Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, March 22, 1881, Image 2

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COIUEEiA s»» - PiMlabrt Ivary t»«4»y. at Barks, ffa J. W VEJUiNEE. tanittsti Pi mlumibac TUESDAY. MA Bi'll » Wto. Official Organ of tIM Count-.. EDITOKiAL MEWM NOTES The MeDufß-fUfl.-a are to mart In War rm><« ,« lb- lat April. The Dem.wrat. <4 th* Henat* will h*reaf V-r have 5 Inattawl nf» <v>n, mrttrw* The V-fal whit* pnpolatb’n rt rhe I' H le p..t d«a <Metal ly at U.A4.S7S; colored M77.H1. 14 Gov Fima an old Oek-tboro* Ga tmv, la nremtneatly at">h*<i of h*.lknartmr etMb-Ulppi The Warrenton mpp*r la tn favor <4 Jhrta* E H F-t»te. ut WarreaSwt. hr our next Uovrrnor. Thomea F Wark haa tew nominated bv th' freertent h< C'«H*rtw of Cnetoma at Mt Mary'*. On. IU-«lrrtf« old plate The traitor Ma home raight to !•* •wanp*’! off hr h<« ronattrmmt* for a at time-tat I •••anffv V- Ito* rei dug. th* dog to l>* eh, 4 laatant*-. Ivener* l Iterrtn* I* aekl to be gelling ran 4. to build a milneot from f'rtumtrow ■<*>. through the i-v-wi coal Held* of northern Alabama to Atlanta. Ik-tmlf Free Pr*w* It I* *al<l that Mr Kl<kwo*J th* new ftecretarv *r the Irtte rlor. rt.*-wn t know whether th* I’.xwaa are ar Indian tribe or a mlitatml troupe Th* OM.tlnt'l.* of th*rr*r hw* oHver ria* b> th* remark In New York that th* hexlan* American monte oil** her* rana* t tmmbl* Vandeihllt and Jay Gould are a xklng In their hr* 4a Rev Jeaae Rortng. I> D Preetalng Elder of the Atlanta dletrt' t waa married on the lath Inat.. at th* Fmcntfr* Man*kwi, tn Mm. H M t'nkjttltt atep-moTher nt the floeernor Biabop Geurge F Pierce of- Hrtrtwf. Marahal Fttmlmon* ha* not reelmed let. awl anme.4 hla frtentla *av hr don't Intend tn. Hl* term wt’l eartr* In a rear, even It be la twit removed. which la tbought quit* pr-emb'e Dr flat oh-11 a*f>ir*a tn the T' r '~ ■itkm. and la aald tn hare atroaa support Jne Renan la well nleaant with Ma final tlor> aa ehalrman of th-'-ommltree on edu cation aad labor, and hi* rwwltlnn nn the nrrmmerrw eo»- mlttee will give him a cheme mor* rthrtentl v to rarry rail hla lib eral viewsuf Internal Improvement. Jt to Ibousl't that I beer* «< (r*n*mJ good f*eH*g la ahrmt at hand, from lb* fart that Il*n HUI. fieiklln, Arthur. Izwnn (town., Reek Thurman tamer and Morton walked In a tartv to th* PreaMext’* manalon a few da-e Mnee Thia w*a Hill’s first vlalt to th* Whit* Him.- tn alawit three rear*, ami (lartMd ahoMld bar* f. It mm h cutßpiluteut ed al hating him rail. Aleiander th* 11.. t'war nt Ruaale. wit* blown to niece. on th* l»th Inat hv th* e«- nltwlon of a hnmbthi own unerringly at him nr wane unknown pemon. Fire prm|,-u» all rm pa* had bean mad* to ' kmwk thoatut ting" out of the old man. twit they each ■med until th* Math and leaf wa* mad*. We ar* worry Hla Majrwt v mil off In *o untlmel v a manner, but a* th* price <4 mru remain* th* earn* tn thia ennntrv It I* u** )*«n tn alt ua dn<vn and weep Prwon to tb< avhmt of th* murdered ruler An ■'Keith** Ihiy in th* Renat*. Th* ns»t exciting dav known In th" M al«*ln>* m« waa Tuesday laal, *ml ll* Eat prumlneat figure* wer* U n Hill and hone inn by •mldwiUl Inflie-nee ano th* other t.v tw>w*r nt hl* t»rrltte lni*rf lv» When ortrenlMtlio WMnppoMvl by th* Rr pubbean* on th* gr--un-l lh«' th" Henab tea* not full Nr Mill u»* th* th or and hnMlv declared that *i*n wh*n It wm hill th* Demm-ret* wreild have a majority, a» Danla hail chclarail hla luteutlon to iota with them, and thtrtv-elgh’ other* had b**n elected aa DMwoerata. H* thru pic tured In tirurlng «at|r>- th* lman<>n <<f urn who ahould |wnw fate* hi feu tmat at »uch a time, and Mked. who to he that la am bl ttoua to riatxl In tnla high prramrr. before titty million paorde and hr th* fl rat to dU grace th* nunmlMirei hr beer*’ Foil ring mdtey after volley ia aurh a Urao oral, tv Maai Maburw nervoua, ami when hr rat down th* lllU* Virginia Nona tor paml up and down th* oj-m apace In front nt th* I’reakh-nt, dnnr*m«Mng thr bourbon Dem<» • racy and Uaano baliota. ami daolaring that bauwad no kltourtance tn th* Detoueratlr party When he Knlahad Hen HUI calmly nwr and adndnlaU ml another hliatrr Ralalng hla vide* tn th* bigbent pitch, be declared tw Would rather «**th>-Nenat* loat to hla parti- Uinw tn an* a Vtntkilan anil hla honor; that h* had ap<*b*>i In th* hop* that the rumor waa untrue aln<■**"l d*»lrlng to ear* th* senator inan th* had inainuaUoii of trwaeb ry Io the party which had rha-ted Juat her* Mahon* C'larr tn hla fret and aael that hu»t atop, but Mr Hill pnoel d M heAu., and raid ha •»» Uvillg tn >air th* Nmlur frnm diagram M'-arrw. Logan and Her oatu* to th* rv—-ur* <4 tlirli new et-m-ei t, fig to- wae redly In twil t 4 help. It la «ald that HHl'a epoi-h would I* worth inonn »«>•"• »rain*l Mahon* In Vir ginia. awd that to.ow ><<*• <4 it will be cir culated over that Mat* aa the beet poMlblr eiprwmre of th* rwadjiwter W'Mhlngbst waa tmaaing all that nigh land Um- Weal dav over u..- day a aieltemimt. and nsigratui*- tloo* hail- poyml In on Mr. HUI, mapw-ially from the Vlnrlnliua who eaw Uia vwUiga- Uuu of Al alarm- Lent Biritil* Itecnvemi. Trewaurar Htw-r ha* revived a tetter Poll, A 11. William*, of I'htoagv ala Ung that h* haa |u*t rrmverrd pnaaeMlou of • l<» Georgia laawt* luautol In ahi <4 the Atlantic and Gulf rwllnwd, which were loat In I*ai Mr Wllliaoia atatiw that the twm-la were a«nt through th* lAmfeilerwt* line* ureter a flctlUima addr***, and were wot Saaeau to Halifax. Nova hrnUa. where they wm* loat or eb>l«n It la aupjawel that Mr. William* waa known tn be aiakiy al aa be wm afmkl th* mania would fall In to th* haada ot the Called Htalra and h* n aitlacaUrl The nrlwclpaJ <4 »Ut.OUO and th* Intrrwat hw >**>*" 0 yrarw at • t»» rent la due, autuuntlnar tn all to over ♦».<»' Th* tawMi* war* due la al Au*iml. and a ein- If'dar fact la that no bond* or r.«i|i.»u of the number* (Ivan have breu im-aeolel for pa> meet durina th* ebfhteen v*ar» Tlw ■lurethai hM bnan aubwilltaal U> th-- G-o --r< m<. but It to probable tb*t if the bo<»l. ( ar* powmled and |.nm to t>< <ruuitx', they artll be paid ttaaaUtulloa laot the U*l be FuWUhevl W- fullv arm- With th* Warmwhnn Olp m-1 Io the heitof that th* e>-nrr*| la we ut th* Mata atowiM hr putdiahed in each county |iM«w The law* are wred* to prrvwet crlin* and for the b-w-dt of the pw*ito who are to r4bwtMl by them. Ukry rhoakl be an puto l-toed that at towel a mapuilyof the rat ine popuiatino tn aawb wmntv mold Miwin- a Winy of ktoewi through the o- wmiw • 4 thrti oOeMl county Journal To have the law* IbiMPObitahed. would eoM to the <nd motto leaatbah It m*w roate the Mate t - have thrai priMed In bo-t form, from t»e tact that erttwewowM be toina dead la til* way thuaaati of duiNr* wouN be Mved tb« Mato annually We treat thte -uattrr will h" tb-v.*urhly bv Uw wee* of the Mate betweea wow and July, that. I <»ay ba ripe e»«wh to betag bafor* the l**nalal*re ad that *ima Atigtiwta n Becnrtw* Way Matt** In our wpMhat. th* dav the ttowtrto eb tauta OMMhil «4 theGaenria raUnw.l. that -ay death wtM lay hto wtthertaw bead *P<w A-wwata r prwaiiiihg nnapret M a mat i >m.*al moln If the coatenMiteknl taaae ' mad* Aucmg will be ix> ruuc* thau a ’ .■*'»* «ay atattua. It la not nlwaya a m,B>|.lh»enf Io a | t tnnn Io any that h- >• ’ **!’•«•» ' ’••*' ■ We hare k’4»wn caw-* in wbidi w ui» | »t>ch aluleoteut waa a ccaaßry, tv dv ; j full inatice to t> e Almighty L_1._...... - i FINE *PBTm; < UITHINfJ! Bl Ai l’AlU.ii lph,a iif -' I’on>* Uffßl ai in a* y>*ji *■ oil -o at onr* « ... >AVE MONEY by -rih-rii it through me perln t lit rfuaratilwvl ,g- m> money fwdd out! You i-"<> wav* from I HREK t*» EIGHT I>* tLLABN m Ut* pru-e o’ * eult bv ■rderiug through me. Come and k»«k at •ample* fi«r ywurwen. and have your mwi*- iir* taken for a *ult Call carl* an I «e» ur* largaliie In Ckdiung. Hldrt*. etc. Hampie ri*,ni iwxt P. prmuug offk-v AGENT fol WANNAMAKEK. I BIIWN aiul us Plillmlelphla, Pa. M< H’lde arwirVi. Atlanta.<la .offernt low l>rlrvw their Immenae atoek of Uaipa. lamp < hlmu-y* and IHtur**, aud a great tariety . of bona* fumtehing m*«1« TolP-t arta. v* • dinner wareand tcaart* . agent* for ti a I'nlted ttiniea for l*tmb>-th'a patent Im proved fly fan jiißiitMir nnimiun I ••• STORE IIOI'SE l\l) C HUS AT A BAI GAIN. I off- r rnv .tore houae and mv»ta for aale to the Idirhewl biil’lor fhanot building. ik>x hi 'w t, |tl*»t‘-rod ln«l !a. Hire us lot. 15t*> feet. Term* private. I will dlapmu- of Uh- above at a aacrltld- to an ewrty applicant. H«-nd in your wwlod bldant Otw-e Mtock In alor* about two . hundred and fifty dnliara Btore rttuated , In tmMneoa centre of Harlem There la mon*"' In the investment! Aiklreaa. mrlSlm W H < HOP EK Marchant* In thl" and ad>didng Htalna - can wav* n*Hi*v by buying etapl* co* bury 'rum Mcßrkle and Co.. Atlanta. In prefer a aw to tending North and paying hi-aty fitaghta Ulaaawate. lamp*. Heth Thoma* obw'ka. Mllhllkiliult )aia at roam.farturvra' pneua. ToMervhanta: Our atock of emckery, glaa*warv. Icmpa ami lamp flitum*. w,■al ware aad Unware la th* largeat ever brought U> thia market; call awl an* oiir aplm.dld Un* 14 <<* *la and )ou will b* ohi a utoad that *ur pricea .-annot bv bra' Mi Bhiuk and Co . Atlanta, <la. (TO 1H! PUBLIC I) Haring rvwnlly added n*w machinery awl Imtiroirinent* my Bn T CLING Work*. I am fully ptvpared to tumteli mi in mini mm which cannot I* rxiwiled finder* from th* IXJUNTBY m-w tollv aullctllerl. Hhlpmenl’a ma<to pnuuptly by ••xpr*w» tn patent caer*. MOTT’S CIDER! at whrtowal" In bnrrrl*. half l-airela, k«*r* or any quantity dwelled, at all Ume* moly fur liumudlate ehlpmcn- -umd your order to E. BHEEHAN, 1*» UREENKairatf, Au*wata, Ga. (.(> AND VISIT L. J. LECKIE’S KMP KIVM OF FISHIOX! Where you will lind on* of the larit**t and heat aelmled atocka id Millinery eter hltHt<«l In th* el tv. l*atl«rii B-toneta and Hal*. French and American Flower*. U»- trich Cl|mi: t<*r*th*r wlUi all <4 the lal<«t oov- ltm- In Tilinmlnif*, awh a- lac--", Satin*, Nllk", (inu»w; ornament* for Hale and ihmm-ta, alao for th*- hair; lowly let iy>mt-a. b l Hora* Khoe*, Hl-lo O>mt«. and a Imautlful aaaortment <4 Hair irniala auch an dwitclrtto, Hrehta, Curl", Haial-wu Wave*, Gaiui-tte", Wab-r Wave* atyl PrrfccUona; Hair Pin* In ault blonde and dnrk hair; blond* hair <lve, cuilaia and cuff* In large variety, Infant’* honnet* ami cap*, lace ttachu* apron* auital-le for atra*b> r ry tee t Iva to, lai ml all h- Jewelry, la'l lea Ixaie and haorlkeivhlefa; in abort, einythlng that can be had In * Mllllnerv »tore van l« toad at L J Levkle a. Ontaia aollcltad and prurupUy Oiled. Don't fall to call at L. L L& hlEh, No. 683 Broad aln-et, Auguata, Ga Nper-inl Order* For piano*and organa, lor holiday gifla. an- foi warded alm-wl dally to U. 0 lb>bln aan A'lgnata. Ga NEW GUANO. 1 «■» * -a———- JUST AMHIVED, a full •uppiy of the Celebrated BKST IN THE Ml IK KT !! Hailngamnl* atorag*. mir friend* an l Hi* public will alaata find guan-* in g-**! order thir name* have been out of the inarket for *on>«- v*arw. hut we now n-my beforv Uh- |-üblk- with w>m*thlng m*>u. Apply tu OLIVER HARDT, or W H ROEBVCK Harlem. Ga. Ftei’y », IMI Im Vlwnoa aim! Orfrwh" R-v*nth annual hoMav ’rede. Superior pianoaaad organ* All kind" of m-nkwl Inatrumenta. *h*--t mu**- *nd mn*h- lu>k* Twwiitv b-thirty t*-r rent. Mv--d In pur cha-dmr «t “Th* Mu»lc Ho<u*><>f th* Booth" G.O R«4>lna>ui.lAiucuata,*Ga LAMBEIHS! toutehv* 'rtotote*wtoaw*Mtawh*a*to H M Vtalt the 'Mu*ie Himim i 4 th* HouUi," or write toll. O K-Aunxm an-t Ou. Augu-d*. for ivrtaliwur- ikhw ami terin* o» piai»« ■ mi-<gar>* Ihirehaaer* will liml prl<-*a A-r Mm-- mak* and «tvie i 4 Inatrumcol from 10 to toper cent tea* tbaa «taewtMWv MULLS GRISTMILLS MNEMIL’S. Plaotaiio* and Mill Machinery, Engine. and Boiler*, Cotto* Screw '■'bafung Pulley*. Hanger*. Journal Ifeixe*. Mill '■earing, Go derma, Tnrbin Waler Wheel*, Gin Geering, Judaoo'a G >vernnra, DiMttxi a Circular Saw*, - Gomaaera and File. Belting, Babbitt Meta), Braaa Fitting., Gb. aad < b«k Valwa, Wh .tie Gauger* Etc. Iron and Htnaa CaaUi ga Gan Kibe, iron Fro ala and Balerniee and Fence Railing FOREST CT' T ACHDIE WORKS, 1014 to I(*M PEN WICK STMKKT. AUGUSTA. «A (•W-Sear ibe Water Tuntr] •** Repairing promptly dv*e al kiweet prone. Boiler repair* ot *)| ktnda done promptly. dee Illy IfILQHI A PPfftCT gTBPWTNPIff .A RCMW*. iMfIM Foul jAapAfa* LmbF k Um fM^tbaas Um nraKMa, mm fiaMMVlife•» Ibt Mm Üba a charm on tha dtautMvo orgam, iMiii'riM *J7» -1 •T’l2T > "f“ a. ftWag Ma RM, jflWng, flaw ba W Iran Prißß—ttet wttBHHbAMi pg H hosMaoMe. WMk. W *a A B C Baah, a pF W ■atdal and aaanatag naadtag >aa bbowy ampncAi. <xk.*bM—» BITTERS) WB. MTLHEBIN .& 00., WgULMALI a»p RITAIt DIALRM IK JEOOTS, gsOBSQAKD j££AT5, £TG„ 913 BROAD STREET, ADOTSTA, GA, Are now receiving tbeir SPRING atock, which they offer at lowtat prwea Otr ORDERS BY MAIL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CART FPL AT TENTION WM MILHBK.NAttta eUdLMOB I I hay. j»4 rraiTtd a lipply as PATPEC", OBAXGB MlXTfflE B<LUBLI PACIFIC aad ACID for COXPOCHXO. Th* already e*tal,lh»h<vl reputation <4 th* above brand* need no further reeommen dathai troui roe IPuuuuitwr Uh advantagi-w 1 oflri when you gu to buy. l»t I have It in band ready when you aec lit to com* for. It bn I. Il la atnr*<l dry, and not put mil In th* weather Al W lien you oune to nettle 1 buy yiair tnerplu* ut cotton; you make <Hm trip, take up yro: note and grt CANH for mat of rtakax I will be pleaeoi to have your pain Hinge. Youra truly, M. B. JQ. Gk. fiogerß, Furniture aud Undertaking, Coffins, Metalic Crrps and Caskets, OF -A.L X. ORA.DEB M 9 BRAAD ITUD AVGUSTA, QA BaanßyZaaCßiftt’OaßgOvarßtore JanllStu / Xtoi'X XxAXX»« x 11 la Now CwurrMtod That ‘ Tt>« Mimic Houar of the Maith" to located lu Auguala. Ga G. O ROBINSON amt CO IHOB. MURRAY. —Pioprtotor I’" pK’» Feed ami Llr«ry N<* ktoaml toaEtuarr. Angwwta.fta. florae* awd Mate* atwayam band Ate’ a a** ndlevuon ul ttomaw**. Bu*g*e». Harm** «<c at pri--** a* low aay In the Sl»Uv AH "*teagua*<uit«Ni wr nronev re floated Hive ue-a trial feidt Br* • > • •• .1 . ’/'i 18 ! SOLTJJBL.E PACIFIC GuanO 81 I WFORTY i HOUS iND NINE HUNDRED AND NINETY THREE TONS WERETJOLD LAST SEA -W W SON WDEN.TIIE <TOCK GAVE OUT, AJD THOUSANDS OF PLANTERS W. FTKRK DISAPPOINTED. OCR STOCT IS NO LARGER -* I*- IIIIS SEASON, mi tkt u Intrtatmg c with'oPt ''dultar lrJor aU * ° f ,W< HIGHEST grade attainable ANiLYSB ANALYSIS By PtuL H. (.Will IE, for o f By Pmf C. V Shepard, Jr, far Depart ■*•*; vi rirtikhr*, StgiUnf G-orwiu Agncwltarr, State of South Carolina: * ... Yb apiioric Acid, aoinbte, 740 Hotab’e Pbmpbnrx- .A«d, 74S JkdJctod, ' JfJ Revrrtwd Phoepboric Ad-1, SOI AT**labie, . . AvailaHa Pbowpbohe Aed, I<l aa Uhfietr aapnand, • •30 A—T.dal Pbi-pbone Atod, IjM) p ”“ k >» fXT' . & FOR PRJ3XB AKD TSBFB, SIX LOCAUIBXST3, OR A O. MATHEWSON A. CO., CEN*L AGENTS, Aagn-U. Oaorgia. l**l A«-»-Tk—.. fate I !, H A u b J. J. LofiUß*B Hag w CAJBWEV BXOBB, 71* BIiOAD ffHECT-ARGWrA, GA., »r-Ov*r K D Smythe ff Crockery Sior. rt*B) J g.!H«».iea from the chrapmt to the baeL 1 offer thMaat A large atortt .4 enrp-ta .4 al»<wW- from iw the ix.wnrr »«w max mgail micna LiimiiK mm quick m ffifiisniT iffinun A^uudLurtmm.t of No.Un,ham L-rtW and Antique 1-w Cuitim - barnC FuU itaaaf XT'o’K olstery G-ooo.® *.|.v*mrM»gprtlmntartotb*b.-ln*m Vph<J.t*ri ? nt all kind, do- tarprta - - --- £ (wiK «<* . . G- ~ oo>l WOHBL9, AUGUSTA GBORGI t, Again offer Io tbrtr old ewetouwr* and the pabßc gangeaUy. Who want 1 liffiiFlr aad unifurm Fertlilaen. tbrtr waU known brand* of »op«T>t»wpb—"• Patapsco Guinn> Lowe’s Georgia Formula* Grange Mixture. Mastodon Am! tbrtr Mwwrtor makm <4 ACTD PHORPHATEH tor comprwUng, analyrttw Uto to 14 per rent amitobk- t>b.m’ta<ic over 2 per emt <4 mdmdv *!»•. HIJLrHb- RJC ACTI> friHu tbrtr chambew. at lower ng'm*» 1 •* rwl *** "'1 of the Htate It la th. mirprw.4 theeo«up.nv ta.-.wUuwwaa it beyw-. and a**ur aoee ia given that no arUckv will tie raaoulioi un*l or mddffiy thrtn which caanm aiaiva any reaaomatA- teat which may tw twuperiy applkrt. ■ " ... . The teaman-1 rapidly ha-nwrtng nurolwr .4 W» pa tn tea affool the heat avMerwWffaf wh.l haa t»vu d>a«>‘. aud which n>av reasonably b* •■x(te-i*’l thla4lUW» MABBlao turv, wbusr product* ar* n*»*l In lk».rgt». Month Oiftllua, Alahnru. ahd etoewiterag Th* work*. 4 the coropani, hrated at Auguata, <ta. »re at rti ttiwm ilnea to the te »(•* tkHi of the ptantm aiwl lai o>*r» <4 Georgia amt th* adj-lining Htatea, aaowurga- P-rtntemieal and chemiat. Mr. C. B. F. Low-, win tak* nl.-amire ta W„t> »ml Wa pnAoct*. Fta aal-by our agent* wlm mav lw f..aud In ijte/nncjpßrTownajtea vtUagm o< twaggia or bouth Can.liua, or by STOw Atoto ThiaSvßsw amh Bvkiwua Mamaubb AUGUSTA. (kA M H. HATCHER, Agent, Haßirtti r,fobls7m —»—■ —* . ! .. ■_ '' ■ . >■ ■ • —7—W— iheo umms mtt works. Broad street, n*»ar Lower Murker- Augusta- G«- MONUMENTS TOMBSTONES, and MARBLE WORK gangrally, alwaya 00 baud or made Inorder. A larga aeteatom ready for lettering —4 dalivary at abortent ■><■ tea. Several hundred, of new deaigtre <»f tha towtt roodaru aiyla of Moonroenta lurniahed at a lowvr price than ever behrra thia market, and of tha l>*at workmanwhip. BW* All order, promptly to tandeil to, aoil|anti>.fae'i<»n guaranteed. • It Tke Xixßsta Betel, Near thp Railroad Crossing on Broad Street. Th* AUGUSTA ia loca ad in the tuidatof the PRINCIPAL BUSINESS HOUSES of rhe e<ty. The " eaten 1 Uuiontt elegraph oftne i« in the building, and tha Sofftk rru Exprraa office next door. On the final of October the bonae waa ihoruoghly rcnr>«a>e<l and newly fnrsiabed by itgpreeeni prupriaiorn. The uaw ayaiem of Elecuic Balls ie in apeml tun, and every other uimiern convenience and oomfnrt of a firstac’awa hotel. Pilita and attea tire waiters in ai tendanee. ffV*,Tertu< nxxlernie. Be sore to make thm hooee your headquarters when visiting Angoata.