Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, June 21, 1881, Image 2

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F.UahsA Xrary Tmfcy, *t ■wakaan,** " f J. W. laJktoEE Emtwako Itiunn *'• ,f tvimmy. Jin « >*>» F.UtTUHIAL NEWS BOTES- It h«« Leee sogßertral to l-ilil* Al»« to tnk* ••to-M.aud te* Unaka te* wtM 1 tea ooat acton* nra to work Hast ruy oat rwsfc fnm> th* channel of thr S*V4DD<h nror above Angiiatk, sod nra Mooting with complete wwoeaaa. Mr» 1) U Hock died in Angn»u en ‘'Murthy last, cm the arnue day of Ibe moot baud ft Ihs •amo hoar that bar haalmud d«ed. The e*‘mmiltao appointod at Un hurt aemoo of the Legialaliire to ex aiuiuo into the condition of the Htafo | a*)liuu. rejKirt fn favor of at ones putting up a Daw aud larger b ild iux. , u i John Gri«corn »>f <*hic»on, the hl antic who ia ronmpg a -fortr-day* la«t, had ftoialiad bi« 28d day Dp to uo m y**terd«v. B* *a»a ho will g<> through all right, ImM eotuplaioa of an aohiug void in tlw atomaob nod a pain lu the hoaak Na cocoa to yow old Loy, and vowr old frmud < dtver Har dy bog* to !•« remr-iubcred. By untiring effort*, and with tin acaia’anco <. f Mr .‘♦tephana, we linv« to hat ancoeadad bi having uataldiab ed at Pattaraou a Hitdg*, w Btcli n»o«vi ooanty, a porn office with Dr Kobt. McNair aa poattuaoUr Ibe office will be o|*aoel about July Is, and the gxvvrumeol ba* gfrga it tb* luagpiopriala name of Boggy. The good people of that aeetioti will not ira for onr efforts i® their ba half, aud aa soon Mlb« ofifo* to *p*ir nd We wdl have a good aubaonption Set tn that oactiuii. The prob biti'iu movement ia the •II alMurbiiig topic juat now iu Co lumbia and <»th** oouatwa iu Ibe Hta a. A powerful effort will be mad* •t the nvit Itegmlaturn for the am-, era* <>f tin* movemeid ibionffboat all of Georgia We bop* aud bchw anoutew will crown the rff >rt* of th- I noble tu u aud women who are *o‘ earneatly laboring fur Ihe good <>f all ■Mankind. We L*l houorvd iu b> iug •aiuliwr.d with the cold water aruiy, tent we wiab to explain our puaiiiun in rwirrvmoe to a auggwation w« tuadt at the begin inng oi tbi* mowMieui Buiieviof that the aid ot the colored voter* in the ooumy waa sought in ihi* an it fa in nearly *vcry other cuun-. Iy ia the State, where questions ar<-, to be w-ltlsd al the bdlut box, w<- ad . viced that ihe element referred to or. I ganis* and ally thrmnelvr* with tin prohibition iata Boon we learned from various aouroua the exact poai- Uou held by our colored voter* m all eloeti us, via; that they were intelli gent enough to not tiouble tln-ni ne! vea about differences that ouuld be adjusted by their white friends, and therefore gave them*'dve* but little concern about eleeiki’ia. Willi our 1 eye* opened te> tbi* font, we at cr.oe I taw the imprac i&ibility of the ang- L geetKiM, lor reoaou* that are fully uti | dentnod by our reader* Our uvxt i atop, then, waa to advia* against *uch j acteoii, and we fully believed that our I at« re* waa being acted upoa, and 11 f oui that data, aix week* ago, the 1 ] thought never once oecurnad to no I] that lb* aopporl of th* colored eh- i meat m the oauuty waa Ixiug aulicit- h o-i, until het week we wen put in . full hawwloiig* of the fact. Wo are 1 bitterly oppoeiHl to auy *uvb action < a id begtbet IxMh the probibiiMMi and ' aou proteibitioa tactiJM eaffßo Work < ni that line, and that they have at their oeparai* petition whoa they , yment them to the Log aiature. Mot but the name* of ear white ciUaa***. < JkeoQteeteind people of thvir own,' accord have dropped owl of tiM po- j 11 ical arena, let lheia ak*e* te> the an- i joytnvnl of their daily evecaliooa i l«t this fight be made between the 1 white people of Columbia oouuty? be foto the lualter gee* before the I-eg lelatun , than, if th* inaUer i* refer «t to the people for ratifloatioc, let the ejection be held upon Ute earn* 1 prw< i ole that eleotiana an held for i oouaty etfi.wn W« throw out iteeee ~iigg eel inn* to both faction*, aud be |ie*o they will meet the aentimeata es,. oar entero people ; we hope no at ; least, and truat that they will bo ee- | j ed upon. Wo truat the prohibition* < will win the race, but we want the i tight made in a manner that no blent* ’ oen attach to ibeui for any ill mull* 1 that mi gtet follow in the wake of the < cenleet. < A-•reel'd «ur- v* reato-ire tlw eew**' n» IraiCW ie*nl»»w*t *v . PaiK'i r U«lr IImWII. wtilCh I* <!.»—r oU HRf 4 *' 'reo> I* »pe»’ atroniiwrea " SHANNON ! At liwi. M. C. faAMKINM. ' Ihr w»-i: an->»n h<>r**. M*ml-rue>«> F-e rr»t. k*»mn »» MLAXXAIK, lr<et> AuffueU. M*<«l*al Uir- m<o *. C.'l eiovlu'*. el i>n*- ■mt. Thl* la tbr lb>*>t U*)i>l>ctn*> h*H-a* in UwMal--; nuhaawcee eh-iw blieid- I Ilka* »*tta than ntaaneaxi. He ia the kraaa- I k>r Uala n-wntrv. Tram* ver» rw«a»4ual4e haw haivl billal. H W. MOB AM. NEAT COTTAGE FOH HA.I--K. 1 UFFEKfor aa'a-. AT A HA* 111 FICK ihr 1 #eilt I'aatt-wa- *<■>*>! *a» the ‘BEKaOX HICK’S plaa-a-." 1 a-«IU“ ual-h I A|if4V aI*HM« to W. fit. (YKJPnt i lul’Xi U HailaUi.Ua G<! . Koblliaoli A <'o. Hu* laiaine-and ornai>* **' *' l * raant In Uh-N-aatli <>n trial for flttern >iaye, with I prlvitaffa* nt r*tnrntiur. fne of all a>tfaa*n>(- ut truapax ta*u>m. if notaniuH, eatialact a I °’ M' Bi wla aivl < AUautn. Ira., iriva ia w pniraa l<> luraa OAntalll emi-knri . rfl l*a>Witr iwn aleare, tin * an-, lain** lutlaarv. MMW. arah I h. lOM llawk frllll jalr. varaam an<l toilet art*. THE POWER OF CASH ■ ■ It rtrtitml* U* tua-rchanl'hpriraw aa rwWb uig ntai uiaaa Fo eluaw Uw effral It ha* uu KEKNKIi tlw l*aaiiu< m-roeant of Hur I ran. we put Urfore jhai |>n<a>* that aui’t Be taaa-twal Uv *ov merchant ivbai ilarvn to cum|a»»in with him; I*ba*ma worth K aadlnyt at >'ic H>>uirai|Mi><> " UH “ * Plijarra ” Ilk: “ I*l**r , " • “ 7a» OrertA " Jdc “ , XJc GHOCEKY DKPAIU’MENT Oard ColYaa. . G 11 tba fan-fl UU Ur >wt» taufaai. it ’• Until Oeamr. io 1 X " UM* Man. io * gOnnWra 1J !*• yi ■k*. 1» “ Otar«n. ut " M**l. per tmahrl. Me; Caw* |war taeji. *1 Flum. e*Ua Manat p<* barrel. •? 00 Gain pa r lau-Orl. OK 0) tup, Gvkl'W JMTn, pra uHlra'. ife N w llrta-wue, t» ; -A” M BUik !>,*»«•. pra lb, Me, Irani l-Te Magnolia Hanm, “ H . Pead Gnat, 2 1-fu Mn*p, <<■■!. IT tan Mu BHUE DErARTMENT. Lnalleia' Sa»r,r Baka, warranted ***l Inal bar , per nelr. ft j 0; Hnnlal eilppera, fl 1 Men'* I‘iuprd Call TM, *■ Uciat* Law Cut. Un>> fl 73, VrraM Nlrawe >2 lawlle*' K«l N I* rkw, fl uu anal f M I lb I* 7'n The nf a-n hriui;-tltera in i Ul« rvaw-l/ag all. Conn* ipih-li or > <>ui cliana-e i will be done HAT DEPAHTM'LNT IA t'«> CMtiandvi- fair me to uuatra takn tn gliiiyiMi all Uio ih luch. It will pay you taa •*-> mebefaatv Inty-iug. altttl'-l IIIIMt ba> lanhl In die ih-nt U .lali-aa Ihe entile stir It aaufit iiuii'iiint to *T;oa«r. and therm Me innrr than 3uo d.lieivul kilwla of ginnln; Il’s iiu|>oraiibli | Io put lliaj»ai all behire you. a/.i-VA'S ll’. 1 H ir’ftn, (hi , 19 S'rcct. 15.5 I iff i i<lill(X IrGtN >»«!<*. At \ !! IN IHE HEIGHTTI-ANl> WORLD RE NO.I N HEAL TH RKSOUI', HARLEM, GA., Just M mites from AuguMii. on the Bolniatl. V purr, tre-h, harallng atllio— plii-n*, pure canal apt Ing wntcria. shuny <iovuh, tevnl baieie, an l the le*-t us aaa-lety, li -I liadlnt anal llapll-t i -burviie-a. aula I iMiai ul the te-*l Hlifli Ha-liiniln 111 iba- S'a'e, the ai kwiwlaaliH-i ulviiutaw- -' us th> pl.w ovei i all oth.-r toavtis <hi lie- iteorula i allnmil i 4lw loin hi.' In tha* i-oi'lMHalo II nite of the I t*W*. o* n o Ui -bte rauroed. ami •uiiahle I for KESIhEMI ES OK sIWG-5, Iu any i uui ahwlitel. ?S'o\s or TSvwr! Ih-aam k* - nan bn had at a luanpiln. aa Har ten, h> ntphlly building up and lamte are In unwUilt 'teiuaua! Tltrwa. inte are iwpecial ly Miltalk'e la.r Amru-ta m.-irhauts amt Imi ■iiHM num wba> w lah IVumuira tnmiara tor (•Mr fam i liras that the I- mar bn flora I dtu ln« the hratted awwauu trauu Um chme, Im I pup aUraepiteri of a i-ro«ih»i city The ■U r au—uuißinlaUoai train anal.laaa mrai nf biisiiwiM lai macli Augusta by 9 a m . ami to return by 3 -.«» p. m . and tnanea wbn wish Ul rean ll the Ul.-«nl lia r the rotfulnr maacipj IHM inrara■tup-i train will put Uiani Uwnr hv j 7 a. ui anal return them tn Harlean nt 7:10 ' p. m . thuaa afToralin« evra y advantaam nisi arawMomanlathwa nreshal to null alt < Inaara Fur tint bra pal tn tMara ari-irra* at ot.av i*ytf I. v. Ballard L«fal AdTMtlMmeDta w I -• V- • ——— —r ■UVK e* Uwowtua Columbia caainly, W*t*t aa. Jarauata E tbiM AiltulahUrator <* thn*Mn**a4 NauMa Bin - ten aa* aaakl aocntv. ibea ral, apl'hiai tai ma hAteV* of lUamwawhui fraww aafcl «*lal Throe are Wwwwfure la. rHe anal tetwia aihah >Ur>l a*nrrw»ai Ute kjndrai and a-vraMtewn of said rteraaarai taa Ira anal at*war at my •<■ Ara-I*l a* Inafcara* lite first Mrawtaa In Awww-t MM, taiaMwranwa If aa) lbe> laaae, why Ihe nathl tetters aha olid not be tttnntal. (Ilww owater (or banal andoffklal aixaaiture U oHtee. this Ml day U Maa I*l GBORGED. DABr-n. Ovatbunra- May M *wi O Jumbia ewwMy. WHKM THK FIELD* AKE WHITE WITH COTTON. ”N<a uiianrv *>w; cnii’t Imy Plano* or <lnp*>|- until raittaai cot*** tn.” Yra» pra o*n Bake .ap U" i*h a* aa Orwwu iu XX <«ah <m a Plan.., and we will aril r>ra dur l*K law, Jwlv Awruat and HeptmHe-r at Ha*-* Htmaia c*aa lure*, mad Walt thru* m-Hith* bar the tra lance, wills rat rate ora it ag mtetewl Cash ta*raa Tbrra* inontha oraabt Ni>4n|no'*l l>iw*t hawr l|t GnuwtUwhi nu iVvrtac <rat nate ,>r Now and Sraaawf Hand Inatr nwraila- Jft) Plame. 3no Orrana Allatyma All gi*<te- All pl-lav*. Moat ba>cheed o*L Npnrtal trawi* to InelaNnieot bwyras. Casta **W*ra advamval awifa ten pra rent Fifteen rtea s t»*C trial Gnamii traai limtrinients ft m Hi lawt makaas. ali i I ill inli-ri al II mclteaf free of charge Av.Ual i-antr imprae-'t »r*4i ha Brnaltv or any othei man. by oratertiur a*X I i*a« fhrra Ute (tevat WlsJeaal.- Fmuwi a*: Orgnri Uv*ag <af the S»'th, I.f’DDEA A HM‘Fs' tenttero Mao li-iwra'. rts,auu*!i. ttenrifta. FOR THIRTY DAYS 1 . cnotlrln* Will b. HaeriliM’d at* “OaKHall” and ‘•fij'taßhX’” Mon. «14, 616 awd 636 BROAD ST., AVGUSTA. KEGABDLaMM OF CUMT! They m-rt he aaovMl Wae Ipriaw and butt. k. HIX EIGHT and lEM iMllarf' w** *>vwr iM>W_wwW aaaautrv' We baa■■ lira teriowt alia Mln OaWrfla to <wfl fton- law* MB"' boa *l*. *l* and 6» Iteuwd »tr*rl. Yoe artll Bod everythin* aa •» **y- HL BBDOKS ~r - Ju j* MILLINERT and Fancy DRY GOODS Store. 619 Broad Btrefet, Augusta, G*. Large au-l varied «lnek of *b» IbTcm HaTS, BONNET 4 , EU ! Irace-, Hair Good* Ribbr.tia, Silk*, Sntit', Button* J -welry *ntl Flownrn. BaF" New good* lay aienruer aud Expret* waekh. CW” DeßK'rn* l ’*i Pnt l*riia lor Irodiun and Children. N. PRUM CL ‘ KK, Augostn, Ge. MtF“ btii.ill pr> tit’ nnr) q«iek Mhle* 'WA nuff® eieAraoce aietle OI CARPETS ! te o*acr u> n-diu-a Voak m I anil I carrying euad**v*r. I will rrttev my Moa-ter-f CAM '■K FM. annriiiitlair tn *4 -,<»i ami oa-ra, dtetraiwh good*. e*w dadgs’ 808. cukurmgn, M very reduced prvrat, embraHnu aa fdfbiMi Woy*l Velvet Csrp*<*, B <dy Eroowte 4% Twoatry Bmoante 4%' Batr* and liupensl Three-ply do, Herrteh btargioffu, Mira Hagar Bm4 Saparte* do, Coti*M> mid Wool do, aud Vieuoa <te»ij. | a»4 44 VaMtiaa do; sn.l i Stair BruM«i* tfu; fffntr BU* nod Futor**, lophr oad Cco~ Matting* , Plain, « becked nod Fanoy < 'ootoa do; Cbeop Btnpe Corp«6iaff; " lUiluw Cornice-". Lice <? iDaiai Crotoanon. Lambreqnin Stead* end Bullion Fringe, Piano and T*bl* Cnv*r»; Wiu»low Shad** in Scvll-ped, Ftingod Plain iind Gnld H*ti<|a. Velvet Hof* Rug* Smvrn* 8 Ai Rog*, vol* vet ami B.ararel* R*;»; C<*»a IXmk Mate, V Ivel du, ftrnnevi* do, Ba*yrt>* Io; >li ep Stem Mata, Crumb t’kitb-. Chromo*, Wall P-tpni nod Borders. Hu* ic Nbaiius, Fire Ncrtra-wo, Carriage and Boggy Mais, Cado* ’ beat*, Star Oil Ciutba tuid Cruote. Mr Allgood* i-old fur net os*l> ua ioty ao ueptMMM. JAS. C. BAILIE, 71» BKOAD BTKMLT. ABOtUTI, «*■ “““"Tab now pmßffl MF- To offer tter su.l asoat oamplel* Mock of “MB DRY GOODS, DLOTHINQ, SHOES, tur H VIH E»e.. it teas aver bevn uy plmware u> ooanvaaeo* l-f*' SPRING trade with. 1 bo|i* l>) *uubnaal nJdilioa* dor BW mg Soring and SumuitT, to wake it a'ill mon- *'tractive, ”M M” end liof e by tail deniiug and aiteutinn to b*«in**a, Io *SM Bar* iu. nt aud reaciva tb* petrunag* of tb* c 'mmvoity -*■ IVT B.TTAtolxex*. HIE *%. lIU*IAMtfI llot<«l In NO V THE - ♦ ’ I<**te( in .V ttix - lii-if it ! I ■ TEUMK LOW FARE FIRST CLAKS Fi>al for Ute l.ralii and nm .iw th it wil I Invigorate Ihr la <1 without In'i Xh itliu' I whai we !>■ iml. in th.M. >iii»a ol nmb hii<> wot rv. Paikrr'a UiiLP-r Tonic iv»i rvsth. vital cncrghra. a-rathi*. th- nravc* an, I bringagi«*l liealth quk-ki r thnn anytnhiv , you call uwv Trlbuin' N e util. I lutuiun • • • Tlir Miimic IVoiim* of Ihr bt»sith. (i O K »I»|||MB»|l. lU AußllMtH Hd’ll hl T’ XilH AIRMBIHMb, IxMlbd HIM, M AImKhIHD 1 Florida and awrv mt!•**tri Ktat<* north “I ph'iM'U’U AMtfHstA t*a«i htetlv tuha\- Ihoi “Music Hounr of Un* Ht»utb.” l*wrrr C’wkli ContiHotM With the lwto»t man’iftu iurriw, and Inru* i mal«w« at tbr ’•MiiMf H«»»»*** <4 tl»o South. AlHibb’fi (> K d’ C«» . »»f AugilvlM. h ■ nail p»»r*rllir plan** and «»nrui»a ut lew i plica lhau ia paid by moihll satis lAKsarrs • ton, runMii, I To Merchants: Our stock u* eruckerya fiaa-warw, Uiui» ami lamp Mxtnrte. Wowd i I ware himl tinware is Ute largeat ev«r| | bnaiglit to tills market; <-all and raw. ~ur Kplranllii line id graaiaaisi yiMl wiH be CUO-1 i vitKvd that rair |.rtvra• m»nrt he brat Mcßiai.a and Co, Atlanta. »i*. Plmiiom ami Orgwnw H- vraiUi annua| toiUnKy tnwlr IfopH i.-i - piaramaial ..rgwue. All kinds of nnt-u-a> iimtrnuteut*. al.ort mush- aivl muKh bo-Aa. fwwiiv to ihtrvy irat i-rait. aave<| in pur ; i liaalng at" Fite Mu»l. U ->-y- sf ifvs foist ( " ' <l. O. R.JHunrai. Augusta, Ua. A | DKillirioi-y I bhs. s.». > jaitol revived a iww mim! wukM aMort I ilk:nt *4 UEIE All auuniffi! Aka**, a be*• I rfui a. krotlua us IHHK UtK JMHWffi 1 All of wbioh ar*, lli* lair* 81’KINA» I -lylr» ami direot fr-uw Now York, . which nhe i4er* Iu terr friend* and patron*. Site ba* a varied *n-l hkud ! m nt ' a-aoronetd of j RUCHINGS, VEILING. ; which abe will take plessurv la ahuw. I Uig to bi r Ttetwls mid ea>io**M*ra. Call mid e*aiiii|ie Ira-fore l.nviog eim-alter*- MRS. S B GIBSON. Il irfoiu, Ga. March 2b 3.u 8 M Visit the •'Mu’ii- torasi of the Hrs,th." <ir I Wille te It. O K.aawra's awl Go , AugUMa. few i-sAsli anra-. *rw*ra «wl let ma us ,4am e ..nd urgwis-. I“W»Wusn a will Ond i.rt.sra h* , »,w»e inn*’ ami -Ix I.- «g .imlnun. nt F‘ t«>/'per cent than cle.wbrar. M-Hride and Attain*. Ga, can dupli -ale pm** rai Cnckrav. Glass ware, W.aid '’•atwand l lnwar- L’>ktn< Glasaee. Hhow itirara* and Lanipn. in SUV XMitnrau market, aud save pat a go.«l podll In freight, (fofi'l agents for Lambeth** Improved Fly Faa Il in Now Coticeraled I lia! ' The Mu-ir Houaeuf the fo.tiUi” Is located In Augusta. •>» r G O ROB! awl 00. ■ X X&X X ’ NotwitlMtendlng In* largs sad elegant vi *rau> « aml -irana al 'llteYtu.l. • Himra./tha Sorth." (IO Riddnra.n A On h-tagrwpfted inatwreal hirßttsen Plane* ami f h gana. to till orders which nr* cooalug in ny every mall !• Merchants la thl* awl *»i>>iolng Statg* .-ar sawjauwey by buying start* erwakan , fioin bi liteh- and 00, Atlanta, to pre**r .-nen tn nwllwt North and paying heavy fr>-igl.le GiaaaWare latn*e. Heth Thowtas* docks, liillriilefi uil jam at luanufactrtvia' i praam h MEW YOM MIL DM KRY STORE. .'I MIBS NELLIE PURCELL, Denlar in Fin* Frao h Millinery, I Vslvms ktiHinaa, Moertlwts to Neck W*.r, Faocy ood J*t Jawrtry, Kia. Broad at-net, and«r l eolral Hanoi. AUGUBT4. G.L No goads on Approbation J 3m_ .ALWAYS THE BEST! (LWILK 4XOIWITBB Equal 4r< lbs imported in -treesth. eofor and Mara - Owtag tn Ue* great tMrwsaa I* mv t-urlnrea. I have whled new niachiasw-y b> <> my former capacity, t am now ic*t*rral t«> nil otters tn an the euurtry prraupUy. Hhippol by express mi I'hnuai's (Wtrat four ikn. ii shipping cnsen. Mamu r f*< twred at < : 'CLINTONS BOTTLING WORKS, BIS BROAD NT.. 'ap'.dm AUGUSTA, GA. - am--—* w** , W here did you bar? e•. your Paste cieaaed stt withnni NtrrnWng! ffiMCWTA 0A flk ra * 1 ** I Lodla* Dreean* dyed or rtenned CteetteeMwi's Quota. POata ar Vert* rtaumu. .1 yrag , or repaired KM Gteraw and Slipper* eteanmi AU wurti dow to toe bent *aann* r u U>w fbicbb. AH ordrm hw WMureßpfWi pmmfOy atVaiatl to. aplSta f ““ TBH HUT! gBWUIO MJLCjfiUWiK! SuprriariTe in Its Attributes It SUado ACKNOWLIDGEDTHE KING of al' MEWING M tCHINK has lieer- used for more th*r trait year* and has jgivenbetter ■HHUntottUte satiafiKXioo tbm »ov rna.-.-mr ph! npoi the msrite! Tb- WHIT! tie ;ir .uu er maihlu- th* o- ms' I) !•■':> r T it I* ai’i th. rivo’ Inr-lile E.-r ■ n m TEA Kb .Ulai ..a. ' aJ&L ctM e<rtiffc*t*of *«rr*i>') i» given to e*cl norrharar We do Dot piddle ll»» iu, 'hue we are **inLled to *ell them ettesper than ■ ■ • titw* eino* old pn'ent tnn< hiae* sro I to-M tgr Al' bav- prompt *n.l Car fl. att.-'i'i'-i ur write for circular* ami price* J. I). AT. F SMITH. J HORACE SMITH, N .. M 6 BROAD S REET AUGUSTA, GA WH. ML LHERIN & CO., ANU Rl TXIL IN' ' jfiOOTS, jgKOn, AKB J&AYS, jg Tt i 913 BROAD STREFF, AUGUSTA, GA, i Are now receiving tbeir SPRING *look, which they offer al lowest pn*«*. i . ORDEKS BY 31A1L DECEIVE PROMPT AND CAIGIH L AT £1 TION w * KWLRKK M A ((L ■ • I - ' ■ I liFF In - w-rer~v ■—ir ’■ I M _MM W—r- - 3MB »7. MtpS j A jtv. BGWXaMU & €O. LEAD IN LOW PRICES I FURNITURE of all Grades. •ATTHSSRS LII SPRI« KEIS ALL SIZES 4 STUB NleeWalwut and Chamber itefa. DrweMM Co*e, Marte* Tap, for Fifty Dollar* aad *» I P**t dowa.the price of flue J urmterr 03 perjoMt Have monev hv raMiag i* eebMrae you buy. L HGWLEK A < G . 717 ** OAP W- APOVYTI. *3 yon. sp ITWG- s IE!VS> TQDTIb' I B BOFS’ PmiSHIIB CfOffS -AT- COOKE'S CLOTHING IND DM STORE! AUGUSTA GEOROB, dfoi» l inTju£YMEgf- r Jj!pjsr °“ r * arwe *“•’ vsiied atdet, wwfinuHng all th« !**** t^P TACrr Sait’ ia Pertooflj C*l*» 851, A W. JLJWCHABD. - For J. <’. LudL.w A( * ; Ttxe *Do-w I_a«a.-vt7 oottoxa Planter. ™“ r,3T ra u„,.u l h. IW Tt £ ♦ M PUnlerv • MABKFT JI ■ other L'jrrrJl iwtor- TYT>-rn ' iHto oral mm. ■■■MF* ' Uo, ■ n,h ’• a * , ntefrt mH BsHsr, ter W MM. Tb* 3IMLLEST,IM£ST*wI CUE A PEST btag4 lor form g*" ’7id7T , r‘f “• ,he * •* worn’ 4 - d otaul of John B>ua. A to., near IxpraaaMce, AUG I STA, 0'