Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, June 28, 1881, Image 2

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COLTOBIA PolttataMl Bvary Taoaftsy. at Mariam. Ga 4. W rUMJNF.E. Enrvoaavn FvaLßurex Tin TUKMDAY. Jt'NE «. MM. ’ EDDTOKiAL HEWN NOTE* Bi ack ar* life is maarad for |IOO,- 000. Tbe deed lock st Albany ie yet an broken. Ivmemtar w* publish ix> paper Dt-xt week. Vvioeipwdw tournament in Augusta ou the Alb July. Several <kumn*x*a have recently bane found ueaf Mwnuta, Ga. 4. J. Lane. memlier of the Legia tutors from Bibb, baa resigned The beet is expanding everything except tbe time fol a 30 day not*. The new comet ie no* all the talk. Leek for ilto-uigbt, tn th* northeaaL On Fridar nex* General I .onget met will enter upon bis duties aa U. 8. Marshal lor Georgia- *1 bore will lie a grand Masonic eel ebralien by tbe Macons of Albans on Joly Mtb-bl John’s day. Tbork is some thought of changing |be umm nf tbe Wealyvan Female College to tbe Beuey Female Col- News from every quarter indicate that there will be a grand convention of tbe temperance men in Atlanta on Um 4th July. Th* patient in tbe insane asylum wbe uoagit ed bo was Roscoe Couk «•* bus read ibe papers and chang ed his mind. New Yerk sends greeting to afflict ed Georgia, whose Legislature i« to assemble July 6, and Mt lades niiely. —Boston Herald. Tbe twelfth annual session of the National Education A asocial ion will hs held in Atlanta on the 18tb, 19ih, 21st and 22d July. Mr. Talmage nominate* Um B Dodgw and George I Saner for tbe T'nited State* Hen ate. to succeed Coukliug sad Platt. It is currently reported that Emo ry Speer has announced it aa bis in tention to rote with the Repibiieans in the next t oagrase. Mr Seney ha* added 120.000 more tn bi* gift of 850 060 l« tbe Wvsley ian Female College Maceo, making th* tetel miwi of *70.000. David Wselßeld, nf Ohio county, Ky., 82 years of age. has 19 children, 81 grandchildren, 12 great-grand obi Mesa and lb eons-in-law. J. A. Loflin of Angneta. has just bad eutraobd from hi* body a minis ball which bo received at the battle of Chieaaaanga, over lAyevrn ago. Mother Bhip<nn’a prophecy has now gone to seed. There ui nothing left of it to be hilfUed, aa the world came not io an end on Ibe day predicted, Maaday of last week. Tbe Bh<riff* of the State are to held hconvention in Atlanta no the ♦th prox Wonder if Rrad will at tend? If Rrad goes, Colnmbia <xMin ty will have the best looking man on Um *oor. Ihe Atlanta Constitution waa 13 veer* old oa Friday of last week, and tn that time ha* grown tn he tbe lead. mg daily of th* Hontb When it pnt* on her prnpnwrd eight-page dree*. H. W. (I will have tn have the day* lengthened, ao that the general public will have time to read one issue be hire the neii appears. The retire* bureau report* that Georgia produced in 1879 80 cotton t«> the extent of 813 965 bale*, against 473.934 bales in 1H69 70. Mi*ei**ip pi ie tbe only State that mad* last year more cotton than Georgia Geor gia stands ae the second cotton pro dociug Slate of tbe Union. We learn from the Warrenton Clip »-r that Dr. Thm. Kelly of Gibeon did not kill with e pistol Tbre. Har ris. a* was last week reported bv the McDuffie Journal. Har ris fr>m at al dung him, Kelley knock ed him down with a stick, not even eenouely injuring him I’h* doctor waa aamsllng the marshal of the town in Irving le arrest Hams, wbe waa drunk. By several <>f our resdsrs we have bwen condemned for not publishing Hie letter which appeared in the .Mo- Dnffie Journal some weeks since in detansaUon ot the character and pro f.asKxi of some ot our best mtisene, including the Methodist clergy of tbie county. We refused to publish Ibe letter referred lo Car th* reason that we do nor propre* lo allow appear tn nor column* any communication cal culated to wound tbe fee'ings of our hnmhleel reader, where tbe insult ia intended; nor can the support of our ureal at any limo be secured tor the edvaneomeat of a meaenro we know to be wrong, regardless of tbe price offered, either in golden eagle* or otherwise. *• do not hope to please all tbe world, but when our lire of duty is clearly maped out before a*, we intend to persue it regardless of eon<»qn«>n«MMi or d ie th* metier re ferred to we buM we are prit in error. ’ and but few believe in ibew bearte th>t we were. A *efe aMt sure means of ewaeHn* Use vrethfulcMtur «r use hear ta hirwtwMU w» Parker's Hair Bahama. wtalck ta ■miwiedly nuyular froei its Mgsrlur rtsentineas. WHEN THE FIELD* AHE WHITE WITH COTTON. “No mnrwr nr»w; een't teiy Pl<n<>» vw < IrgaSe mH ra4US> comes 11, ~ TeS )SMI ran Rak<- up ttf> cash on »a llrran tT> <■»»)> re ■ plaixi. aist *•* will ••■ll you dur ing ■lon'. July. Arur««t and He f .tmWkrr at Kers Bottom < *«h RaTSk. arwl waK three nvertha trw tketelarwr wlltxart cent n< rawest (Issh raw Three nxmlha c-rvrtlL No interest Oxi't foraM. It Graani Hum n»er etearmg ,eit aale *<•* rnA Kemnd- Haod luelTTermrla SIU Pianos *OO Ontene All etyle* ATI grader Alt prices Must her kwerlnnt Hperlal terms ti-fasGllment liuyera Caek pTWea artvarw»,l only ten r*r —-nt Pi n—n -U ya tz»t I riel Gneran tee<l Inot rentant a, fmm six Ivmt rnaSera Gate kwura and fnH Inf->nmU<ai maUed Irw •<f charge Ar>>M I •-trig lni(«w-l upon by Beettr or any other man, hr <rrterln« at n- from t*w> Great WrroWal- Pl*n>> aart Grgan Itepol of the Mouth, LUDDEN A HA I D*' AunUwrti Mwate House, Havanush. fkeorgla SHANNON ! At Hou. H. C. LAMKINW. The wei: known home. Maml>run*m For rent, known a«- NHANNON, fnm> A'irri»Li, etaorleet the H-n B.C. Iwmkin’a. at pres •mt Tills 1a the fluent Marulwino h<>r«e In the State, no borne can nbow more like than Ktisnam He is the brane f<* this country. Terms orv rea«--n«iile. H.r tiand hill* H W MORAN Ge . Kebinaon & Co. Ship piano* and organa to any point In the Houth on trial for ft firm days, with prlvHege of returning, free of all expmn of tiMporlaUoa, If not entirety ssUafaytoH rr- Mcßride and Go, Atlanta Ga . rtv* l>>w prliee u> clients In nr><rkm v. glaaaware. wo,wtware tinware, lamp", riitlwrv. stu>* rae»w. {,>,klii*rila~wv.He<t> rhoruaw' clucks, fruit )at>, Vrmea and toih-t arte. THE POWER OF CASH ■ -—a It <x>nlr<>G tlw nir-relmnl'apii—in aa noth ing *‘i»r rloea. Tf+Mtow it lia» iwt KEENER. the leading m°rrhaut o( Hail-m, w<< put lief.ire you prlr-rw that can't lw> touched by any rumUiaat who dam, to <x>rup<-tc w|Ui him: (Mllciie* worth 7c aeNfnir al Mfc Honienpuua inc “ Piques " 10c " 9c bantu “ 9u ” 7c (Airneta " Me “ Sic GROCERY DEPARTMENT Graal Coffr.-, <i t-1 Ibe fur gl uu Brown Sugar, 11 •• Irttrlit Sugar, in 1 J “ “ Bld.. Meat. 10 ” ’t Bhouldere, 11 “ Hod*. *i • “ ttl<l* Starch. Ik •• •• Meal, per bushel *oc; Com |*r Imali, Al Flrruv. extra g,«»l per band, |7 Ou Gate p« r Ini-hel. Air Hyrup. Goklrn Drip, p< r gcllim.<io N- w Otieaiu,, ; "A W Bbu k IGppm. per lb. He; Laid. IJ« Magnoßn Hama. “ l« ; P<wjl UrlaL 1 l-Xo Kr«i,,. g<**l. U!«U JOc SHOE DEPARTMENT. Larlmn’Berg Rale, warranted aolM leather, pct pair, *1 K; San-lal Slippers, *1 U Men’s Fh-gg—t Calf The, *i n Gants L<w Cut. Hn« *1 7S; l)rw» Hhoas *2 Ladle*’ Kid N P De*. *1 00 and •SO MSsae- berg Bui* leo Th* power of ttaeli bring- timer goods in the reach of aU. V<-ruu quick or your chance will tr> gone HAT DEPARTMENT t* tene*tensive foe me to undertake to gtve yuu ail the prlcm. Il will pay you to see me beh>i* biryiag a* th»y must bo sold In the neat *)days. The MiUra stock won't aci'-unt to *3,000. and they* ar* tu<we than »> 'liilerral klmi* of goals; It‘a Irupoaeible to put them all before you. J I JfgS KF.ENKH H'lr'fw, Oa., 19 Lo'iit»UU Street. Iliiihlliiyr For MiUo, A.t Jk Mcu'rllloo !! IN THE BEAUTIFUL ANl< WORLD RE- NOWN HEALTH KEAOItr. HARLEM, GA., Just M nilln, tn an Augusta, on the Georgia RaHl-m-l A (wro, ln*4>, Iwulmg aUxa-, phere. pure nail spring watere, shady groves, levwl laud., as-1 Ke larwl of »a-letv, Metix at let and Be|-U*t cbuvalms. an-1 one of, thelewl High H<-h<a>ta In th,* Mau-, the *<-- knowteatued advanbup—uf *•*•' pls— ••vor I all-Aller t.iwile <itl the Georgia nglnm>l T be lota atv In the ourtawale IhuiU of the town. <« ixath -l-le raiiruad. and suitable h< RKHIDENI'ES OH BTDREB In any ala,- dewitsd. 2\<>w or 2\’<*v<?r! Lhew kgs can be had at a bargain, aa Har lan, Is rapully bu<hll«g up and land,, are In i ixMiatei t ileniaud Tu-ae hg* are **(w, ia|. ly auilali's for Augu-ta inercluuits aiel i,u sloe«a men wh<- w»«h Summer b,>ni»a f,,r j their tannHew, that tb<-v may bn freed dm- Ing the iMvttrd wan si town the cl,*-. Im- I I sire atnxwpbem <4 a ctomled city Tim | dal V ar,',mn>.«iatUwi train enables nmo <4 business to nwh Augusta by * a. m.. and ! to latum bv * -V p ni, and thw- who wish to rva, h th„ ,it earlier the regular morn-' tag paMwiig, r train will txit them tlier* hv : 7a ci and return th<-m to Hsiiein at 7.10 p. m . thia, affording evei y advantage ami an-oiumodstirwi nra-lcd to wit ail classes. For further turtlvuiam sddr»a« at <g.r» «> ts i v. Ballard Legal AdvertiaemeQt*. y»T jg-xs -w— -e r—w«. ---.w PatitUa tar Letters «f DtamiaMn ttvxTk or Gwoaoi* Oguoibu county. Whervwx. Joseph E Evpe. Administrator on the eel*la<4 Joshua Bppa. late of sael county. deeesMi, apfgisa b> me for leUets of diaoiieelnn from said relate : These are tberwfiws lo ette ami admonish all and wngwlax th* kindred and creditors <4 aaM inr resell tn be and apptwi at my <4- flea oo or twAirrtbr Brat Monday In August t**l. to show nauer ts any thav ham, why the said bglara abould e>4 be granted Given under my hand and ,gßrtai signature at offlm. this bl da V .4 Mae. M*l GEDJkGE u. DaBbET. Oniinan May 10 tn Columbia county G O KotmiMm and Co have mniHrgely revrgwthmiard tbe mweic Lade by selling the beet a amallw margin of pr>4B than any deader Ui Ames ira. FOR THIRTY DAYS ! < ’lotliinfc Will 1m» Kaerifl<‘e<l at “Onk Hall” a.nd “Star" No*. 614, 616 and 636 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA, DEGARDLEMH OF (TMT! They most lw mowdl FH*»POag 1C nulls fur HIX. EIGHT and 11. N DUla.*' Much was nevw U unuy- W.b..eUvi.rg.wlrt<*kmt>.«UU.artirnm.! ' Nue *l4, *l* and *M Broad street You will Bud every thing a* we ear MILLINERY and Fancy DRY GOODS Store. 819 Broad Strest, August*, Ca. Large ao<l varied stock of ,he lai eat HAT’S, BONNET 4 , CAP' 4 , Etc Lec>—, Hair Gooda.Rtbboua, Silks, Satin, Buttons J-welry and FloWer*- Mar New goods i>y stea tiier and Express Weekly. MFD<morv*i *t*al» terns lor Ladies and Children. N. BIIUM CL' RK, Angnaia, G*. HF" Small pr<-ft* anti quick Bale*. “WX mr29 Clenranoe Setlo —OF In order to re, luce stock *mi a vol j caMvlng good* over. I will offer my abvk <>f C'AH- I EPh. amounting U> St-UWO and over, all fresh goods, new Ueeigiis and. WMlng*, at very reducM prices, embracing a* frgh/Wtl I Royal Velvet f'arpe'a Bvdy Brneael* do, Taoretry Bruanel* do, Extra and Imperial Three-ply d>>, ScofMb Ingrain do. Extra Super and Superfine -10, Cotton and Wool do, Hemp sail Vienna doji, J, j »nd 4 4 Venetian do; J and 4 Stair Brussel* do; Stair Rod* and Fixtures, Napier and t oc<»a Matting* ; Plain, Checked and Fancy < an ton do; Cheap Stripe Carpeting; Window Cornice*. Li co Cortaioa. Cretonne*. L’unhrrqnin Shade and Bullion Fringe, Piano and Table l overs; Win-low Shade* in Scoll ped. Fringed Plain nnd G-»l>l Baud*, Velvet Sofa Rugs. Smyrna 8 ft Rog", Vel» vet and Biussel* Bui *; Cocoa Door Mat*, Velvet do, Bi u»*el» do, Smyrna do; Shin .Mala, Crumb Cloth", Chromoe, Wall Paper ami Border* Ruy'ic Bh*<htx, Fire Screen*, Carriage and Buggy Mata, Ced*r < heats, Star Oil Cloths and Crush. Al) g»ods aold for net ca»b or city ac- ceptance. JAS. C. BAILIE, 713 BBOAD STREET. AVGUSTA OA. 1 AM NOW PREPARED taaF To offer the JL ARG EST and mo«t complete ftoek of "MM DRY GOODS, CLOTHIriC, SHOES, Mgr HATS, Etc., it ha* ever been my plea«urx to commence *WX trad,- with. I bo,*e by oontmuil addition* dur *cF~ >ug Suiing ana Suinmer, to muku it still more •'tractive, MaT* and iio| e by fair dealing and attention to businera, to “taM W*,merit ami receive the patronage of the c -mmunity "Ml ivr B.Hatclier. I ~ - - - - C -7 - b : —T- ■ —*—■ - -.-- - THE A HIT I 11-itll Ilotol IH NOW THE I <<«**! iii j TERMS LOW FARE FIRST CLASS. Food for the brain and nerves that will I invigorate th* body without iniosu aUnr la I what we ii'-wl V 1 tn*ae days of mab and I wui iy. pnticor’o <itiuf»-r Tonic roau>re*th> vital enmrlee. a-mthaa tt>— nerviw *n< Inlngam««l health quicker than anythin., you can use Tribune See other volutes •••_ The Music House of the South. O <> R .blneon, of Augusta sell in Taxa* Aikansas, Loolsbina. Mississippi, Alal«ms| Florida and eVerv Southam Stab' north ol (ieorula Augusta can juatly claim U> ban ; the "Music Houae of the South." Ltkrffe Chsli Con tracts With the boat manufacturers. and farg, sale* at the “Music House of the South, an a l>|>-1 i O. Robinnun <f G».. of Augiista. I* sell superiar pianos and organs at lees price than la paid by small dealer* '\Or O R»t« s"* DAVID UISUIB * MNI, Pa To Merchants: Our stock of crockery ’ qlaaxware, lamps and lamp fixtures. wuoii ware swi Unwarv to the largest seat brought to tine market; call and see mill aplaiiilld line of ipaais and you will be cou viiKWd that mir pi k>« cannot be beat McDhipk and Co, Atlanta, Oa. 1 Plniioa Htid Orgnna S-venth annual holiday trade. Superiod piarxoaml organa. All klisls of niaslca 1 I liMtnnnMila. ahrn-t musk, and innale honks Twenty to thirty per cent, saved in pur-" c basing at "Tie* Music Homwof the Seulh" U.O. Hoi>li«on.'Afigiisla,<>a. IXzlillin.ei'y T BBS. S. B. SIR ;0X Ha* just received a new and varied oaeott me lit of LIEUS 111 WlHimi A)mi, a beautiful wlection of iiiHis--uns-ui nmis AU of winch are ihe isiem Si‘RING style* and direct from New York,,, which she offers tv her friends and. patrona. She ba« a tahini aad hahd avtne assort meet of RUCUINGS, VEILING, TIES, Ate. which she will take pleasure in show ing to bi r (nenda and customers. Cail and examine before Imyiagi: el—where. MUK S B GIBSON, | Harkin, Go. March 25 Jin S M ▼kit the 'Music House of the Rotrib.** or* wnte to (i. 0 H/Uenwa: and Co, mig—ta. , for caul- wune. pi —a and terma pi—ow sad organa. Purnhaaere will hod Wtaae Ibr same Disks amt et' kof Inst rumr nitron F»I t» Fi-m cent less than else " het» Meßrlde ami Ct>., Atlanta. Os.. can dtipli- I rate prltve on Crockery, Glassware, W<««l --<yare ami Tlnwan-, L*«ikinir tilaaaev. Show Ceaea and lanipr, in any Jiorth**rn market, ami eave ytai a gts.i profit In freight Gen'l atfenb* f<*i Lambeth's Improved Fly Fart. ft ia Now Conceded That "The Music Hous*, of the South" l» located in , U. 0 RUBINSHN and CO. X xxA* s xx'x / x /vX ‘S ' Notwltlmtantlln« the larp* and elmraht | Jock of pl. un>« and otran* at "IbeSliisic Mouse of the South," G O Robinson A On. (tslearapbed last ward lor fifteen Flanoe ami Oi rails to Illittrdsrs which aie eommir In oy every mall. Merchants In this and adßanliiK States I E*” "•»* n>*awy by buying staple crockery from M< Rritle and Co., AtlsuU. In profer crxe p, scndluir Notth and pavlnv heavy frewlits GbtaMwat... lamp*. Heth Thomas’ ckicka, MUlvllle fruit jars at msDuftut'iram' pneea. NEW YORK MILLINERY STORE. MISS 5E1.U8 PUBCELL. Dealer in Fine Fren h Millinery, .Velreta, Kibbona, Novelties in Neck Wear, Fancy and Jet Jewelry, Etc. BBF”Nr> 72R Brnad at eet, under Central Hotel. AUGUSTA, GA. W* No goods on Approbation ‘ «p 5 Sm ALWAYS THE BEST! Ci intone mRIimiDIWITERi stremrlh. rotor had Navor. Owing to the rr~«t hermae In I l«y b—tom«, I ha—added mw mw-hlnwry todoabk* my tornwr capacity. 1 am now! I pro—red to Nil orders from Um namtry promptly, stopped by eaprose m Ulatoa'e KXd k ; o t , “ , ten • Bppu * ~ M “° CLINTONS BomfNG WORKS, IMS BROAD ST. •po 3tn AVGUSTA,GA 11 <*!*«**■• BRid W here did you have at ’ yo« r Pnntß ? , « nC< ! 316 withnnt Shrinking? At» Usta ga I I *■ ■ & M i ' ML - > Iwrtkw' Drwme* deed or eken*d. Gentleman's Ooata. Pants or Vesta rtaansd dp* or mis Ire 1 Kid Gh-re* and Slipper, cleaned All wnwk d«W tn the beat manner u 1 bow reick* All orders try mall or rkpnw, promptly attrtxled to. apUJr n ‘~ = THE WHITH Sup-rlative in Its Attributes It Stands ACKNOW LEDGEDTHE KING of *H AEWFNG M iClßxis Tin- ha* been for more than four yem*. and lie* jgivxnl>ettwr thai v>\ tua.-l li>>- put np-o sin- in-vrkr-t I li> WHII’F, )• the <pih- eat, ti.C < .-rjfMlife -it i- al-- th- m-'ct dor il-i. ].v. i- W AIIR AN’ I 1.1 1 ll’ HMM i yeah> i, )■ i,, purchaser. We do not p, ddlr lli> nt, ihn* we arc enabled to sell them cheaper tlinn H w m» m■ wv find-clsfta old patent ma. bine* ate sold ■ A MT All <-r<i. r« by mini xliull hnv. or write for circular* ami price* J. 0. & T. F <MITH. J HORACE SMITH, N -. 525 BROAD S REET AUGUSTA, GA WM. MULHERIN & CO., I WlttHJSßttr AND RI TAIL DbG.MR IN jgODTS, Shoes, 4ND &ATS, 913 BROAD STREET AUGUSTA, GA., receiving their SPRING stock, which they offer at lowest priuta. (KT ORDERS BY .MAIL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAIIrFPL AT 'IOS HM MLLHEK N« ( df. Ml. BOWXkBSa co. LEAD IN LOW PRICES! FURNITURE of all Grades. H.ITTRISSIIS nil SPRIM BEDS ILL SIM 4 STIIJJ Nice Walnut and Chamber Bets, Drvwrtng Case, Marble Top, h.r Fifty Dollar* «*d n 1 „. V b2r!’!‘2 r ?. P l l ' k ’’*’ n '. ,bo Price of fine Furniture X 5 per.oeet. Save money hy calling « us before you buy. j L. HGWLBrt * (V. 717 XXOAD »T, AWtni. OA. FOR SPRING! MEtVS, toms’ I D DOIS’ FiIIISIHW WOOS -AT- COOKES CLOTHING MD MT STORB AUGUSTA GEOROII, <>url ‘ r,r ’ ~M embnu4ng all tM >•'"* wSt’. 1 /’??, A«D YaCHT CLOTH Suita in Parfeetly fait CoW» r. s m-h.!P ,B m ' B4AHCHABD, ' por J c Lu<n,,w * * 7l "I’ll© "Doxv JLjcl'w the psst Planter. THE REST MoredU ta IN TLE - Planter* • u»e than •" -market " -• «*.. pu.u„ EBB?—" TL‘ l 7 l M l uVci.' b '”“ b, “ d ■'•■ e *»4 * r ~m Sales. Tbe SIMPLEST, BEST and CHEAPEST hingd for farm C» 1- ”oi • c<ll ,nd “• lhe ® M JOHN •land of B 't>n A t 0., n*»r Expreaa oflfoe AUGUSTA *»*