Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, March 15, 1881, Image 3
■ ■ ’ Is Mtaaewt fMOM will te Mt 00TlMtewtaS *m> wtaMtn v« tZaWnCKMUox*, *»i tear* K>< i* •*<Mto «<**• •* &»u> SL r&lTgw *<y <*tar**s* bkMWk «■>! <teg**» *1 tex* K, iL-xte ffffiby •ma <*X« K ’-Writ - ' * - ta<— >w>** ■*- —* —.** ■ mt Mi ‘■J" kZl’M* V ipw >n4ri nt Aug unw-jWftftfiMrtfate la Mte 4t*r iK !ft “ IK -*> tn bring •rWVT», Hartote xn-1 (.. |K< up uwpuw. I* to mU good* *f all IK' .*■ «Mc •» <"-v °<>< <* t-ua-hl to K ><» And thte I gS.» uxtotorlte n-n rtx m-xlM’ 1 1K... . oT>*l*l ~* H“''T;. •"■■' U»> n» ■■■jK- .tJpMhMMM by Ute «rM of K «*>■ <-•■ .-i - E u gmis iwyr •■->* «• K ;.,««> *s* -* B'> WMV Itote PM- V V IK ftrte*,*-, terre! • tr ti ii keita. ■■>. ft «u IK 11 4tol |a white Wtekv w* i>u< ” S K Mk*. ns IMw hlte, taa gvort «> |K ! xurt. rora fU- jUvmiw* ■ 1 i* .... |K *•■ r»»”'>v inwb, t>w r—iw-ri*. ..< c.- Ki.xw quoted rex*»- Mmii«mu.i»i,i |K Id ••; 4>«d lots to thv A ugitete pa |K, hull will not advance ix my piLre jHl tarred to 11. |K* pnuwto frte 1 <M K 8 x tern puutjdx for 100 IK* " Itoflraal. tatrefttoonada for 1 «> K's -Whltoafa*. par pound, » K'r boat, per g»lloe to -mi. get fcaftM, « 1 <x> ■»a Ught-bAteM riavre pouftd" 1 w IKhb— ‘ ' ts IKaaa -bo/Wf baM, ft 13 Kaoq»-«ftM,'oft' >»«*. *> K uarr to j^Bra-worth *■/ 1 fto Ka ftor pound. 4 iMta -worth ftl 7J. 1» l’«T Goods at Goar. on uaial tour different kinds o all weight. Aino. Plow* Flow IKb" 'iswjju h -«««’. Pvrrw.axan Mired* uTMtarthfa.. that can’t lx* put ■re you at thte Unto. < rl MatM«» wthj*" to changft of Waud for aU 4aya tßiufnaarwuM. |K ’ wUi *“*•* srndeo-w hl de- old •** wr ua«ht InMi o*l brae- and oopp'f, Will wtoftyua toll ’*Ux iu Ua.l- f.u MaOo»<* ■awUnwail thiuita. Bas. W. Keener Mtlatc Hmn* of the South K" BuHwann.ot A'Utusta aall h> I ei»« ■uivx Louisiana MiMl-a.pp. Aiab.uou and every Koulhsru Blate north of Augurft «n juntly claim to luoc |K" Muhlu Houftf’f the South” IhimnvmitK BnnLiA. March 1 l*‘ H. A. Ootm—Dear Sir: Whan 1 my atuan. laat year, von re.|uent«l Ml"put ynora. "th** R L> UllE’N ‘ tiy the g^ other utandard t.wtillaer nnd a i-arefiil and ImpatUal teat I done ■Mund toe fwilrialng la th* n-ault I Each losing waatliKte at the aaiof time and the nothw, aax dry. ami carefully The OOK'h wax need on one aldo h. Id to ataad the middle. I then l-tt !■ »» and next oaumeia'nd with IM>l.. PACIFIC All wax planted al thu time, and miuvatoij exactly alike vivid •t «wH coUon from tbrw mw» h.CdHKZT.. tftftlbe. iKui uiqß MfWriu x* " l<>oHhMi&daM guano of nach I nd wt Rm. I aaad too lha tn trie Hv tfte iMentlS Ifta of Cun’n. 1 rreetv gMH m : sala of 17 lb. over the aaiiw rowx KBhouf umwx*. arxt wrth Hdutdr Pxcln. It ar d by ttea utont the 1,000 Iba Ooe'a, 1 JAB His wwd eottixi, 4.000 !•>" S4u Povilic. I too Iha aeed cotton Now. put* ibix at ft oawta par |xaind. the (X)E'H worth to nr Mi; Soluble Paclllc. ft* 1 the ttot agam thm yeai with K l l .la|M M ...Wai Mn e<Hbe< (XH.Ulxr fertH- Mr lam natiMlnd that the It. 1> (TIE Sla HkXf guaw. I have aver une.l. and ywrrwnnand It. I hl" t-«t wax but lamaltobMng to gnwtiy In favor *- •, I ABDrt It to you with iwrndexlon U> Ruch uaw of it aa you think lewd. rrwwrvn two toon tor me, 1 will my wawuwa naxl wank |K I>>ur " truly, HAM'I. A PALMER, atotve waa on aandy null It * of cimtomers ta the <«key w-xxlx will ■ a cArWul andUaormigb teat tht- rear gT Mamlard !• rUlirer*- would brnearMft«M>-lvee ami mrtgh B'* a,KI faVto* rw> Um under- I <M«mr WtiUxHTt ftvw ear load* aM> year. adßßant to get It on ax manv KklrTA b the ACID Pl>r put IM> by the aarne paruaa rtood ®I.SUSS~ “ —u- «Tfhf ■ TBAOTA B2»aa®afc ax xrsa K :wwt 'nxiruiMat* 41 h amalto margm f^M> r '*«li than aay daator tn America Gew ~* .B00h»m • Co- IK h l| i' | aww«MMM to any p.aat In H>aiUi im Wai lift Mkftas 'laya, wtto y iW«ra«M. frv» <rf ail ernene* Ktr.mxp-'rlMJtar. ftiHXcuUtrlv totiaiacl V.ttttirms. Mmmb til town l«Hf wuMWi, tot It? Aa* jtoßftMhm <-«tm is. ■ftrthg Mdta Wr Bftßirry trean breeft gaata. BooM Mtoetora In Hartom IBring Itghta wtti aww Baad aww bgal mßm B Ol» Mad*. OM aaaMa MeaMWfttft HißmMliib (MWftft WMSibtoa »to «MiM *► 1 "Bfby bW* to Um aww tbaAedf b»aa fcftl” to bMneaftM a pagielar drink. Jack Baaaay is the Oto Bull <rf Haltan Viwak Powell wanta a tttnipte tu Ma ehlk QIIW aad CALF fur aato H JLUOOI. State Bunk to trying tu gat trp a baby atoww. Wilhea furutabea taw actodan tonur high Bftteool. : Meat Monday weak oar tiapartor Quart The cattna expMttton m Atburta la going to be a Mg akwic , Oar <4toe building to tba Brat boaaa that «M built In Hartem Tto-PwwtWent Arthur to aaM to took like atoWttog to tbuftaca Mr* Clara Antony rtrttod her oto home at tank awak. IMWaat Warr to an appropriation tor tto« impnnwmeul of "BmP Uuk.” Tba Hrartning Miaa BWe Hondtoy taa toft us. afU-r wloaing aaaay taarta. ' Mmt Sartth. vtMUftg kt Mm MrObdlX taa satnrowl io tar taM in MftDußu. . nSXS7*aKS!I.r.W‘ ( HOBM <or »aie—4<w year* ata H A. COOK. t Hls told-that a well known Ktogaa belle Turagra <M aa oOhrd svvry night before r«- Many wonrtortol event* am doekrted for lam. Look pat tor dry moona to July and M.-Owd and Co- h*vc a full supply »f the new iwgt tavka adopted by our common •eh.x.lx Wa itorn that est irta will anon be made to open a read from Harlum to UuluU •hurt* h. Mr. Alphoown Walton. <*• of the Hr»t CommiAslooere of the county, waa Ln town liiur>4iy. Mtox hturglA, who haa l»**r> apemilng a tow data with Mtsa Mamie Hicks, returned home Saturday. Every time Tom Bailey aella a yard of oalino to a young lady, he throw* lu ftJ OJ worth of amilea. A yoiing lady at Appling wan seen nt her bed-rootn window the other night wrapped tn thought—and nothing nine. Hariwtu la noted for th* beauty nf her yountf -Evening Nhwh. Ourmct, ui<i buy; out they’re all mortgaged c From now on the R*v Mr. Embry will regularly Sil the pulpit at the Methudiat ' on every aecond Sunday evening. Ik Is Do wonder Ira io x run off romeUme*; ' but it Id a thouaaml wonders they do not run off more than they do.—Cbaa. Arnold. Are Muiherin and Co.’s changed al. In this isfttal they have a Ireniemtoux sbnk of bout*, ahum, hau, etc. tor the spring trade Orange Jutooand claret is a new r*rnwly tor dyspeyaia. Those who do ih< like thHl can take toiuou julue and widsky.-lull Benton. Ws shall andaavor to areure for puhlka* tioa, after the adjournment of the March term Huporior Cuuft, the Grand Jury pra eentmekUi I* «• are glad to Mam that the Bev. W.J. Roger* WILL n*ruafter till the pulpit at the I Bapusi church tar Uw> aftarnuou of every ( RsAtb>f rswiventom wM tod.f I Its annual seaslon in Athens oh the ftlat of April, llwlll be a repreaoutalivo body and largely attended. A century tower, Herwaant Weathers will i be referred to by aorue of our greet-grana ohildreu aa ’the flret mail carrier between ’ Harlem and Appling.” I A young bride in thia county being asked how her husband turned out, replied that ne turned out vary late lu the a, m. and turned In very late at night. Naughty man Read Mr. W. H Orxvper's announcement extraordinary Moneyed men should not let this gulden opportunity slip by un ootlced There is money In the investment I The cteimneyeut the "Palmer houee," on the Miibwigevllla rood, at thle point, were ■ built 70 yrern ago. out of unt.unit liome -1 nuuie brick, and are to-day as sound as a dollar. Beyond all doubt, our county should have a p.xn bouse for ths keeping of our paupers. » A little money expended in thle dlnssthril would 10 Ums save Uie county considerable expense. We had a pleasant visit last Friday from that prince of gentlemen, the Hon. J. r. 1 Williams. We now number this dlstin f gutshe.l and popular gentleman among our t staunch friends. A. E. Sholes and Co . the groat stove em porium of Augusta, are the kings in their line Call on them whenever you want anything in the way of a stove, tinware, or general hardware. I Eighty years ago, a portion of the house now occupied by Judge Roebuck was the , "sU’Ppiag piece" at which the mall carrier . I from Augusta tn Milledgeville u«ed to get , bls persimmon brer and ginger enkee 1 A young lady recently married, read old 1 Mother Nbipiou's prophecy lor the ti ret time t the Other day "Jubl my luck!” she ex » churned, throwing down the paper: "Here t lam newly married, and now the world's ■ Doming tu all end ’ Mr George A Oates, of Augusta, has lo- ■ vested a |K>lt»h for furniture, picture frames ami things of that kind. It is an excellent preparaUoo. and doee its work epleudidly. We have tewtod it thoroughly, and Marilly , twoMuiuerMl it to our friends and the pub ‘ lie generally. Send to Oates and tost a M ’ cents bottle, and make your furniture look ' aa if II had ju»l come from the factory. ! Bro. Jordan White came very near being f seriously injured by toe care at tills place on I hursday laat. During the stoppage of ‘ the train at this place, be got off. ami when [ the train moved away he made a "teach for ’ the leal railing," but mlaaod It. and narrow ly escaped falling beneath the crushing wheels. I>e«r Cap, be careful in future, we ’ pray you. for car wheels are no rewpec-ter of [ person* -not even newspaper (lends. ,B * • It-is Conceded by All > That theß L. and M. dub is Harlem’s . Joy- That everybody should join the 8. L. and M eiub. That Prof Ashmore will make a good f Secretary. I That Arthur Merry is-a capital harmonl* • co player. That the exercises at the Last meeting were just, splendid. That some of the girls present looked ! sweet enough to bite. i That the reeding Friday night by liUje LudUe Bernes was simply ewret i That the blushes and am I lee of the New t Jersey Captain were much mteeed That the meeting Friday night was ax eaedlugiy ploaaanl anti enjoyable. That ’’Anvil Chorus" wee needeted in a ■gmterty manner by Mr*. Ide Cooper. That the young men attenkteg the meet- Inga ought tu* to hang ret thu walla so much. That when "Golden Silpper* waa brtng played CapL ah. well, bo had to pat hte feet under the lounge Ttat Capt Bell's IltUe girta. Cure and Oita, rend their parts rharmlnglr. aad rto pervr manv klxaee frvwu their dear panwte. ’ ' "iTitBfBFIEWW, Tta are ftorr/ ta tears tkM JB MMMft *1 Wtoaick, f Imnrextb wdnncwklttaßtaidß «OMMft LaaißoWtay. Tta B»v. «• BryMft <w«tata» togtata week at the 1 apUet churekft . Qaartptly <mfsemes ftAltafttoa’s Bftßet ocwjniioriii B*txt -Ttaltev. w. J. ta «ta BbvMm Ohurato aaxifcwßy Mfarnwa. Tta"wtaei si tartaek*jßßjß i(y lly What ha* twanatoef kar Bftveetovaß taM reapMtent? Ooumnp* o taft. AiMtW «m>T do atttond yen. j We that Qdwtate Utaty. W ktata rented «n th* exr-itreir* tottoPM by Mvw, Ctarton, the Ml sees WaltueßM R- J. WftJ* taw. Kxtmete from a ftrteadft tatar te W t « t *» Unmdntoe * i t«af »■>» J| Wißftlj rtto srtlng a ret is Busy, kra an Importank faetoto to eattaiirttoft Mkftjlto tore Interftftta of Mf 1 !* 0 ! .-ounty” -xmgtar to yffß ooaMiM>el interims o! Hartrtb age taMftftp. I congratulate fm. ym»r your whole c ommunity. Aft to wtat will bft ?» *» lb*«H oMintv wtp I4M to t&eiHi wH»tM jwjjyx i! vrt&t/n i > (jay* from tta twn.Qor (iUqtottaaywbegayi'ekotH ttoft tn the heard txurn, The maj. srtty of ***■*> An wee ar, tav- rcixrrted. mid ae •‘•or B •»* “ ■ " will to- de. i*»d what shall be don* m kta matter. If It to p.maibl* to avoid a new eleetton, it should nedone. aame h new erec tion Would omiee gnat trouble au>l etaenae to the counties UIPPLES FKoM APPLINO. BT W. Beautiful weather Fannara are very t>u-.y Th*ro ar* but few loafers to be tecs amuod thia burg—even Brad has q«H the bueines* Appling Hands grw.Uy to need of a fCtobath school. Purrutb, have you thought how indifferently you are act (n< (nward* your children In tnln »p*p*»ctr Couaider tbevieetkfti.and leluaail. yW> our feudlies and w itli one ueooni, toeet The al Mabbath and onraoiw-. parMamnv toward • lucatlon Is liberality toward eii nr. ll ft native linnacilng; and thirsting njr knowl edge that the Creator hxe planted te itwy Child, rhould bo cultivatei by th* palftrtft ot those .htldt.m to Itomenxxrslbludegnre of their sLlllty capt. wL. Benton fail down a flight of steps while tn Akßtaftßtak week, ami a conelderible antaftb tta result Don't you draw a wrong ''T*’®’’*’* -Ms foot simply idlmM®. Mr,.R>>» ton. one of our treat Grmeta kototo MtbMeft of cotton last vear Th* **k*ftlw Iftr tune la atltl turning, and haft MftrthM toe last dime out of Um pocket* of e.*tDeiX the tx«>r Ignorant negrueft ...(MUißbla rtjurtv mvxi* a tx-ttet public *ch<K>l eyateta. We do ho|>* that thu proper eff.xt Will be J** 4 * at the proper Utfl l ', 4rtrl at feast threw months b* add»«i, goal teecbora srniwol'ftd with a guaranteed aioount per capita ilile plan would d-Hibllees work a material change for the lietter . .HI.W. Guflby. of Blate Rtx-k. had hto cotton bouse, are t>u*b«la of cotton seed, and four bklea of notion destroyed by tire laatßal>bath HftA It not been for the people atchutnh rushing to the Xonpe and using every available means, hlx dwelling and several other build log* would have Ireen d«atroy»l II ie eui>- poewl that the tire started from a luatc* ip the hands his Uttto son. white at play. ,f . —-—ta ' 1 - " Don't toll when you visit Augusta to etol at Wm! Mulberin'ft Bu*, tau* aud JGI Lateft*. .TlWfttoek i» cmuphdft and prlcfte pre *s to tbktowjftt. FINE BPBING CLUTIINO! At Phlladrlphta prices I Cum* WtUSe and make your selection atone* ami nAVE MONEY by ordnrt<W through me. Pyrh-ct tit gnannitted or n<r money ivaid mg! Yoiycau save from THREE tn EIGHT DOLLARS in the prtoftftfaauit by ordering through me. Coroe and look at sampkw for yourself, and hkve your meas ure taken for a ault. Call early an! securer liargalnH In Clotbteig. Shirts, etc. taropift reom next to printing office AGENT for WANNAMAKER, BROWN and On, of PbllMlelphia. Pa. iiiiiitmiiT iimjiiimy STORE HOUSE ITO CDOBS AT A BAH GAIN. •...... MW ■ ■ I offer my store house and good* for e«M to the highest bidder, hire of buUdlug. tox 30 '**>t, idaaterod inside. 81m of lot, MxHO feet. Terras—private. I will dispose of the above at a sacrifice to an early applicant. Bond In your aeaiftd blds at once Stock In store, about two hundred and fifty dollars Store situated tn business centre 0f Harlem There te money In the in vestment! Add rem mriftim W. H. CWPER Legal Advertisements. Applioatioo for Exrtnptioa of Personalty. Btats of Gaoaoia—Columbia county. RobeitF. Freeman has applied fur «- eniption of personalty, and I will pees up on the sauM> on Uie Uilrty-dret day of March, Iftdl, at my office la Appling. GEoIiGE D. DAB-’ EY. Ordinary mr!s ts Columbia county. Administrator’s gale. OEOB JIA— OoliimhlaG.unty. ’ Agrewable to an order from the Court of Ordinary ot Columbia dainty. Georgia, will be sold at th" plad» ot public aalti In aftid county, <«i the first Tuesday In AI BIL next, all that tract of toad In said oouoty, adjoining lands of Dr. J. 8 Hamilton. Mrs. E F Lamkin, Geu W. Gray and uth*m. dHitainlng two hundred and seven acres, more nr lee*, belonging to the eeteta of Wm Battorwhite. dse*-seed. Bold loe dte* IributloD and to perfect tlUeft . ELIBHA IRBY. Adm -* With will annexwl of Wrn. halter white. March 4th. 1881-Im Petition for Letter* «f Admlatotfatiea. Htatb or Gftoaai a-Columbia county. Wlrereae. E>bt. B Held applies to me tor letters of Admlnistrunlon oe the estate of Jm P. MoWMy late*.f aaki county.deuftftftftd: Threw, are therefore to rite and adrnoaiftti all and singular th* kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and aptiear at my office mi or before U>- first Mouday in April HWi, to show retire. If any they hav*. why said lettersxh.xdd not t*granted (Mveii Ulster ray hand and official Stgnftture at my offip*. thia 7th day of Marsh. IHSI GIRI D DARHEY. Ordinary mrstw Columbia county PettUea ter Letter* rt BtakWMfta. rm th* estate of John H Trlppa. late of aaM coftnty, >l**<*aa*d. appMna to mft for Mtera of dismission from aald estate I Ttww* are iherefors to cite add admootal all and singular th* kindred sod creditor* of aald daceaaed Io ta aad Mpear at mP to ffee on or tiefore Uee ffret Motaay fa May. MR, to show cauftn. If any U>er baue, ftpky th* said kAtereshould out bemutad. (Bren uod*r my hand and ofltoial signature fcidftSin Columbia ruuoty ' - -- mu.« 00., SJBtT . WUiJmle and Retail iDdruarariM'tto •e to vt -*lD m*-’ St* * SfiDSIBSI Uflftr bo the peoutewf OOAVmtA COUHTT Pare Drags, . ‘"A J r.r'- o d ioine 9 PAlXts, OILS, GLASS, rem.vAv.xuftMftkctom. / J • "***’ PITIXT KIMCHIS. Fatty Wofa, L««e<it Prim 1 • si ■ I . < I •*’ I ' PURE BPTCB* I ’ Blaclt Pepper, Wo per lb: AUaploe, toe lh ; MaceUitigre, JA.. per lb; Cluvee, TS>: lb NuhMd*. ifte per oa, Ufaoain<Hi, 10c per ox Mann lie per os; Mustard, toe a box r - , . „, -- Pure Bngltob Rods. Ute per lh Pure Cream iMrtar. Mte per lb Pure ftslraokFftollla. *c per botUe Puto ftltMOt Mbon, ftft pr r btoUe Coxes ff WekKn’e Gelatine, Ffc per box Epeom ffatteijon Ibi Gum pamr.hor. Io ot Aftaaf stbia, Ic cm; Blue Mare. Iftcoa Castor Oil, truftft Iftc to too per buttle Bktemau'. Drupe, K> Godfrey's (Jot-dud. Ifto bottle Turlington'• Balsam. lie bottle A>ldlltx Powder*, *te box Erupte Cepeulre (tor putting up qqtolite) too box Mueterd Plaftter* (ready for ufte> Me box Boati (roan ft* a onke up Lily White, from So a box up Tooth Brushes, from ISe up Hair Brushes, from too up Cumbs, from luc up, etft- str. 1 PATENT MEDICINES. r Imo Bitter*, ft! bottle; Hop Blttere, tl t»A Harter'x Ingi Tonic, ftl boi H-ietetter’s Bfttarft, (1 but Beef Wins and iron. ftl bot Hlmmon'x litrer R -gulator, toe pas Hags Huloee's Bntal And Liter Cut*) *1 but Huloen's Disease Erwliuarur, ft! but BLOOD MIDtUINES Tutt's Sarsaparilla, ftl but; CuraUne ftl hot Av*r'a Sarsaparilla, ftl hot; 8 8. B , to 30 " ' Cmrk Johufton'a Indian Blood Byrup, (bo " CHILL AND FKVBR REMEDIES Beall and Oo'a aure cure. SI 73 bottle Magic Cure. 80c but; Ayer's Ague Cure, to " India Chologogoe, ftl fto hot Jayne's AltsrxUVA. >1 IxA Pieroe's Medical Discovery, 1 but LINIMENTS. Mustang, toe to to but; OpedeMne, )te hot Pain Kilter.Mft to to but; B R M. Rte but Pood's BxtrkK OOebot Tubiaa' Linirowut, iiu but COUGH MEDICINES. Sa Cough Syrtlp. Me bottle Fluwer Oougn iSyrup Me buttle er Tar, Me buttfa Tutt'x Eioectortat Me bnttte Jay ore's llpretoraut, ftl t»AU* AHen a Luna Metak*. 1 Oft bottle Hall s Lum Balsam, 100 bottJe Hoscmv- x Garmau Syrup, 7*- r.du. Hmteroana Oougft Drnos, ftbo tv AU* W total* Halaarn WTl.lOtarty, ftl botU* Rnker’s Oxi Llvsr Oil and I Ante. 1 oo hot Wlllbruw - “ “ I Oft tat M-otte Emu Mon. 1 to boUJ* Bakers, MolMre and Hwremana Cbd Liv er 0114. each. Me tattle. W* keep fTEBT rHTNG taaally kept fa a flrst'clxxx Drug etmvA Write to ug for whxt you want, or eftll Abd see us wtm yo u oomft to totru, BEA L a CO., OPfOSHE AUCVStA MOTEL, AUteWrA, GA. too ■*= in. JSOWjLjGS db SCO. LEAO IN LOW-PRICES! nnuvntn of aU firadw. 11TTR1SSES DI SPIIKS REDS ILL SIZES A STILES ■left Wetout aad Ctromtae Sste. DFreeing Chee, Marble Tep. tor Fifty DetMre aad ap ' n> AWOW,. ... The Largest and CHEAPEST Crockery Houae I IK THE SOUTH ! £. B. BMXSJSB <fc CO*. Viaj BROAD MIT.. Carry a full >in» of CROCKERY, CHINA. GLABBWARErN’'tad WOODENWARE, KK ROSENE LA MI’S, tod HOU<*E PRM IHHING GOODS 'GENERALLY —T FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST NEW,YORK PRICES.** Tlx© TJow XjbCL'W’ ootton r*lCLxxte:r. TIIK BEST Mor* of theaft W TUK fta- -_ _ re°X> JI Me >-...r,”- txk< lorxed other planter* a mo *i*o agent for the eumbiued Hinge Rid Koller, for Farm Gates. The SIMPLEST, BEST and •ver invented. Call and aeo them at JOHN BQNKB MOORE'S, Old atand of John Buoea A Co., near nffloe, AUGI’STAfO I. Opera Boase Gardea! Ben Neisz Proprietor. ('IIIIKE Him. LIQUURS All CIGARS. Philadelphia and Cincinnati Beer. BIT>AD and ELLIS STREETS, AUGUSTA, GA. (jtali ly a co., XXexi-lexxk, G-el. ’ 1-iAUERtf or Xuow x»Bt(»r < -DEALERS IN- Fanej Bteeariee, Boota Shoes, Bats, I Dry Goods, INTolloxub* ; iiiHiii mssi hi. uotmi. it. Wb’are determined lo,NO PRE UNDERSOLD by any booae in tUftSftfte lion of the State, and at all tiniea our aim (ball be to give entire aeUatae lioo both in the price tad q-tffiify of our good*. Giv« ua *• call aad ba oonvinctHl’of what wft 4bv. For every lollat apent with urwe fivft||FULL VALUE. TRY US. janlt ly Clew rance S sale OF OA.m»JEXTS ! in order to reduce atnek and aval I carrying gnoda over, t Will idler my fttorktoNKM*- PR TH, amounting to ftto,Uoo and over, ell frueb gittlx. new deelgiw add ootottage, at ve< y reduced prtuee. embrauUig *• folkiwa I Royal Velvet Car pete, Body Braaaftla do, Tapefttry BrmftelaLdo,' Extra arid Imperial Three-ply do, Boot«h Ingram do, Extra Super and Sapftftflta .10, Cotton and Wrk.l do, Hemp and Vienna do ji, J, ] and 4-4 Veoctiad du| { and I Stair Bruxaela dot Stair Ro 1* and Lixlure*, Napier and Coeoa Matting*; Plain, < hacked anl Fancy Canton do| Cheap Stripe OafpMtngi W m.low Curnicwa. LaOe Curtain*, Cretoohea. Lambreqoin Shade tad Bullion Friuge, Piano and Table Cover*| Window Nbarlaa in Scolloped, Fringed. Plato and Gold Hand*. Velvet Sofa Ruga, Smyrna Sofa Vol* v«t and Hiuaaftlt Rupaj Cogpa Door Mata, Velvet do, Brueeele do. Su>yro» do; Sheep Shin Mate, Crumb Clothe, Chrowio-, Wall Paper and Bordare. Hua'ic Shade*, Fire Merer na, Carriage and Buggy MaU, Cedarj i haate, Star Oil Ciotba tad Crash. MaF* All goods sold for oat cash or city ac okpteuou. JAS. C. BAILIE, ns BROAD STREET, AUOU-TTA, GA. THfi WUTI MACi&jUijS f Bup:,lativo in Its Attributes It Stand* ACKNUW’LMDGEDTHE KINO of all SEWING MACIIINM Th»- him I*™. for than four vourx v«nbeltvr •stikfie tl.v •xl so.I •■«■ .• x- ■ inno.t; •». "... V....W . •■■xrh ’o. th..' tx Ute* n's ■'■•■r. Il l. »«• the mo»'.- i»- r ita ■Sfe;.,. v. Uiti if (!• I ' TT Y HAft* b ih« UMUiifftottU'vrx ai..l . <JL 0111111181 orli6cftt*of warr»oiy >• given to r»ci |jQ 3&tKhBW purchaser We dd Bot peddle lb»t», thus we are ftualMed to 4*il Itan etaapxr thftn I Lrei ftlsa* paiaot m*. bine* ar* *oki ttfr \ »bft' n.v. . &, frorupl ■< I <■•».(. x'.i. x-i wnle fur c.rcu si> J. D. A T F SMITH J, rtORACB SMITH, N». IW BROAD STREET. AUGUST V. GA-