Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, May 17, 1881, Image 2

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COirnsm ADVmLW PkMMaA tvwy Ta«4*y. at Barlaa. •*■ J. • ■ niBWEF. Ei»rroß*«t> tn.BT.MaBk TVftfDAY. may it. i«. KDfTOKIAL WKWH MOTES Wadlay la the big boa* now Georgia railroad atock rot tba nae. Wteeo will Obugreaa adjourn, is the important quasi ron. Rtawlwv Kall he wa m solid as a B*fran*w Cwurt Judge. Mr. Joseph N B"»d died m Ho gw.avliU last Friday, aged 104 years. Needy tverywbere in the Klate euttwvi ib reported an doing well, bat opt* are backward. Mr. Lewia Johnson, of near War ronton, bad his dwelling and ooutauta dgatroypd by Art le«t week. Report* fr all parts of the Nate, where wheat in one ot the standard crops are unmually flat taring Whv not put the colored rport in aotu<- of the govurtnuaut clerkship* in Washington? Wuaiuiply ask tbe question. Tbe Rparta I*hmaelit» aaya that prohibition will *woap the Biata a* snre aa twice two i* four I.M 'er sweep and tbe ooow><r tbe better. The Cowpen* Montimsni was nn veiled at Spartanburg, N. C. on ibe 11th, in ibe preasnOK of 20 (MM) |>er aonr. Georgia was well represented Rparta I«htnaelile : That anng ot Brother Randall abont Maryland is a pretty one; but Maryland, my Maryland, didn't coiuc. >ha went. Atlanta will witness a grand pa rade of tbe Knighta Templar on th* Ith h, Ibo occasion being the aaaem Ming of the grand oonclave of K T. of Georgia. A young lady in Catoosa county, eo it is said, in trying to avoid tbe presence of a young man. a few days ago, jumped out of a window and broke both her arm*. Talbot county has one colored man, a good cittxeu and proapernu" fanner, Jerry Owen, who has paid tbe cash for one ebars of tbe capital alock in the Talbotton railroad. From two <nw», since the first of Geoember Mrs R< Huggins, of the Hix th Diatriet of Carroll county, baa sold eighty-five pound* et butter, beatdea having plenty lor her own table. We have been informed lhat Mr W. B» Brook* of F.iyatta county, pinet'd a tobacco stalk in 1H79, which is still living, and Md« fair to bring a crop of tobacco thia year. The Aval year be ent tbe tobacco oner, Ibe seeend twice. Tbe oaber day, white Rev. Mr. IXmmih, the Camphellite preacher at Hherman, wee standing in a pool baptising • repentant ainner, some rascal eUde the reverend gentleman's boots, whief he bad pulled off before wading into the water. The South rn Rapliat Convention aaeeaableil in Oolntnhna, Mia*., on the Mh inst. was a large and influential body. Rev. 8. Landrum of this tita'e preached the opening sermon and made a flne impression Green ville. R. C. was decided on as the place for tbe next meeting, in Nay, 18R9. We were in error in our iaraa of the Sd inet. in saying that Columbia County Farmer had stated in hie let* tor im tbe Augusta C. A C. that no farmers were interested in the pro bil>iti*wi movement The writer stat ed that no farmers were engaged in lecturing on the subject. We nuke thia correction became it io due the writer, whom we unintentionally misquoted. On tbe old Wn. K. West farm, now owned by L. Q West and A. Huntington, on the Koom Hill road, air miles from Cedart- wn, on Sun day evening laat, a double log bourn was e»rocs by lightning There were eevea people in the h nae Two of them—Mrs. Braiier and Mrs. Prince were instantly killed. and only one of the seven escaped injury. Tliere i* some doubt whether Hen ry Hill, who was executed at Klber* tow on tbe Md alt. was really dead when ent down. The body was in a profuse perapiration when it reach ed the cemetery The Elberton Ga cutie says. Ono of two results seem* absolutely certain : If Henry Hill wa* bwned the evening of tbe ex«on tina bo was buried alive: or, if hr was not buried that evening, there tea possibility of bia being alive yet. ('ere Planter wri'ee to the Patron of Husbandry, of t'olnmboa. Mien, urging upon the Sou'b the policy ot independ ease of the North in materi al interests. In tbe oonroe of bia letter he say*: On the 1 Sth of leal June. I planted flve and a half acre* in corn and it root me H coots per bushel in tbe crib I sold to a neigb ber 100 beehrl* of thia corn for MS . he paid the money be g<u tor hie votten at 8 cents net ; that i*, ho gave 8 j pounds of cottce for a bu*h el of oom. How, a good man with proper tools and a good team can raise and pot to tbe crib 2,000 boah ate of corn ; and if bo eocld exchange 0 at the name price that I got, he would get 40| bale* of ootlou, arer A clan nt eolore-t roUrera wb* have j te on d<>tng mweb buim in Warren, j McOufli* and other ere lone op the rood ware bagged erar Cnaaak a few daja etoiwand are uew safely lodged in tbe Warrenton jail Ths Aitesta Post-Appeal leetn. fr<>m a rvlmitle source that a pure coal bwi baa been discovered wit but five mile* of Covington. Specimen* of tbe coal bare been tested, »ud it is aani to be of excotient quak y. At tbs conclusion of tbe ceremo nies attending tbe <1 dicaiion of tin tombed lhe A-womaiion of the A>my of Northern Virginia and the unveil mg at theatatueof Htouewall JackNin, Muy IWb, et Maianc Cemeiery, Jef feruon Davis, after complimenting Gen Less address and congratulating tbe aaaosaUiua eompleUoii of their Uimb and monument, referring io Gen J.-wkaon, said: “F.otu tbe ac ademic -he.lee of a military inetitn'r be ws- t lirth Io battle ter the eauo of State right*, erlf-goV’-rnmrnt and >-o»*titniiotial liberty. Notady ever 1 pinta! i bat liua quiet prufeueur would have an opp<-riunity to ebuw •ba great qualities bo piiwais d, soil beootiH- the uroat hero of onr war. T- -day bo stand* in the oj i ion of EipupeaU*, *o tar a* I ku»w 11, thi migbtlrsl chiefiaiu of the Confederate cause I bis aileut professor constant ly roes like a meteor over th- battle field of the Coufed-racy—tbe only like meteor iu i'a bi ighlnee—tor bi* Jigbl wa* a* ateaJy a* the orb of day. It shone to th v ry close, incn-a i g in brilliancy audits the trust which the people repoe«id',npoii it.jSucb was Jaekrou ! H« lived for hi* country, im Ver doubting I be just ice of bi*cour*e believing it wa* right*™** and trust tog in if. He died as I to day, feding that the t oufsderacy ought to have succ< eded, liecsu'e it was found ed on truth and jiraiic . H<> gave In* life for the whole country, and the count.y gave it* b«art to Jsckaou. You, th* men upon wb*>m be leaned n the hour ot danger, in honoring him also hon<>> y uraelve*. ' Legal /. dvertitemeuU. ratltlo* ht Utters es Dtsauwlsa. *r*ra or Gkoboia -Coluinf.l* w>untv. Wb.-nw* .hweph E Epp*. Adiiilnlelnitor on Ihe eoiataot .loahua Epi»*. late of aahl iwHinty, d.*ro**il, «pf , lt“* to me tor letb is of (ll«mi**lofi fr<on **ld rotate: Throe are therefor* ta cite and adnesdeh all and Hlngiilar th*-kindnsl and crwlilor* of aald d«ro»e.l to he «nd *p|ror at mv of ll<*. on or l.eforvthe tlrat Monday In Augu-t I ft* I. ta *h<>w roil*... It any tb«v hav*. why th. - »aM letbro «h<mid not he granted Glv.m under mv hand snd.-filclnl aignature at <>«'*• thl* >1 day of Mnv. l**l GKogGE 11. DAK EY.OMlnary May in Sm (i.luinbln county. SHERIFFS HA K. Will h* Mold hrton* the <**iH Iv*mm> rtnnr, lu th* town of Anpllmr. <ldn-nl*« counta, between the u*uai Instrs of ante, nn the j first lurostay In -IUXE m-xt. the follow Hur profierty, to wit: I Ine hoime and l>< tn the l/>wn nt Harlem, le. l*sl on a* tbe pro<*.it v irf W H. Ant lion v to natlafy <»»* writ ot till fartae ironed tbe Juatm* Ouirt the <*th district. G M., In favor of Mlllm A |)an|e| aualimt W and C. Aathoriv; lew mafietey H C. Fbx «*rald. rromtalile, and inroad over U' me Al dav of May. tfiUll. KRADFORh IVEY. . my Itn Mherlff t. lumhia oninty. Ga. OOCH.O Os Goods I (Inly four mouths to eloae out my Im ■ueaiau atack. TlK'ipu*!* must be anta OF THE PRICE!! •• I want to rvtirv Inrvn tbe buviima*. M v *al w alncethaMUt of Fubruary, have reach*'' lai my esis*<€atl<Mi. ami I am |*sfrvUy *ali*tlud «lUi th* profit. After three rear*' experience In th* mer <wiUl» I'UiJrro. l ot ivaivlmrol that 1 Imw now atruck Uh’ key r*ta to aihiroa. Mv mutt.. I* ta buy all mv gn<*l* for CASH, and to sell Uh-ni j.r*t a- low n* they (wn p.*mll*lv h>-—>ld. making no dlfterroce with anv inre I will sell ta* child a* cheap aa to a grown perwai. Weighl* always guarantaeii Not having Ume ta put before you ray pnero <*l MM mill ui Un-prro* Ul IsmUMsro, I aak you UiuUi before buyiluf, I'm de tmtuliesl U> uialuiM’ll any weictiaul u. Una auuuuss. Geoda arrtvtn< *hn<Mt every ilay. Bo dnml Or alal* stuck on iiasnl; all frvali gaala. £ll Good* Sold for Cash Or I will to** Oro H«*a. Ota Hrwm. (Vp per. ln«. Bag*. Baaawai. Cnirken* and ■nt* in trad*. JtMKS IF KEKNKK ffirlim, G.i., Li>i’>rilk S rn-I. Nevoi* jßodPoro Were Dry G oods SO CHEAP. FOR LOW PRICES and Gerd Goods Tt Will pay r«~ to visit tbe Great Leader* in FAIR PEALINO. TBI FKtDEiUCKSBIKU Sl«rr H SOW Fail oYerl»wli« Fnsn th- first to th., thfnt fi -w- with • mast r0..t~ *tse« »f KPRI «*<► >tiH. and at the h.w at f.rk*-* In th* ettv Weih? Ua»«* Gool* m Xd trtinuneir*. trim. SB t» I » Hiatal HrMW town SIM U-ta* ‘—l. m even srwp- *n<l *tr>e. from »• U> tfc- r.ew-M end nxso hstwlwwn* rrK‘y . , « 1-1 lands I «r_ vard wWle and handsome printwl >n -atrat irant FomH.nrb.te.lrlmm.lle- •wiEDGCtGMTroiI? 1T per pnrfiH.b'oan.f at the hm—l r>«* HIMHI FANS lo the w»l *iah.waie Hns-I—w !-«*. I lee. Hurtling*. RbA--nk eV ra.wn fr.wn 1.- esrh to the b><«* troutiful; Iteraa.Ua from the Lacw thtr Houtsnr start f a w.welet rt rfiroonm* *ml hewstj Kr» <»X-.wmaa •jw Mrrrs all «hwl~ amt : Cowum. -rop. “Td emnfcwt. r'ih’U Twpsi*. » ..r erot n-der Natdln end It.— .h-dlmr- than er.*-*.•>• n Ihtr *ti. k U tbe uswt compieu In th- citv *'* »v*t TR A*H end m-rt* mad- h-r snethai s" 1 -* w. Will --d **mr4.-s m»w. anpllrotbwi. and on rortmg— of ' , retail d.-p«rinwwit ta 'hr amount of twee’ - <*4lar« «* -HI pav ~, .ri Xhrth- 52Ss ‘"'v'iuhi < ii"» «• FOR SF Ft IIV& ! MUYS, fW IMI im’ FlUSiSlinC U.O3S —AT- COOKE'" CLOTHING MS HIT STORE I AUGUSTA GEOKGI V, YOU are Invited to examine our large and vutkal stack, embracing all th* nha<Vr*» m ('AHbIM ER ESi 118. _ - . Palam BLUE iLAtvJfkL allD YACHT CLOTH Suits in Perfectly Fait Celon WORBTF.P and CL 1 *TH Suits in the Best Styha- • La ROB Week 8 HAW Hau. SAW A® S3S. A. TT. 2LANCHAB2, ap!2 3m kur J. C. Ludlow A Co. Mcßride sndGr.. AUauta.Gu., ofierat low , nrii-* tiielr iliinrena* stock ot Innipa. mmi* i lfhufrey*and lixturro, ami a irn-nl variety of I ■<*•!*, IMI- t rota vs- -m. dinner Wsiehisl trorot*; «ir«nl* tor the United State* for Lambeth a pati-nt im- Phiyhl liy MMI. I fo The publi ’- Hnvlns mcentiv added n*w m*rtfln*ry mpi t«» mv B”tUing Wurk*, I am fully I’b-pstwl to turnleh m m miEiu liras which cannot ho excelled. Order* from ttV’ OOUNTBYroiswlelly aollctlled. Klilpnietir* made proniidly by exprroa In patent caa*» MOTT’S CIDER I at whohrol* In barrel*, half luirrvla. ke«« nr any quantity rhsUieil, at all time* rrody ; for luiui<*llato shipn.eni 'hrri.l yimr order to E. SHEEHAN, 1"V GREENE street. Au«u*ta. da. G. O. Robinson and On have completely revoluthsilwsl tbr* mu*l<> liade by rolluur the beat m-lrumvnta ut a smaller margin of prolll Uian any dealer In America. M’ Bride and On.. Atlanta. Gn . frive low pricrota met In cr”ck«rv. gla**waro. wmalwaro. tinware, lamp* ratthwy *how HHh Tlhmum* ckMJke. fi nit )ar», ykmhi and u»H«l **u». GO AND VISIT L. J. LEG K IE’S liJIP 111111 l IIF' IFISHIOM Where n«i will ttrM on* of the larirwt and brot rolected st'* ka of Millinery ever e«- hiblbol In tlh’ vitv. Pattern Bounet* and Hal*, Frwielf and American Flower*. th»- trich Tips; tugellrar with all of the latent uovrttle* in TrimmlngP, ain-h a* !*«»•*. Satin*. Kdkv, Gsnxro; oruannml* for Hal* ».hI Bcioi-t*. al*<> for tl><’ hair ; lovely kt <4iml’« j t Horn.’Slioen, Side C.'int>* stale ImiUtlfulasMonment of Hair <•**!* »m-h a* Hwltrtie*. Ilfrtl I*, thirl*. Karat.w» Wavro. (kaiu.’lta-, Waler Wavro and P>o fecUoiis; Hslr Bitrate null blmtrie anti dark hair; l.l.mdc liair dve. o'llar* and cuff- bi l.inr* variety, lutaul's laumeta and rs|». la.*’ ttschri*. apronn nuitat.le for atnswte’rry fro tlval*, latrot ntvle jewelry, ladlen’ hone and linn.inetchi.4*; m nh-.rt. eierythlnir that ciUl be had In a Millinery atnre can be bed at L J Us-kle* Onlerw aollr-lled and pro uptly tilled. D.rii'l tall to roll *t L J LEt’KIE'K, No *ls Bioad atr’CL Anuuata. Ga EI O M Notwithstanding th* large and .-leirnrrt stock of trlita'"* and oignn* at “Th* Mimfr II oi*. of th* K with," G O A <*•. tal.’ici apl.wl lad «nsl hu tlftaeu Plnii.m and Oranim U> fill.nahrrs which aiu wriurng hi oy every mail. Merchants In thia and adjrtrdnir Ntwiro can *a»e iwnev l»v buying ntaple cn- kery from Mcßride and Co . Ailnnta. In proler enro 1.1 sending North ami paving h*»vv frrtirhta Glna«*a *. lamt*-. Seth Tlw>mh<"’ clock*. Mlllvllle fruit lam nt manufai I'irvrn' priurm. FLOREBTON COLOGNE. • * »•*, BUl«ktrai s>* ra*Mea*M* F»rf»w* teeU tev ArwagtatabtoJ tbarv A* eta* a fn > •f+awi qiwm W NtKCUX A (>— M l. m*ny tlb* b«*4 mwiaifin kamvn mv comb—< PamkimA Giwcam Tome, iatoa MadkiM •< MKb r«nr4 aad am—v, mto —Am ■ alw ffWM awl tba Bwl MU A Mww «wr Mrs h cm Djinyh; Me— •m, tttael—afl A*mbm4 of ilm, itotoMK R—ateb I—OK LMw, Ih—iy frfjM 17—Hlf ttoMcEaMuL W roe wtth C i—primi er mum, *m the Tone to-4ay Mo —twr vto four aymfMMMto, « w»D ’ RmbmUw? TWb Tome mm[ tatoaacMeK curwu diuMkr—am, hOm Beat F—By tiW* tUto rwrv —de, mfirt «MW«ly BB—M ttoto littrn. Boy « to*.. toottte row >* >*« <*••«, tf»«M •ftocm «m otmßß wi— i r Hm«to<Co.CW—•*, N > Mvßrtdv and Go. At las la Ga. raa d.ipb rot* prtro* « Cr<nte*ry. Glaeawar*. W.**f war* an>f Ttawara. t**.k*mr Glastow. Mm.w nroro ar*l ian.o* Iw nnv X-.f I man rwa-ket | and nave y<<n a good p.oiM tn freight, fro.i l agents fin Lambeth'a Imptwvvd Fly Can Ilon’l fall when vim il»lt Augusta ta call at Wm. Mulherin’s Rmt, Billie and Hat » Thrtr sleek Is complete and prices are as low nn the i’.wrot H|>c< Iml Order* For piano*and ..rgsti*, for holiday gift*, are tore <ni.-<i nlrnrrt dally ta G. O. Robin son A Co., Auguata. Gs. 1.000 MlleTlrket. Georgia Rnilr.m'i Co., | Office Gnu. Pa*»enger Alft., , Augusta, April stb 1879 ) Coinineiic'.ng MoniUy, 7ih ihrt., thia company will sell ONE TIIOUS AND MILE TICKETS, god over main Ln* tin I branches, at TWENTI FIVE DOLLARS each. Throe tick rd* will buissiiC'l toinclivifliinla, ti ni ati'i taiuihro, but not to firms mid families combined. E. R. DORSEY, Geo. Pannenger Ag*nt. Plhiiok mid Organs B*v*nth annual holiday trad*. Superior rifameand organ* All kind* of ulunl.-al natrumrote. *hoct niiisi.’ and iuuhlc b<*>k*. Twenty bl thirty I*l rovit aar>-<l In par ihnxlnir st •’Tho Mtf»ic House of tbe Huulli" (1.0 ILdiiiison.'Augusta, Ga. LANDRETHS’ Hto« MMI rttato r*« M<—toeflteii frßfWt Ga tJb« Hiflrwt BtoM* DATID LAN OtUBTU4k MHUkF&utAA. JF* Z W X/X/ X %^ A , z> &/'&&'x ZvZ*? 5 Z /7'/ y/x/x ALWAYS THE BEST! Clinton’s GiXGERILR&SODIWtTRB Equal to the liniwutwl in atrvnrth. ookw ami Hnvor Owliuf to th.- rreat u.creaee In rar burineaa. I havv>ad<hxi now machinery U> double my former capacity. I am iwrw prepared u> All onlere from the nuintry promptly Nhippnl by axprvwa tn lHiiion', patent fourduaen ahippu* ea»w. Maau taetured at CLINTONS BOTTLING WORKS IMS BR’UDRT., ■pSSm AUGUSTA, 0 A. Ixryr Caah Coatraeta With the bmt manufacturer-.. and tarwe aal«e» at the ' Mii.w Honor .4 the Routh ” anablefj O Ib.ain «tli. <4A'uruM» tn ■<••11 Mqierlai plan. a. awd . 4 j | >v p»K* than K puhl by • umII dial i > 1/XEINd BDe Cxta-Uk- ARG WsF.K f. * . - - t * ~ I - Where did you have hi uses your Pnntw cleaned 816 Jacks™. Hires! • without Shrinking? aikiusta. ga UK. Ladlro' lirrow* deed or el'-anwi Crntbm.n's Costs, Pante or Veataeleans.f. dyrd orrroslrol KM Gt..vwe atMTfillppeni cieawii. Al < J"*".*" Uw *«*f »» MIW FBi<!Wr AH hv mail or expnwe promptly altetstal to. apll Jtn THE WHITE Sup' , rla f ive in Its Attributes It Stands ACKNOWLEDGEDTHE KING of *l' SEWING M ICHINRs more thmi '"in v-i- (in.) bi* |vi' nL.tfwt I i 1 i* l,ir '■ l v. \i. i; ■> s ; i.i l ! i ■ yfk o JijkTiflH c. rtifn nt. of w ur.n-y i* gin n to pnrHin'er. We do not p< ddle ihi n>. thus we are enabled to sell them chenp.r tlowi I W first cl,*- old pxieni m». Iniir* mi-sidd A-. A >-'■ i 11 '■ - 1 ' L " h ■ ;11 111 ’ 1 I ’ l I or write foi circulars and price* J. n. A T. F SMITH- I J. HORACE SMITH, N •. 525 BR'iAOS' REET AUGUSTA, GA- I WM. MULHERIN & CO., I "* I Wholes \Li A3P K tail Dto.Ena IM ■ i iO| jgooTs, Shoes, and Mats, jd* o, I i 913 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., ■ Are now receiving! beir SPRING slock, which they offer at Io went yrioei. ■ ** B (Kr ORDERS BY MAIL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL AT- I W M MI'LHEK N 4 (tn j. 2*. bowOß a ca I LEAD IN LG W PRICES I I FURNITURE of all Grades. I MITTRIXSKS IM) SPUN) BEDS 11,1 SIZES 4 STM I NiceWalinit and Chamber Sets. DreaaliiK ('*•«*, Marble Top, for Fifty Lb.Hara and ar 1 B ll 'Y , f h '"“ f'"* price of line Fui nlture J 5 per .cent. Save money by oailin* <• B us before ymi buy. j j, BOWLES A <V. B m broad rr. auovbta, ba J. J. LOGUE’S I SOT I 712 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA. GA. ■ (IGr‘Ov< r E. D. a A < o'» Crockery Store H ‘v °t rpc .“‘ ?* ““ * ri ">«'. fro® the ch.-apoat to Um U-et. 1 ofcr th« »« ■ <ne l< wi»t New lurk retail puce. ■ LAKBBEBJIIS SHABES LOBIICIS Hi IffIBLSTMTISPEUHU I i A H.xxl aaaortment of Nottingham Lnww ami .Antique Curtin* on hand Full in* J H Upholstery Ooods! J m'llte’alw Uhi 4 t<M.ti£. l r n,n nm‘ th ‘' b,u,,, T rphoUterinir of all kintfe done H mao* aixi jam to older Old carpeu taken up end put down. ■ BIG , MATS. CRIME CLOTHS KIC. I all work* 'Vll I r‘* r, ' nC " ln ’ «r u « r "* w <*•►** ■ X:X,7' R h" k A ■ \ doneiwHi. al) of Au<u«,ta. <ra -*<*»* E B iwok. I>r J b ■■ Tile TJoxv X_j>a'w I ! cotton r»laixter.B TIIK FEST IN TLE Dh. - llanten *>- ,b,n I .. hrei'***' 4 I B|HB .»ot» H fcT lam alan agent for the crmbined Hlart «nd Rallrr Galrs. Tile SIMPLEST. BEST and CGFGPEST brn««|fc>r farm •»er invented Call and *ec tbem at JOHN BONEN Old aiiu Juf Jobu B -ue. A< o near . fflcr, AL Gl V'- M