Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, June 14, 1881, Image 2

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GOLjtauixa 2ID aAoaA PaMtabaß Stary Tsastay. st Sirisrt. *a_ J. W. VLRoNLM kterrunsa* n»LiMJU. Ts dm>aY. Ji:n>. K "** EDITORIAL MKWM NOTE* - IKHI will L* koonu M tbs dead lock year. —Elbert ennnty » discussing the —Io K eoo* ( oobbog; Carse Garffsid atxl die. —Tb« I/egr-lai nr* mrwtaootbe 6 b tort sad •< th. 18<b July. As a tea»<»na>>. Tecuuiveb Kher -8888 b MX to ba I tughed at. —The prohibition th’ivvinent ia Oh a boon all over Iba State. —lLsv* F bad better enlist a» anb-bootblack on a fi-bing amacb The M tbodiat <>f U aslnngtrvn, Ga., are building a fine hrick church -42 000 • Tote was offered on the 9th at Albany fur votes against Cuuk —Cotton and corn ia r< portae! look ing wall in nearly every section us the Stele —U is eawl that Senator Bi own ia in better health tbnu Guv. Brown •ter was —Treaanrer Speer has got all hht |3OO us the Slates money out of the GriSn bank. —Tli" maw oo tbe m<mnm«iit ia Um wwkv B»tn in Aagn.ta wbo don't talk ißWnad. - Will tbe ootning man fly? If the aoentug eoaan gate alter him you van vastly bet <>n it _('>~.,kling stands before the Al bany Mgieiaiure like a ma had to mato m a ptg pen. of Elbert county will vote on the renee ipeeati wi on tbe let Moatday ta Owobur next. Übnrty Heli baa bean crow dad daily with viaiteraaiata tbe return of LitUo Aiec, Georgia s evo>ball. —Cotikliug U> • larfield: Dear Gar, lend use toor ear— Garfield to C: IU lead you ibe toe of nay boot. —Tbe John P. King inauufaelnr rag a tapony baa been organised in Augnete, with a capital nf 11,000,900 - Mr. Pit. man, the poetmaaler at Camek, loei two children last week, twin*; i bey were boned toe ether. —A negro man on Nr Ben Bsrk*- dalaa place, near Washington, fell dead teat wr.k white homing cotton —Mr. Jeeas Kaene of Lexington, the Echo rvi-orta, was attacked and terrible biUeu by a mad dwg one day laak vreak. - - Bine sponger* error into Key Went, Fla., ««»• day laat week, after a niue weeks’ cruise, and »okt their apooge lor *2,311. —Talmage thinks the revised err •ion of tb» New I'eetsrnent will make •tom infidels than the reviser* can sure in 969 years —Larry Gantt baa found a negro In Ogtetliorpe enemy wbo is the fath er ot eightv five ebildre* Gantt la a whole team on such discoveries. —John E Shuttles wee kilted in Greenville, Ga ,on the 7th iuat. by Toby Turner. Great excrtrmeui pre vailed. Turner ia in jail. Quebec had a 12.000 000 fire on the Bth mat ihe international Sun day Bcbool exciirasonists can now ere the rwrev of Quebec, the old* at city tn America. -.Henri Vfenxlrtnpa. Hie celebrated Belgium violinist, died ou the 7th, but Columbia oounty b<>lds her own vet tn the ptreou of deeron Wtu. Benton, wb<> draws an easy low Ham-»el Dibbls, K «t- *’• Orange burg, 8 C wae elected ou the 9tb to •occeed tbe late M P. O’t'euner, free* ths >'eooud Cotigrrseintrel Die. trial. A better chines could not have bean made, Mrs Anna Hill B wlea, daugb tar of Hou Joshaa Hill, has beeu de vorced from bei busband, Jnba Howies. Ibe decree gives bar hoe maides name, and givec ihe custody of her ehildren to her wnsrabio father. —On Wednesday teat while in Aa guala, we te-anl Frank White eve tbe lai sat slang, “I shield twitter, ’ ami verity * anew id M> as that the I* fl band eaewrx ot hie BBOaib was trying tw aasMrti tbe smaßef Ma bask Frank is not au bandbwni i but whet be ean make egty ineee -Mr Ovw stated Tberedav night, that if tbe venous bills now peuding gnsnarl the Lsgwlat ere Ha next see sioa tbe sebool bunk apportioeaeent for Odsmbte county would be acme thing over fi6,OOU, in lieu of the inesg nificent sum of a little over $2,000 uu* abuwsd ne. Tbe nature us li»«- lalte referred to Goaimweiriaar 0H etearty ntpbuned. and we Arabt if there wae ewe m tbs large sa.bsocr, W the melter bed been tell to them to drcste, wbo could bars voted lay Io their pannage —Wbo has tt? State School Com nussaoMT O r stated in bw loot arc al th s place Thursday night, upon the aslboraly of-tbs lte*e. Mr. luihill •( J< fltrwsw, that tbe iut« real rwieuac authorities caßeeted from tbe liquor deeirrs us Heorgia, al $23 a firm, tbe sum of MfW.fiOn. and ibat boat tbe essse sourer, at tbe sense rata ot tax at too, tbe State coUeeta bnl MO,OOO If Luate Sam can gel fiLU.WMb why >a il tbeaaaae amount tails ta sewrh our Stela tranaary ? li teufia aa if Uu re is aoateChing ro ten m Dvn mart This mat er aboul Ibe looked nite. 1 bio tax goes to the g.Doral evbool fund of the State, and by uot b> u>g turned over to ths Stats wakes bannte •«MkMs qntelKHi uatursllv engsa, Wbo has lIT - The loag leak* I for bm>k by firff D«vis, is at iaei ant. V'nate Jeff is sever* mi Joe Jidsaenn. hoe ba li Ite io say ot Tosanba, ’reel st be Old I owe-ert eilh sstei-er, and aftadi only ouch to th- (A.wrwor <»( G*or , Ifia Ms ol'p-ctfcm U> Joe Jwhusion i» I abunt th« only - tb- book. A Mt* u-l nwsiii <J muarina llw y-aiUiful nax o' trn- Bair Is ISrutshnl io ParS»T'« Hnlr Hslesie shire I* dmi rioJI. |>**i>lar Its auprrliir rlmnllßrss. ■ i ■ i> Hued Ita-wes < '»•!-< H<M'h «■ tl»-foilowuw. from UrM class *e taMi-hinruts. «l|l Is- lnarrtr.| tn vn iw»w un til H<-f>trtiJ»-f molt at rrry low ratrs. au i«" im bear from >l<l, m-ntirtrwii !(»brllrr ad v.-rti->uur nu'llum In Uw blaie for Au<ual» inert-han I*. JOHN HAt ARIJIE Ovntn-tiMorr. suit •rholavMilc ainl irtsll dratrr 111 forris-K | and dnmrsttc t rnH». -Fisti. Orators •>■<! On ■*«*■<>- UEs spn-tsity No W Wnshloirt.>t> strn t. Age'. "11 T A RAtIHRY. Oris-rsl tlw.imi— mh. vv • Giduv MrrvhaiO, Ja- Ils--II KlcivC. Aurfiists. OmslgnmniU of Baoai. Flour. Lnro. <><>ro. Oats. Butler. unU »ll Aiu>.s •■! Itnalwe solicit di attrntl.« aud •ron-pV ntnrn* in < vur case. I."' LltjeiHßß. Aiiausts -leal, rln K’E. alsv l rtS'inuatl Lmrrr H««-r Plan <tains, O.stcrs. etc. Xaunauti au«et rent ufut* Hotri JT RVcfiUEY, wtutaeata awl ratall • das tor Ui fk.ika. Prriudteate. Fanev Al al * tarry; Hr-hool Hc.Ss a "tstatafty. •» HntaM sttawt, Augusta Dil«rrlpU>s*-lak mi m-tathlr or yearly lot pa|a<» and maaa sins-at Robtietirr's priiw. (T W HBfTNEBA VG-. (Mi’l Cummta- y, spin Mi-ntannts Ml Hritad alrvwl. Agneta. Tta> tawlias Imomt In A>urvita for Ftulla V -gKal4rs atal ItaoeraJ Pro duo- lilvn im a trtalociU-r. NEATCXJTTAGE FX>l« WALK 1 < irrat fin- Ml.-. AT A KA< BfFfrTt. isul Itatngr kevwti as th* ‘BEktlOh IIICRH pteir." rar»-Mv.i> Apply al ueue tu W. H COOI’EM B9< Fl U Hartaei, Ue. Legal AdvartiMmenta tesMse tai LsSMn M Btssnaaee. Ntats or Qaisau C>4uu<ta* sasni WlwtaSs J>«stali E. Epps. Aihnlnlstrstor on iDaeeeitaid Atam Biipa. kM.- <4 aaM MHM'ty, tfeivtasrtl, appll-v in Hie fur haute of tfisnuaaloti fYom Sakf HStab': Tv— an- Unvtar. tn r|t>- aart a.l<n.siiab all sial Muaatar Un- kladrivi aad cn-Uluo of odd dta-wsAl tn tie and appear at my of n«w <m ur I store thr first Minelay In Amnisi ISU, tn »Ih>w caum-. II any Um) haw, why Un-snkl tatlemsh-aikl rv-I hr irrkntaal. Given uiah-r eiv tauxl a»l-ifltu»al alwtastno- at oftlo-. this 3>l i|ay <•< Mac, netj (lEORIJED DAM-RY, ttrdtnary May le3n> OitambtaoHmty. MRS. S. H. RIB .OV Ila* )u«l rwvrivud * ww aam! FwrWai ment nf mns in omniii iits i Also, a beautiful wlection of All of which are the laiest HPHING atyh-a and dirvct from New York, which she ufft-ra to her friend, and petrous. She baa a varied aud hand some asaori UM-llt of RUCHINGB, VEILING, TIES, dec. which she will take pleasure iu show ing to In r Tieuda vnd ciiatotnera. Call aud examine before buying •tec*hers. MUM. N B GIBSON. Harlem, Ga. March 25 Min WHEN THE FIELDS AKE WHITE WITH COTTON. "No tnonrv now; can't ttay Fl-nos or i Organa until cotum aunrs lit.” Y,-» pm I aui. Rail- up Bio i-asb on aa UrgHu or *ll malt i-n a Piano, am I *c wilt wit viai <lm hsr Jwn-. July. AutftiM and thtatemlwr at Rock Mana, .nd Walt Uir— UHMtllia ha UMt*la»c>\ without our o-ul of latrn-st Cash rstra, 1 Urv*< umhillm < MliL No iutarral IMwN horvt II Gram I Soni tsrr vtatwlnwiwl mM- Sew ami Hryatad- Han.) lustr HMtatr M Plaiav. MUtgaim ADalyu-w AU ermtaa. All |-i|h». Moat h»ta-ri oas. Nprcialtetiu. to btetalltaant Jtayrrs Cash pricw aifvanmal -ailv ten Bsr sent Fltt-sn <h»r» lest trial Gueran terd Instrumaota fnwn six taut roafcm ( stab worn >»l UK laf'-rmathai luailnf Irw id eharwa Aryl tartug luiiHUad upita hy •sail v <«r iktbikr nwui. by <>nk«rlus •* • •net* Uh* Or>ml Ptan<» aMt <>rv*f! <>T Uie tbrnU. LVLHJRN A HAT** ttautbern Mesk H-hmo, UaveuMh. tteurgta. Ytaßthc -'Mess Hiameid IhnltaMth * nr wrtlr tn IE <>. IMi'iimm sivt n>, Augunta. f<r mH*-** sed Kyms of ptam* awd’irwsita Ftewiiaasre w WBud erfore for •MSO laws* amfstylu nf fhotiunicnt froro W tnteprrcvet tern than (Jtewlmrs nu lb NOW THE Ua-bm U» kSI uiruwCffb ! TERMS LOH FAME FIRST < LAbB run lunni 1 I>AIO4 i / v <?lotliiik< Will IM‘ Mt “O« lx. Hall" a-n d. “Star” Noa (JIA, «H aod 630 BROAD 9T-, AUGUSTA, GA, RRUAR-DT.Bei OF OIWT ! TW*y mat be moved ’ Fine Hering sod »«»mta«r ItaiUfcrt SIX. ER-Hl ami I>N I>dim.' Hum »*vrr known tyfore ty "M uuntrv* Wa bso-tbr largest Gr r;» tos>4» few* ' lAaiHurgtathaptacw- Yos *ll, Sl6 and Wt llrttad slrwt. You will Bml evwrytMng as wt say. H. BRCOK3. ‘ CI.KAR.IME Utt Os G-oode ! <ht|v four mouths to clone oct my Im -iwtwe atsi'k. Th" good" must br volrf OF TflE I’nlCE'! m I waul to rvtlrr From the bu»in<-sa. My •"!«• Mm-rtHrXMh ct February, have mMstv-' far two nod mv cxiwtaiatum, and I am pmbwlly MUsliml «‘Ui the pt-taV After thrrr \-wwr*' svperleiww In th* mnr nwarlta lairln—. I'iii ota* m- "*1 that I hate now struck Uu key note to su-ccse. Mv motto ta to Iwv all mv goods for C UtH. and to usll them j»"t a« low as th*v ■■an taiMililv Iw sold, making no <lin r-n-v with aai -tai- I artll aril Via chIM aa rhuwp as to a grown porsuu. Weights afwajs guarantswi Not having Um* to put before you rur prtoss-Hl ao-mnt Os til- prtata in 1 a»k you to mil befuru buylug. as I'm <!•- tawnlnnt to undersell any lucvuitaut ui Ulla seaUus. Ilonla wvvtrlng slmo-t rv-ry *hi r, W« ilvsd ot stub* stock on hand ; all fresh g>««ta. All Goods Sold for Or I Wtn take o>w Hides. Old Rr***. Gip t»-i, Itimi, Riig>-. ih«awux, l IHckein- siul Egg- In trail*-. J I.VA’S IF KEENER rsi, 0 1., Lo:ti»r lr S rrr>. M« BihW* iuulOi . AtUntrt.On hm prk*w tbfjr iitinDMi** M«M*k •»* ktifH*. Uhij»« rteiM«w*y* himl RmUiit**, m ud n ghfit faaltdy tlf tftfffl*, *•<•*. VM*' wafY’nml trw *»•(*; U»» UnIUM HUM*** for LkiniU Wi’r Im* I»h»vinl fl)' fair. TO IHE PUBLI - Having rwnily added "*-w machinery ami inii»row*«nrirta to my H tUing Uuika, I am fully pn-puieil to tuiutaii Sill UI IJEBALIITIK wfilrti rwonot br exvrile*l Or>lri- frotoAlV’ (XIUNTRY «wta-cli-l I y sollctlfixl. Hlilpnimlu mailv pnanptlv by MOTT’S CIDER! at whoh-Mta In latrnela. balr In in-Is. krgu or anv quantity ili-alirii, at alt trues rrndy fur Uiiui*<ll»t* shipment Semi your order to E. SHEEHAN, 1 2.1 GREF.NF. street. Augusta. Ga. GO AND VISIT L. J. LEC XIE’S KMP HIIIH (IF F.1X1110'! W ben-I-IHI will lliul urn-« 4 Ihelargiwt ami tsmt ueleutml atis ka id Millinery eim sx hlldltal In the citv. V.itieni Itii.tiels and Hat*-. Fh-iu fi an-l Flosers. O~ til. h l'i|»; u-guilivi with all of tlu- Isliwl uowlG in Trlmtiilng«. sm h a- Lien, KaUne, HUku, Itaitaes, omaiin-iita fin Hrtli ami Uuua* U-, also fiu th» lialr; I.i\«-ly tat (Ynwr-s > t H-irSi- Hhoea, Hide (tuuliu. ais I a tmaillule—*>itm--nt of Hair g>**ta eisdi as Hwitch—, llrsl Is, Cnrta. Sanil-sra Waves. Omuefte-, Water Wsv -* and P<-tlections; Ualt Plnalo salt bkask- siul dark hair; bkasta hair live evdkar* a»l cutF- hi large vrtrtety. Infant's honseUi ami ewf>». ta.e ttaatsw, atinsis usstai-ta lor atrnsts-rry f— - vvswta ialest alyta >*w®lry. ladles' bias- and bwwdken htafa: w» ah-irl everyrbbur that awn tee had 111 a Millinerv store -ivu Is- bad al L J. Leckta'a. Orders s-dk-tbsl am! SVwnptlv nlksl. kkni't tart to call nt t. J LFIKIE K 05 HnawtsU -vA. August*. '•* F. • ? NirtwitliatAmllug the lau»' a««f elegant *ti«-k of ptaisn. aiul organ* nt ’n*' Mimic H’lUas.if tbeH»Uth."G O RnblmuMl ,t <Vi. bUegraidir.i '..satweed Inr tUt** u Piamw and fW-gaas to nilixvlers with A ate ixmiing iu by every mull - w- Merclianta In thia ami a>lj>4i*inr Sinton asm nav.- name, hv taivlng ntapta er»»-kn y JWim Mellrteh- nii-l IK Atlanta, iu pcidsr awt’i >»-i*dli«g Sorth aiwl pnvilur tamvv •Hglils Gln-mwaie tamps, tarth 1 Iwana-' sAndta. Mill* Uta fruit hu * at uisuufa. tan-rs' prtara. r co£ss«& i - fOU. 1 -* II I lilsr-r Mark*. BaagraA-., Williagi* many ti tta tew vtakwa knows ax twnateard vs Passas's Gssmb Tnaw. asso s mtes ww of -si onwCtaSsWssws go— X as lo o*ote S' <*• KtaaftesaC Pwßbi ate tlw •taT Mik • ataeasShlteMemr eosv sate ■ BayWam, Dawte "LffMK MteZp r *UrlHbpy> BJ y— WtoUng a««y wteh Cxia Mwpriaß or fata ta—>. ■>< dw Toss. Vota*y No now ftel| !■**•»! ■<hbteßsta» B ■*"¥■■** Ttes Toss nova BHwntaSss, Emm S In .i It dwßtalftaslteaii ' * a*- & ** * >"'" ' * j*— •■■ gum* •«ham owr wgsaewo <w !*>■»••■ wnwo. r t Hncrt • Co| Oiow- N V I to Mter-tartob*. <l«r stork id cvwkery. , I -fiss-wwen fnrvtta and lamp n.Vtams. wisal | san- »wd tinware ta the > ever ' bo«ig*' ta> (Ms maik-t; twll ai-d see <«ur I sptai <bd Itm-of g*»«ta aud jim will ta- con vllKtaf ftail "»ir |trwen ennmd I* •*■»< , ktrltaipsatsl Co.. Atlanta. x<4tice IS HKREUY GIVEN, that appUMtluo will la- Wtuta to Un- tawtalntuie iU the *d- j yeirnmi tar in in July next, fui tbe paoAXge '-uf ttaeMhiwlng MU : A Bll4> f,, art art to pn-hh-H ths a*ta nr tundntaw* rd spinluoiie, asnll «*r other lulurt’CtelWlg kqu-lts Wllllin the illlllla rd f Coauiibla Haul y, ami to provide » l>ua tahm- nt fig Ute name. I j KO- I. ltaft«*etet by the General As | -o-mtayid tta-Htata.d Georgia, ttaat from ami after the paanogv of inis act, rt shall i i*4 be la*vf»i fig any peftasi *r perwnis to i sell ig furnish, eltber directly or iiniirectly, I miy spirituous, malt or otteer inte aiiating | UqiMire within llw limits u( the emiuty ul (l.lumbla Hk< -J. B« It furlMw snacted by tbe S” Usirity sfornaaid. that say person or P«r- I nun*, who shall violate th* provlatawe of this art, aboil ba itarmed guilty id snHali uiwiikg. and on imnviuG-in ihall he pmtah , wl a* la pyvwilberl in secUoii lit' of the i I Code id ttenrgta r H«c » fte It further enacted, that the pnivistetaard thia act shall not apply to * practteiMß physicians furnishing Hquors In ' cam-of lUedtaal treatment. »>r to partita selling liitoateaUiig Uquprs wbo have al ready sett* nd IkMues. until the eX|4ralkm of the MUr.e. Hro 4 H* it frirther enacted, that all Is wn - or parts <4 krws In conflict with thia act ba, . and tb* same are hereby, repeatait J.lilHklTß, > J P WILLIAMS. JNO F- LARKIN. May n »*l i..«-niito- NEW YORK MIuLIhERY STORE. VIBB KELLIE PURCELL, ' Di-ater in Fine Fren h Millinery, Vrlvrfs. Ribbons, Novelties in Neck Wt- r. Fanci' anil Jet Jewelry. E'c. Q(F“N" 728 Bmail »t eel. nndet I Central il-'fel. AUGUBIA, GA. I RffP No good* uti Appn-b itiun. apu 3u> ALWAYS THE BEST! Ciinton't ‘linfiFlHLUSdOlllTEß I Fopial to the linporte*! In atreite-th. color and flung. Owing to tl>e gn*nt h cti-nse In r i my iMsines*. I have mtetad new machinery i ~ t.i iluuiili* in) former capacity. I uiu no** ( prepared to till untain from the e»Mntr* . I pr- inptlv. Hhl|ipe.l by rx|gr*a m CRnttgi's | I . patent four dozcu atnppirtg eases, ilunu -1 ; tacturiil at . ( CLIN TONS ROTTLING WORKS, HUH BR >\D ST., " I nps 3in AUGUSTA, GA. M'-Bri-I* irml In. lUant-i Gn . enn dupli- | * calepdi** "« <’r-«-kor*. Gl isswnp-, Wood- i war*-tiitil Tinware. I#»iktn;* Gla»*e*. Hhnw ; > (ki—«aud l.a’lll** iu an* N-.ith. ru ma' k.-t, • aud save *uu a goml pnitlt In freight Gvail agvulh for Itaiubelh's Improved Uy Fan. i •’'htCNm mid OrguMs i H veotli annual huli-tay trade. Knfwrli-i ' niamiemiil organ*. All kind* rd musical i l-.-atrein.-nra atas-f mua'e all I musu- laa-k*. I ' to t’-lrty |»-r cent, aav-d tu pill - I cha*l--w at ••The Mu«ic Heus-of Uu- South” i | G. O. R-iblnaon.lAuguata.'Ga. * BAND WUTDRm • MSB, -.St. ■( X TYar Nlrvnsr Hrieaw* oFtfrr Maawth. G O R-iblnaam. nf Augusta sail sh Texas Mlaatemippt. Alatauaa Forite and every Southern blata north nf a5s fu *” qp"-/** l * ctainvto tews Uw llmfe Ruuae of OteßswUt' Lantw Cash CDsvtiwts With tbe best manufacturers aiwf (aHrv sal— st tbs "Mwsta Himms nf tlta Smith “ anahtaG 0 R ■htne.wi -*•«'■* of r- ggi-- ft, rsfl swperiar ptemst ami orgMi. St I rik* thus ia f**M by itaab i A a latkW<-'«* <‘A<l< HiHi WoiLs . ta 11 ■■ '■ “1 ™ ■ ■ taw* ta M■*, * Where did you have hulse-s your Pinte cleaned BKJ withold Shrinking? fiT r--ta- Uuite,- lirewsta di*d or cleaned (taritlrnnsn'f* Coats. Panto or Vests i-teaned dye} ig repaired Kut Gtavreaud Slipper* - leanmt. Alll work done In the beet manner M taiw PBicsa, All onh-ra hv mail or express promptly attended to. apMtoi TUB WHITE SjsWXiiO I Superlative in Its Attributes It Stands ACKNOW LEDGEDTHE KING of •»» WEWINK MtcniNM The WRITE teto bom than f"Wr texn. un i hn- |x_' i v.-n1..-tt vr aatlaf-.c tie- mai It- I lin V> 111 I 1- t' i'i * --t •<-' HI. I.iUK 11 -V fwN 1 -i> j . i, \\ 11 i ■ jfjknfl ; rtite-alrof **»rr I* Io pnrehuarr Wedount pvilille ill! we are enabled to sell the’u cheaper thaw ■ first cl-iH-' 01. l oilei 'ma Imu s»n sold ff xt, A texT AR f ' ■ m write for circulars and prices J. D. A T. F SMITH. J. HORACE SMITH, N->. BROADS REET AUGUSTA, GA —-■ - - WM. MULHEBIN & CO., Wfftn.KintE akd ft* tail D&lkiis is jfiooTS, Shoes, and Mats, jßtg., M 3 BROAD STHEEI', xIUOUSTA, OA-, Arc now rcctivirg their SPRING stock, wbteh they itfcr at lowest priuet. 00r ORDERS BY MAIL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAW’ TI L AT- UN MLLHKK N A 14b df. €G. LEAD IN LOW PRICES! FURNITIRE of all Graies. HITTRBSES IM) SPKIMi REUS ILL SIXES k XTIWI Nice Walnut and Chamber Seta, Drerwing Case, Marble Top, for Fifty SLltere sM *> ! We have put dirrn.tbe price of Uno Furniture X 5 per cent. Have money hr calling id i «’ before yon tory. J L. HOWL» A O) I TO B—AB BY- ASSCTTA, BA j F’OK SF F=» ING! MEVS, KfllfTHV 1 II BlYv PIKMiUM (CM -■AT- COOm CLOTHING AND HAT W AUGUSTA GhAHM.HU VW * l ‘ *** *“ ,b, ‘ Yacht CD TH Snip in Perfectly Part Oak* WOBSTBD afid CL'TH fit.ite Us the Beat Btyl<* LAlGfi steak fifBAW Hat* 3MI ASD BX3. a. •», J4AifBHAf.D, •I' 113 '" lor J. C * T T*lx» ’JOXV T <nrv* cotton Planter, Fill I EST IN Tt E ♦ -rt u ta- R*” *" VtVfiHll her Il Ls* taken ~~ mt E-1-r«e 1 r -JKw i-tant- - « „ iha comma*.! Mlß|t? •»< ** r,f * The SIMPLEST, BEST and CGEAPWI lnn»v<A>r W» <•* • evsr invented €dl and ace tlii-m at JOHN RJItS Old slau.l us Juhu B -ne* A < <*, nwu - tk J?reaa . ftk*, f *'-