Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, April 19, 1881, Image 3

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CMtfttet NMM'lb* Mb II ttMbta, LtßMii art fcftnM IMNrtlMt ~Mlta hw h 4 i iMlsMffOwe oto Mt appear-' mm *f the edvartto*—*— The Csai—Si tMWrmn wUi be mlt w *arahdra— ***« U»e foUuwtag U*nw>: la, fW, east h •'Winer ... A* Hx Milke, each ta advnn— .. »c •*—* ** *» FT* * *4 —rows ole— Sh*t**r MdBMMMWMMWU U-we OMb CstaU—nts anabkr fl O Bohw—on * Cto, «t SwgllKlS to SWSS JSBSA OK ToM—rhante Our —nek <4 erorkarv. slase-v- temps ami I—npftt—r—. wood „r* and tinware •* thettarw—t —*r bnnwrhtte th* mark»t;r»H and emir mdeedid Itam.<f r—ta•»*» >‘*y t 'L ** «* -Mead that “er prte— i—mag he beet. McHmme-nlOo. Attonta. 'la ram w. It to enasrtosd thatfcfctfMEfc Belts r «ta t rurxjnrr thee any mercbMfc’OCX‘hide of Au- That ■ssahsat la Bar tee. dr in Oo tamMasounty —wtewda to cutnpßn wtth Wila. AaapwwfWthto heatatotam—quan of goods to —eh—rts tobwki again. Th— *» E«n»toe »»'ru«» *» **« *••* * >ld aefuairi Map-gaU— That hto C. O. sj-rup le at toe. That Me Cuba Mntass— to toftwb al tec 'la ffvagaltoa haa or —n£. That htetotea «l4otHMod saoagh tor sx irhdkitoWteXaffae Mader la lb* prt—et—rn »‘ SOcaad SSu. oat* toe. meal atSeparhwebei. That be haa ao oompetitor tn the meat Haa. That M« <Mtt Mg» F'"* r •" u*** l *° etthabeatM—til— la the Btat*. ata<> the ■t-Iley hotels es Augusta. Selltag tble at to to per barrel. That Me Feart Qrtot al 11to per pound to pounds Air 1 at-are —r r sae. Ck—Maoto—toaean—t to anae tn this TaWt; quoted at • tea *»r St to That hie starch a—l soda remain at the -Metotoatl-toper tt> That Me auger to good as the beet—llcht Wewn. n toe “Mr ft: white. to 11 Ito That Me stark es *** to tenrc and well bstortMi jmrt ft— Baltimore to percent, etaaper than th* cheap—t That hto etortt of Dry lr<«h to large and j antit ■ <by nil a tin* selection, Uiloih, • 14; sheet* • 1-1 That hto Bn.ta and Hh *• ar* from «5 tn ■aeeenta a pair cheaper man anyotWft “tier yb<Bt'te ki Hftrkwn That hto abrek of PtoWh ’th targ* and Os toe heat t asocial That a* <>n* may >* diesppointed after —enter to or U mil* stir roods be keeps ■Mat by the 1«o &>•. ***h *t too bushel lute or eeorn. Amr In barrels ‘(any quantity na*di Anyone wantin* MOP in pnuds at 'O* buyin* ran than n’t him. (toll to see bln before Imrln«. as you will bare 1— daMate on rtoedy Why you bay ButeC HAIWr W* the South. U G U. Kebiwe.. M AWfSMn ***i I In T.iaf. M|ii>L.u r L>.M>u.tu ti.Umuu. <>r>4a sod ovrrv S.utl>«tT Mat" north "f Mn" <!• VW‘ol-1 ran piotly ruin, to ha, ■■ ■t . - - jft dvertiMment*. Lettarv a blsmutees or Gwmu.ia li.iumtus ooWttv MH V Hailsnrt AdmlWbVlM iS-mu*Co<4 John H Tniipc lab'l* Mid 111 '’' «p|.n.- '■■* lMnnooi tn>ai uald rotate' MB three are l» CIO- an<l a.ltn «Se-t> oral annar tie- kitHlml and <-re-lltCr- eefo <lwr*ee.| to l» and aniwao at mt of <x> or t*£>rr the Brat Moortey In Mar to show eaue if an' th"-. ha»" wliv aaJd Mearas*, mid not Is- <ranu»> aodrr ntv lUMI sll-U'Rl la, slgnslui" SHH at into 7th day of Frliruart 1""1 ai GMOEOE D. DABttEY. Ordinary Mlscita Oni.imbia county ■ilways ■ THE BBS! I ■ Clinton'* ■nmuLUMimm.h MlnaaltrtMlrnnndatl, harm Owing ti toe yrvwt ll.i'e-a-- ’ H|Mr '-urttenaa. 1 have a>M"l ne’e ,ua<hln"ry MB'tat.wott Mnwr -apadtv I am now to 111 .«Ivr. from tfw oaiutry hr "1 leranr in < Union a four <k££i shipping aws Mann jinTTLlSt. W1I1;K? 13M BROAD ST 3m AUGUSTA. GA MEW YORK I MILLINERY ■ STORE. M| MIM NELLIE PURCELL j®»Ur ta >mm Freucb Mnbasrv. Ribboas Novelties tn Neck Gm* Aram A* '■< U ■B 1 No guteftk ‘J» Approbation Bwi >nbtetta» ’ A tow—bbl hl Ibser perto. <*ut •••? your oeerua—etoto teOrta* whi apptor amt e— %ato teal to tkfcaprtac weather The ptanto toheua to*dra*W —r. Swerr Cumb. at Tm Lrrru Gku " ; torTtees la all th* churches Mft Bunday Bunday was the I—shill day seen thia year. Mr »■ Uaodao* and 808, ’of Atlanta, weto In town tetourday. The hen— oent uuto AL Übebar a* up bun A«i*uata. Sunday. ‘Oar bean dual ter laetor none* ' qdeeliy ttars —e auoe la tMBto. The teay euaeeattoh SM the tree ride to Awranta —kauri to —ar at haasL The fttot baa <x> daabt been —iderabl y Injured but nut —UMy 4—trnyed. Be eutw to deal with our adrertlsere when y<« rtott —ate; don't Aw*et this. Fmab Ola*er Snaps, Nlc Naes, and Tea Chkaa just retailed ' t be Little Garni" If luybudy asks you when I beea wllido ere to ranee, tickle him under the none 1 bore was s Twfßtdi vei>dur tn town teat .week, who stuck several us our eiUasua. Tb* eeatlinsiit U th* rounty to: Vloee th* aafaxme I Duwu with the liquor tnflk f Mr. E B. Harrtaon to enjoytn* the M u*ty mumpa," and to tryia« to*hm thnm to üb. Th* Rev. Mr. Timberlake, of Augusta, ptv—jhAiqft kte Methodist church on Btu day murnin* last. While quite Hl ths earlier part of last week, we are happy to stale that Dr. Caney to mueb belter to-day. In tbs *ame of Ute many a man has been ma heml by a pn-uy wumai. thrvugta the aid v Jth shady bower In two yean a boy can learn aa much Latin aa be uan torget la six iuouUih aftei be goes to work lor a llrlu*. We would like to ba— I com all the Bun day Schools In tb* county th» t Intend jel ebratta* CUUdren s Day, May 7th. It to now said that the Central railroad bas t<M*« routed to the Louisville and Nash *ite.'but Klug Wadley denies the rumor. The (Hobo Hotel in Augusts Is flrst-cla— to every sees*, stop there when you visit the dty Tbs proprietors are true Virginia genital urn Our sutsicrlpUon list Is still Increasing - wttti mots to follow, ttoader, get some friend to rtbaiTib*. sad hdlp w* to give you a good pat>er. Oil L. M. Hill and son. Mrs Dr Casey'* father aad brother. sad the Mlaws Casey, daughters of Dr. Casey, spout a iuw days tn Hartern last ww>k. Aa advocate of prohibition, we are the frtetel of st ery man, wumau aud child In U»* o>uiity.'Werl no ruao'« iuuue should b« off our subecrlptloc list If yuu want a per teci picture of youneif ur family, ku to Wa<to * gaitery. Augusta, end yo i will few settoAed ttae earn ta thi» uwu* aod don’t forgot the place. Th* man who soore*. and knows that b* a— JfSh *nd yet won't put a otothee pla oo bta oom when going to bed, ought to be Ifttcbed without a mumral's warning. Dr. J. W. Pilcher to having a handeoine rwsktenc.! built ta titeMaiiUe, which will •oou be tirieited. The doctor will probably bulk! a large brick dwsrttnff sums time tote year. CU. Kaioftotech carried a rat trap home the'ddt!>r algbt and put It ta bls barn, to do god work, bit nut moraing he fraaud It In toe yard, the rate having rolled it out of the building. On Thursday aftornorxi test a mist bru tal and unprovoked wak ixifhmlttail lu Augusta Without auv provocation. Ja oub Train, white drunk, shot and killed Mr. Mute-1 Quintan. Train was arrested aad ta now ta JaU. Mr* Frank Hatcher to rtotting her bom* ta Thomson, aod Prank to dreadfully blue, ftnch ta Ufa, obi frfiohr. sywpxthi— with you. we are la the rrkrwe boat }uat now. our'better half beta* t* Warrenton, vleluug “home, sweet home." Harlem haa a good papei. the tXiMmbla Advertiser, awl Obe Ou be very proud dt that If ot uottong ofw Ittoonout E list now.-t Savannah IMtey Local Thanks, brother Otto; and BAVnnnali Otto Be pr>>ud of the P. b . for ft Rttuebf the spit lest little sheets Yxtact We are Mid to Wale that Bern. Chas. Du st «e. of Wai V>®t»r>. who baa been quite i.i f r some Mme, baa sufflcleutly recovered to attend the m<-etlng ot the Brand Lodge K. of H., which meets in Savannah He ah«l Dr. RnriJe t [Waned through HtHem Sunday. High PrioriheHYls. We are sorry Indvbl to learn that some of our land owttere hold their lands at aoormoee prices. TlrhtV ih k Ver y deslrabhl lot In our town ot about tWo scree. Abfoh could readily be sold ala reasonable flgun and upon which two or more flee restdences would be built, but the property in held at ASOO per acre. It Harlemites wiati to ace Harleui built up and Improved generally, they must sell building lots at ormtnon scoae Oguras, otherwiae the town will nev er grow larger than It now la. We believe there are uumborv of families who would build and locate here If they ruukl but buy iande at the right price, but very sow peo ple ate wtniaf to pay tM p* »<*« ** buiMltwt toU eri*i in the heart ol Urge Otthw. therefore It Is a snicMsl policy for dUr people to «aj**t to obtain any *ueh priow. The Utdd has nut yet come tor money to grow on trewi BIFPLKB FHOM APPLING BT W. Flsblag to to older no* The prufobitfoo qtideUdd UaftilaMag the minds of U» P«opte. Rutte A eto«d «M pRWMIf at the ■ satins ot tM ptohtotUoa MM*y Mat Bmrtay torr. WeMdom see sScb kindness atfowti to bruteb as RanryTWert shows htoßuie-be Wslka aad toads Mb tjardvm are I<» U Mg to kM liitrrwStlng and young ffiMtaros are being hatcbßl by ÜbtkMdtWto OdtM Mtae AwMt a*, we M* tMpt W. L IMltofl to a kfleatiße Itoher HabaSapnieantlbdnt tor anrt stwrfo rs Hah. and one taught wtth the wrong book bU»J« a sb»*ing to be thr/wn |*A. \ ewl~»X tl«»l«>i Ito W* verily 6*fWts that a b»M lit tkto pi—w with M'liM.ialk, oouhl be bumteft> pay j ha-taomaly Mhete ta to tbs Buuth nbttevte, tteelrubto ptatelk a summer resort fat tteif people, sad a Gutter* report far NortkensT*. than Hartern Tn*«My aoWrted. tbb Ude of Visluwu eugoyen lh’ Xftea. B-a. wstod in a —eat meeeer* be tbrifed to this direction As a health resort Hwrteaa'la aokaowtateed without spam. Wetarve tMtequaltad rail road fhclllttaa, Ulagraph ate* expre— of hce, Um cornet tatter, but twenty -d ee ml tea ftvm Augusta, aTievuitlful srfl, a lovely country. Meumdtot aad Bapttac*aiureb-, a baenobuuLwad the eream of aoctoiy In idte. there to no llak ta the chdtti —toeing to make Harlem all that rated Be tfa—reil both tor pleasure aad health. With Mttipta aceomesod—ton vtertura wrteld 'ft-'ch te-ro sesame'- and wtoter, aad we ebggeet th* buiidln* of a larfc**u—A If our pedfM* ar*' uaabto to take bofd of Ww tHhtter. 'tab taM g—t that some of Augusta s mooted todb I do so, for beyond all qu—Uuo tlrnre Would be money In the InvaatoMtoC We ifcitev* our ch i—ns would at least subscribe a sult able building h>t or such an enterprise JluCeßtoa ttoe L—A. Hell your stock a—l build lai Hartern. It to thought that 175 will be obtained. Who are you getting out ere— tl—? King, Wadley. AwuggeelkMi p. King Wadtoy: Move to Harlem To King Wadley A Go.: Wo need a nsta aad I—ger’depot al ouue. Au Augusta share bolder bought ift *ua, sohi al I*7; bought again at 111 and koto at 117; and bought agaluat ISgl Conductor No. 1: "By (jeurgwi )tm. do yrm think we'll be lifted?" No. i: Tl»mv> no telling; but when the old Vwtu growls, many headv will tumble. ~ When Jack Hua—y b—rd the news, be flu hie han-l In his hip pockrt and whistled “Over th* Hl Us to th* Poor House" In toe uwot affecting maimer The night after Iff* toads. John Hobbs slept In a box-car, anil dnauucl be was laying pro—-ttas oa the Central road, at 4) cents a day, aod boarding himself. Dr. Banders unloaded oa Tuesday at 141. Ihuniday the market « firm at 151 -the Dr. has been quite elek el non. and If you —y Ki in hl» Wfirtng, he'll look dagger* at you. Boh Ostin to Charley Arnold. In a whis per "How do think about till* things" "TNTTft' I've thought so much that I don't e-en know when my hate off. I'll see you following Is a plcture'4 John T, th*' day the news struck him: 1 0 * 0 1 ( ) DIiIFTS FBOmT GROVETOWN BY “ OCCASION AI. rCB(BBLXH." Edd has left ua. ft ret tekn onjdocket thta week V J. A. G What haa become of Cui Pannellous sla*<* the eteetton? Our friend R J Btount lout a tine horse on Moodsy IssL Mr. F. A. Timberlake has sdded sevsnt)- nvetatam to bis pood. Mlns Pink Batchelor mails her stater Mrs. C. J. Clifford a By Ing visit last week Motto for a tramp boarding bous* "Hr who enter* here leaves Udk'p behind." Msj. Geo. V Nesi has returned from War renton. Wv think the Major had a tine time. Mr. K. A. Willard and family, of Jones boro. 111., to stepping with Dr. Jouepf. HAt too. C. J. Gifford received last week a box of meet containing kl shoulders, which weigh 70u pounds WarrrfoftWV* Dramatic Clrib. Winuorros Ofo. April isth. Ml Mb. Epitub -Dear Mr: Feeling that the young people of Harlem would be pktoi wl to know the advancement Warmstun haa made In the dramatic riccle, thought a few words io regard to the entertainment giVen on tent Wednesday eve by the ‘•Carrie Uub** would not be out of place- Tbs club played their first pi«w. entitled "Ten Nights In a Bar-room." to a packed bouse It bring court week, many were stranger"- peAtoiO some from ydUr town, who wit nessed the performance, and all agreed that the parte were well pisysd, and the dob de served a groat deal of credit. Can't some of our small hlWtts gvl dp telttba and rt clisoge vtelts with ue? Lxt us bear from Harieni. The club Is composed of members of our tcmp«»rance society, arid Ito object la to mak" their ball aUractlvw, which & a good cause. t >*rt Ifc over And oOr grind Jdry found thirteen tnle bills again»t rum sellers. Wnialiy can’t five in old Wam-nton Tour paper to spoken of in the highest terms here. Yours, etc., L. W It iT»e tJoodricii lload Oasrd! The grandest thing out yet! The grand est and mat astounding combmatton of Ballroail Magnates sod Curious Mixtures The Goodrich railroad baa teased tor «to yaers. tbs Washington Branch guarAhtee lug so annutl dltllriid of U thd-ondt. with the further bYprteoAl otlpuiatlon that the foruwr road shall In A NA years, mrtni <B* loss, be octewdud on until tbo last cross Ue shbll bo aofolded os Toto pea desert strand. ' and the Washington branch be cootlnuod os to Indttuiapoite, and onward In the near future as tar westward qa odn down' provided the ' sinews of war ’ dos t snap before the wbteUe to edunted or that important pdiht mashed The Klgh con tracting parties aie Gerteeai by brevet John A Blgtait sad tot ftlittpn Doilttte Mota dollar df etobk Mt Sate! What a pity We pivtr tWvfM eari'l gei a lager in this pfo ! “ TwaA (tear thus." etc. Bcma Fran. L W WaDB. PHOTOGRAPHER, 700 BROAD STRUCT, aVguntA. UA. Old ntoUlrss onffM abd eolarwwl to atty tin—AnMhwi 'a. ortwin or <IH ixtrirx lasiT f'ttrtt tnb place. Call and iw im. SfiAUk A CO., I I Wtto’eteto and Rdttfil -AMD- 1 niHiiu 'e«tertbq»*ftaftpwte toitrmiA cocritrT 1 < P»rt Drags, I WadlCliie, ’f'XINTS. Oft*. VlLAlfe, I PUTfY, VARNliltf®, HTHT UftMOIK, Fstei Goods te.Rt Lowest Price* PUftE SPICES. Black Pepper. !Mc per lb; Altoplc*. She lb KacvGlugrr. 1S«- |*r lb; Ctovee, 7#r lb Nutteegt. ifa- |»-r ox; Utnaamou, 10c i>er or. Mace, th- per us; Mustard, 20c a box Pur* KngltahJbuita. loe per lb Pur* (Viteiii Tartar, hie tier lb Pure extract Taiilllii. Me per boltl' Purr extract Lemon. 15c per bottle Coxes A ffetoorrs Gelatin*. ».• per trox ftii Carter Oil, from tac to Wo—Vtwttle Bateman's Dnit», JO*' buttle Godfrey's Cordial. 14c bottle Turlington's Balaam. l*c tarttie Rrldlltx Powdera, 40c box Empty Cap»*le* dur putting up quftlne) 4ftc l«ut Mu*lard Pltatri* (ready lor use' sac box B'wpJ.rSu &s a cake up Lily WfrJ*. from 5c a box up Tooth BVirdres. from I— up Hair FrMhea, from to* up Lutnbfr, fruxii lue up, ete.. etc. Patent medicin’ss. Iron Biller*. SI bottle; Hop Bitters. Si tad Hirt'-r,» Iron Tonic, SI bot Hoetettor's Bittern, Si bot Beef win* aid Iron. St bot Mrnmon's Liver K •gutator. SOc packagr s Howel and Liver iMfe, SI tart Huloeue Dianaae Eradluaror. fl but hLOOD MEDICINES. Tutt's HarseparlHs, St hdt; ('urutlne, *1 hot Aysr'x Asnmparilla. tlbot; 8 8. H.SiJu" Clark Jdhttenn's Infflib Blood Hyrup, 50<- “ CHILL AND FEVER REMEDIES !t*a!l and Co's aura cur*. SI 75 bottß- Magic Cum, 50c lot; Ayer's Ague Cur*. SI " India Chohwogue. St *> pot Jayne's Alters tiro, SI Bet Herve's Mwlical Ittacovrry, 1 Dot LINIMENTS. Mustang, JOr v, |i G«t; o|hxU-I«|oc, lie hot Bain Klibr. tv tu II Sir ft H R. » hot PondV Extract, Joe hot Tobias' IJulment, too but COUGH MEDICINES. Beall vpoturh Syrup, ah-bottle GloOeJrlower Cough Syrup. Mu bottle Juniper Tar, 'lsc UuUla luU l Expectorant Ss> buttle Jaynes's Expectorant. Si t»<Ua Alien a Tuna Baisairi. 1 M Imttle Hall's *sitwr Balaam, 100 l«ottir Hutches’a German Hyrup, th; bottle H iu ard Ana Cough Drum SUL bottle W latarSßtlisarii Wild Cljerry. Si buttle Baker's Cud. UverGuahd lAumi. I SO hot WlllbrUae “ ", " 1 OS but S’.Hts Kmulairra. 1 W bottle Bakers. Mutters and Haarmnaoa Ood Utt er Olla. sack. Tie buttle. W* keep EVERT ffflMG aMAIU- ttfl In •.isSKJJre ■st*J2s.?3 & cuuae to town. tEALir a 00., At!«t’STA fibTEL, AUGUSTA, GA JU M Sta ttOPLS OF MIA MH hit ft be Known TbYouxh jut Yctfr County that Peter Keraaa S ih kdrpa ih»%—l in AUGUSTA in all that pertains to "FINK, madc BOOTb, and everything el— kept in • first-tea— Bbwe Ttoo—. 'ffkjr’F'sir an<l honorable dealing ia his sad and aim JEW •W BROAD apposite tbe Moooitoeet, ATGUiTTA, GA ape pei'Kß Keenan, wMMMH—Mßte—Maffl , i i. . ■*■»——sternum OIL4JkJF<K. 9 fi KILLINERT and Fafcty MT GOODS 6hri <l9 Broad BWart, Ab<«ata, Ba. Large and variatl stock <4 %test CAP*, Etc (toe—, Hair Goods Ribbons, Silks, S'itio, Buttops. Jewelry aod Flow—*. New goods by stvifther and Express weekly. Demorest’s Pte' terns for Ladies and Children. N. BRUM CLARK, Angosts, Gs. Mte* Mbitl! and quick tales. wirlW -saoez ' -.■■■'a*.,,. . ' — ‘ - .'±: —— :.-=as=aMKE I ill »0» MiHEB Mir To offer the JL ARG EST hnd most 'odmplsts Hook of “Wt OfcY bboa*,’ CLOTHHteX feHOEMi ffnr HATH, Etc., it haa ever been my pleasure tn tfota*nei«oe "WN> HF" SPRING trade with. I hope by oontinntl s>lditioos Mtr'ing Boring anti Summer, tn make it still more attractive, *W •••"land ho| r by •flfir dealing and attention to busineae, to *W> 10-merit aud rvcvfYe 'the oi ike wAnmnuity Iff IVt jEk < C WWIS <* LfeAD m LOW PRICES! tVANITtrftD of ftUmaiesv M.ITTB ISSUS Issi tmiit taBS ALL SIZES & STILE* Walnut and Chamber Rets, DrctelrtqtVl—, MarbtoTop, for Fifty Dollars and epl We have put dt>wtefhe price of 'fltlo *1 umlturv 25 pericent. Hsve money by railing nA (rt befta* y.raiuy. J. L. BOWL EH g ('<>. 717 iKOAD n. Aveona. «a Ike Largest and CHEAPEST Cfockery ZXousfo I IN THE SOUTH t O. dt COq 710 BROAD ST., A-C>rrTTBTJh., GhgA. Carry a tall line nf ( ROCKEHY. ( HINA. GLASSWARE and WOODENWARE. KEROSENE LAMPS aod HOUSE FURN IHHING GOODS GENERALLY. W-FOR BALE AT THE LOWEST NEW YORK PRIOEb -W Setle OF Carpets i In order to reduce stuck amt eVpl 1 rAtt-yln* gtesla over. I will offer any stocktof CAB l’ErH„a<i;ouuUn« u> AULQQO And gvrr. nil frush goods, now di-eigua aad. cutortaga, ak ' very reulioefl prices, etubYitohig nA follows '. Royal Velvet Circle, ft dy Brussels ds>, Taneafry Brussels jo,’ folrA ' and Imperial Three-piy do, Scofoh Ingrain do, Extra Soper StM do, Cotton and Wool do, Hemp and Vienna do;.J, J, j end 4 4 Vaoatia* ■Io; J and i Stair Bru—eh do', Mtaiv Fixtures, Nsptsr 4b'd Cocoa Matting* j Plain, ( becked atid 'Kalicy < 'anton do; BtHpe Caroetingl Window Cornices, Lice Curtains. Cretonne*. I'nrnhreotdh Shade and Brillion Fringe, Piano and Table l over*; Window Nbadea in Scteiopad, FrltjgltaL I’laiu ntvi ts«i<l Hand*. Velvet Bof* Rugs, Smvrba Bufa Ruga, Vte- V'ei iiiid Urns— la R*n »: Cocoa Door Mntff, Velvet do, Brussels do, Smyrna io‘ Snvep RLuti Mata. Urtiaib (')utb*, Chromo*, WuH f*aper and Borden, Rns*to Bbedoe, FiYf Screen*, Carriage and Hnggy Mats, Cedar] ('beeW, Star Oil Cloth* iud Uruab. aw All goods sold for net cash or city ao deptAute. . . Jas. g. bailie, 7l:> BBOAI, HTKEET, AUaVSTA. 81. IB© Little «©■! 1 uA\eon hand the hsßur Lot of, mans Ever tonjgitt to Harlem, ormslatlnx of Une Miked Clrptwr Honey Couoaniit, Vanilla < jararrtpte Eh< Paste, Chocolate Grutav, liooe anti iVtutrn Gum 6rupo, Taffy. < low maul Balis, kUtil l>rot>o. , Apple* Ocsngee, Cocuattmu, Bananas. kino taoey t naokara. NUTHOF ALL KINDI Sarsaparilla, Cider, Ginger Ale, Sodawater.; aralaxaiulre-tty MfCk, ** 1 feel aaUsbwl is%w! N«W on abort notice anti at prices Gibe nw a tml and he oonrineed . VKNJ. M. V*B<>NF.E, Next to I’riutlbK Office Motive to Passenger*. CdMIiRNCiMd FEBRUARY Ist, ISSI, And t&AU IprtArf nollee. Um> paaaMsr-r far* t'fwrfr IBs Georgia Railroad mala Uun and brarlfhee. wlll be as follows: Alltnl'e rate, three cents per mile. Train rats, four rente per mile . ■ CMlrirw betwran S and ft years, ball the ' rwto i -1 rate of four eeete per Ma Jharttcse, W secure the advMjtetfr ■<. tM.fIMMMd rate. gsrcbuM yuur Udtela before ttttartac the laod wlthrwit »oU« R noRMTY rVB Pa-S llgf m MUr Tldeu. Georgia Railrqud (,’P- > ) Office Gen Ki'auenger AgV > Augusta, March 2, 1880. ) Cornmerw-iru; this date, this cotape. UV willeellFlVE HUNDRED MIJCE IICKETB, ffood oeyr maia. li*e and brnnebre, at TH HITMEN 75-1 W DOLLARS each. These tickets will >e imuird to individuals, flrma or fsinil ee, but not to firms and families combined. E R. DORSEY, Gen. Passenger Agent. AatiUxxe! IKS. S. B. Est >ll Has Juat received a new aad varied aaaort- IMMof io in aiuiiij uni Also, a tieaatilal aelection oi IIHIK liIFUItK All of Wbieh are the lattwt SPRING <iiea and direct fr >m New Yort. which she offers to her frirnds aM pbtfoos. She has,a varied and hand ■sno aaaorttMDt of RUCHINGB, Vfcltlfrfj, tlfcg, Ai which aba will taio jleiattre in ffhbi im to h. r fnends and edgiMbarf; Cdll and examine Jbef tre boyina etawwhehe. MBS g SgIBSOB, Harlew, Ga. March 36 3m Ge . Uwbiuaou A Ltt. Mi Vila** of rsiurolng.l free of all expenm. ts transports flee if not <*ntin-l) Mtlalsctu-