Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, May 17, 1881, Image 3

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.fl-UEU BBitim. H«* Jnaw A.IMIVBM. pmprtrt**- •* Us H.rxWW* (t* l prwprt-tor of til* War «t<« Opswwt. *■ to no ’*>' rmframMx Tor UM u—tioiTii or asMMgwroent at th* esvro*. (irtviattaHi Imthplmm Ball) la OlaMbla, Uaeala Jeftrson eewrtwl first appear ot tee nmOtMA.miA kD'MWriMf B win t» wwnt teaavaitorraa aixw U*» following terms: Oae vwar, raeh In advance tl 00 W x rmeOhe. raah IB advaare toe Entered tai '*• pwtHUk.rt Harte® ax •aeaaMtMM matter. ('Rare* DirMtoM?. Knpßnti— f»y Mav. Mr. Dvvau.: Harkm. i«t ftaaday, It a a and 7>p m Unw*«L M HaoUoy and Uatunlay beiore * p’tUdrtpMa. M Monday and Saturday Honda y and Saturday be a,re at 11 a in. •" ever*- other osmth y l. me ever v ot Mk Hh Mnnday and Kai - nrtay before, •» 11 aav, aeri every Uh Sun da r eveolMt at k ■•• *t Harlem, s--r»Waevervßunday night. ,„vpt when there la preaching .« the ad kandar Wta*'- *t Ute Beptlat church * HELAIRM DMIOM-lev. J. 8. Eirnny H'«d'a Chapel. totMteidav and Saturday before Raad'a Cbnreh, »1 Sunday and Saturday before ... Bartoti'* Chapel, 3*l Sunday ...FrUwliMpCmirelxA:® P rn to Mumiav . Khw'nCkapel Uh Sunday .. te.-lwla’a ’ *> O "»•■ *'nday APPLING t’IBCUIT -Bwv. T. H. TimMonh ' White Oak. !•» Honda v and Saturday be f„re Dana"* chapel, to Rundav and Sat lirdav before . St. M*ry’». to Sunday and H,t*ir*tay before Appltng, Uh Sun lay ami Saturday before. Bv Rev. 1 M Atvimox: Xiokee church, to Sunday . ML Leba non Jd Sumiav Qniveohurch. «h Sunday Bv Rev 'W.J.Rooehb: Old Union. lat B'irdav Silver Run. to Bunday Harlem, to Sninlav, 1p tn ■ fob Bargains in general ■ MERCHANDISE go to ■ 11. A. COOK. J 9TO ENJOY LIFE WEATHER I LIKE THIS, YOU MUST IlvKJKl* <’< ><>!,! 1 TffIMBFOBE REMEMBER ■ That «. l ICE-COLD LEM. 9 ON A DE. GINGER POPand SODA 9 WATER, ay well as ICE in qnanti. M lira together with tb* beat Candle -9 t French) delightful canned Coined 9 H *f, Canned Breakfast Mackerel, 9 a d other GOOD THINGS 1 w FRESH AND PU”E, at -fe® I The Little Gem! INEWYORK MIL Lift ERY STORE. ■ MISS NELLJEPURCELL, gB Dealer in Fine Freii h Millinery, aB ' elveie. Ribbona, Novelties in Neck ■B Ws*y, Fancy and Jet Jewelry. Etc. MF'No 728 Broad at set, under S Central Hotel. AUGUSTA, G A 0 WNo good. vu Approbation. MH apb 3m i VBOMIA BAILBOAM 9 GEORGIA RAILROAD <X)., @M Superintendent'* Offi***. » , Aaxuata, Ga„ Nov. Jib, into. 3H I'otemerrtng Hurxtay, the 7th Innt . the 9H folio*in k - (mssenget ech**duli- will tor up*-t : K NO 1 -WEST Daily Camak 11 .toa ni |H Milledgeville 4 46 p ni S Mapan 6 45 p ni ■K Wa-hinctou 1 I<> p ni Athena 3 10 p iu Atlanta 4 4.1 p n> M, NO >—EAST Dally OHLeaie Atlanta 7 It a m " Athena 915 a ni ■SB Waahiiurtoo 10 45 a cu » " Mllled*evllle H 54 a ru Bi t'amak 1 X 5 p m Aiyruata 3 47 p tn ohiiw. Uou to or from Waahliixtou on Sundays. 9?"' 1 *" **wmw"<aß««--I»»liy tac«r' Scnd.v tohriuda 4pm, Lv. Hal intti 735a n> Harleinj 50 p m Ar Auwuata 3 I* l atu 19. JW k-WRST Daily Au<uata 5 30 p ni " Oaruak . . 100 a m Sparta J 45 a ni " Mllleljevlllc 4>>a n> BK “ Maroa 445a ni “ Athena 73na ni " Atlanta sona tn " -NV 4-B 8T Daily AMmata * 15 p rr. |K ' Athena 600 p m " Mann 7no p m “ Mlllkdge»(Mil g is p m ‘ apMta io 45 ptn (Atmalt 4 in a m " Auruata 7ina to So cuanntlun lor Macon on Sunday 'rain. No. 1. 2. 3 and'4 will not »U>p »l Ntatlnn* IMBHOVED BNEEPEKS to and MWOX. JOHNSON. E R DORSEY, daperh>ten<tont (hm Pa»« A»r>mt Wotice to Passengers. FEBRUARY lat. IHMI. onttl further th- iwwwog - fnr- U** <fc»»rrla RAilruad main litx* and ||^9 r *nrl*e. MH ft* m !<dl< hfb 9K-I jMWK'h rattv three ornu prr mllr Tjaln r»U. kmr <wjU» per mile. 'Tdldmn hekweam * and 17 year* ha-f tr>- rataa. IM “'“'’’Ufa rate, far way Stetancr 6 <wte aaeaneera ara,h<".M»y OoUrtet that It s^9 rr **“ **’ f'rnMkikJinkMa from the st* *<“«* they w<lbe <-h«r r ™i the train *■****"•■ • r *MßM*«to< ar Her- « •‘J'w-dju a'lapk baa than the trad t.«o7*ma pee mtle Tberefot. to ■gy ore Ur ,rt,^.i„ r ttw . rat? maar Uvbete before euterlnai Hr HE '’'" '-’’WOO naUVVewtern*' 11, B > B — u ’ |B E R DuKSi: V Gen Pane Agt Q- -AtofSll*. ’•unto moviax OMtam ta Hvrty, Ksarw twe iw aaxw. G*r**» wtttotmtr (Mt* am (NKttac rate. Bant ytmraHf in tbr ahade. B*e MrfYird A Un?e new ad Brin< Io roorHprtnircMßtmM. Our atraefa are betea put In end order. Thia weather ta wottod; It la simply web tecluk We’ll hardly have rain before another appear*. Mr aure to attend the ronrenUne at Ap oilntc to-morrow. The popular queatfon of the day te “When will h, rain7” Fresh Mneiterel tn ran* at the "Oera"i delightful breakfast dteh. Some of our bovs are now tel king about getting up a Ue-manient. Mm. Hmienuai of Atlanta, to vteltlftg her •later. M re. Nat Htoks. Mia* Mary Fl.4diag, es Muilloou. to tt» gueat of Mrs L V Hatcher. The pic-nlc aearuin to In hill blast and red bug* are faring aumptunMy. Mine Roberto Smith nf nmr Thomson, to visiting at Mrs. J W a. El. Dill want* a military company, hut don’t give biiu away on It, tovya. Mias Sallis Gray of Applbig |s vtolUng Mtor MamtoCiarke. atthaOifneohre Shoato What waa th« matter with the Maaona Saturday night, that they had no mretingf Rev. Mr. Duvall wUI preach at Sawdust on the Sth Sunday aiid Saturday belora In thin DM Hl th* During laat week the old turn-table at thia place was torn away and a new and better one put in ite place. Mr*. Cla*. Clanton, of the neighborhood of St. Mary’s church, was in town Thurs day, the gueat of Mrs. Timmons. Rev. 8. P. Rlchsrdson, of M. E church, Augusta, will lecture lierv on Tliuisday night. 36th Iniit. Be sure to hoar him. Old farmer* say that a dry May to a fore runner of a good crop ye«r; If m>ch be tlw caae then farmers In thtoervtion have great cause for rejoicing. .< Auguste wa* alive with Columbia county people on lueaday and Wednesday ta*t, to wHnee* the fireman’s parede and In attend ance on the text Georgia railroad conven tion. The Georgia railroad loat about twenty uords of wood, Sunday, by fire, caused by a •tray spark horn a coal burner. The wood was stecKol just this side of Mr. Uulline’ resilience. Orange*. Cakes. Cracker*, B<* to water. Ginger Ale, Iced Lemonade tfaiullrn turn* ished), French Candles. Ice, Nuts, Lettxdla, Corned Beef (very nice indeed), Pickles, etc. at the “Gem." Call and ar*' us. “Only Nora H~artfey" I* the title of a beautiful Story which !■«» just appeared In the Savannah Weekly Nows. Everybody should subscribe st once for the News, aa II to Uie best weekly In the State. The Georgia railroad Inspector*' car stop ped at Harlem laat Friday. The was composed of Capt. J. W. Bell. Major Wilk Ink, Captain Somebody Else, another Captain and a Colonel! No privaU-s. The Illustrated KleatlOc New* for May Is before us. looking handsomer. If imealble. than any of the proceeding issues. Munn <k Oi.of New York, 37 Park Row, are the publishers; subscription Si 30 per annum. Dr. Casey had three gold fish to die on Thursday task the pool tn which th* y were kept having been unintentionally left in the sun for about two hours, and the water be came too much heated for the little finey ereatun-s. Th* many friend* and patron* of Pendie ton l)n» , of Augusta, will be glad to learii •roni their card In Ueday's issue that their shop* are again tilled with the latest Im proved maehlny, and that anything tn their line can be obtain**! of them at reasonable rates. Read Utelr ad. Th* most recherche affair of the **w**m was the bop st Capt Reed's on Friday night last The elite of the town and vicin ity for tnllee around were prreetit. lb* l dance waaomtlnued until la. ru., ami even then the company was loth to leave, and did ao imping to noon bo called together again for just such another happy <>cca slon. Closing Exercises. Ths closing exerdasa ol Pref Ashmore'* academy will take place on Thursday, »l June. The exercises thl* year will be un* usually grand, not withstanding the fact th* •xerciaes will consume but one day. The morning will ba consumed bv the sc holar* In reading, recitation, decjamatloa. etc; the aft*-rr>(*>n is an address by G>l. C. C. Jone* of Augusta. Georgia's Demosthenes, ami the evening by a dramatic entertainment. Further particulara hereafter Fiali Pond. The Trippe Spring Fish l*ond Is bound to be a success. Already shares enough have town taken to about buiM the darn, the land has been formerly deedevi to the sharehold-! ere. sod all that now remain* hi be done I* to build the dam and secure the carp, the . former of which will be done In a few week* —the carp can not be had t*efore fall To thoroughly organize and elect officer-, a meeting will be held at this office trerugut. at So’eJock. Those who want abarrwshould be on band That Magic Lantern Show. There was a magic lantern exhibition tn U>wo last week. There wa*. sod don't you forget IL Tbeoulorsd peqde won't forget It not until their dying day, and hardly then The show was tor their beneflL *ml they were highly entortalne*! until about tiie end of the perforraane*. at which time the audience were shown the "Devil s QuilL" with the aßnouocement that the I ••Judgment" would foUow next Jus? herv the performer lighted and abed off a Homan candto. Tbs negrosa really befierwi th- ‘ Great Day had sewso. awl the manner 111. which men. women and children pllwl out. . owe upon the other beeisrvww b*ad. U*P side <town. and so on, was ►wrtJl yet ludicrous tn the extreme. No necks were broken but many of the “todtre’’ ta>wt*d. »»d to save bis own careas* the magic lantern owner hod to Bee t»>« town Ami so rewtoi tbe an IciUiuasrut The UvHikWiittvH* Morrow. Tl*e Piwlubitoun tkuivon'ewi to te b-ki at A|*pliitg pnxntam to i» a grand h flair. No <«nab**lM fall tn to- pvtawnt—evrrvbmly la ti.vlted to attend, and a speeial and earnest invitathm to the ladles to exthmtol. ami it I- hosed they will home tbe occasion by their presenre*. Two nr more distinguish rd orators will be present, from Kavannah. Atlanta, sml elsewhere The speaking will •vxumenc* at 11 a. m , sharp, in the Metho dtot church. Don't forget ths day—to morrow, Wednesday, May 18lh A sm<* Ah complexion ran be aad bv every lady ehowiil use Parker*a Ginger Tout* . For promptly regulaUng th«* llxer ami kld t»ey* and purlfvltig ths Most there is noth ing like ft, ami thin I* the Vva~>n why It to a > quickly remove* plniuleaand give a rosy bloom in tie- <-h«ek Hoe wotic*' CsHinty PHiiper*’Hiitnc, Dt’TKtv-T No x May 10. Deam AdvkMtmui Ttie subFvt of pro hltatKMi sewn* to to- the all-atmortilng sub ject of the day, ami Is cau-lng bxi much leeilng to Wo good I propose to divert the | mi ml* of those who bavs di*pla>**i ao ranch teisnt p*" and coo from that Iter) •MbjeeL U> oos that ts occupying the mluds of our woithy county coinmlssksiere ; tliar Is Uie paupers' hum** or pourhuusv. I think that subject should be thoroughly ventllat "d, amtuur comraisslonere bars all th- In furtuatiun ttovy could possibly get Horn iroo<l ciUsens of the count v or elnswher*, sml 1 know that they would highly appre ciate It It to a weighty subject, and sbou'o l*e well CTaisidiwxt before being determtacti upon ; and I am glad to see our coninils alouere taking so much pre-aution. I think their Inst move In th** matter a good imw*. 1 believe it would be much ehoaiwr to Gar*l our psupera out rather than go to ths ex pense of irarehaaliut a p<*irho*toe. I am aware that it work* advantageously in MMM couiiUv*, but that la wlmru tuo popu lation to largo.•c' I am B'*t posted a* to the precise amount of money it requires to pay the expense* of our paupers, out don't think it will ekc*«*d eight hundred dollars per annum. It te true that is a heavy tax, but I can't sec how the purcluuuug of a pool liouse will reduce Uiat amount, union** it should be made sell sußtaiiihig, width I don’t Uiluk poeatble; tor, to become a pauper, you have first to g* t a certltlcate of entire disability from a physiuian, as well aa Urn recomuiendatloti of five frsHhotdoi-a, In accordance wlUi th* rettlllcata. How any man can take cliuv* of hands and go on a farm and make it self-sustaining, I can’t sec. Asanevl-* deuce of what I say, I refer you to the num ber of farmore tliat work llrst-clana to oof, and fall to make It aolf-austaliilng. And another expense to be a*hlvd Is the medical bill, which of itself would Is* large with Su< h a **>rps of invalids. I would Suggest that should a pnurhouau be determined up on, would it not be best to lease a farm tot a number of yeats and try the expel imi nt. Bls*uld It prove a failure it could lx* abac i|<M>**i with but little loss. I would be glad to hear flora ottiers on Uie hul'jivt of the poorhous** Let u* drop for tbe pi**-nt the fiery subject of whis ky, and take s*sta water through the sum mer month**, w Uh*U, I presume the Guiu can turulati us in abuudauue. Üb'ixx. Gray Hairs are hoixjrwble, but thnlr pr**- ■u.riure apiuMrruivs is annoying Paiket'e lisir Balsam I* isipular for cli-anlluess and promptly notoi lug Uie youthful color. the mew academy. Proceed ill Rs ut the First Meet ing— Every One Should laiuU u Helping Hand. The first meeting of our citizens looking to the building of a new and largo academy, wa* held at ths M* thodlst church on Mon day night of last week. Dr. H. R. Uaasy wax called to Uie ctiqjf, and J. W. Veionee request to act as Hecretar y. After explaining the object of the meet ing. ths chairman oddroßsed the audleno*- a* follows: Citizens of Harlem- I address you In the Interest of Uirn town, Its vicinity ami the entire county. I have a seat In thte council or duiferenre by the grace of this**- of you who know and Jeel that I am s frt*w**l b> Harlem, a friemteblp that began with its i<x»U*>n aud the tlrwt houa* thereon erects I And that frieoitahlp thus early felt ha* grown with Hat l.'ra'sgrowth, ami sUength eri*-d with her streugtb, until that friend ship was made patent and jnardftwt by musing my home lew. Pi* rn the time. 1 repeat, that th* first house was erected hete so th* present nnwnent, I have taken and pr**'l:dm>*d a deep and an abiding Interaat In the rise, piogrrs*, an*J devetoptin-rit of Hrrlen*. Arid every tmll drireri Urwards that dsveloptuetil since has only nerved to cement the more ck***•*!y and stronger Uris stun hruerit. Then, white ax a matter of fact I am here bv a < Itto nshlp of a f-w weeks only, yet I can In m>6>-ns<* be r**gard »l assn Interloper, an intruder or foreign er My birth plar** I* within eight mile* <>f this *|«*t. 1 have been a resident of this County for over three a half decade* of years, and hereor h- reaf«srt* In a tew yeaia will !*• my sepulchre. Columbta county I a gK-en sp**t of earth to me, and ray mind will have to undergo a very great change If I >-vrr -nature It f-*r any other plate. Harlem I* my botnc for the present, and it ■nay be for tire rest ut iny days We have met In council at thia time U* make an ex hibit-to give a tangible pniof of th* faith that we have lu Urisb>Wn. an*l to glvs the reas-m* lor th** faith that win u». Hartern 1* jet 111 her swaddling cl-*lh<**, just cutting h*-r eye teeth a critical t*-rx*l ot existence -an Infant town eirugp-llng for life, and j growth, and strength. There are no K-Sli chiids nor Vanderbilt* here, nor even a I Cheenev to* say to us "maka this or that | liuprovemeut. build Uns scb**>l h*ais* or ' that church, and draw on me arsl 1 will . honor the draft at sighL" We have no <-*p ; IL*ll»ta within th* town, nor In It* vklnlty. I H r progress “upward and onward” th*-n i I* surroiuxted by Uiuao*ml*arrnß*rr>etit* In* i Cid"Ut toa ecandty of ruooey. Harlecu ha* txX even a tine agricultural nmntry farm which t**fe*dand grow great and strong Hi t pabulum la Ur come freiu three aertvs only, aud Urw mainly within her &*r|x> tat* limits. Health to tlwl first and gr*ut inducement that Invitee aMUeioent in thl* Urwti. The great God of the urd ■•-**, In thtoklnd mrrrtfl.i and prodigal diau Inution of Hl* numerrai* and mulflplkt! bteaalng*. white be baa not gtven U> Harlem aud vi cinity aav verv great agrx-ulMral advanta ges. yet He ha* In Hie g aslneea and power given to her grrat health, with It* natural sod Inherent orwrcomitenta—a balmy, re fr -shlng. hrehug atm-aphsre. ao invigorat ing climate and pure oxrl water What to more to be desired aa a temporal btesaing ii*an health’ F**r what d*»th It pr**lH a man to grow rich, and yet In tbe very anuras lalkei and eoj .ymerit <g his rtehee be falls a \ rcUm to • die--***-Its-toenl to the iorahty he has sefertel for bte towns’ H*atUi. then. I aay. ahoul I te ths pritte o «>ra tors lion p, tn* setartx*e *g a bote* The nsxt gtrst in* ] duoemerit Hsrtem offers I*, her very suoe- ' rterr sdiwota-aal tolcantag"* W- have here aa tbe Frtocipal *4 the Harem High Hcikid a y*sing gratewosu jf vary sapevluv aduea- i Upoal aLalndteita. knowing as a taactwr what is desirable U> be iamn and taught, and having tbe bswr !a*-u*v>g fmparUng touUs’V‘4 Un* rsl.-rus.tew* *4 whim he kt tsMSaaasrl. |’r..fra»*.* K*lut*oo* la i r vetllv • .«»•«—i bore tnaHvsrt <>nl wh-- has bv nature, b "Vis- sikm. and fir eavlv l**h»*rei t t*«’e mmb- bwsaelf tnar-terig I toe great erf “'•'-•Ch’iut 'be v«e«ng tohw howrt** hh*««t.'' teaching »lth hint I* a labor «•’ i**ve'’_ 'labor IpM-vulrintaa ret"—lto- IwLff ttewff Is a plana ire. Frofeeoor A<hmnre hs* pni *wi ttw* armor of lb* tsM-her, m*t f**r a era son tally, but as a Ilfs-Unte hn-lwran. He haasuh-ctad Uua rocatxm ratbei than one of Ute profesnlon*. because the natural herd I of his nilml and th* d.-alree of hia heart tos! 1 him from pupilage to tu'nrahlp HoWremt mon tea* it brea. and still I* the oaae, to find vising men enraged In achtsvi teaching Igilv that thev may anmirndah* m*wa*v atif fh taut V> enable Utem to obtain a trail h-gd In Otte of ih" pffvksaai* *aa. And h*mre w>u find h*.Ut th* protHsahwra crow* to I to •nffiretkui When a voting man to-t* out to teach with I th** one ilea promt nent-hw *an rot bawstin* a sucre** *S a teacher. Tn* pngxaltk>a la barkelf-eVldent to Iterel further orwnmotit Png Ashmore's heart, life, his all la In the ►ch*sg morn. He haa consecrated hto Ilfs, talents and hto nsuarkabte apUUide <g |m parting knowledge, and hla great skill a* a dIM-ip’lnaitee, to th* Instruction <J youth Ha la just the man that Harlem itreds and rnnat hotel. Hi* vnrall**n. and under hl* | inimediati- *upervtolon. la oa* i*f|th** 3 great factors In Hartem'a existence aa a town If I wax calk'd *si to snv what man In Har- I tom whan set vlcreTter" are m*at Import •nt to her Wellfare and axtotsnee, I sfwwtlri iinm<ali*h4v inthr pnJraww IMto Ash men*. Tin; third great factor In Hartern n-comiW'rdetor)- of It* locality as a home. I* her p-ligksis privileges There la no Sunder hut la heard the chimes of the rhureh toll and rellglnua aervirea of some kind ar* te-ht on nearly every Bal*balh, r*n m,, rning, «ftem«wui and evening. We have six "or eight rasldeut mlalater* herr: and there la n religious end a moral InntiriKv* twrvadlng thia community that hasoimnletejy shutout intemperance, riot- Ing and the commission of crime. I aav with**ut prejudice that I know of no town In ♦lie State <>f Its *to> and business, that Is a** f ns* fmm t lot Ings of all and r-ery kino. 1 h«v*» imtc | fhte Munificent tact since tav a jvion lu-re. thnt th** llarlnmiln* practice the hire that night *r*« Intended sot rest and sleep, and after 10 o'clock p. m light* are-xt ngul-h *1 *n<l to tasd. io l«*i vou sl**epv bred" te th- ns*tto Now. Ili*-n. to the main quretlon Whh h has ofwivmitsl us. and which We are Celled iitsvo h* answer. Ar* we In danger of l*w». tngfhi* w-rvto-sof Mr. Ashmore, and there by lons* tn Harlem twva among If not the urreteet factor lit Harlctu'* status a* a town’ Anti if th*re I* -nu**** f**r us fit aus -I*l* test this danger (anti we have rcaaoa to ts*||-V'- there I- ground for this Apprehen sion), aliHltWc romovethAtapprnlienMutl bv tlxhf hi*ii here’ And how can It t«-»t hi- • l**n- ’ It te patent Io ti e eye that the *ll tephlslivl eretdftlon and t h** capsi-ltv of th old »-h<«*l house nr- such aa will n*d ensure to u« a llrat-vine* High Bt-hooi. nor ecetire to vs th- acrvlcra <*f B*i<*h a scholar and ten* h r4* Piot. A*hm**re If he enn do totter p vtinliirily elsewhere. It I* hl* right and It I-to Is* exfs'ct-'d that Im will avail i himself of Mctieone of the **-Vt'ral honoi able and lu< iatlve offers mat|e him. He Is not only willing to ivintlnue h-r* tint <• l as an sttru for the town and Its il'ioen* that he Atjuhl Is- l**tli to disrupt. Bct’veeii til** Pr**tre«*or and lite natinne. there is a plea Mid leteti'.nshl|> existing which te mu tually amenld*-. anti wldrli eh-uld txtf and must Iml Is-liter tinted Now,-an w*- hol-1 him I* the great question. A* I »ald tofor* w- have p*'t lia|>« IS* one nan who ren «A< "BlilM *ut'h a school htturm aa te needed and 1 will h.*.t the tall." But It can totkm hv co operation. What one man cannot do i-lglit in ton l*v co-operstlug mnv do. Th qiicelit n must, lx* answer**! now. Donio* th-ims was twice n*k**<l. what l« eloquence Hla reply wn«, ' Action, a-tlnn a* tteui.” Fto t»iu- Lu nation Is st hand, kikl title will te- rngsid,*! s* an rp-qimrit meeting If AUch s- ti'Ui I* taken as will result In fixing hetc Pi of A*-hmorv. Now what can he d*me? On-of r*nr ont-rprtslna and literal citizens haa kttwllv and literally donated, or tdt--r* to lUnate. a tot trf land Sufficient tor M'h*s>l pur-otoes Now till* Is not only.llh*-ralttv teit ,*i*tloiii. for wlille tide real estate Imltf er t)AA ix> children (nt pn**cnl) to •'dite-at*. vet be c*sifr*mt» th-artualltlre of the case, well knowing that th.* value of hl* ntrnsre slousJiang Upon th** Issue. H*' pn*p*w*c*< to give In fee afmph* a lt>t Aoinewhcrn ottlslde the Ixislnea* portion of th- lowa, tel ween lb*- i|epttt and the spring Now then for the now schtsd h*sii*e Hhall It te erected) Th* lixatlon, th.- ' hxstl habitation." Is secured, and now shall we have erect-si tbetetin th* Ashiibg* Institute? Have I flAmtv! th*- etlll*l before It Is Is.rn? Well, thkt frequent ly lutii|A-iiß But then In UieHl not stab po**pret of a blrlh and An iipiy idrUi? Property holders of Harlcoi, Vohr property i* In danger of depreciation. m>d If y*xt Its**- Mr A-limore I f*-ar a stall Will bo given to ■the vitals of tills town that ytwira Will n*d rm-over It from. Awake, srlae, aud Come to the Irecuc! At th* conclusion of Dr Caivey'e remark* R--v. J H. K. Bmllh. Dr. Berens, and Png. Aaitmor*-*p,.k** earnestly but tiri*-tly upon tlm siihj.-ct, showing th- great Immediate n*v-l of s new *ch*s*l huikiing. (In moUoti. Mrears. J. B. K BmiUl, New nan Hicka, H. A. Guik and Otis Ashmore were i.pis,luted A Colr.mittee pi issibldei th- matter and rrt**rt at twxf meeting Sbotvl that U*o eet<*>nd ntesting be held on M.dMtay night. 16th inet. M-.vwl that a rote *>f thank* te tendered Mt I ' Be lls rd for bte literal donattou of a t.inidlng I, >l 1 he "neetliur tlrnn adj**um*«l. J. W, VmtoNkK. H U Caakt. 8-rrv*fary. C'halrruan. —— - iWritten for the Colutnlita Advertiser I “ Jeans, Mivcr ot My Soul,” BY ETHEL HATTOM. "Darling," my mother eaid. A* I kn-lt In anguish th*-re, tk-l’l'liig by bet dying Imrl All mi agony of prayer, “As toni-elh life's sands shall pill, Bing me darling ere I die, J-stts lover ot my soul. Let me to thy tx aoui tly.” Tltottjfh rny threat wa* choked and *<ge. A* lu*l whit*-hand ain<»>ths*l Bly tuilr. 81 111 I «atjg th*- *weet woPta o'er, ilnfliliig with my hrert’a d*-*n*dr; "tVliili* til** waves of tnniiile pill. White Uu* tem;x**t alill Is high”— Ahl thus*' wa<*- agalu*t my soul, T* *ld iu y iitutlu-r wa* to die. “Hkte m». oh my Hxvkwir hkle. Till the etorru of Ilf- tx pgst," Though ruv h-art should htomk I tried, Ktill to sing unto the la*t; But as closed Ui'«v* blown eyas there, I F"’ tawrt thotel 'ww by taw. Guild I kritvl and aay In prayer, ■ Oh, luy God. Thy wllTbuduoe?" Soft the tide of aunaet follati. WifCr** th** pearly * were riven, Dashing waves of bunting gidd (talnsl the very gutxa of low ven Choklag bark ray tear* 1 tried. All my grief on Christ to cast— "Hafelnto the ba ven guitle, O receive my Soul at te*t.” “Other p-fuge have I none, Hang* my h-lntoas s>**il on Thee '— 1 b*-n life's sets Is w*n* almost ftIB; Oli. my mother kwt to me* Pud.lesly all grwf **.-tu**l ptet, Aud my rows. mv-r>--<lstronger now, AH my a*Mil In th*oe angda east. Hung Dustb's sha>kiW o'er her blow. New light In tbe dark eyes sbawn, A* I Kang uu Iwwsto: knee. "levave. so taave me not abwve, Run *opp**rt and comfort me " Teorterly in Si sig I Prayed. W hlie the words I gently sing : “All ray trust tn Thai is sUyi*Ti All my taeff’ from Tbee I bring. G*v.-r my d*teoortres tea 1 8 itb Um shadow of Tby wing ’ "Sal* Isto tbe teaveci gakia, II renter* my cool at fatal”-- Th* shadow glxkri to her aide. AIVI uotb Him twr apn ,t passed Tbtei -1 fclMI, O pity ftw I Haid then* and words one by oes. iGia-rtng her hand tremidiasri>.I "liiai in iwav.-n Tby will te* tfcgie ' &&0., FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS, NOS «16. fit? and 613 KOI LOCK SI REKT, TO OUR PATKONB: Our Foundry and Mnehine Works, which were destroyed Iri July by lire, bars tawn rebuilt, eolargal and fuml*hsd with new tools. Wu can luiulah IRON AND BRASS CAMHNGH AND MAUHINF.bT of All description*, and at reason al+- |*rl*«i End of the bast quality. I’idcea will he given of anything you may want by telling ua know whs* you need. If Jtxi m<d nc-ti sant to your place to repair yous Mill or Engine write ua. . «nyl7!y €. & « €O„ Harlem, GkfiL, BEG LEAVE TO INFORM THE TRADING PUBLIC THAT THEY HAVE A FULL and Hue lot of ennslsnUyon haml, CHEAP Fi.R THE CABH, Btrcft VA JLI v jIuAVAJUjL? as Hay, G>i u. Bavun. r'luUi, Lard, Meal, sic In addition to the above already Urge Murk, w* hate a SODA FOUNT, with Ice, cofrttafvtW furniehlrui<Uioa* who wish nice, cool, Sumuicr drinks, aud art) plcasr*d to give ua a call. We have ahe* s Unv hA ot i"i lo rri i« i:. Which *** <>(f-r al prow* to suit the time* Thanking the public for their |>a*t |*alrod* eg*', we reai*» tfullv solicit a contliiuan*** «»t th* aam**, hoping st all Uium to merit their ooofltieiic*' by If***!, himost. fair End square dealing, IEGPLE OF CCLUMBIA COM Let it be Known Throu?,h n .ut Your County that Peter Keenan S ill keep* th* lend in AUGUSTA iu nil that pertnltis to FtNfc, tinnd* in»dd SHOES and BOOTS, and werytliing else kept In a Hrsi-cisss Shoe House. MrFiir and honorable dealing is bis end and ahn. Mr BROAD Slnei, opposite tie Monutneui, AUGUSTA, GA. a] -fl , FRIER KEENAN, agt ' l'« NOW PREPARED To offer the'LARGEST mid ninat cotnp'cfe ktock of DRY GOODS,’ CLOTHIteC, SHOES, M H ITS. Etc.. it Im* ever been my pleasure to commence HF"SPIIING trade with. I hope by continnal additions dnr-rtMi nig Spting and Snmtuer, to Ihuke it still more sitrm live. ~WM aud ho| c by fsii dealing and attention to business, to •Mf-jneril aud receive the patronage of the community HZf J3.HeLtolxeX% CJU/kHKI’B MILLINERY and Fancy DRY GOODS Store. 819 Broad Street, Aagvsta, 6a. Lfirtro nn I varied stock of ih*' latest HaTH, BONNETS, CAt*< ( Hto Lace*, Hair Goods Ribbons, Silks, Satin, Buttons Jawelry and Flowera. •er New goods liy nteatner aud ExprtMH weekly. X* Demorest’s P»l* teirw tor Ladies and Uhildreo, N. BRUM CLaRK, Angtisia, Ga. •rig* Small profits and quick sales. **wi ’ mr29 ■ .—f| J Clenranoe JKetle ,i OF CARPETS ! Iu orrtnr to nxlucr st«knn'l av*,| I carrying g*»xlx ovnr I will offer rnv ntock'uf f’AR PErh. kmtiMhllng to M-i.CiX) anil ov-t. *ll fi<-tig"-l« ti-w u-aigiix nml( coiorlhas, al very reduced prices, embracing a* follows Royal Velvet Carpe's, Bndy Brnanfilk do, Tabentry Brunat.-ls do/ Extra and Imperial Threo-ply do, Scotch Ingrain do, Extra Super and Hoperfioff •10, Cotton and Wool d<>, Hemp nn*l Viutina do; £, snd 4 4 Venetian do; and i Stair Brussels *l**t Biair Ito l« and Fixture*, Napier and Cocoa Maltings ; rlain, ( becked and Fancy f'anton do; Cheap Stripe Carpeting; Window Cornices, Lice Curtains, ('-relonntte. Lambrequin Shade and Bullion Fringe, Piann and Table (’overs; Window Shades in Scolloped, Fringed Plain nnd Gohl Bands, Velvet Sofa Rugs. Smyrna Sulu Ruga, Vel vet and Brussels Ruj s; Cocoa Dtxir Mats, Valvvt do, Rruseels do, Smyrna do; Sheep Shin Mata, Crumb ( loth*, Chromo*, Wall Paper and Bordera, Rn» ic Shatto*, Fire Screens, Carriage and Buggy Mata, Cudarf ('heats, S’ar Oil Ulolhs and Crash. Al)goods aukl for not cosh or city ac j ueptauce. JAS. C. BAILIE, YUHBROAD STREET, AUGUSTA.|GA. y. 5 lliiikliiitt Irtkiae A. I tL. !! IN THE BEAUTIFUL AND WORLD RE NOWN HBALTH H Hta 'll I, HARLEM, GA., I lu-t 24 ruilre fi**m Augusts, on the Georgia Uxilrraul, A pure, frwsh, h-wllng aim**** i phere, pure cool soring water* Mutely I g'ovee, level lands, *»'l the Itest of t**x.-i*4y, i M**tli*«li«t anti Baptist churelire. ami one of the test High Reboots In th- Htau-. Hu* a* kn<>wl*>lg*-*l arivatitag** of th** plsr*- over all tatel town* <wi th- Georgia railr-ol Tn* l**ta ar** In lit* corporate limits of th* town, **n north *ltkt railroad, att*l suitable for k»IDEN('EB OK BTUBEB. In any hire dote tod. ?\*<>w <»!• j th**** lot* ran lie hml at a bargain, as Har-, i tert l« rapidly butkling up au*l laittla an* In ■-distant ilemorxl. Tli-se lots are e*|**cl*l i lv atiltabk* f<*r Augu-ta merchant* aud l*u-, I xlnea* men who wish Hummer h<>ni**x for thslr famiiiee. that tto*V tnay te frrerl dur ing tbs tested seoeon from the ckw, litre pure alm-«*ph*re of a crowdnl city. Ttie dally ar>«>wm<«tatlofi train enable** men ot buainnes t*> r<*r*h A'lgUSta by 9 a ru . and to return by 5 :30 p ni . anti Uioa* who wttei to reach th- city earlier th* regular morn trig prteaenger train will put thsni there by 7 • m and return Item to Harlem at 7:10 p. m . thhe affording favoey lulvantag- an*l aav>mm*>r!atki<l n~*b«l to suit all <-l«ee*»* For further pwt tlculars, teldrev*** at <*.<* ray ts I V BALLARD. ’ To Merc han to Our atock of crnt-lutryJ <la**ware. iatnpa anti lamp fixture*. «o*al erar* and Unware te U>e(larg*at ever brought tn this market: rail and see our •pleudld line of gvxxls and y<*> will be* con v lnced that vur prkws cannot te tool Mi Bkiux and 00. Atlanta, *»a. | The Mustr* Mouae of the Month..' G. O. RoMnwon. of Awwuata stat in Taxsa. Atkanaa*. IxetietaiM. Mi**l«*lppl. Alabama, i Florula axel svevy Houlhern Mat- north or (reaxrgla. Aiur'i»tl ran Justly • to bav* | the “Mim4>* Itou-r* of tte Koutli " m Mlle Tickets. Georgia Railroad Co., 1 Office Gen I'aaaenger AgL t Augunta, March 2, 1880. ) (.’omruencmg Huh date, thia compa ny *'l | *«>l* , lVK HUNDRED Mlf.E 11CKETS, good over main line and branch, a. at THIRTEEN 70-100 DOLLARS each. There licketa will be ihhiiuO tv individuals, fir ma or faniil «•», but not to firms aud familiea combined. E R. DORSET, Gen. I’auenger Agent. iVTillixiox-y Z MBS. S, B. UIBSO.X ju*t received a new and varied assort hteul of LABIIS AID CaiLDBHS IATSI AUo, a beautiful selection of miißßis-ucis-Aii mnu. All of which are the latest HPRINO djles and direct front Now York, * Incli ahe offers to her fneuda aoA patrons. She baa a varied and hand ■tonic a»aort meet of RL'CniNGS, VEILING, TIBS, Aa. which abe will take pleasure >e rboC. mg tn b. r friends and twaiinaufj. CaM aud examine bafrwe buying laewhere. M 118. B B HIBSON, Harlem, Oa. March 25 3m <** . Ko bin aww jt C'n. Htrtp plint* and organa to any not nt tn th'iKoutli <hi trial f<x iiflnrn <Mye wttn irlvlhw* or rrturuing.' free o( all nxmue j. triea»>rtatk>n, if uol enUrviy ealtefatk*