Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, June 21, 1881, Image 3

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CCWtEU ZOTEEHttE, tyrys. VT fr*traTSrrae* hh a> way reuMMlae ** th. a utaaeUae ■ aaywnw t ta Un suae. ctraMlM taihelmt Mljla OtfOfttae Mmbl* Md JeMlMttMiatles! on ffret appear - MH eTUe ad Mb*'" TfeaOMA MQTB«*n><n Will to Mt tesaraAdtsqfMpah to" tolloWtng trevn.; Ow yswr. raefc <L «BW' »> » ■U ae>fliUM<EJkAMffß*b nf e 40c EatecaU ta-Mh *■*«£•»*' at Mariem a* saagadrafoai Matter. ! i*> r>B BARGAINS m general MERCHANDISE r° to fl. A. COOK %4*i ’ Mr arid. aadOw. AUaa4a.Ua , offer at taw prtree ttwdr taaaMaa ataok es taaaaa. tamp iMuajaMalVto'"*' —* ajrre« q variety inwuir tA ;•■ ItfttlA tAiUWAB GKOBGi A RAILROAD 00, MMTtwtsa tent's Offtee Auffaat i, Ge.. Nov. tUi. |«Hi CvaaaNWtaffßatvtay. the Hh tart. u>e MiawtiK eetauhtto wOi to i*er- “** M) I -WNBT Btolr , mvo Aacwata 1S» ® itotw QWliafc ■••.a- Il to a tn Mataßtoriaa 4 4* p m - Ktott «4A» a< • WtoMafftoa *io p m " Affeae...... Jt top m " Ailaat* . AU dm NO 1-BABT Malty Lravs Atlanta ......<3 ?f< a m - AitoNto .. . »14a a> . 701 am WSi-jO- K “Sftw*# ‘asr I W"■•'?•/;:’ " *‘~f*• m : RL..*..... -»« tow 4 total a t:. v .»..,... .• Iff p m “-Min»toar«n.l J,. “ ■8H7X.,..; i«4spi» Arrive flweak 4 10am '• Augwwta 700a Bi N» raeaaetlun for Macon on Sunday eights. Train* N«e. 1, % 3 and,4 will not stop at , spj^ r *ha»RovFn sNTFnntoPte A H-ANTA and MAOON. Ik.l JONNHON F. R DORSEY. Superintendent Geo. Pana. AffeoL [Notice to I COMMENCING FEBRUARY Ist, ISBI, lan-t until tartber tx -lior. tto pawuenger lurr |<w the Georgia Railroad main lute and It. rati'pen, wUi to as follows: I Mauk's rate. three eeata pee oitte I lYltn rate, four rente per mile I Children batwecu J and U years, hall the ■a’»w» rates. I Mloimuea rates for any distance. 5 cents I Pameogere are brrrity Uotlhed that It Bher toll to ptuvharw ticket h from the rite ■foe Agaate, ttoy will be cbarged the train ■ Onaduetan am not th-lt-t eeltere. and are B>rt alfowerf te arrrpt leaa then the train Bate of four eanta per roilr Therefore to Baev re Um »d vantav rrf the aahuo-U rate, ■wrebaae roar Uctote before eaterttar toe ■ lb» enrapaay meerme to» right to charur- K ?»* tr yr ahrogatv ttoae rates, at pleasure | ’ K*. DOMEX, Gen. Paaa. A«t M« aSnkkM. I Gaoryia Baitr< ad Co , ) | ORee Geer. Agt. ( z I Aagwta, April Ml 18T0 1 ■ Coaetototoing Ifstedsy, 7th ihet., company will ael] ONE THOUS AND MILE lICKKTS, good orrr in imr an-1 breaches, at TWENTY WIVK !>'ri.LAllri each There tick ■u WIH betaaae l toindiniluain tircu* latnihaa, bat not to flrine and cumbuiad. ■ K K. DORBKY. ■ Gets- Paaaenger Agent. I 5M MUe TIeUU. K Ge«»rgia Railroad Co., j ■ (Hire (to> Paaeeogt-r Agt. H Augu.ta, March 1, IMO ) ■ 1 -auiu.-ncinu thia date, thin comp* B will eel! FIVE HUNDRED MILE root ever main line and ■wnebea. at THIRTEEN 7'>-100 MDI.LARs e*ot ticketti will leeuad lo individuals, Brtn« or but not to firms and familiee V E. R DORSEY, H Gen Paaaenger Agent t tad when rwi vIMI Augurta t«> call Mulbrrta' h Bm>t, Hb<M» and Hat |B rv IhHr Knrk ma r'Kuptetß aud prices M M lew «a U» U.Weal. Apecinl OWtorr organ’, for bnddav »f«e.artotl . U:i> . t . . 1. J. . |B * << Außwata. On. W«>Loc»raL ■ • essa MDHeeis ••wj W "fl ~ ""*•*"* »y •• Ttototo tA.-4»y Mo aMtMT Of i u b SapySiTHw WOOXAX. GJERIP. Affaiu tniu 1e arwtoit Hee ehaage la Kratoi'a a«f. •o» toateto walate are tto num Beto nOare are In great Iteiaaixl Who U haw ttohrrt waterwAmf t- nftomhluirtaai, atone tein Otonww eenaa la aa*B coenuxai Utour. Tto new ehato of eM la eallad Gil Blas Mr. Ed. Harrtsoa taut again been quite etch * ' We have more dtoTadte -than anything •toe Puffot alervee Anawwtta for tfon draaeea. =♦• No man ear to wiae na an ernptv arh.—(Mirer Hardy Our young frhtot Jabe MeCurd It suff.u lag With etoa eyea Lou Ratrhai’a now dstefflng H bring tram*!, at toe mill, Tto Rev Mr. Duvall and Maafly were all quite sick last weak. Mr. Arnold's vrasagrat ehiM wee quite H I*al wwk. but Is auw touar Mr. E. Frattor toimght ua tto Hmtouto n bloom of toe aeeeoa on 1 hurwda . last Everybody I* Invited tn call and am ua on tto tM, especially (kitambia amMty'a prv pi» . IT yma wooM to wealthy art upnaa mute Y<ai wUVanun find that yva» are better off.- Brad Ivwy. Rev Mr. Oelfo spent a portion of last w«w|| W |th his fatuity. He returned to N«w txlrn <«i Friday. Tto ternpemnea movement la hound to win, ragardleaa of tto rilorta of thuas who are opposed v>tt. If we caa grt them, we propnae to publish tto Ust of rignatuty* to both thepruhiblUun ■uh! anti prohiUunn petitions Wua l that ba nice, eb’ We return th ato a tor aa tnrttettow to tto second aatoal com men wtowt of U» Mld dl- (towgu Military aad Agrtculteral Om ieto-. Mlltaiffwrllle. Ga . July 10 14<h Bmtinaea of a private natnm prevented tta from attoaritng tto meeting at Appling on Saturday last, much to our rngrvt Ito proceediato have an* town turn la tod ua. Wa swat togcur frieads to not write a quire of paper in oae letter, but to ooetioo ttomaelves to three or four pagra. Here after we will not pabllsh such lonfhy M tera- ttoy cowsiigie too much apace. Dr Carsy. State Fmh Cum«Uisl<>ner. was In town Thursday, add wm much pleased with the arrangement for tor toh paid Be gave the bulldera some valuable adv*tae. which will be acted upon Tbs CosasnlaatO** er was the guest of Dr Casey. Appreciating the bentot of advertising tn our columns, we are very nswrti crowd. <1 tttle week Wilf arrange for more reeding matter next week Sep new ads oieewhere. of cuUon gins, machinery etc Next wwt we will hsvj something »prctai to say eon corning «aeh of these Anns. p L. V. H. says he will bet as rants that hie aptnChorav Bu»4uhi’ will mensurv longer fr.wu tto tty of his hoeo to tto t.-nuluatton of bln caudle apiiendag" than any liorw tn Barton and wests to know If there is a tape line In the town that can bo got pro vided the bet is tak>w. The Gem l» going to have a “grent big mees" of the ooklesL nicest, tost Ice cream ut, ths J 34 ever Bwiltwl on tto paltatw of manor woman. 10osnt« s glsee to every, body but Little Alee aa he "totes his own sklliet ' the <‘BM prvi>o«e« to foe cream him frssofouet Ke is bursby oordlally Invttod to tto Gm Htamd, whuru the national col ora will to Hying Hodawntrr, lemonade, otkae sad caodleu can also to had there. Tom Wright has a whitlow on his right thumb, and to is in a bed humor about it-- say* it is not right that he Wright should be thus afllii'ted, for to cannot write. In his sktremlty he appeal, to Str John Curry, who proposea to put Tim on rrutchae, any- Ing Uist when he is miaioted ou four lags tto itorveae of btes will frighten the ntigria and drive out tto mad or the Irritability of thu thumb, and all will be well. Nd Dill aays he is afraid of the '• hydro phot-la," and waoto to know when "dog days' will set ta. Thinks h* will quit the world auJ take a aappllng till ttoy are over. Curry tokl Ului Hmt dug toy* were over with hie hie Huie tafthfui Tray, that ' tta ail night" with him now. That he Itos to rivd eudor the apple tree, and that If dog days mama day for dug killing, that he la ready U> "Jlto the band" and go to the war path to thrtr utter uxtlnctlon, even U tokos takes all Summer CototttuUto: The Georgia legislature will meet on Wednesday. Sll> July. Tuere toe long programme before them, and wo ate likely U> have a repetlUuu ut the re mm kab.e long Sumroei eoesi-Jii of "711, which was here more than three months. Them are 403 Mils on the desk to be hamlwl over whan the law tnrkecs begiu work Tto tem perance qusslhui will demand a large share ifUtoUm. Tto temperance men claim that many of the most influential rato in tto leg total ura ars already pledg-J to Um support of theii cauae, and that the pn*>- •ure from the people will to ao great that Uwir public aru rente will not disregard It. Il Is said that they have secured for a peti tion tu Um teglalatur*. tto signatures of 100,000 persons is Georgia Tto following comes to ua from Pine tm. ky: Corti kb* l outtoo nemts rein, but watetuieloue an art eeffertag Mr. HO. Oortoy tuu ootum btoaeem* . to wUI bring in Ito first watermstone There are Ove boys to awry girl down thia way, snob of wtxxu are anxfowsforttoprteilageot Starr teg some msg's daughter lo Mr. J H. Curley toa subscribed for the Columbia AdverUear; >uat what every man ought to do Asap immoral papers out of your Domra aod autoorito to a paper that to worth reeding—the Ad vertteer to wbat yon Daed-fThaato-Kd. Adj . .Mr. Ben Hoads to th~ G l '! -1 r " >TI id PtMtacky We ace glad Mtttn AMs to coming •» etoee by Mr. Bob Wstob has p4ctod »wo bustoto al wboritaberrtee tai- •"**- ■*« «“«“ 00 hk> body stew® pooada c* rod bugs Ttora are erwto mso to thta eetttoo so op ■need to capital puatabesent that ttoy won't even hang their gatae .. La»k for to on ths big day. _ '**' (i O Boitoene and Co. have enmpistoiy ravotettodwid the mnrir trad, by the bent tnsfrumonte at a .mailer margin of pridlt than any Orator io Aioei >• » I Bw Little Ater -totes his akillrt ' In Hatton ,W1 Thursday next, Md Everybody rglglit tn be tore Hoeing exeritow Harltoi High 3<*ool or name day. Room for ail. Kvwrj - •widv should bring a cwitritMithsi to Um l>lg dinner An old faehron tortwvo.- is on the hill Don’t fail to to here Hr. btepheus will arrive Wednesday. (Aune ever)b sly! Grand proparatloos aea being made f.g Uw accommodation of al!.' Tto Gfm will have a beautiful stand utr tto grounds to the »l, where lew ma®, cake, kinonadw, soda water, candto, etc can to tod Tto IM to. will pleas.- remember thta. -Aalrifor the (T*M IsTAXU when pu want any <it the above thing* A Letlsr front Timtntggr MNlri’. . • •> Gaovwrtnrw. (Us June it. .l«u. « .Prtothrtiou erons tu to sfiiriag-up old Colutunia frwn centra to cimumferrmw. What to the prvaeut uccwalty for the great asal extdbited by tto advueats. of thia taasef There are few utwm shop* among IM, none at which Utvre haa l>e»vi any dis twrtianceof any khat, none at which rm grnes can e<UI al. tou Ths luavbin.- ry of uur good old county, poiiUcvd and ao rtal. has bsea running «u<te,hly and even ly ; why then thia sudden tral lo tto good Cause Os teniperanue’ I understand ttiat In anno parte of the bounty much ill-feelwig to. been caused by the agitation of pruhl bitfon, ttoi negruea have torn enlisted. Tbto to a very great Dtoteke of lodgment, and has caused many to hokl alta-f kho would otherwise have eutrtod tansrUly info tto eauso. As a Democrat—a ColuiteMn county Democrat -aisl an ecdortsc ut the K K K. I am .ippoeetf to any change in our heretofore urn ary lag poUcy in regard U» thstwgnwe Trtettheni ktndlv and ite.te Ay. pay tto<ll all that u< honestly due them, teach them by example to to honest, tolu • trioueand temperate, bat keep them o il < f pidrtlea—out ul all greet social quoeUori. or quostltos that may tooume party quee theia. K«x> tto bottom rail at tto button • amt U>a top rail on top Tlirtr piece la in tto corn Sad oottuu tteida, ttora let ttom bide, eating In peace and ootiteuUnant tlw-ir hoe oaks aad bacon, and should a few ohkik «us, egg*, turions athl things of that kind br oocaaioaallv appropriated, don't make a hies shout IL (foffon considers those things perquisites, and we must 'Be to hie virtues ever kind. And to his follies a litUe blind.'' Above all Uuuga. <ton l sp,a. a gw.i hand by turning him Into a tied politician. "It is well to to araiously affected in a good thing," and I'-etoning liquor drinking ami the boat of dire evils that follow lit Ita train, la certainly a g-”l thing, but discre tion should guide thn halm always, for two much aaal, Ilk- too much ambiUotl, may "o'er leap itself ami fall upon the otlwr side," "HodeiaUon U the silken string running through the pearly chain of all vit tues." We are told by thu highest authori ty to "be temperate in all thing*;" tlita teaches solf-conttol In every tiling - words, acta, deeds, eating. Ibe use of Uibacco as well aa lu liquor drinking. All things very violent In action are of blidt t <luration, and aocoaipltab lees Ulan those moru moderate; any of us would prefor a good, steady, all night rain to a blustering, roaring, driving "trash-lifted " The oov softens am! soak. Um hard dry soil, ref trailing and rejuvenat- Ing vegeialion; the other washes away the soil, gullies Held, and plays baioc general ly. Iho present taw Is an admirable oe<-. To sell splrita in Columbia county, on* must have the written consent of two-thirds of Uie free-bolder* living within a radius of three itiifo* of thn *|’>t ut which It is con teuipiatou to sell the vile stuff; after get ting this written consent, 4he woujd-to sell sr* must praunat It to the Cbinmlaaliaier’ ft Is thrir duty to verify tto Ito, see that tto name, represent gunnlto fnyiii--Idem j and that toey rvally o amt Hute tw<>Uiiid* Os tiuise living within the required distance Then the Comtoisaiooer* oqn tto Ji evaae. aod not before If tlita taw la not us- Bctont. prohibition will not to. Tta. more severe the law the morn apt it Is to be Inop erative If I beifovod prohibition would prohibit, I would advocate it actively and earnestly, bull am vwry sure It will not ac eomnltah tart mort desirable eml. ft la no mw thing, not an eXperirnenL iwa an un tried remedy for a draper* to dines-a. it na. bran triad in different sections of th. coun try, from Maine to Oregtoi. under various foi m». and has failed No jrherr has It 4-< crrased th* consumpltoh «f ajArito, ndr Ul3 number of ariißM M*fo as long aa human Miura is an regenerate will drink; Wf. unfortunately, will drink too much, aa many lie, steal, quarrel and aght. Maay are towed, nsany profane; others ba foul thsmseive* with toteoev. or atapefy them selves with opium in uome of Ms forma We all deeply regret, Umss taluga. aod would gladly have all men sober. chaaAa, Boorat. upright and temperate in all thing*, but thta moat drat rathe state of affairs eao not be brought about try h-gisinUuc We oaonot anatch men from evil bv Um hair of tee brad, nor can we drive Uw*n Into baa vso. We must begin with Um Bute lisping child aod hasp U up; "dae upon line, pre cape spoa precept- bere a Itttte and tears a UUta," through youth and through man hood. Thue, by and raampie. teach man Um toUar way. Prohibition may ctotu tea draa* atop., aod spirits may no IteffW ba eokl ret- 1 to;, but will thars ba teas need 7 •■Are, tbars's tee rub, whether 'tie b*«tar to bear the Uta we have, than By to Umm *re know not of." Every old biper will bars hie tag. and will drink much more keeping Il right by him. than to Wtold had be to go some dtatam-e for IL He will soon tot an aid araay know he has a Jug. ttoy get to gether sad bars a csrotMc, tbeo Urmygrts a jug aod treat. Toper, sad ao it goes "Oft th* sight at mean* to do 111 deed* tuakea I I tawto don* " Wq all know that to true, as well aa K'ng John 'foi, ao let • make Toper and (V.«v ng <,- wvit sitra Vwsi 4ee< ami ite Ui,a ie . hsteb Mnowi f • Btoa.i w. tt.wy latte ttotr Hurt.'.** Ih-'to-r <Mant aanltegiM hate tto t>to*rt tfot. tbs fairest JruA hangs ee-v J'trt I wrong, -ur rspeh; Uts husrar, gMwrs to st rivv alter 11 lap most diStwit «g al taiußMat. prohibit tto sate of liquor in our cmntr and \on grrally Inrrraso the rvye nuea of Use Fxprvwe rump*«T i upon rtvgy train will i-rwus mwrepH** mg. corker! and aeabsl. Men who ns,er raced for splrita when Ua-y knew ttoy could get It wtoa wanted, as at>« aS ti* toyootl thrtr reach > r difficult vs altivnaMmT, a ill be errvnag tur« fig It "to guard »gs|ru.t accident., ato bites toil > art. th tote "WMI. you know, 1 aevtg kept it |.y mm-, but now. matter whsr. haidwto. f car, pvt mine this alto <4 A-urmto tod *» < ew- .tour'd to keep II in Um r>e-to." In* not eo muc h th.- eeillag as tbn dtnhklng 0 T Tfouor we want lostop; no kaw vrUI stop drink Mg kMweate awvi to to temper Pts m all t Murn, and a*-1 no law th n> Phiblt the aafo <J rtqnor. Liquor lea tend mow . and whrw it i« to-1 to excess nuacrviuid woo, pocertv and .ginia sn> sutw to follow I would gladly ear it benlstort fi du the land but fwobihi tfon win not banish It. and why emumtor .sir statides witj ne’k.n laws. But I sup pose its adivtestew am ’•I Mi-rrutod Pi attempt the end Aud ti.-var atskwl b> rlouM, Nor tote a >« of heart or hope. ButatUl towr tip and steer right onward " "And tbu' 'tig not in Mortain to cuniraatel euetoaa. They'll do more they'll dneerrn IL" I msv write von aa-alu upon the dlfo-vent laws enacted upon Uu* auldout in vstlous rikt—. " joax t'ohLPi. ,. ~ , . JV Provlnmnt ion. t»BNUWA-B> ALF*ED U. COLQIUT. Governor otuut Rtate Wl.enwn, rSt rial iidoriuaMtm toa torn re rwtvwl at this Itefprtmriil, that a true Mil w* f< mi al at tk>« Narvti term, IWO of the hupei I. -i VourqcA ColiMßliMpAmtMrsteat Rotort M^i-toy*for murder. ni«! that said ITobert Mwtey tisw ffol from }ii-ttr* I tin'-- tlmuiri.t to'tor l torefurv. to lasite thl«, my pr'-JabialKjn. henkiy . ff- rlng a ■ ew.ird idWNN HUNDRED BOLLAR'ifor ltoanf'o'ton-4-.ii and Pel,very >M veld Hole vrtjjlai key lotbeHheilff of said nnifiiy and Am! 1 do m< t w»ver charge and raquirs all tdßto>’ In thia Suite—civil and military -to ne vigilant in wi'lmvising toeppfwtond the naid it tort Ma< k-y. in onto that to mo to nrmsriit to lust ler f<>. the oue< as with which neatiuab. cliarged. Given uiHt.-rruy hiandaud tlie Great Seal of tto Rtntr, at tIA Capitol In Attains, thia theM'hdsy Os Jtwa aud la Mie year <4 millopl'Oee. ftvaowurl Ijgi.l Hun Iraq aud F.lidit y-on.\ am! rd the Tndstmmtenra of thg ViwbadNtntra of Aiuarlca tiw thw Hugdrol and Filth. ' ALr RED B. COLQVtTT. Gov.-rm*. Ry tto (><>,rm<e N.l'. IHiuiKri, Secretary of State BAltßl’Xl IL ON THE m l INKJ _ the unttaralgneii will have * lino llarbiuc IMiinerapnwl al. Hat - Irin. Ito tto aiicimrurvletion >4 the pulillc Don't forget thii., m. tome prepaiol to dim. KNoX anil IVEY LIIIIL LiIJIMJTIOI ’ Hiitior Geox.ii a— Culntiilda county. N-itlce !s hrrrt-y glvmi, that a l.l'l will to lut t -’hi vd at the aryl —«.(<»- of tto Lrwf-o IStura <4 Mid Sl.itf twlng .m le t 1.. miiHiid an ''.Vet bi u»Uildi*li a ixianl of County ffommleal.Mtera foi Uir cuuuty ol l oloiuUla. and bi del!to tto powvra and di|t|re th.-i-- of," February Irtth, 1<«77. aaid immi.linoul 1.-uig a rn|. nl of tn,. <|ui •’••.Li .ii of aatd approval net. and in Hon a pnivielon allowing the (.aillty tAimmia aHinera to -feet Ihelr own I'leik jel»4w AiANY CITiXENN. MITK’E IS HEREBY GIVEN, that application will to aiarte to tla-lg*glalnturv at thn ail- E’linnd term In July next, tor the manage of the foll.rwing bill A HILL To to cat Itted an act so prohibit Uiaeafo or furnishing of epirttuou’, malt nr other Inbopiating Ihpiura within the limits of Columbia county, and to (ntivlde a pun ieiirib-lit for the same. hsc I. Ita It eaacUsf by tto <l«tM’ral As sembly <4 the tttate of Gixggta, that from and .(tel the pnessge of this ht-t, It shall not to Iswfill for any petaon er pentone to sell or furnish, rlttor directly or Indirectly, say spirit nous, malt or ottn-t Intoxicating liquors within the lltnlta of the County of Columbia. too. 2. Ita it further unacted by tho au- Uiorlty ahir*Ml<i, that any pern.-a « pci’- antis Who shall viutale Hie provitoifls of j Ulis act, sfoili l« dwiued guilty ot a mtovfo luranor anil on nun lotion stall be puntali ml n« la preset ibed in s<-cLl>«i IJiu of the Codiy.f Uiwqgla Hm J ita rt furUuw enacted, that Ui>- proviviua* <>f ibis *Ai.t shah not apply b> practicing phy.irtans furnishing liquor. In ■ttaw-pf merllral treatment, nor b> parties SMiuur teitoxtaatlng Ihpx.m who hive al ready secured Hceusre, until the rxpitatioii of Ita Mir.,*. Hn’ 4 ita It fmtber enactM, that all taw* or parts ot taw. in conflict with tlita act I*-, and ths same are Uerwby, repeated J. H. K.MMITH. J P WILLIAMS, J NO. E. LABKIN, May M 'IM- Commit'to. T-* -I - - - - Bumlil<‘mm •eph as the following, from Ur at class a. tabUahmtata will ha tnaertau train now un til BopternU.: next, at very tow rates, so tat ua hear from you. gqottomeri No tot ter ad rerUalng modtucu * the btaie for Augusta merctian (a Lfl HA&LING, dealer la <talking and . Ileauqd tMevaa. Crockery ami tamp., ami maautarturvr <X and wbotaaate sad re tall deafer in all kind*->f Tinware, No Mr Bn«<1 stresL near tower ruarkat, Augusta Gs Bargains In to. next sixty day* JOHN BAYaRKHB Cratfontioaer aod whotoaato arid ratal! deafor in foreign aod doaaeahe Fruita, Pteh. Oyrtera lud Game (in adbeooi. ICE a .peaiaJty No »> Waahlngtoa strart. Aug gtey WA. BAMBEY, General Com nites ion • Proffuee MermanL JMhatm rtrevL Augusta. < ooelgomeuto of Bdcrei. Flour. Lrard (ir.rn Gate. Butter, aod ail kMtoa of produto aoHrtted- apecial attentlun and prompt returns Ik every saae. £LI EMM! ill. Augwrta. dsatar tri ICE • i imdnnaU Lager Kaor. Pleh flame yiyvtera, etc. Jackson street rear Giuoe J T. BUCKLEY, witotaeato’ aud' rated I * dralac lu Books, Pnnodtaata, Fahey I BteUonery; ttobooi Books a aptrialtv. «3J . Broad street, Augusta. Biabhortpttahe tab *n mootoiy or yearly for paper* and mags- I sums al Pubtiaßer* prteaa Cl W BIUNEB A 00, Gea l (tomaUe /• afon Merehante. Ml Broad atraet, I August* Tto leading tense !ii Augusta ; for liuits. VegetaMei *R4 Get*,■*, Fro du:c Give u- • trial 'Wdei W. x PBLL4RD, NUR 734 and ?3C MTNOI.M STRTTT, AIWCStA, Or, Cott«B Intw tai QoaaiaßlßM MbtsMaa AND DIALER IN = MACHINERY Alltel-- Ai«> Distanb Orcmla r Awa, Rirthsr and towttor Baiting. Menra Ftps, WnW» and Nte I Gaugw. Costnarttems. Uli Oafta; Pup. iteohs sM Utoqk Ysivas. GuvMNNa, Wmef -- " ! etc, tuffrthr r with svsty arilrtert akaam and water ntttagv, amnaga Nte. r General Agent for Talbott ft Sons. h* , Talbott* A<ricultural Engines on ak*U», Portable Eafftosa •• gkiJs, M*u>- tiouarv FwMfiMSi Tnimiar sod l<oooaao*ive Moilera, TurMm Watat WbMte-' (lorn and Wheel Milla, saw ILUa, Mulling, Pulkja, B'Ses, Haagara Mere Patent Spark Ar reel sea. ork Watertown 8t r am Engine Ompaay. Watertown africoHniml aagima on wbaaia, portable afiaki OB abida, ***»(..., eagiitea for small botMtaqp*. reruns! engines, rtatiroary rttgiMt wRb wiihont ent off. roinrn tabaiar boriera with Iso flam, UebMtia* a«d w- r tieel buikrv, saw tuilte, etc. C. ft G COOPER a co. * Coopers self-prop, h ( ag ’tract ion I snghes. farm aßgiMl O«>< wb«el». port ibl» enguirs or skida, rtarioosr i enffiuee, iuo teoUVs and re of tarn lobular Imilera, corn and wbeal mdl portable astQ «uh paaMkbb boh w rtlacbed, aeiul tn-vein nee. dnsUree wheat sejriraterw afod usd aod »esd aa- «< 'tractor, saw huHa, dvoids gad aengte- > „ J W CARDWELL and COMPANY. CardwvU wheal thre-beri, geparauwe and eleaaerv *bn gm—d* Ihteah* d era, hwh-aulic cotton urises#; brirwe poWrra, monutmd aod dow»; power *• J corn shvllrr-a and ford coin re 1- Iramnstna ui hkiim wrui ; lUapera aud luudera, ivaj>er* aod to >worn <*>mlnnad, single biuJsr*. isap era and mo a era cttltivsUwn and grain sower*. FAIRBANKS ft CO. Fairbanks standard tCales, stl sites and pattern* A'arao eaati drawm MT Mnnnlactnrvr of ibe LJiowiog iujoliums 4M jNriiLtt A Goodrich linp’oveit IXI> COP PON GIN, Heid* poiaau ooto tuetia power screw pr»-a '-deatn or water prwer,, Sot tbs uaproesd band i puWrr cmtfMi and hay pr»aa. 00<t 41 gin feeder, aoUon ooodenear, oew Vir ginia feed rtnter. MT tcffiaea, (lottos Gin«, ate. to • waat* manlike manner. jRt HT'Ordews eoLmted aod promptly axaewlod- For tnr'bei juuiicuiar*, wrcolur*, gaocrai mformauoc etc, apply U> j 21 ly W J. BOLLARD ®L$ S?LF-FEEMG COTTON Gill >VIrH € 'ntitloHfM’r. I’ItONOL’NCKD BY COMPETENT JVIMfE? TO BE £££££ BSBR* FULL SATISI ACTIOii GUARANTEED Oil NO SALE!! Ktod what Mr. Waum Monrr write* u« WxMuorros. Ua . Jena L MR Mfoiaßa. Wanben. WAiJ.aya A Op.: Grteiw—The Mali. Gin T tegrht of yoe iaetaM . a<ai la a rmvrer at'erwu.' I tesbri ft with three <4her Aral etaaa Gia*. <weh gteel* a toh-, tl.eer I iiH*nl*>rvi,l and .hiyprl his Li>mfnl’Sioti Hrnwe Ml Vimr <4ty. Haqsartlrii 'them U» write tuh wtiicli wna ths met fUieru They did au. aeri Hall cams o*rt Ute yfo ba , Y >ur» trolv W BUOTT Fiu i fortiara, with plautin* tvilillcsle. aup<> tu Waltacr A Cnßiloß, Uenrrtl ARftiU. A a ire Ur, Ci. iNutvnianra tr Warren. Wallses A <*i.) UDITON FACTORS. THE GULLETT GIN WORKS, o. i mu i m. nwiiims unso. Mauufsctitre ibq IMPROVED LIGHT DRAFT ©ULLBTT GIX. aod <>< •!*’*>< PoFtftble I.<evrr FOR OOTYON AND HAY. PAT’D. Agent* for the BiooeAT.t, Engine. Ute finest farm inglua ever aoM so Gnonrta I ’kkle. iiK’iintedor trecUoa Tto Hxixrrfh Engine. Return Tubular Holler, on akkls or atetfonary TMr foe**' , dura ma threw spark, ami uaeouC b* sxpkaleri by sow water. sins 4 u>» Mae power. Cunplete out (Its id Unglues sol Haw Mito, enaquaied ku pi lea Mead for prices SECOND HAND ENGINES. tovrrai to-xmiljland Nrginea. In GOOD ORDER, tor sale low COTTON SCtIEWA for Hand, I lures, Water <•» IMeam Fuwer Obtain to* IHiilrtt (lln Orviilar before buying and team wind oottuti Jrmfors sad planters say about R. Uhl Gina shook! be repaltol at imk* pg< t* FOUNDRY & MACHINE YVORKS. NOS Gl6, 817 aud Bill KOILOCK STREET, A UJI'UHtlt. <Jm. . . r fGH R I’ATEONM <>ur Ifooodry and Machins Works which were dseCmred in July by nra, umv» eolsrMl aixl furnished w«u limiU We M IRON AM) BRAIM CAH nNf A AN!’MAuHDfRbT <»( all M3 at rwra al.te prices and <4 tto beet qualMy Prices wlu be given of earthing yuu May want by teUiiig es know what you iwcd If yuu nrrid men sssd to ypur piacs to ragatr yner krill ur Eugimi write ua. my tty* ~€. dt €O7" Ma-rlorxx, G-au IGri LFIVE TO INFORM THB TMADtNO PUBLIC TMAT THEY MAY 3 4 PULL and ttbe 10l of GROCERIES SWKUSSaKMa — in addttum tn tto above already hm stock, ye have a BDDA FOUNT wfth tea, wmatantly furnishing those who wish ate#. stert, Bumoter drthta aMI Sic .ptMahd th gtveusaean Ws have also a Oa* tot of I r*t*niNT'rt7T« Which we offer at prisas to suit t*S ttsasa Thaahiag the mM» M l ‘ -tf MS* Maa»- agv. we rsapeotluliy aoMMt a *wi maaf at the sama Mwud tlanee to sasAkbair <x«Menos by good. homeaL. fair aad aqaare taaJlag. PEOPLE COLFIBU fiffln Let it be Knows Throughout Totr Ce*nty> that Peter Kmbu Still keep# <b« Uhd m AUGUSTA U> all tb*i pcrlau.. to FLNE»iHaarfe made SHOfcd and LGOTri, and <*?rry»wt idee fcgp* u> a kra-eto Sb«« Hra-u B<-Fatr and bufforabie doeLbg j bis eod aud to broad