Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, May 10, 1881, Image 4

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Lawaa.—Giw Ch* laws atop-dreMtag of fine ooutpoa* thia mouth ■atria Mmwa. —Onto taw* bate aware amaag ftrowberttec M a mulch with great auoMaa. <_/ • I’otatoub.—A Wreteni tanaer think* that after having cultivated ovur 800 va nottaa of putetoua ba would rwrowirwnd m tha heat varitatoa, Ute Alpha for very eariy, the Moowfiake far martrwia early, and Viator for late nan (WWnWHITWI WKu WBBBBiaa. An Ohio farmer, on auaaeirt <* so •carroty of m ulc iiu>g mate rite aowr-l thfiahMHrft "AA*** acfo at her naa. The oata grew aboat a foot high, than Ml down, *fo>|iri;i*afl • batter Atei cheaper mulch than he could hare ob teined in aov other wav, Bi-urwarote HoMaa—The practice of htanktaiag a boTao daring exareiac ia not own to be ruaumoMOded. Cover fan tnettataly after a dnre, W stopping only tor a few minute*. After being ont in a •teem of any kind horaea should bo rubbed with atraw until thoroughly dry, and then blanketed, annflwur aaedi u> th+4te<QM* ithdeWh atoada dr any nnevpaly apota that yon wiah to hide. Aber they an watt ep and have roeeivedjgße heateg they will need ah •olntely ae attenttea. The aeada, aa we have hetoaa ated, are aaaaiietft for pool try, both for iMreaaMß the produoboß of «gg» acdtAa Virol fanny of their plum M* Wfitet O*firrvAn*».- The qnaattwi of Mte affpedtencv of cultivating wheat, aaya a con temporary, ia one that fa loom tag up in the future, and ahmtid be aat tied by deciaivo eiperimenta. There ia little doubt in «wcu mind that much larger capfb Os fofatto ccnlt be grown ou the aame eoil, with equal amount of set- Uliaera, if wo had some machmea per IroforhiWtfcdto cultivating between the whtat drflla, and ahould cultivate our wheat aavaral timea during the spring months. It would facilitate the pens trafioa of the ateaaepiteae. laden with mototaro betatag in rotation ammonia, and perhapa other growth gaaea. H W DM J a*™- —Good obaervaaa any tha* foe Hteateta Cattle are great contamm of food There ia no doubt of thia. Take a field of rwttia in summer Mate, and whamfat bet weather the Jot- Ayraharas will group together under the shade of a tree, the burly and beaufW IMatetii will bo own browsing easily to the o*aa field. In fact we have novae vet eaea the man who could say thabhaerag aaw a Hoietain oo* with her nootnMof Ute gtaaa. At the aame time ft to not right to abas* thia brood, flood eaten make good mil kero. The Holstein is very valuable for generaj milking pnrpoaee, aad, If the males are fattened up fate white young, make heavy beef. Muixnuwo. Qupdnt, drift hay from the edges at Uft toorahee MWI refusr matter that can ba collected about a farm, U DO* used in Ahsaetupoei beep, make an excellent mulch for oroiiartla Mulshing, eay* a writer, baa all the baa afltaht plowing, with nona erf it* dread vantages, heaping the auriace mallow with as damage to the root* by the plow or te the trank er breaches by the team It heaps down the gram aad invitee the earthworai to wort and make the eoil fine and rich. It t'adr to retain the moisture for a much longer time, and remedy tn a great measure the evil effects of drought. The trait which fall* upon H ia pot bruised. It la the way natuge adepts to maaiue and eaneh the foresMreea.--Asm Bteptamd Jterwwr. W*aaij»e Bottum.Henry Btewart mye that w*eh|Mf indAiuro ita ftaveq, beeaaw butter is as oil or fat, totally iaaotabto to water, and all its flavora ate oMbpMMtt paßb St the fat, which fans nt peeoibiy be eopaoated from it by eonteet with water. Is washing grantddr batter it ie sseoaaary to asa jij—lJl k worn Wmdto -» wwraw WtoWw Vtow <BT ndkF'jfMW UMI gnatalarataßae and provenw them from oombttonf in a mass When batter is take* from the churn in *ni*eei ths water eboutd not bo so cold as to harden those, otherwise the milk cannot be ro mnved eerily, and than the butter will not keep tor any langth <rf tuna tn spite of all prwomiUoaa. In such a cam the butter placed in the bowl n to, bo •MM >wu with the ladle to thin abcea, so as to provide outlets for the bnttermilhto aseape The milk which cecapm and flow* to the bottom of the boar! ehcnld to nouns! off and the but ter weehod >dU ctasr, for* water ; ths better is then twmort to ths bowl snd ahead in the opposite direeteou and again washed, and if Ibe work baa been skill fully Bags this te.Ml the westing that io Majmcrwe Onctauum— Fine fruit ia only produced on ordinary lend by earn, atteariton and euetetoatiy supplying the ami with the element* earned off by eroppang. No eenmblo aaaaespoctato grow wheat, corn or potetom on the aaaae grand year alter year without frosh suppose at manure. And yet lhatw gw toaay me*, as we know Hum -hsorrarina. wbo asra think aaamsr ing e* apple er ether tees. Apple, quaes, elbtsiy, y*at and see* poach M« bn aßewadtodM.wlßly w manured, but otteoe aropa are often takas from the ground, while the farmer wonders why bts trees do act bear, or, if they bear, why the trait is so small, gna<V and worm eaten, and htopiam and cherry trees dying of black knots. Ia it to be waadnaad at f The healthy, sap-forming food of the trees has become ao acaroe that a strong and vfownua growth ia fpiudbli, and with a weak growth a tree to liable Ao the attacks es every enemy and Ute fruit to iafi tram want of nounahmerit or from ths rtteg of tweeto. uhaah a atoaeg gaatah hid, enabled it to ovareofoe. Bern or stable aagaun to a gUnnafliii Ulmer, ooutam mg tn a gaateral way all the eteaMnia that ham haan remnvad byaeayptag. banco ben manure always aukeo a vig- Otami growth us wood, bMtohee and foliage to all fruit-producing plante and teeea. Wo matter what varietteaof fruit trees you plant, give the land thorough ouHure tn such crops aa potatoes, beans, cucumbers or tomatoes for the first three or four yean, sad after that pel in grass.— Wwtorvt sdgrtouffvriM Hemau.—One ptnt of aoui milk, pesos as aaultad butter tone of an egg, two tempoouMa aatentua. dour nwugh for a tottr batter Rntgr Bsvtm —Take half a phrt of shrimps, pick out al) the moat from tbs tails, pound the reel in a mortar with the juieo of half a lemon and a piece of batter ; peas the whole through a sieve. Make a pint of netted tratier , pot tha mote from the tails into it, add a duet of cayenne, and whan the sauce boils stir into ft the ahrimp butter that has come through the awve, with as without a table-spoonful « cream. Ostnrrtxiwan. This to a vary pretty addition to a Jar of ptakled eabtagc, but It mast bo put ia salt and water for two days first before 11 to added to the cabbage. Tn* Oan.—Tew cups kour, four cups sweet milk, two eggs, two spoon fuls cream of tartar, one teaapoonful aal eratus, small piece of butter, sweeten if you like, Wnir CnasM.— Half a pound of powdered sugar, juice ot two lemons, am giU of sherry. Mix and add coo pint of thiok, rich cream. Bet on toe, whip to a strong froth, and servo ia glasses. On Kira Toser.—Three eggs, beaten well, one green ehili cut fine, the inside of two tomatoes cut into small pieces, a little milk and one ounce butter, ail mixed together with a little atot, then heated and served on hot toast, Vona Cnora. Cut soma cutlets from a neck of jxxk, trim them neatly m>4 take off the chine l»one; give them a tow Mows with the bat, and grill them □e or m froat of the tire ; sprinkle them with salt and arrange them in a circle on a dish, with maahed isitteoea in the oen ter and the following aaiica round them . I‘til a large piece es butter, rolled in dour, in a etewpeu, slightly rubl>ed with garite; add uinshroome and a little chopped ahalot ; moisten with equal quagiiltoa fff viMgwr agri broth ; add aalt and grated nutmeg ; strain, boil it up; add a little mustard, stir well and serve. Arri.stYiurova. Bml, core and halve six large apples, trimming them so as to get them ail of aaiae ; drop them aa they are done into cold water with the juice of a lemon squeesod into it to prevent thmriuraing brown. Have ready a strong airup (aude k with one pound of sugar and quart of water) boiling hot; pul the apples into thia, with the thm nnd of a MMi and two or three cloves. As soon aa they are cooked -grate aero must be taken that they do no* break—take them out and dispose them, concave aide up peruMte, on a glass dish , place a piece of currant jelly or quince jelly in the hollow of each apple, then well reduce the sirup and when cold pour as much of it sa is ni nasai ry under the apples. lean Cum - The Ad lowing mode ot i«ng sakes wsa taught many yean ago by a ctevor oook : Pound some loaf sugar to a mortar, than lift it tell it to like fins dusk Bate some whites of eggs to a froth, and mu the sugar with them tUI ths whole u s stiff paste Take a little of this paste and place it in another diah ; add to it a very little pre pared natal eel, jute enough to giro ft a pink tenge. When the cakes aro drown from the oven lay the white >emg smoothly all over ; than, through a cone of stiff notepaper, equeeao the pink icing tn patterns eu the top of the white. Stand the eakaa in a cool ossa for tan miaetea, then pul awey m a dry place. To give greater ocuaiatenoy to the icing, ocwm> pupil add powdered starch, but it to not, of coarse, so moo to ete. The properteane ace, for the ntag daamibed, 'iws half pound of auger to the whites of two aggs. Fur safe travellag tha cake should bo pecked m a round cake-tin wfoch fits it, that bong inclcped bi a wo idea bou. !'*■ kad enough es kfaaaa, Fve got enough; «f love I Oh. give me book my old almmh hat I «y comfaetabto gtove l take off thto cote that ftto aa tigM 1 ok, M me mum aay hter I tfomk balm ia Qtfoad yet I hope, "sited Hem the bafyy pfar | dtas. Wotwa arogomarojty ut tom gs aor- Mhl pgaialuMgi, ftgy go |gv. a warn roßjamarojrwatirv* aisrfi ovt Acaturrnjuurr. The peHtatetoe of the details of the btetto at Bpttxkop between ttoe Boon and the Bngifah was one of the moot marvelous festo of niwopepor and teto graph anteapctoo ever known. The bouton Attomtard sea* Mr. Ctamsr r. ths hardy, rvneiato, feartem African ex plorer, with the British sdvuncs to re port ita opersttona. Be aoocmipanied it in ita difficult amreh to the summit of the fatal height. When the Boers made that gallant charge in the fans at the English teeyeweta, stecui wtaeh they l>rag so much, and poured over into ths tnate, from which they drove the En gitah like sheep, Mr. Ofonenm was knocked down, run over, trampled upon and captured. Ha showed tern news paper asudoMtaais and ntee-booix, and. having aetahiiahed teto prnteemnnsl uientfty, wee requested to act aa a of-truoe bearer to enable the Engiiah to take cure of their wounded. He reaohed the Brtttoh caaap that night and wrote his disjutota of about 2,800 words. That dispsteh was put upon the army field wires and reached the coast. Hence it traveled up the east coast of Africa, over 3,000 miles, and tapped the East Indian wires in tbeOulf of Aden, thenoe on the bottom of tbs Bed see, another 2,000 or 3,800 mites, to ths Mediter rsneaii, tbence oo the Ixittom of the Mediterranean to Italy, thence through Italy and over the Alps and through France and acroM the British channel to London Not stopping there, it goes to Vatentia, so the west coast of Ire land, and speeds smas the Atlantic to Newfoondland, thence to Now York, and from New York scrum the continent to ttan Franciace, and <m the foUewing morning it is printed in ovary daily newspaper in the civilised world—a a thousand ot them in this country. Is there anything more marvelous in the “Arabian Nights" than that one in (Thkugo can ait down to breakfast ami Wad the details of a battle that took place th* day lieforv in the southernmost jiarta of Africa, thirty degrees below the oqoator, and almost al the antipodes ? gw nnzroir* FACArrar. An Albany editor's squib about the treatment of an "agent" hra in it hu mor, and a certain pathos in the infer ence that may be made from it of a hard-worked newspaper man's life : About six weeks ago, a person enterol onr cAos and proposed to sell us a new (angled "fountain The raali young man at length mentioned as a recommendation that the pen held enough to test through twenty-foui hours' incessant writing, and obviated the tedious mnaaaity ot dipping it in IM inkstand TUereapoa wo ex claimed : “Dear yonng friend, would you de prive so of our vacation ?" " I don’t understand, '' he replied. " Why,” aaid wo, " the only vacation we got is white wo aro dipping our pen in the inkstand, and no man ahail de piiveusof that Please go away with your vacation-extanguialier '' Ho aaw we were in earnest, and be went, not oven daring to otter to us one of has founteune aa a gift; and we dipped our old-fashioned pen in onr mnddy old ink-stand, and took a rest. How poor aro they who have not pa lienM. - .VAaioyxars. [Chicago Welters Catholic.) The latest man who has been made happy through the use of this valuable liniment ia Mr. Jamee A (lonian, Li brarian of the Union Catholic Library of thia city. The following is Mr. (lon ian's indorsement: Umkmv Oatboi.k Libhaky, ) JIM I>KAK»HIN 3TBEItT, Caicaqo, Kept 16, 18X0. | 1 wiah to add mv testimony as to the merits nf Ht. Jacobs Oil a* a cure for rheumatism One bottle has cured me of this troublesome disease, which gave me a great deal of bother for a long time, but, thanks to the remedy, I am cured. This statement is unsolicited by any one in ita interest James A. Con las, Librarian. A cuunv garden of forty-six acres, believed to bo the largest tn the world, to cultivated in the suburbs of London, and produces annually about 600,000 Hanta [Kansas City Msil ] Member of this Department relieved of Rheumatism by the use of BL Jacobs Oil, says Geo. W. Walling. Esq., Super in ten dent Police New York, in one of our exchanges I'm Elmira FVee /*rr« eayv that “Adam was the first man that was evict ed, “but as that paper fatted to spell it “Evo toted" ft altoered an omxrtnnHv to unpurdcembly etfp sway.—ATsw Jftroew Kqptoter. Tea, wo roc nil sei; Adam paid no rent, and hto ikimtii Landlord eorn peUed him to teevo early tax the tall. tdverUaiag Ctaeta. It has borwme so common to write the b"*inninr of an elegant, interesting ar ticle and then run it into some adver tisrment thai wo avoW all sueh cteeata and urn ply call attention to the merits of Hop Bitter* in aa plain homet term* aa postebte, to induce paople to give them owe total, as no one wb<> knows their value will over use anything else. —Pr >videnc* Advertiser Wants • atom bos an fogHfu but to speak ttoe ptein truth, too may eay a groeA4tai >lfa fag> ggtoW OtaHdun rutr Was ■sue Fsem a muOMMs w— ■■■ A Leetag take A prominmit pbymciaa of Pittsburg m’d Cktagly to a lady patient **> *•* rooplairung of her continued ill hualth, Mia of bii laabUiiy k) cure her, try Hop Bitters I" The Lady took it ta earnest and used the Bitters, from she obtained permanent health. Bbe now laughs at the doctor for hia joke, but be U not eo well pleased with it, as it cost him a good patient— Harrisburg Patriot. ______ Wmrw aro stockings like dead meoT When they are man-ded; «r, perhaps, when their soles are departed ; or, again, whan they mo atttahotoa. Favous of every kind aro doubled when they aro speedily conferred. We have known had colds and roughs to disturb the harmony of a choir meet Log, but Coamens' Hooey of Tar will euro all the roughs in chrtetendom if taken according to directaoos, and the once is only 6o ceoto a bottle. For aate by all Dniggwta. JMIMXjrr AOMB. "I vs got another, my dear.” aaid M> Dorkina, as bo homed into ths house "If you were on tha top of Trinity Church spire on the back of a goose, how would you get down 1" Mrs. Dor kins thought she'd jump down, slide down the Lightning-rod, fiy down on the goose, fall down, sad then gave it up. " Why, if you wanted to get down, you oonld pick it off the goose," said Mr Dorkiaa. exultantly. m«* ve srerax nbaltw. II .a snaXir* ttftF Mt« Will ttwfTwr from d-tgnfemttttto «>• bj ittfifur* tolaod. wtt*n BUHAI’toLIB will •tax* tottaHb id thto ptoyteKtt! -wtkft'A*Uwe. >s • gtrerttJtoenitef toTrop, plwterunt t« Ufce, m»1 tha RF*T BIXXjO FVBIFIKR <iwr -rtoftod, catteg ttrf-fu**, BjptMhtx dtatofOtort, WfAlMrt ’'f thto Rsdatoya lufitpw IttP, Mtolarito, Xef m«i» diwstdvr*. ttabality, Biitouto cvttß* plaints thnvtoewto of tttto Blttod, Llv«r, Kidatoyt, Mcbbbcli, ftiiia, «toc lAKBM'R FAIX FaXaCEA earttt pfon ib Mac Bad B«attt. Dft BOGER’!! WORM BTRCF laMaotly dtotot:oy« Wo* Mil The oulvhopeof bald headt—Carboiine, a deodrrisei) extract of petroleum. Every ob jection removed by recent improvement. It Is now faultless The only cure for baldness and ths most delicate hair dressing kno a. Ismsssiiss, tyspspsM, sarvoea prottratxon and all tanas of rsosraf totality roUsvsd by tokinj Masssua • rsrTonxwo Bl ar Toaic, ths only prsparatloo es test setoatains Ita sours outntioaa propertiss. 11 eoulaias blood-mak tas. foroMwscatiM sad Ufs-suatalntas prop ■rtes, is tavataabtote all tefesMsd «m&ta>aa. ■better ths raeeft ta sshanstlns. sarvmu pro» tr*Uou t overwork, * souls dlsssM, sarUnUarly if rssulting from palmansry iwn pi irate Qis wsU, Hasse* to Os., propristin, Nsw YmL ArsMaa Sklw-TtaMesosr vs Tsvrv rss>»w WrlsklM Crn*-lsM Hull Stesss yoolSrs) Anew Htim'tto km Mr*. DI J a DILUXGHAM. MiMIS. XtowOateaM. ha. K THE ■ great german REMEDY I FOR lIBHEUMATISM I NEURALGIA, I SCIATICA, K LUMBAGO, I BACKACHE, GkOUT, I SORENESS I ®r tv* I CHEST, ISORE THROAT, I QUINSY, I SWELLINGS I SPRAINS, ■ FROSTED FEET 1 t * KS ’ |xivmixra» B Goer*] Bfoily Pius. I TOOTH,EAR I HEADACHE, II I ill BTlti FillS | ACHES S 1 Jacobs Oil _ ... - *•, ■ M «arw ..Ilk •>. Jirw Oil m aura I ni uni >u mo trtm tawl, ircalwiaili WI u>. ..wwwiiwO mam* **< < »Cim war, I J“ »IU paiaiaa law efcaag u 4 rMUW jmttl I '***“ aaaamaaa ia aura, uncub mi n ui Mmtrrt mb kmm ■ itwai A. VOOCUEM A CO. JMMBww, M<, C. ft ft, SIffERS Wfcy BmM» MaaMaaalr Wt b tbc « wraleiß* apaamaftle tartarra of kvw aa | tw aad bUiaßa raaiuaat. wk" H«elclUi , fftuaaah BiUera, acknaaleo**-. to baa rcftl atari tire of a*.! wuj (erara, will amiteatr t» oaaaa <W a» aaek eaferiu • >o Ua. «*>««uw i« chui b«H<aaa< alt can 6rw in aawa as oaaatinau .a. drwaMU. lirer roaplatat, rhenMaum, aaft iBMBMai dß»>aUbw and Marram waakaam. Far gala V all l>r»gguw m 4 CiUftn nsrnllj 4 GOOD FAULT REEDY! • TtoICTLY PU« ballam What The Dtorterw Swy! tfinw for cow*hto to*4 mid* ’ oa A.C KIMMO, ttisVw^..nuwg*<»*g »..4»r<bl -iro SCwMMSSSW***.! 0 *“F“* •’ ■M w -Hiss's a«w—tea— SB. I I Tttra. BIMMUSU. *M| • *■**l •kyssass o< !•»*«?-«*■• ro*». V™**\. „ 1 <*> C»*s*mpu«« is Iks wsrM. rsr tai »k»»e. W *** Faitatomirr H w<U •• *•••« • mm giMIMH “ “ «> ™» J. S. HASBIS * 00.. Vr«Hieo<S. rnreawen. •- FOR RALE BT ALL DWJ6GISTS. W RATLMCR a I AX*. *IW7WI At /Mfatot Ita*. 4M F. JU/wwi. W M M|{teu, D. C. ■ KlibM Mrtl totfwttlarto •«*« «b re^BM < Pond's *atraol •» «»• O M.fatten *» khlto Ctoid y 3 id I I II •'• Bw*wrrh Cure r» sso**). sytesity ro- H SSMI sssMs sons. WS*.' all ta* rasanw w Pond'S IFirnoti tosssl toyrlngo <» •»“*>. i*»si-**i. **m i« ■uirk* tesSleoi. ■ Ssps *sS Steers BOLD BY ALL DKUOOIBTtL MILL k FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. BELTING, HOSE and PACKING, OILS, PUMPS ALL KJNDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, BTEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, Ao. Sand for Prico-likt W. H. DILLINGHAM & CO. MS Main Street, LOUISVILLE, KY. AUBBTW w*m» FOB SCS CENTENNIAL PAN. • Btoutotodtotoptoffi tBMKAoA fidord tai da wnhtoottt. Frtttto 71 eU.fiJweem DMMBtte CLOTHES fioww.fiovwi, Ufitogul, r*pt well lag finiele. I*r»etooeM* A rfirw ©w •ortanMy ia offered i© tnaAw ■tofitoy.ftefid for otn /Ume tratarf OtotoMterg sad ear aaotoottl I j IlWrfil Lfartthto. DoMirnr Rcaiv Ofi.. IM W. *AhM . CsfievwtofiU. ( <k(k< h * Ttoto* tn Aftnu, find «>r>efi«faw M OntM • fHUrrww. Additoß. F. Bto*i. rCto.,Ao<ftfoe.M. tfl <?A frtor My •« I— ■ Ottopltofi w«rt> M >0 10 >ZU A< Mffitoto Rrtfitahto A Cto.; FtoHlfifid, Mume AWr.MTW WAWTr.lhfof thto B«tot fi»d Ffittatot Rtoii tag FtaMrtal fttooh find Mbi«fi. Frtafi* redwcdD p* ••fit BatitafifiJ Kbltahlfi* Ofi” Atlanta «•. AHENTS WASTED FOB Bible revision Thto Utt* *ad etttotototoet HtMtrattod fidlOo* «f Um Rertetod Rto* Twatamtoat. MHltane of ptoepi. *rto vnUttng for R. b» •«« hto Metawtod Vy tha Chw* Jah* yabitehara of Infos rtor todiiiocLV. bat thfif th« eopy yon buy eon lain a IMI>« •toffTAviegi mi akowl and wood. Agentefile cefftutg aiotal •ttiitag IhiaodlUon Mend tt circular*. AddrtoM Vatibbal Fvbusbjvb Ctt., Atlanta, •*. RhßMmitißfß Neuralflia Ns slkss MVMSMIsa kss wrai M sM*y«*«M si ik*. smetasw .« Ponu’e Cxtreot Pento’* Bxtreot Fleeter Bsmuiis <»»•*•». Us a iksws tosom, bsmkaa - **!*• *><• « ta*«> •s Pwnd’e Katreot Ointment («* «•»*>. Sv Ms wks* nam: sT <MK>| Is Immsmlml. U i esiimtae Is Si— h ? sssm a»M Sy *U IIWFLOTWIENT M OOfolH Owrigß Bfo Cltaßlßtaait. cm. *l> fifoy fit betofito fifiatly mwiv. . V 4 AfOctdt fro* A4dr«M Tfi(r*> <*« . a. ltf .«« t v CELLULOID tab. EYE-CLASSES. W bepreiMkttag Um rixaeert sktouted Tnrttass Shell and Amber. Ths lightest, hsodromesl sod strongest known. Sold by OpUHan. and Jewetara. Mads by th* BPKNCF.R OPTIC Al M FQ CO., 13 Matdew I*ma, New York. RfUl “*• •»" *a suit, > fofito. Addraaa R. ■*u*rf>Cfi.. fowataa t bfo 1 I UUIU RCII Math Ortatuatooe aataraataad poyittd lAeaa iMfttt FaLRXTINR IkOB . Jaetarill.. Wta sll six rcS?KS. MM. wasfawm -a tasuw> r-vw-M ta te , >• tote V ■ • mum. m a. TBlC«lfe3. •TBOWTMB't mta (■TIGOfiAT* Mk. tttlfi *».WMM. . to M.MQM jlnWT^,W7^.‘X' , s'SsZ lb UK. Bae MBA fiaeara. tthtem Btawe iff mi ie toatami Bookwalter Engine. Simpla. Durable and Cheap • otnpart. Economical and t•« • M»ru“' tn tr>>rk wii full KVKIIY w b" mni a < .W/on <;.n or Coe. W yHHRyH'y 1 *»*■“ I«WW H much letter aod ctiaapcr tl>« SF.K OCR LOW FRl' A> 3 Home l.ußine jf m - <4 ' Lddrt— fnr r \Mrr B—»a»«u«woi* PETROLEUM JELLY | cwra Bf EUIOMt BBd I Th* w«B«< VotUBMe ■ hk A fßi i iii tmim, B TSbF^SKSbI T Om M MM, M aau «mb «r 11 - MIM ■>—> *.*% *»- wn» aMMA At jhi MN| Wfffirtf' w i - For Cbllle aa<f AMP ALL OtRRASRR T CkMMS* >7 Wttirtwl V* U. BUM «r Um Wi- . A wabsawtid otmi Vric®, *I.OO. roe ..I c ~- TMU m <^L£ Mn . r L< B | meM«*wr» t— aa Mhss spta. ~A«*\i*“_r Tl,ll^Pj/jcj,PMqe. / , lim, tteu u l\a Wr, *■* taateaa ksms scMs .taawmaa«aßws»'« MSMrv srv JfrAsevsne* —< Mrtsw w , a* dewte to ul ui, To *D wboM elputniym I ly o<Uw. W,wa» >. quire Apfttattwg^k^ Hop attor* ar* knrai^|g^ h ** > ' without intov or BynpcoQ* are wh*l t*e Atari* er or aUWBBttBt ta nae Hop Bib • i *** >t »ob i» iaatyfor*H **■*•*•• Hmm, ’ •' MOO **o f<*• Ury »ui ** 1 druksw Mm swt tke s 1 UMUnns mrssaCs Ms H~nsTk rauu , ata MW1"" **4 bo nsraoß er t*»irV _ skwMMwaaoeAtb*. emammma dH p. 1, CU ohsobns indhTMtoUbi, C-JIM XwkMs au »s» >ss». au, > i W— to r wnioß anerowto ar M IPTBE COD him *qiL AB» tnm.j Tb Utt* ~ WtlWr'a Ce* : PB<-'D Wtthrojl tewseew ■ ’ sin Ihe fiftroia at U; I Jtoeri, • Fh4|foaAe nf L'.roe with aho I ' tiff j tohtctt render* tbooiidouMy I I Remarkxblto teaiimoniala of 41* toßkarr ran he ri-v. 3 fold hr A. R Witaott. Chemtat, Rota An. and *ll dr or r.t H I I An Open Secret. The fact 1* well anderslwi that the MEXICAN lUB TANG LINIMENT !» by hr the best exteraai known for man or beast The reason why beeomes an “open secret n when ve explain that “Masting” peaetrateM skin, flesh and muscle to the very bone, rra*ovtag all dteeaw> and soreness. No other llnl meot does this, beoce son* other is so largely used Os does such worlds or good. 1 I ~~ LOUISVILLE I HYDRAULIC CEMENT, used for Cbnrtruction of < 'istertA, I Beware and Foundation l !. Addrew, 1 W’hstkern Cement Aesot iatiox i Louisville, Ky. , Publisher*’ I'nion, Atlanta, <>a N'inHroi CHEAPEST Books tkkhkpMiv's Csa**lsl« Works a fiß VUf* Tnt Ttanto’* Htakcwy as Rasptah Lit- ■ ’-a.kMMk. aa Wte lUkM.. XsvTta