae, write to os. PfffiUßee tU Kibfcm Besvla* lliu. The pnotata on ail mevehtadien te 1c per image or Ifc per pound. Exprse* rharra un tel pars ages from 1 lb. up to Wor V lbs. tettay Ma. Wtoen roe ortar seed seat by mniL don't forget to add foe post eg* Proa, lem ata Corn weigh atari U one. to tta pint, ata Peas ata Broae la papers about 1 oa. each. We proper B irthffi «■ all small seed la papers Addraas your orders to BRILL ft CO., oppoeiri aOgucta hotel, AUIiVaTA, GA- Jta n Am | df. LEAD IN LOW PRICES! fUHRITUHK of all Grades. MITTIISSRS INI snnt BEIS ILL SIIKS * BTILKB Ntea Watari md Ctaoiber Seta. Dressing Case, Marble Top, for Fifty DoMaro ata ap I TP ff. AWffdrA. Ofc The Largest and CHEAPEST Crockery House I IN THE SOUTH ! B. ». SMTOjftjg dk €O-, ’ZIM MROAJD ■T-, -A-Gb’CrVTMT.A., fl*A . Oarr T • #0 " ««»• of <’R<>CKKRY, CHINA. t<LABHWARE IX aad "OODENWAREjJJKKROSENE LAMPS, and HOUSE F ItN tSlfiNG GOODS GENERALLY. —r FOR BALE AT THE LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES. *w The "00-w JLaCk.'TC’ cotton X’leknter. THE RENT Moreoftbaaff m-rLiw leinffiff i*t THE «Un all 3 o<>mbtnsd ua- takei. Endorsed byaopoem TS ' ft®®® ' i BBr ” other plasters ■V-laahlao agont for tha oonibinml HllffC HHd Beiler, lor3r*m Sales. The SIMPLEST, BEST and CHEAPEST hihse for farm ffrtrr srsr invented. Call and see them at JOHN BUNKB MOtSK’S, Old stand of John Bone* A Co., near Express < ffl O e, Opera House Gardea! Ben NtiaZ' Proprietor. CHOICE WIB. LIQUORS IND CIGARS. Philadelphia and Cincinnati Baar. BROAD sad ELLIS STREETS, AUGUSTA, GA. (Jsnll ly a €O7 Harlem, G-a,. XaEADERS OF UiOW FRICKS ' —DEALERS IN— Fancy ftroaariei, Beata, thoea, Kata, Dry Gkoodßp WoHonn, . lilimi tUSSfAII UIOIITfUI H « are determined lojNOTJRE UNDERSOLD by any bottae in this Beo tian of the Slate, snd at.slljimrs our sim shall be Io give entire aatiefoc* non both in tbelprioe and quality of onr gtiods. Give us a call snd'ba convinced of what WS say. Fur ttrary iollsr spent with ut wo give IFULL VALUE. TRY U& j.nll ly Cion reLxioe Scale OF CAHPETS I —" •» ft ■■- - 011 In order to reduce stock and avoit carrying goods over. I will offbr my stock of C.AB - amounting to $40,000 and over, all fresh goods, new designs sod ooforlan at vary reduced prices, embradrof aa follows; a* Royal Velvet Carpet a, Body Brussels do, Tspestry Broescl* do, Extra and Imperial do, Scotch Ingrain do, Extra Super and Soperlna Jo, Cotton and Wool do, Hemp and Vienna dot J, *, | and 4-4 Veoetfon do; { sod J Stair Brussels du; Htair Rods and Fixturss, Napite and Cocoa Mailing* ; Plain, ( becked and Fancy ( antob do; ( heap Binpe Carpeting; Window Uoroicee, Lace Curtaioe, Cratobnee. Lambrequin Hbta* aad Bollion Fringe, Piano and Table Corers; Window Shades in Scolloped, Fnnged Plain and Gold Banda, Velvet 8of» Ruga, Smyrna Sofa Rum, Vek vet and Brussels Rugs; Cocoa Door Mata, Velvet do, Brussels do, Btnyru*. do; Sheep Shin Mato, Crumb ( loth*, Cbromov, Wall Paper and Bordero Rus'lc Shades, Fire Buresna, Carriage and Buggy Mato, CedarLOealfc Star Oil Cloths and Crash. Mr* Allgood* sold for net cash or city M oeptaace. JAS. Q. BAILIK, TIB WHTB SBWXSfO MA€£U£(£ I Superlative in Its Attributes It BUnd* ACKNOW LEDGEDTHK KING of all SEWING MACHINE The W HITE has been oeed for mors than loor year*. ha* aaturfaeiioo than any machine pnt upon th. tu*rk* Tiie WHIFF th* quick """ '- 11 * i» m n.iit.cture. -h i* ate lor tn-» -Inrnbie Every ifMK VJCAKri O' Id. mauulacturer. am) „ jf jL S? ro rtihcale u.‘ warranty i* girci U eact purcbasei We do 00l ped.lte them, tbua we are enabled to sell them cheap*! than H.. M ■rnl'en.. brat else* old patent mm bine* are sold A ■v All order* by mail aba. have g , | ... wnu- fur cirvulara and pries. ™ 1 ' * W J. D. k T. r RMITH J. HORACE SMITH, No. &»5 BItOAD SFUKET, AUGUSTA, GA-