Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, March 29, 1881, Image 3

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jLUBBIA ADVBITI&2P.; w Jo«a A Barvsfo* of «b* °>un*y LisQ (Il4M’^ r ' ®*' wMV PFIMM<WmDF* •♦*» wr ■.aagnm—■ <* tfo* aaiM.' rcßialU* Bail) !• C«laabto, Uaeala aai jefferMH MBBtIM I life fer aillM«lrt—'dweloa *rwt a-vw pit the klxilmmL bnCbLL MMA Aurora Wttt be beat ara g4re«* wpoe * Mtewtte tarn: l rear. caahte advance . •! 00 munth#, each to advance tec tm-d in the * at Harlem aa recood-etaae matter. Igxrce Caab C«>ntracta IrthUwhret m.nutwturere, and large » at the “M«»r Horn* of the South.'' ht-O O B-4><n»«*> <tft> . nf Augusta. tn anpretar piano- and organa at kw r than ta P«*d by email irofert E I*o M th- large and efega*’ * or identM amt «•»«■»>>- at " The Mu«*r l«-of tbeH -Ui.'O O Hoblneon A On. eraphod ta-t wwd lor Bftren Plan.* and Li« tn mi order* whir* are rowing In re*ry mall. TERFBTING NOTICP. It. conceded that KEEN KB eella good* Iper than any merchant thte side of Au- Kat no merchant in Harlem or In &► Kia county pretenda to compete wtth I A* a proof of thia hewUa Urge quan K nt goods te merchant. to aril again K.i hi* Rm nI re Syrah ia the beat sold there at tee per gallon. Kat his C. O. syrup te excellent at 45c. Kat hl» Cuba Motaaara is superb at 35c Ke gallon lo» or more. Kat bls Sw at S 1-40 1* good enough for fcwrw*), Kat he la acknowledged aa leader tn the Kot com at tec and tee, oats tec, meal Ker bushel Kat he has no competitor in the meat Kt tl>e following price* Whtfeahoul- ■ 1-X white aide inrot »e, white chunk ■•44. Lt hi* Gilt Edge Fl air I- used In toms K feet tarnlll-a In the State, also th* Lg hotels of Augusta BuUmg thia Bat M 30 per barrel. Kt hi* P-arl Grist al 3 1 fe per pound - Krpds tor 100—ar* very fine Lt hl* coffee is -erjro.i to none in thia K-t; quoted at 6 lb* tor Si 00 Lt hi* staieh and aoda remain at th* ■ brio*. • 1-4 • per lb Lt hl* sugar is gr>>d as the beat-light ten. 11 lie fur SI; whit*. 10 1-3 lt« Kt hia *U» kof Hats t* large and well K-<l-jo*t from Baltimore *5 pm cent ■»-r than th- cfSeapeat Kt hl« stix k of Dry Good* l* ianre and Ki. red by ail a tine neleetiou; calicos. ■ ch-ck*. 31-1 Kt hi* 81.. U andtjh es ar* from U to Kth a pair cheaper tnau any other mer- K'* la Hir'd n Kt hi* stock of Flow* is large and of ■*t material. Kt ho one may be dfoappulnt*-! after Kg 10 or IS note* for good*, he k-ep* ■by the 1 OSO H*S Corn la 100 bushel ■r more, Bour Hi barrel-, tany quantity K*y D*-d.i. Anyone wanting SSCM In at one buvlng <’»’* them of him K to s.* him before buvlng, a* you nil! Hire li'Ulars on every fifty you buy Music H<>ii<w- of tin- South. Robinson, of Augusta wli in f.xae *ol everv tioulbet n Ktat- north • ' Augusta can justly claim to have Hous* of th-South.” Mjtl Advertisements ■ dmimstrator’s sale to an order from the Court ->f of Columbia'oiii'ti i— r..i “ »t th- Pl ice of public sale In sai 1 i«i U' first Tuewiay in APRIL Mail that tract --f land in said ixsmt\. lai-1* '<t Dr J S Hamilton. Mr- ■ Lamkm. le-o » <<ra> amt oth-r» two hundred ai»l seven airss. Hor |es» belonging to the . tat. of * tote .le.-.-ww.i b-u.; and to perfect titles ■ ELISH A IRBY Admh r will .roieo.l of A u. Keh Sth. I*<l lea for Lrtun of Admltirtrano* or Gs.sot a-Columbia county it a.i B Bead applies b. tn- f-r of Admiinstr*ulon or. th- —'at. ' V M —•! ■ late -t -Sid o. e' wws-o «rw th-n-forr to cit ■ ami adm si sb K-1 kinguiai th-klodnsi air’, redm ■ mM'I-ow—lb l’’arl»?f»- *’ ' ■on or t» fore th- flr-t Monlav In I#l, to show osuar If aio they wt, i aald b-tb r» ah. a.I I ■->’’. Ulster un ha, 1 an I offl.-i* 1 - »' '• ■ny uffir.-, Un* 7th Vac »t March. ■ GEki D DARSEY OrUmar. Columbia r»>«nty M FeonM for Lrttan at Piawiasic: or Gwvwila Cohimt.r* cuntv M*r>«a. Ike V Hazard. Admlni-lrat.u- Mwuateof John H I npp>- .al- -4 -o ikwavai. appli'— 1 i»e f,< Hki’ MKiisahxi from asld estate M*e ar* therefore to mt. ar. I atm-xm-b ■o singular th-klrslrol and r Md -iweasol to be and atn—*r at m- .4 or M(* the first M.exiay In Mac. show eaua.. If aav thei have, why M*l Kier* should foot tw granU»l under my naod and 18, i*i -re ■®ce. this Tth itey U |KgD)RGE 1> DAR>EY tWoan ■lie CniuaabU snuaty K> Br*4n*oo and Co bar nwcpW-rir th-- musi ' trade t v seilmg Bat at a *nia.-i margJ. ■fft th*., anr d-vUer in America an 1 Co- AUanU. G*. gi»* f” ■at me. .hart* in m»l gu,-w»r~ ■mare unwar* lamp*. eu’Wry show ■ ■.a ig.-.aev- ’ •• '•■ raw a*d tukhrt M>ta VAKIEI lr,x. If* bon* «*al keep* u»r spirit* up, i I’m bop* Ibal keep* uur msMßoriwa gwwn ;, If* hope that Mask** <wr liwew mUiuw, If* fo*p that kenp* u* ctevu. i Onart weak. Rotsterou* weather. te«d our ehureh direotory. CUfort pniesadtag* next weak Best Tuaaii*y b hyal aabwday. OteUMry'a Owrt AUaUay aexL Band M. B. Hatchar'* ehaawwd ad. But a small crowd attefodu* Cuurt. Begwiar CvMauwdooera' matting Tueqttey Friday font la ‘AM Fool'* Day;" trap >x>ar wtt* ahout you. There la a yuuag man about B-raeUa who | eat* tuba . uu has « gat. Al'ierman Huaaey visit*! hi*old Anae in Nofth Candida last w«et The Mclhiffl.-Journal tailed to reach U* last week Why my dear Cap? Hou. Alex II Stephen* will plcaae accept <air thanks for pubKc diw-wmentu. John Curry says Sunday t* hl* day for laspecting the gardens around town. Judge H-ebuck now rid** a thorough tired Mustang, about the *tae of a gumea- PU- Lou Hatcher .lellghts In having five pet Mluirrv>l».and i* now m aeaccli of a tooth lea* Bo* We are glad to learn that the Rev. T. C Boykin had a good meeuug at Gid UnkMi ■*> Wedneaday. Why I* It that nothing is being done to put the public niad* tn better order? They should be attended to al once. R<-»d Kwner 1 * astonishing quotation* In anotbei column, they speak volume*. Go and see hiss Bead his advettienmect. Mr* 8 B. (Hh*wi ha* * card to the iadte* In this Iwwie Kcwl It ami be profiled by patPMUung the Hcsci millinery swrw. The Bev. J. 8 HsmUbsi. well kaown in this county, but now hwated In Warrenton, paid as a pleasant visit on Tuesday last. The great attraction sw l« 'The Little Gem” store, where the ritw*4 fruit snd con fectioneries are kept Kawd s i vertieemeat. John Pesrre says he saver read a newv. paper in Ids life, ami con*eq««eUy beUrva* the Comanche Indian* to be a mtestrei troupe. The clever Mr TWoma* Wright Oiled Al ’ierman Hussey's vsriou* off),-** last week with much credit to himself and eaUelac tkxi to the public. Our “devil" Ben is under obligation* to that clever gent lemsn and mauler workm*n, Mr. J. H. Kalt'Beisch, for a neat stool, and | be<* to return thanks tor same. Ernest Neal, sou ol Major Neal of this county, tried to commit suicide In Atlanta one day last week by taking morphum, but a "stomach pump" objected to bl* so doing Go* Cook has a calf with the figure 7 It. white hairs la it* forehead Tbi* calf is to exhibited at the world's fair, arrangements having been made for Giant to tid llarouud the ring Basrwet of a note recerrtlv re -etved by ft! Dill: "Dear El. you ack if I return your love. Ye*. El; I have no use for It, and return It with many thank*. By-by, Bi , by-by.” Onur Holiday nearly smothered hi* bed fellow with kisses the other night. He had promised somebody "a bushel of them.” aod In his dreams was paymg the debt, but to the wr-xtg party. We l->arn that a son of Hon. J. P. Wil liams of tbi* county. now tn attendance at Emory college, was recently efeotsd to a prominent off) e in ore of the leading so cfeUes of the college. Judge R icbuck married a runaway ow pie on the 21—t Inst. the contracting parthw bemg Mr Burton Harrison an t Mi»»Ophe- I lia R.--1-S- May happuwfos and good luck i xttend them IhfoUgli Ilf* The Reading and Mush al club gains in I attracthm* every week At Hie Ust meet ingtbesuig “Echo” Was eharmiugly reu i,land by th* Mlsee* Harrison. Mo- Mat ' tie Young an-l Miss Maiule Hick* two advertiseni-mt of N. Brum Clark, the j ladies favorite millinery and fancy good* I emporium of Augusta. The sLck in tbi* i palace-like establfohmeot l» truly beautiful j to l,<ok at. and so many fancy articles rnrot | inr'rt gaz* a that It seem* difficult to make a selection- Go sod see for yourselves. Htrleni Needs and Want* More capital. ' A new school bouse. A new and enlarged depot. Remodeling, so as to have streets and al ley* Trade from all parts of the county con- 1 tlgteius to her. A rallroa,! from the Georgia road to Ap pling A narrow guage if we ,-au t dt> bet , ter and we re*po:tfuli>’ ask th** attentUu, Ith- Georgia reel dirvctly to this subject !at thrir cvnientioa la May next. Our dirt c*d« are iwoining-’inu-' bis tnat wag ; iwiing to market must soon become a luei I art. A ro-opcralkvn of her cttlsen*. looking i tow an I-» * n KWWhh <4 the jot hosier*. I last »lrwt» and alleys may be laid off and j ipeiel. A town with-sit street* and alrivv I irlik.' country come* without rua-le. No ■ i«u«t, ,n should Be tolerated, but free and : inter-comiuuuK-athwi atm ng all. H*r i |em m Its first wri-U-roriil an.l rape! prv grwrii'esr*- prscti-*l squatty soverign ; ty. aid Ma w.rr *4d an-1 norue* built with ‘Witany ref creme to iutemo<iimuain*fe*i If we are not all ck«e covumunlcaoU »e »b<arid at ris»t have u<> tSockad.- Co «« ial i lam. Harlem oml- »n-i wants a OHTS ti-ai eg these «r,.f» wmcb were uninteuUocally I no doubt committed. m ' Spring Fashion*. j O*d blue in a»4ber shade of thl* color. Bordcrai rot<dressv*i will be much worn. HaMkercnief suit* wry popular for Ut j Usgtri*. Ball ror-ring* tn roikd gobi are very fash * uvalde Lmw pin* bare superseded all other kinds i of brrwa b BUuk lace Jersey* are worn, studded ' with jet bead- Whits *erge flannel I* a new asaterial tor . evening boare wear ppriag vioM and white oxalic* are In great devaaad tMaab* will be revived UM* *prtag to a iin.ilei extent. Very Wide ritboa* will be used in trim sung early epnbg boosets. igwar.titiee of tare ar* woes la nay style prri erred around the nvek. The rww mUiasvv .e-uamest* eosabtfoe jgoid, Mgd. jet aad sliw Rpv-cLil Nutlet*. Tt>* »H <**>! qnarteriv meethut *w Ap |4)C»rewt will I— brid ■« th* first Rsf | unlsv aaU tMMwlay lu April, st White Oak Robbery at Haw4iiat. We learn that on Primary Mth. a M n( sugar coffee, etc., consigned to Hon. J. P Williams and Mr. Robert Freeman wete *U4m from a ear while on ths side traek at hawrduat Buspieicia pmnfovl at that Um* to no uoe,afo<) aa the Asm was not so very heavy mi stiher party, the matter sovai* bw oatue quiet and there was nothin* more •ah! aisad It. Thus the sfialr restM until the*m >n>ii>g of the 36th Inst, when it waa dhs-ove-o-d that eight sacks of guano, coa sigiml ku N J BrmieSl. had been stolen <wi th-- night previous front tkecar Us which it was stoial. bcatxii was made and th* gu- I ano. together with a portion of the good* ; first stoli-n, »«< found at the house ,4 an* i gro man not far off. who claimed that th* I said goo,in bad been Mt with liliu by one Guff Blsm haid. A wariaut «•*• issued tor the arrest i 4 ttiu two meu. but Griff snuffed sulphur io the air sad “vasuouaed the ranch.-," cohM-quoaUy was sot arre*ted. Hut. -t range to say. the case was •‘squa-li *d" at tl e Instance of the agent of the raii i,«d. and tketnief proper sod his aecotn pllceare bow soot Irsv. and m, doubt con cocUag for another uikl-nlgbt raid. We would like to liear that some oue who ia InV-n-stmt In th* welfare of the ptfblte. had preeentod these parties tn the grand jury, that ths case mighty* propel ly Offalt With, and these burglars punished for their mis deeds. Gcueralllles. Thomson is sbly repr.'eeule.l st Cairt. Als-w Blackwell is to be hung In EltsMton on the 13thof May. Ihe Harlem Baptist 3. 8. Birch'd new of- I tiers on Bunday last. John P. Callaway, of Macon, has twvn ac quitted of the murder of Hon. I. P. Tlson. Come and see the iroutlful lot of Snring and Summer suit* at “The IJtU - Gero ’ *s tablisloiient, next to Printing utßcv. f<* •». »10 30, All and up Cheapest ever offered. 1 Cali sauly ami make your sei.-ctioua. I •■nstitutlnn : The lease of the Georgia raiiroa-1 by toe Central ha* been perfected, , so we are informed. AH that I* to be done imjw 1* tor the stockhoidsrs of Uh- Georgia to ratify a hat lia* been dona Gen. D M Dußoee, and Milton R.'ce.-, E-o of Washington; Davenport Jackson, ai«f Rriiert Pi-revy Esq’rs , and Geo I had Oakman. John M. Graham. Salem Dukte*r, ii<>ykln Bright, Dr. Hussey and Marcus Meyers, of Augusta, are iu alleudanoe at Court, Felix Barnes, negro, atb-mpb-d to com init a rape upon iho pet non of Ml** Llxxh- I Joiin*,n a highly respectable young lady of Mt Ho|<c church neighborhood, near Spaita, rnie day last week. H» was eat • tuied, and the next niornipg fuuod dead al ih,-sp>l where he tried to commit his hell ish <l«axl. One of Judge Roebuck's boy* came near Iring seriously laiiowwi Thursday while en deavoring to jump on the Pica> uw 1 hl* is a bad practice and parents *t>ould see to it and make their children stop It. ere sell ous daiuag* befall* some of them. While Dr. and Mr*. Casey were on their way to Appling yewterday, their li-use I ,*»,,«• frighteiHSl so-1 aUrinptel to run I away, l-o-.Soin Uh- sOfftc- to tie- buggv. but, we are glad to say drii g no luithei damage. Had Mr Jauier, Keener not etop- I i*' the animal, the result ought have icon , srlous. W-« learn that already Capt Real ha* I h»d several appliestioii* for araHuniixl*- Uon during the Spring and Bunim.-r i-ca | soil* from parte-sill Augusta and elsewhere *ho wish to enjoy for some months the luxury of a*->>ur(iio <>ur tseutiLil little town. Let all emu* who wish, there la arn pie aoiHiuuwlaUvn here for tiuixlnals, and we hope to *»>n *•*• tiaib in alive w Ith vis itor- N\> better place could be *eha:ted at w hich to spend tbs heated seaaou. The following I* the form of the contract win,ll the t»«idsiii*n i 4 the Tax Collector* and lb*elvers who did nut III* their bonds according to law, wiU sign: "State of G«e gis. county of. .. .....: Whois**. ... , duly ei.v-tol Tax ol said comity oo the fifth <iav <4 January la*t, did not ex leeub-anl Bl* hl.i offl ml bwl aittuii the time preecribet by law, amt whereas, his i failure to do, mb we stalo tnira a knowledge I of the fatfe, was n-,t bls fault; now we. Uie i said act who are Ui* »ur»-liffß of th* said and w hv, with kirn, exrcut-d Uie bond which lie lie* bvsl.-red as hi* < filial tamd as such lax ,d<> hereby make and enter Into . tie- fidlowing agr,**ment with Alfred H. ' Ixdqdiu, Governor of said State, an I hi* ' l hunwrv in ofllce, to wit: IbU If l> e *ald ■ bond I* areeplril. it shall have *ll the va l lidity. force and effect of a statutory of , , llcial bond, the*aiiH>ac if It ha-l been filed ' an I approval within the lime prriwrt<«-«l i' by la». and sut-j.* tin ever) respect to the ; fMinie n-mrilirir lor the euforoemoot of any and every handily thereon. And we furth- I *r freriy consent an-1 agree that the L--g‘*’ I iature ma> hrieatter peas any and all laws, | either general or epecml, which It may I .Mem i*w*»ry or proper to give fuh effect I b> said Ismd. an a valid arid binding offi -lai ! ISM*!, and provide such remedie* tor the ea forceaueut of its <4>ugaliori» a* now exist. . •or may hereafter be enactei, toenf irci* the übhgaUonaot <4ll- ial bond* which have been I or may be ex<* ut>*l and tiled hi all reaprx-t* ' i conformably to law " CliurcU Directory. Appointments by Rev. Mr. Di vall: Harietu. Ist Sunday, H a in ami 7 Jo p ui . j Dnwixjd. Al Sun-lay aud Saturday before . ' at 11 am Philadelphia, Al Sunday and Saturday | bes- re. at 11 am ! Sawdust, tth Him lay and Saturday be- 1 foi*. at 11 a iu, in every otber month A lam*, every other tth 8 today and Bat ' j urday twfore, *t 11 a m. aud every tth Sun ' day evetung at 3.» At Hailero. sei vices every-Sunday night, ei.ept a b-o there la preaching <>u tie- Al Sunday night* at the Bapt,*t chureii BELAIR MISSION Rev J 8. Emoby Wood's Chapel. I*l Sunday and Salm day Kfore's Unirt-h, Al Sunday and Saturday b»-fore . Hartmi * Chap,l, Al Sunday .. Friendship Church, 3Jup ru Al I Sunday Fierce’* Chats-I. tth Sunday ... | Gvodwia * Chapel. 3 30 pm. tth Suu-lay APPLING CIBCVIT -Bev. T. H. TiMMom Whits Oak. Ist Hmetav ami Saturday be fore Dunn e cmtpel. 3 1 Hmwiay and Sat ustay before St- Mary's. 3d Sunday and Satunlay before Applmg. Uh Sun lay and Saturday before. By Rev J M Arxresow: Kfofc** church. >1 Bunday ML Is*ba oua. Id Bunday Grovechurcfr. tlh Sunday By Bev W. J Ruoxaa: I 1 OM Coion, set Burday bilrer Run, A! Bunday Harieoi. >1 Sunday. 4pm Meßrid* and Co . Atlant*. Ga. can dupil- 1 pate price* ub Cria-kery. Glassware. Wood ware and Tinware. L»kuur Giaswre. Show ' Caere and lamp* in any No« them market. A4>l **v* you a g**i profit tn freight Gwn 1 agriit* f x Lambeth * Fly Fan. Don't fall When You vbMt Augusta to call it Win Muibenn * 80,4, Hfo* and Hat tUnra Thatr *u.:k ia complete and price* I are ae few a* U»* lowest SHALL & 09., Who’esale and Retail Druareritete AMD - SEEDSMEN! Offer to ths people of I COIUMkXA COUHTT Pare Drugs, JVTedioine, PAINTS, OILS. GLASS, PUTTY, YANNIS™, BRUSHES, PITRNT MIDICRIS, I’anrj Goods, Ac. at Lowest Prices ' PURE SPICE-’. Black P,*op*r. Ah- per lb; All*plco, 30c lb hare Ging.-r. 1A- per lb; Clovre, 7A: lb Nutm,--’*. lie |*-r <>x; Cinnamon. Kk: per uz Mare lie per uz; Mustard, 30c a box Pure F.nglleh Boda, Iflc per lt> Cure Crrem Tariar, *»c tier ll> Pure extract Vanilla. IA per bottle Pure extract U'mon, 34c per bottle Coxes A Nelson'* Gelatine, »c per box Epsom Balta, 10c lb; Gmn Camphor, A- oz A*~aforil<U, Sc oz; Blue Ma*e, IJcox Ca*tor Oil. from l»e to 40c per bottle Bateman'* Drop*, MX’ bottle Godfrey'* Conml, IJc bottle rurlington'a Balaam. IA- bottle l B-ddlttz I’,>w.|.t*, 40c box , Em|>ty Capoule* (tor putting up quinine) 4Tc box Mustard Fleeter* (ready for ueei Joe Lox HiMp. from Jc a cake up Lily White, from Jo a box up T<*>th Brushes, from 10c up Hair Brushes: from AV up Combe, from IJo up, etc., vie. PATENT MEDICINES. In,n Bitter*, tl bottle; Hop Bitters, tl bot Harter’* Iron Tonic, tl l«>t I Hootetter'* Bitter*. tl bot I B.« f Gln>-And lr<>n. tl bot Simmon'* Liver R -gulatnr. We package Hulcee'* Bowel and Liver Cure, tl bot Hukvu'n Disease Eraßuator. tl bot BLOOD MHDICINKB. Tutt'* Baraaparill*. 11 bot; Curatln*. tl *>ot Ay*r* Bar*aparilla. tlbot; 8 M H.tJW" Clark Jbniuioo'* Indian Blimml Byrap, We " | CHILL AND FEVBR REMEDIES Beall and Co'* sure cure, tl 75 bottle Magle Cure, 50c l«>t; Ayer's Ague Cure, tl " India Chohgogue, ilk) bot Javne's Alt*r«tive, tl l*>t Here*'* Medical Discovery, 1 but LINIMENTS. Mustang. 3V to tl bot; Opodeldoc, TV bot Pain Kill- r. 33.: Io tl bot; K R 11. 35.: I*4 P.mkl'h Extract, Wc bot ’ Tobias' Mui moot, ' 40c bot » •• a ■«» ■ COUGH MEDICINES. Broil's Cough Bvrup. 35c bottle Gl.ue- Flower Cough Hyrup. 35’ bottle Juniper Tar, tv Little I utt * Expectorant 35* bottle Jaynre * £x|iectorant, tl bottle Allen * Lun* Balaam. 1 00 l«>tile Hall * leing Balkam, 100 bottle BoM-hee'* German Hyrup, lie bottle If.*i*mana Cough Drops. Wo bottle Wialar* Balaam Wild Cherry, tl I*4ll* Bvkm'a (Jud Liver Oil and Jdroe, 1 00 bot** “ " " 100 bot Kotts EmulMon, 1 on bottle Hiker*. Moller* »r>4 liegeman* Cod Liv er Oils. each. 75c bolUa. * We keep EVERY THING usually kept In a Srst-claaa Drag Htorw. Write to u* f,g wh*l you want, or call and see u* when you come to town. BEALL & CO., OPPOSIIE AUGUSTA HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA. J«* it »• C < - Fl MILLINERY and Fancy DaY GCUDS Store, 819 Broad Street, / wgusta» Ge. Larty* an! varied wfock r.f ,he Iqieat HaTS, BONNET 4, CAP’, EU Lace« Hair Good* Ribbon*, Silks, Shtin, Button* Jewelry arid Flowere. Mr N*w good* by aiesmcr and Exprnm weeklv. g»r DrmorwaVa Pat* Aernafor Ladies and Children. N. BRUM CL»RK, Angntta, Ga, L Mff- Small profit* nnd quick sales, -fcig dtM I AM NOW PREPAHED To offer the LARGEST uud most complete flock ol "Wt DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, MFjII ATS, Etc., it ha* ever baeo my plea.ure to commence "Ht HF SPRING trad* with. I hope by continuil aJditiuna *F* ing Soring and Summer, to make it still more attractive, “W ME* and hofc by fair dealing and attention to boainfp, to ”NM Wmerit aud receive tbe patronage of tbe commnnity “W M. ®5. Hatcher. X X 3BOWitoE}» & co. LEAD IN LOW PRICES 1 FURNITURE of all Grades. IHTTR ISSES IM) SPBIXC BlillS ILL SIZES 4 STILES Nice Walnut and Chamber B*4*. Drowning Case, Hail,l* Top, fur Fifty Dollars and up! u.’^feroXVur u “' u,i ' ru ' t ’ us °“ The Largest and CHEfiPtST Crockery House : IN THE SOUTH ! aS. ». SMXa-jKiK CO., 710 BROAD BT., A.OTTXT»TJh, GA. Carry’s full line of CROCKERY, < HINA fiLASHWARKIN aad M OODENWARR’KEROSENE LAMPS and HOUSE F RN IBHING GOODS GENERALLY. MF* FOR; BALE AT THE LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES ** ' Th.e “Dox’v X_■ax’v cotton rQcLntox-A TtIK;V.EST Moreoftbete TN Ti E - teHMr 4»e than all < 4M||3SQIKv u. . -WT*<'inbined 1 ha* tHk. i, E .doraed byencoeaa liinn* Ilian *ll JW9** '♦•icrever it, iff other planter* used. ffter inm also agent foi die combiuud Hinge and Roller, tor Fam Galen. The SIMPLEST, BEST and CHEAPEST hinge for farm gatea »ver invented. OtU'and.aoc them at JOHN BONES MOORE’S, Old siaud of John Bone* A Co., near Express < fllee, AUGUSTA, GA. Opera House Garde*! Ben Neisz Proprietor. CHOICE Wim. LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Philadelphia and Cincinnati Beer. BROAD aad ELLIS STREETS, AUGUSTA, GA. (janll if C. i£A. db €0.7 Harlem, GJ-rx. I-.EADERS OF I-.OW I’RICES .' —DEALERS IN— Fancy Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Dry Good®, TVolions, WmiE. fiLASSWABE. CBOCKERYffABE. R We are determined to NOT BE UNDERSOLD by any honao in thia eee tion of the State, aud at all tirnro our a in idiall be io give entire eatiafao* lion troth iu the price ami qmlity of our good* Give uh a call and ba fohvinoeil of wbat *e »av. For every dollar npetrt with tu we give FULL VALUE. THY US. ’ janll ly Clearance fc>cLle OF CARPETS ! ° • —■ ■ a • a In ortfer to reduce atock and avM 1 carrying good* over. I «111 offer mv Htoc k:of|CAB PE TB. amounting to Mo/MXi mid over, all fieah goods, ne « drolgii* and ouioringa, at very reduced privies, embracing a* fouuwa: Royal Velvet Carpel*, Body Bruxaul* do, Tnoeatry Bi uw«el*l/lo,' Extra an<l Imperial Three-piv do, Scotch Ingrain do. Extra Super aud|Buperflna •io, Colton and WooldA, Hemp and Vienna do; J, j and 4-4 Venetian d«; and j Stair Bru»»el* do; Stair Rot. and Fixture., Napier aud Cocoa Mailing" ; Plain, (.'becked and Fancy < antoti do; i L»ap Stripe Carpeting; it indow Cornice*, Lxoe Curtainii, Cretonne*. L imbrequiu Shade and Bullion Fringe, Piano and Table Cover*; Win.low Shadea in Scolloped, Fringed. Plain nnd Gold Banda, Velvet Soft Buga, Smyrna S-d'i Ruga, Vel vet and Bruaaela Ru* a; Cocoa D«ror Mata, Velv. t do, BrnHaela do, Smyrna do; bh*ep Shin Mata, Crumb Cloth*, Chromo, Wad Pajxn and Borders, Roane Shade*, Fire Screen*, Carriage and I uggy Mau, Ceelar| ( beat*. Star Oil Cloth* aud Cruxh. ba? Allgood* *< id for net ca»h or city ao ceptauce. . JAS. C. BAILIE, 71’4 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA.