Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, April 19, 1881, Image 2

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** r% PvktuaW Kvery TewAey. « teaataa. •»■ J W. VERuXKK. KMTO»»raAmJ» TUBSDAY. APRIL Ml Ifit The PrwblMtlaro Mwafeat. Th* wrov*tnanl OU <*>oft M tMa <e rooty to prohibit tbe aate of ioton* cell ng liqtKKa witbm «wr border*, « a graad aod gkirve* om. deerrvmg IbeuaUrtag iop»* <* »vwy Ma. woman and abiM. Ilia aaid that •very mb awd woman baa more «r to* ibAmm* o*«r ibmr follow <wwe tarea, aud «• lael *ee erred foal if every adv- oak* at t*wip*rao** ail al* toad aad 4MMa wffo Urn fooMbste** woetetaua aow being organised aa <M dariafi aaaboaa of <J*4ambta, sad to* f .Man mmm aati tempawaaoe WSerd «• do libawiaa. tb* pr*l*r to ba aaat ap to U» l*-gi»toiar« to Jaly aaat, b> create aa act fwwv»ntin< lb* aafo of e ( enloo‘ta aad Balt iKpmra inCotaai tea, will hava each a ooiwnn of wig , »«tara aMeaded tbai will oaa n foal buy oral>k body to baar and great tbe CHihm of «* p*opto deepne any rotor that wnjtok am* l**i the good work ¥ poabod— iat every friend to tbu cauaa pal 6m eboulder to the wb.rl aud work! Ibero ia moeb to be door, and we bare bat a abort tin to work, ao late be ap ead doing. Lol foe raauli be wtaai it may we have ruhetod Ou lb* probi *>nwnßid*,aud willtgbi under those color* till the grand end glonoa* end in view m aoeoiapliebed. in view of th* aiaad wa have taken io lbw nialUr, we oannot coi aciee ii<-aaly allow io appear ix> our ouL wnn> • toe. by favor nr for cotupeo •atioa say »«M»naioel«oD ad vocal tag She tai* of liquor to lbw ooaoty. ft Mi uqaoraeUMkg i* au evil, nut- BiOY admit’, therefor* ao JpatUiable osc uro can bo advanced (or tbe oom* ■Mot* of an aet u wo to be wrong even by tboee engaged mi tL Finan etally we bate already be«i crippled by Una auurd, batt oar ooae«*uov ia easy aud we are aatiuimi If we loea to tbe rnoo wo hove tbe eeti-taciioo rol knowing tbal WB ami ON tub bioct aiua* The Kriil rd Hund. The ecotrar' between the Georgia railroad and Bswkiug Company and the South Carolina railroad, was for. mally »igtie<l W'dueeday by the con irietiwg partwa and the property turn'd over to the toeeroe who are now in of the << corgis railroad au<l all ita dependeoome. The toruter President of the Georgia de acting an egowi far the laaoeae. Aa to the contract proper the public aa yet know but little, no a <x>py ut toe paper has been refused for publieattou. It ia only known that the ' eorgia ba« beau routed to C L XVadhw ewd ottesra for >4OU.<MX) per MOW, for the term of niaeiy-«Moo yearn, which ia euuai to a 10 per oeuL dividend. Col Wadley it asquoa twaebiy the gaanl bead of tbe whole ■tetter, and eue might aa woU fry to got blood oot a steel rail an to learn from him what ba proposes doing. There it anouey in the luvieiiaeut so« Wadley A Co., alee they would not have gone into I', and there ia money la ths 11) par eval interest f. r the vbareboldem, but we can't nee any money in the traaeactiou for tbe mty of Augusta There are numbers who thiah mat Auwweto wdl be greatly bewefated by tbe lease, and that soon the lowna and vdhgia along the line of the road will bo alive with North ern eeUknt, the' ev. ry available lot will ecus be pc rebased and that ueet co'tageoMid Hoe resident** will ba pot ap by Northern capital and thia avMita of the Slate at least will ore tong beewunmwig in Nori hern wealth - that n will be a common occurrence t«ere Nuttberu oporto throwing 120 Eld pivaee al bee-wan ins crow* and oarda, that every milcb cow in the laud will have adver tubes attached to bar teat*, ibat every bog and pig will have ail ver balla at> ached io their ’site, aed that every ditoh stream will have a factory <>n it and rwry t r.u raw) in the o> fovmewt of a (Jlemem aktaeboMMill Hut »o are too blind to sea it that way. Tbe pie urv p<» e*ehn WeGf to aa iu this shape : That the new managers have geue into toia lurnisr for the purpose of making meoey for themselves, that tbe read will oidy bo keiil io such euadiiiou as to allow the rolling stock to pass safe ly over, that no psrtusneni impcivv tni-nta will be made, no new depots built ontil some of them tumble to tbe ground and *aquash tbe dayitght' eat of the agent, that no branches are to ever bo built, that ibe woik shops now m Augusto will be moved to Svvaanah, that many of tbe proa •mt emp'oywM will bo “shifted,' that Numbers of omptoyees now living on the hne of the rued wdl be for-ed to move alees bore in qe«wl of employ- Mseal and it they sbvuid bo retained they will have to submit to a redwc tuia of wages that among olber t hinge the Piosyaae aoouuimodaUwe will be dmpvnoed with, that Auguste wdl be Bn mure than a* large way etaltoa along tor haa, and that in »v<ry last a nee 8a van nabs iu terete wdl be bold high above all o her pousta. We may bo wrong io oer ■wows, hope we are, bet wo can l help eeeiag toe pietwrs la the a 4oro wv bvrw pain', and wrdy believe tote la the ouurwe «*t tea yuan matters will waaamo the abage here predicted Tbe long set railroad gel tbe pee etmtovo and tonppod lbw brancbee clean EDITORIAL WEWH MOTTO Gfov*ra Wap Manon cownty, W. Va„ ie mi b nOßtr -**■»* w omfoeron aw eeenmH Mtbe ravage* of Mail »■•*. Tbe dootoew art all aak »*d there ia ndbnby u> berry tbe dea4 who aohfovod a**- r a«y by to waking tbroagb tbe *ew«b roafomwuad a pornos of ■erope boanag the Aninaifi lag, died ia edjret pneevty at Saybrook 111 . Fri day. BBetaaiw* a wifo and «x eh;U ran It ia bow wbaaporod that tbe Gvml el'oeeut bee deteraaiwed, ifitieMt abie toYoi’lQree' npno the B*pwb lieene ae « wntedvlatr in 104, to bring forward Ikdtrrt Linonia. and an law w loyeaae bww ibroogto bv tbe light of fbo bdk> wbtob anrruenda tbe •wae of bto fa* bar. bewaior Briwaw eev* tbe* the rtf.>rhi being Body to no Fwetoe th-keta ia the Hnafbm *Sot” again** lb* r*g elar Bmob acy will here the e#. <-t nf aww big ihr latter, sad will laally atrengthon th* B>Hi*hrrn Deoaneratic pnrtv. H* My* the Independent* <>f Ge>rgia will not ally theaawlvea with tbe Repnb'ieaß*. and tba* any aa-vr U> win B Repnblieau eueeeea under tlf gtwae • 4 a Fa>i<<aor ao-oolied anti Bootlmw O'wbttoa will aend neerlv all tbe G’orgwi Jodopaadaata beak into the regalar Di wwieratia ranks. ’ Tb* t'itaea’e Bmk of Atlanta en*pe< ded pa/meat na the I Sth Tbe 8 aie bad |I(MUOU d-poe»»*d them tn. to* Wretrruatxi Atlantic railroad 11H.fWt, the eity of Atlanta |45.000 Th* h*tnliUe* are upward of |AIM) 000 K*-okle»e ■pn-alati’wi ia Mid to bar* ewaa> d lb* niilnre. y have k»-t th* hard earning* of • lif*-tim*'a w--rk. A big crowd wae amnnd toe book est day and maeb •icitenienl prevailed. The bank mvde an a« aigOßtoai to L J 41.11 aud W. 8 Thiwaao. Uhnreb IMrwetwry. AoWtotownU by Vie*. Mr bWIBL: Hartmn. !•> H'liutay. 11 a m«Bl IBi p m Dnwoud, »l nuuUu) a»J teMiuaj taiotv at II am PhUvV'lphla. Bl Bunday aa* Saturday be<>«*. at II am Maw<ln*t, ttl> Bunday and Batunlay be lor*, "t II a ru. In ***r» <UB*<r aawith A lam*, every idber Ml> Hunda> and Hai utMay bef.irr, at 11 a m. aud «w*Ty ilh Suu <iev evening at l lu Al Harleni. a*t»ic»a ev*rv B.etoay aluM, oxnent wlnni lherv 1a urraehtiiw ■« the *1 Hu..oay Ulgtiuat tb>- Beptial church. UELAIB MUHIUN Her J 8. Ewnav Mnol'a Cuafml, l«t Muu.lav and Hatui-day iOhv l.'emt'a Church, »l KiimUy amt . Halurday twOure Bartiei'a Chapel, to 1 buuday yn«vHlaliiu Chun-h, VMpin to I Huixlav Plcrn-'a Cnaprl. *Hi Buixini I Ooudwia'a (Maw*. **' P u>. Mb Huixlay ArPLrMtHIWTTIT Bw. T H fiuMon* White Oih. l«tHun«iav aiel Hatunlay bc foc* Dunn e cliape*. *1 and Hal unlay *»-h<r* M M«t> ». to *in<ia» an>l Hatunlny b»-h>r» Appling, Mh Hun lay an.l HuUmlay t> loro. By Bev. J M. Atkdmon: XkAer chiirvil. At Huwlny Mt Lr*«- non. to Hun<lay Gruwohurcti. ithHumluv By Rrv W. J. BuUxmh: Ol'l tWrw Kh'ir.lav Mtve* Run, to HauU«r .. Ilarhuu, M Miuular. <p ui FOR BKRGAINS in GENERAL MERCHANDISE go io 11 A. COOK It la Now (Mooted That “The Mueie H<>u» of the Mouth** to iuaatcd lu Auguata. U« gTO. ROBINBON and CO. bieWHA BA!LMAB OBOROU RAILROAD 00, MupxinlMaMit'a ORtoa. Auguavi. (**.. Mu*. Ui>. irnn. (linunenellig Nundar, the tlh in»t, the hUlowlug pa li—aiigur ached ule will I— uper- Med: NO I WEST Daily unav* Auguaia »M a m Arrive Omak II 00 a ru MlNeggovMto . IU IB " Mara ■ ■ *Mb tu " tx-i Mng* - Ih’ p m “ Ath-na J M p lu “ Aitanla . .. ... ...Itipni NO • -Ri»r Dally Lauer Atlanta 11l » m “ Aitevta »1* a a. “ Waahtagtixi. 10 to a m “ Mar. vi Tto a n> ” MtiMwavi ll* ..... *to a to " Cataak ... lIS p m Arrive A'uroal- SC* p a> NouuonwUau to nr fiw« Watolagtoc on ■rodarc far Maa A— w ■ k»o«to*KUy. Baaapt OaaSny v. Auguato S p ai. Lv. Uarhau 7JSaui Ar. Harknu 5 50 p .a I Ar A'urnata t M aan> NO S- WWr Dally Laar* Auguata ..." 5 SO p tu " (Mmak ... .. Ito a m Arrive itoariß .X SS a m “ kfUkvlgeviU* «ID a m - Maron IMto “ Attoe— “ Alluala ... ... , ... Jtoa (a NO <-« XT Daily Laaw AUaaU a IS p m •* AUmiui Soop ■' “ M><*« ... Ttopai ** Ml Ito Og iu p m ** Hmna to to p*» 1 Arrive Camak . 4 jo a w “ Aiurueta Ito a m N" rouaeetoai tor Mncoe on Hunday BtWfrt* Traiaa N*a. 1.1 S aodt* wiU net atop al HaghteU—- SCPRih IMFROViTI SNKrPKR.* TO ATLANTA aad MACON R.A.JOHNMON E X. DOBNIY. RupeHataatataet Uwu. Ew*. Agml a ata a Ladina who amu*>-tole -togMMe awd purl tv am aelmt ParW a BnirßaMat ll ta lha boat arUotoaoM tor roilmrlnggray hair to tta original odor and beauty apt la Bar «*a*a an* argaaa, tar brUday are |>**aMrd almal dally to IA 0. Jtotdn ana ASM. AaguMUa. i.... i. . i —a . . .. ■ - MrßrW. and On, AUaata. Ua_ aataMpH take prtaeam. Ourtowy, Gtaaaware. W,*ta ware and TtaMrv, Lrwkiaw AMaaoea, «ta>w Cha ae and lawpa. ia any Nrottova aawtnt. and row yim a gmd prnM in MwM. <ta»>l •gen*- ft* Lambeth** iaapm-vd Fly Fee IVevei Before Were Dry Good® FtncWFAP FOR LOW PRICKS aid 3«ot* H will pay you to *•*** k—dera in FAIR DBAUKG. HR rUMBICKSKBS B*m to I»W F«H e.— m. » u. ton tMM «..m. with a meat eb-fc*- ator* of ItPBIM* —d-IHH*” and triBBMMa. truo> ■b. Ito. Huaca catooiaa at | ’^ rv area aw* alrK **”<* **« »B* nnwnal and m<*t **»*»••«»* ale- i 111ead yard •*«-and tamMrxwnprint** WCaUIM from*!-* . ‘-Ti pXllsygK Tn'SS Mrm a« aholM and q. ugh tan, (xjumw every nriw. *** J’JJL. u, U. ito anti rotator*. ever obtavd to petfret tM *<"*4* .** 2 abk DamaZc rZw'-ta. RS** WHuptat* retail d*Mrtuwot *b* a«w*n* flwa. tr A* w* wfl I*2, aV-tb- U *~ V. BICHABDH * BRO. Aug.-*-.fen fob* sx>«XßK<an TOiTBV 1 II BOVS’ HMM 08 -AT- COOKS'S CLOTHING MO Htt STORE! AUGUSTA GEORGIA, YOU ar* iti. iiml to rxamta* our large aixl vartol stout, eutoraciag all U»e l*le». abad-aln ( ABH IM EBE HUIFK . _«. . BLUB FLARIFL AIDTbCHT CLOTH Bait* in Terf*«tly FMt Onion WBBBYBD and CL'TH Batt* tn the Boat Btylaa. L«1GB atodk BfBAW Hau. ZALI AXD 83X. k W. ELAItCHWh , P IS am C Ludlow a Co. Mcßride and Cu.. ARauD*. lie,, offer al k'W prifTM thHr a!im Ii of ißiiir- chinumya ami tHturee, and a gr**l variety ,d h"iuv-furniahlng giaei*. 1711*1 am.*, va ero, dinner Warr and tea art’; a*eit*a for the Oaited Riairo lor Lanibrlti'e patent Ini |.n<*-<’i Ay feu TO THI PUBLIi'- Having reronlly ad-kol w*w marhln*ry 1 am (uib prvparwl Ui CurnUh mi in inmi inns will** ron’v't be excelled Order* from th* COUN TRY rop-c mi I * mdlMhed. Hhlpmeot e prouipll v by nxpr.-ea in poU-nt <-**■* MOTT’S CIDER I at a iHvb-eato In harrrla. halt harnd*. keg*, or any quanttlv droiied, al all time* reutly fur IrutuidluU- alilpmroi I*nd your order to ! X). BHSJEHAN, CNI GREENE -tree*. Au**iaU, Ga. G.O. Rid.limon and («> iu»w completely re*oluU<Mii*>*i tlm muah' tied" by "*iling Ui* tx*t liwlrunirula at a atualler margin vs profit khan any «teakv lu America. Mi-Bride and Co.. Aitanla. Oa . give loir price* lu mn' beata In crockery. gtaea ware, wood war*. Uuwar*. lamp!’, cutlery. *hvw .ero. look Ing »laror*.’*Hli Thouiaa clueka. trull jar*. »aee* aud ttotot roU GO AND VISIT L. J. LECH IE’S KMr Ult'l OF FUHION! Wtwre you will Sod on* <* the tanrm* amt beet a*l*e*ed »t.cka ut Millinery ever .'X MUbvI Io Um cltv. Putlern to a. net* aad Hat*. Frrucli ami Amencaii Fio»ara, ita trlch ftpa; togelliar with all "f Um laleet ir.vrtUro in Ti Im ruing*, am-h ro Lacee. Sauna, talk*. Unuare; uenarurota for Mala aiMLMuunrU. alao tor th" hair; lovely tot tkim«<*. M H<>rer tUuma, M'leC.mlm. and a tamuUrul aea**rtnirnt id Hair *•«»!» »«sh a* Hwltvhro. Hral-ta, Atari*. Haraber* Wavro, llnqiiotiro. Watar Wavro and FrrfeclliMm; Hair Pina m ai*it bl*aid* and dark hair; l.loud* hair de, roltar* and cuff’ tn lanr* variety. Infant* l»a>i"-l* and rape, tai**. a*>ru«i» -uiiai'l* for »trawl* rry f»*>. rtvalx, terror ati ta p-welry. I**ima' Ime- aad bairlter* hmf»; tu abort everything that ran hr had In a MdlUmry *U'<* cwn be b*d at L J. L-eklea Ootara ».llilted Md promptly fillmi. Don’t fell *«• roll a* ■ LJ UaUKX Ji.. «J Hr. awl Mr-rU Anirunla. lia K 1 <> M N.Hwittratatalaa th» iarg» and j «t«rk nt n*an«« ..rran« at “ ri»« MoMc • H'.'iar.t ttwH-mth-<) O HUu.~.u * O'- t. uvt awl hx Bttrrai* ami Organ* W> ftUunkn» which aiw cvuain* in oy avwry mail Marrhanta In thia •»•<! a.l>« Rta'r* can mi.. nwoay hv bt|vb«< -tapir eni-kHy I trim Meltrt'lrand (Ak. Atlanta, In | n-trr« | mrr tn artaiiMr North »i»i i»titar hrarv , fraWMa Giaaaaaata tampa. hrth Tbrana* ck«-hak MllltlUatntU |ata at manuta. t'irrr»’ prtwa tSSS£gKSS?= I"KESPSSS3 fc» ►■«■■» GawaeaTaaat. Mach aaata ata taacmawaaaasaabaataa M |«l i yyfcßßhjrf oak ■» MfN Maaßßataaaaa ak Aaaaaaa at > k*J |aar C™a.aaT2 Talc - fa4j»y— --t Nw aWf aaka, aa4 ■ >M/ «fcai taw] »«,. FWT...»«—. ratwarr I—< • a aw. Stab atyaar lUaa gaaJ pz ■ | ■aaKtraata as ML wooarw awl abltaran rwoaaal |n« t*la .4 (MM. (Ml »*• aaU ai- EAabUi aiwi M*a atMM «Ml iMrtty *>♦ r atMwra-r Tatar ara tta> bata <ii lta tta w<W at Ha atartta* worth Taa «m ■») tbaw ta aarary cwwaWv. - Ptat taa ad-rrUaeaea-ut a|*l® J _ -—— • - ■ - -- - ■ —---* - - —I | IhHi l fall When you vtoit Augusta to rail at Wta Muibrnna to”L tMu* aud Hal atare tlwir eu«W ta rompleta and plicae are aa low aa tae loweal. FINK SPUING CUI THING I jDMro 1 " Al Phllattalpln— I rtora ' C*aim arvl make your ar 1.-1 Um at .ax’- ami SAVE MONEY hy ordering through rue. P, rt« tUt broarantrerl •*■*- »<**> ; paMouf! Y'*i ror> aave from THREE to KIGH T DGLLARs In the pm* of a suit try I ordering thntagti m* Oenr and lo<A al | I rompta" for yourrolt. awl have your mean urr taken ft* a miIL Call eeriv an I em-aw Imrgalu" Ui Ckrlhiug Xldrta, rtr. tounpl* room next bi printing offh-r. fur WANNAMAKEB, BROWN and Co, of riiltadHphta. Pa. I,MB HllellrkH. Georgia Railr. a.l Co., | Office (ten. Pa-aenger At’*., - Außuata, April 5 b 1879. ) Coiuiueticing Monday, 7ih il-at,, Ikia co tn p *nv will aril ONE THOUS AND MIUE TICKETS, good over I main line an I brauclie*. at TWENTY FIVE D »LLAR3each. Theaetick •ta will be ismiel to individuals, firm* | and tamdiea, bttt not to Brine and ; If milies combined. E. R. DORSEY, GvU. Pawenger Agent. i I*lalloa and Organa I ttavroth annual holiday trad*. Superior. ntaiH«and <eww»a AH kind* of mimical > hu>truinflnta. aheet muata and mi—!•• Imoka ' Twenty tu thirty per <*r,t. saved tn per- I rhaaio* at ‘The Mu»l< Himroof the buutli 'I I G. O Robb— on.’Augi—ta. (ta. LAHHEIHS! i KXVKUIMMK* I— ,>au. laAta M M i Vtoil the'Mu*ta Hraiaenf Umtouith,” or wtlt*,L>G O tobuieon awl Cai, Augimta. I fur ratahwura, lemea ami t,-rm* <>f ptant* L ami organ* Pureueeer* —ill find prl.*a ft* . I a* n,* mas* aud atym of Inat ruruent frote 10 I to toner oentßi—a than viarwirer.' a in r tt rniitaan 1IO?. MUkHAT, -Proitaator PawyWa Pawn waj Lt awry Stctlolefii , Noa. Miami Mißuta n. Aawtata. (ta ihwaaa ata MtaaaeHnaya ua bawd a tea «4lkrth>e ot Qttrtaiaa. knjaMi Itanaaaa ta- at prtnra » In* ia a«v la tb.< Mata. AUatam rntaatauaii or wwwwr r»- futhtai Rlr. iwi tal frbt* s<o HULSR’j DYEING ma r—m-a-u—eA Where did ym> havej 1 year panto cieaned 316 | wiibtWßt Shriaking? Augusta, ga j I *--*- • Drreace d vert or rpwnrd O*ntl"raan a Ctoaia. Pania er VeeU ctaanel. dyH or rrmairwi Kid Ok-vae and HUpp ra ideaned AlI wvrk dorm te the beat ulann*r at imwVi’rTu.. ah ontora hr mall or express promptly attended to. apubn THE WHITE BW2NO MACffIUtKiBI Superlative in Its Attributes It Stands ACKNOWLEDGEDTHE KING of all SF.WfNG M ‘UIIIXIB Tlin M HITE h— hern need for more tliHii foui am! h i’' |i :*"lH>> tl*r bBMHHHKBdSH ' •< vi I'.' np" ‘h‘ in«r I• ’ 'All’ll * I <| 1 ' jiffßx? YEARS b» th. rvrr «'> > wB parohatwr. Wr do Hot p. ddlr-Itn ui. t hue we are enabled to aril them cheaper tbau ■ Hr*d d"*« o"l palrtii rn*. hili'- n" ’•old 7; ~ Bn* \ I ' ,i'i ~r (ui J. I). A T. F SMITH. J HORACE SMrril. N . 525 BR'»AD S' REET AUGUSTA, GA. WM. MULHERIN A CO., WBOLES (LI AXU 11. TAU DV.ALr.RH IX JSqots, Shoes, and ££ats, J&tc, 913 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., Are now reoeiving their SPRING »lobl, nliicb lh*y -*it< rAt lo*r*l pHcm OO- ORDERS BY MAIL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CARL FT I. AT* I lExTION WM MLLHER N A (4.. I sr.-; n: — _. . ~t~, — ————jr~txr=.-nrr-TT- :t —rk Tn. G>. Flogers, Faraitare aad Uadertaking, Coffins, Metalic rases and Caskets. OF ALL GRADES 249 BROAD STBEKT AVOO8 r A GA Buday and lighl CalltOvar St rr Jaill3tu 'c. ’b. a co.,’ Harlem, Gka. IjEADERS OF XjOW >»rxces t -DEAtEas IN— F*aeySn>ctßHe!i, Shots, Bats, H IDiryr Gtood«» f XoHonSt uuim cum niaumii m We »fe detorminrdjio NOT RE UNDKH-SDW by’any bonae in tb" lion ut ibo Stole, audal all inura onr anu abklibe to give nulire aeudwr turn both iu th* pnre and q-mlity of «»nr goodk Give Hr • cell tn 'L. t : ca»y vincetl of wh*t we stv Fur every dollar with iP w® K ,¥e I VALUE TRI US j.t.1l D Tile Dow L.a.'W cotton Plantef. TllK REST -u Motei’Gb* W TLI fat . -aw- fat MARKET I bv. taken r > ' ' ' y, ?dl ’L;..‘S^F' r JBsBL, other plan ter a 1 OBed. BWlata bUo agent for ibe combined HlBRt BMi I*llo. l er “ HBltt. Tbe SIMPLEST, BUST and CHEAPEST|fcr - J rear invents Call sad aee them at JBHX 8 WES MO* 1 • Gi l stiu'l iff John i» >uea A ('o , »xar Exprcto • Ukx, Al Gt SI A<