Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, June 07, 1881, Image 3

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BT .ton A.Hsrviasa pmprMor n» tte AixraMSMU jalte pruprMx ci Ito Wy. trebtt OtMto’i. is ts •»> way rwysawtiV ft* tto auwUtata er sssraagranrait of tte sense. nrMMftMi laerra Ibk Bill) In CtiMiWa. UMita aid JeCenM emlta! ' Bite tar taissttMae due on trot appear B *re of ttto art vwrttoewyret Tto O«»fc» w*U Aumnura will to tout toaartadrsas ages **»• foUuwtag term* : Ou* ymr. tert * advance Si 00 ttx imtate. SSrt hl akvano* SOc Entered to *• BtoßoOro at Harlem aa BtMMIMI matter Cteovb Dirwctory- Ano 11 mate Byte* Mr. DtnraLL: Harlem. Mt Bunday. 11 a m and 7ta p m UawooCMtßßtay bm* aßtarday before ‘pblStete. M SBBday ata Saturday "tevrduaL***ißßtay told Saturday be fore. *t 11 a *». IB ywryjner rnootb Adana, *vsry otter tth Sunday and Sat urday babies. at ll a m. and every 4th Hun ter Jwi—Btsas at Hartes*. Bit Hnra ever? Sunday night, exnapt wta* these la preaching on the Id Monday ai«MM* Ito Bapuot nhnreh. BELA IB MJMHON -Bev. J. a Embbt : Hood'* OBbbbL Sat Sunday and Saturday bttor* ..Read’s Church,-*d Sunday and Saturday hi late ...Barton's Chapel art Sunday .. .Fttaadttiip Church. SJO p m Sd Sunday .gertFe/haoel ttt Sunday (Littwin's ChaaH, ttaP tn. 4th Sunday APPLING ClirulT-ley. T H Ttmmowr White Osk, tat Rundav and Saturday be fore .. .Dune's chapel. krt Sunday and Sat urdaphaters St. Mary's. td Sunday aad H<tartey before Apptlug tth Sunlay aad Baturtay before. By Bev J M. Atkxssos Ktotoe onurab. >1 Sunday... ML Lsha aon. M Sunday Gnwwchoreh 4th Sunday Bv Her W. J. Rowmm Old Palea, lot Sunday Stiver Bun, M Bsaday . Hartem. M tanday, 4pm FOB BARGAINS in GENERAL MKRCHANDIBK go to , H. A. COOK. ,‘f7* TO ENJOY LIFE WEATHER LIKE THIS. YOU MUST KEEP COOL! THEIXFOBE REMEMBER That yon san get ICE-COLD LEM ONADE GINGER POP and SODA WATER a* well aa ICE in quanti ties, together with the beet Candice (French) d*4»gbtful canned Corned I Bet, Canned Breakfast Mackerel, land other GOOD THINGS. IW FRESH AND PURE, at ««t ■The Little Semi IMEW YORK MIL LIVERY STORE. I MIBB NELLIE PURCELL, ■dealer in Fine Free-b Millinery, Velvet., Ribbons, Noveltiee in Neck Ska .r, Fancy aad Jet Jewelry, Etc. || WNuTW Broad at eet, under ■Central Hotel. AUGUSTA, GA. |l BT No good, on Approbation ■ aps 3m 1 liKBMIA BAILBOA• B GBOBGIA RAILROAD CO- K ttaperUrtendent's Office. ■ Augusta, Ga., Nov sth, iw Sunday, tbe 7th tnat . the paeeengri •obuduP wilt be upei ■ NO 1 WEST Dally ■rev. Augusta » SA a tn ■rviv* Ou*rt 11 so * m ■ I - MUlidgsißte . . 445 P tn ■ Mauna « 45 p in SI “ w **JUngtos 110 pm K Attorn* S 10 p ra BB “ AMaata. 545 p m ■ NO L EAST Dally Stave Atlanta 7 U » m ■ - Athens •15 a m ■ “ Waahlngton. 10 45 a tn ** Matos 7na a n> ■ " MUtedaevtUa Hsa a tn (amak 1 V p tn 'Kiner-tton V> nr fnwn WaabiturP.u <.n Sundaye. ‘T* MrmUMdatow-tellv. X&MP'. 4na4»v |V AiffiMa 4pm, Lv Harlwtn 705 am Harwn 4 4r p n, Aiuruata 8 Sn a m ■ NO k-WEMT Dally AuguMa s*>pm Camak 1 on a m Huerta 1 45 a m ■ : Mill-BruWk . 4SO a m ■■ „ Maom 4U a m M AMbMw. 800 a m » IS P m .. ***** 4no p m Maam 7 00 p n> Hz SIS pm Mi Huerta in 45 P m Auguata 7 on a m |»^<vc,twti.. ll tor Maron on SuikUv IRTSS 8 ’M’TX’TKD sneepebs TO and MAOON |B.JOHNSON. E R DORSET g™ Hu perl nlnn, lent , ,e< Pae, •Hie* to Pa «png r . TKBRI ary l.t I*l until furtteer not**, th.- i«»ee«,p.- far u» ttowwla Reilntoi main line and Mil be aa tofto*. ■MM'mt’. rate, three toate per mile rate, 100, nW, per mile teawm, j *nd 11 year, belt tto gMnimutn rate, frw any dtateix, 5 ante are ttewLy mdltte! tha 1 It MW , *‘ l »<' leirnbeae ttetota from Ow Kte ■Mtaeota. ttey will beeMßtwed tto tram Mb -tv< are a.< tte*ra -Htei. and a, tn ac-nept mm then <to train lour emrta pm mto Ttorwb.r, u> fgSSM’ Um advMteev .»f tto reduce* I rate. Poet Uutota be*m- entering the ■ 'V.uaay rwwrve.inerial.-. > *to<w»te ttoee rate* at fteanur- SM T- M DOEFrr Ito I'aae Agl SOCIAL GOtSIP. Cool. Plums. Oberrlea Jem bugs. beefy June June apples. Blackberries. June peeetos Juneah -colic. G>ro aad cottoo boomlag wow Wboes oats gut wet last week? No locals a. «Uag oa tto orseaa bee change la PteayuM's setodele. Tto campmeeting season is ripening. Buy a lot aad build la our beautifyi town. Tbs fruit erop of thia county promisee to be very good Ccoqutt at AJO a m. la the way our ladles enjoy the mornings now. Commissioner. Court tteday- praoeed- Ing wilt appear In nest ieeae Peacheo are ripe st Oliver Haniy a He gathered a few on tte Sd last Ask Oliver Hardy who tto champion ap ple dumpling eater of the State is. Come out Thursday night to bear Profes sor Orr. Don't tail to be on band. Tte bead yanl-eUck boos et tto Feeder lefcaburg atore was In town Suaday Tte Augusta Hotel Is now tte best In Au gusta. and we would advise our reader, to stop there when they visit the tdty. To those of our readers wbo have fruit to epare: We are always at our office. Tbe Elberton Gasette and News bars con solldated. buceesa to tbe saterpriMi. Angus tans should let Summerville pees, sol build io Hariein. News please copy. There was oats dry, nates wet, sad Oates a piano tuner of Augusta in town last week- Tbe popular Miss Mattle Young to enjoy ing a visit from a young lady rotative from Atlanta. Mr. Iconard Phlnlxv and family, of Au gusta, are stopping tor the summer at Mr. N. Hicks'. Since our last Issue, we have had One rains, and on all sides our farmers are wear Ing smiling faces. Dr. Bevros sold on Saturday to aM r Al ton of Jefltesoo. the lot on which the black smith shop now stand* None of our dear girls dance the Racquet, but some of them create a terrible racket wb«i their pin. are all out. Major John W. Green has been appointed General Manager of the Georgia railroad, and will enter upon bls dutlee July let. We are now teady to receive the first wa termelon ; also to see t he fl rut ootton bloom Trot 'em out, gentlemen; trot 'em out. Mrs. Dr Casey left Friday last for Wash ington. Ga_. oa a visit to her relatives And the doctor—well, he seeds sympathy! Just to think of It- the Old Commoner la to te With ua oa tbe »i lost. Bvsrybody la tte county should be here on that day. Oliver Hardy. Esq . thinks of moving to Harlem next winter. That's right. Wbo next? We want 100 more just such men. We team tee teetoitel Hack lot just in front of tte Baptist church, has teen pur cteaed by Mra.J.C. Flint, wbo will soon have a bouse erected thereon. The tend of a pig was out off by tte Pic’s engine Wednesday. Tte heart jump out of the body Borne feet, and by actual count retained life for eleven minutes. We learn that Mr Mitchel Jones, living about Ove miles from berr, and wbo has been s giv«t sufferer for some time, died on Thursday night last Peace to bto ashes. There was a large and pleasant gathering of ths Reading Club st Mr. N. Hicks' on Friday night last Tbs next nieetlag will be held at tbe residence of Capt W. T. Martin, on Friday night the 17th Inst. Mr. Jaroro White, formerly of Darien, but now of Orangeooubty. Fla., was Io town last we**k, visiting Mr Wm. Harrison, and now Wm. thinks of starting an orange grove in rear of bls residence. Miliums In IL Mrs Bryant. Mrs Perteet and Mrs Nor man. three sisters living In Wilkes county, oame in ponerosion tost week of Jsl out) tn cash, left them by tteir brother. John G Crane, who died in Charleston a few years a<n. Treasurer Gray tells u* that he fortunate ly had none of Uro public reoorda at bis home at the time of the are which destroy ed his place His home was Insured for 41,000, but double tbe amount wouldn't re place bis looses. We lieanl a lady on the train Tuesday last say: “I would rather enter a tudl room wltbuot paint or powder on my face- than to rates the dally visits of tte Augusta Evening News. And little Tom Gibson well, he's just splendid!" Mr Rob't Dodge is authorirwl to receive and receipt tor subscriptions to the Adver tiser. He to now canvassing the county, and we want everybody to subscribe and teip us to give Columbia county a rousing good paper Tte price to only •!« year. Our Laxy Club is now thoroughly organ tsrd with Ed Dill ss Pnroldeat, bou Hatch Vice-PresUdonL Ed Heels teerrtary. John McCord Treasurer, and John Curry General Director. The msmberoblp is composed of our older bead*, and the place ot meeting to tn tte shade, at all hours of the day. Col. W. M Jordan of Augusta honored our office with bto presence Saturday. We are glad to say tte Colonel ha* about made up hw mind to settle In Harlem, and posal bly telweeo now and next winter will have a resldesme built; tor tte summer he will board with bls family at Capt B<*<l» Hee tte new bualero* cards In this teeoe of tte Adverttoer. Tbeee are all Brnt-claa* bualorae bouses, sod at each of them you will receive courteous aitaotlon and have your orders tlltal promptly and prices put down at tte io west possible margin Give them a stare of F>ur patronage We bare dMlt with ad and know ttam to be sUteUy reitabte Bse card eisewhere of the great Induce inent offer for the next thirty days, to troy atotbingat tteUta Hallaad Star Ateacb of tteee eoteiMtohmenta you will hod a tre uMMMloue stock O< clothing aad gesttemen s taratateror r*"** g««ro»*<ly. aad we are sattonoi you will te aatoctotail at tte UeroHy low Ugurro at which throe g-«»l* aremarted Dos t to vtaik Utoß* ■»*“• MrShing establish ssesgl, B»d uses throw you are sure to taty, if tee goode ata low priosesre say Inducemect Bred card Tu Iteut for the Hummer, The midrom ot the tote John H Trtppe thoroughly furntobed. can bo rented fbr the Hummer tee oard m another ouiuiun. State School Commissioner Orr Win lecture tern co Thursday night, »u> Inst, at ths Methodist church Everybody wbo can do so should attend, as tte lecture will prove nos ooiy entertaining but highly lostructive. Don't tall to near him. LITTLK ALEC. The Great Commoner is Coming Hoc. Alexander H Stopbens writes to Prof Ashmore that if Providence permit* be will address tbe people of Columbia and adXJnlag oounUes, at Harieru, on tbe nd InsU, tbe occasion of tte dewing sxecctoes of the Harlem High Hehooi. This will be a big day lor oid Oolutebta. and a proud one for Harlem, and a gala day for aiil Who to It will not be here? But tew, ‘--p—« an d no one should be absent wbo can possibly ooms We want to ass AOSO people to town that day. and Unooin Rtahmood aad Jefferson should Mid targe OetagaUona. Written for the Adverttoer. One of Woman's Rights Bi>»w*r Ruo ro Emos vr. By Napoleonic doctrine, “Ouly men tare rights" they say. And women have their duttos, 'Us their du ty to obey. Since cowardly old Adam made a oat's paw ot poor Eve, For man’s consequent opinion hse womsui bad to grieve. Yes. his bed opinion dated, believe tee, from that day; Twas the fashion tten to ridicule sad aiaa der every way. Tte oppressor will caiuminate bto victim when be can. To justify oppression la much tbe safest plan. And ridtoule, I owp It, Is a pleasant ball to Bing. But when one comes to catch it—'Us quite a different thing- 80 we turn upon our womanhood with Truth's unwavering Ore, And bld you lift vour Ideal of a woman somewhat higher. There are women crushed and bleeding with tbe wows of thoueand years. Drudges, staves and worse than playthings bound in bitterness aad tears 80 were we enslaved. Insulted, 'till the Great Redeemer came. Arxl religion lifted womanhood from lonely place and shame We can help the great redemption, th* statue now renew. For God teips those wbo help themeel-ee, a saying very true, But the Purlber ever say* the saying must be purs. Det us touch the nearest point with a pencil true and sure. There are women just about us, in this Christian land of ours, With many noble virtues, whose Ups are pure as flowers. As Howers with red beauty upon their Ups es death. For Instead of loving fragrance, they yield a poison breath Are not women's lips too pure to slander other's tame? Are not women's hearts too nobis to harbor other's shame. When they stir the broth called "goeelp" with the bitter spoon of spite, And dish with "beet intentions ' a ptattar left and right? Ah! tte holiest gift, God-given, to tbe pow et to forgive, And a nobia, bom cl y maxim is "to live ami to tat lire " Could you fathom other’s actions the stains thou eeemest to see. Might be sears from victories. God's angels sin lied to see. Ah I my spirit leaning backward, o'er life's current white wtth pain, Counteth 'mill tbe stent faces 1 shall never see again. One, whose eyas shins down upon ms like tbe guldlag stars of Gene, And tbe whispered word ot "Mother" pass es o'er me likes moan; While tranatigured by my love, through M emor y's gates ajar, Glides one whoa* heart and Ups were pur* a» angels are Who made me think a woman tbe Bobtest being hers— Whoa* woman * strength was geotlenee*. ter power a smite or tear. Wbo counted those two holy, thatunioo the ni<Mt biret, Where man was strongest, bravreL and woman purest, teeL It te In woman's right to crush, by silence, Blander's breath. To rise up In pure womanhood above Ufa's strife and jar. Man * oompanlnti mind and body, h»r love bta guiding »tar 80. let your g>rod nights linger, your adieus te long and »we«t. For abov* tte Rock of Agro sound tbe rush of many feeL And ths highest right of woman, ere th* sound shall die away, Will be known hy those wbo whisper. "Shi hs* helped me on tbe way." Lift thy Ideal woman higher-aye, even with the stars. 'Till tte status pnrs and perfoot shlnetb down through silver bare. And Death * angel sweeping past IL shall touch it with such grace. On the pedestal of woman shall shine an angel's faro NaTTAB Lxhtb - » M ■ Letter from Slate Rock. EtHTOB OolcmMl* A rrvxirrißKß : A few frteod* have requested me to furnish you for pnbiinaUon, my view* on prohibition, or tbs retailing of spirttuou* liquors tn thia county prohibited by taw I obeerfully re ■pood. aad Shoe*of my friends wbo may differ from me have the aame right to ttair opinion that I have, although we may (Ul> for ever *o wMeiy. laL Will prohibition In thia eoanty di mlnish tb« ue* aa a bsvwrag* of ateobolte drinks’ I think It will. My saperteov I* that men wta«* habit* are Irregular are apt to drink more wtan thrown togttJMr MMial ly, wtare drink* nan te bought. H WIU closing tte eafoone or tlpling •hops tateu crinM In our oounty? I oeitev* that •« will idteoras I* tte eo<l upon which •la grow* to Ute gr>state ptafoeMua Sd w ill prohltattai wnsea our oounty *x pen**’ I teßcvu that It will; st least on* half of th* nriiulnal oaeee la orr Courts can te trarod directly or I mil root J y to tbe -ate and ese of liquor. tth Is money or property accumulated by dram eelUng good propertv’ My teero vattm te that It te nab Goods unjuaUr bought are nutty ever tte grand -child* tot I oannot now renumber ot a ringte dram seller wtoee property was banded down to hta grand -children, nor have 1 ever heard a prreoter of tte Gospel, of any de nomination. sek the great God to prosper one eogaged in tbe buMnesa tth Doe* tbe dmm shop rxsrt s good In fluence over th* boy* and young m»n of tbs county? I think not. My obnervation Is that the** step* manufacture drunkard* Instead of sober men; they are Hreneed to make men legally drank. It te bad enough to get drunk accidentally Tth. la It teat for our mothers, wive* and daughter* that lleeneed dram shops should he continued tn tte county? I would say a thousand Uroea. not My judgment te that the mother* would nay no. the children would *ay no. Fortunato ta th* mother who baa raised many boys to manhood and tare passed this flery ordeal without tbe smell of fire on his garment* It I* wonderful to see the uprising of the Ptaple within the last few year* on this ssbject. It Is not th* wort of politician*, or of any particular denomination, but •eems to well up from the people ttem •eive* O'lr peopl* *e* and f**l th* nroraalty of th* reform, and In my opinion are going to Imitate the example of Napoleon when he asked hte dvif engineer If It ws* po*al bl* to carry the artillery botom the Alp* " Berely poaelbte," wa* tbe reply. •• Ad vance'" was th* first command given by tbe greatest general perhaps tte world ever •* w Marian McDamikl. - —V re ButaiikoiM Card*, Buch ss th* following, from flrst-class es tablish meuta. will he Inserted from now un til Bepteinter nexL st very low rates, so let u» he*t from you.gentlemen Notetterail verttelng medium tn tte Stale for Augusta meratante. JOHN BAVARESE. Osofrctioner, and wholesale anil retail dealer In foreign and doni**Uo Fruit*. Fi»i>. Ovslere snd Gamedn esasonj. ICEaepwtalty No ») Washington street, Arg s -. WA. RaMBEV, General Commission • Produce Mevcn«nk Jackson strret. Augusta. G-nslgumenta of Bacon. Flour, Lanl. Corn, (tats, Butter, and all kluds of produce sollclL-d: special attention and prompt returns lu every uaae. ELIE3HHER. Augusta, dealer In ICE. • Clnelaiiall Eager Heer. Fish, Game, Oysters, etc. Jacksuu street rear Glob* Hotel. JT. BUCKLEY, wholesale and retail • dealer In Books, Periodical*. Fancy Stationery; School Book* a eprelalty. 833 Broad street, Augusta Subscriptions tak en monthly or yearly for paper* and rnaga tlnes at P-'b sber's t rio . fS W HRUNKB* CXK G*n I Comrate sfon Merchants, 581 Bead street, Augusta. Th* leaiilng house In Augusta for Fiult* Vegetables and General Pro dues. Give u* a trial order. WHEN THE FIELDS ARE WHITE WITH COTTON. -No wewvs, wow . ran i buy Fl"no* or Orgaas until cotton comes In." Y--s you can. Rake up 510 caah on an Organ or 835 cash on a Plano, and we will sell you dur ing Jun*. July. August am! Beuti inter at Rock Bottom Casa RaTßs, and wait three months fur thetadance, without "lie rent of Interest Cash rate* Three months credit. No Interest. Don't forget IL Grand Hum mer charing out aale 1J New and teoond Hand Itstr iments 800 Piano*, 500 Org.ui* All styits. All grades. All price* nml be clu*>-4 ouL Special terms to Installment buyer* Cash price* advanced only ten per rent Fifteen day* tret trial Guaran teed Instrument* from six brat niakai* Oatslogie* andfull Information mailed free O? chart". Avoid being Imuoaed upon by Beall y ir any other man. by ordering at once spin the Great Wholesale Plano anil Organ l*pot of the South, LUDDEN A BA TEH*Boulheru Music House, Havanuab Georgia I- j inßßMßß— a—a A iimliUi complexion can te had by every lady «h will u«e Parker's Ginger Tonic. For promptly regulating the liver and kid ney* and purifying th* bk*xi there la noth ing like h, and thia I* the reason why It te •nqulckli remove* plrapleaand give a ru*y bloom in the cheek tee notice F'll mitaliod IloiiM**, r JDo Rent tlio Hummer. Tte resliknesof the Ist* John H. Tripp*. lunilHM*! ownplete, can te rented for the Huthmsr byapplylag at one* to . V. BALLARD. Hartero, Ga. NEAT COTTAGE 1X>I« BLAXJa. I OFFER t»r sate. AT A SACRIFICE, the neat Coital* known as the "BEK lON HICK'S plaq." lerm* oa*h. Apply at ore to W. H. COOPER m>3l if Hat ten, Ga. Nckticil: IH HERE|Y GIVEN, that application will te niadt'o tl>t- l>wi«l*iure at Um ad journed ternln July next, for the poa*age of the followlg bill: A BILL To te euUttaan act to prohibit th* *al* or furnishing f aplriluou*. malt nr <iib*r ItitoxicaUndiquur* wlthUi tte limit* sf Columbia oenly, and to provide a pun tahmeot f'>rj»* warn*. B*c. 1. Be Ikwacted by tte General A»- **aibly of ttaitau* of Georgia, that from and after tte *MMg- of Ute act, It shall not be lawful ft- any peison *r person* to sell or furntehMther directly or Indirectly, any *plrltui>uWnaK or other Intoxicating liquor* wlthlnbe limit* of tte county of Columbia . 1 , - Bac 1 B" It irtterifiact*'! by the'siT-' thorny sforrett. that *ay person or p-jT •on*, who stal vlotate lhe provta’xm* at thia act. shall miaemwl guilty >x * mtode meanor. and <H»onvh-Uon sl.gij be punlah «1 a* te preacted lu section smo es Mm Cori* of Sac ? Be Aurtter enacted, that tte provlrionafff Uk Mt shall itot apply to practicing 4hy4tans farntetilng liquor* Wi cate of M dterkrsatiiitot. *ur to panfo* •ailing tntoaMakg Nqsore wbn tare Si ready snoured l*nsil, until t*e «*ptr*ttoe of tta aame tar A B* it NktarapactoA that ta taws ur parte of tawab ooolte with thia art be, . and Um aaia* ar*err<>r. r»[>re4- J NO. £ LAKKIN, I May JI, l»l. Comnilt'uc. 00„ FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS, NOS 818, 617 and 618 KOILOCK STREET, Jk-UffiMita,, Oeu TO OUB PATBONB: Our Foundry aad Mauhla* Work*, whieh war* dastroaud ta Mlilor Eagu» write ua ' Wn C. jfi. a €O. t Harlem, G-eu HEG LEAVE TO INFORM THE TRADING PUBLIC THAT THEY WAVE A FTTL?. mkl Ane kit of GROCERIES Tn addition to the stere a I read v larva stock, we have a NODA FOUNT, wftt It*, coneiantlv birntahfng thna* wte wish nine, 000 L Bummer drink*, BBdt] are M*a**d t* give us a call. W* have also a flne tot of I’IRMTI’RE, Which w* offer at prices to suit the time* Thanking th* nubile tor their tMtat patron* • o>»«ttou*o<» of th* same, hoping at all Mme* to taamtbair coiitldencv by good, honest, fair and square dealing. PEOPLE OF COLUMBIA COUKTY Let it be Known Throughout Your County* that Peter Keenan S ill keen* th* l*ail io AUGUSTA in *ll that pertains to FINE, jHand" made SHOES and BOOTS, and everything else kept io ■ firat-olaaa Shoa House. wF*ir and honorabls dealing is his end and MT BROAD Strout, opposite Um Mooumeei, AUGUSTA, GA. •p 5 PEIER KEENAN, qp OIuARKs’S MILLINERY and Fancy DRY ROODS Store. 819 Broad Btraat, Aoguata, Ga. • Laxo* asUvmnvd stock of the laieet HaTN, BONNET 4, CAPS, £u (.see-, Hair Goods Ribbons, Silks, Satin, Buttons. Jvwelry and Flower*. •MT New giMiij* by «tearner aud Exprvas weekly. Mr Detnortat'e Pat« terns lor Ladies and L'bildreo. N. BRUM CLARK, Anftma, G*. MT Small profit* aud quick sales nwi mr4* Clenranoe Bale OF CARPETS ! ..Xl? rrt * ,r **’ • t,,ek "nd "*'>• l osrrylng good* over. I will offer my Stixk'uf CAR PE 174, aini'iiuting to 541000 and over, all frush good*, now design* andi uuiurtaa* at very reduced price*, auibmcing sa follows: • ——» —w-. Hoyal Velvet Carpets, Body Brussels do, Tsoeetrv BrueeU* d©,' Extra and Imperial Three-plv do. Scotch In grain do. Extra Super and SrsperAoe do, Cotton and Wool do, H*mp aud Vienna d<»u|, *, j snd 4 4 VeweCttn do; * and ; Stair Biu»mHh do; Stair Rods and Fixtnrvs, Napier and Coaoa Mattings; Plain, < becked and Fancy i 'antou do; ( heap Stripe Carpettaff. W indow Cornioea, Lvoe Curtains, Cretonnes. I-ambrsqiun aau Bullion Fringe, Piann and Table Covers; Window Shades io Sooilnwad, Fringed I’laiu and Gold Hands, Velvet Hof* Rugs, Smyrna R..f* Rag*, Vgjk vet and Hrusaels Ru, s; Cocoa Door Mata, Velvet do, Broaaela do, Hmyrn* do; Sh*ep Shin Mata, Crumb Cloths, Chromo*, Wall Paper aad’ Borders Rustic Shsden, Fira Beresna, Carrisge and Baggy Mato, Cedar Cheats’ Star Oil Cloths and Crash. Mr Allgood* sold for oet otah or city a»- ceptauos. JAB. C. BAILIE, Huildiittf I gotta Mule, At A. Mae rft floe !! IN THE BEAUTIFUL AND WORLD RE NOWN HEALTH REHOKi', HARLEM, GA., 1 Juat 34 rut lew from Augutta, nn th* Georgia Railroad. A pure, fresh, healing aunoa ptere. pure cool spring water*, abady grove*, level lands, aqd tte teat of ateety, Motta'dlst and BapUat churcta*. and taw of the te*t Htgfi Bchoola In tte Htato, the ao kiiowledgej sdvsntagre of the place over all other town* on the Georgia railroad. 1 The lola are In tte aeporste limit* of the town, on north akto railroad, ami sulttt'te for REBIDKNCKH OR HTORFH, Io any •tee drained Now or Never! ttere lota can be hail at a bargain, as Har ten te rapidly building up aud landu are la <i>a*tant demand Toren lota are napectar ly suitable for Augusta ■ncrobaola sod bu siues* ro-b who wish Rwtnm*r terft** for their 'irniMre that th-v may to freed dur- Iter the tested *<-aa<*i from the rios*, Im pure htmuaphero of s crowded city Th* I -rtery'Xoiv'iuroo'latte' train enable* rare of "bukimwa to reach Augusta by • a. w_ and to return by 6ta p m.. sr« ttaton who wish to rear Mte city aartter tbe regular (horn ing pMeenger train will put Item ther* by 7 a. ■ and return thttn to Harlem et 7 10 p m, th a* affording every advantage ami aomoamodaUiMi nee-led to suit all daeae* For furttar partlr-siancaddres* at otre mytf I t BALLARD. I To Merchant*( Our atook of sroetary.' ♦lsaeware lamp* and lamp fliture*. wend ware ami UnWar* I* the • targret aver brought to Inta market; call and ss* our •ptotalA line <g gratt* and you will te ana , vtnwd U»st "Hr prtsre eannul b* teal. Mcßumaadttte AMaaia, Ua. I *• j The Music Htassr of ttie Bwath. G O BoMnwm. of Augusta sttl la Trtaa Atltateaa. Loulstate. Htaltappl. Alabama Flonda and Ovr-fy Nolithera mate worth <4 Gwurgta Augu»ta<«ujuaUyeittmtohsv tbe "Mu«lc IDniw of tte Houtb." MH) Mlle Tickeu. Georgia Railroad Co.. ) Offlos Gen Passenger ArL > Augusta, March S, 1880. ) ('oiumenmog thiadata, Uiia rcwnrm ny will sail FIVE HUNDRED Mlf.K TICKETS, good over main liae Mid branch**, at THIRTEEN 76-100 each. These tickets wilt bs issued to individual*, flriM or fsmibes, bat not to firm* and faxsßiss combined. E R. DOIBKT, Gen. Passenger AgsisL JKilllxxoiryl IRS, S. B. &BSIX ’ Has juat received a u*w aad varied assert indMlt of unis 111 tmiuisuni Also, a beautiful selection ot IUNIS UOSHIiniVIK Al) of which er* the late* SPRING rtyle* aad diraot frsm New Tosk, which she offer* to her tneads sod patrons. She has • varied aad hand some assortment of RUCHINGB, VEILING, TIEB, Ac. which she wiM take plea ears i* show lag to b< r friMNta snd smsiomms. Call sad wxaMlns bsfors bariaw slaswtatak MRE. 8 B GIBBON, Hariess, Ga. Match 26 8m Oe . Msta*ae* « Css. printer* <* refers lag. fre* tt atT mtasra -f truwportaues. II ootssUrely *ettefaeto*