Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, April 12, 1881, Image 3

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CCLEEBU ADVBrTIWJ M A. BUVgffk. proprietor rftes Al IM—■ uMg preprirtov ot the w y dlttHttM B»Mt II Cal—bH, Uawta •■< ' Mfrrua eeMlles! ~ffW far taoitteing Im <m> Bret appear mw at tta adserttoemra: The OMbMMt* Aovtemars will ba e«wH teaayffffitaea epos tbs following terms: OMfW, Motta aITW. »!« ■ta •ssifo •**» •>* ■aMaat te Ma ewfooffe al Hartaan a* •ewsas-eisw* matter U*f« CM* Cewtreusfoi jax’saxtsrr.waF .nahteG O Bntennon * Co, of Angaria. to MR MK*T pteaoa and organa al less to petal by small deSsr*. T- Milhr-r- Oar stock of crewksrv, Stare wars. lasaffa anA lamp Mtarm wnod wan- ami thtaere to tbs 4 larg—t ever brretgM *o MM awrtt.rell and «• our •etaawild UMofgnnrtaand you will bo eno rineed Mat -J»r prire*rarmet ha beat NeßatM and Co. Atlanta. Ge. AWMC NOTICE. It la raocmM that UENEB aeito goods M«««r than an/ tnen-tamt this Mde of Au- TMw> to in obs* •» Rartoo or In Ore liibhi uuM*T preUekto to compete with g lB . gsa proof r< this bearita large quan UUaa nt goods to torvehants to mMI again That hte Rmpire Syrup to tbs boat sold •eywbers at M- P* galkm That hto C. 0. syrup to e«celleet at 45a. That bto O*a Moiaaaaa to report, at ton to gallon w * <* ■»'*». That hto Rlceattl-to ta good enough for tay preson That ba to aokaowtedg*! as leader In the pries as earn al W)o aad 81c, oata tte, meal toKhper beabel That ha has no eompetltor In the meat Ilea at the frilwwing prices White shoul der 8 1-2. white s!4e meat K, while chunk ■ret St-4. That hto Gilt E-lg» Floor I* used In some at the hMt temlltoa In the State. also the Iredlag hotels dt Augusta Belling thia weak at te » per barrel That HtePrarl Grtat atl 1-to per pouod-- «• peanda tor ItO-are rwy lino That bto coffre la aeoxi'l to none tn this market', qawted at t lbs for <1 00 That bto starch and wets remain at the same pries. * 1-4* per *> Tbgt bto sugar to good so the b*st—light krewe. 11 lbs fcw BU white. 10 1-2 lbs That bto ato*ta of Mme to large and well hlto-i toto «rnm 14 per cent, ebaapee than th- cheapest Tea* bteatoct as Dry Goods te tergo and simsldetwd by all a Uno fakc|fou; caliooa. That Mn Haute and Uh re are from a* to M real* a pair cheaper tasui aay other mer e seat's ta Har tare TWt Ms stock'J Ptowe la large ar.d of Iks beet material That an ua« mar be disappointed after osoilag 10 or IS retire tec goods. h« keep* most by the IMO Jha, vers In Ito bushel lata er more, lour In barrels (any quantity yee may read). Anyone wanting tsoo in goeda al one buying **" tbe*" "f hl *" (tell te eaa Mm before boring, aa you will •are Are duitora m ersry fifty you buy The ■umc HoifM* of the xiitib. Q O. Ruiilneoo, of Aitauata seta In Taxes, AI Sansas, Ixxi tolane. M«w<laaipt>i. Alalanne Florida aod orvry Southern (Mat* north of Uavrgia Anguete can justly claim to bare tbr 'Kualc House of the Mouth |S L*<al Advertisements OBP Bt Bto MMstxtb oritumu Onlumbla o.antv ■EI Whrnwa. Ik- V. Ballard Admlnial rktor WM°" Jo tin H Triple- lal-ofa.i.l S||M County tlewweol. aptdV-n tv in<- t.-r i.-tb i- dla«nuuik>n from aald "ktaU- MM I h«~c arc therefore to cite and admonish m all an 1 singular th- klmlrc; and .tcdltor. - and appear at n>v . f on vc fwforetbe first Modday lb MaV wMim. to show .-aiaai ls an , tbe> have. win oak I inters aS.-1 Id n<d be rrantel under mv harnl au<i ■-fiSilal signature ■ at office thia ?U> >l»r of Fe«>r nai l . >** ■i OEOBOK D. DABMEY. Ordinary Mu am Odumbta enunty ■always ■ THE BEST! ■ Clinton’s ■muillj: i SUB If ITER MB! Ixjnal t«> the Imported la atr'nuth color flavor IIWHIM to the jrwit li.roa»- in bualncM. t haveadih-d new mariilnc r Oou'de my former uapaclty I am now to (111 orders from the emntry four .luaen ahrpvinß •*»» M, ‘““ at K-ITTLING WORK IH 1348 BR UDBT , ■|Mpi 3m A UOUBT AGA ■ICW YORK W MIL UK ER Y • ORE. 9 MIHB N ELLIE PUBCELL. tn Eton Fra®, h MiUiner) itefcOoor Noyaltiea in Neck F—Myaa.i Jed. Jewelry Fdc. ’jM ■F"No 7JB Brnwd atcMt undtr •-Qsntnd Hoad. AUGUSTA, GA. 3M MF No Kowd# cat Approbate >i. •p 6 ;)a * VAKIK-iIM. The March winds hare eeaand, Apriog bM al test got a kart hotd The mumps still bang eomnu Harlem, locate and spring cbtekena are scarce. As amal. all the tract to saM to be killed. McAtail and On. are rweetring new goods. The whipping peal ought to be re-mtab itahad la UM «MMty. Mta* Btobey.of Ttewewwt. tortottlng Mrs. N. B. Hatobrr. nt this ptece GeaemJ Mart W. Gary to deed ; atoo Rev Dr. Bobnrt Irvtoe, of Augusta. Freeh goods averr week at the ladle*’ to rorite Store. -Tbe UtU- Gcrn." • Mr Robert Magab*e. nt this oounty. died al hto boa>e owe day tost week •I** DeilafHiwwt. df Appling, tonne ri»- it to her ml Mrs » H Glbeon Hundreds <g acraa nf corn In this county to being tAowwd up and reptanb-d We am happy to state that Dr. Ctoaev to much bettor; to able to be ap oooe more. All news and much local matter crowded out this wank WIH do totter next wwk Mto» Z*na Cook spent Sunday at tetme. and made Monday ' blur for all the boys. There to said to be cnoaldeceble sk-knees about Appling—aooMthiug like b b. fever The whole of thta enction of Georgia will be In Augusta daring the May convection Harlem twaete three nr f.xir ink leva that measure from 4 ft 2 in. to 5 ft 11 Inches In diameter. We n-gret to learn that Mr«. Clara Anto ny was quite 111 la*( week Much tatter to day. wnkM ft ad to State D»ee anybody know what has heonme of our Appling rorreepoodent? Hope he Is •ot down with the b. b f. The adv -rileement of Hul»*> <1 wing and otaaning works of Augusta speaks for itself read it. and have youi old clothes dyed. Are our Hunday schools making anv ar rangement tor the eelebraUoc of tbs "Chil dreo'a Days” It to not far off—fth May. We are glad to learn that In a few nays Whr population is to be Increased by the re moval to Harlem of one or two fanilltoe. Read the grand jury preeentments, also Communication flora Oliver Hardy, E~q . which ta published lu ansaer to aiatcuivn'a made in the former. Miss NHIto Purorll'e mlllln*rr establish ment. Augusta, opposite the monument, is headqunrterH for the latest faaliluns Road car.l In anuchar column. Tha beautiful and ao<vwnpltoh»W Miasm (teaey. «f Augusta, vial ted their fatlier. Dr. this plaiw on Thursday last. On Hunday they returned bom« The Georgia railroad s wire fence, as a protection t<i the road to*l. now reach's as far up aa 19 It te ornamental as well as useful, and no one should object to having It built on their land. AU letters of a personal nature are charg rd for by us at the rate of one dollar for every eight Hurs, eight words to the line Caah must actsunpanv such n>mniiinl<a- Uvitw. rive they "will nat bepubltehed. That Mg hearteri friend of every inan. th« popular P>-ter Keenan, one of Auguata's prliHte mercbaiite, haa an advertisement In this issue, and we ask special atteaUon to It. His stock of shorn te iniiosua... It to bad policy to wear anything red on the atrmsot Augusta, the • tativ.- cow” now having centred of the tbonHightaraa a small-p<*x <t» ddn't even be hung out. lor fear the building would bo butted down. V Richards a:.d Br ... of th ' grea Fred- erickeburg store, the dry g.mds i alap< of Augusta, bare in store a magn I fluent at.s-k of tipring dry goods. In our next issue will appear their nd wrtleemant. so look out lor It, ye lovers of the beautiful. Messrs. Win. Ben -m a> <1 0. W. fMms. of Apptinr, attend <i (he Hai.e n n-sdlng club ou y night lavt an.l treated the Hir lemltes to eome charming music on the v lo lln, accompanied by Mrs. Cooper on the pi ano and Mr-. Gibeou <<n the guitar. Ctanbm'a • ria v ater aad ginger ate have aMarrwvUy wonvlvrlul rsputairxi lor puri ty and f rerbnms; they are the beet we ever drank. Our dealers would do well to han dle Clinton's manufacture when dealing in such lu rchandtae. Read card riaewliece. Theta pint A. W. Blknchard. manager Os Cooke - oiolbim- and bat house of Au guvia. address.-* Ate many frtenhk an I the outda- thiough uui columns thia wwk. Hee what he says. HI- stock of clothing seal hvtvlv wonderful y lurgesndb autlfu., sad marked at bottom prices Teaadate Callaway, who was last week ki to I by hte brothev -ln taw. ha-1 stolen his ovn akter from her home and married her t -Hm- A ea m -iwy consideration. Hmitb tvitol to pay Callaway, whereupon he at tvek.-d Smith with a knile, who In turn was f a-.-ed to killed biiu in This Information w» gel from the Kltarloo Ga ■etteof last wack. Ed Moore, a cojornd brakeamsn on the Georgia r<«d, f II from the CS I » Camak on -taturdav iia.rulug teat ami ha>lbotli leg* so k Tilb-y crushed ta-t w.en the wheels that bo uved but a few minute" after. Dr. Hall ot Warrvutoii wa»< called, but the p.a»r iel low wm too serkai-ly Injured toolivrateoo. Mr J W Bell sn< ured a coffin and ch thing t.>r Urn urnwil, bad the ho ly properly al kaixted to aiai aunt to Augusta where Moore lived. CouMty CommimHotiera Court— April Term. The H<morablra William Lansdcll and William T. Martin prawnt. Order 111 favor of H. A. Merry tor 428 on •• •• “ G A. Harris 38 no - ” B L Nral 3* no •• “ “ W W Bhlritte, jall*r 12 to •• •• ” G D Daraey, clerk 37 50 - “ Geo W Gray, 3 00 “ ” B Ivey, sheriff, for attending county ixuntnl—iocers evert end court of Orrilaary. 50 00 John Ward placed oo pauper list, with J A Walton receiver; MsUlda Btockiitone pt vced on pauper list with H A Merry re w4vsr. Adeline Boger placed on paupv-r list with Geo P Tankersley recriver; Mita Wrieb pta- ed »n paUfier I let with - rw c iv-r; all t<> recrivo two dollars and ttfty eenly per mouth Chas. K MeCord vs. Robert J. Hardin: M lion to set arid* judgment. It appear ing that th" foregoing caae 1s pending In the Bunerior Court, It ta ordrivd that mo tion be dtamieaed , . „ Aoplh-atloe of W W Ramsey and J I. Flint tosell Intoxicating liquor*at Nawdu*t. Ge . approved, if they coiupjy with th* re qulnxi.eiiui of law sod pay liccaso tax of fffty dollars each. „ Wm Lamadkli.. C C. W. T. Mautim, C.C. Prohibition Society. Minutes of th* Mrst meeting of the Prohl tatliHi Sra-irty orfsnlw-datuir M E church at thta plrneon Thursday night Wat: Th* axen-lMw were opeo—l by Itev. G W Duvall, who stated the object of the meet ing to be the formation of a prohibition so ciety to prevent the sale ut spirituous and malt liquors Is (bltttubta county. He wa» Billowed by a m<«t excellent petition for LMritte siteiriam* by Itev J B K Bnilth. Au etex lion sot officer* resulted *» fcl tows: J. W Bril. President, Rev. T. H. Fimmonn. Vlic President; W. H. Cooper, Treaaurer; J L Huaey. Hee retar y Ine following ooramlUees were then ap l tet. A corveepr’ndlng committee of live to remvaea vbe mainly to tbe interest of the »>■ etoty and to frame a petition to th* lxgl»- tatire. The foltowtag were apptantad J. W keener. J. L Huraey, Bev. T R. Bmw art. Bev. 1. H. Ilmmon*. Itev. J. B. K BiulLh •d A ffnanrtai committee, on which were apk Anted f. * Kevnte. S. A. Cook aad KW.JMIL ... . _ M (’oauatetoe to canveas immediate vi teaity: Bev G tT Duvall. W7 H. Cooper Mrs J. W Ktetosr. Bev. J. P. K MmiUi was appointed to foo ters tns aoriety st tbs next maettag. Thurs day night. 14U> test kr rmtaia were ctoasd with prayer by Bev. G-u. W Dwvall. aod beamdtettoo by Bev. T ff Timmon* W. H Coorea, Bey.protein. A <a»rd irvtM OUvvur HaiMj, fcavq. Ma K»rtua : In Uw-genera!preamitniewta of u*. grawu jury whk h has jn*t ad>«m «d. I Hera ap|>aare live h.ih'Wiag, Vlx ; ”Wa dM o<»l so Into an vvaamiaalsm of tl • ireaenrer’a ami tax coll-'vtor's biavk-, a* a cuoipetenc tiHnnifttee was appointed by tte last grand jury to make a tour.nigh exauii oali a of thwu. and r-prirt to us. Thia th y have done I la' «aumitten rete-rt Un uaawvi <4 thirteen persona wlaw names ap near In tba defaulting Hal of UTA wbuae tax-a were paid by Frank Taakeraley, Joe stable, aggragatlug MX 01, ao.l twenty names on 1875 tat, aumuutlug to Ml 80 paid to same party.” As tAx a.Uectora receive credit on thrir accounts h>r the defaulter list, slid as II te there duly to Issue ex. vuttoua against de faulters and band them to auaie oooatable for collecU<m. the toragtang report might seem to Imply that t had racrivad credit for thirty-three persvus an defaulter* In 1874 and 1875, and yet mAlectait of those wry IMvrsvauv. through Mr. lankeraley. as my omatable. thrir taxes for Uioee years to the smount o’ righty-hair dollars sod eighty ■ rav cents. I,'barritae, Invila aUenU-o to th* aubjolnwu affidavit of Mr. Taukerely It ta from him that Uve cxjmmlttoe reis-iwd the InfonuaUon on which they base thrir icpoit, and by reference to lite afll.lavit it will be seen that they .-omplv-tely lutauuder atood lilra. Bu tai from giving Mr Beall L. N<«l, the committee man who Interview ed him. the names of thirteen defsaltets in 1874 and twenty in 1875, Mr Tankerah-v aa>s In hte • .orn statement tltat be told Mr. N. that he could .wily reammber t«u nanu-s, and had but a alight recollection, “a very slight recollection," to use hte own words, ot aay others. And. so far from to forming Mr. Nesi that be had ooUectod *lghty-h«ir dollars ami tag I' ty-one OMits. tie says be only mentioned 0011.-ctlng eleven dollars from one pcrsoai aad ten dollar* county scrip from another; and that Mr. Noel told him al the time that Ive got the other amounts from a list io bls (Neal's) pvaeealon Mr. Tankersley also saye that lie told Mr rectatect well these tad Craneautluiia, It bring so long beck an l he having had a great many ere. uikina then in bto hands; and he refers to a oum b. rof cases where taxes collected 111 1874 an<l 1875 by him by mistake were rvfuodsu to the tax payers by me. As everytaidy knows, It not InfrcqucntJv hsppona Uuu a tax payer to con p lied to pay taxes which are elterwards n iutshd to biin. Provision 1s made for such cases ot mistake botli as to county taxes (see code of Georgia, see. 927) ao.l Htata taxes (aco 8431, and it, after a teor.etgh examination for the last seven years, a vvmiinlttae has only iMind olgnty-lour dollars au.l eighty >n- cento of such caees in my official career -an average ot twelvA dollars ami ten cents per annum—l think I can justly claim to have made as tew mistakes aa moat men; and inasmuch as all these cases oecum-d (4 they occurred at all) as tar back as 1874 and 187 k, lean claim, on the committee's own sixiwlng, that, for the last five years, I haven't made any mistakes at all. The people ot Gdumbia who have, tor •<> many years, honored me with tlirir rtMiti<l«m»v, and s hom I have so long served to the brat ot my ability, will be slow to believe that six or seven years ag”. I got myself twice er-rilltsl with a taw dolls rs of public money —but. hiasruarii as the grand jury, out ot respra t to U»e reooiuin.-odatltai of thrir pre deceMMHS, have noticed the report ut the committee, and thia report might be nite understood, I have deemed it proper to show that the committee got th. ir informa lion tiom Mi .Seal, and that Mr Neal en tliely tuisundenvUud Mr Taiikerslv-i, as Mr T'a affidavit shows. Ouvgg Habdy. MS. TANKSMUKY'S AFFIDAVIT. OteansA osuCMniA oouktt: PerouiMlly Mpprai'ud Go>rg« I* Tankere lay of raid oouuty, who, being duly sworu. doth depose and ray: lu the general preeentmi-nta of the grand jury of said count yat March term. 1881, 1 have junt seen tlie following, vis: "W« did not go Into Hn examination of the trneeui'- er's or tax udleutor'* book*, a* a competent Commute' was appointed by the iaet grand jury to make a thorough exaiuinaUou of thrau and report k> us Thta they have dodo TheuoiamiUM report uemra of Udt tern persons Whose naiuee appear In tue defaultlug list of 1874 who«e terra wen all paid to George 1 aitaeraiey, ounslable. aggtegatlng sixty-three dollar* aud oue c nt, aud twenty iiamra ihi 1875 Itataiuount mg to twenty-tae-dollars and righty ovnta paid to same party." In relerence to three eteteuienta I now ray that some month or »> teforv Um making of raid preeeutniente. Mi Baril L Neal, une of aald ooruiulttee called at my rraidenoe am! asked me If 1 had oollrcti'd taxes In 1874 or 1875 for Mr Oliver Hardy, tax Collector of raid county, lr tn any of the |wr»ons whose names he reed hom a list In hta poraeralon 1 an awsrwl that I distinctly nmiemoered col lecting eleven dollars irom DrHatnuri Mul ler lor hla tai'— for 1874. which amount I l>aid over to Mr H inly, and that 1 had a slight recollection ot some other name" he lead, but it was a v.-ry slight recollo Uon. a id I would be unwilling to b-stlfy on oath to any oilier than Dr Muller and Air Urnu ham, from whom I received an order on Hie omulv trvasun’r for ten dollaia. uirier InstrueUiHM from Mr Brauhaiu to pay his own taves and three of hte handa as far aa It would go. 1 remarked to Mr Neal that 1 would not be positive as to other nsmra, having so many executions then in my hand* and tt being so long back. I did riot give to Mr. Neal positively the namee ot any thirteen persona from whom I colhaited terra in 1874. oor the isimes of any twenty persons froru wmim I ctalaeted taxes In 1875; Pur did I mention to Mi Neal any amounts except ths eleven dtalare from Dr Muller and the tan dollar order from Mr Branham. Mr Neal told me at the time he got the amounts from the Itat he had, and 1 suppwe he got the Impression test 1 men tioned thirteen name* in 1874 and twenty In 1875, from m> raying aa he called over the list that I had a allgilt recollection of thia or that particular name. This is the ent Ire aubetance of the Information j gave Mr Ni-al on this subjset. Since having my attention recalled to the subject by the graad Jury preewiitme'.t*. I remember aome caeca where I collected taxes In 1874 and 1875 and paid tha money to Mr Hardy, which waa refunded bv him to the ter (tavern as having tieen collected by mistake In 1874 In particular 1 know tola occurred In one neighborhood In soma twenty or more cases, though I d-> not re nienitisr the nainee or aniwunta. In 1874 or 1875, I pillacteil texes from Mr Orar Bond who Inform* me to-day It was refunded to blm by Mr Hardy. I only collected taxes In those two veaua. tall lied a great many exacutlope In that time and ihHihtlee* other similar cases occurred which I do not now remembei tbs details of. Gpoiwk P. rAVXXRH.xr Sworn to and subscribed twfore ma this 31st day of March. 1«1. Obi W Oui, Clark Sup- tw Court Oolum'ita county. The Little Gem! I HAVE ON HAND the FINEST DOT of CINRIISHmriT Ever brought to Harfora. consisting of tine Mixed Candles. Hoo-ylCoomnut, Vanilla Caramcla, Pig Pasto Chow date Drops. Rre snd I>-n»on Gum Drops, Taffy, (rastanut Balia, Mint Drops, etc ; Apples. Oranges, Cocuaauts, Bananas Flee Fancy t racker* NUTSOF ALL KIND! Sarsaparilla, Cider. Ginger Alet Sodawater The LADIES are spactally invßad to eall snd examine ray stock, aa I feel eattodwl they will be pkaamed with what I hare I will HU orders lor PABTIEH and PIC NICS <wi abort notice sad at bottom prises Give me a trial and be convinced. BENJ M VeBOWEE. Next to Printing Offi'C BRILL & 00., Wholesale and Retail -ABD- SEEDSMEN! Offer to toe people of COIVKBXA COUKTT Pare Drags, Medicine, PAIMTS, OILS. GLASS, PUTTY, BHUSHES, PATIXT HIDICIXIS, Panel tioodA, Uwe»t Price* PURE SPICE’. Black peptier. 3> per lb; Allspice, We lb Itaue Gluger, lb>- l>rr lb; Clovra, 74c lb Nutmeg*. IK ;*-r ox, Cinnamon, 10c (»er ox Mace. 14e per ox; Mustard, 20c a box Pure English Hods, lOe per lb Pure Cream Tartar. Sue ja-r lb Pure extract Vanilla. 25c par botUe Purr extract Laiuon, 25c per bolUv Doxes A Nelaoti’a Gelatins. 2wi per box E(moiii Salta, lilc lb; Grin Camphor. 5c ox Aaraf'-'tida, 5c oz; Blue Mara, 15c ox ilaator Oil, from 14e to 40c per bottle Bateman'e Drops, 10c bottle Godfrey'sCordl*!, 15c bottle Turlington’s Balsam. 15c bottle R-'idlltz Powder*. 40c box Empty Capaulrs (tor putting up quinine) 40e box Muatanl Plaetere (ready for usei 50c box Ship, from 5c a cnk« up Lily White, from Sc a box up T<*Ah Hru-hra Irom |oc up Hair Brushes, from 35- up Cutubs, from iJc Uls etc., etc. PATENT MEDICIN’W. Iron Bitters. 41 bottle; Hop Bitters, (1 hot Harter's Irmi Tonic, SI fed Ho-tett-r'a Bitters, 41 tert Beef Winn and Iron, 41 b-rt Simmon's Liver Regulator. 50c package Hiil<Mr*H Bowel and Liver Cure, 41 bot Huluee's Dtaaase Eradlcatoi, so 1-8 BLOOD MEDICINKS. Tutt’s Sarsaparilla, 41 bot; Curstlne. tl te»t Ayer's Haraaimrllla. tl hot; H H 8. t 3 50" Clark Johusmi * Indian Blood Syrup, 5<A- “ CHILL AND FEVER REMEDIES Brail and Co's sure cure, tl 75 bottle Magic Cure. 50c tad; Ayer’* Ague Cure, tl *' India Chologogue, tl 40 tart Jayne's Alterative, tl tart Pierce's Medical Discovery. 1 but LINIMENTS. Mustang. 27c to tt bot; Dpedeldoe, 2te hot Pain Kdl-r. 3V- to tl bot; RHH. 25-bot Poial's Extract. &0e tart Tobias' Lluliuent, 4te bot ■* lai : ' ♦•ff ■ ■ . COUGH MEDICINES. Beall's Cxaigh Byrun. 25c bottle Gltav Flower Cough Syrup, ffiu bottle Jutilper Tar. 25c tarttfo Tutt's Expectorant AV taitile Jaynes'* Expectorant, tl bottle Allen’s Funs Ha team. I 00 botUe Hall's Lung Hal ram, 100 tart.tie Boechee's German Syrup, 7E- hnttfo Houamans Cough Drops, soc tarttie Wtatara Balaam Wild Cherry, tl Isrttte Biker's Did Liver OH and IJrtw, 1 00 bot Wlllbruaa “ ” " 100 bot HcrrtXs Emulsion, 1 00 tarttle Bakers. Moilera and Hagemans Cod Liv er Olla, each, 71c bottfo We keep EV EBY THING usually kept hi a first-class Drug Store. Write to us for what yiai want, or call and sea us when you come to town. BEALL A OPPOSIIE AUGUSTA HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA. Jas It ta IM OF Glim COUNTY Ut it be Known Through ut Yiur County, that Peter Keeaan Sin keeps tbs lead io AUGUSTA in all that pertains to HSR Hand* made SHOES and BOOTS, and everything *ise kept in a Srgt-oiaae Shoe House. Mir-Fair and honorable dealing is his end and atm. ->3F MT BROAD tkroet, oppoaite U>e Monumtm, AUGUSTA, GA •P 4 PEIER KEENAN, agt OL.ARK*»S MILLINERY and Fancy DRY GOODS Store. 818 Broad Street, Avgusta, Ga. Large and varied stock of .be latcet HaTS, BONNET. 4, CAP’’, Etc Leorw, Hair Goods Ribbons, Silks, Satin, Buttoua. Jewelry and Flowers. MT New goods by steamer and ExpreM w-eklT. MK” Demorest'• Bal tenia tor Ladies and Children. N. BRUM CL' RK, Angnata, Ga. •kF* Small pr.fito and quick sales, -qgg mr29 111 NOW PREPARED \ To offer the JLARGEST snd most comp'ete ttoek of *WB DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, SHF" HATS, Ehr., it has ever been my pleasnre to com me nee -qgg I~y~,BPRING trade with. I hope by ooutinnsl additions dur-"*jg fy-HB Spring ana Summer, to make it still more aitratotire, BRF*iaiid ho| e by fair dealing and ntivnhnn |<> be-inet*, to-w SV”merit and receive the patronage of the community H4L 13. Mec toiler. X dß©a co. LEAD IN LOW PRICES! FUBNITURE of all Grades. MITTRASSES .Ut SPRING BEDS ALL SIZES & STILES Nice Walnut and Chamber Beta, Drrasing Case, Matbin Tup, fur Fifty Dollars and opt ; W,< ‘ h o ° r " ,M ’ *' ur,,,toW “ ~WtWJ "L. Hiwta A % CbW '* - nt BgOAD bt.. AUourrA. «a The Largest and CHEAPEST Crockery Houae i IS THE SOUTH f £.£>. S^H'£ r df CO-, •710 BROAD BT., AO-TTTTaT A , CBJU. Carry a fuH line of CROCKERY, ( HINA, I.LAHBM AREI an d « OiIDEN WARE,’KEROSENE LAMPS, nd FN IBHING GOODS GENERALLY, W- FOR JBALE AT THE LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES.-®g ootton TIIK JBEST IN Ti E IBU „& f>1 »nt«rß in ' 1 .doraed BHm ""ucoute ther plant era us ! MO-1 am abo agent for ibe c. m uued Binge and Roller, lor Fam bßleti. Ihe SIM PLt.ST, BBS 1 and CHEAPEST hinge for farm galas -ver invented. (Jail andtsee them at JOHN BONES MOOhFS, Old siaud of John B«ne* A <O., near Ek press < ftioe, AUGUSTA, GA. €. ifi. M c €Oift» & C 0.7 Harlem, G-a.. ItaEADERS OF I-.OW fRICES ! -DEALERS IN Fsaayßroesrtes, Bsoti, Shots, Mats, Dry Goode, IVolione, lAiiiAii. sunviii. ranim. u We are determined’to NO I’ BE UNDERSOLD by any houee io this sec tion of lbs Stale, and*at all timrs our etui shall be to give entire* aaUafae tion both in the price and quality of onr gooth Oive na a call and be convinced of what »• »ay.' Fur every dollar spent with ue we give FULL VALUE. TRY US *,,41 i y rt ~~ ***’ ' ——— SSi" ~T . ~ ; .1. uh - BB—M 1 I 1 ■— jgg ■ -j—a—fc—ffi Clearance Bale OF CARPETS ! t *•’ r * luM ' htel avoii carrying graxte over. I will offer my atock of C’AR PEm, ainouuUng to AkiixxiOsnd over, all fresh good*, now u-wign* sn<k uwtoriur*. at very redwwd prices, embracing as follows * rovooug*. a* Royal Velvet Carpets, Body Brumels do, Taneetry Brune.-Is do,’ Eltra and Imperial Three-plv do, Scotch Ingram do, Extre Super ami Knperflne ■Io, Cotton and Wool do. Hemp and Vienna duik, *, j sud 4 4 Vawaktan do; * and i Stair Brussels do; Stair Rods and Fixtures, Napier and Coeoa Mattings , Plain, ( becked and Fancy Canton do; Cbrap Stnpe Carpeting; Window Coraicea, Lace Curtains, Cretonnes. Lamhrecuin Shads and Bullion Fringe, Piano and Table Corers; Window Shades in Scolloped, Fnnged. Plain and Gold Baud*, Velvet Sofs Ruga. Smyrna Sufs Rugs, Vel vet and Bruseeh Ref s; Ooeoe Door Mata. Velvet do, BrnaMda do, Smyrna do; Sheep Shin Mate, Crumb Cloths, Chromo*, Wall Psper and Borden. Rustic Shades, Fire Screens, Carriage and Buggy Mats. Cedar! < beete, Star Oil Cloths and Crash. MF* Allguods avid for net cash or city ac ceptance. JAS. C. BAILIE, 713 nnoAti stiifrt AravsT., ga.