Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, May 31, 1881, Image 2

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CDL7SBIA ADVIRTI&B PsMMted Issry Tweed* y. M Batom, •*. * '■■— ■ . j»»ii mißii el—- - - - ■— ro—— a—•—-—— i. W. VnuVKK. Ranarnaati Fvroaswro TVkXDAT. MAY n. IMI. KIMTOBIAL 8 KWH NOT KM Tba State Legislator* will aaara- Ms Joly iau. Mordor mml Obfo w» tbe railroad giaato jwei aaw. Raia b nwaded ia nearly *v*ry awe itoa «4 tb* State Jadba C M Boaeaaan, al Haw ktwaviUe, b fond Stewart eoanty has a p<ne tree wMeb b aaid to ba MO yross old. Mrs Kartell b •*’ f*» recover lag, aad tbe eeoatry lauaee more a* eaUaaadbr Miiledgsville wan>a a Woman's Cbnetiaa Tenperanoe Uuiou. Su deca Culiuabia coeaiy. Her W. P. Kraaear, well known to moor of oar readore. <fbd at Mom* town, N J, on the M.l u>rt Lff Dbvia will be 78 yoara oM on Friday neat. Wo al ware tk-Migbt Urwdr Jeff was boro on Friday I There arrived at Cartie Garden one day last week. 4.M6 laalfruU, making aboot 66,000 lor the month Dr. 11- F Stephenson owe of the ■not peominsut diiiwua <>f nortbenst Georgia, died in < •ainerrille last wool. J. R. B. to again foraiabtog the C aadC of Aaguata with some exceed ingly tao letters Randall ta a born Tbo naan wbo writes that the Bal timore India* are bandaomer than tboooof kagaata b a I—a laughing hyena I By the exploeion of fifteen barrel* of mJ ia St Jaoopb, Mo ,on the 24th taet., eoaae eight or ton oouh were coat late eternity. The late well known Thomas A. Hoatt waa Worth about 118 000,000. He wao one of the few milltuoaina noted for bb liberality. Will Googling and Platt be return ed T I’oeeibly eo. Os oonrao, if the dug b the tail will follow. Either eoa may bo oonoidered the dog. Paul La wood waa convicted at Wayweaboro oo the Mlb of the mur der of Laetnda Miller. Th* jury r»- oometn -.t—< imprteouaient fur life Tbo dayo of the week and the wreathe to IMB carroeuuiid exactly | to thuae of Ab year, oo huut Up your old dayo of *M almanac and nae it. Goo. D. Rtoa, of oae of tbo boot foarft<Tr» ia ftererovilta bee bean 111- ■l ema In it ia the Atlanta jail upon tbo abaage as at ooh ng rogieioiwd lot- The Intent awpb room elang ia: Lata got oar eboea wed. lonatitu Uoa. Woerogted thatoorehoeo are baste, and Mtaaoil of the Aaguata C. and C. goes barefooted I Fltea are rise OonatHntion Wo bad beweve it than to toot ths amttar. Did yon uoa batter aauo« an yoMaf Doner ba the taaie, will CT DU you have them tried or Hit The nest political race io thia ooun -2 b getag ta bo—well, auuply lively beady wo hare obakan bands with three wroe have an wye to Legietauvo haaora. Two us thb number will bo •oared eg tbo trot round. Ibero von MO.OOO oopiea of the new revtoad lootament void in New York etoy one day teat week. Won der bow anaav men in Columbia eoautiy ooald tall tbo difference be tween the revised and tha unrovbodT Wo p»«to fo< *■ aaower Wo wtoh nor brethren of tbo pram wbo do we tbo honor to clip item* from aa, weald not give credit to tba -*Harte« Coham bran, aa that ta uot the aaaae of oar joort al, nor ta there any other roper pabliabod here rove care the Celaaroto Advert tarn. Tbo Harlea Odambtaai roopended pabli eattam Mtero moaibe ago. Pteaae boar thte ta ataad, grottemeo. Mm Proecee K. Wilterd aaya of bar work at the ttouih that it ta tbo moot rowardiag of any work of her Ma; that the Southern women have reamved her aa a bob>v»d Meier, al* th->agb aha ta a Northern woman How dad abo aipooi to be treotod T The moot ooartoooe wwuaidy and cnMwatod woaeee in the world are Soathoea womoa -Detrml Free Preen Tbo maadrrer of Mr. Ellington, of Cbaefordviita, wan teal week ar romad and tadged m pul in Warrow too. The murderer m a negro tal low by tbo name of Hang Armor before making a tad coafaoarou. we team that the viltain attempted to Im the btoody deed oa the abool taro of eocM of the beet eitiaeae of Orow* taedvilte, oaaoaa wtaro waa a oephow Os Maa. A. H b»«i>4»eoa. who waa ar rooted aad mrotod to Warrenum In digtaotoan ran high in Wanwntoa on Wedaaoday toot, and about half of Cmvfoafforoa wro prrrial to War lemtoa aa that day, and it took au amoaat of nmmonaroo to keeo tbo newborn botog JyaoUd. Ho •aaly eaademed to the ebargv, and tbo aroeekod nartfoo were out at Nbaoty. Wo waaed'ut give a obew of haro-eaw tobaaou for that Htow'eMh We rather expect that Little Alec will addreea ibo aUcroa of om Oovn ty, at thia plaee, before many weeka ■>>ro* Tbo Jfortoaol Ptaatoro AeeoeiaHoo have deeuied to bold ibrtrnext meet ing to Atlaata, danag the Cutten Expoeniou I be women ot Georgia aro at war with in temperance, and they are go ing to whip the tight That a the oe look frutn our utaodpomi. The Atlanta Garotte aara the poo pie us that ciiy have Huu. Fetor) Hpeer to thank that a negro fillo th* imported place ufeerwyur <4cuaioia> at lbw place. It ta anaoanced and apparently with eoino tomxiati*>n that Mr Wwi ley baa ieoeod the Port Royal k. R A rotlieanake with thirty rat tiro and a Latten iai>neof ibo laiaaieantaiinna al Arlington aa welearufrooi the Ad vauoe. A ehocking excur*ion accident i I>>iidut>, O»tanu, ia ebruUlcled tn which about 2tX) here were teat. Tlie ordinance agaimd profane aw earing lax > rigidly • nloroed at Avon 111, that a plain damn i> a luxury which coat* •3. white lauef nalha can uui) be indulged m by tbe very affluent. n» *■> metro ■ Grey Hair* era bonorobta. hut thrtr pro mature apcaanuMM* kt annoy>on. Partet* Hair Halaniii la pofiular lor oieanllnoM awl promptly reaterlae tea y.ailAfuJ color. AWtoteMiiiflbKanMMßMWNtoaMMfaMMWßWWtoKa* Lvfal Adwrthvmaxit*. Pctltlaa for Letter, tt DUmiaUM Hrant or Groaoia -CWnmhta o-untv WBronaa. J<e*<>h £ ta>p* Adiuiulatrator no Hm> rotate <>< Juahua lai” of Ml<l county, itaeanad, appll"* to ma he HPr* ut illMDiaalun from aakl ratatr: Throw are Umrwfore to cilr and ailmooi-l all and alurular the kliwtrwJ and ■ rodtor <rf aakl dwroael to he and appror at rny'><■ fto- <m or >-forv the fl rat M.-rwlav In AuruM WWI, to ahow raiien. If any they have, why theaakl Mtoraaboukl mA In-granted. Given under my hand an>l<4H<'tal »l»naturv at oflte'. thia >1 day of Mav. lABI. tlEllßtlE U. DAB-'EY. Ordinary May teem Gdumbiarotinty. BHEKIFFB 8A E. Will Im *JI before the court lonian door, 111 the t<nrn of Annllnir. Columbia county, tmtwron the usual h<mr* Os sale, on the drat Turoday In JUNE next, tbe follow lair profmrty. to wit: Oro house awl kJ In the town nt Hnr Inin, levied on aa the property of W H Anthony to aallafy one writ of Nrt ferlaa laeiiad from the Jtiatlro tVoirt of Um IXAth nialrict, G. M.. In favor of Miller A Daniel alralnal W awl C. Anthony ; levy made by H C. Pllr.- ffwrald. eiHiaral.le. and t>»rro<l <ner to me XI .lav of May. I*l BRAUFORD IVEY, toy Im Hhorlff G tumble county, Ga ’SSSTmu Os G-oods 2 Only four months to cluse out tuy Im mense atock. Tbe gtxsla must be sold RKGARDL'i'S OF THE PIUCFJ! aa I sranl to retire sown the bnslnrea. M V sakm alnrethetSth nf February hare reache-* far twvisri mv ware.-laIHM.. and I am peitecUy sativlted with Um profit. After three ysarw' experience in th* mer naatlte toMinros, l‘m <vuivlaced that I hare now struck tbe key note to aoooeas. Mv motto !• to buy all my grnia for . OANH. aad to sell them >ual as tow aa they ann p.rolldy be eoM, n.rtlag no dlßerenca With ans nam I witl veil tos rMid aa .-heap Mto a gvowu person. Weights always gvaranlueri. * Not haviiw Ume to put before you niy rriiws <s> aM'>unl ol to-prro« u> buelutajs, a»( vim tovallUeturvieiyiug. «<lui<kr tonuiunl to uuUuiMHl au> luervuaul ui Uus euvtivu Geoda arriving alnaml everr <tay, •> dred er slain afc* auu band; all firob u>«*ls- All Goods Sold for Cash Or I will take Oow Hides Old Rraro. Ch©- P«r. low. Bags. Bwawax. terickeaw and Eggs la traria. JAMK3 W. KEKJfKR Harltm, LmutvJD Atato a ■ Vtelt tbe “■Most* taeme of Urn SoulA." er write U. tl tt Rubtaaae and Du . Angwsaa. tar eaanh wwre yrteae awri Xarwe of ptaawa aari i wans PwWia—a wifl Bari arises for aware meta and aAyks ta tattr aa ia< ta* M to *»|m< ueul bare tbaa etoewtoerr IVevei jgeforo Were JDry Goodo 30 CHEAP. FOB LOW PRICES and GW Qeodi It Will pay you te Vtrtt the Great Laaders ia FAIR DEALING. TIB riIDKKICfoSBLMi Store to Pall STerldWißE From the Prof to the third floor* with » m.M •**» 'A?. iT'w GO GM a,m al the towel prtore ta Urn olv. *« na and trteimlmre. from ■ to 1 ». Huacu MfLUB from 9TH to toe tmet. ever'- evade awl atvk - . from Si- to Ib- turoroi and mrot handwnwv • ( 411 S amt« 1* . ranj Ute and r-romto X"VteSi cam Frem-ti printed < haandlro Hu<X Goops to »l th.- p ami at toe towrot (naallite prmro MAM Hl to Um mrot Hahrwalr Haisteom.. toroa. I toe Korhuura. Rh^^eto. hamtoome r A-*o from to -art) to Ute awet 1-auUful; Parawile from the towrot to the our Homs ar .iri ta a«. wrist of rW«- «i>d hro»t M rrra all shadro ami <| roll Uro ; < uusrr. ev<rv pi Iro Ah<* F *"‘L ,r . 5 ' T * h 4 comfort. Sokl at ttm p< kro W- hare some new sty tea mode w«h a vtew to hrofth ana comimrt. t.. which—roll-roxlal aumittoo. Cloth.. Uawum-r.. ed Tro. lasi aroaoe’e prime. L.ron Drill- awl Whim W-an- the.wdv axroite p. Aupeeaa hw th-EING RHIET. th* tvwt rrety -ver off-red h. Itm public; full aumka ot trroeum bmnde of Gmxtato Wemmitta ami Fruit << th- r-.m, lllrochml roUncmet priem. Idwro complete Naobin- ami tom.. abroCie.rv uowau than -r-r luwron (Mr rts kto the m-wt complete In th- city W- avoid TRASH and r*«i- m*k- foe ai.rttno-a<-• . . F’OH SPRING ! lEi\’S, YOlTHb’ I\D iW FIBNISIiMt DCHS —AT- COOKES MIHM UD HAT STORE I AUGUSTA GEORGB, YOU am lnvH«l to examine our larae and varied stock, embrdctnp all Uw laUmt shades in CAHbIMERE dUI IH _ « n i BLUI >LA»B»L ARD TaCHT CLOTH Bmte ia Perfoatly Fart Colon WORSTED and CL‘’TH Suite in tba Boat StyUa- Large tuck straw Hau. BALL AND GSX. ' & W, BLANCHARD, ap l2 Biu For J - c Ludlow A Co. M< Bride and Co . Atlanta. Ga . offer at tow> ttielr iwmewae Mock ol ■“"'pa. tamp chlmneys snd tlxtnrre. and a .2 of brews* furntahlng goreta. Tcdtet sela. vs ws. dinner waieand tea imt»; rnteota f<w Ute State* for LainbeUi'a [tateiit Im provnri fly fan. __ TO THE PUBLIC- Huvlng recntly nd.ledTk7 sa<i Improvements to mv Battling Woras. I am fully prepared to furnish MBi ill HIILB4L IMIS whim rennot tie excelled O ”*er* fromtte < X>I!NTRY ufflprtrlHlvmillet * mad* promptly by wxpiw In patwit oaarn. MOTT’S CIDER! >t whol-sale in ttamib half ttain-la. k*ga ..r any quantity <l.•sired, st all Uiii.-h r">'l> Send y<hii order to E. BHEEHAN, r-» GREENKatrert, Augusta, Ga. G O. Bobtanun ami Co. bar* oomph-triy ravnluU.mlaed tbe music tiad* by Mdhmr tbebrei iroirumsnta at a smaller tuargib of pMH Umn euy dealer In America. M lirkte and Om. Atlanta. Ga . tove tow prlceeto nwwchantalu crockery, gbireware. rroodware, tinware, iaiupa, cutlery, show vws»» lookinggia*ere, Heth Thoma* clock-', fruit iar». vwres ami toilet Seta | GO AND VISIT L. J. LECKIE’S EUR IUIIM (IF FIMIIOM Where you will find one »f the largest and (test mto lnd stocks of Millinery ever ex hibited In the cltv. Pattern* ami Hate. French and Ameriren klo«ers te.- tri. h Tlpe; togytlisr with all of tlie lal«ti no with- In Trimming,., Such a* Satin*. Hille*, ttauww; .m«m.«it* for H*l* and Boom-te. also for the hair ; lowly y-t Oomi*>. j-t H'liw Wiore. Hl.l* Lrenl**. and a hatakUtHul MAta* H tniflll of Hrtlr IbMMlrt Milch fo* Hwitchre, Brai Is. Curl*. Barn toys Waves. (Itauetto*. Water Wav.* ai*l Perfection*. HJrPinsto suit blonde and dark hair; blonde lud rd re, eidtani and cuff* In lurire varirty, Infanta temm-ts and cap*, tare flachu*. apron* suitable Ire strawberry (es tival*. lateat atvk- >welry. ladlro hose and liaixlkerehiefa; in Short *rerythln» that <*n hr bad in a Millinery atom can he had al L. J Irvkta* Orders solicited and No W Broad street. Augusta. Ga K I <» BI Notwithstanding th* large and eleirsnt •trek nt flan.* and otgana at " Ih« Mutac Hm*e<4 tbeß.trto.” G O Rohln->n A O>. telvgrapli—l ia*twvs*l lor flttren Plan.* ami Organ* to fill orders which are coming in ny every mail. Merchant* in thia ami ad>4idng State* can rove nuuwv bv buying staple erro kerv from Mcßride amt Co.. AtUnta, in prefer sure to eroding North and paying h-avr freight* Gtaa'ware tamp* betb Tlhmo** eforka. Millville truil jars at manufacturers prtero. _____ ' FIXNRESTON COLOGNE, fcihrtltav ' ‘ZS-a tar? si - -V^roStaacu/*«**■ v »— t ■aar at th* bro ■ikmaw ks>* * •" rrobnata m Faaasa't Gross Toro. too* rotons, o< oi «lfor *T rob < aassrotoa SV auv ffsaro, ro «ba Toro u to. No ewwe wfoa sro •Twemroae*, k *«■ taeto tafo yro C ttaX USZ b Btato><taM»y .-d tahgT—r» Eysro botaa JTi is foogta*-, row roro sor tororoo oe osroto rwr' Hncro A Co ,Pt >u I it , "V WnuffkwSEzz MeHrtos aad oo_ Atlanta. Ga. <aa depb aatoffrtrjse-ON*”. Gtaroware. W<«to weroaad Tinware Jilng Gtaror*. Hlssw Canee and Lwnpa ta ertv Rarttora mart it. aadMVS ywi • geeri fwtall (a freight. Gee 1 agwta for Lwbetb a Improved Fly Fas Don't fail When you vlait Augusta to call at Wm Mulhvrin’a B<«»t, Shoe and Hat store Th-lr suck is complete ami pricee are a* low a* th* k.wcet. Npeciai Orders For plan.— sod organs. ft>r holiday gifts, are forward.*! almnvt dally to G. O. Robin sou A Cu- Augusta. Gu. I.MO Mlle Ticket. Georgia R*ilroa<i Co., 1 Office Gen. Pasaent'er Ant., Augusta, April stb 1879 ) Cuiuiueucing Monday, 7th ihat., thi* ooiupanv will sell ONE THOUS AND MILE TICKETS, good over main line ao.l branches, nt TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS each. Tbeaetick et* will be ironed toiudiviilunla, firm* anti families, but out to fir mu aud (atuiliea combined. E R. DORSEY, Geu- Paroenger Agent. Plano* anti Organa K- ven th annua] holiday trade. Superior plnnreand organ* All kind* nf mualcal matruineiits. sheet music sod music book* Twenty to thirty per cent, saved in pur chasing *t -, Tho Music Hotwteof the South" G. (■ Robinson.'Augusta,'Ga. LANDRETHS’ y yyy ALWAYS THE BEST! Ciinton'e CBCERILE 4SHBIfITER Equal to tb» Impvtel tn strength onto, arxl Havre itwiiw to tor grw.l 11.crearo In my business, I have »kted nrw machinery to double my former cwpaetty. I am now prepared to fill onlm from toe ennotry promptly. Nhlppr<i by rxnreae in tllnion'a patent foor ttoaea aMpptag eaaea. Marne tactured at CUNTON.s BOTTLING WORKS BROAD ST., apS3m AUGUSTA, GA L»rrr Camb Coatracks With tto best irooofartorer* sal farro aataaat tfo* "Mrote Hum* nf tto Nouto" •antoe GOB danrao to Cte. ta Augwala. to stal awtodar ptamw and organ* al b-a price than ta paid b, small dealer• I>yoiii«r »nd <Jle«Miingr Worlds Where did you h»A yonr Pants cleaned . sisjaukaoa tkrwat withont Shrinking? A ” uhta oa g WK. ~ Ladtae' Drwmm dved or cleaned Gentteman a C.tata, Panto or Vesta etoaned. dyed or mm I rod Kid Glovaa and nilppera cfeeryd All wort done ta tbe beet manner m low Paicaa. All order* hy mall or express promptly attenrlwd to. apU Sin the wma Superlative in Its Attributes It Stands ACKNOWLEDGED THE KING of w>« MCWfVG M ‘CRISIS more than 'mr venr. rtnd Ir.- |-1 1.i -uwt -ati-fuci ion that a i io i.'im. put ill >. mmimH HKw v. _u. l . . i ! ->?■ Yl / L »v|H i- ... I purchaser. We do Dot p. ildle tln iu, I IfUu we are enabled to aell them cheaper thnn B W first clasa old patent tua liiiu-h are ruld ■ W AU or.l. '■■ l'\ ■.-r-'ti.i.! ii.-l < n. *■> uft. i ...i nr write for circulars and prices • J. I). A T. F SMITH. J. HORACE SMITH, N 525 BROAD S’ BEET AUGUSTA. GA- WM. MELHERIN & CO., W HOLES ILE AXP R l TAIL DtILERS IN jgooTs, Shoes, and 913 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., Are now receivingjbeir SPRING stock, wbicb they offer al luweat prwaf. OO- ORDERS BY MAIL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CARFFI’I. AT- JF. I*. dt CO. LEAD IN LCW PRICES I FURNITURE of all Grades. WITTRIM HR SI'RIM) HEPS ILL SIZES 4 STILIS Nice Walnut and Chamber Hete, Dreeetoe Case, Marble Top, for Fifty Dollars and upl 7 put , rt,nrn 3h« price of due Furniture as per.cent. Ma re money by calling ■*> bc,l ’ re > ou toy- J. L HOW LES A CO. 717 BBOAD n. AOeunA. OA. J. J. LOGUE’S OT » r £O'&'£ 718 RKOAD RTKEITT, AUGUSTA. GA. (RBFOvrr E. D. Stuyiben A Co's Crockery Store ~WB ) Jrxs Yo’MiftT^* I*’ 1 *’ ,n ’ ra ibe ch **p**‘»° *** l - 1 thwn “ LJHBBEUUS Sims, tilllCSS 119 BPHGLSTIBYISPECHLTY A good aaaortment of Nottingham Lacen and Antique Curtin* oo baud. Full lie* Goods! ir«% MATS. CRIMB CLOTHS Etc. ln I guarantee perfect aati*faetb*ta before D. l rel M l n^Hro^J-"° r J*‘Z nv P r,Hn P* sttontkm A <-sUI I* rreprrtfnllv -dk Tb.e T>ox\r JLbq.'w ootton Planter. TUB REST More of tb- IN THE Mu. A P**’»‘** „ Mmß i>« than •>< MARK El M lies taken i Other planter. 1 c •T’» t for the eombiued HIWRC «M| Bglltr, l«F F»T" WRMR. Tbe SIMPLEST, BEST and CHEAPEST binge< for farm R» '«• rttr invented Call and see them al JBflX MIKS MUffW’' Old stea lof John B .use A r©., near Exptßae - Rice, AUGUSTA. '!»■