Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, June 07, 1881, Image 4

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4 *—■■■ “ rw*r to* •*•** to * Oyi «c. r<»» ■». IM 1 jraur ■ vrwi veto* Ute r« •>••*• b*M* to. *•** ra M n*vw Iron M gua ate aag> ■ I"a ar* M»IN IU h*-*W •ack aateact <U •« «a' “ F* w»,r. »wa r«a tor-™** r<. berate*, art F* a*wr •>»>• arbMMW »«■■<•••»• Ba vwy hrga • I d arte ra •«;***,. 1 Irra Toe wtf art m*B* m* ra to ■«• r.l wto* <■> atel;' w, *th* <™> •lea’U Badl* tarj mea. ’ "F4X, yaa aragw*** «v. r* r> * *a**ar 'aw VaalTra darto* BB* T Ye** ray Mare ear Um** to ra. * I'd waver aay: * My gal, to >*<*• Tla bad te kaaHk aad Walk. ated ae 1 raeoi lai yoa Bar* It. Me; ( Il woaM la wnag la ra’* ••*»d mq day I'd M yea aaar Tear ultra daaaa, aed barer oara 1111 ahaald r* a greal Mg ter, IdaMy aay lajaa: ' My fwacdoaa Wraara, tew artad. For mua ewka will laar, I Bad • Mew, mamma, woaldal tfeal ha klad T Thai's jaal wkal 1 abeald do. •• Idwwuj ■ w«u, ;ra •to 1 • I d M yea ■tepyoer ia»r*>t. tte>; I'd m* : * They are tee kard far yea, Peer child, to andaretead I d pal Mm hooka aad alatea away ; Yea atowMaT do a Ikiag Pal play, had bate a *ar«y weary Bay kh-k-k, wetednl that ba grad " Bel, mamma dear, yea ream* grew Into a HUIe pin, yea knew. And I aaal be year mamma ; an The caly thiap to do la yate for yea to toy amd aeo How vary. vary ata* would bo For yea to do all Une for ra Mow, mamma, ovalßaT yew f * tear teuyw* deem I have the aatue old, <4.1 atorv to Udi. My conduct ba* lsgfi aucb again-at any rate, that* whgt fattier aay* ; dial I've had to go up afeirt with hißi. sad I needn't explain what that mean* It aoema ggg toni, tar I'd Irihl Io db tny very Isfaf, kfiil I'd heafit Hue aay, "That boy hadn't mialiehaved for two daya; good graciou* 1 wonder what nan be the mat tar with him.” There* a fetal liMg alxml it, I'tn pure. Poor father I I must give him an awful lot of trouble, rad I taaow he'd had to get two new temboq nam'd thia winter juat beomu** I've done bo wrung, though 1 never meant to do it It qa, demount Os ♦tefetok JPji * T>* |: nine aMght down the middlant U, and. all yon have to do w to keep ifeUte Mtett. There ea hmqtkpn —g*—r, run inMTtJiferfdtl.iMr haa r* t feAfe John Kruger, who is a ptu|u4 »uj. i*t a fallow, ran into it feat we*i head wfdt, 1 aim! amaalieii lbr>w> piaketa, and every Ixidy Baid it waa a rawri ha bit it with hia head, or be might bar• broken aume of hi* Imiumi, and hurt litroralf. Utara ian't any fence on the other aide, but if you run off the road oa that aide you’ll godown the aide of a bill Uiata >taej* r> than the roof of fee CWnirob, and aliout a mile long, with a brook full of atonrw down at the li*h«, The other night Mr Trivrr* Wd -- But I forgot to aay that Mr. Martin i> l»ack aggin, and coming to ont bouae worwe than ever. He wa* there, and' Mr Tkavwra and Hua, all alt ung an the parlor where 1 waa behaving and tnnag to inaka thangßpianaant, when Mr Trav er* aaid, “ lr» a bright moonlight niyrht let * all ge «M Md eoaet” Hue anhl. "0 that wihiW be lovely Jimmy get yourafrf." I 4Hn*t tmtwvnrage them, end I told fUharno, but he wonldn t aiimit that Mr. Traver- or Sue «w Mr. Martin ar would do anything wrong. What I amd waa, “I dent want to go coaating. Il‘» cold and I don't feel very Wl. a*J I linnW Ve ought all to go Io w 3 early ao vre ns wake up real aWeM and good-tempered *" But Hoe juataaM, "Dun't you preach Jimmy if yon'l* laty juat aay ao and Mr Travgrw Will take trvfWtl’ Tben Mr Martig he muirt ynt in and aay, " I'vrhan* the bqy'« afraid don't te-aee him hvtafct A be fe bed anyhow " Now I going to aland thia, on I **kl, 'lCuuwon. I wanked ta go all the time, but U would be beat far old [icujile ggaifey at home, and theta why IttNtakkAHunrage von.” itoljM out my double npprr, rad we all want out on the Uli and *Ollll dow n I aat MMMM to ekeer. rad Hue aat right behind me, and Mr Tnvte* aa» I fennd tu Mhr tin aat liehiiM him. Wr want aphmdid ly. onlywtbe d|y AHkOM trw «p that I oouldnt m* ravkhtog and that * why we got <df Hie read an-: co to the rale hill befera J gugw jh The Ml n» Jtod erne gtart <i Mb, ami the minute we atn k the me the aied atarted away like a bnmeane. I hml juel time kg Mk Mr. Martin any, Bqp, mind nhdff ttijba Mw*m or Rl gat <dt“ When dha dtmek amnekhtag I doat know wbmto and ewwetafy•wee ptkahed into Uto*r.W>* begra ehditig Ob tte tee witbfdrt rayftitag to w ce,4 me. 1 caught on a hart pdaoe c? rook, and mapped myailf I comid aae H* l ' »f ktthl. andahdaag hhn a vtreak cd httikMMkK. add 'lrtug. -*na my den Mr Marts O my help me.” ». TWewn waaon Ma aeeaa eeh, about a roMaMnd hat. ami gnto- ingehttieMhgt amd Ife Mnrm wee on toe baufe oeanng down hand toe*. Mei Mtttthf SMB Wfe. jUlflCaegidn would nbde ottoae way, mad than amehb <w part narnH try mtoak hgtrntol I*ma tell you it wa* an awful and aurrwptUAc-u* ■ighi. Tfee’ att reached thetxdtow. nd | toe a while and wbee f aaw tbev wvee nut hilled, I tried it myralf, aud kandac aH right. Hoe waa azttrag et£l, ami mourning, and ** My gOL*±Mwe gmeibod. I wtrnlf never bo able to wadi uama. My comb >* brnk®, rad that boy m't ttt tohvo." Mr. Traver* wwan t hurt very ssari. ! ra.l ba &z*>d himaolf aQ zaghi with era I pn. I gave tom aud bw tent baa owwouet took ad a* if he'd xt bm > amßarrow. Wb*-- ha Md egm• ■' farted Hoe a little -and 1 kbm aay anpaa peopte are pprfertly urkemng the way they go on—be rad I ccKtertevi Mr Mailt- -1 mam* *>>lll*ol -an : tierpad ptrt him togMbnr odSy T gm to* hg on wrong Mda ftrat rad tbrs we beeped hun home Thu waa why father era! that my <xm duct wa* etich, and that h» inrod M*r Un didn’t acet:, to be able to nene mu his lionae without tarag inauitAd rad injured by me. 1 newt toewted n*u* It nm't my fatCt if be eaa i Kite towr hill without nooung apart Howsevee, i I've had my ia*t raffenng <m boot,it of him The next Ume be coo<w *p*rt when I am I ahai'. not wait to be pun rnbed for it, but akaah mart mngrht tor the North |>ole ; and, if I diao-vrr it, the BnUah Governmrot will pay me xz>ma millioi. dollar* I c able to ict down i ths* m<T*»tug, but my are eruraai. rad lahald never enjoy hie ray more.— Jimmit lirfum, tn U«rpr~ i Pnpi'. •KKtt irn rrnnar* During a aannnal party al the Gar> ton Hiteor. Mr. Haagrr v tn tnodiiond the etbject <d toe Mawdiag power* <4 the torkw aaa tae gooee, and declared that the turkey would outetnp the gocto. Tb< iTtnne << Waina, wh, place*! great reliance on hi* ;udgmrt-t tn subject* of Uub nature, haeke*i hi* open wa. A match waa xnad< with Mr. Iterttoy <f twenty turkey* aga.t*: twenty geeua-, for a distance a/ ten nulro the race to I* for ttMK). and. a* Mr Hangee Bhd the tttrbvy pnrty ntatenteai not to lay kwt> to one xa isvw of toe*.: bind*, the Prince did the name to a ooe ■mtoraidr amount, mot in the hurt im» I wet mg Uiat the whole w** * dcep-la*d |Sm ii laiuai i t mu ofmorv trretai • .DgkMb deputed Mr “irragtr T lx Iccf t a e£w of toe &*.»: wtrtwßmc sM Into* whtoh <*»uLi be prorurv*!, auX cm the dgy heumt M> gajffy of t»r key*, rad Mr Berkley ami hi* jmrty of i gceee art ctf toOwnde the nitric. Fee I the ttrst three ixmra reel rttiiny wwxne. to indicate the turkey* wc.uJJ be 1 the winner*, as they were thr-s twr mdee ‘ m advance eg toe gvvwe • but, m night camo on, the lurkev* twgra to rttvaeii «Bb lump uorb" ew» am tee ►*.:.»< • ( the tree* wiiiA; lined the tode* c< toe trirt tb-ittM'fe.uAfe vniohs bit us red cloth va* sttacbed . m era. Mr. Haugvt tow ton a* rocutmg-pißce only to ww three or tom I other* oupufirtaliiy jwrchmf amoug toe branch** ; bi vain wra ttsf batiey atrvwt opcthe road In the maauume toe gw«o camo waddlmg cm, and in a airtrt tuno pa Bond toe turkeys, wferao party were all Lus; ana ■:.$ Uw tree* Mkoi-pl mg to dialudgv too lurda, but t&rtoi pregrrta* uapjaau. «• and tot gMM were ilromred th* nmm. —L\ft G'ourp* I F. —rtvrtg MrtgoroM rata cat uwwrwr cwrar Homo mother* ar* ever reedy to had feait WUk their chddrer., aod treat F every trxfixugkbp a* a oanstant pracuc* —regard to* nnioeky exoepoix. aa tn* genets, rale —rad aaj. Thee* ywaa. wavwdoao *' X -totag era ba to re ax c -yiig to young pauaohA tora '•h» f graerrax ug ray IfW. swkwsrJraa. I x tterebcuo^ -tonm ' woaM bava mbeh arars toss went* tor pvod if too art is Tegnrimfeil ( a-J -fwwm-w to Bxteeudenu. vmlea* t u tao habit gtura »» too datonfe gr «v i kueu. WomMfr WMem. "She tun- taa> A kt urn unpM*. ancej toe* her tamity akal; be bent te full keeith than that abe «b*«W bar* I alt tfee fa*k»oaable dreueo rad at tie* of tlgg> tIoMU. Bbe Unowiarv area «• U. to*'. Aeh iweuihr’ es bev tamity i> wpedteo with emmigfc Hop Kttm. st to- f«wt i nppedranr* of any vytapu<ai> of ffl healfe Us pswreui a &>vf agXnem w.U : its attktwdat.f extwnw cue and raxSety I AB Wciaor BB<-»U axert we U*e.r wetouu. .. ta tkb* way. —New Haver. Partmoo* at & or F o'react ra evectog paper ' geoMgutty one** (to tea* edebau. A now IMattto. mvwutkoK. ■ an&ouias** that w£ geuttkhtvomntoe abepepaes ae bang along' )at afekd. That Amte b a tommoui i (maser's ma tram Turn. A augur i jaomM ton* ora bo read a lb* dart kite ego* iamge nee nd Tbe anxteuea* - arttrnga <*a be mad up to our raenua. awl , f beuweein nape toe steeper ora ttud out , wbak *a giAUg on an toe bars war*: jut- Bide. A raw umi r paper uto be bb*m | with tUtoWu* ixd al Tursx. It w%. b* , fito < bmgbt aayrng* vwwonua* toogf—» C^x<jr*ig^7* ar> r kt gK'JTPHTUMfe "" 4 - One of toe iiirgeet mnpfaag turtles ewv fsumd u m Cautnl Park, Keo Tcrk It m nanny lour fee* m ionglh. j «r> ; . wrtb a btt the* wow it twwe an treu te- It vn* cwganuiy ftvmd ea ereek pea.- Pu&J. rad vu key* far a kmg nine a* a prt by aa Indiaz. Cto* day at to* tovera toe rmtiaentwm turned on , .srtfea. aod a young farmer m tbs party l Ategmi to bnart of a tarra mud turtle tout ' be had, aod vkxh he wa* wilimg to wa i err W'VtjJ travel farter thra aay tnrto m toe ‘fcase Th* Taira, after a long .ra-aig-a*, anaep«**i to* cim.'i*n<r, and i.: wa* derail; toM toe two tarttee , >x*ujd be mnarood a ISV foot race I rtteke* to boa galicc at appfe ?a-k and ' toe tzrtfete lhe next day a rrrvd nxberud near to* river to too the race. as*' the *u*c appeand. to* ; . Lxkiun wa*vi"!ig ha* f*write ia a wheei iterrow. A cord wa* run aexag too «dg>- :t toe rtrrrax, rad toe tnru* wbun> ' need fcw yra < i it vw to be toe win x»r The txrtoo were pkeeed safe by . i vide 150 feet frern toe v*ter At th* , woni they MATted. er. i craged er tnghf- , ' er»d by toe y<**e rt tone ownen. For ' • toe brat fifty feet to* ctoe cue k*f" I ahtted. rad tore the bag anapprr a rv- I ■poran to a tAr» oc. rta bock. *yun*< ! toemd, errefebrag gr*vv. m away that , made mad-tnrti atoek go d*>w& with * -nah . bet u out eitoar over or uadsr I •.esmod. an tost a* they noarvd the hue ' it va* Tv > : ,etgto» behad. while th* hl- | tte iefcow had raected xxud acead, aa- ; vtth kb hand h<t sa the six em Im l ;c -nng tor •,**• m cverec*xn.d prxxw I ucm m to* dxmam-v d— Moced A few ao'vod* mere rad tt vs* within two fe*4 cf toe hue, toe exuitrat owner nhtenxg and toe crowd yodiag, wuw to* large raspper v-m aeteriy thrvo feet behind. The and turtle vm Hearty toe ' nefcr, vber to* Ixdsra, tocrvoghly da* | rusted, aeaaed a burtoag knc« ftcc * , fra d bento and hutod d at the saoj per. tmaxag it tasty ou the tad. Star*, mg a&ato m temr, a tormrt out tu seiakv-Jke neck ynrt cwr the Ime thrw mebea tramd of the iinie one, I toe race, and ecrapieteiy tttr* tng the malm rad mm itovehoc of the few of appte-yeck. ttn cfugcKsr. j •Sm ane * aaato ’ t&M pretty damsel, ’ j rad * hotly yosg ara. with toe lahnt: j uv »* of •—* pine, to hi* trteod cc. Whos I igy-qt verwt Qxartdy aaeyyxsg up to ‘ to- pw*ty -lite* l ' a adv, be Lifted tor ' *' cwaadd aCk ;'. sad rt racked m wu> • mac kctera : ~ Ex -ra me. my dear ycong . • b#v, twt it ** ratoee Ute fee you to be ; ,*a toe street tt; rite etui; permi: me i ac'-wuapaxy yw to yon: twrae.' fu i sSsxUy a broad to** aahle hto vu , traiMd upen toe tnrax -Atxxg dxemcM- j | are and hrtovra a set of poi at ivorra I Amhrd toe k<. -iv " Look a hem, ( i ctUg fefiiah. I dura vast none o' yw j tsp, rra e* a »csgV ragd xuto o' yvr mrot an' Hl *op y«r on yvr imcit; to | yer beuh *“ JMi. rausg " feilaht nrobeto ~ rai ga** * w-wock fewtihg xstier toec vw.-baaoa, H rartory .tier iron tram th* Bah. I Tbeev i> rerfivpt w* teak* e'Servd to ' the fraprt toe paawaMM ** ntd vaf totnanic raim a« Hop feuer* Jucac u_* wrama of to* year wbtn toe *um ecu need* aa appettaer or the bi-rd I yuiifyiag **“ i beatrav rw •*•* • -effl>edy u Heu Brtter*. An ottaenof I I wwrstwa a vnrto a pea ad o< c»* , doo t as.: rat*, you sc* pevotraie-i qr a I d straw that mag take m.scto* far eon | to anrovw te —stone < »tobe. A* a ram to* r*ain. tmvarakaeu i trath u *c* *graetet*o Sgrai sag it la I UM iwayt * v.'rta* Ckc-*«*.-: ,it P -rtee ,'iHnaua fe feWy * beta duty I raU xpou yen to nivimii the truth tsa* it i x* n cMrcitoß tea A teU-tedor mar bea creth-aeuee. rat ever* oce Asuto to* I < efearacaer cd a pence who gw* fro ra bcraa to ranter and tAiecacm —■**■ » « . a.. beoAM or hoars. Fan to* hrtuxg y tan Uoftaga Tab ’ I kfr * Brake** D-e Ototaaeoi atoofcr* to* palfet M*« to> s*X ~>ia*~ to <g that We* at a zohMral dmerae. bet it i sicc* ccrarau teas w gnawed* eiievd. and I Tahuec • Brakry* We ' n-tnuat will • «uae every erne, fltoe Uk, Fcgav by Bu. dragjprta - - Cajc too drurrma *.** tetoerd with uo ,»t *w-..;ig of to* dxhu, but, «tex = d-uta. they put up to rato era ttest bm pewwd a drug m th site-- . krt. and eratefee toe aouier to ho po- . trnat*. . : . carte*..-** a tewteera* exteve* i«<-«- u* rwnwiwi Ttea ■ a aooive l ***- t SA*t- wit’ chraaete«. X > Ulntt aieevpsr aura sa n— v«ri4 v4t rvte- y Si i iteße h 4 »» a* uev mgnrvd IB u A toiighdUMrv*na < ( mw vw mrvaji uatav n• *r*u*> »>v •«. ~i»- *w» *• iw— O I aa>raa<tt an W MmC. fetom BkSfefeM- * •*« •* » MMttra femaal > <a* 4to >*!■— «*»"•» • *M>» U» j I | •O m ■kJ' tema.MM •*'~UK fi tea— ii« W wfera M to JXF? ■ »' ** UVUB toter Mttttmwmrrat. r«t< *»fu*t*a. >< MfefMMfew ttmarttteßK > *m«'»— at 1 ten*. < ara ra* 1 | F «T Om IXm% L*W I dbeyu. ► I >■■■■ unk. atm, Aa . • fcfeXXT ♦ FfeTt ktorten ?n»4ii Mau Mb 4 i!*“ I | B«fe B»«€n tTUCT <M|B I\*W*n«n bCefi aUiZ- ' * >ai imm mi, Hani, iin M'a *» ate tate* at f* » L toartagrarwi kv ■naag mamrtetol rwvom* bn Taeas ra ■* *■ i tiaaetoigt * * fe' ig l • anra a rammhi mto earaak arairaua ■ j uaaaam tea aaartl to bnamßaamraana p-» i banite, aumtonabtefe i f -aashag tom gumeaary ngaanm fee vm. ttkamnf (b. gngMMnw lax Wnaru to mack given to mak tag fua of Cade Moao a bow legs, maeh to too dngwa* at the aid man. Tartar toy they met on Gaiwatim avuono, and Jim, who ten a very largo mouth, com ptoned of having the mroehe, remark ■» g te did ao* know what caused it. “ I eon trtl you what a do matter wid mmt ears Yer bat yer ran wham yer opened yer mouth ao wide. Laughing at my bow leg*,' reap>.cde«! the old man. Goferrton „V<MML PERRY DAVIS’ Pain-Killor A SAFE A4D SJ*. ( AEBEDi BM fflmußaliss. Neuralgia. Cramps. Mra. Oiamroea Dywittry. —•— Sprains Bnrtses, Bums AXT> , - talk Toothache am Headache. °RSALEB7A.LL DRUGGISTS. ATTENTION CINNERS. Scott's Patent Horse Power Th- «crk of four tntxi** dose by two. ,tev* year horte* sn.l mule* by oauining ■■h* n*ht t» a** on yoar <in or milt or other ■oAthuirry •*■<>»* rsteal lninv«v*<»»nt on I Bm**« Povvr Tbia rviaarkable invtatioa »f til* aa.lrr*i<n«i patent-*, *** pateolvd Vac**! 17th. I**o, sad vt now frr th* fint ' -Biz offvr«<i Ui th* public. It i* timple, u«f* darabi*. *n-i take* oil of ynnr hr>r»»» j iboui oa*-half of u»r dmoehc of your gin °r j >ch«r ma.-h.nery, and i» *o cheap that *v*ry I ite that bn* mteiiiiuer* pill no* (ratable al ! th* yn«*r but be perfectly delighted >nd \ • w4»r why th* world ha* b*cn •<> long In Lnirtoevrfaz th No bnmhnr. but the pai ! «ew» i. nn «M eitiicn of Uvutoai county, Vm. with hi* puwt-etfie* at .Übteod. Mm* . t>» whom *aply for furthnr tu(orm*uou. Only ux |>i«cv» lumber ix? inches, 12 fort l.nnt ind three pound* 20 penny nail-, re •turv'i tu put on il»«r improvement. SA MI EL SCt >TT. Hatent** I w w—.<!, wul rurhl* in j. or ’ Unbetua. nddram €ALHOOX A WAflcrK. j Holly S»c«r« Mina. j 'FO tkuo* aMwaad with ebriMuv diaoa*** al I 1 the liver, kidney, enlarged »plen :. rheu- U'tMw eh run diarrfeun* and female corn ptaiat» cured. Mo ehanp- until eur*d, if d»- «tn«l t orre»v.MHtun.-e •utiette! with ataiup. Addrena DK. J. SXIAATE, Milord. M»*. AJK'«4t*»r <» »-«f <i »«rf v*«mm>*** . i [fH'ndfd t>u f h m ' ,f. 1 > g ggggg ggs ggm fg * ].!•«<' pra/r^ (()ll . lu , g g * g g FT g g gJR Ow*ori..iu [■r g g | |v F F .F* F ffFJFj fWI fIUl ru *'* 1 • / “ I F * g g fgggggg gg g F—III 'erro.iw FS-o*fr,i • !)SMS| Fj^LJ!—lh u , ( • J \nSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEi <*** Mrr /^ ,<r ’ n * v ’**»■’ <• f . Gem tolfwa I.* 1 — my laher wv bv* ”—— * —-?■■ * •T M^ a **■£•«*•• Mb muo. tout ®U lb< ouclrmj, w . followed bj ntrw—l jrwtrwam aarf«a£—ctuLa A t thia U r—lbweaa th* ?•» rfyouf ftv< Tom t< . f,. ia wfiith f r* »aaM b .iuM uuoßwdhata ted ewaderfui MM* PuWd.ovMJ rgurwi aXf | loafed ihwk B.J ualarai torr* T“ *a iD-ial. 1 «•*! tbma bvuxauf i!H^?j7^f! - » U *“*“l’ fc,4 " nw “? li lTTl.“ ,d ■** doebl. I*, .a— » IU) vie tritkMll M ,„ \g*«yy »> u»«^«ywrjy<.» «a£>r»-l lf«h* 1 mU-ha.oot d. r« Ue •w«- I cauw eoe aOM | «ee t» -Miwte. J. ?, W.iwn Pwuwfbrwuea Uio r. a. l»wy <I. (T»- le-em FeMr <• a\ fJKJ_CL-. LL!!!■" 1! ' ■■"■ I —■ <->»»■-»• . <*»-<» ~-1..« W f x W r £ Su il ■— ■ ».,. r»». | ff J g 'M r 'J 0 «w • "» -, — iM. I * W K 4 Zif Jf 4 11 •* t g f i & g g JrUK ’ **** M i * M1 *’ T *' l ' °* rt id the BEST CHEAPEST end meet ECONOMICAL ’•»- ♦- RtEsmorx » n> . («,|rrf|l.. t> Itaelen a im ■4C»'*tt* Hi , cotJESK. LONDON PURPLE, -z=rr^r.^^ r^^r fc -xz r su i ft ,k *• -«-■- “«Ju»*»wai ■ L«e>«.i riKrLr. <uHr«h> «. <•»». •• "'•Ur a<r**t, !»•• Toe*. •.»■ r t fcoo fl Bookwalter Ekgine. Efhctirt, Simple, Ourab/e and Cheap. , B ° b **M‘“; Ecouonuc*! end Heneged. •MortmZMd k> wor* awd full liird _ «"*• KVERY T , l j A>Tl-.l< tors S»J!R *J > !**i?*»a* r 7" J»a .1 ui i »„. O n., FV X t •*■»« power ■ much better en ! •■ T wer sAr on? low phicks Power Engine, g2to J! •• -.’■■• ■•■ 8j •••«.. . •;•»•' Addr« MewtfWnrw. far d^ P t„e ' ‘ 0 **■“ Mtrre.i. « <•«». PETROLEUM JELLY A* “* «ffmW by th* iMdiag PHYS. I CIAI3 a£ KlHUgKand I The Text Valuable*"— ■ hk 1 J I Famttr ■■ ■ | krwewTL. J TMMe f>wm **” v W A jv- fvßMeVaettu. »yß*4.xym»wi _ Merna a jot < Hi IRM —II U.M Ml MffMXat: SuknAfcriF . BIfTERS I : The Tvnveler wh* Wtoely Frovldew Kgain*t the eonungenev nf fllnn by tak ing with bun Umtotter'i Stoiimeli Bilttf*. ha* occasion tn congratulate him<elf <>n bl* I ioresirht when he aee* other* who have nerleetml to do so Butorin* from some one ' of the maladie. lor which it is a reuiedy and preventive. Among these are fever and ignr, bTHomnemi, conetipalion and rhen- I tnstum disesaes often attendant upon a ! chsege el dtra*u «*r unwonted diet- For »ale by all Druafi’t’ and Dealer* genersllv. . SOUTHERNSTANDARD Cotton Press. E R | Over Fifteen Hundred in Use. | Can be operated by hand, horae, stuatn or water uowei without alteration. U'm> 1 ' swsrdert the fir«t premium at St. Lonlw i Agricultural and M»ehnnic*l Amoeiation. ’ I and Capital State Fair AaaocinUon. Antliu, Tux**, I'9o. Price of Power Pre**, complete ■ • $! B* • “ “ Hand Power “ ... too * “ " Power Iron* &> ii “ Hand Power Irons “ *,•■.' 4b i . tend for circular*. Addre»« I I Southern Standard Press C 0.,, j MERIDIAN. MISS. : .■ ra '. w «7Pr?fe’rJfiW« | a j LAxkk”. Utkr^. * 1 /fCfon r.'.-irr A«th mU rturnmtwtol • r mow | 11 | i Addrvsrt U * IIA YU Io 4 J stATTowT. r a Y * ' , r * ( ;|y s I • LOUISVILLE HYDRAULIC CEMENT, uted for Construction of Cfoerns, Sewers and Foundations. Adilres*. WIBTHEKN < KMES I AteOl IATJUN. L*»uiwville, Ky. PILES, Utotmg r>gw bitttt gf«t. L* tfeb Mttrft—l J WTBfeU flt Ml—**** Way. brtoMi VUI ttbsHf * r * hw f|| lx! o *ttu, ta. | sOtem ag>t H—— VtiggM, .ra.l n» w Me J*: .«,i> ms *«„ HF ADI to*-'* ,«> , V 0.1, Mt »5 MASHAriAS lOOICQ.HV-UftKAT. Lak, UK I* >u. CELLULOID vb.' EYE-CL*SSES. l>;'r-..mttng th* choicaat Mltotod Tbrtni*. .■ a Udi Am Kef . Tb« UgbtoL b*D.l*.’.'r" *m! <trojg«et known. ghtdlßlOrtMiui* , n * J»w.:rr< M»de bv the HfTffCEB Qp;j ~ il r<i CO.. 13 Ala-don Lans, hi«w Tprk. 572: ■W-z.ttt.rwg*," HOP (A Tlcdleiw*. na* a Drtolul cowvuw* I 11OPH, BUCHU. MANDRAKE. I DAXiMUaOb, moth, ru-atar *xn n«*T Jlaßirii.Qt*; p f ti ** or*u ores* Itrnu. they cure AH r»i«e»teiof*Wfe*raeh Bowel*. bi<m a, l.Htr. K*lro-r».**U UrinaryOrw*M.■*<■'• 1 61000 IN COLD. Win hr paid for a caar they will not r irg hi lp or for anithlug Impure o» lujurluuk £ found in Uirtn. m Avk yonr drunrtat fnr Hop Rlttrr,, gn l t*y ■ tlifiM Irtrforr Take Nuoib«f* I J> f t I* an abttolavesmrttrmrtMlhlr rm ' r n J™ “1 H p Blftert Mfg. C-.. HtoHwU*. 5 Y . a ’ , || 9—AVttVOMMnVttßttMMV—■>—Jb MILL A FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. BfttNQ, HOSE and PACKING, OILV>I)MPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIRf,./FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, SIfAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, Ap. Send for Prlte-flrt. W. H.‘ DILLINGHAM A CO. M 3 Mais Strert, LOWSVHJLt, KY. v<° ®*or ClUilai nnd Fever rmZal** w'<te Hteto '♦■’wlm a Mffl d ouhr. I *!•!<•<*. *4 I M t>f tn nt-ncrUM . vu MG M 4 4fg Al d r **" RUPTURE i Itthkvc .j gnd cured vuhotit IhA itjiwt UwtM> BHrt, i>r. i A tiHKgMA3*B srsWBU, t Oftcw X’.l F.t * • • I Yi»rtr. Hu btttth, will* r*ptito d feu! ctort bgf*x« *t»d sntti Ourg, tuAiittd for lv>'. |>*wi « of D au dulobl im >Uta»n For Two Generations TLfl stood and staunch old standby, M EX I CAN MUS TANG LINIMENT, has done more to assuage pain, relief suTerlnz, and save the lives of I num and beasts than all other liniments put together. Why I Bi'Ciiuso the nußtang penc* tlYitcs ttirougli skin ami to thp Tory bone, drivlnt: out toll pain and soreness and morbid secretions, and reslor* | intx tho allUvltMi part to sound I aud it; health, s aaoxau*. wMys** I ?f?r; • •••» i» ,«,•«» mW*. v»u.a.**»*. ■ I ?l IVk tv-.*. tef.M, H *.. 1 err * < - H * hvwTgw* Sven►,«>• •—<„*>■»•<">•*. 1 1 lU4 ?«cMtUhi Bwok aud B-bl—- Pt jr * 1 » ■ •M MMteeto PnbltoWkg •• . AU*** »• ■ “The Only l Jivcaiwart Aiytui, a Dret-daoa P*p*r. f®’“ n I •ooAUfltt fen 4 Mnchttniml M>k. ■ ■too 110 eff>Mln cop***. « l ® b ’ I JI feJdrgaa W. I"> mos •••»<>>■ WA®*<* r ■ Bible revision Th. tel *n.l rb**l-U ftt*.U»Uh *d<llc-. B e.w T.Hte. n i h 'te „t r*te- *■• . ■ hr UwCkrtFJ* ll * ,p* f wr*.'. . , ***, ( >.m *>>• . I I- <.X* ■«' - * •* k.,.**.u rv• M TO EMIGRANTS OR ■ W. ra* l*rw b-*-. U tel at Mel'* ‘ * b *'' ‘ < ■ LmOtttuud TriMt syitdk r ' ifugrt todtorafvel—g. *rt«d *«*' A‘<* n MM » iTIUIIX a CO., Wnco, Tria* MH r,u , r e, *.tete g „,|a te-~—T—- - Vummi. Altonto* rth.te M OTS: ~ i H rCi Ui... M