Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, April 19, 1881, Image 1

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MlterA Pnkliktaer. V».MS, Prearteter VOLUME I. rack tbsrtr bruin. •<*•• ftn<! n<in* adverUwi nu* «^BBe«^^KUM^*‘ ! l *1 plM«* thy to people ■KfV' * haT! meettMfi< eW4 Pul forward (felne undoultfed claim, TJt ea»fr hA<M<hßl<Ao<nr thy naxna. V* *The people riiatf accqpt thy k ‘ ' And honor it with good will, Kuccmmi is givan to kuu. Abu tciafe,— -. And^ r ft Hang out lby l*nßwinn earn wan, ' ~:3ass2u^': < Mo -hbfi Ar-ftdirfhnaa still Im raaee, A »r•» thall cease t record 4 wHkw ' W ' rTr IU BWHB^S wn in > WaflKp MKaMr ".ifi'WW ■Mnuit'TtilHtig lAer reasons, ifMaLblrtHmcait. V rttteaMMmoi-thtf —u'> ®Wi ordered ®w| /'9 W WsHecfc. ' a *^BHßß^B*M ,se ’' l turn* «HwSßHcTßk<uM»e- in-law of the deceased, nol KBdwing of this, too—a ohnap <tiq>. Sta ..■.’■■■r.wl itaf feii.lliarry another n.<U. and withdraw. Shortly afterward Snd ■ tarry «i puartiL Ub took the incisure of the rvmailiH, too, the atteniamte etip |H«ing that he ww in some way councct <■ 1 with the other undertaker. In the afternoon Hotchkisa came with hbn-dnip. It tilted Idu'a glove, Jugt hs4le waMgivilg’’ fho' finiahhg tbuchrii,"' and making the corpse feel comfortable, Hndberry arrived with hie coffin. They looked nt each other ; Hotchkiss smiled; Siiilberry didn't. 4 The latter srrw that (lie former had got nheiul of him ; but t,liut wan not ail. Hoti-lritisis' coffin was tint only a very handsome une, but ho ii id arranged things ho that the corjme , 'i.kc4 hkc if w’u? proud of dicing dead, li< ifp]><*trhnec rfficcred grief-stricken friends and relatives. They were elated. Slid!■ rry »fc'"i JV and was enuit v. 7Ww«i wtiM “YoglM taken a,nnon,— akin’ad vantage of me.” .- ~ . ‘.'CofJ'U wiutostonnluf uio inayqguliu "ny.” retorted Ftor'litiss. " I'd like to furnish a coffin to bury yon m," continncdj|ndbcru. " IJ ffcni Je jMgte‘i iifannJt your old cheap coffins.” " I’ll cut down Lto (We/’f coffin* up til you’ll have to'piAt’WdT blfcittwA rffit el town. ” _ -.-t He diil cut down prices so low that he got all of Hotchkiss’ busmens. Thon Hotchkiss ent below Sudlierry’a prices. It wat getting ohfayier 4t> die than to '*‘t. ( tioretaj availed tbe-uiva* of the reduced rates. Old Gndsey, who, us a maU» u<>cotMnuy, ale only one meal a Has, wxft tfiis occasion tb’gft off and avoid the expense of even one meal io± i-o **L Sudlierry cut again. Hotchkiss mot it. Then‘Uta fotraeg bftgN to I“ Y •* for the pr&ilrge of ttndertakhig it corpse. His business livened up. Ted dy O'Flynn, who had a partner in a bxrt-btack stand that he could not get along with, availod himself of this op )s>rtunity to dissolve the partnership, and make a dollar. His partner died ’’cry unnaturally. The increase of the death-rate of the t<a»h waiWvsry uohee *“y'. jkai'v seized tlig “ rO of lh< irrneiirfrwkhd - <■»« smbora-Ht dollar. Howtatew s, feo£ Igan to offer a re ward <9 ft a A dwiKupf Wkwki thr- taoruoSß lUttliwnake chuy u ’ , '” Y °f the town, ■hop. with fmwwd ifc *• * ”Wrn>. H-- wWKb*»- ihedStr. The underlain r 1 tnem or ae*J ix> with umpth, . to over to’SudbeiTv’H. fiotrhkiA* i took ths fljvr Ohf&rn ffill took th tour drinks Hotahkua isd out priflM I 4k-® «W ,-J. . . ;1 t <a -utaf ~ O > ’I B T rO “'* ' ” >> aqw 1/ ib U-irßi. Ho had a , torg* f “ n W ' lf V* ai W^PW’ n lni n. Sod- I TS'rry had go B f «be time. several m&UB iflf, family, as It came ngh'-ll hia d he did it at first coat. Vha> fkHawapproached the latter to mtM ti not agree V> restore old Wtoke. would not entertain «■ AV s '"on. Baid j he would i <mL bought. Then, losses, he put taoes. He wfcew ff any up in the under taking brtwinees, tyoulJ ela|iae before hu coffin <> arrived. There was a great falling off in the mortality that had prevailed. None imt tha wealthy could afford to die, that is, to dis de cently. ■ U teranW ■ great deil of dissatisfac tfa»4 A’Af’lo cx|K>stulatcd with Hotph kisa. Thiy paid it was peoapUyJggiti matw to make * <-<gp*r »r other article of tmdb'.'Wt til make fvTO wffHns was aacnl<vrMm»,-AOiL<’iißlit not to be drned. He answeted that ho had as much right to pnt np the price of his wares as a baker or a butcher had to pnt up prices' in his business; that he lid not cause the death of people, and was under no obligation to bury them. Bidd. though, that ho wopld bury all he killsd. He further explained that there was no overwhelming necessity of a man to have a coffin, or even to lie buried, as tothnt matter ; that no man would make mny complaint if not buried. Buch argu ments did not satisfy the jHxgde. None of them were needing coffins either. Old man Eli Btooe was taken sick be fore the undertakers hail ornrfpAmiM'd matters, and was not keeping abreast with the coffin wnr. Ho was known to l»e the most contrary num in "Vevadr. He was old and failing rapidly. Tho doctors told hjm to moke wh-xtra■< r prep, aaatuwis ba-daamirwuMbw- sad wa« itot' fWryer, d in, wW kilting the fld man s\ in The dyrag man's words were scarcely audible, ajid ' ha iW-onld to ecnae dijieaking, al _ short intervals, to get his fl<M>ting breath. He could hear good. As the writing of the will progressed, he overheard some of his fnendsAn an adjoining room talk ing about tli< mono[>oty ini unheard-of charges. He told the law yer to stop right where ho had gob Raid he was not going to die. He didn't. The feeling of hostility toward Hotch* kiss increased. Thera were mutterings for n day or two. Finally a mob gath ered in front of his establishment. The mt n coiu|sisuig the mob /lul not ap|iear to lie suffi ring for coffins either. They were hea.thy-lookmg, and some of them would w«tgii 200 ■ Ono Dutch- nimff ftp ■was A-ffi-y wiad—would have I Hogshead. The tneuJhnrdJy knew how topcneoerl, their knowffcd'w of mobbing ooffiii shops Mug quite limiteil. It was ' ufrfirat |»roposed to»b rtM tlie-J idlding and contents. Thia was objected to, as< it would leave the town without coffins, Japd cuaaeaueutli, without iidulptuent* ffi thA citiriffis to di# •'Wen om infuri ated little may shouted : & IV| cjn uaihi coffins.” “ I don't want to use one,” said an th»ir . ' ' 'T ‘'T>nmcd ff I do, oTcTalmcd a third. ' "Me,uuthcr,"chimed mama" dressed in brtekskin. And . " me nuthur” M CpiCi) to i*> the geuar.d feel LMg. A/' 1 At lass, ifotclikisH, s|>cakingthrough an r hole, u*.9d ty a gomproniise He wna to rwtniw poor peo ple, and, where a whole family died, to 4lue rate® » fild Eli Stone got well? it waa thoughi.he would got uj an oppowtiim hnd.’rudo r pkniah Hotchkiss for his meanness. No. He preM-irU-d Hotchkiaa a <2OO gold watch, inscribed •• Yours gratefully. ’ —t’afi/omfan. Prof. Kkdzim, of the Michigan Agrl oultural College, in a Ute addrraa sail tk.i IS two and ona-knif Wnes M udeet as gfwpe sugar, clobety alflM to little from it that some parsons cannß distinguish rt By cook ing, the cane insy be changed to grape sugar,jadWtari" ><»• ft» sweeten ,.,g e n P Ut RU IU r tfFwilb fruit *0 be anOked, and hod adding sugar whibi ifc kwmHMji wing sourer, until fbw Vl* too and one-half tunes as nruab to|ihcy need to aeeura ■■• u The cane sugar ha | been changed to grape •*#«■ >’ n ’ if the sugnr had bee* added after tba trait was cooked, much les* would have.been ' required, and the result would have bean far more tatitltcUfrr Devoted the Interests of Columbia Cbunty and the State of HARLEM, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1881. ajrcjMrrMMra Tt—— m» hu> HUMB. G. F. Gisakaow, Ahn veteran aqpioalt uraledrtor of the Dee Mourn gives kte views ee to ftetiteoea mgßeaaeee to art^Mes: Having bean in side of the cutetens for a imneikseeble portfeh cf s long life, ft has given an <>)>portuiuty to judge at the aharaotar and dimws of thoek who write for newa pnix-rs over fictitious signature*. I have ashamed of what they are writing or they are sneaking slanderers. This kind of utabbing is done in fancied ae awttsa cause. Buch communications are al ways snspecteii and shunned ing men. And when I have ever known a ruan'vfhtiiig Bn Mbole and bignit<j some Signe to it> hfa beea detei tliortsafhw of ydah«, bV who never exist ed, I ever after hold that man at a ro H|sx’tfiil distance as dangerous. It may be laid down as a safe rule that any man who writi’* and agn* some other naais JWh Itlk own, pr #ome ynUryxv yyMN ■ a4iaAitHT'of wfint iw Wnhp, pr is not willing to lie raipo'ifiiiblo Tor Ole statement, or he wishes to stab some lna U'». chajbctig ui jhe daifc, or knows ln*<uwfa<ahaaaotei'fur veractey iste bad th. A lax name attacbtwl Would lie an im IH'iu'hmcnt of the article. I have made this msttor a study for many years, anil tto’Hffins writers hnvo aiwaya been -.uspuuoua w«a»> J'uata and novel ists have ’M (WffiAled their ppsluyuoui*, hat it wai np 'xffft | Writings bad ewtidillahed the thby would Iw a diagrno' to their real one*. " ,Tuniiw,“'tha aidrat entie who evgr hid iM'Uiud a fictitious name,'did wot Aw nt the time, nor during his life, tpqnly toknowlodgi (he authorship <J "Ma tetters. all of Ms suocrasoi|' l»W»e baan a paclf of snarling, disrepute MteiWjfpiM, whose (ffiaracthm wotdd cuwEnito tbjh -SUiunuaiiUi, or who are mean snoeffii to MtabF®*,. or his opin-1 ions, like the midnight aaaiHsm, in the dark. Any one may, therefore, look with grave and well-foiin<teA suspicion npin any communication in a newspaper without the name to it. Thu position is sustained by the thousands of articles offered to me as an editor In tha ast fifty years. They were generally offered, by sneaking alanderars, or to i aocomplish an unworthy and daatanlly puqxiau. Editors should not tolerate auch thuigs. Anything a man writes, if it is not good enough to put his nnme to, is not good enriffijh for publicatiiui. The commupioaliou iiael! should .not only be held as sns]>fmoni, but the man ■ himiwilf should ever after be watched, having onra attempted to aay a thing or ’> el < Tffi tfwr* ioJo-d terftll l Hpo .. i (ti beimpte* tie- IpUwly; they MWWteltivvi ♦*>« to some bad tmft ... ‘ ’,' , . »«ttaa 111 tears < '»« srviZßz.a words. The following sensible item, which we copy from the Pnator's Circular, of Fhfliulelphia, is worthy at CturvM pe t-mud : " Tha column* of a newspape r sre the pnHisherfft vtork in frMe. and the parties who ask fbase them for their espoCilU benefit must erjiqtit to pay for (he same. xEvetjt pnbluxpihS- 1 citizen >f 1 plsee should have.aptWe in seeing his town aud HUWeun Mrigs improved. Every new house, every road, every now msnufactunug esteblishtnent erecti-d, < biiHinea- opcruxi, enhance* the vafngj’<|f property in our midst Every r< fl. ■Viae mind knew* tins to be true, it he forgotten that | th<- local newspaper adds much to the genera) wealth and pnwpanti of the I l>lace, as wall aS (aereascs thatr putation ; of the town alnosd, Ji benefits all who I have business in the plans , it enhances | the value of property, beside being s , desirable pnbho convenience, even if not conducted in the interest* ot the ruling ,>ower. It increases trade, it cautions | against imptwilion, it saves you from loss, it warns you of danger, it poffitii out diffevwt advMilsgpa, and increase* yAur profits. The local press is the power that movratbe fiqople { therefore auppoSMt by advertising fn it liberally, aulismbing far it. and paving for it." Kucffrp writlir Uys ; "Tllsver was a t good carver, which is ona good naaaon .-rerTvisr fnsWrffi ffiffir 'oSRs a year. Haah mmuch smuer ti» helps an I maka it the standing dfcffi in my hoasAoki Th<** who think wa take it lag ahtep nras make a teMabe The tun vrattew of tha thing is its rwcom men darter * pr .ffi ' a,' 1 ■ IM 7! L. Vv-rmth, at rtnefpuau wba 1 died tad kaig ago, wna the Daatenan ' of a party of raven ffivn wbQ,l>n Hara 1 day. Sept, ffii, 1882. the derate;.', otini-. era |c*x, fanned the "Soctay bf the LMNfanJ* On the dag maatsanad JoJ sephJ*B. Mason, a pniaSnup? yottog artist. IM Vattier, Dr. Jwwe* M M» L. Tatom, Faninn Lawson, William Disney, Jr., and William Htiun' liery aat in the artist’s studio ootnerauig upon tie Jhty*' “ W( * ftee t|f 4n<‘ :JWi!>cr in a spl/U of levity suggev-Uxl tliefcwmation of a ciety to be known as the Society ofHliui L»»t Maq, ami jinqxvs- 1 on eaeh tevarnngrairiir«rf'y » : ilMtitig- Ixi held, at which the survivors wetk to attend, but invariably coven should ba provided for seven. It was ati rajtfeil that whan but one living repnti rtghaimxl to htlahfi the feast l»'pe to open and drii* a letth <•* wise that had been provided kt the first meat They came togtdi er for the first time bn Oct. 6, 183?, and on that occasion a bottle of wine, I with a tightly dosed cork, wasprudimd piwvl u> -te raabek’ us -|»ahoginy asfrefaiy ,ii*r, taw }nup<* The " wine of wince " waa shaped like Htin- 1 kn Hill muMMnarito.Au tha base the records of the doeiady-wwc' frasenvd, and in the shaft waa lowffiwi the Ixittle, onlv to be reached by unlocking and liCng the lid. The lid was closed mi J looked, after which the keyhole filled with oraiirp vnr - tn a quantity that ad umUc.l of the acai of the society being inrpveaaad upon the outride. Death spared tile tittle baud for the first four yewrs: and wt». wxt they «>«■ thara was eric vacant cntlf—Dr. MaXbn had died. Five only were found at the table in 1839, William Btantiary liavttg died. IVurmtigt, M»win# ! 01 - in ipfikwml ; [eirk d at the 'Wfl.iarq Dteiiey . thud uxJbkSl. and to the banquet pruvid Mfbr seven bnt three sat down. This uufijiijT remained Iptact until 1855. when r> mauwd. EVutou Lawsun waa miasuig. The caaket was now tn the pos.*esm<vn of Tatum. J'jfO mouth* lati-i he fell sick, and,"in liw dclirintn, 'he efto!: “ Break < ]>on that casket, and pour out the wine. It haunt* me." The next year Dr. Vat tier waa alone st a banquet set for sene, siid he pertunaed the aa- rwd obtigatien that might haam ended then, but did not, as he continued honoring the anni versaries in solitude and secrecy. TKACH THKtr W» JUI TOLtTf, Train your rdiildren’ to be polite at home, and you vnti never have cau*' to bluaji >t rudiju ss abnwd. The -rar-o»wrad ravani giri te IsU strung and teat* 1 ravw.uj ran, while gt»y-hrad<d gran Mathers tad grandmothers Uig at the atrapr. are poor ■<untnenteries on home training. Noth ing as citeapat than f>oiib&«**, arid nothing pays better. It shnftld not be taught IxvvuiW' it paya. but from prin eipic. The young man who is negli gent of his mother aad Mater al home, or the sister who is selfish and nn tiHmghtfui, will bo ns bteawug to any other home into which they are en grafted, until "they unlearn what they have learned amiss ", Uda is often diffi cult and annwjdnr, and nibs tits of its sweetest h mra and im nche»’ gifts. Train yrmr clnMr“n in pohteetiv* and nnsclflshiK-a* Yn things, and tlx* greater a ill Cuteo wftlvut U1 t ffwrt.— tntfv tfrertn. nr mt nr ran t otl> Ka*t. We suggest a rary simple bnt efic*- laoos remedy for oukl teet t Procurv two strips of tine of ahrnt the-width of the sola of yutu tout, and *ufiiaMetly long to reach frm the tn** to the hr*)- | low ; to the**- have nveted, with copp. r ritetej rtMrt f .lUQteitef mtOrtea- ■totito&sr- lie Vffitirift* -Wrteithra* titetetimV vffij* of fiuisf to jbaT* nighCflM* tftHsf m»< to|u>* *w>*r To secure tiiegs in tbevr rite Ppiw <iv*r *w* <**h wteaatowg I - m,e ..:ra*teswbloswtateihrtiss»te*te al nWqmlilf U »•« tike may ha wte v (I >y ite Ufttiam J psre-stoc <□ 4, cr >-T4>* ewr'•‘t'hesc “trarrt*r»l. ■jra so<4| ww anal I ewit. ttira > will "k l*«, fa. rail* teat JisagtessU* <»*,Jatifi to ‘ AwAtr f<» t 1 Os onrae, it u uu.teraUiai that th«-m*g- Mtiwwsiaaarw to b* wen awty w W. ra rt w<wrtd tie tin •amarttwtaMe «ns<k vrth tibSto. -- .Vrw Fseti JL***. Frirwv prtrtW- . 1 galley «Uvy Tw«. and hia wifs is tl>< g»' ha slaves for. “■““■awraswaaa—-«^swnws»ton^ram mmw art it. raM s'sray s‘ - uW— ik .. -v*« 4 wtetetrts The mustaug’W dhbetieiWi court *», Irt kwb*«s>ra*ri Mt tee " b«aa* Me "of Awsttidtai Itefcwtaril* of whiMv ..«kt iff fMffiUr (tertHW Qnebndteai <n< to HiU' they han betet IviVjted and J Vf 3U4 ujeotW p-f Aup upyV*Ai !, 4yW«r.^t^'J»wartxi 5 ‘ ,m arnm f item. r» hav&, t tu pewteuk Uniuirti*W>sWtoJtee p»-u4a > ** l a*urat’ ’'*i‘i kh waltiwaiaHiflg ihsw aitiUPiMni l -ratm*, Iflotemtmtyiq * wtrttiw wold borst* tiete* «► art eraary tM dkteruttKte ofd-WtiiranXx. M Yabbite. ( I'fiwte <■*’* s-uraano* aa«i tiumrtmws 1 sci. tewks, kovwvem has Ittawotarira maav atereffiitrows sjonfa, til<ffte<| ttotkwttomwwiiat bttaihivto ihrae Mfiptol J by the WlfWtiuils «f Ifcrfcd tiffi AartWv Amrita. The mid and air of these Lrnmbict "awrantartl-d able, and wb«i trJfttsl they ary o^ooq-' cxtawxrtl horaea, puasesa ( •pctotimt q>*lit<f. It i* nxxwdud .tluat jin one year no less tlunti.*MU> .wihi,, horse* have liesrawhot on a single stafi«u l ui Nesrttouto Wblsa. »*'ri ' amur raruspe Aurto* ru ct sxra . mx.kj*s w Here Oe roan* words Os saTcaatiu ask 1 vice Irara Mars Tstu which are ofteto pul into aft. editor's head by maitars dM wboiiv useetoicrteri with the .'entente of hu lettex-lxix; *' Don't wxjta too plainly; it is a sign of i lebeisD origin. Scrawl your article with your eysa abut, and make every wrwd s* iltegilde as you ) e*n A raid all rairwrtaklng Willi proper names W<* know the full nsme of every mau, or woman, and ehiid m the United State*, and the merest hftit at the name ia aufficier.U For lualaace, it you ( * character swnawUat. tike a druukra 1 figure 8 ami tipm dtV* * wave lun-. ww* I know at ncra that yon mean ‘ Batnnri 4 Morrison,' even thougb you think ytxt may mean ' Lemuel Messenger,’ • • , How we do love to get haM of articles Written -18*this «tyle»--Aft4 how wo ' should like to get hold of the man that sends them-just tea minutes- alone— in the woods, with a revolver tn our hip pocket I" _ _ _ *• A wKtTM in CTuimbm' Journal say* 1 “The bread par excellence, sceorditef to the majority of medical man, Ml aerated bread ’* A patent for tho mak ing<9 this waa taken ont about fifteen yeaa but then it hra nol en joyed, says the writer, nearly the popu larity and consumption that it really de serve*. It has many decided advantages, a great one being that the dough de mands no handling from js-raj inng and, too often, unclran bakers. Dr. Corts, of to* M’ddisffiii Qaepital, insists stroeg ly on its value "in th**e e**<* al dys pepsia which so oiMb affect tbs brain- 1 workers of the great metropolis." It keeps batetei tec, ’Asa mb«r >re*.b " Ws sotusUtite* bw U usoorinply said -I'bsl 'lian a lather waa a bootblack, or that lady's mother was a washarwooiaa. The snwera, of coons, are dmeteq aA'nvt itowe who are trying to make 1 soara figure in the world. Would M »o« be well for ua all to pat on th* robes of titmillty ? The atu<«wy at the whoto htuaan family were ofl|y savage*. Ths j sne»«t rd l*eginning of every one of o» aa* hardly worth t-ragging about, and, what 1* Wurae, we greatly fr*r that our posterity a thousand years fr<m now will be heartily s*!iiß»wi of ua.—Dr. Foore'a Z/mlfA Mani My. ■ Ninamwiurpnio the fact that the > ownari Board at Jaap enters d* elarad the steamship Gfilncr* unfit for Arctic service, that vessel has sailed from Washing tor. fcr Halifax, unde: eomxnand of Capt. Palmer. Thio io known as the Hovgste npadiuun. its erpanara betng provided far by Copt, Hrsrgat*. The craw cmMßsta of the mate, and fifteen men. Brass -braett* whaler* Dr Oetavs P«vy M tra »ci autist. O. W Brae tbs pbetographsr and Mr Henry Clay graodacn al the great statesman, will bo tbe velunteov ail of the expedition. The Gulnar* 1 is a Bnaaah-beitt vraed. bet tho Attor oey Lira srsi has givra the Oapteia per mraaori to fivjbe Amsneeo lag. ArraMjiotra —lt ia maefc Vetter to rtfil ap the bunches in muahx than to de pend upon a stnag. Boil tn waited w*i*r satil wary trader Toast ecose rttoes es thm bread, irp'tnto the water in which the up- ” < was boded, but ter ptactiheinr, Tat* op. db» ssporagus end ploee wpoo tbs wees. Twoortifaw* ' tabte-spersfuie of m*l ted batter aoy be j turned over it aato* bttio teaegur added, l«hhed. ________ ; ft- rfr franpte art as 4 they thought thae a* mssr ra lbs pear bore fefiratWu they are in m dangvr cl atarw ;n«. 'tlffite-ttt. ter An ■■> ,i t> a»rsji«■. .<» w rate -ra r a LMBER «Wr - ' - - ■ ~ nwrf-tiwmwettisev-e i - «mmm ealraiii— ■ firns*' teAtfreNMakWftßtalfiwtetagmbra t emaaw nra iiaeewi as mot 1 M*fi>«*b a rioted teia*oeMß tt w» aesei i>rat ora «o rar tera ras>aw* eesMete ra: „ k*. to* heraMeara tarn ara tsMe aera, 1 ijgiaae Sg» ner As w* te ra I SSO>telbimea* Mar «ratie teeS. 1 esrassagjsw rad TU* txKkteyva raw* »1 U» worts J wW| Wh;» UM Bfti* tora mM»I ebost Writes I g ra.cSesWulMWl XerwawraUeiujaMlora h l Brar the .-rest to my 04« ' Wrtt* iwfil 1, Stiffix, raratas ess. h SU to-- - .. i--L I, “sW4ato*»«u>«J *elM4>«a|Rtk +■ 4 Ml esaortMMWs*. rat« mar* * Ueeiathtetowb***—— • A*’ v.i *v i..*g * afl to (>.■ i-jgrr/tra AiW r»f puach- Mgk’ *lt la rotated fiibk oath» qpcaawqfOf a t -anw i*ny Mnti itoteo-H*Mww* «<» 1 **r. uMtmau urtctoUMatiWfita ex t petted him mtoegMbßaMlipt.dnaf 0r to MMwrat in. the rtaaterx* - Whs oeach- a 41 it:.pild*nlip>anwraded.that howwas •< Mrtxttn drive tM bsrsce and artMp in ♦ thh bouse. “Tary weil,” said-Mrs. 'Bprague, "have my carriage at l at S 6*Hnck. ” At ft ofcMfirtßo bakriags ’ .iMve up.’ "Rltaket the hbrje/ ’and ' wait tintil I ecgd hirtlifr word.’” Jfrom '* 8 oYlock of a chill wintA evening jntil 1 o'clock of a coJJm morning, tn* coach man eat *tii atifianiag ansa on hia box, and whoa th* last gueat had g»« his ordera cseoatwdri** *° thaafehta. rv formed the Legiop of J Honor there was much iLutousaion ag to k pie color of th* ribboi, Nspelean was . (or white, probably bocansa w attoffioo , , <M*UOi» tip loud to dress in aoartau and < saw how happv the color cowtraat wfiuld f’. bee it wsa rvprve rated that white era* 1 pv*-raa: «ntiv the color of th* exiled howae. Ho then suggested r»<A arid fir a* 1 I met with the objection that that waoAhu • - n-vebitrnttary enlor. But, remarnbejing , that blue was th* cater of thoai, ot,Sh« 'timTrnas in the aHfiy,' IMW Wjit .' would answer as a contrast, be said, I " I/rt >t I* war:. 1-. I* Anoown Gsswaai/ Dwvßtiu, fn answer to lucationa proposed by 'the ‘•Treasury Deportmcwt. gives fl riwhir I 1 optniafi that oompensatten due for tfj|ns- pertation nervine rv- d-'m’ -.. tlffi Quxt- ’ master's Department by the TniM-Po cifla, Kansas Pacific, knd oCbfir t*|^iii a Railroad Companits, to the , Dated Bute* lot too money us*l . cuuggnMtoan of spy pert al toaag raed*. o*a l>o n tatnod by the too«o«ryJM*ar' meat a* past pagmaat of tbs tadtMed neat of tbaoo rueita. t - tw a 1 Pmnu T. Bi ax cm ha* jasi ofta , bratod his TOto birtodfiy. He bqgan ii •** at 13 aa dark m a omjrifty Moto; at 18 a* opened a» oyster oa|op« and on -1 gaged m aelhiig lottery ticks la at Ma an aosuted name. Tbsas be pwbtiobed a ausapaptir sad wao imprisoned few hbel; ; st 96 ho wa* keeper of a hradiiirig>hrriis and tailed in the bnrineae. Ho *en entered the show hurfneM Wfttf Toto* ' Heth, whom he advertMM M Iff! years old, and in that burincee he baa con tinued, with many changes «f fortuaa. IXM VgMiitten Pnnoes ar* likely to I prove an expensive let to tbeMegbah, d tboy ar* listened to Yabeob Khan went* a palaeo th England etefi fififf.fiOO a year a* oosopehaadon fee Use titre®a , ho has feet Abdul llahntM, th* fintet aUgibto ot th* pretenders, wanm 060,- 060 to fit htin out for Cafinl, while Mo hammad Jan to ready to transfer h» weight to Great Britain lot an annuity b ( and a red terra fn ■ I I Is audent days, in ftpdta, tho des.l ' were robed, according <b their tex, in ' the garb of monk or uun, tpYthM txu 1 ' xd, a practice gave rise to tha pearant dwtum, '' Ogly nuga andmottos du in bpaui I'* Bui now Uay are b«r --' ini succrdiag to taote, m white, ex, sacra often, in thou osdiaary niethao > a bob* ovoid bo feud oot sa its white baby etotbra, a bride m tar weAftng fir— t Tux nabft of Th—s. so far aa atoop wa* crai.erned, we* of thb MMMtatagn- • lar eharaetgr. Every day M 7 p. ha. ha ' I wvmki en.Hvra and ’ro to bedtar an hour. He would a woke promptly kt 8 '‘ to din*, at 10-take a UiU* dose in lys | chair, go to bed ai midn-gju, and riaa at 430. Th;* waa hu invariable rtatunb. ' ami auy .1 igsrturo from u aunuyed htib- | foil 10 OU aid taw Mail ltaOaa that"every horsarwoed m any bora* ra**. and r» whtah sfiy wager w’ hii or ' • any rnrs* or stake made, shall ha foi 4 feited to th* ttoatek ”