Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, March 29, 1881, Image 2

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mm ADvmEsa. —. ■■'■■‘l'""" :yr jks-/ r z r kish*. Bvwy at forts*. foa. C - - "S —t ~ 1. W VEMONF.K KonunaaD Ft mubnu VtOHNkY, m aRj u * net OMcImI Organ <>f lhe 4’ounlv. EDITOKIAL NEWS NOTES. Grant h»* resigned th* Pr**id*ooy of tes World .a Fair. During la*' nsmdh, 15,075 immi gra it* arrived '■ th*- United 'tat** Tb«- R*>n<hern Bipfiat Convention m*"ta in Colomba*, Mia*.. in May •exL It >■ beli*ve«l that a negro from Attorn* I* lo b* pul m oliarga of th*- port of it loot a. It mi now qai*a certain teat an ex tra aesaiou of Congress wilt be called; protwblv abool May. J. 0. Holly,of Wrboter county, re oeoiiy foouil a diamond worth the anug *am of 127.U00. Ilia now whiap*r»d that General Lrei 7 street will be tendered the Maratoalah'p of Gnonrta. I», H Rtcphew*' library <*>nt*i*<s between thro* and fonr thousand voloni • which coat about |2ii,lNX). Th* Grand Lodge of th* Kingb's ol Honor in Georgia will meet in Sa vannah in annual a»aaion in April. Georgia has 2.924 in ilea of railroad with a Mpiial stock of 93'.1.2X2.230, •nd • fa ded debt as 924 688 630 On th* night of ihe 231, tee Ital~ lan Op>r>> H-uiee at Nice waa de otroyad by fire About 75 hva* were Joat Ilia wbiepered that a naw daily i* •non to be atarted in Atlanta. We gueaa the OunatitaUon ain't scared ■Qch. A corraapomiaot of the Enquirer Bnn aaia that when Hilla lime ex pirra Gov. Co'qmtt atid Judge liiil ycr will be oandidatea for the poei- U-u Ibe premium list of the coming State Fair promt*** to be very at tFMtivo in every reaped, and all the ted leal tuna point to a tnual brilliant exhibition. The aalary of th* Emperor of Roe ata ia |lO 000,000, but then a b tub night cut It abori at any lime. Wa bad rather ba Coroner of dear •id Columbia. Ttee wif* of Willi* Conn, of Evana a>Ue, Ind., eloped ia*i wgek with Ju<. Wart. They were after war da "run ■p on," and the erring wife returned with b-r husband, Grant aaya be never demanded the anrreuder <>l Lun sword, nor did tb<* great oliH-flain offered to du so Thia loog mooted qntalion may now be considered settled. Tbe report in circulation last weeF that the Rev. J. I) Matilden, a mem ber of the thinlb Georgia C ai tereno-, nd bis daughter, were drowned in Burke euumy, ia a miaiake. Linka Alec, my* Hill* attack on Mahon* wee an outrage ; a kind of Jaootmiiain. We don't agree with tbe Old Commoner in thia matauoe, aad think Hill did exactly right. A young married woman tbe other day waa publicly accused in a hotel by to«r husband, in M«r»bal!ville, of flirting, tbe man with whom ahe had baen derelict being nauiod. Tbe wif* took the reproof withont a word of remouairaaci , but when ahe got her bu»band to thru- room ah* aeixed a revolver and at it* muaai* mad* him kneel al b*r feel end abjectly apolo gue. What nerve those Western fe males have. Attorney General Audereon affirm* th* validity of te* bund* of the Tax VollecCore of tee Stale teal were tool •led at the capital within th* pre own toed time after tee elect me. We think a decision otherwise than thia wou'd b.v* been very siijoet. and y«-t w are eimvwhat *u prised at th.- b*|- >y turn of ibo oar de Friend Hardy •an now enjoy undisturbed reel at Bight, and we hope no more hobgob lin* will meet in convention around bi* pdioe in tbs future. Io a speech ia lb* Senate the other day, Jo* Brown waa naked by Logan what hi* opinion was on mvil nervine r» form • hen be was a Republican Governor of Georgia B-owu re plied teat be toad cover been a Re pubbcM Governor, though admit Ung that bo waa once a Repub wan, and retorted by asking L that aii oo he bad once been a Democrat why be did ■ol come beck and act with the par ty. J«eey continued bi* speech with out further interruption by Mr L li wr tu pobfite all the guud thing* said about ogrpspr, it would take np too inuob of -w epecw, hot WO ilk* in b«U» the kind Wofda, so | my ou geotli-meo. I Rubiason bo* * >!•! eleven organs ' u>d piat><>* since last Monday week Three of three lus'rumci.t* wi re •hip ped through Atlanta to parties be yond • Th* young m»-n of Allante are *n jeyti-g tee n*»v**l attraction of a girl wite two l.e <!■ t io-lex'b-d girl •*. m to b .ffi. ertiy sitracuv for th* boy* ar-oind Harlem. New Store ! The Little Gem! * I nAVT.O*: HASP the FIS EXT LOT of CINIIIKS 4.XU HUTT Ever bn sight to Haitem. omeutlaw of fire llixiot t’andlre, Hme-y ■mill. Vanilla (SrsitwU' . FitfP.**te. <T»oc"lst<- Drop*, U<>ee •ml !/•«><<! O««n Irro* *. r*ffv. r --■oennt ; Hell*. M-nt prop*, <-U , ApoSw. Orsiurre, loLvanute, ttenansM Fim- Fancy t nu-kor* NUTS OF ALL KIND! 8a sparill i, Cid-r* G n< t Alf • 8< d * w iter The LAPTWt *re«neei*»lv Invited to relt and eiamliw- uy »l<«.-k, a* I f«qp **H»rt.d ibey will be ptea-ed *l'h what T have I will mi onWTs for FARHKH sol ITC NIIM short n>>U>-e atsl al la>iv><u prti-w. Give m«’ a trial and l»> ooni mod BEN I M VER >KKK Negt t<> PrtnliiUl Offlre FISH tv ry Al "THE LITTLE GEM." AdLillinery! MRS. 5.7. GIB OX Ha* Juel received a new *od varl>d assort ment of UIIK 111 U'S BITS I Also, a lieaniiful selection of lIBIIS-UCIS-418 FLOIEBS All of wbish are the latsat SPRING . •lyles and direct from New York, i which she offi ra lu bur friend* and patruoa. She ba* a varied and hand some assortment of RUCIIINGS, VEILING, TIES, d*c which *be will take pleasure in show ing Io h r rienda vnd m-iomir*. Call and examine twfme Imving elsewhere MRS 8 H GIBSON, Harlem, Gu. March 25 3ui* "Iwmr wickT" Ban** Lt*. Marvli 1 IMI Ma H. A. Cook Hear 8lr: M hen I l-Hignt my ituaoo last rear, nai r>x|u<»le<t rn» to nut yours, "the R l» IXiK’H," by Hie •Me of Some other alan.lard lerUllXer alul make * careful and Irupartial tret 1 clone so. and the following is the result; Ea> h ; pleklng was d.>a* at the satse time, and when the on ton naa drv, anil carefully weigh**! Ihe IXlE'b waa u*rel Oil one -hie of Ine llwld to al<oul the ninhlle. I then left three row* and next commenced wilh Stile ÜBLE PACIFIC. All waa planted at th* same tlm**, ami oulUvatel u*a< Uy alike. The yield of seed cotton from Uirre rows— R. H-tXirx , . IXSIba. No guaiai j 8H " HOLVBLE PACIFIC 11* “ I used Just XI pounds of guano of em h kind In Uieea test n>«* 1 umk! 16H lt«. Io thn i ssr*. H> the use »( *> ll* of Cue’s, 1 receiv ed a net gain of 37 lb* over Uie aanm n>w« ’ without iruano. mat withM>|uble Pacttlc It ltrs . ar.d by the u*u <»l lhe i.iTtm lbs One's 1 . gained i,7UO Itw need outtcai. 3.U00 Hm Hotel bl* Pecine. 1 •>! Iba reed collon. Now. nut ting Uit* *t 3 cent* p*i taatod. the (XIE'S wa« worth tome S*i; Nolubl*- Pacific, >.T.i I will rnaa* u«e tret again thia yewi with the Palaiatco or aocueoUier popular fenll tier. lam satlatled that the R. H. OOE'H la tes BEWt guano 1 have ever used, and aheerfnlly re>*>runiec»<l it. Thia Uwt waa made for ll»e tienertt of my*elf an n**lgh- ImCH. but results brtng so gieally In favor of <>*<•, 1 eeod II to you with perndrelon to make auch use* rd It a* von think beat. Plee-e rewerre twu ton* lor me; 1 will send my wagma next week Tours truly, BaM’L A PALM F.R, Th* al« re waa on *undy *“11, If **une of my cnetewners tn the oaftev w*»«la witfc make a careful •ml thorough Irei th I* vest with •*«>*■ of the other standard leitllixrr*. . they wrniht benefit Ihc-niaelcee and neigh twus and evuitrr a great favor cat Uie undec - "UrtiacU I ran mil}- gut about hv<- car haida I this year, and want t*> get It on many <ligb>*nt farms as lawalbM. 1 have no 1 doubt aa to the raamlt. I bare a few tone left of th* ACll) POF AHH, put up by lhe hwii.w pat Un. betel 1 • long your wagons aud make a run* amt safe Inreetmeait. H A.OIXIK. 1.M9 Mlle .IckeL Georgia Rcilr -ad C‘K, j Office Gc-li. PaneoUgUV A/t,, Augusta, April ste 1879. \ Coiunu'tic bo Monday, 7th tl-vf., this cotupativ will rell < >NE Til US AND MILE TIC KETS, go al ovvrj mini 1 nr an ! branches, at TWENTY FIVE D-iLLARScmeh. Three * tick- J ate will be issued to individuals, firm* and families, but not to firms aud families ootubinwd. E. R DORSEY, Guo. Paaeenger Agent. 500 HiteTtekefe Georgia Railroad Co., ) Office Gen Paaaenger Agt. J- Angtuta, March 2, IXBO \ Commencing thia date, thia compa ny willaallFlVK HUNDRED MILE TICKETS, giMxl over main line and brauebra, at THIRTEEN 15-100 DOLLARS aach. These iwkeis wilt b* iwauvd to ludtvidwala, flrma or fund **, but not to firms and familie* combined. E R. DORSEY, Goa. Paaaeuger Agvot. |R°H A TRUE TONIC . A PERFECT BTRENGTHEMER.A SURE REVIVER IRON BITTERM are highly roammaxiad for aU direaam re uniting s certain and aOctent tonic; repacialiy W?*«* /ypcp««, Jwto- Warm Frere, Warn AppMUe, D- Lro* </ Lteyy, -e. Enoch*. the blood, **n«ngth«n* tit* mwscire, and gitrs new life Io th* nerve*. They act ilka a chans oo lb* digaativ* organa, removing all dyspaptic .yptoma, «uch M ThWtef tte Food, Mthtog, Heat «a Ue AtomorT Hrertfeww, *h*. Th® Only trun I*x oyrn ft inn that will not blacken the te*etli or give headache. Sold by all druggist*. Write for lb* ABC Book, £2 pp. cf ■nefol and amusing reading—wm fm. BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTERS ecCMvleMcc* ui tuc- **'.■• u -I‘l .I*4 bls « cui -eve money by i*u> Ing elaple en* k»-ry | I ll* m McbcMc-aiel Co.. Alhiuu. in po-tm- ~ sure to sending .Sorth and pnjlug b*«\> , I euchtH GCim-axl*- larufe*. relli I iHunar' , I loc-ka, MllivUM hull Jeu a al luauufacluni*' I no*. 11 To Men-liauU: Our rtock •■( cns-kerv. I ',-lare "are. I iiup* and lan-p ttxturre. wi>*l- i wan* and Uiiwurw i* uw-alatg'-ei ever' brcHiglil lu Ulis marfcit; call and are nut Kplmulld line id gc»*la mid you will b*- c*>u \ I need Uiat **ur prere cannot lie I* a'. McdiHlbKand Co ., 'ln 1 (TO TH? PUBLIC I) rwvnHy Midcd m*Hdr>*ry au . hii|>n>vrine»H« t • in \ B it-UiiiM t am full) prvpannJ »• fuiniati Sill 111 M!!EBAL WATERS wsb fi i-wnnot l»* exiefthd OrilerK fr**m th*- | C IH'N rilYrefate-llyeolb tltc-d Hhipnumt's 1 tuade promptly by expreaa In p«U-nt cuc-ea | MOTT'S CIDER! nt wlioh-aale In larret*. bait I nrr»*ls. Icrg* | or any quantity decMird, at all lliicra ready | | for luiiu."iint*- “lup *n* -wuicl vouronlwUi , E. SMEEMAKT, |fijs GREENE *trer», AnguM*, <ta. GO AND VISIT L. J. LECXIE’S EJIP mi’ll HF FlMllini I Where you will il id on-' <*f the tirgref arid | arlctlid at** k» Mllllliei y •*'••1 • X-i lilldb"! 11l Hie v-llv. Patlern Bot.tiets fl nd , lint*. French sial Aiaurii-an Houern. tlv- 1 tri. h I Ips; btgi*lh*r with all of the Intivct i uovi-ltire in Trlinn-lng*. sm-h •• luic*-*. Satin*. Nllk", G.iuzi-e; oinsini’tila for Hit*' mid Ilonin nl*o fen Hi** In i ; lolclv )• t C*uul*a. J*t Horne blu« -. Si di-<'diilr. ml i a I t*reutlful mcrortcuc-lit of Hnlr good*Huh as . Switches, Braids, Curl-, baiatoga Mnvr*. Ccsiu* lb*-, Mst-'l Wav.-- unit P* cfee lion*; i Hair Pin* to suit blond** and daik hair; I blonde* hair dvi-, collar* mi-1 c uIT- in laig** imtety, Infant * l«*niii-t» mid i np-. In* • flwhu*. aptoci* "inlaid** tin * I caw berry I***- tival*. laliT-t alyl*- j. wclry, ladles' Inw and tiaiMlki-n lili*r*; in -h*ut. <*»• rythlng th»l < emu t** had 111 n Millinery store ran In* lend < at 1, J. Gx-klc’*. Orders soliiltcd an I prunplly lliliii. Don't fail to call at L. J. LELKIE S, | No 6X5 Bn'md atn et, Augusta, Ga C- FINE SPRING CLOI HING!, jtf&' At I’liil lili-ll hlic prna- ' Conn- WEIS' sad make* yiaii sell etloii at one** I and SAVE MONEY by ordering through | nu*. Pei f**t til guaranti"*l or no money ■mid out ! You enn **ve froin THREE to EIGH r IMILLAR-S 111 tin* pri<"*<>' n *uit by onlei mg Ihi'ough nu*. Conn- and loojt at Kampli- for yourself, mid hsvo your met* ur»* tulp*n for a suit. Call esrtv mi I sec um t*irgaln* In Clothing. Shirts, etc. Sauipn* room next to printing.offi***. AGENT for WANNAMAKFR. BROWN i d Co , of I'hlladi' phla, !‘a. (iF.OKbIA KA I.KIIAR GEORGIA RIILROADf'O, tfu|s*rintendei t's Ortli**. Augusta, Gu.. Nov 5 b, lHk>. Commcnciug Sund cy. tin* 7th ln«t. the I following (Mireenger BCbeduie will bv op* i ; Sb*d: NO 1 WEST. Daily. izarr Anguela 9 11 » m Arrive t musk 11 S* a ni " Mttfertgevllle < 45 p m “ Mcc'ii 45 p m " Wa-hlngton 210 p m “ Ath*-n* p m " A'tnnla 5 45pm NO 3 EAST. Dally. Leave Atlanta ... 7 15 a m " Athens ... 915 n m •• Wnnhlugton in 45 a m •• Ma<**u ... 7on a m " Milledgeville *Wa, m “ Camak 135 p tn Arrive Augiiflla 3 47 p in ; No Cotiuecliuu to or from lymdilngton <>n Hondava Harlrm Aee-wwataboe- Tkdy, Exe pt Inmf-y Li. Augueta (pm L» limlviu 735a in i Ar. Harlem 5M p m Ar. Augu*U Vou a.iu Duly. ' Ixave Aiigu*ta , sMpm J '' ’Ceiusk looatu x I Arrtvo Sparta . 2 45 a in “ Mllfedgevllh* t*la ni '• Maron *4sa m Athens 7 Xi a in “ Allan's . 5 001 tu NO. 4 RAST DalfV Leave Atlanta Rlsnm '* A teens 6 <ki p m " Mauun 7on n m “ klitleifgevlllc 9 15pm “ Hpartn in 4-5 p m Arrive Camak 4 to am “ Augusta 7M>• m No ecMinecthai for Macon on Sunday > nights. Trains No* 1.13 and 4 will not ship at I Fl«g Station* I SVPEKB IMPROVED SET ERS TO AG ANTA and MACON. R. K JOHNSON. £ R DORSEY. Su|M*rintMslaaL <teu. Pare Agent. Notice to Pa rs. <X)MMKN(3MG FEBRI'ARY lat. I*l. and until further n*dk* . lhe |is**eng>-r fare • •rev the ttewgla Railroad main line and bcwnehea, will be as follow*; Agwtit’- rate, three r» nls (ier mile. Train rate, four rents p»*r mil* ChUdreti bettrerti 5 and 12 year*, half lhe above rats* Minimum rate, for anv cM».tan<*> 5 rent* Puaaengvr* *i« b*n<>y noUned test it ; thev tall li* purteare ticket" tfm the St*- I Uoo Agents, they will be cbarg-d Us* train rale. 1 (s<nduei**r* an* not tk-ki-t sr4fer« and are ' I ant aHowval to acv*t*t than tlw tiam I I rate of four rent* t*-r *Ue. Tberelore. tu ( ' swrore the advantage of the teduced rate.' I puretia*** your lk-keb» before c-niering the train. The company o<M*rvea th* right tn i hang* nr entirely atcrotral* three rat**, al ph*«»uie and without nottas E. R DbRSEI . Geo. Pare. Agt J4i li. ide iuhK o , AltuuUt, G*< ,«»•!• 4 Al low HDiiiriiHv rtock ul ialllpH, Jatlip chimrwy* wn<l flitur*** him! m unuti varWy of iMHM* (ulUteblilHK TUh-t Hd*lM, YA- diiuirr wntpßi.*! h*» * t*; -I* f<»r U fetal** f« r LnmbHh'ii (•Ab ut im pruvud tip ta«. Geo. KoltiiiHoii A Co. Hhip plant* nnd organ■" U» any point lr. on trial for flfUw»n with p»'vdriri* nF i*t»irwnjt. ft* 4 ** of all rxpAO***- of lr tur*p»rtatioti, If uoiouUteiy aaUmlacU/ imiKiiEiT EirßOßEum STORE IIOISK l\!) CMS AT A BAI GAIN. I cflT*r my Mor* hnutjr and tfvwda f<*r to Uio bidder HtZ>* <>f b'dldW. »♦* I - Si»» of lot, fwt -piivatH. ! will dinpfmo 4»f the Abnv«» at a tArrifior to nn early applion*. Send In y< ur <»n«*o. Ktouk in Blon\ about tw«» hundred and fifty dollarw Sfji»rt» idtuAtAd In btiMlnvtsH rentr»» of Hmlvtn There I* niouFv In the tnv«*ati)it*nt! Addn** mrls bn \\ 11 t < Il Spi vial Order* F*«r piiU)«»* mikl oriran®. for holiday fflftA. an* f"i'* itd««d ahi <»t dally lu G. O. Robin* 84 n 1 <’<»re Adgiistii. Gm. “W ~ Jt'ST AIIR.VED, a full supply us the Celebrated BEST IN THE MIBKET !! H k ii'ff ariu'lo Hti'r ikr**. our frionda an<’ Ih>* publi'* will aHaY a find tfiuiiioM in tfowl OH It I O||| iljlkt* I-4MHI out «»f t Hi iiKi t foi tu-nic v»*ar»*. but wr id»w cornu twfoii' tho I'Ubiic willi Homrthim? Apply to OLIVER HARGV. or W R ROEBUC K Harlom,Ga.. Fch'y T 2, 1881. im Plmiiom and Organs S-vnnth annual h<»h<liv trnd»*. Superb »i rinni'M?iiul orir iiiß All kitxls of musical instr.uiti«*Hta. ah«<rt nihMc and muatc book* Twenty t«» thirty w» i-u Mt. aaved in pur rtii*i’ie ?4t ’lhe \!u**ic H«uiH*«<»f th»*S> ith" G. O. R 'biuH •n/Aug’tuda.'t in LANDRETHS 1 SEEDSBEST inni tawteb aod Pnote ru OMmu «M»d Brtmufleg Ammi D A V IDiI'>PRKTU*k s B| \ IhH the ’*%tn*lc House of thn South.** 01 wrltu to G O Ri'tiiiiMon and Co , Atiffimta, fur eatAjutfuoH. piiceM ami tuniia of piano* ami <trgan- Puirhas* i« «til hud prtu«w for Marne mak«* and i»t> h»of instrument from 10 to 'JOjw'r i-ent than etaewtiere. ' -4^/ Xo < X A 'Xv'X It is Now Conceded That "The Music House of the Route” 1- locaUM lu Augusta, (in G. O. ROBINSGN and CO. THOS MURRAY -Proprietor Prepie'* Fred and Livery— SI tciloles, Noe. S.inan.l CMElxn trr . Auguste. Ga. , H<-rera and Mu Ire always nn ha I*l Also a lie** r*l lection ot Ferri eg-*. Buggire, Harare*, etc at prkre a* low as anv In Uh* | state All *ak-s guaren'aed or m**cw*v re fuiskxl. Give me a trial let 15 3m AUGUSTA— OEORnI ' . ™ . nmt th.* mihlfc generally, who wat.t reliable and ft —„ ps°o uu i w’o -j ST*-! F :mu.a, ba r- M x‘u ) Mistodon Gu no Ancf their aurork.r makre of lhem WhlOh C “ ,K ' t BUU< any UMMM»nab|H tear wnirh may he V* l T ft* patron* afford th* bmt evidence The large an I rapidly ‘n«'7~* XL’Xbly te* «preted from Ulis HOME mm>X «rhat ha* been dime, ami wh "'. h , " South Carolma. Alabama and ture, whoa* pnrlucte are used in G* r»C • • "t* Ga.. are at times <M«n to lb* I*. S'KS T.7IS. \ illagre of Georgia or boutti Carolina, or by A(|n l U V A Lai* Tmaßukb> AMD Buxiotobb M*n*okh AUGLSf A, GA M B. HATCHER, Agem, Harlem. f>bls-2m J. J. LOGUE’S C AJRjP&W 712 BROAD BTICEET. AUGUSTA, GA., ■O-Oi r E D Smvthe & Co ’s Crockery Store. ”W«) —A large Stock of uarp* l* of allfgmdea. from the cheapest to the.beet. I buffer them at t|ic LOWUT xrw Y*>HK KKlall. FttfCgS. LllfflffiS. S!i!K. KfUCiS BrIIISTESY 1 SPECIALTY A rs>d awortment of Nottingham Lac » and Antique Lace Cm tin* on hand. Full lincof Upholstery G-oods! amt svervthlng pertaining t*> the business Ti bolstering of all kinds done. Carpets made and laid to order. Old car(s‘te taken up and put down. R GB, M \TS, CRIMB CLOTHS, Etc.! Hal Ing eighteen years experlenre In the Inisimsm. 1 guarantre perfect •satisfactire In 111 sock All orderic-hall receive my prompt atlcmtom ' 'jl’ 1 1.-foie purchs-imr * he-where Rr.FF.Hi hX'XH JbA E B H(X)K, Dr J b UOLKMAN and I H VANNERSON, «U of Augusta, Oa. u ly THE WHITE SifiWiLKO I Sup ilatiyjin I s Attributes I Stands ACKN’OWI.EDGF.DTHE KING of nil SEWING MACHINES 'Fie \\ H I I']' Im* lief n used I. r in *r ■* 111,1 ' I,l ' '’ '' ' *' ' ' 1 ' '' '' ' in HMmr ' A I Bkfl A A xM™b . it » i- ii t" purehnacr. We do not pecldle ibt m, ihim L we art* enabled to *ell then chi ap*r tlmu ■ W . ri-nt ulus- old patent ma inni* ux sold. ■ - Brx Ab ir.l-r- |._\ mini -Imi: n \ or write for circular* ami |-riui * J. I) A T. F SMITH. J HORICK SMITH, N .. 525 HR »AD S I REET, AUGUSTA, GA WM. MELHERIN & CO., WnoLBaiLE AND RiTAH. DBaLKRS IN i &00TS, Shoes, and j&ats, jfirc., 913 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA , Are now receiving their SPRING stock, which they offer at lowest price* OCT ORDERS BY MAIL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CART Fl I A HEXTION hm M(LIIK:>4 <•*■ IS. Gr. Kogers, Farailure aud Under taking* Ccffios, Metalic and Caskets, all grades. BROAD STREBT AVQUS r A GA Sandayrxnd.ffightiCallxOv*rkSto * SAW MUIS GRIST IJILLi CANE MIL'S I .aniation and Mill Machinery, EngnuS and Boilers, Cotton Scre»» 'teaft.niL Puiley*, Hangen, Journal Rnaa Mill' earing. Gudeona. Tori-"** XV ater VVberl-, Gm Gearing, Ju<lhoi>’h G «vernnr», Din Mon a Circal»r S»»*« (lamm-re and Files, Belting, Babbitt Metal, Brans Fitting*, »«h he k*" l ( •!▼*!», XX h "tie.Ganger*. Ktc. Iron aud Brass Castings Gib Iron r route and Fence Railing. FOREST CHY FOUNDRY ANiPm ACHENE WoRK>, ' .. HJ 14 ,o 1026 FENWICK STREET. AUGUSTA, GA (•WNesr the Water Towar ] tUr Repairing promptly done at , prices. Boiler rvpaira ol all kinds done promptly. dee!iD THEO HARKWALTER S MARBLE WORKT Broad street, near Lower M.irkst* Augusta- Gt MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, and MARBLE WORK hlwaya on hand or made to order. A large .. lection r*ady for teltenn| M* , delivery al •borteat nonce. Several hoadred* of new dreigu. of th. •** . modern style of Monnmente furtnabed at a lower price than ev.r toef*" 11 ’ ‘ h,, “‘ rket ' \ o<l °* }>»• heat workmanship. wAll order* promptly tended io, xnd aaUafaction jjaaranteed. Uly