Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, May 24, 1881, Image 2

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COLDimA ADVmiSSE FaMHta* Bvwy Fwrntay. M Barkm. ka. J. W VXBUWKK. Ermnaamn PVBI —■ TT»MT. MAT M. 1881 RMTVHML NKWM NOT EM Na-hvillcliMi a 1500,000 fin on Uk 17th. Mhd Aw* arv nnmrrooa tbrough owt tbe State. (NnnkUag ie itawn m 4 oat, and the ai—try al hqga riyua—. Bapraaae Jaatice Matthew* in •olid the hirer qaeetton CaaMta* evidently •■•rrv that ba •rar ea«o4 Oaikwld frtrno defeat. Hoe den 8. Du Bows. as Warran tee, died o® Sunday night we—. Tba iee*w« of the Stale from onn viel hire ia about •Ui.tJOO per annum The Meade ot the adtaiomtratioo trod 100 guc at Hthtaoc, N. Y, on the Hth. It te wow staled that R'aine has abaadonod all aepmtiona lor the tl 14 at— The Dealm 1 rate of W aahington are •paakiag ot starting a weekly party •swap* per. The approaching aeaeion of ths Gamgta L giteatare don't seem to •Mita —nob latarcaL Mr Assoc Swath, of Harris eeaatr, I—i iae—ted a clock which, pieced in a earn—t ot o». wntds itaate. The ■ b- ing asp. ported, and the Naw York tbimble nggar will be laid an th# yhall. L/et •” « , *T I The Mgroee of W eat Trnnceaee bare agate take* the Ksnaaa fever, and ar» leaving by Um hundreds al* —Mt daily. The estate of the late Merk H<>p kia«, of Ban Fraiicmeo, has born ap> praiaad and foots ep a total value of ho.Too.ouu The Booorder tealca that 13,000 Locbate us white ooru worn sold at r~rti — it» Sivanact last week, al 23 easts per bushel The Seeate ie likely te adjourn in side of two weeks. This warm weather will oaoea McLoud to un< .1 bed, pentiy noon Forty baudeoaa* new pictures of bah and game have been received at the State departrrw-uI of agriuUlture, end wW be put up as once. Bee Jaa. B Pavne. a uMtnber of Um North Georgia Confeeenee, died st but booM * Iboinaaiou on th- JOihMMC Ho wan tivor 70 years eld. «k— a worn— arrive* ai the age ed thirty- five without aeeueieteUng a hwebeed, it M ante • 0 enjoys attend ing ow luaaaal more than a doa-u balta Tba MMaAgaviliu Union and Re a< rdar baa baaa ahowu a taath 140 yaara a*d Lt need to grind o»ru fur • boaaa bviuMfpag U» Gaoand Ogle- Mr. Joba Pbiniry as Augnata Lther us tba Prwaideui of th* Georgia railroad. G tba oldaat living alumuual of tba Ai ate Uumcaty, Im havi%- IMS- AU aMwte to eanproaaiaa with GarMfi «* tba baata that Conkling *U) ba PtaaMaat baring tailed, it la yiMa Bbrb that Jaatua will mow act aa tba waatopntad I’maidonl ot tba laMed State* Talk abuat tba Sontbaroa having *e Hl wW aad aasoiiy toward the Kurth! in tba Goa of tba fact that ‘ aaagia aad Fkin-la are jnat now * rising oar markvia • llh barrvia of groan caaoaaban.—lutor Ocean Makaev it! Jam aa anoa aa Bi'- tu« Mali board ot FreU Giaut'a r»- urea.not tram tba army. be dng up h» loaaakawk aad atarted right out an tba war paite again, and tba eoun try will ouoo ba entirely butchered. Jea Itewvn aayw nothing bet good can ouam to tba Dotoocreay from tba rvgjfMltoa of Roaaoa C Probably at baa newer eeewrved to Unoi* Joe that tbe Boated Chief aught bimaaif «*iua over Bow badly ear party would amet! tber, ebf Uaeie Oliver Hardy aeerrta tba> Bermuda oaMMoa eaten ran morning end maiM are a core antidote to malaria aad newer gee. Oliver la un duubtodky eorreoL A healthy B.i maria emeo well maaueatrd would dnee away a owarm <4 luouata bum Dr. D. A. Mattbawo of Elberton auwed uua earn la clover aad onto muted, and gathered and eared from H over 10 tone of eptoedid bay, tbe whuto coot of wbwb did not unwed ttt. Ibtadt of thio ye who are pay lugttfbpar hundred fur Wester a Tba U- A Seaate adj nraed on the *Mb The Vtee-p rueidea I waa abaant from the obamber when the the Uanato remained tn rxeocuvo ana MM eg to tba boor of adj •urntnoul there wtw an gpectetora in the gal larfer end tbe canal acene* attending ■toe daa wire nai«aiu> Tbe Am t in indulged u> tba neual bend ohobing and wall wishing aad to a few mecaaa a tbe chamber which hod boon the theatre us eo maob ex it . meet durtag tba eewaaoo }uot duo cd, wac dcaerted D—naged ron as dunsg great dam age te stock t broegbuwt the State. Raw ie making ate aipetnor* ie wheal io awv a otMee ot tbe Ftete. Lanuoia have appeared in grant •amber* iu ibe uppMr port es the Sista. Work baa eow—eneed on tbe new college at OaL. rd, and la lo be puei eii straight ahead. Nif«e talloMw of pins were sold last year, and yet the dear women any (bay spend but lilUe pin money. We teld yuo •»! Fi al Dougtaan baa them made M-cordvr us Deeds tor ibe lheiriet us Columbia Di. Fellow has eaene to hope. King Colt -n in lbs greatest tyrant that ever ruled tbe planters nl this c-'Unty, and yet aaoei of them are Mind to this great truth. It la eel toasted that 60,000 Ameri cana wiß the coming aumm< r io Karope. Tk- y bad bet ter ooux o Harlem, whrra they eau enjoy Ide. Re oarsful bow you feed Western wm to yonr slock as the country ia s<<>cked with thousands of bnebelt that i« sure deoib u> stock wbicu feed upon it. Tbe Asguste iretnan knocked tbe wind out of tbe Athena boja in tbe {rand oontevt last week. We bad a young cousin, member of the Hope of Aiiw. 8, wbu bad tbe d r ng b<a aenneae to run against Robert* of Angnala, the fl•■rt*footed Roberta, Roberts tbe racer. R-diert* the chain pion, end Roberts the pet and darl mg of Angusti! But tbneu country boysuf A.bens werv not expected to know tbat Roberts c nl<l on*-run a Mogul locomoiive. Krrnning ugainet Roberts, indeed —yes, q die imired! Legal Advertisement*. FsUtlaefjr Lsttars ts Uteaueion iTTsra or (Ironni» Columbia oyiintv. Whemas. Jiwrh E Kona. A'lmlnistrat'>r on lha nutate.■( .l.mliua £<>(*. tali' of «aW notint) , dreeaaad. applte to n»e for l<-tters <gteuniMthsi from aai.l "state: all and singular Ui.- kiiMtml amt civallton. .if aaM rterswl tn h» and apoanr at my ut tte" on or* lief.m-tte-first M.aKlai in Aar'i*t I—l. t<. allow .-aiws l . If any lh*» haw, why tb« aakl fetters «hoti ks not he irraetot > Given uuPr mv haioi an>l>4l<Aal alipiaturo alolli— thia »idar <4 M.iv, twi <IW»R(IE U DATteEY. <>r.Unary May Ki tei < 'otuetMa county. BIIEtIFF’s SUE. Will Im an|.l liofore th" iwtrf house door, lu Um uwn of Apnltns. Columbia county, between tti« iwuMl hmtra of nete, on the flret loan.lav tn JUNE n.-xt. the follow inn properly, t<> wit • Ona house ami hit In lha town of Harlem, lev Hl '1 as the property us W H Anthony to aatlet v one writ of Hrt hrto laeuwl from the Justice Ot met <H the IJBth <llatrli-t. G. M.. In favt’t of Miller A lhuil-1 asnlnat W. mall' Anthony: levy marte by H C. Ell a esrakl rvawtebk-. an.l ’nmd m-..r to mo to dav .rs May. ln« HRIDFOHD IVEY, my 1m Sheri IT 0-lum liia oountr. Ga. CLEARJNCIi SAIB Os G-ooda ! Only four month* to clone out my im tucuea etook. The good* must hr muM SEOARDLWB OP THE PRICE!! •a I want to retire from the Uu*i*eea Mr sale* *tnce the j.Uh of February. her* revel*"-* tar heriutd uiy "HM-tatiiHi, and I am perfectly *au*liud wltli Uiv prolit. After thiwe jwara axpvctoece tri th* m*r caiiUtv tiusiumas I n* <«*ailu***l I teal 1 have now struck Um> key note to amxwaa. Mv motto l« to >*ay all my g>*»ta fur CAFiH. and (*> *all to-ue jnal a* low *• they rsr p*«<Mv bcanii, making m> dinsrsnoe with •■•rarv- fMI aeg tnauhlld as i-h«ap as t<> S Wr-.wu pse uni Weig>>ts always tfuaraiiteeU Mot hetliwUms to pot twhi* you my rltoae un account <■< u».- pi*'*" 1,1 bwsiisem, m-k you to os'l hworo li«iylu«{. •* I 1,1 ***■ tanulnru U> uMto<<s*il any iu UUs am true toast*, unnnr almost every day, no dead or stair stock uu Uaud; all trvuli ipasis. AU Goods Sold for Cash Or I Win toka Orar HMra, (M Brwm, ('op ear. Inwi, Hag*. Baaawux. Cnlckva* and !<P In trade JAM XS W KEXNXR Harriet*. Ga., LevtgaaHa tfonrf H M VtaltUw "Muate H-»«*eof the th with." or wrtto to (1. n IbMueon and Ou . Augual*. lor .-ataharara fwlraa aad tore* <>f ptama and organ* Puri'tiaiu ■ wall ttnd twtorw hr •an** mak*- and nt vh< of ln.lnin.-iit frutu 10 to pr-T <- ut|h .3 ltooi viavw ben* IVexrox- rtefore Were Dry G oodai 90 CHEAP FOB LOW PRICES and Send floods It will per you to visit the Great Lenders la FAIR DEALING. TIE FEIBEBICKSICKG SUrcteWW Fill «■< •vertewlM From Ibe first to the thtert Raws with a newt Mnrk *7^**’ GOtlfM asvi at th" low et prhwn In th" eWv *« ■ In ate t—imrs. from • U. I •: Hi-am Rims WM to «*»_at every mvte ate alrte. Ir»iw» b- to th.- newest ate most hatewste FteCly 411 Ante C1 te ya nt wUte ate handmem-prtntnrt wv«Mtm from • 1-to to me sent Fn-nch printed th rate— Fusel. Gixnai lu stfth. >_ rani proGteon ate at the toweet m—Ute pro-m Hl MHI BG KDGINW to Uh» rw«l «laboniu BaiAHm*- !*<*•, IW*. fcdtcbkiCM. jfrri- 1 from k- tn th/» m<«t fMutifal; P»r>~4M tb* tn th* rror Our Howour atorW la a womte of rhemmroe ate I rowtv , EroGu.vwa ate tears Mitts ail sha-tea amt quahl—; CosswTe everv price, the trort for S e. <m wtet at the prlrve W- have a.,me new str tea made with a rtew to am— to which we nail aonctel aUteG-n. Ctotha. (tos-lmer-e ate Twewta » pec last arawm-s t-rte-a. Uaew Drill- am! WMte D-_r»;mr- hw the te< summer W- are the imfy a»ont» In Aw™.fa f.< the KING HHIRT, Ibe btel n-tex -ver, Wer.-rl to the nut,He; full at«Wa rmnlte brand- *t?L Towsb Fruit <S the 1..,™ Ptesebed wOnna at factory prices ; btnen Tatte,violate Naotln and Hero .heClam- lowbk than -ver kn-wn Ih.r stea kla lb- m«<st ’X«il>ww in the Ckv We avnto TRAHH ate cv.ste mate f« aurtiim aatea We will amid •arnnlmi of-wi applb-atl-v, and ,wi naefcaw— of G.«ta utevte now retail teparfmen’ to sh» amowat of twwntv tellers we will nay the ,,ak ’' ' *“* '"VrICHABOH £ r'OK HI’FIUNIGt! HBTik’ I\B BOh’ FIRMSUINC « OBS —AT- COOKE'S CLOTHING ANO HAT STORE! AUGUSTA——— GEORGI YOU are Itivllwl to rta.mue- mu larira ate vartal stock, aiubrautog all iu> latent •had*. luCAMBIMEBE rsUirh BLUE FLAkIML AND TbCHT CLOTH Suita la Perfectly Pot Colon WOWED and CL<*TH Salta in tkc Beet BiyUs. LaEOE ftackSrtAW Hau. SAW- AND m. A W. BLASSHABD. aplS 3m For J. C. Lcdluw ACo. Mcßride aadCo . AUautn.Us .otT.H st low prkvw ihrlr ininirtise st<« k of lamps. lami>- .-hiwsswvs and ttxturw, slid variety I •d hosMo-turntohlna ipssle. r*4i.-t sru., va «ra dinner ware aisl ten srt«; aireuts for the , Vnifed Hlstes for LaiutoUi S (mint* I lin proved tty ten. TO THB PUBLI ’- H.nlnir recently nd.lnd mw mm-hlncry .i»mi Improvement* tn my Wmis I aiu fully prvport'd Uj furtii»h SIDI All lllliil IMS wlilcn cannot t* erreHel Orders from ’he OOvKTBY aaoestollytollcMtrd. Hhipmrvits made pnxupUy by «d*>nw to pstoht mee* MOTT’S OIDER I at a holesah- In Iwryet*. half hernia, k<r » ot* any quantity rtrndied, stall tlm.w rend y fur IcuMudUae Milpinect Teml your order iu E- SHEEHAN, jo»s GHEJLNEeIrvet. Aiiaueta, Un. 0.0. Rolitiuam and Co. have c-miple ily revoluthmlaci the music bad" l.y -dll 34 Ur best mslrutumilc at a smaller of pi.dlt than any dealer iu America. M Bride and Co.. Atlanta. Ga . wive 'nw prlcva to marchants In ernckerv. rb.acv i ,T". wtxslwarv. tinware, lamps, mitlary. • "W mar* l*sikin<»ttaaHC<s,H<dJi Tbotuaa ckxik", frdlt jars, vases axut toilet seta. GO AND VISIT L. J. LECKIE’S EMP -ttlllW or iFISiIIOM Where you will ft ml one of the iarwwt naw i*mt aele. lad atis'ks of Millim-ty .n«r r» UlUterl Io the oltv. Pntlem Bol.uets Hat*-. Fr*.»oh and Amarica.l Fkysern. Ito trtrii npa; together with all of the talvee novaltb* In Trimmtnire. am h as Lncsw SaUne Hilka Uauww. ornaments for Unto and Bunn«to. also tor th" hair; c.xiil*. 1.4 H'-rw Shoes, Side ttmito, slot * bnauHfnl assortment ot Heir aueda am-h w. Hwltctw*. Brai ls, Uurls. Karstmra t '.sim-ttm-, Wab-r Waves ami P*-< fovUiais; Hair Hua to suit tdon-h- and *tark hats - blonde taur dve, tattlers and cuff- in lare* variety, lataul’a tssmeta and cat-. bw» Hsclius, aprons suitable for atrawlvi ry f** - tlvaK lat«*t styl- jewelry, ladles' hose am* handkerchiefs; m short, everythin* Itos mu be hail In a Millinery store can 1* but at L. J. Ic-ekle’e. Orders aollefted »'• urutipUy tilled. Don’t tail to mil at pnrnpv., uu UJ.LEt KIE-B. No GiS Broad stout. .Vnruata. <ia K1 O M Notwlthatamllng th*- lanr- ami el*jrrot> Block of lUau** and «rignn« at " 1 h“ Houaeof lbeH.uth,’’G O Roton*** .t t.-iegrafib-d lent ward tortlftorn Fiamwant' Organ* to nilorOerw wtovh aia cuuuiic •» oy evary mail. ■ w- Merchant* In fhtai aiwl ady-iiiliur >•*<“»• c*t> aavc money by buviiur "tuple i-nwgery ftutu Meßrlile and OU, Atlanta. In pwtor cnewto aerutlng Nrwth ami paving en ; freight*. Qlaaawata. lamp*, to-tli 1 I•«**■" ci,« k*. kllllville fruit fora at iuanufa< t w>r» prtoun. n*OBKBTON ry l ' COLOGNE- CSXng. • k itaw, BellgblM aott 7abilaaa*t* ParTa*** ■taarafibaba* wdiiaaw irnnw* •"*•"" ►« -4 ra P******* Garaaa Taaw. taeo • andira i «tt wwk vanad aatt *fo"*to*>, *• aa ■*>* g gaat aver wa* ata *ta*ata*aaa*a, w*tt *1 d* .*•*> of th* F- -I Lana*. Lwar. Unaary tWwwta *~i *n Fendi* TOn»hl ti any Xaaata Toanc t—ttiv Flo euaioe ebn year •ywMa*****. a ail ta*a»y rta fowawkwf Bwy a «k. fofirt* W ywr Omapwc N«m r***-- EMWrSIWRBMSAMSi^—.. Meßriri* aad 00. AUaata, Uta raa dupll onto grttwaon Orocfowy. Iriaaawara. W..«1-wwra wwra aad Tlawero. L*»>kto,t IHaaara. M*<w i'earwand Laaape. tn anvN<eUwwn market, and eave y-*i a good profit In fraurht Uan'l agrn'v h-t Lambrib * l’T|-rm < ’l ft- Fin Don't fill when you visit Aoiriata to call at Win .fultoerln’s B«»t, tMiue ami Hat store. Th 'r suvk Is cotuplets slid prices an- as k’W as tire lowest. S|rt-<'lnl ilrrlrrw For niarn— an 1 orirsna, for holldav <lfta. an-tors scried a» most dally to G. O. Itobiu *mi A Co, Au«u»i v. Gs. ■ • •»- » l,»oe Mlle Ticket Georgia 3ailroa«l Co., | Office Gen. Pa-wi'ger Agt., ■ Augusta, April stb. 187!) > Coiuiueucing Monday, 7ih ibsL, this company will sell ONE THOUS AND MILE TICKETS, goml over main line anil brsuchm. at TWEN TY FIVE D«»lXAßSeach. Tb*aefick «•<« will be imoed to nrdivxiuaia, firms and laiuiliea, bnt not 10 firms and Umilies combined. 'ER. DORSEY, Geo. I’aasenger Agent. Pianos nori Organa S-vcnth annual holiday trade. Superior iuan<*an<i organ*- All kinds of musical Instruments, shwt music and mnsle tx«>k«. Twenty to thirty tier cent, saved In pur c bast ng at" The Music House ot the ttoutli" U. O. llobiuaon.'AugustajGa. LAMWEIHS! ffItSMKIB kwmMFvfeas. rWSU am<w ai— ttkito I da vibUANouK?—riM.r— - ww X ><A«IX >X<a«>X xxx><X X pyj/ ''eFX. I Xx*x*. v ALWAYS THE BEST! Clinton’s GUO ILF. & SUB IW ITER Eqiial to Use imported In strregth. attnr aisl flavor Owing to the grant iueraaawi Io my taMlosM. I haw-added new uuuttilnery bidoulto my former capacity. I am now prepared to fill iwiiers town ths nniaUy promptly Hatpped by rape—* m Clinton's patrol hMirikoeu shipping cases Manu factund at - CLINTONB BOTTLING WORKS, lH4b BROAD ST.. apfi 3m AUGUSTA, 0 A Large Caab <M»a tracts Withlhabmt nianutarturoew, and large ante* at the -Miwde Heeae << the Bnuth ” anaMe <> <1 BohUunai « id Augusta, to n*l! aitperiar pianos and organa at frss riix than t* i*rtiri hy >.m II dealer*. HULSK’o bYEING and Wberedid you havTi your Pant* cleaned 816 jßt . klw>o ‘ mrwi< withmt Wwinkinirl A’ 1 l’-rr. u. fit Ladtaa- Dreaem dyte or rteante Gentteman'a Orwta Flairta or Teste, elmnal, 9j g or repa-’r™’ Khl Giovaa and Kllppm rlaamvl Ali mvk (tote tn the beat uvwFMCwe Afl orders hy malt or express promptly attrodwl to. apllM THE WHITE gjgWSMO MAC££O£! Fup’rlative in Its Attributes It Stand* ACKNOW LEDGEDTHE KING of •!' KKWTVg m 'CHl\ e Tb«> V HTTF has Imroi naed for morn then bwir vesn-. and line k.-iv w nl-elt.r -U. tpirket Th- WHITF is th- <l'i» mo 1- in o-’ io- X—Z If ■1 T| [W YEAR" nanufaelor. r < X IwW , rtih-ateof wsrru’y >s gv,, t< iBOWMI purchaser. We do iro< p. ddlr tb. ni, ihiis we are enabled to »♦’! ibem t-ht up. r tlinu ■ ' firet cbi*« old patent n»a< bin." nr i-old 1 j| ... JtjV- Al 11.1-O-- bv tI.RII ell I - ! r. I ' « i I <1 ■bl I attt-i-' KO or writ,- for circular* and priers J. 0. A T. F SMITH. J. HORACE SMITH, N-. 525 BROAD 8I REET AUGUSTk, OU WH. MILDER IN & CO., Wbolsiiu ami R jiil Dkilkmh in Shows, and jgTC, 013 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., Are now reoeivingjbeir SPRING stock, which they offer at lowest pnust 00* ORDERS BY MAIL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CARFFI’L AT Tgy 10 ** , WM MCLHKd N A i IL. LEAD IN LOW PRICES I FURNITURE of all Grades. BITTSISSES l\B SPRIKC DEBS ILL SIZES A STILES Niue Walnut and Chamber Bets, Drraemg (Mee, Marton Tup, fur Fifty Dollars and W ; Put , ,4 " wn i lbe l )rlc ’ 3 ton) Fundture » per.oesrt. Nave money by cal Hr** < "• be,ore > ou buy. * TOWLES A <X), vr ima> rr.. Atrovrr* «a J.J. LOGUE’S W CASUPttSi' 71X BROAD STREET. AUGUSTA. GA. (torOvvrE. D. SiuyibeXA Uo'a Crockery ihi . l<rrß ,‘v" ll *w from tbe ebeapral to Umj beat. 1 offer tbwo »t the k arnat New Turk retail price*. LiIHUHK UAHS CIIIKIS ill mSLSTIEY i SKCUITT A good aaeoruurot of NdUngham Lacen and Antique Curllna on band Full hn* J TTplxolotoryr Goods! ‘^VL •" done UfVd. ■WS RATS. CRUMB ('LMTHB Ktc. al) 1 w,',rt r *Vl? in th" bueliwu*. T guarantor perfect witl-fkct^ 1 ’ *J before r ri*-i?v.u>y prompt attention. A .-all ta reepn-tfullv Or J N Cotoman ( .nd J/ Tlzio X-bCfw ootton Planter. THE PEST Mot. af*- IN Tt*E n.l haa taken ■ttier piautera ||>r aleo agent foe tbe cog.broad glgg? aß g Mier, t»r W* Sale*. Tbe SIMPLEST. BEST and CHEAPEST bmgvf for farm t« * vver lavweted Cail aad eee them at BOREN MlMItF* • Old atauJ of Jwh Q H , net * r<) EipreM „ a<Jr ArOCNTA G'