Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, May 17, 1881, Image 4

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We Al) lavs Faaft*. He who tatote cd tamg perfee* 1* per fect in hi* folly. I have tacn a great deal up ami <i<»wn in the worid. and I never yet »*w Jx-rfrct man or borer, aiel I neter ahall until I aae Suudeye ,vok togvUfrr, You cannot gel white flour out of a cwl aack, uor jx-rfix-teai <mt of human nature; be who look* for it luul flatter look for auger in the ana Tta old say ing la "Tafcirea, faulttea* " (If iDvul men ee kli-nH aay nothing Imt good; tat aa for lb<- living, they are all tarred mor,- or icaa with a black bruab, an<l half an eyr can mw it. Every heart baa a soft place tn it, and every lieart baa ita black drop. Every raw baa ila I Tick lea. and every day Ita night Elven th* »nn shows iqx-to, and the »kte* are <iarkri».l with clotuia Nobody la aowiaa but ta iiaa folly enough to alock a *l*ll at Vainly Fair Where I could «*•- the f<»>l'» cap, 1 Lave never ttaiaxm heard the tall* Jingle Aa UteSW la no aunahuic without ■,«><- ahaiiowa. eo all human good la Billed up with mure or haul evil, even j>*< law guardian* have their little failings, and j<an*li taadta are not wholly id a heavenly netnra The hewt wine has it* ta>*. All men's fault* are not written <m their forrhnaila and It la quite aa well they arc not, or hata would urvxl wnL- nms. yet a* sure aa < gga are eggs fault of aomo kind Ma tta, in every man a laeotn There's no teliihg when a man’s faults "ill allow themselves, for liarva iwponl of a ditch just when you are not looking for them A horse that is weak in the knees may not stumble for a miteor two. but it is In him, and the rider had Letter lx >LI him up well The tabby cat ta not lapping milk ju-t now, tat kmve the dairy door open, and We will ace if she la not a* big a thief aa ti»e kitten. Therr stire in the flint, cool ** it look*; wait Uli the abvl get* aknock at it, Mid yon will uv Evcrytady can read tlist riddle, but It is not <-v*ryl««lv that will rvmemlier to keep hw guujaiw der out of tta way of the candle. Yes. and the very one* who cry the loudest over one's faults have gr<*wr failings tn thcmaelvra it is a much eas ier thing to |»-iut out and apeak of a man s faults than it is to say you are sorry he has tliem Together hand in hand with fault* bihl fadings, should go avm |*athjt Thru wu could aay that we had aolwrly reflected on tlu-*e fault* of others, and then how much th« sum id human hajipiuaas could ta advanced by sympathy. We g>t cheerful news ami vigor, we ararrelv know how or when, from mere nsaocgdtonwith onr fellow men, and from the look* rvfli'ch'd on n* of gladness ami enjoyment We catch itixptration and ,«>wer to go on fnwn human prosenev and from obeerta) looks The woman works with ailihlaaial energy having others by. Tim full family circle has a strength and lifu peculiarly ita own The sulwtanlial good and effectual relief which tui’ti attend to another is trifling It is not by these, but something far leas costly that the work is done, (hir Maker has inanrrd it by a uhk Ii more *iuq>J<- mschmery- luM given to the w,*ft eat and tta jmnrest, power to contribute iargvlv to the common stock of gladness The child's ■mite and laugh am mighty powers in this world When tarvav* meut ha* lelt you desolate, or misfortune • •owed you to the earth, what Milmtan Hal Ixmtlil » there winch makes con dohwne ac<X'ptal>le ? 11 can tawtow on you noOiing j* rmanent. But a warm Ino >d has touched yriitra, ami ita thrill L’hl y<><i that tta’Ce is indeed a living req-on*,- there to yuur every emotion. < tn look, one Inituati aigh. has dou« more for you than the owtliest preaeut could convey. How much tatter then would it be for ua all to eschew altogether calling at tentßHi to each other's fault*, and prac tice aynijialliy strictly ami eutirely,— I 'nAnoien Krrhanffr.. Why a l*t Was Never Rnllt ( pee. I'assets by the jiiuctaai of Berry and 1 itouub strr> ta for many years have often aoiHlep-d why the lot <ai the e.v»t ent Corner lia* UeVir lavll imprvwol. Thciuia among a few of the knowing ones, a nunantic cx|danati<Hi which, vi bother true or not, is implicitly ta lieved by them. They say that owe half a oeutury ago a y<amg H< rnhl ofli.v ai'pivutiiv timtertook Li deliver an nd drvaa on Itoovu square near by, and liprwt an tw|<optllar subject, causing him *••!( to ta tnoldwvl by tile populace ami forlmlden S|*-ak by the authorities, and that the owtpw erf the lot lu qmw tion, being a stulitairu advia'ate of free •pewh, invited the youth to two hv* land, and tb« speech was then delivered; after which the laud owm r vowisl that the land should never ta- built on as long a* he i'ouH help it, and that ta> managed to entail it down to our Umc, though this entail is timtarsVssl to ta' nearly over, •herv ta-ltig u<> am h et< rnal so ililit s for such work in Atm riea a* ui England, rhea* is soir.; talk of crvctiug a statue to that yvwmg apprvntuv, and whether the story is atrictlv trno or not. no more tit ting spot rvadd ta fiaiml to set it 11 is name was William IJ->vd Garnsoo, ami his iiajsipiita aubievt was negro alawry. .Vrvnhury/vorf f l/ i«» j Hrra'.d. Waahlagtea's Secretary. An important feature in Washington a family wa« his Private Secretary. Tolua* l*A tfe wa« a native <rf New llvmjr shtlv. andin his twenty fifth year ta-eamc acqnaintol with his famous patron, a tai Wished a tutor for ki* ad.ipted ehildn n Ijear wain towmr mn* valuable as a Seerwtarr Heaorvvniparoed Washington from Mount Vernoti to I'hitatelphia, wherw the\aliona) Convention wa* so be held, aisl on ita ctoee returned with him He else aorornjianhsl him V- th«- insugii ratme. and was his moat intimate asarwi ate during the eight years of Preside a Uai Barvicv lavar was the only uue that wilnaamd the asphwuon erf the threw dent's wrath cm the defeat of St Chur by the Indiana, and be also witneaaesi the mcaaaant annoyance which Waahiagton sutfcrrsl from the attacks made bv the tunore a paper edited bv Jefferson • tool. Philip FTeemar. When the old hero returned Anally tn Mount Vernon Lear was retained tn aemce and wm pceaant at tba death acene which be de acribaa in a very affoctwg maunor He recervad the laat words erf hte patron and sunannteDdad the funeral. H* was at terward engaged in public aamoe, and died tn Waahmgtosu to IMA Mn are not judged by their tnten ttuM. but by tba rwaull us then acUuua. iterman t aart <araaaaaSaa. Jn jrfain going England a Pnnee baa to ta mamed very much Ifta anybody else But in Prniia the Court atil] lives in aii old-fasbiotml world, which tower nwrtala have not ye*yxwaumnd to enter. A King's marriage is a taremooud of it self, and a Prince must aulrmit to a wear! some ordeal of forma The Hos Prodi ger's diitira are at an end. the Hof-Mar wrfiaUa begin, aail cioulitleaa that stern functionary will acorn to intermit on thu one K»t nr title <>f the medieval eeremon fee which three year* ago attended the wraldiugs of Priam William's sister ami 5-oiuvtti. “La Cour" is a form which has ever i-een dear to the Hobanaotarn* Wlnle the Emporer and Emjirras sit tn state the guest* walk peat them in ailaot file th* todies first, the gentleman neit, and the lews distiiigniahed cmrtierw mtbe order winch has l>een assigned them At OtMi time the aovenugn, to indicate Ills anperionty, nee>l to play wfci’t and chews white thi procession awi-pt along ou ita stately march. But <rf late years he has nrtitrived t<> l>ear the irksome ceremony without recourse to any j>aatimc Mapper la a !<■*» undesirable form, but it, too, is a veo iuotiv. The place of every human taiug la titad m Pruama by somo tew, written or iradituwial, and at Ita royal table i* apj»rUoiisd in elect accordance with the |«rticular iivdividuaj * rank in the talite of prectstelu*' Even the great nol-lte and Pnucea who hand the whip and plates and pour out the wine are mb much hereditary official* a* is the flraixi Carver in the Qnaen's KcoiUah Itoueehrrfd or th* Plj>e-taarer in the Neragta <rf the Multan. There being now no Holy Boman Empire, there arc, of n>urae, no Eb*'tom to oirround the Etn ,»>rer as he “site in kaiser pimp and pride;" but tta duty of alteiuhng on his wants » too lofty to ta yet iniabvl to tile ignoble hanila of unfitted footmen Mtijijwr/nvr, the medieval “Faekeltanx" tagiii*." Aa the royal jwr*onag<n ait ou the dam toe talma ou ita right thu gentlemen on the left, of th* F.mivemr and Empress the Grand Marshal, taar ing a lighted taper, appmachiw. Be hind him arv the Cabinet .Minister*, and at tlw-ir backs coinothc married couple. After they have solemnly walked around the room to the music of a potouaiae, th* Etaperur takes np the march as th* es cort of Die bride Then follows the Em prees, and so on until the hall has Ix-en I weed in circuit JU. times, and every giuwt lias cißiveutioually danced with the bride and bridegroom. Th* laat cere mony <rf all is the nvet enriona. The bride's garters are distributed to the as aciubtal gueata. But aa these articles of Ualet are limited by nature, scarlet rib bons cmbroi.L<reii witli tar initial* serve their pta-iw, and enable the royal lady to gratify every assistant in the lalainon* <>|M-ration of marrying an imperial hu* bauih - lAindnn Stmuiani. 1 .earn Ing Kahles to Walk. An old woman, “Aunt Mary," resid ing war Holina, Alabama, who is mother of nine children, says all her children walked before they wen- nine months old. The following is tta process by which ah* attain* the desired end, aa tobl in Iter own language •_ •• I takes ’em to the door for nine per cesaiou days, anil bwwjhv ther foot out Thi* huJjn an a jiowcrfiil sight, and then 1 taken 'em to the grin' stone, ami grin*' the foots for to make the clul shore f<«>ted and swift , then I walk* iHs-kward nine »U |«v with my eye* shut, nml turn* 'round ami put* tta chil' ou the floo, aaya a veal of po'try and g<Hn to my waahin. ami 'fore you knows it that baby ia Bid Him liMfl. New York ttelofl Mr. Charles H. Bauer, editor of the abova paper and uotarw public, in a late i»~ue mention* th* so -owing Patrick Kenny, Esq., > >me time ago Oitfr-red much from rhcuuiatiaui and tried almost every means to rid himself of this pain ful evil, tail in vain. He wa* advised U> use Kt Jacobs Gil, which he did so *m i-eoefuily, that a l ' pain be« left him and h> i* a* healthy and strong a» ever la-fore Mr. Kenney i* an enthtidaetic advocate of Ml. Jacoba Oil, aud it ha* done him good. Arc Skljiping-Hopes lajsrfoua! The BsMvnl of Eiiu'ation at Hjvring ti Id. Ota>. liave uia<ta_4powerful iliM'in ery, viz that “the uac of the *kipj>ing r«-p is physically injurious to girl*;” that it cans.-* •• decn-y nt vitality to th* leg- " etc Th* mothers and grand mothers <>f the Spriugtald School Board <sadd itaibtliws have t<4d them a great many thing* of which they seem to ta ignorant. Among there- that the jump lug rtqve was a favorte amnacmeiit irf girl* for generate his |>a*t. aud no une has b -fore dtarvwrrotl any " decay of vitality to the legs < hit door ainuacmenta are few enough for girls, and a moderate uae of tta *kipptng-ro|>e 1* a gv**i eierciac. Ita I* st way for Spriugflehl girl* to ’how they have not Mat “vitality to leg*, is to kick agaiust tta foolish rule aa<l demolish it. A’ew York Cominrr rial .lift rrfim r. (*hvte'yg*a Falls, Khetaygan t o Naw*. J Wv never *aw any one joyous when suSenng from pain ; neuralgia for in stance. In relation to thi* malady, Mr. <>e»nre Guvett, proprietor Guyett Itousr, thu* informed our reporter I have tired St. Jacoba Oil for neuralgia, aad <an conhdentlv recommend it to aay one similarly affected A UMBox for diynaaa of throat will ba found in a amail piece as munate of lata-vu*. alx'Ut ten nr fifteen grams every two h wtr*. t’ae the beet quality, and allow it to disßolva slowly in the ■south. krfvarttritar Cbaata. It has become an common to write the beginning nf an elegant, interesting ar- Ucle and then run it into *nme ariver trsement that we avoid all mich cheat* and simply call attention to the merit* of Hop Biller* tn a* plain honest term* ae pneaiHe to induce people to give them one trial, a* n<> one who know* th air value will ever use anything elae. Providence Advertiser. LtMDDto— No. an editor doeon t know •vervthing Editors only claim to aver age about three tusea aa much knowledgw •a the ordinary ru of men Butperha,w :h4a ta a low eaumate Editem are net irelly modest —Axtow Poor *eww Fwssr BVvwfeei SB *e VWre. Aarf 4ae t taka uirtking that baa ataebni ta it to teip mtetate aidsrr* Vwwtot Safa AW aay aad Ita Cure ta pnrdy vsawtatoa. and aato AraaUy apea tea ktoaeye ata ia«. A Family of Ckrwwte- Laugher*. A neepooterona story originates in French town, New Jauaey, irf a farmer and h» family of aona and daughter* who live newr by. They are chronic isiigtar*, aud when Hi*- fit ia on them, can iiu more restrain their cachiiuiaUou tluui a well regulates 1 clock can keep from ticking Thia unfortunate and grotesque malady attacked the father first about ten years ago. aud awce ttan all tta other nu-in tar* of tta family have suceemiveiy aecn the Joke and tiegan to laugh. These qteiki occur twice a day, ami leave the family a little exhanatod. pooaitdy. but in tu> ottar rcejieei tta | worae for wear. Tta neighbors have tiecome accuatouinl to the tiling, and think nothing of aeeing their old friends going alrout their daily avocaiiona in a roar of laughter ('iiartoa, tta eldest arm, who had tail out agaiat the infec tion for year*, and »mtertaincrl reason > ble hopes that ta alone should escape, hail the mortification to uielurgo bis first attack while lie was in Uie very act of jinqvaring for tta hand of a Hamatarg girl. He hail succre-dcd in conveying to the young lady an idea of tta state- of hi* heart, but had not arrived at that jMwnt where even am den »A» in order, when be burst into immoderate tangl ing. which ao fright cued tta object of his devotion that ana fled from the room. Mtie auisH-quentiy listened to an exphvna tioo, however, aud I* now s member of the family circle. Heveral grandchildren are now in existence, all of whom, with a single exeepUou, inherit tta malady. Itia said that the word “Get!" ia one of tta tmat eiprewive in Uie Englith language It ia, when it is emphasized by a boot toe, A Losing Joke. A prominent physician of Piltabur/ *a'd jokingly to a lady patient who was eonjUsining of her continunl ill health, and of hi* inability to cure her, “ try Hup Bitters!” The lady took it in earnest and uno) the Bitters, from which idle iiblgined |«-rinancnl health. She now laughs at tta doctor for hi* joke, but he i« not *o well please I with it, a* it cost him a g<xnl jialient.—Harrisburg Patriot. You Will Net Be Sorry. For tatng courteous to all. For doing good to all men. For hearing tafore juilgiug. For ►jw-akiiig evil of no one. For talding an angry tongue. For thinking tafore *j>*akiug. For to Uio distreMUMl. For asking pardon for all wrong*. For being jiatieut toward everybody. For stopping the ear* of a tnie-’taari r. For diatalteving moat of th* ill report*. C«ttT*nn.T, if that young lady with the sallow complexion knew Du- virtu* of Portalino aa a liver medicine she would buy tar a aamj>io tattle at 25c. oi a regular jmckage at 50c . and take it for her inactive liver Her complexion would improve wonderfully. For sale by all druggists. Something That Beata All. Here's something that beat* them all Mr. William Washam ha* a roreter, a genuine leghorn riawter, that lay* eggs For *tx month* Mr. Waebam has lsx>n fin< it ng large rough-shelled egg* lying around hi* yard. He never thought of a>*ciiaing hi* Icgliom r>>*>tcr of it, but the oilier <lav ho caught aud confined him so aa to have him within caay reach for a man who was coming to buy him. He left him (the rooster) alone over night in a Hina'.l coop by huunelf, aud next morning found one of th-sw- curious looking eggs.— Charlotte (.V. C.) 06- *rnvr. Are you balil * I akiioi ixi, a deodorised eitrari of pi-lroteum, the only < or<- for bald* new*, h<* hern improve*!, that it is now the most delight til ilressing in the wo rid T'h* only real neliinil hair restorer ever pr>*liu-ed Bis* < un ran* nnrii, W-llsml <- i{kl>a.>4 ioll.. M>*< *.r* "I* IK- I*ll a l*» I xss utes sub none »«* teas* teU | « as-.wfe . •slfh 1 <sl Illi Dp|w'UU *M-i •vat*, aa* I «• t e*«HN»«ed I* «li« hi 4. lu |s., I tots *>l* •trfritel 10 lb« |t v.p ««I. Tta -tall! awl I ba 1 » h. lw U Ik. V -»« « h«lf 4-Ul«r Al Umu a iFfMI «•«»• IlhAl I *twi I <••• M| h *|te b«4t • fr.wtosi t.*M •• I t>K WILLIAM H kLI. 4 FIILH.VK. tohrn. Io my I • la hwl !—«•*<, an<l I frwi belief Imm ibtaa* »--M« l*toU. I v*(t» Ibis tebt-asj r*«-fy ••«*# «!• Ktol • »<*•<. «||J|«ULR. WILLIAM MALI > illUwlM. »U1 t» csM»»G**ted flMi < <»>*'!'MF* f|M> I nHF < ft I FtoH wav it h « d.-H» ■to *• < fisaualitbw «4b«i Mv<h«it.ra I Iflava IXDiaanwa, ayapapau, aarrona proatriUnn *»1 all forma of aariaral debility ralMrad bi Uki»f Matum ihnoiuao Baar Tome, tba oal, prvparabon of beef contaliuua it. eulira ootnUowa proportion. It ooniaina Tirol mu U>«. foroa-faaarateßf and Ufo-enatauuua prvp artioa. la uitiluUa u> all anfaaUad ouoditiona, wbrUMr Um raaaU of aibanaUoa. narroua uroa- L-auou, araraork, at acute diaoaao, p*ru.uiarly if reaiuung from pnlnxiuu* romionaEa Cl* woll HaaarO A Oa>, proprietor*. Naw Yr-* A GOOD FAMILY REMEDY! • TMIQTLY PUWK BALAAM ffilw no* Wbat The bocton Nay! rr rt-ar< waa •/ t^r^war—, r»«am *»■>-«> „ »«<»i.aa. u aay MMr »M »* eoafka uM mMa.*’ M » <- »r>«WBOS, . wnw.«» w », » w "Alaas'* ■ -T t -I •■ ha ) • rraraa, llmwi.. a ssnaaaa r»rw«*M W i>M(y-a«a yaan. wraaa • l U »Ua ball yrayarauaa m < ouaspßaa la Ma war'A'* ‘ u M tmcrwui J MM an iwk it caau m m orwa a mtt rota —— l i a. a. HAMMia a co.. Prmprtstorß. arawin. •. HWJALE «TALL DRUGGISTS Enwix Booth poauwaaes a portrait of hu first wife, who will ta remembered aa the awert Mary Devlin. Hie bow great actor'* present wife keeps the por trait entwined with flowers, and under neath » written: “From Mary on Earth to Mary in Heaven." Th* pres ent Mrs. Booth was Alisa Mary Mc- Vicker. “jCixrnrwD in a little brief authority" —A young lawyer with bis first caaa. ms oil W TIUD« cebEi FOfl RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backacha. Soronass of tha Chart, Gout, Quint f, Sore Throat, Spell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear anti Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Mo rr*<»r»tkm on •qpkU br Off M • «n/* t iHre, piweiJr fltil rhfrtp X«maHr A trial rntafw Hit th* cwnporwrivaly tfiflioir «»utbv <4 M> < mt*, and «»• *Mrt»rin< with paub can bate cb<-ap and potiuva jrrwf vs it* thimi HracUcM in Ua»»n LongiM<Fa. SOLD BT ALL DBUOGIBTH AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE- A. VOGELER A CO.. naUimerr. Md., V. S. te h> 4•/ • A waat ta yaar *ww Term* and «•”» H HacurrAO P-m* i ' P AGENTS WANTED FOR THT ICTOFIIAL. Emtateuig full and aulhaatkf acrnanl* <4 »vrry niii 'n . * ■*. < , -Ir ■ ■ . a- ! •• - id •h st - • f lb* t «« and f«ll of lha> t«io*ic and Emptiofl, lb* mkddla as**, fho rruk*<l*k, th* feudal th* l r*f<» ■ mat m. tba dtavoaery and aettlemaal of th* Na» Wi<4'.d, fl'rr*niain« W7Tt In* lnefnrfeal mrravtaga, and ia tha m>*<|*l aia Hreiory «4 World etr-r puLUahed bea-1 (of ape < 'ltvt*u !<**** and e«tr* l» i f -■ ul* AddiO’wa NaftnaaL I'vnU'iinu ( <j , Allauta, **». aaggffigifc ßem Quick: a lew iw'laJ alnry. an-1 in '.rvirr »«■ <»»•• reader* an <fMp<wiunlt* Ui try (b« par*»e for a aht'fl liir* (B<l Will mad It to any addrema Thrrr Hnnlhw far 'd*> < mia, with th* Bret number of thn atwvew My Till ( lilt I.Kitt. EH ia a large ewdnvnn paper, handounelr print awl, gn| the atm y iui|te-r of th*- Wml b»wj<l In emir ntinre isrlj Addrvtoo THE I.KIIUKMa < hira«u. 111. \i ri.ixiw <joiw «rwt iwr. •■•> ioflt-«* r. WAIT, KurrbaM|<*nj- A* THE POETS’CORNER ' * ‘ of ( hillm.*’ and dft rdl»rr i-emis. ■ • «u| 1 <»" ■’ her beuk lacatvl <4 A < »H»-\ .*y - » • / IR«AT NFKII lir.W RT ÜBBIT i.A n. J ■ TEk-- <h»iiij Argumenta and Hpeorhe. h. lu * • otiit* and Juries t>» many <4 the ra<*at eniinwnt Anter**** . and Irish f awyrta. A ct***i • ( I eyal t ' n<i> ur« and Argument. F«tMl»he«l by RAK EK. Hl" A < New folk, baud I t dracriptna ct< i a»a. Mtetal tt OSgBHBHRE3*BE"99B9SB9BH"9QSHJ2SgMVfIuaggaiaMm| Ateaeotor»rrl rrrawt * AB B gs agg jl tut ■ MJ J | ■IF # J * b £ rtf >•/«/■ < ». mro fr w f i‘. | ii rr /r .. »*« f * <. * A ' liiNTUlNt’i: 1 wa« Mitlortaa from wanerai t my labor waacicwe-!m<ly ’»uv derwreme torn* A vacation of a ntonth did not o»«« much relief, bqt on the cons ran • fnltaw.-d by Im rwarn 1 pmwtration a»f »kwhina chUia At thtatimo 1 began tba uMofynnr Irum TpKM . from which I m altiawl al moat immevilata ao«1 wonderful reaufta T hecild rowy returned and T found that my natural form waa no« pwrmaorfmUy abated. I have need three hcM I lev of tha Tonic Htncw uametl I h«<a door twice tba ia bortaat I avwr did is the aawm tiaaa dnrUMi my Ulww. aad with double th* vumms With thn tranquil nevi , and vtanr of body, haa coma aUo a claahMMof tbouaht never tiafom enjoyed If the Tonic haanot done Lhn wort. I haow not what I give It th* credit F Wat»ok I’aaurr (-hriatian i i,uicb, Troy. (> (The J raw FwMfir <■ a\ FffiEiBPuSSSSSZSSSSSSSSSSZwawimSmmmwmSSaSSSSZmr' 4 teri/te e( Streit to ■ £Bf W WP J £■■ Bark , ared f-hee- ■ JF P J ' JJ J 'J J Mbefra <<-•«**«*•/cd I JF £ g Jg B tter t < <r«*«eewf ficM* St »r *-rra ■ M Jfr A &Jg Pg g re ■, v , p**e, ,* Ar tr f IJW K Awk J VAaifMTMun nu oa. hawtir medicine co., m. tu ■ui7iuini»inuTami. Ji, Bookwalter Engine. Effedire, Simple, Durable and Cheap. Compxet Rulwtental, Economic*! and E**,l T Manured. Guaranteed to work weU and yut/uU po’cer KVKIIY Isi.AMTICIt Who rnn* a Cogon «i» or Com M.U •bonld have one blrein jewer u mud! bitter and tta.jx-r than tarw j,o»e7 SEU OUR LOW J'JUCEE: E3gTB 3 Hone Poway Engine, •„ s24e * ib? Qi »i (1 •»•>»> . 440 iTj.... Alta*** M*nnf*cUirere for drecnpUvc r.mjrhleL r _ i‘*i» ixn ij. * io »Wrl»aOel* Okla. PETROLEUM JELLY I Uted aad approved by the hading wkWJ | CLUB of KUItOPI The meet Valuable IL. I J I Family 1 known. Tow Iy J A A ’***lm* TtfteT mnjjiomcrm AT ™ rMU waarwiA ueecmaj* _ M oom a »ox 47 Sec MUSIC* WITH COMPLETE CDEC* OIU - WMDS AND music tnyL! k»*JT£ lk .T. Z7u «ZT w •• wMi>i. ? JL b* <w ****** —t**•*****~*~^*• —* L2T*< — b . --bb , wily tosaer Needlessly Wi h tta c uivuu-'ni spumoilic tortures nt fever »n-J so* ami oilion* remittent, when Itatetier* Slomich Bitter*, aokuos ledg. U to be * real curative of m*l trial fc-v.-r., will < r.vlic*te the cause of ■ > mnch siiNcrinir’ No les* vffeective i» thi* talignant altera tive hi cave* of coiutipaU >n, dyspepsia, liver ronij.l lint, rheiunvtism, and in general debiluv and nervous wefknesa. For »«lc by all Drugprt* and Healers generally. leHabb . T*nri>'l' and Fz DOOM WW/WwMb f pmrrr »r»tA K /**• A»r/ and scater Oban *mv oiAd* Ahpin* b»nU, not with an Automatic tant-off. trn*l lor Wt»»4rated UAlak>»ue *U,*' for JnlvnaAliotiA i»nc<-a B, W. Paynk A Sena. Bor RGo. Curialtur._N Tj CELLULOID EYE-CLASSES. ” I'.rpri-aontinp the rhowwt •elected TortoMM Khrll *j|ii Ainlwr* The hghtoet, hindeomrat and a»tro3s«*Mt known* Sold bv Optician* ao<i J. welrtw. Made by the SPEN'Ti: OPTI U MEG 00., 13 Maidon Laue, New York* rf.n l AIC MTN !<••»» Taiwfrayby I Bars »oo u. giw. I UUiIU Ml LU ocatb Uikd iMM («ara«u»od pa’-arf Addram VALEA'TINK BROM Jacatlllr, W-* PONDS EXTRACT. <«aMtor« Ckw*ewf« aU Beaseprhefee and Or«»M I’mow and JMimvw TXTAtUABLB FOB Pond’u Extract u u>« Pofor* rh ib» *.m^.coi* Vulul I ll.iais*■•**.*«.o*l Catarrh Cure masala>. aaactelj rx» pared ta »»wt ••rinas eaaaa, fnoUlak all tba curattTf Speruea i Pond’e Extract; ear Nasal flnff® •••*■). iavalaaMe far aaa la cakajiha> Moafh Mmpia aod Sore Throat »<■ Lunge, Chapped Handess* Face -areaur Uo.iim k. ik. Ex tract. Frosted Limbs *»* Chilblains ar. pc*a*Ur rebare*. *** ilumMal/ care* »rPond'* Extract. •Wil |* unMfe ta ua* Mhr artleUa with oar dtreetrnna Inatataa having FOXD’B IXTBACT BaAtaa all imHa lloas and tahaiitQiaa. /ninniro k n in n oamtcuriiAGtarocß., UUUUILU ( . - , s • i .- TRUTH VWbxftiSeiSl Ssr-r.“LT..- BB \ aTremVreZL Mtowre W Meet , r a».«. JUDGE ' - .. k return mail a correH pMttii*’of ,-UK iuiate huabarid of w la, mth uainc ano date rs mar AfMfaas I UUnULJuI . W. B OX. Bum Be. FunautGia. N V tGi-lMhia Bicycle. A nu,*r.t | raeurvl load v»h *la will, whtrll t p> rwun tifiTid* truao holea »• . a.y a. he rauld w-lk wt.a Kend T-ariii a'kMip for M-|>aya cat* Tffß rnrE M’F*G on , '•aatanfiua tx. Bualou, A! am WANTR* FWR $3 5 4 vo xVW W*VlTK»tet*.>~ t - 4 15 to t2O »T*KaXSa u. Boonigfe I JpXkWff, Bw aw 1* Ai* 4h k«r*war» , a CoMplata Wmlta aiBI *•■»* h>- II- -V t- ll,d In cloth, ■ 9ff| ?1} 3 t m k. »iU 4, c.a.j &• evuka. lamw-a inJ.aynf ifUllhh l,iU W ’ 1 aiAtarw ■ bau fantnalJm* v«' J, , , am*, ci 41.. nol’Mc/Mi. B ftAl i I World K 77 7 u--“«taXa-ST~ ; p f ■ I a vioexar, Aewre re r V><° Fox- Chllle and Fever ANP ALL DISEASCS Ceward by Bf jUerlul relawalwc of Cha A WARHANTED CURE. Price, gI.OO. rw MUe by all hrajKfcu. Will >l2 a day at home ly Bl » ,* tp 4 fraa Addtewa Tana a<« ... of Hope, Buchu, Man dfftk|a»»i DandelK>n,w<Mh ajj UM am mmt c> ur* Uvt* |n*ptrtte-a of ail other RitUr* Hiidt r a\ue g nau-M9lQp<* P.MHlier. Liver Roh u l\.a to r » >a4 M> ‘ l ,b **h»* Re«*<tr Akvui carth - Ko ilfrfiM ptwllffy vx»r "Est vtar* fb. ; Bm« rw am varwd ax»<l perfect are lb< ,* op raUuOAJMHM Tteyslv* a*villi’“ 4 vigwio tk»qvlis!m To all wbooe <Wnp*i>yna«kUieauae irrpffulari ty of tbebowHncrW urinary ontam. or who r*- qulman ATonlJßedmtld SUmuiAct. Hop Ihttcra are invairk ' bout intoi- icating. ommL No uuxttrr what your fowjMw or •▼mptrnna arc wttat the du- ore or allWßaat uar Hop 'ht tvrw. i*on't wail unUiyouttMro uh'k but If > <1 only fc< l tmd nt mlarrwbieM^* 9 them at rm*-*.. It may aamyuur Utt* «»d Buodrvd*. •500* tit be paid for a cafre they win n „ t cursor hrlp. n<4 •riffcrW o * bl your fraud, puff* r.but uvnand unr u> Hop 8 K< maanher, Jlop ta dru<yv-! dr iOkiW MdfM. ht* n d Medii-ine rv, r marie . the 'W HUJDid •nd H©F»-’ aiai m> iwraon or •b uid be with rut tiiriu. ■■■■■■■A D. I. C. 1 ’<» »’ **ude *nd i rnMiati'dn .. -•-***•. - >f MV'-UM. Id UU- , n*r»-"tl • All anM bv tlrufnrt«t’ Scud JFC fpr < in alar. M«p IHttrvt •»». Ce., <- X’ T and Torvmt*'. Ont MILL &. hvC‘l JRY SL?PLtS OF ALL KINDS. BELTING, HOSE •nd PACKING, OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, CRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, Ac. Sand for Price-liiL W. H. DILLINGHAM A CO. jFi. V, a a 1 • Lay the Axe to the Root If you would destroy the can kering worm. For any exter nal paiu, sore, wound or lame ncss of man or beast, use only MEXICAN MUSTANG LINI MENT. It penetrates all mu- • cle and flew to the very bone, expelling all inflammation soreness and pain, and healing the diseased part as no other Liniment ever did or can. So saith the experience of two generations of sufferers, ami so will you say when you hue tried the “ Mustang?’ ARENTS WANTED nm?.ft *r » ... mW PROFESSIONAL Thieves ►, ■ «;; X am nz ::?E.-r-r tta BOOtHERM PUB. 00., r-5 i-annl st N Ofl--m- L nrr a c •“ ULAr TlFlllAl. »;«K mil NS I are • 'i*hrtMi«*4, N erfilai’-l. ' I •’t-■ au I aanolievd 1 PBOTMaIS ( I**' I"‘‘- » •h M ;hiv ?- nen t I hem F Asthn.k I taifh •end, fctf - - _ Irea- Tr.*l>-- m-i'-l HEAR RUPTURE totere.l an* c >r*4 wilhonl Ik. uym v tr»x»- " l-r J A. BUIRUAS-s qmr. rut . :i t- •—, s.w York. N.» tore, wHk ptos**’*!-*'■ -v— --ted rre.« totor. and rtl.r car*, m.lrt l< I- !-*-• <V tr aaXalMl ■uirtauo. Tukteton- V*Mb. Aumi*. to. wvrvww CgAfW rer .tn*. ,«*•■ •mw-i“ _ * xtre l re -*- ~ re,, 1 -* ' ** •**«4*!rw«afw M)et« A «•< g»sd -