Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, April 26, 1881, Image 3

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.—tofclSta’fl. *•*■»» <*y Wtapwubte f. < £ ■M»OH»«ll < U» same. Bally la otataMa. umte m* WvIWTWwR ' B * Ata. aaAret WW I re < «M «**UaMßMrt. leitfilfirt w* We fient w jL,-rttr--- ta* MM SsSktaftfiff teem. tareta* Won •>’»« *»c Maters* * *• Mftteta* « Bartatn re * awMwd-etaas tatter Uufir Cash Ofttsfiketa WWW tMtaat manutneterrem. and large ...—alfih- ”M«m4c Howre nf the BeuWi. O B<*""*on ft Oik at Augueta to «xsw«; aski “ - *£7 mJ tteware to the < tarfiret ever LLmt*W« market; mA and ee* <mr * r ire<lH Itae of »»«■<* and ><taiwtll ta cou - -4 tMt eur prtevw reremt he beat. Meßarax ami Ou. Atlanta. Ga I|\T»I.U NOTICE. I It l.reweeded that KEF.NRL seite gnml» Kru>i«i utaii any ruervhaat this side of Au i *Ca That •» wwrrCant tn Harlem or in Co ■tun>bla«**T pre«eo.te fin compete with ■h.rn A» a were* Os this be aotU large Auan Ht tiea of gooAe to merchants to refi again H fMU MaßaCpm>b» rup la t*e beat sold oT wton*te’ f*r «aMtw» 1 hat MS CO. syrup to Moaikot at 43c. H That Mai'S** Motaeseeta iftpert at W ■s five gallon V«s or enove. ta That Malbre at < I-toft, good Mrtag! for K,, I .rate £■ That h» to ectnowlMgwi AS !<*der In the Komefee** at Weaad tflc. oaLe 43.. meal K partetobM. Si I hat lie baa an competitor O' Vie meat UM that Ma Gilt Bbr ♦* n** l ,n * im ' % Ks th.Mtoto.AUaa ta H»« Wftts. •<»> th- boteto of Aaguab. Seiling this Keek at M tn per barrel ■ I hat hto Prerl Grtat at l l-sic per pound Me periods foe I SB-ars very Ans jjffi That hl. roAre to seom-' to none LUte ; qw«te4 at 4 tbe*>r 8 100 Sg I hat tn. .tarcb aod exto Teruais <» th- price. « l-4e par U> sHrbal Uto • Ilgar b. good a* Ik t-tot fight Hrowa. HHa t<* 11: white. 10 1-4 Hto fflß That hl* »U>rk of Hat. to Mnr «ms well ta, to«t re** Baltimore if- t»t (Wilt than the cheapest MB Taat lite «t.«-k of Dry (r-xiH to large and MflartdenM by all a tine atocrtlou. calk**. ebecka. » 12 SB [bat lito b.»>le and Kh e« are from Z’> b> tnai. un> inei a la Harlem |Mrhat hto.Ueknf hom to large and of best material. BO one may b* disappointed after 10o< 15 mile, lor grxwto he keeps Mast by the 1 OOb itto, corn tr. fU‘ bushel i^Ka '<r mom. flour In barreto isri? Quantity mkf need). Anyone wanting t»»' in at one buying r*n tliam of ntoh t.. ane him before boring, a* vot> will Ore Uoitora on every fifty you buy .Muatv House ot the tooiHb. <> Bohlnaon. of AugnaU sell In leiur IMKei.M. leenatona M'. —i—l'. 1 >'■. ami e».-rv bouthet n State <,. rt!. ■ t AugttoU can jueUv . him to too •■ "Music House of U>« South " Advertisementa. S Mlufct Uttan A BlMlMtni. of (taotoHi -ColucDbla county •'toruit Ike \ Ha IM rd A iuilntot rator ■■lie ealataof Ji.l.n H I'topi»‘• f a-o > j^Mmt. 'toraaeol applies to rm- lot i. to-i» from said retain : v o , ■ ■ SHan.i amgrilai the kindred and .-reddor-- iweswKi to be and Aj’twer al mi of <KI or lekue the first Monrlavln May. h> ah<.w eauan. If any they ham whv '■■aaid tot tnr» atom Id hot tto grant»l Utotor my hand and official xlgna'iir.- thia Ith day of February. IMJiI ■K liEDBrtB D. DAftsfcY. Ordinary W.IMV Columbia county Slways ■_ THE BEST! ■Clinton’s ■win 4 sun < >al tn the la ported in atneigtti color Owing .. I nar. n-« >■ " • u - mv tohin eapecitv I ar- n..» to fill orders fr.«n th- O'nntrr Shipped bv expr.*- In ‘ ’lin'oi. - heir <y.«en ahipping ovw, Mair. red al |®NT()Ns BOTTLING WOBKS. 1348 BROAD KT . AUGUSTA, GA KW YORK I millinery ■ STORE. SB Mlßw NELLIEPUBCEI.I. BM 1 "' > n Eioe French Millinery. Ilibbona Novelties in Neck aa<! Jet Jewelry. Etc. Hotel AUGUSTA, GA. No goods o<i Approbation pp. r > 3m MOOIAL 'OosMßtia, •to* to « (.hot.<rwpfi of to-khmsble cbartto kite, eopteii pmaa We <Mgtau ; * •••» liaw aw raw. Thaw eaw maw, ia. aw wawto; W K *— Key to the above •"’"‘l day ot mA. That saw the Lord anas, wplcosse to thto reviving bcvstol And theee ofi.fietng eyes. Grass to growing. Farmers Working. Biro, am building. And now tor fishing. A lltUe rain to mwdial Croquet is all the gn now. Straw hats am In full bloom Berne peddlers In town tosh,week. The perspiration season to on hand. Monday next to Ordinary's court day. Crass 'Coming in by Fine Kuta Haga Turnips at the "Gem." Home of the niumpitoe are out once again The IlgWHug editor id thtopaewf is always abs> nt. Nat Hicks to Ute Llllputiaa of the Georgia rafiroad Mrs. Frank Hatcher tins returned from Thomson. ' ♦ Evening fchodß of plush are richly em troldervd. It might be proper to state theft Bprit« has arrived. Loo Matcher had a tine milch cow to die on Thursday Up-’. IcedSodawater. Cider and Lemonade at •The LltUe Gem " Will Warper left «a Saturday Wtal for a brief visit to hto home. Harlem can furnlen ths champion cro quet club ot th* State. Miss tXiMna bampkln honored oar town with a visit last week. ('tiarley Bussey has returned to hto b.yms al Double Branches. NextrfTueeday Is meeting day for our County CummiatJonere. It Is rumored that Col. Weathers to to soon quit the mall route. Everybody sMaln <bs shads nowadays; except the average darkey. Mr. Edmund Banneto san imitate the bark of a dog to perfection. Ave you g<4 ur to the picnic next Hatnr dayf It's to be a nobby affair. The latest rtyto gentleman's scarf pin to ntudi- to indicate hto occupation. Fine mixed pickles, Underwood'S esle brated brand, at "The Little Gem.** The pay train paaand up the road last weak, making many hearts glad. Look out belt week foe altothur new and Interesting ad. from J W K-ener. Freight business to a little off, and some of our boys are enjoying a short rest. As a member of tta ffawsArs. Nat Hicks attondsd the Hchuetaectest at Aiken last weak. Saturday last was fudge Roebuck's reg ular court day, but there was no business done billy Anthony has a carbunckie on hto neck about the else of A young aster melon. Bode meddlesome person has cut with a kalfe nearly every sack guano on the de<xrt platform. The genial Capt. Patterson, of Berzetla has returned and was al the Runding Ulub Friday night. M. B. Hatcher baa a car load of straw hats Indore. McCord A Co. have a too a large stock oa band. On the second Sunday In May. the Rev. Willie Peari yolalr will preach in the Ba|>- Ust churfik at thto plane. The criminal negloct ot one religious op portunity will, most probably, Indispose aryl unfit you fur the next. It to In order now for the young folks to taka elining stroito and return with kato decorated with wild blossoms, etc. Remember. "The LltUeGem" will furn ish fruit, candles, etc. to picnics at greatly reduced prices. Bear thto In mind. There will be more money change btouto In Augusta during convention week tliau was ever before known in that city. the btate Bab list UonvenUoa, in a*aaton at Aliiens,Jhave resolved to petition the Lvfirtstoture to suppress the liquor traffic ia the HUM. To kwip up with the times, Hoti Vfitrlee Eetre of Augusta should toaee the canal, and Grady ofsthe ConaUtutlon tbu AllanU gas works The new managurs are'now running tine sleeping oosu-hes in connection with some of the freight trains. Thto to cie -er. to say the least of it. The assets of the Citizens' batik are put down at, and the ItobiilUsa are >671 II to thought that fLo.WO can be re alised from the assets. One of the grandest dry goods establish, meets In the South, and Atlanta's greatest pride, to John Ryan's. He baa in stock a world of roods, of ell grades. Captain Revd to doing justice to hto gar den, our devil thinks, because he usee the plow lh it Instead of the hoe Ben baa Ar kansas Ideas about such matters. Will Hicks, before looking-glass brush ing hto moustache “Tbtt are my darling little pet Don't 1 rarees you f Yes you bet You are not one of those huge affslre, But just about two difteu balra." Married rereetly st Moon-berry, by the Rev Mr. Black berry. Mr. Zacharias Bran berry to Mtee Cinderella Elder berry, of Dan-berry Oliver Hardy hopes that their deoceodanta may not turn out Gooseber ries. The liquor elemefit was teprvweeted in Harlem oo Saturday last by Timmy Mitos, who advocated bls sMe of ths quest 100 in a five mlsutos harangue white standing upon a fish box Tommy believes in Bq oof, you can bet ail yeer railroad etnek oa that. Henry Hill, the murderer of the Hartwell jailer, was bung oo the thi loet-, aleo An drew Fell, at Mnottoeito, Fla., for the mor <l«r of J H Whitaker | Lucinda Fowika, at Lunenburg, Vs, for «*• murder of her hne baod; Abram Martin, at Abbeviita. B C„ tor tbs murder of hto wife. fie Ni«x Werlte pleasure to san,macing fin the 'rttet pvopleof Hartem and viatafty fitted WS Wave arranged fin hares pic »»t? al tWe "Frttaar bprtage," tfar.UA Yasidmwv <4 Mr. Jklls PtHlUt*. onktakl BMUtolay Af-tli •kfc. All who WO«M Nke to apeoda «hy of reOwiinMwtnt tMeptoturesQue iMfe spo\ are cordially tnMtrd to join our echool to the aocial feetfvlties of the ocrtutawi. A baekat ill now Vto vhW- all are VWviOerl to bontributei krill bespread on th- gnaind*. swd ho pafM will be spereri to aaafc- tt a fiayvff Brun social anjoyttedht. Maspeotletty Tfirtn Amwmokx. lYlndpei Notes. Capt. 1 lard's hotel was pronmfiired Uy tfrewmere <m the Wain Monday night last to tie tin-bret eating hoaeonn fitly line be tween Charleston and New York. To day to Memorial Day, and Harlem to one of the lew pieces al which the day wtrt pare uncelelAatad. TMs ia sot «T> it storuld I be; and it taakea rtee Ihtnfi that our people bad lost all love for otfl gallant dead. The Baptist and Methodist Bunday Br-hooto o! Harina, will meet to-night Ml the Baptist church, to deckk' upon sonie plan for the cehEiWtion of "Children’s I Day." The boor of meeting has been fixed st S o’clock. boms dartag imp cf darknees entered Will Anthony's residence on ttalurday night last and reli-ved Will of a One pistol and a few other things. He was soon by some om In th- house, and It to thought hft WWW some stranger, as he was recoghft>M fin tie a white man. He was evidently «r> exporb and prepared tor Ms businen. FALLING INTO RANK » The People in Earxent-A Maas Meeting to be Cniled—HoAx C. Hi Mhockley’w PleHgv , Etc. The great wraitoeteat in the oounly ju»t now te. the question ot liquor or no liquor. Hocielias hare already l«en formed at HL Mary’s. Klokee, While Oak, Philadelphia. imnn'4 Chapsl, Appling, Balls schoo' bouse, and other oiuba will be formed before our Mkt tetei*. Th«Va<l y was form ed at this place some two weeks since, aod since the UsH was Bret pat In motion It has rolled sa l gatMtad WWgl;t on every M<ie, until the county has In the short period <5, of twfifre or fiffsen daysbvome thorough ly an wised In the Interest of the good werk Oh all aides oar bast dtlesHs ate falling Into rank, and every gay the already long roti of membership twsrfiaaee In number Th- noble women ot the county are also d«fi>ly Interested In the cause, aod are do 1 lug much good- At the last merflJng of the Harlem rteh ft wax rreoiv*! that a convention <g two dele gates from each club In the con nt y be held at Appling oa Wedneeday alter the third Bunday tn May. to draft a petition to the Ijcgtaisrtre and to frame a bill to meet the end In view. The dubs throughout the county Imv* been Informed of the action of the parent dub, and It to to be hoped that they will uot be tardy to electing their del egates. and that the best men in eaoh club will be selected for the responsible duties that will devolve upon them. No club should fall to be Tba oonvtM, UiMi tens areeaiblcd are to call a grand mass meeting of the people, to assemble at auch time and place as they In their wisdom shall fix upon, which will probably be at Appling on Saturday before the tilth Subway in May. At a meeting at Sawdust on Friday night, Hou. C. H. Shockley stated that when the bill goes bsfore the Legislature, he will do ail In hla i>ower, as Um* repreeoutaUve of our people, to secure lt« pktaAge. Lot the good work go on, and let every prohitHUontot end-avor to swell the num* her of th- different clubs In the county. Oblt«nr|, Death to abroad In the land. Hto vteto rire are here-there and everywhere! The high, the low, the rich and the poor, the good and the bed. alike fall before his un erilng alm. Hto arrows flail thickly o’er the land and yet hla quiver la ever full. The home of Curtis A. Sleek lev he has an terr. I oft Im re. Four children in one week by scarlet fever were taken sway. Then their "soldier boy little Willie” became the next victim. Then the father was called a Way SoOio two or three years since another ma, was added to the roll. A few weeks since Dr. Wsostey Hobby la eon by her first mar- pa seed away. The heartetrirken and sorely bereaved widow was now left with but two sons to comfort her tn the steening ot life. Six days agone podumonta attack ed thto mother, and this morning at six o'oiecfc. the summons came, aod she pstewsil from earth to heaver., to meet tlieoe of her loved ones gettfi before. Bowed down with grief and sorrow, wlUi the heavy burdens that preened upon an organtxaUisi that bad been shattered and torn by many hard blows ano trials, her constitution could hold up no longer under these afflicting dispen sed uis; aod all that to mortal of Mrs Mar tha Rowenas Schacktey to now clkd In the habiliments ot the grave. The dread arch er selected a bright end shining mark thto Ume. for truly could she exelaltu, *' OU, death, Where to thy sting I Oh, grave, where to thy victory?’ Mrs. 8. bail been a mmutcr of the Methodist Mplacopal churth for over four decadas of yitare; and h> the iw«>p|e of Columbia county, among whom she has lived all the days of her life, she was most highly eeteeiual and Justly ra gantal as a pure ami unalloyed Ctirtktlan woman. I have been socially and profea stonally assoctated tn thto family einre IM4. and I am certain that 1 have never in tbaue many long years, yeans tall of trou bias, tnala, heartaehre and temptations, I have never heard even a whisper of wrong, “either In thought word or deed.** against her. Bbe was bepUeed, I think, by Dr. Thee H. Dawson, by Immersfoe, at M years of ags. Enjoying the fruits of a Christian a Ufa and hopes for « years, tou day at ti>e ripe age of H she bld adieu to this world, which, While it gave her much ot Ite sunshine aleo shaded deeply bar life with much of temporal afllictloos to go Where sorrows will never come, and park ing be no more H R. C, In Wesleyan CbrteUaa Advocate. April fifi D. if. WADE. PHOTOGRAPHER, 706 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. BEILL & 00., Wholesale tai Retail Oxrxi&rslfirtfli -IND- SEEDSMEN! «Mfer to the panpieM COIVMIIA COUNTY Pare Brags, BLff o dLloin.e», Paints, oils, glass, PUTTY, VAUNISHES. BRUSHES, i PATINT MUniCHIS, Plat) (foods, *c. at Lowest Price* w • PURE SPirE*. Black Popper. 30c per lb; Allspice, SOc lb llm-e GtngM . 15c per lb! Clovre, 7Sc lt> Nutmegs, IA: perox; Cinnamon, iOe ;>er oz Mace, 13c |>er ox; Mustard, tec a box Pure English Hisie, 10c per lb Pure Cream Tartar. 40c per lb Pure <IXI flict Vanilla, 23c per bottle Put,* extract Lemon, 2A: per bottle (ktxns A Nelaon'a Goto tine, JOe per box Epeom Halts, 10c lb; Gum Camphor, 8c <rz Aaaafoeti'la, Su <«; Blue Maas. 15c us Casb>r OU, . from ike to 40c per bottle Bateman’s Drone. 10e bottle Godfrey’s G>rdial, lie buttle Turlington's Ral'tonr, tscts>tU« He Id I ID. I‘owders, 40e box Empty Cnpatlles (for putting up (iiilnlnei 4dc box Mustard Plasters (ready for usol 50c box Heap. (luni 6e a oaks up Lily White, Irom 8e a box up T<s>tli Brusht*. from lOe up Hsir Brushes, from 28c tip Combe, from t«c up, etc., ete. PATENT MEDICINES. Iron Bitters, Si bnttle; Hop Bitters, Si hot Harter's Iron Tonic, Si bol Hoetetter's Hitter*, SI bot Beef Winn and Iron. , Si bot Hlmmnn'e Liter R gulhtot, 80e package Hulcee'e Bowel and Liver thire, SI not Hulceu'e Diseaso Eradlcator, SI but BLOOD MEDICINES Tutt’s Haraapelllto,4l hot; (Mratine, |t hot Ayer's Hnrsaparllla, fit h<>t; HHH.IISO" Clark Johnson's Indian Blood byrup, Sue ", u, CHILL AND FEVER REMEDIES Beall am! Co’s sure cure, tl 15 Magic Cure. 50c tail; Ayer’e Ague Cure, Si India Chologugw*, 81 W bot Jayne's Alterative 81 bot Pleron e Medical Discovery, 1 but LINIMKNTB. Mustitog. ter to Si bot; Opodeldoc, Tk bot Pain Killer. Ale to $1 botl R B B. tee bid Pond’s Extract, BO* bot Tobias' Llulinnet, 4oc bot ■■T «■ ■ • •ft —1 - ■! COUGH MEDICINES. Basil's ('.Sigh Byrup, ter bottle GkHie Flower Cuugb byrup. fiku bottle Juniper Tar. tec bottle Tutt's Expretorant Sfio bottle Jaynes's Expectorant, Si bottle Alien’s Futtg IWlaam. 1 00 bottle Hall's Lung Balaam. 100 botUe ikstchre s German Hyrup, 75c hottie H'siemaflit (xdlgn Drops, Sue bottle Wlstara fiaiaani Wild Cherry, 81 buttle Baker's Gxl Liver OU and Mme, I 00 bot WHlbrtisa “ “ " ISO bot .Scotts Emulsion. 1 00 hottJa Bakers. Mollers and Hagemans CO! Liv er OU», eaoli. TSc boule We keep EVERY PHI NG usually kept In a firwt-etaae Drug Mura. Write to us for whit you want, or call and see us whan you come to town BEALL A CO., orrostrk auuvsta hotbl, Augusta, «a. Jge is mb Ims OF C-lUMBIICO JNTT Let it be Know* Through jut Your County that Peter Keesan 8 II) keep* the lead in AUGUSTA io *ll that p n rtaitJS lo UlN®, R*»rd« foadc SHOES and BtM)TH, knti everything alee kept in * firal-oi*M ShM House. fttarFair and honorable deaiiug is his end and ahn. JEf RsF BI4OAD btriot. oppoerte the Monumsni, AUGUSTA, GA. *ps PE PER KEENAN, aft C£jAHK.’S MILLINERY and Fancy DRY GOODS Store. Sit Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Lwnre and varied stark of .he' latest HaYs BONNETS, CAP*. Eta !.acea. Hair Gtxxia. Ribbons, Silks, Satin, Buttons. Jewelry aod Flovrora. MF" New gocritt by steamer and Express weekly, tar Demorest's Pal* teroe lor J-advea And Chi Id ran. N. BKL'M CLARK, Augusta, Ga. tar Smsll profits ami quick sales, “tai ! mr2G IIIW PREPARED ta~ To offer the •LARGEST and most eompleta stock of "ta DRY GOODS,: CLOTHING, SHOES, Etc., it has essr been toy pleasure to commsnoe “tai F<f~SPRING trade with. I hope by ooutional additions ■ftfttr'ing Spring ana Summer, to tunke it still more ai tractive, “Wil W” and hope by fair deHing and airention to, butinoes, to “tai and teceivy the patronage of the community “WM IK. B. MELtotuer. aT<XK LEAD IN LOW PRICES! FURNITITBE of all Grades. Mimira io Sf«Wfl reds all sizes & stilus Nice Wahuit ani Chamber Beta, Drossing Case, Marble Top, for Fifty Do Hare and up! We have put down|tiie price of tine Furniture teperjeewt. Have money by calling oft us befuie you fifty. J. L. BOWLEB A CO., The Largest and CHEAPEST House I IN THE SOUTH * ®. O. BMXOC& a €G*. Tlia BROAD ST., JK G-XYTTSIfi?A, t3FA.. Carry a full line of CROCKERY, ( HINA, GLASSWAKE anil WOODENWAKE, KEROSENE LAMPS and HOUSE FURN ISHING GOODS GENERALLY, ta“ FOR SALE AT TIIK LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES.“ta — A _ r Clonranoe CARFETB I - ' ■ ■■ ft ••■— -—■ If. Wdflr to reduce stock and a vol 1 carrying goods over. I will offer ifiy SlOcir'rtf CAK- PfITH. amounting to B*V*l»nd over, all fresh dew doSlgns and, coloring*, at very redpeed priuee, eiubrwiug as follows * Royal Vslrot Carpets, Body Bruaeeln d<>, Titbestty Brnsselt do, r Extra and Imperial Three-ply do, Scotch lugreiu do, Extra Slips!' And Rnperfinft do, Cotton and Wool do, Hemp and Vienna do; f, J end 4-4 Venetian do; ’ and 4 Stair Brdesois do; Biair Rttdk and Fixtnres, Napier and Coeoft Matthiga; Plain, ( beaked and Fancy < antou do; Cheap Stripe Carpeting; Window Cornices, Late Curtains, Cretonnes. Latnbreotrtn Shade and Bullion Fringe, Piaqo and Table Covers*, Window Shades in Scolloped, Fringed. Plain and Gold Hands, Velvet Bota lings, Smyrna Sofa Huge, Veh vet and Brussels Rupe; Cocoa Door Mata, Velvet do. Brussels do, Smyrna do; Sheep Bbiu Mata, Ctttmb Cloth*, Chromo**, Wall Paper and Borders. Rustic Shades, Fire Screens, Carriage and RtigUy Mata, Cedarl Cheete,* Star Oil Cloths And Crash. baT All good!! sold for net cash or city ac ceptance. JASa C. BAILIE, 713 BIIbAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. The Little Gen! 1 HAVE ON HAND the FINEST LOT o! CINIIIIS MB FKIIT Ever brought to Harfohl. consisting of fine Mlxoi (Mmllaa Hifilvy Ooooanut, Vanilla (ariouels, FlgFaSU* I’bo.olato Drops, ILe* ami Ixuum Hum Drops, Taffy. (>o<«>anfit Balls. Mint Drop", etc . Apples. Oranges, Cucuwiuta Bananas FiaeFaney Crackeru NUTS OF All KIND! Sarsaparilla, Ciden Ginger Ale, Sodawater. The LA DI EH are specially Invited to sell and sxamlae cay a took, as I feel Mtisiled they win be pteased with what I haw.. | I will Uli urtterfi tot PARI IMB And HO* NICH no abort notice and at bottom prices. Give mo a trial and bu ooavlmml. BENJ M/VEBONEE, Next to Prti.Uug Office. Notice to Pa-eengers. commencing February Ist. issi, and nntll furUx* nollre. Um passrng>T fate over Um Georgia HAllruad main lUm> and branches, will be as foliowa: I Agent's rate, three rents per mttc. Train rbte. four cents per mite. Chlklren between 4 and 1J years, halt the ftbovs rates Minimum rate, foe apy dlstanre 8 cents! Paaeeogere are hereby, not!lied that It they fall to purcham* tickets from tite Hta-I tloo Agento, Utey wUI be obarged Um train raio. Comforters are mH Uckrt anilere. and are hot allowed to accept I«m than u»e traini rate ot tour cents pre mile. Therefore, to Secure Ute advantage of Ute reduced rate, purchase your tickets before entering Uw vein. The company resrevre the right to change or will rr I y st-mgato there rates at pleasure and without notice P,. B fXIRHFT.Gen Paes. Agt soo;Miie Ticket*, Georgia Railroad Co., I Office Gen I'asaenger Agt. >• Augusta, March 2, 1880. ) Commencing this date, this eomba ny will sell FIVE HUNDRED Mltw FICKETS, good over main line and branchra, at THIRTEEN 78-100 DOLLARS each. These tickets will be issued to individuals, firms or famines, but not lo firms and families combined. E. ft. DORSEY, Gen. Passenger Agent. JVJxlllixei-yi BBS. S> B. SIBSB.Y Has just received a new and varied aMort meut of Mill! ill nil ! Utt I Also, a beautiful selection (A lIUUS-Llffi-llllllfto. All of which are the latest HIRING •tyles end direct from New York, which she offers to her friends and patrons. She a varied and hand some assortment of RUCIIINGB, VEILING, TIES, dee. which she will take pleasure in show iug to her fnenda find bUstomera. Call and examine before buyings elsewhere. MR& 8 B. GIBSON, Harlem, Ga. March 25 8m Oe . ItotHiison <;•, v ’ ft®y ta*»t in IbvHosth ou trial for flftren **ys, with privilege o< returningJfrre <X all exM*e* »f tr.Mport.llos. 11( A entirely aaikifMfi?