Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, May 31, 1881, Image 4

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xin> mom* Savva BaMo**. Tw« Hau Fraaasco Hural Prat* tails ®< • *ww» tawor n Mercer county, California, who M •• * mechanical genius •* well." Among his recent ronatruc- Uone in his own are a grs n hoader that euts a swath thirty feet wide, a canvaa-aided dimugroosn wagon for thrashers, and a horse-teed car for thirty ffwirsea, with boxes around th. outside for feeding grain, and a rick for feoling hay. Im nearly all endaaabra are iietwth-ial. Thau action m maaifoid , tliey au|iply to l>tanta inorganic element*, which the* require , they neutralize arid* , they act rbctuu-ally aa ■dvrat« ujmmi other salts in the scsL They are m.wc beuefl.-iol on Muuly and gravelly aula than on day. F<« planta that oontaui a large amount of potash and phoaphoncadd, aa carrots, tumps, potatoes and cabtiage, aslx-s are •£ eae»-utint manure How Danina Ttrucan tri Soil.— Prof. J. F. W. Johnston says: "Every forty gallons of milk cuntauia otic [■otind of l«®« earth lieeide otlu-r phos phate*. Estimating your cow to yield 750 gallons of milk per year, it will re quire nineteen pounds of pLoephaU, x|tuvalent to thirty poor.da of dost. If tlie calf ia sold off, we may assume ther. ts a tens of twenty pounds of bone, and the waste of phosphates in the unaw equals four pounds. Ami thus for every cow a dairy farm maintains it will lune of earthly phosphate. as tumih m it ouo I Mined in flftv-aii pounds of Ixmm dust. ” This shows what must lx. returned b th* soil, where milk ia sold, if comydsts impoverishment of the land would Im guarded against. Kwaa roa Bkuuimo Eaai.i Lambs The production at such aa are suitable for thia purpose is nnquretiouably one of the moat profltable things in which Western farmers can engage, aa they aro sought for iu large uumlx-r* in the East ern States during tne months of August and Heptember to raiao early lam ba for the following spring market The <•><. era cliaaply and easily bred from graU Menno or any common stock if put to a Cotswold ram, as on account of hi. greater alas and fainasa ho imparts three qualities m a superior dogrve. even l<> hut half-bred offspring These, when taken to the Eastern Htatea and « row I there by Southdown rams, produce an eicellant sort of early lamb, which, if wall fed with its dam, is ready for market tn May aad June, and then brings an extra high pnee Larnite which weigh from thirty to forty pouiute at 9 to 4 months of age usually fetch from *7 to •10 each. At this price it ia very profit able raising them, aa the mother s tieecc. shorn in the apnug, mors than pays fer the ei)xuiae of wintering her and the service of the ram - Hural Mew Yorker Homo Broil—The Becrotary of the Oane-Grow.-ra aiul Sugar-Makers of Illi nois aaya that it ia an eetabludud tact that sugar can be male from sorgo in paving quantities just as certainly as flour can be made from wheat, but the meth Olis of obtaining the licet rmultc are as yet imperfectly understood by the gn-st majority of workers. It therefore lx> hooveo all such U>meet ami consult with those who have been more fortunate. All the light possible ia needed that can I* thrown on the subject from any source whatever. Many a point now more or Man obscure may be elucidated by the exfisrieuos of come shrewd and observant worker, who hae hitherto kept himself in tbs background. Then- are numbers of ouch men at work, and we aspect interesting reunite from them. Illinou can make sugar enough to eup ply the United Htatea, when her capacity >n that direction shall have been fully developed- Even now she leada the van tn the area of cane cultivated and the im proved machinery and prooeawre em ployed in the manufacture. Let i» then keep the ball not only rolling, but give it (rvah impetus. We cannot afford to let it lag, while the State annually inqorta $10,000,0*0 worth of an article which we can produce at home. LsMte.—A writer iu an exchange says be baa diacovesefl that scorns are a positive injury to lambs. He turns his flock into a tarnip field ami they eat off Ibe tofw so closely that much trouble is Mvvd u> harvesting. One thing ia cer tain. saws this writer, dam I a must he grained litiersdly, or else they must have a very choice reserve of green feed to wind up the graining season on, or they will lose ground. and go into winter quartern on a dowu grade. I feed my Ismlw more gemn ui Norvmlwr than m January. In January they are well <w tabbshaii in their winter liabite and have •n abiimtenoe <if the sweetest hay; eherraa, in Ncvemlwr they ate in a 'rauaitory condition, gathering up under protest the tew vugs of the summer grass which the frost has weakened. At pres ent I am mixing one part oats to two of bran, ami of thia I give about one and a half buabate a day tn 100 bemi. I have not Within nay reouUectaoc had a flock which stood up to tee woogbs and ate freely wtebowt • single exnspUou as these do. Whether it b tee rigrouud hraa whioh in no tempting te them, or whether it b tea vastest looses to salt that eharpeoa then appetites I do not know. Kmhm Bma— A My vnkteg to m exchange says : " t have found litUs ar no tnmtiie tn keeping eggs ee fresh that when ushkl they an> aa good as the day they were taken fro» Ute nate The wbole wen t lies just here—viz., where they are coheoted m the evenings they should be planed in an upright position, tlui small end downward on shelves with holes made on purpose b> receive them, beostise in this position (and a very im jiurtau t one to success J tlie yelk does not come tn contact with the shell, the yelk, aa it were, being suspended in the cx-uter of albumen ; if otherwise placed —that la, on their sides —the yelk would then coaae in contact with the shell and naturally spoil, every egg living porous. The iwenmon method of keeping egg* among termers la either tn pack them in straw, sawdust, ehaff, oats or liran, none of which ways will keep the eggs fresh for any length of time. As they will I empire yon must find some method that will entirely close the pores of the egg and keep them closed. My plan was simple ami not al all cxjxitiaive. I melted Uigetlier tallow ami mutton fat, then Uxik wing feathers of the fowl and greaaeit every egg, living careful to re place them in the same position aa at flrat, and kept them m a dry and dark plate. By this method you can at any time sell to the grexvr or private family' fresh eggs, ss they do not loas their fla tor or weight” ZAtewwafic Wnjrrxi> I*otatom, Whip boiled pikatoHs to creamy llglituees with a fork; beat tn butter, milk, pepper and xalt; at laat the frothed white of an egg; I.** irregularly np<>u a diah, set m ths even two minutes to reheat, but do uot lot it color. Bksm Halad.—Pnl some Lima lieana, |H>tat<x*s and ixwta (all bolted lauderj on ice, and, a short bins l>efore serving, cut the pstatone ami lieets into ratiior Uiin slices, add the liesoa and drees with oil, jxqqier, salt and vinegar. Garnish with a lew watererveeea. Oksa Sort—To two pounds of lean beef, 1 Milled in two gallons of water for I w<> hours, add tomah*** and okra cwh two quarts ; lxd> these three hours mod erately, tlKn a<ld UiHW of browned flour, twenty whole cloven, |*pper, salt and throe onions (first fried and then added to the soup), lioil an other hour, strain and serve. (kivm Cams. Thia is one of the lies I plain nakxM and is very eaaily made. Take one eup of strong coffee infusion, one cup of sugar, one-half cup of but ter, one egg and one teaajxxinful of sal efwlus. Add epioe and ruisins to skit* the taste, and enough flour to make n riaaouabiv thn k letter, Bake rather •lowly in tin |mua lined with buttered paper. How to Maks a Dnvmigr.—We hear of an ingenious psruxi who hax convert ed an old thick shawl mtn a drugget bv cutting out the leaves and from • worn-out piece of printed drugg-ting and grouping them on ths siiawl. Ulixii * aatisfactzrry pattern has been thus ar iniigvd these flowers were pasted on and pressed with an trofi and the edj;cs worked over with the commo-owt coan« gray yarn, the edge of the shawl being l-ound with nd carpet tending. It was juit down in a furnished house, ovr r n shabby carqiet, and was s complete sue I'eaa, Art Aniateur. Qvakkr Owklsttk.—A Quaker nine lettn is a haudsoms and snru dish when care is taken in the preparation. Three eggs, half a cup of milk, one and a hull laliie-s}ioonfllls of corn starch, one tea spoonful of aall, one tabkewpoonful of butter. Put the ouicletto jxu and a oovcv that will tit cloae on to heat. Beat the yelks of the eggs, thsooni starch and the salt very well together. Beat the white* to a stiff froth, add to the well-beaten yolks and ooen starch. Htir all well to getlivr very thoroughly, then add the milk. Now put the butter in tlie hot |ian and when melted pour in the mixt iire. rover and (dace on the stove where it will tirowu but not' burn. (Took •bout seven minutes, fold, turn on u li.-t dish aud »<-rvs with the eroiui >»uee. 1 Wun two gushing young woman make a great display of bkhHng each other good-by, it may bo oaited " much adieu about uothing." T«x most untiring, obstinate place seekers at the Federal capital are said to bo women. *1 don’t waat that Staff,” is what a lady of Boston said tn her husband when be brought home some medicine to cure her Jt sick headache and neuralgia which had made her mis erable fur fourteen year- At the first atiaek thereafter, it was administered to her with such gvxi results, that she con tinued its use until euml, and made so enlhitaiastic in iu praise, that she in duced tweuty-lwo of the best families in her circle to adopt it a< their regular family medicine That ••stuff” is Hop Hitters Standard in a quick orwn. This quantity of paste slioulil make two gcxid-maed cakes, the si so of a dinner plate ; a tin plate is beet to hake them on ; they are equally good cold or hot, and are eaten with sugar and cream. ■ Tsw BM WSM Wvww sad gleet, not by what yea refect, bet bv wfeat ■ yen oorlMUy swept am) bsflesw Toor baalib • Silly*?’* s y^.***’' laws If your Btod te OtosaeeA m> teeh a with sstteAs rshutex If tba Vwe Fsst BBMieCyoer body.Stet.t qwidlßß. [ BXS MAX* OZJD XOB AJCStMD TO «Axr. Ixwenzo A Pickles, of Newfane, near Jterbester, peddles trees throughout Western N«w York. He is 70 years old, ami tueaaonn tt feet 5 incites in height i He baa thirteen sisters and eight broth ers, and he is the smallest of the entire * family. One brother, who lives in Ken tucky, ia 7 feet 2} incisea in height, and weighs 27J pounils. although he is spare in flesh. The UUleat sister is C feet inches tail. The family ia scat tered, no two living m the same Htat. Ix.renso Pickles baa the appearance 1 of a man of 40. He never wean a coat, and goes without stockings winter aud summer. He has two pupils in each eye. ' To distingiush objects close by, i Mr. Pickles usee powerful msgnifymg glasses. Hs can read print and see things at a greater distance, without the aid of glasses, than it is possible for per ' sons with the natural eye to see. He never tasted liquor of any kind in his life, and never dnriks water. Three I small cups o( tea u day, -sinter and sum- 1 mer, suffice to quench Mr. Pickles' I Ihirat. Hu never eats fresh meat His chief article of diet is salt pork, altliough . he likes salt meats and fish. He eate | two table-spoonfuls of salt every day, < and prefer* salt to sugar in his tea. Pis ' and cake or sweetmeats of any kind he never tasted. He says he believes his hale and healthy condition is due mainly to the salt he uses. Mr. Pickles is a widower, but he has two daughters. One is 17 years old, tha other 12. The oldest is 6 feet and one-half inch tall. Ths youngest is 5 feet 9 inches, and their fsthar says they are still growing. “Women Sever Think-” If the crablx-d old bachelor who ut tcred this sentimcot could but witnuv tlie intense thought, deep study and ■ thorough investigation of women in d«- ( termining the best medicines to keep their families well, nnH would note their I sagacity and wisdom in selecting Hop | Bitter* hs the be<t. and demonstrating it by keeping their families in perpetual health, at a mere nominal expense, he I would be forced to acknowlwige that such sentiment! ar, baseless and false.— I Picayune DiacoNHobATK Jo.xxs was sitting on a Ix-ticli out on tlie Galveston Iwacii, look ing wry disconsolate, when old Uncle Mime came along. "What's de matter now, Jones ?" aaked the old man. “I ia jest a-worryin' about myself,” responded Ihsconaolato Jones. " You ia de big gest fool niggah on Galveston island. .Yv» t» always worryiu' yersulf to deff slxei* nuflin at all.”— (Artiwfo.i iVews. Ths increased demand for that inval nable preparation, Tabler's Budkeye Pile (YuHniertf,’ronsfrainoS fKo'tnann factumm to ajvaitf&f ler feu fhotißind bushels of Biteke4va, which are largely used in the manufacture of that excellent compound. Tabled Buiflma e -Pilo Oxntj uient Price BOc. ri>r sale l«y all drug gists. KsisuiDiiib HAXDKBHoinarx —To —ash a fine cambric handkarchiei, em broidered in colored silks, so that the colors do not run, the si-cret is to w ash in a soap lather vary quickly, Bring thor oughly aud then iron, so that it dries at once. There ahmild l>e no soaking, nnd the embroidered corner kept out <a(_ the water as much ss ixaviible. A iittls alnm m the wNer will make the prix-ess mor* jure. Thump is bill one wsy to ettn- luldnets. •ad tbit is by uaingt'A HHm.iXK,a deodorised txtractsl petroleum, thv nalutal hsir gro» er. As recently improved,lais the ouly lireu Ing for the hair that cultured people will use. ■r.vt rao runs dv.ith. W,llias> > C«u*kU>, ts Kim-reUa. Mis , nyit ”!• llt 9 Un W Ifll* X Wffifl Uh Bit WtUl UUMM Off TUB LCfIOB, * MF*ra I loal ufy •mK aoJ wm Boofiuod u <ny b»4 Ta lJ?r I «a» *d> aa a baM d>‘lar At aua Un>« a • ••tatvuitei Mmu Iwm 4«ad I gave up b but a fclaul V.lj m« us DR. WILLIAM UALL't) UALbAM EUR TOK I I-MM*. lft< aWItU, wbaa, to mt aurpr •«. I CVOHBM rvewd l« foal battof, aa4 to- toy I Uffl battok Ibba fog lb<Bß y«**r« |M*I. I wnt• Urn loiraj •«*!/ omw al- Bitb l,un<i will take UK Wtt.I.lKM HAUI. ” RAI49AM, OtJ b* aaaiuacwsl that Wl’- TTO*( < Ab hk l I BKb. I eaa peomvaly *ay H by* ~u< atvta UutA*iitba atbef Bmlkimw f bav* tab ba nuc* a«y u«kMM ” IsniaaSTMM. eviptpsia. a*vou prrwtnUos sial All fMUM of HMral debility rsltevsd tn iskin* teaasMAM'sPBVTOMUBu Uaar lostc.tte ouiy preparation of boat ooalauuug :U er.tire Butntuxu proportles II oootauu uluod-uuU lag. tonw-r«mraung and Ufe-entlxrnuqr prop wusst Is mvalaatte la all ssfasld*! ouudit: >n*. i whether Lbi rwnl of exUsusUou, uervoue pros < oaiiou. overwork, or scute drseaM, pArtiewarl, it rosultmg from pulumuery courp.Miits, rias •eo. HsasrdA 00., propneiora N*» lovk HOSTETTEuj Sitters WBy Basse Mawtlrwklj Wuh th. convuleiug tpsimodic tortun. ol tr-rnt sad sgu. and biUi<’u. rvmittrut. »t... ■«*tett<-r k .McmK-h Bitten, ack powtedged to Im a r*al cwauv* of nalsnsl ti’en. will arsdicite th. caukr of so mueh kufi.ring ito> eflhcuvv w ate. bepignsai aiier*- ■w ia eass. of ronstipatioa, dvxpspiia, tiv*r soaiplalat, tbcuiuii»xu, sad in ituur akOsbllitv vuriw ’Portal* ky *U Dramtew had Dssten |*mv*Uv. Morro for a tramps’ lodging-house “He who enters here leaves soap be —.— PERRY DAVIS Pain-Killer A SAFT ANO SU«F REMEDY FOR tßtreufflatlsm. Neuralgia. Cramps. Mra. Diarrhoea, Dysentery. -S lit: IK Sprains pAR Bruises. h(E Burns ** IM' || Scalds. Toothache FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, Biter TRI M eter utod; daßCtipDt* circular* h*a NY KI.AHTIC TRI 'M CO. •*> Rroadwbff, ft T ntinniro f ® r P**l*nf Wark ix.Mt BUGGIES ssjrff '• ••• towa. Tart Mar. JA> o =•• JO frw AddfOM U U» irifllo I rf n , r22?SSZSSSESSZSSSnGSSSS3SS=ZSX3ISESS2!!=I dfcw*<«re«i «wef i "y Ma vTP B, *l I f »»• /Zt - •* •»< < • k gJKgg fa gg a \g ||fl*«»f f»t fori J JJJ J J J kill />«•»";»**-- «.r>!< >nl ■ J J J J Tr+hint* »»<« I IBF JJ Jj g J ggff gt jKK »»/ »tai I |F JKHBJ g f fJ J Jn JJ 9 o’' 0 ’' lrrT °''' »*>o«?rrr ■ JgJ 9*giJ J4J jr J Jk. V*■ »• rrfr ant I rrr rwA r f <rtrMM I w<taßufferin^fr..n my ?•»** wimer<w*dlnclyher- ctonaome te m*. A v»raUM of a month dnj not str* me much relief, bat on th»» cot rary, wm foilawed by lnrr*A*fKl I’metrettoo and Makin* ehllto Attbiaume 1 betran tb«* oae of yoer |rowT<Wl< ■ ,ro « which 1 rw ..iund Max'** immediate and wonderful cmoJia 1 'betid earn 17 returned and 1 found that cm natural force was not t«>rruaaenUy abated. 1 ba*e uaed three boll lea of the Tonic. Hl or* ualnv It f be** done twice Ibe la liorthal I ewr did ia the mme Ume during my llloeea. and with donbto the eaM«. With Uw tranquil nerve and v iKor of bod y. has come also a *learoeea of I bought never before eaieyed fftfcn Tonic baa mA done the work. Ikn >w not wbaL I give ft therredit, .1 P. W atwin. P»<cr (Jaun ty Xw>l»O- (j>r Iran t«m<c « a\ -;vx„sc,:: k J fJh n Y »»*»»• M«ir JgJ J J ' Jf J J •£* J plinlet J JJ J JJ g J J rii* f*e » eretable I \Jf iJJ J A Jg f 1 J <rorti<i»ir« er rve« tJJ J J “gl 9 J g g[ jJ 9 r t e t v pi< , r M h r, r f r 4BIIK IE. JE Jg U l»M»r in M e*eee« r> * |JSSZwbSSSES.«SSSSSSSSSSSsSSSE!S=SSSSiW«2SSS MAIIIACTOItI IT TNI ON. HARTER MEDICINE CO.. 11. 113 NOTH MAIN ITEHT, IT. IMIS. ACYCLOPf DIA WAR Ah honored publi»hutg Wk ** hi*lf>»f »• r<M a ?'1 ♦»l■ <■ I hM-k i<i*blhe laM eentuiv. and whom Wealth haa’*•« vat’riiatrd at •* ••■'.Wi, i* iba* • . J l> J.-j-; .. .A I’ Tue Urg* *t »< i iih*i- u>q«>ilanl Mblteaito** ever i»an*4 g ■ ■ • a • C bvihew* *»»• In f-wi .i J. B. Lippincott & Co. Chambers’s Encyclopaedia, r ■ • ' ' •■• tt« tntl ■•■ i !•.•»« ..i th. Amer mi edit on -anti tt« v th- .pn i $50.00. wv vr -V * W - «Il hip react* Vl Ihr (».■> . eilh- I»ia i' 11. ■ I p fit n, ~f t . th-t.i-elr- ~ v t s. Uuunflhia ••”»«■ n r... «‘hat . F. •Krtt.* >l*l f« t, ». n. li v . .*,. ed', wu U to-*m«y a u lv . th.MK wdb 'tn*'** agin. -a t»rii:. r . • I* mumwi •’ ■ ' *T»m. 4 fl»e * n It-: f if! v !.... ~s h -e us *1 >f -c Ih» ■» .1* .; i- V i. I" «i. .| mTTT MA ,; lb ;. hr < bo* p ice ♦ key al!r»w aha lerr hM rd •<» p *•*•■ vw ar Th. er<uy < 1 It- I Itvr-I 1. ■ 1* Irlim >• o I IIT .1, purl ■ etirn of k -nd Uwa. Hl tow p»we4. and th-AM» r: t> lb • r > » .»•• r .1 « .<h th pj.j ■r»l -l. of ur .ting w.tb Ihegrrbl |< ibihm e leei%- <1 I. g; >■*l hi twit hr nog lit., to <4 lb*. w.„k end lo d- ri e •tmtc theearueM lT'A of I h ; . ' •«• ' • I ■ ’T. < I -■ I • I, I ••,-.. u J~, ,! f f,,« |,„ n ,| t)a l prn-e, t*> f irrwlahMto* vui -te WMh t!»e Li*4Mi.c at edtU n* al lltn to«* j . &! f > .1 |. i>. r, n , ( r«>nte f. t i.eirf Free Advertisement. I .1 . ... .t (..•< ilw .•..>- ,|. '• ... . , ■-.«.., tbeti'f'*# a .»pf»le.uel»l liaif gVITi >r»Hy by aritM.hiUl' lbw W<l»t Ith vn. • I b. ‘ ..•!• Ul f..i IhrlU hl <>t»r r*|» 11 «-. The Literary Revolution Has »<H th. h.x*u< .1 aonu-i ah \orr uI <• ptratm . r*|dt <1 » nnlv n |. .ut flJA.taai hn M alerted <mlv an r. l»-. WtnifF ' 8.. AuVl reached I . • 0 f":'w.Chambers's Encyclopaedia £’ Rr» Itthon ba I Mxumuhi* I .urth .r»t Mi»u U h htprUtLe .«• .u*aU v-hnn.*. el 1 wa» u.« .rT-id t. 4 I’r du/t in |\j", es orrtenr -r- i-? »*<*— h. I inn. ‘ >ah I r.-i-t !t.n -w <*ru|»v *hti.. a h.a .fir. .1 .im-rl.m » to, Iduur on • Mb Mb no wwa w« m t al the t. w|<Ke <,I- «dh Th.* . .. .. .t .he I. ..i Jen of .1 . ' Ij« - ity t in. !.. .. r .. • ,r. .!« . 4 th.. Lippi, cm.., mlaib- nH-om. e ./« i»e Universal Knowledge , .. .„. 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