Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, March 08, 1881, Image 4

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CB*K»Krr» OUIH There Vrt a group 0< them I near the stove, and they were telling Up many strange, gtiualiy things they bad dreamed at. “ I bad a strange dream c<»ce, and 111 never forget it, either," eaid a man who wore a ah meh hat and whose can carted out from Lis head Ilka the " lan da ide " of a plow. *' Did yon dream that you was a s|4nl of the dead ? ” inquired the crowd. “No , worse than that I dreamed that I was a tough encumber.** '• What ? A cucumber ?" •' Tee, a regular old yellop-tintod cramp prrxiucer, and you can just bet I male troulkrs in one family. Dang me, but it was a remarkalile dream." " Tell us al>out it,” said the crowd, in chorus. "Well, there was a mao living nest door to me by the name of Watson, who was a sw<mi enemy of mine. I used my l>olitical influeuoe in working against him in the ward, and the week after lie was defeated hr poisoned my dog- K»- venge was in my heart, and one night I dmuued that 1 was a big cucumber and was nestling among the vines in the garden, surrounded by a lot of other cu cumlx-rs, when suddenly I saw Watem climb over the back fence. He esme directly to me, plucked me from the vine and dehlwrately ate me before my own ryes. I was the nun that oucunilwr in America, and after reaching his stomach I determined to sell my life as dearly as possible. When Watson re tired foe ths night ths first tiling I did I threw him into a spasm, rolled him out of tied and hanlcd him over the floor apd marched around in his stomach in platooaa, regiments ami brigades Then 1 twisted him into the shape of a gim let, curled him up like an apple peel, and jammed his heals back of his ears until he bowled and swore with pain. After that I pitched him into the mid die of a convulsion, bounced him *gain«t th" celling, and slammed him against the walls until two man had to tie his legs and send for a doctor. His mether-ia-law tried to rub him with Hartshorn, but he cut loose al liar with loth feet ami the old lady pulverised a washstand jn a far corner. I leugin-d like a demon, and drew his knees under Ids ohm ami turned him on his back, and every time any one name in reach ing distant* I straightened him out with a snap, and made him drive his loved ones right through the plastering. Well, sir, when I woke up ami found that it was all a dream I was the worst disap ]<nnted man you aver heard of." 'Dio Ckowil gasod at the man will, big rars, reverently confessed that they hadn't even begun to learn how to dream, and then set up tho drinks. Fusrsi. iisrira In IHTI the European system of p«at kgr was adopt**!, in a manner which, wo /are assured, lias won tbs admiration of all foreigners. Prior to this there did uqls'iei aqy uatooaal system of post- Wf*. owing to the feudal disposition of the country. U any one would wish to realise the primitive audition of post office service in IMftl they may turn to n pietnruin Uie '‘Capital of the Tycoon' U A gtatiunu in native costume—Uiat la, with • loin band only, to leave his limbo tkte, running along the high road at s|>etal, end a small Ixix slung by a pole iw his shoulders ; and, in case of his falling lama or other accident, ba is ao nuupamed by a double, to take the pwcksgv in hie place to the next stage. Ilio (hivemmeut need to dispatch such messengers, and occasionally private firms. The comparison with w hat now eiista carries us back many centuries, though only the work of five yean. Than an now mail routes of mure than <kJ,Otrt Milan in active operation, and 091 pnatoffiitiu, beaido 194 receiving agen eiaa, HN stamp agencuw and 703 street Mter-boxee The number of letter? bwwanted m 1878 was 30,000,000, being an inNnaan of 94 per cant over that of I*N, according to Mr. Mounsey.'* ‘lm port on the Finance of Japan." The postage of an ordinary letter in the large towns is 1 cent (jl), and 2 canto (Id.) for the rest of the empire. Post cards are Carried for one-half throe chargro. And in 1873 a money-order • vstem was adopted, ami within two rears there were 310 poalcfßoee where order* cotiLl be obtained and cashed. And thto is the country where, ten years Iwifcea, th# chief thought was how for eigners could beat ba expelled or exter minated, and all their pestilent umova bcos sent after them I— Contemporary /'set tug rsrorwr MR urge Muqrx worsx. A> old Venucnt fanner om» home 4muk, sad became the victim at an ir rtprwftde desire to get etell drunker dohgdhMgti he would bring out hia te Anw <w.r trShrtboro* Fall- Wtacrs whisky Jasi mi ha wm about rtatogf the teiahing tonnhea «■ the bar inti, he mid to him •el| * *Fh»* horse has got home ! “ Be NMgH out hia lantern and found that ha badJtenaeaed the cow to tho wagon 8# muttered : ** The drunk euosigh now, unhitched the beaat, and went into the hones to sleep it c<—Jttedund ( Fl) f/eruM Orwet mm a is the voice of the soul, the iwwioM SO the YWfig_fiL Ute ImD. sjrxcxkora or db. Mcrrrrrnrro • There » aa iwhgnatmo which to holy, and an anger that is wfthoot sin. It flashes aotnotemea from the most merci ful of men whae they stumble over | aotne hypocrite's greed. Few me® hail a more gentle rptnt than tho late Dr. Muhlenberg of New York, but his tender heart could glow with Are, and hto soft words give place to strong ex ■ piteainnr, when inhumanity c roused bis path. One day, during the civil war, a poor woman came to him in great distreos. Hhe was the wife of a volunteer, and had faded to receive her usual remit- I tamv'. Her landlord liad threatened to turn ber into the street fur not paying her rent The kind clergyman, learn mg who her landlord was, remarked : " Of’ ! I know him well Be com forted ; I will see to it” Chung to him, he found the nch man engaged in counting a quantity of gold, lleacnbing the poor tenant s diatreas, the doctor asked Divro to release her from paying the quarter's rent " Impossible,” he answered. “ I've nothing to do with it; my agent at- U-nda to such matters. My business would lie demoralized by such inter ference." •* Nay, but the poor woman occqpiro your house," gently remonstrated Dr. Muhlenberg. “ Hhe baa paid you regu larly until now, and will probably be able to pay in future, if ahe receives money from ber husband. ’ "Yea, ye% that may be all true, but the thing can't be dons ; it is not busi ness.” " Well, then, give me one of those gold pieces for her.” "By no mean*. I want every one of them to make up a sum I'm going to« pnt in tho bank." " Well, air,"said Dr. Muhlenberg, ris ing to go—his indignation bad already risen, “ I would rather take my chance for the kingdom of heaven with the poorrot, meanrot, dir Urot beggar in the streets of New York than with you I ” On a similar occa-ion, be broke forth into throe strong words : " I am no apol ogist for Manolatry, but I would rather fare with Bridget, aaying her 'Hail Mary,' than with old Rent ber master, groaning over ber idolatry— himself a worshiper of Mammou. Granting the idolatry, hers may bo venial, compered with hia, in the eye of the Diaccrner of Hpirite.”— Youth'* Cbm/>anion. *HVT THK HOOK. The education of onr youth is s*«lly neglected in one directum, and that is : in closing arid fastening iloors after them. Gareful oliservation has aatisfled us there is no use in trying to teach some people that accomplishment. It I ijqiears to be a natural, and probably jan inherited, inability, just aa with some people there is no such thing as knowing one tune from another, aa with others it is imjxiesible to acquire facility ; mid haiidmeea in the pf tools. Mod ern ingenuity has taskc-d Mk-ls to make up to a suffering world for tho inoa|>acity or negligence of peoplo who never clone a door, by the application of weights and springs that will automat ically do what every man, woman and rdiild ought to do instinctively. But Uuw.' appliances themselves shirk tbeir dutnw, and they are not susceptible of universal application. | There ought to be a thorough course i I of uuftruction in our school* in the art iof shutting doom, The first .4m*on i would inculcate the elemental and aim i pie duty itself. Boy* and girl* should ; be kept ]>a*uug a doorway, each one closing the door for himself and herself, | until not a mother'* eon or daughter of them could leave a door ajar. Then the finer features of th* aocomplishmant might be introduced There are p«x>plr w ho al ways alam a door ; there are others who hold it open and cloae it so slowly 1 that a whole procession of diseases, tn t clu.Ung cold* in the head, catarrh, sore throat, diphtheria, inflammation of the lungs and the epiaootie can march through, and the mercury of the ther ' mometer has time io gef-flowu into hi* I boots. But without becoming too fastidious, ' it i* imjortant that every on* should be i taught to close the door and fasten it i m some way. The amount of time a professional man spends, and the dis ‘ tance he travel* in hie office, IB jumping ' up and closing the door after proph' who neglect that duty, wvuhi antomah one w ho had never given the matter thought. Re kind enough to shut the door.— A'ocAoterr HeraUL FM WCTUIL. The Eacunel is the palace of th* Kings of Spam, on* of the largwet and most magnificent in the world. It was be«v> by Philip IL in the year 1882. and the I first coat of Ha erecteon waa 8,000.000 dneata It feme a vast square of pol ished stone, pared with marble. It may give some notion of the surprising grandeur of thia palace to say that, an- I cording to the computation of Francisco de ide Santee, it would taka four day* to ,go through all the room* and apart menta, the length of the way being reckoned thirty three Spanish leagues, which M above ISO English mils* There ar* 14,000 doors and 11,000 win dows baimauw to th* adafloa rrKK roon. It to no economy to use inferior food. It to a roving of money and tune and health to give a higher price for what we eat, if it be frroh and perfect, than to obtain it for lees on account of ito being willed or old partially decayed. Borne p»iple prefer to make their meat tender by keeping, which means that decom pouition to taking place; in pinner phrroe, it is rotting. Buch meats re quire leas chewing and may appear very tender, Imt it to a physiological fact that they are not digested aa rosily or aa quickly aa solid fresh mrot Whrt' a vegetable begins to wilt it is no longer that vegetable, because a change of par ticlee has taken place, and tn wch pro jiortioD it to unnatural—it to dead—and to rot it tends to death. One of the m<*t humble forma of ,1 mease to canned by eating sausages which have b>*n kept a h»« time ; more common in Ger many than elsewhere. Scarcely any thing saddens ua so much in passing through some of the by streets and the more eastern avenues as the sight of the jong-krpt meats and shriveling vegeta ble# which are sold to the unfortunate poor at the corner Dutch groceries, Bat the poverty-stricken are not the only sufferers; th« richest men coma tn for their share, for themselves and for their families tn proportion, aa the mto trvasea of their splendid mansion* are incompetent or inattentive to those household duties, the proper perform ance or neglect ot which makea all the difference between a true wife and a con temptible doll. With all tho high- Sounding advantages of high-sounding " Young Isidios’ Boanling School*" and ** Institutes" and all that, with all ths twaddle about learning French and Ger man, and music and Mithetics, how many of these paint-like girls are any more tit to take charge of a man's household than to navigate a ship ot calculate a parallax’—J/a/f* Journal o) Health. [.)j< k»ou Daily Patriot.) Happy Friends. R< r. F. M Wiribnrne, p*>t«r M. F.. Church, Mexia. Texai, write* a* follow* Several m >nth» «ince I received a supply of St. Jaml» Oil. Retaining two bottles, I distri buted the reel sni-ois friend*, it is n most eicellrnt remedy fur p»in« snd aches of va rioa» kind*, especially neuralgia and rheu matic affection* c/oaaj. An Irishman on an ocron steamer al wavw presented tho Captain with fine Havana cigars after lunch and dinner, until one clay the latter refused to take any more. The son of Erin, however, insisted, and at last the Captain ao cepted, saying, "Well, if I do take it. I'll burn it.” “Arrah, I* jabere," sai l Pat, “the devil a cigar of mine yell get to do tlmt with.” ft'Uaton (lows) IlerahT.) lame* Butler, I><] . Clerk of the Roxbury Carpet Co., R>Hp'U, Mac* , etnplnvivig eivht hundred hands, in a lite communication concerning the admirable working of an ar liele inlrodur. d into the fnctorv, »ay»: The famou* Old German Remedy, Jacitot Oil, hs« effected Kevcrat cure* among our men, who have loin teutlv burl in Work*os itrlh-- fsetory, Bini they pronounce it a M»ccr>- every lime. FttCVLI.iKtTIF.H OF TKKF GKOWTH. Home noticeable peculiarities are fro quently observed in forest*. A few years ago some Michigan lumbermen discovered a chain-link protruding through the bark of a tree, and in ent thig it out traced its continuance to a steel trap which was thoroughly im bedded out of sight in the wood. The truate*>s of an old burying ground in New Jersey, while removing tho growth* of large timber, the falling of whrws, branches frequently broke valuable monnmente, were engaged in removing a large willow which had a diameter of over five feet. Digging deep among the nxita, two footetonee were fqnnd com pletely enveloped and held fast by t)i« roots which hail grown alx>ut them, while in sawing off the trunk about three feat above the ground at a depth of fifteen inches the saw struck a hard sulwtanee, and, on stopping to loosen it, a footatemo was dmoovarod fully imlx-d --dc-1 in the solid wood. _ Maine News Hop Ritlers, which arc advertised in onr columns ar* » »nre cure for ague, biiious oe»* and kidney complaint*. Those who o*e them say they cannot be too hiehly rec ommended. Tho*.- sfffieted should rivrihsai a fair trial, and will become thereby enihu *i**ucan the prune of Uuur curative qgali lie*.—Portland Arni* "Ann aeem* to hinge tai this," re uxarkod the lover when he proposal to hia sweetheart while swinging an ths gate in front of her house. TWrow lew* Hnwwtor U» to Rocbroter than Mr. Wm. M. Armttrong. "ith > --vaatanaiww broir.:..,-with »*u*f*. b- rvmarked, ruoontey, ““I- gi upon th* prvpewtta ot Warn** • Sate Kxtaar *a4 Liver Cur*. Itrorwime.* th' what feminine creator* are you reminded on the completion ot a build ing > A bousetuaid. -<*w< *r W*rS. •nd rok with tay krinrr* f ir vrors," wrote Mt. Frrn*, r»f r”rfcF. N Y*- Hr uw! Warner * safe Kkiu-v I jvrr l ure. N\»w bw »*av» “j rbedtilfr r*- »'”V..ubrnJ it l*> ail in tbe «an»a • ay." Tw t.*nr«B Went to see Clam Moms. In one of the most affecting passages at ‘he pM? ,b«® the whole bouro waa huahol in stillneaa, the lady who had lw«en using her o|>em glass st ten to roly remarked to the other : " Pooh ! Tbs trimming on her dross ■ nothing but Hamburg edging." TBt HKJ.LL KOT. There is a strong flavor of small boy to this etery. A boy came home ra diant from Bunday-echoed, and ex claimed, "I waa the only boy m my class ; all the rest of the boys went down to the rail road to see the arose come is.” “That's nght, my son," mid the proud parent; " never neglect your Sunday-school duties. But did the circus rive T" "Os course it did. Didn't I ■ see it myself?” JAFAKKBF. FAKXirrtf. It is pleasant to s<<e the affectK® which exrata between Japanese parents and their children. It » most amusing, alxmt 6 every morning, to see twelve or fourteen men sitting cm a low wall, each with a child or two in his anna, fondling and playing with it, and showing off its physique and intelligence. Shrewdness and Ability. Hop Bittern. *o freely advertis'd in all the paper*. *c*ular and religion’- * r '' having v large «alc. and ar* eupplanting ell other med tehie. There i* no denving the virtue* of the Hop plant, and the proprietor* of the** BUter* have Uiown great shrewdnr*. aid abilitv in coroj»oiinding a Bitter*, who-* vir tue* arc so palpable to every one’* observa t ou— Examiuer an<l C hronicle. A LrrrT.s girl, addressing ber slater, asked, " What was the chaos papa was reading about to-day ?” To which the latter replied, ""Twa* a great pile of nothing, and no place to put it in. ” BuJorswESS, dyspepsia, sour stomach, etc., have their source in a diaorden-d liver, which can be regulated by that genuine remedy, Portaliue, or Tabiera Vegetable Liver Powder. Yon can bny a sample bottle for 25c., or a package for 50e. _____ Trot ex-Khedive of Egypt has iieen abandoned by all the inmates of his harem, with the exception of two coal black girl* of Nubian origin. His funds having been curtailed, he found it im possible to retain hia hold upon the fairex-oomylexioned ladies. IxDiox*nox, ayqiep*!*, servon* prrwtraUon an I *ll turn.- ot gmi<r*J dsteihty ruli.-ved by taking Mzssaas'inmunzxD Bi.xr Toxic, tho only impanuon ot txx-f containing it* entire uuinuou* proix rtic*. It contain* nlood-mak iug, furos-gcuenUng and Life *mdauniig prop crtira; i* uiraluat-le in ill enfeebled condition*, ■briber the re*alt ot exliaiutioii, net Tons pnw traUuu, overwork or acute diM-a«c, iwrticiuarly if r.-»u.tiuK from pulmonary comphlUit*, C**- wed, Haxard A Co., propru-Uira, Men lurk. AN Irishman who was near-sighted, and who waa about to fight a duel, in sisted that be should stand six paces nearer his antagonist than the other did io him, and they were both to fire at the same time. 53ACMM lwE ceßm FOR RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Spell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frostea Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Mo oa rurth ft J toon 0;i ; M gif re, tins pic ax>«l rAr*»j> A trial roHklto N’t th* ti< otjiU* . 1 40 < rail, Mbd vu« •nff»rtn< wait (ski? -an h*T« cboap am |omuv* of 1U claim* Ihroctkrna id I2*t*c Languafwa SOLD BY ALL DBUOGI6TB AID DEALEM IM MEDICIMt A VOGELER A CO., JNUrimor*. Md., r. M. JL HOSTETTER'S BIfTERS Invviids who hive lost but r.r* recoveries vitnj sr«non», derlire in rvnief*! lerw.l their sppreeattan of the merit* s* * tonic of lie trturi S’etnich Ritter* Not only does it impart Mren.-th ts the wesk. it eorrecu su im-culir acid <uie of the smasacb. tn >kr» the b..wel« set at proper interval*, gives * e»«e to Ihoee who antler from rhe*made and | kidney, tronbl**, and eeaqoer* a* well a. P'r n’ f've>snl**w» | For aale hr al! ” and !»< ikra • gotnraUy. Two rxixxDS from tho interior pot up at a hotel and were given one room. ; The man in the next room overheard the following conversation about daybreak , next morning: **I«T. Bill, mre you *Tve been wide awake for the last two hours.” "Lend me •Tve dosed off again." “I knew you were lying when you said you were wide awake.” t bl ;* are so many inventions that j "cannot get out of order," and "will I last a lifetime," that anybody who shall 1 discover something that will get out of order, and will only last long enough to be tamed home, will supply a long-felt want h GOOD FAMILY REW STWICTUY FUffff BALAAM rrau*M r< e*t l**j* i* » kMiur **•■; What The Doctors Hay! »*. FLITCH 18, •/ Me uyi *'l »o«r 'BaIMMB* ta arefereaM u eay eflßat «•*» ettea tor tasufh* axiff DR A.C.FOIMSOX, rfMt.Faraaa, 111., wrltoerfeejM weodarfU) eurae of <« mm •• *7 «m a/ * A Um'B ■aitoUM " DR. J. R TTRHIR, BUoalrtlU. Ala*, b phy»te*aa of tw«oty*l*e yaar>, wrttaa: •Il to Ua Ml prejajAiwa tor Ceaaiimpuoa la Ua war Id.’* For all Dlaoaapo as TBrwL I*oa«a aad Falaaaar? Oraaaa. Il will too loaato a aaoai etaeltoat ftanaeMy. AS AA IXPfCYORAWT IT HAS HO SOU AL IT CtWTAIWS M 0 OPIUM IM AMY FOAM J. N. HARRIS A CO., ProFrloUfM, C'UVCIMJIATI. 9. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUOGISTS._ ACENTS! ATTENTION! Josiah Allen's TXTlffo HAS "ROTE A HEW BOOK, ’ “Wayward 'Gardner OK, MY TRIALS WITH JO6IAII, THE WIDOW BUMP, ' AND BTCKTERY. Apply at once fur territory and terma to Southern Pub. Co., Box 116, Sew Orleans, La. AGENTS WANTED I I —FOR— GASKELL'S COMPENDIUM. Beat book on Busiucim, Peniuanbliip, Book* I keeping and >»oeial forma ever published. We j hnve albo two other new and popular books. Apply at once for rritory and terms to ; Southern Pub Co.. Box lb S ms» La. CQQO • T* ar u Ul ’ e«|*n*aa HOulii frw *F J-J A _ »»_• . .*.,!' .A -a testa. Ma. 88 77 7 | | |V» VTCKKHY, Au ß uflU. M».m. IM I*OKT AX 7 ! • hat 4t»**aae. a«nt aea!»ri, fnr Vl. «t*mp Adrirma t Bax iv i. liuii i«». N. y. LIST OF DI SILASES ALWAYS CUBABLE BY USING MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. of iniAW FUBH. op umuu. Rhiam.tlim, fteratchr*, Bum* and Scald*, More* and Galli, Hting* and Bltca, Spavin, Crack*. Cuta and Bralaca, Screw W orm, Grub, Sprain* A Htltchea, Foot Hot. Hoof AU, Contracted Msaalca Lameaeaa, eilWJolnt*, Swlnny, Foundrra, Backacbr, Sprain*, Strain*, I rupUon*, Sore Feet, FroMßita*, Stiltaeaa, *od all external dunaia*. and *m-y burl or seddent uac ta taculy.alabteaad atock yard 111* THE BEST OF AI.l. LINIMENTS - ip I i.o ’s c O Pond’s Extract ■ <*» Pnl'j rr It r •»•*••*«<*•*•«•••, c*m Vuldl I 11. oi*»n»ri. * . o*r Catarrh Cure Tso»nU), *per-.»:lj pr». fMtfad to maat MrtvQO c*a«i, eoatatns all the euratixe of Pond's Eitract; ear Naoal Syringe canton, ln»aJuabl« for uaa in caUrrhai j atoaeuriaa. to atmpJa aod afltoe>i*a [ SOLD BY AI.L DRUGGIBTR. Silk Culture. ■ill par tall m»k. t peav* fee ~>O4 MILK COC- * OOW. lew I'CU’ I M in), et ltu , I vwadiaUwC.l. Lo ».o Uff. . Sllkn orm , *A«» like I—l hireU XiHwM ADWABO FAMNAtH. Cim Ccirraur, ‘ Vl* TRUTH .***.*-' p— *«-< w-ea <>•* *-se*ta w«.mT*.'«.. m..a—l7a’w YL PETROLEUM JELLY I Und and approved by the leading: PHYBI- I CLAJB of EUROPE and I I Tha moat Valuable I I Family Hemody [known. •*» T W •’i ch “ M A wkvtfF 1 I m. Prrautd* TawllM. M W K V T “ lfta ‘ ® tU Cm “ W w JL"*™* 0 * ®* Vaalbia Caavkor loa l H*Mou^LM, K^ u,I ! ABMI CWFKTK> SL .r****’ ««• Ttaeat,O ßßp DigkaerU. «c A> xrwtbk fora oft**- - uui W Nil asm of <ll our ffoedi. ing vimU>«hitamx”’ ®»<m» ■mi. **——»« irrmueT. ” C ” TS A -• | •«.¥«■ MiBM, AT TF« FAMU MTIM4IWA. COLGATE 4ICO-S '»• Ropbitteksy <A MlMrte., •« a Drtatu) g onrraflM | I HOTS, BTCHV, SLAytBRAKK I PAJTOi an, I awdtxs Fv*»®T BwtMxmoalQva. fr f if TIMUf ALL onus AiTZXtoh. I THEY CUBE I* 1 nimawiaor theMmnaek Wmt* Bxxfl. 'J SIOOO IN COLD. I WCI be paid ter a CM* Uie wm aoi ■ u , ip or tor aaruuasimpur. or latere, ■ loand la thaw. ■ A,k four dru<*l*l for Hap Bluer, an 4 trr ■ Uicm before you *leep. Tatar ■*• atari. • PIC I* «□ for ■ pnioicoue**. u»r r-f opiaui, tobacco **4 I narcotic* Saxo ro* cirevL** ssssmsa ■ ah **—• ~M*r *rwr««. J Hep BumMV c. . X—W—,X T.lTc 0,, w 2 Electricity & Absorption 5 • I Combined <!• m f * sp~4ny wrtw- ib. vn.: W / ! wR Loot Manbcod. aad aannt -V wwrt aaaae arMamtaal Wa*U J nem,lmpota»cy. Aa Rati Z lx f \ WI-la-wolfiirtr.lMffMi, f - I Rk, > f ’ Ban »*l AtamrWat lad Cwmbfosd » \ / *j Fad. .110 iriruc 4 - W MV T »ar»ar Uen othwr* . 1 f 1 wnctaUa aeai as Uo mx 0 t f J rorUaoaeayoM-mji. *9O Ren, ’ Ua l*d«it t». 1 paper aeal O«a anwi*J*d u n » » MirnnM a txi Jr dll Waal UAa St .cxuage.X QO th 'pl.tiaaT/AT SSOSW7Nn,>. it, Merchants Having Small Capital <’*n make money handling the New No. S Bilent Light Running Wheeler A Wilson Sew ing Machine. It is the only machine baring an established reputation which is offered at wholesale in this territory. For nearly thirty vear* "Wheeler A Wilson” hn» been ahotuo hold word, and the pome of th s company it a *ure guarantee of the superiority of the machine, snd fair, liberal dealing. Retail buyer* are referred to local agent* ami dealer, who sell the No. A Write for price* and tirnu to Wheeler A Wil*on Mfr Co., Atlant*, Oa . for Georgia, South Carolina, Florid* and Soulhe**tern Ala., Nashville, Tenn., for Ten nessec ft* d North Alabama; New Oreana, Ixl, fee Miasisippi, Louisiana and Souibaett ern Ata Need Im for all kinds of sewing mncbinei at wholesale and retail. Or MUkT; fl BCtk inrianu*. •H. prnrfnringtho -wa*- ral atoadM of Btort w a I, and •» »**' V applied tavofil* riilad tfrtlH frr l arit ta itmaa. aad appi el t« •er». < U1 MTfl I eckcnOTvy, a/l VAIIMC MPM Le*rnTel* Kaju |iu t. Hat » VUiIU 'Hun uouUi 'ir*dtiE»®h Otflotw. A<Mrr« VAI.EMTTME BRO?*., Wa HMH.OYMENT i* AIxIALAtV ear—••**. AUfIXPSNSII Bl .*,.«**. WA6R. aewastly sal*. »Lo*a AA a Ca. so* uearna ■*. Clualawaii » CELLULOID E.YE-CLABBES. ” Maprasanting tbs eboSoMt a .hotel Torloi»» ib*U and Ambar. Tba b*ht*at, hsodsoaiwl sad strongart known. Bold by Optician* art lewalar*. Mad. by ffPXNCKR OPTICAL H FG 00.. U MaMan L*n*. Maw Tort - A A*e«ta Wulte. MaDaymaSa Pi *TVkl* e AMlir Im Alta. WhrtaaptaMln* ante mA prt.» St SO Ter®* * V Lowsenc be*** Co . CiMH-n*u. 1* ? iW-k A AtaUrv ofavgry A dmi ato UaU on from MfaAki-f*’’“ Ito* ftM*ni linn laclndmi ranch a® -J Fri- gate touiory ng»gr bAfora aobiigtoad. A«* "t • WANTFD For full daacnptUp gddre** U« Pub FORnHEi: a MeMA»BN. CiaeUhAU, <->b _ P”stt*Ts WANTED TON THt ICTORIAL HISTORY”'" I ® WORLD hngtoae>/i( fall tad inibaaLA accoubU of wri of aengat gndmodgm Umaa, And iadadtaf a the neatAd toil gs the Oreah and Baooikn Em; 'm < « ai»ddieexe«, tbee.-treertae, thatouiej Mateu, th* lion, theaim'AvgrT and M<Ua*UQ> ot ttoa Maw World. It contact.• «7« tine htotnHAal oa<rana<* moat complete UxAory as Ue World erg* tor apaotairn *®4 thin tarma to Airol*. NAttoaet FvßLtaataa Oa., Afuni, MORE THAN 100 STYLES OF THE MASON & HAMLIN tORG-ANS •r* new r»*ol*rt T maS*. from *rn* 1» <•*«*« <• •** **<’. aa* aaallwt *u*. Ml *l*o r u ••• ••00 TwwrrY muae U u Rte) each ariTY rrnw *' * to tlAft aoarr rruu ♦*<d end up. cert prtodg /or kail fa rama. frnm • ./ I - quarter an Tba BAHT «’KuAj M <■;-eelally adapted will ba found aqaaMy trnT’J' [[ PRICE s22* * 9t ' t Z ! and hrito?eaßMaai rorH* <Urra aad • JL. * i ctf> la, tha Jbil parti Wbt mn tonea, aataemA V ALd ji'p raerrd and aerate muMe iLiy to hamiTß oMjnn IV TWK WORLD, bartM WCD TH.kTUjr ykam: l*« awly A fr/r. mason A HAMLiN OBUAN CV-. IM D*- b' BOSTON M taM 14U SL <nUa Sqoarr)* h* w IO WabaU \U toMto W A to TBfb ► r tb* Baal and ?***•<*, I'bcuau! Bock ar.dß blr* H*i»« f* CA«I. MaltetJ Fubli.blnf Oa , y Pubtebara' In too. AUaala, (tota,, .Tro