Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, March 08, 1881, Image 2

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CbLUWA ADVXKTX3& P-.biiabag l*ary T*w*»y, at ■■**■,•*• J. W VEBOXEEmEiw* A»p I'< MJ»wr-K TTB4DAT. MaIUH a. Official Organ of the I'owutv. A HMK<eotio« to <>«r Com tn Tto eflrotiv* •«** thorough wwktagof our IMwaaMa r>«ul. * a problem of dlßeult rolutfoo' Vo<U-r oar prwrwl <>f rrexl waking. it I* Irupuwfoh- to tot r-ur roa4~ In g'«»1 order rTro trwiporartly It la a kind «t a twtrtiwork bwaw**, “a lick •nd a raw*," whkh liaa bean going on for •o e«ur a line. that <•» aarnwn’ an a whole laMaratwrat worn not I do not betove vwr nwk» ran to put IB a roodlttoi to aatl* fy tto Unveiling public and tto dawraodn <rf rominarre an.l t arte. an hmg a» we have to rHy in tto oto or two rtaya work whl< h In Uwe uaually given to ttoni. tn th. early fall, after Ito rrop* am laid by. ami per hap* about fodder pulling tin.*, the hand* am rolled out to work the road* The fodder IMwda pulling, and tto areal a Lite ataple la areu opening thiikly 'n>ld tlx. groan leave*, and natnratly the fat mera am antloua fur ttoir hand* to return to U«4<> duty. The meroeer*. appreciating tto ••■ltuatton," not'd the rxnda but nt tto ftrmner*. and unwilling to Incur tto dla p nMura U ttoir tiieiMl*. maha hanto qua k ly to dlapatoti tto iu*d work- Ifoun after l>.ia w* rocaomnre to wagon our rotten to Btaikrt, nod abut thia lute of tto year It la ogiitumi to bar* tear) rain tall Tto nauia being frankly worked. tto wagon wheel* open drop ,ut * ,n •**" M,rt earth, than tto rain wnlar tunhlrg down thaaa mtoaudUw Imperfectly efoanal out ditch**, away guen th* walk! and It la bog! t>g!l •boh I abwh ' ato ere our marketing la half u „, tto road* don’t look Mke they bat bnro work'd at all Court ixxnea nn. and tto Judge, aa la bladuty to do, in hU charge to tto grand lnqu**l, animadvert* upon Uw> tail rondUlou o( tto roada. and ' bargee tto jury U» "diligently inquire thio and true |.retold ayefit make" of the offending pertin*. and bring tlmm tofore him. and to will are to It that tto law la vindicated and the roada worked. But tto querUun la. who la to blame? It la not the Commie •kmaru. It UmH the uvaraacra. It to not tto hainfo—but it to tto avatem, a ayatom hnar, with age. aii'l nwpectol from Ito long wudlp'ianr*' with ito. True. tto law air thortrro the orrmrore to ordar out tto hand* for nru*n dayv, If they deem It oe ' r — >f r ■■ But thi* ba* never t*cn don,' that I »»»" of, and b>»tuxupt it at u>i» UU' | day I du not krv.w but a large niak'rtty of i our fartmo would M*l agalnat taking J ttwMr labor for fifteen daya from their ttekte Hay w* parti per month for our handa, and i giving ttemrkor Ulttfeo daya to road work- - tog, g will ter nccri Uiat the tax will be vary ( heavy on the farmer, and harder allll upon I the poor mechanic who l« dependent upon hie dally labor for the iW'rt <* blnwelf ] and family. Apptectallng thte difficulty. ar><l yet fmhig a» advoeaiw of good roade. WHI knowing that If they are not an %vi tenner of GvlliaaUon," uwyaretoth uerful and ornamental, and tba. their tendency to to valnaa. I madeeev •nd effort# while a member oFHtoa Cvnall tuUonal (kmvaoUunoi nfll.tobavgacbangc m#d.< In <>urorganic law oy which a ouP taxpnbrld he »e#e##rd on all peranna JHabte U. raul duty. A W par capita tax would i«toe an amount a«ffl>lent to put our rom* In guud order. If out In one at ’artbeet In two year# Ami when once put In rood re pair, the au’aequent working wUI be light ( tn eompai lane 1 had •‘interviewed' the road worker#, and with hardly an eaeepllon they were to a man in favor of the change. But a eeneltlveoiae to taxation. by eomv mearber* of the Convention, who feared It might be detrimental to their popularity, dateebrl my effort# In that dlrorttem. Now. the auagreUwi that 1 make to the Cornml#- .wwwww la tale Throw Urn nwponelbility upon the Individual farmer ami road work ata. Ami ta> du thia it will b# ueoeaaary for . the Oommmai. rnr# to parcel out and aa.lgn tuXhc hand# on each and every farm or ptauteUon. where Iter paitlee are willing to thia tmntrwrt, a certain portion of a mm lea of yaara-aayA 10 or ao long aa they work aal.i tai ma. eo touch of the hlgb’ waya aa caujM reaaouably woi k««f by the hand# liable to mad duty on aakl farm To lUualiatc: I bad aaaigned to me aotne a 1-8 < er Jmi lea of mad. Thia waa at teaat K year# agon# I don't know that 1 have ever had. “al M» freedom, ae many neg owe on my ptoatalkn aa I had In Umar ‘good old day#, yet I have wotted thte aan>« road every year from the time it waa aaalgneil me to tbc preacet time- not atnftpfng to count the number of my hand# 1 have al ware rmravdwt I* •• t '* d ' 1 •*** •“ takMwrt in aww * u wvil w»t ke-Rxol kept la order. 1 tell mv hem! man to work ble road Well, having who wri him the proper plan of working roada dltchae oa either t able and elevated in the middle, ao M to < keep the wafer out of the road I Three par- [ ttewlar deetgneted aecUon# of nwdajae Mgnwd for a aeries of yearn to certain mt- Um. a claim upon tb«n> to thereby *nb- Hebad. ami upon the prlnetpto that “artlteh tn time aaww nine," a anpervielon of the mute now and then will make the partree rectify any alight damage doo#. knowing If toft undone for a length of Unw. a teigely incraaaivi expenditure of labor will be netwe aary to repair the damage ThH auggea Uun la gtveri la the kiadeat feeling and with th# beat of moUvee If a batter plan tan be augguabau. my vutee te. accept that. H ILCAHKY Aa latereuting Letter. DwrarcrXo. A Frb. »d IdM. naan Aavganuta TMaktag • teUer fcwte mmwc the farmer* might be of hteer •attoeoMeof your readers >art to teka* what we are dotag. I wttl ee daa wr to write < Mir vaaarabte gray teeade ta thte partteacf <i ifweatda all agree that we have had a «oM ■ rlnter; la teak the coktaeX they have aa pertaaaed einee Um day* when the teaate raMa <n*d Haluniay figured aad trwae to death Ute Ohlna trace Oar fhraem have had a tow atewtha of wet weather, hi enawa goeace as which wa are aaaartiy behind hated with praparaUuaa yet mew taaaaa are growing numwvae aad the “gaa-haw’- notaeid the ptowanan are pervading MM and date. Great many acvee have been ewerted la oata within the peak two week*, aad miiuo of our coca bayorn are pteteag OOon A talrnre la tto roro crop fact yenr r*t,w W* to fond on W«w*ern nark h*-t f'-r tun; wwaro fort growing roll »rrv l*-l. H to true, yet We am by no w wiw dtaroumg eg. Wa araune inrrweivna .toer here plow- Ing. making ralin a»«i uceanumally a Uv. ly debate Mat manic Fur foetaoce. quite tro root I y a party ut un met nt a clever young taMfoelora. wtom two itedlnn awl a tmi Ixunne wen-manl(Hil.«l.«i to |»Tto Ik* by a am'4 rutdolght, and when i .ito r aod Jto g>< wet! underway on “Cow Phly.” your w<ron<«*dent quietly clipped bin Metiaudtol f>e>t under tto ligbtwod idle. Ina recent ItoueU the Advwrtiror 1 aro notlrw of a Uterary M<e-|ety In Harfoai— jnet the thing tor. that young end o d atiouM mgag.- in, nut inn ■crot aruiw»‘m«>i nrervly but pi'4llalle For a twelve ommiUi uur community waa erdivenwl once a month by a rfmifar orgaoitotam. Flw . OMcent pnwe ami potory. bwether with original eaaura. were rea<! or redtrd. - ’Ami « tori motor artaw with lie voluptuou •well. Soft ayea koked tore p. at e* which n|Mk>- •galn. And all e.-nt ne rty a» a marriage »-■!’ " ftaraagiety »a> na.diKte-; Ina n . nei dignltoi aid ell'W ttor w Migat. t» "aturally mwle It* name. "Univ ilia," eno we were a» thoroughly agrmd that ata ot vur member* were jolnTO In tto holy tou.le of matrlnamy but a abort whto after we diehanded. The Advertlror la a thrice welcome vial tto, and we towwihilly aod gladly g,ye our liule mile toward* W* aupport May rou live k*ug and Bourtah until uur two year old hoy will attbaerito tu ptoaro himetot and lady, to tto wtah of AUGCHITS. IVwi’t fall when ri»i vialt A'lguata tn call at Wm. Multorin'a A»H, Hhoe and Hat at,.rv Thtor clock 1* , i«iipU-lr aid price arv •• low •• the fowwrf. TEXT BOf Ki Ad«pte< by Board as EdHratlon COXeXTMBX A SOO. Board of Educatfam, Columbia county, Appling. Ga. F<"i>ruary J 6 1481. Wb-nw, a uniform aerieu of teal l**>k« aro ma-eaaary. arid are required by law. ami after a orrolul eanminnUoa ut tto*i |mU llahed by Ivwraon, Blakeman, Taylor *ihl tto.. the Ikurd, bv authority v«to<*l Uy eta.- turn IMU. acta of IM7I. >fo Broidve, l»t. That we preacrlbe the f<>|- lowing teit t**>ha to to u*ed lu the public ■chool* of Ukilumbta county, for Um term of live yearn, via: New (Americun Educational) fowler*; Cathrurt'* Literary Header, bnlitUm* Word Itotto at Npellliig ; Kwlubm'* (towrophiea, H«lnt<w>"a Htoto rtoa; Well * foigllaii Gnuumar ai*l <<huih* •iUo<>: WHmtor'a DktluuarWw; bpuuevilan (topy Bo.ka. >l. That thia rowolutlon reproia tto action of tto Hani roeomnnsmllng Appl.-toti'a ee riea of ffeboul Itodta bl. I lmlHaa it tear her end the notrone of the eclHuil hi the cviuuti. be pnivuhvl with a tadk*' of tile aetliHi of tlie Ikeird, and that they tie minimi to wiopt al mice the above prone riled !»•*«. (The Ik aril ban made verv aallafnctory ariangwmrnta wllii the pulillehetv of the ahow book*, mvuring Imth Introductory and exi lumg.' rntru <ei the m<«t naannnl.le •ml 111 .era I ternia Tlirae tortile can lie tearmvl from either('. £. M<l'obi> and Co. local egentH at Harl.-rn. or Mr J T. Hnilth, gvomi agviit for the rountv. (In IbederM •ml Geographlra, the publlahera lin-e very gvrrermudy agmvl to make an even ex change, without any emit to patron* or t rouble to leaehera A new Reader or Go ■ «ra<ihy will !«• given lor mMln n«nof Mine Eradv. bia>k for taaik T hie men ext hangn made b> Man re uidforailty, lull will not l» cmiUnmxl Imigvr Uiati Uirwiuuuliui troni the opening of oacli neb.ail ) A M. CRAWFORD, free Hl.protein. J. T. Hurra. Hrrrwtery and C. H. C. Laical Agrvte -C E MeCiinl and Co. J. T. Hnilth, General Agmit fur cubnty. For apeetniMi eoptea, term*, etc., aildrcee. ROHT.E. PARK. (tan. South. Agt . Mmm>. Hprclal Ord era For plan.wand organa, for holiday glfta, are forwarded alimat dally tut). O. Robtn •on A tin. Anguata. Ga. NEW GUANO. JVHT: ARRIVED, a fall aupply of the Celebrated BKBT IN THK MAKKKT !! Having amnia atornge. mir frtende and the publte will alwayn hud guamm In god order Our uaiurw have hero out of tba market h>r aoenc vwarn. but we now come bef.irv U>.< public with »unetning <u«n>. Apply tu OLIVER HARDY, or W H ROEHI t’K Hartern. Ga, Fab'y ik. IMI. Im lAMBEIHP misasni >u»m4i»w|i.rketeM«J«Mw l MwH..a i iXtte&mft H M Vhdt the ’Hunte Houae of Um ttouth, " or wrtae to G. O. to Manon and Co , Auguata. tor catakwvna prtam and terma of piamia aad urgaaa. Purvhagera will Sod prtoea h>r wain make aad atyte of laatrumeut from 10 to * per cent tea# than ataewbera. SAW HILLS GRIST BILLS WE BILLS Plantation and Mill Machinery, Engine* and Boiler*, Cotton Screw . Pulley*. Haugen, Jonrnal Boxes, Mdl < **ariug, Gudeona, Turbin Water Wboeh, Gin Gearing, Jadaoo'e Governor*. Diaaton a Circular Saw*. Gean«n and File*. Belting Babbitt Mela), Braaa Filling*, Glebe and Cheek Valve*. WhiaUe Ganger* Bic Iron and Braaa Caatinga Gin Kibe, Iron Front* and Bakwniea and Fence Bailing. FOREST CHY ACHENE WORKS, 1014 to lOSfi FENWICK STREET, AUGUSTA. GA i WN»«r the Water Tnwer.) Mg* Repairing promptly done al kiweat price* Boiler repaue vi ail kind* den* prouajdly do 21 ly |R°H A PERFECT BTRENCTHENCR.A BURE RCVTVCT. IKON BITTEBM are highly rwmMwtod far all dtoeawa ro qnlnog a certain aod efteMat tonic ; aeperially — , « L *~L^?a' n y AaaWto, Lott ts arwtgfl, Ladt ts *■ tnnctoa the Uood, atrw<itona the mneku, and giro*new lito to the ncrvta They act like a charm on tto digmtiro oqpu* aa ntowm Ito Food. Afotoae. Had ua to £toaaeek Htarttm, to. TIIO only Iron l»irepnraUon that will «>* I hendaohe. Hold by all drogykto Wto. for tto AB C Book, S 3 pp. of I naafoi aod amuaing reading ato /run BHOWM CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTERS! fcciWffOS i I hare jort raoeivid a Supply of FATaPSC'», QIAJIOE MIX UXK a Bf'LUBLI PACIFIC and VID for COMPOSTWO. > J Tto alrreuly eataMbdwvi reputation of tto above brand* nerd no further reroramen ilation from nm. so uamilvr Um advautagro 1 offer when you gv to buy. lai 1 lu*b* Il «xi Kami rciuly whffl y«»u **• Mt tn otun* for It. 2nd. Il U an.) mil put mil In tto weather. *l. « lim >uu «■*■** 1 J”'? r’ U .L'^ Vrp oyUoii; pKi nmbf one trip. I*lw up >«»ur uoU and K»*l CAbH. for nwt of uutU»u. 1 wUi bo pkwiod to y<>u* palmnaxe. Yours truly, M. B. HATCHER._ Hl. Gb. Furniture and Undertaking, Coffins, Metalic Casrs and Casktts, Or A.I.L GRADES. 249 BKHAD BTBXBT.AOOOBFA. OA BuadaylandJßijhtJCallaOrarlStorg JatillStU Trnmenwe fctooK -OF- BOOT-, IjH E3 and HATF, for'Winter Trad?. .t t Purchnao.l fnr CASH from the LEADING MANUFACTUREHS of the Country, ami offered to our friend* and the public at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. DO" ORDERS DYIMAIL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CARFFVL AT TENTION WM MVLIIEK 918 BROAD jSTREEf, AUGUSTA, GA. /rf** 5$ ♦X X xxxx XXXa XV>< y XXX's , - , ‘ It ia Now I'oiK cdtoMi That “The Hunte Hough of the South” In located In Auguela, Ga G. t> ROBINSON and < <>■ IHO-. MURRAY, —Proprietor Pvrpte‘a Vmxl and Livery- Stctlolee, Noa Smarat KMKllw «T. Aarw-G <ta HKnen and Muina aiwayn <m hatel Ab*’ a #ne coltectkm ol Oarrlagva. Buggl”-. Harnewa <4r. at prteee •• tevw awaay io U»> State. All aahw guanuitaaJ ur nevvy re funded. Give me a trial. fetdSMlxi io! so CXF’IC GuanO 81 ! W-FORTY I IIOU< IND NINE HUNDRED AND NINETY-TIIREETONS WERE’SOLD (.ASTSEA -«• tear SON WHEN,THE STOCK GAVE OUT, A.VZ) THOUSANDS OF PLANTERS -Qg •uT WERE DISAPPOINTED. OUR STOCK IS NO LARGER •■T ? HIS SEASON, and thr riem/ind i» Licnatiug • •fsT llm etnmlnr.l te fullv maintained, and » of the HIGHEST POSSIBLE GRADE ATTAINABLE WITHOUT ADULThRA TION AN \LYSIS ANALYSIS By Prof. H. C. Will IE, for D<p ar tmeui of Ag- P r,, f C. U Shepard, Jr, for Department of vionhura Stela rn .■ Agrienltnre, Stall-of South i nrulitm: riuulture, btate of (t, orgi.t: m, _ i. . ... _ ... 8 I •> apnoric Acid, eoluble, 7 40 Soluble Iho-pbonc Acid, 745 Reduced, 210 Reverted Phoepborn.' Acid, 301 Available, 950 Available Phosphoric Acid, 10 40 Undetr mpoaed, 3 30 Ammonia, a oft T<»Ul Pboaphonc Acid, 12 _ ” Ammonia, 824 Po,, ' h ’ 14R Putanb, 107 m Faiiss w tsbbs, sss losalussuts, oh J- O. MATHEWSON A CO., CEN’L AGENTS, Augusta. Georgia. Local AgreU-Thomaom John E Benton; Saw deal, G LRenlle; Beraelia, II A Merry; Harlem, M B J. J. LOGUE’S tow TJS BROAD STICKKr. AUGINTA.toJA.. .toj-OviT E D Smvtbe A Cm* Store -fit) . ..f ronmr* .< alßgratoa. from tto ctoapmrt so tto bmt. I offur iton. *t t he ulftot XT* TOMA BCTUI. HMIdW . LIDIIUIK MB WHIEIS ill IfBMII A.SntIJLTY Ag...i aroortniwt of NiXUngtom !>«• -«*1 Antiqm- L-ro Cwtiag rm hand Full i.,m.,f G-oods! . biHlnroe Uitodaforing of all kinds drum Carpet, ’ , j, r oM,.. n wd» taken wo aud put 'l"*n. t ||S MvTSt cu MBCtOTHSEIC. JS.EB HOOK, Dr J H COLEMAN aM i H ViNSEltHON.ailuf Augwata. O* ~ -rarid. CJoLomiod-l A/V AUGUSTA GEORGIX, Again offer so thetr old ntototnera and tto public gvneraliy, who want raHabla and uniform Fi-rtllliere, ttoir well known bnuxte of HuperpboaphaUw, Patapsco Guan-" Lowe’s Georgia Formula, Grange Mtx s ure. Mastodon Gu no And ttoir Rut-riof tuakro of ACID PHOSPH A TEH for compoeUng, analysing 13 60 to 14 per rent avdUbfe pli.*qdioric add. and over i [er .wit of pottoh. Alan, SuLPHU BI<" All!) from their chamtmre, at k.w. r figure* than It can Im laid ilown If I.Hight out ol th*" State It i.* the tHinxw '1 the rompanv to ronthito a* It I-wan. ami tto *** ir aiire I* given that no article will to inamito tiirwl or roldjby them which ennhot xui.i any nwonabk trot which may to pmperiv appltoi. The large airl rapidly iiieieaeing iiunitorof i«* |>atn>n« iff 4*l tto lawt evidetHv*,f wliat baa bron <Jone. and which may reu>*Hi iblv to expected from thin HOME m*nnr*~ ture, wboro produeta are nwl In Georgl». South Caroliim. Alatwma and «H*ewtmi>-| Ttowortoof the rompany, U«-atcl at Auguata, On., are at all tlmee oimn to Um In ap>.ll<m of the phntensand farilH-n* of (hvrgta and the adjtoiilgC Stab— ami our H« imiiut'-iHh-nt and clmmiet, Mr. C B. F. I>>w.-, will takepb-emire tu exhibiting tlm w<*lx and IU product*. For aah-by our agvnU who may to found tn ttonrinqtaial v lUagea of Georgia or Soutti Carolina, or by m. A ( STOVALL. TnrAscßku asp BnstNicM Masaukm AUGUSI'A, GA. M. R. HATCHER, Agent, llarfom. f>bls-2ni WiJMHTEfflTwir Broad street, np&r Lower Market* Augusta- Ga- MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, and M ARBLE WORK gwi»rally, alwaya on hand or made tn order. A large aelection ready for lettering *o< delivery at aborteM no ire. Several hniidt-eda of new draigua of lha mu-t modern atyle of Monument* (urui-bed at a lowar prioe than aver befjr. in tin* market, and of Iba beet workmanship. Rty~AU order* promptly at tended io, and eatiefaciioD guirauteed. 1 lv The Asgssta Hotel, Near thn Railroad Oossinsr on Broad Street. The AUGUSTA ia locked iu the luidatof the PRINCIPAL BUSINESS HOUSES of the city. The "entero Uuiou|Telegraph office i* in the building, and the South ern ExpreMH office next door. Ou the that of October the houae wa< thoroughly renovHie*i ami newly lurniehed by iUptweot proprietor*. Th* new ayatem of Electric Bella i* in Mucoeaaful operation, and every other modern convenience and comfort of a tir**e hotel. Polite and ait«*> tive waiter* in attendance. W“,Teriui moderate, Be.sure to make thia hotnte your headquarters when visiting Augaata.