Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, June 28, 1881, Image 4

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NMRWnga self-sealing glass package for bin tar, when they are so extemdv-lv need for fruit Three-fourths of the bail butter in market is spoiled after Decking. Plxiwrxo. Last year a fanner piowc.l forty acres in the fall and in the spring started to plow it again, when an old resident remarked that he wan having hia labor for nothing, aa spring wheat did jnat aa well on fall plowing without plowing again. Aa he had plowed deep and well he thought he would try it, and, after harrowing the whole, he sowed hia grain. The twice-plawed land waa the first to ahow the gram, and on it throughout the wheat waa a <lee»>er color,thU’krr and taller, and the dividing line jieroeptible. Our infonnan*. haa ih> doubt that the twice-plowed land yielded five bushels more to the acre than the once plowed. Tina waa ample remunera tion for the extra plowing Hencefottli our fneodwdi be an advocate of thor ough cultivation. Oft-stirred ground abeorla and retains more moiatnrr, be anie offering less olatruolion to the pen etration of the roots to great deptha, one great condition of continued growth through the drought—A’ear York Hrr old. Oalvbs.—A writer of much experi ence in rearing calves aava •• We trv to have our calvea fed on skimmed milk only, after they are 6 weeks old, bnt sometimes the change from fresh milk at thia early age loads to scouring, and the time has to be extended. After that time we give them only skimmed milk until they can be gradually brought to a full hay diet. If a calf needs extra feeding to bring it to a thrifty condition we give it about a pint of oats a day, previously eoaked in water. We avoid bran with calves for fear of loosening their bowels too much, and we avoid corti meal for fear of inducing a ten dency to taka on fat in the csrossa W« even avoid giving the meet nutritions hay. and thia for two rvwnna . first, to prevent fattening, and, second, in order that the calf, in satisfying hia appetite, shall consume a large bulk of food and ao develop the capacity of hja digestive apparatus and create a permanent deaire for large feeding that will continue whan the richer feeding of maturity Iw comes necessary Aa a rale, we b< .d that the young Jersey should be ••growthy, - ’ <tee|>ttenke<l snd hose located, and should have generally the characteristics which farmers know aa ••rangy.' Anvarraaa or Qcuca bon —A New Jaraey fanner, writing to the (>Wr v Gmtlrman, tell* aa follow* bow to um* Mgfnd how Io get nd of quaek grace rrpmr w hk* fin- a Rmi *• Arrant hut a bad maaler It eervwe an •WAWleut purpoae aa a peatlire and a» graaa. Mr lawn haa been aeede<l la> M hlne graaa, rad top and creep <u> '* hare a good and, l>ut a lawn, which haa naturally | o to qnack, w far batter than a deeper green coke and others*. lto <*>*<* better Where the all tbaWjhturb my grant the aod <be* an I doty idAkrowti atraak ia Uli nntU it o rv *• intMdntb white ctovar ; but when a con*- ipafciuwa eg the go ant aod U aoe- to • thort tuae, and m aa iiLy ■airtight probably, '■ ■F Flile. Harrowing will spread it utdea« I the roots are picked «p To get rid of it plow it deep and work the soil with a I sharp wheel harrow wr a aharp-lJaded I horse bee, which only scrapes the I surface, but at soy rate the sod I should not kw disturbed in the least. < The more I learn of quack the more I lie! leva it to bo one of oar meet useful grasses.' nmuui.*nat>ltnal — players eg dust a bouienlie faro hank found out that th. dealing was tricky, and resolved to g.t their money back. Just as the cards had been placed in the box, a player handed tn a g2O bill for chips. A second player stepped to the dealer's side and said: "That looks like a counterfeit." While the note was being mU.-ally ex amirud, a third player change.l the pack of cards for one that had been “stoked.” Then play vraakreanmed The conspim tors, knowing beforehand how the cards would run, quickly won more than they had lost, and might have broken the bank if their manifest eagerness had u<4 arouaed the dealer's suspicion He examined the pack, and denounced the fraud, but paid the losaee As the hot days of summer draw near |*ople are delating the question, "Where shall I g»> for a trip' 1 It has been fashionable for a year or two to visit the Northern lakes or mountains Tneae rvworte are very Icaaant in hut weather, but they have aertoua draw back*. First, it is very expensive get ting there and back again. Then it is still more costly to remain, as »re should, until Routhem frosts: for if one returns home during the malarial «eae>n | he is n<uch more liable to mifirv like ' efforts of the poison than he would have l>een had her» tnah#<l -South all summer. ' Then their distance from business and ‘ <>l her connexion* is an objection. Ay . tliew can be avoided and more than ‘ equal benefit secured bv the expendi ture of Iw than half the tune, money and preparation neceaaari for a North irm trip. We have within ea«y reach a resort whose claims have been before the pulJic fifty years aa<l never leen I rivalled <>r disputed. In all that minis ters to health or plea-urs it is the peer I of any place in uie United States, and I its charges are very reasons le. Rail j roads give it« vtrilor* excursion rate*. We refer to Bailey Springs. Ala . Ellis iA C proprietor*. In addition u» its i ineiiu as a pleasure rrts-rt, its power to j cute all diseases of debility, poverty of 1 the, nervous exhaustion, dropsv, scrofula, dyspepsia, and especially di -easts, of th,, kidneys or bladder, is truly wonderful. Wnte to them before mak itig other arrangements. A [swtal carl 1 only costs a crn<. a »»» mttirD r/r. To make this eiceUest breakfast xWt, proceed as follows: Take a snfhcieocy of water ami a suftctency ok fi<-ur, and a bullet-proof dough. Wark thia into the form of a disk, with the »dgv« turned up aome threw-fourttia ot an inch. Toughen and kiln-dry it f couple of davs m a mild but unvarying temperature. Oonatruci a cover for this rvstoubt m the same way and of the same material. Fill with stewed dned apples, aggravate with rioww, lemon pawl and alaba of citron, add two poe- Uona of New Orleans sugar; then adder on the lid and set in a safe plow bl) it petrifies Herve cold at breakfast and invite your aneanv —Merk Twwm. I'rejedivr Kills. "Ele'en years our daughter suftered on a b> i of misery under the care of several >f the heat tend sNne of the worst} ,hy«ucian». who gave her disease vanou* name- but no relief and t>.w abv is t< stored to u* hi good Isesdib by se Mmpl< » remedy as Hop Ritters, that we had pmhed at for ls<- rears before using it. We earnestly hope and pray ’.hat no one rfor will let their sick sufier a« we did. on account of prejudice against so g>s<d a medicine as Hup Rit ters” The Parents- Teirrmni ▼ tarroa - • ‘ How tong haa roar ■ aster been away F I nah footaaan -• Well, are. •» ba d oom horns ytatewday. be d a bin goa a weak* tu tnurrer ; but wv ba duanl raturn tbs day uflbar, ahure, ball a bin away a fortnight aixt Tboraday : " PwwcA •ww'i Vstrs aar iwmmss «■ Maa Vbsc Warnsv a foi »jiam and Mm Oum Vi- rsnmte and taw roa teaNv M ta MMa |||||M iw.r.i- *.-. :. - - ||||B dr vnt to- » ».-. •-. • ■ BB* bite A. through Ute dr’ ■M** te«t trimmr: W.c.. •. ,-•• ■ ■M garten .;, i:.» ;. w- -e gSM to*..- rro.-.i s: -«i . But wttec well m*u*<e. |M teuui-ie lh*i oct other <-**» ao-'. ami utter 00-calied cr»r graaa. • of quark : mot •■* ; . : * to rwt tn peace If the b*n- w tan tip Ute eol and bnug» the root* to Kaaarfaca. avwrv fragment will naaagmn fto givo trouble I hare bad It la the eora field aad m the ganton and rather Ilka it on awutt of the rrenarkabiv nch addition it aiakae to the and An old rtrawberry bed overrun with quark was apadad last spring very deeply, taking cars to tarn the thick, heavy sod oumulotei v and leave sufficient foal above the perfect mat of root. The ground was planted with potetore and cabbegve, and I never had to clean a garden plot On digging it over m the fall, the old aod was turned up a maae of black, rich soil in which Um cabbage-ro Ma liad spread very thickly. I have plowed a heavy quack nod fur corn, but avoided disturbing the roe to, using a Niahwiti ■wheel harrow instead of a toothed har lw. The quack never appeared end ■he corn was very clean until the rag Breed came The quack gave no trim asmtv vsaa Among toe aytaariw of his hfe. and they an- nataty, moi was greater than tbta tnvi >inag the total dtaappoaraoce at . hm property at the txma of hm death. Mr. Maxfield. Ma adauamtrator. who knew mueh of hu albira, says that white be dad not bare as much aaooey as was geewraUy aeppoaed, yet, being tn has room tn Waterford, one day, just before hia departure for Eogia&i ami white be wte arranging his botanesa sf fam. "so that.” as Charles saad. "if anything should happta, mother will be all right,” be saw aptteof notes oo the tabte amounting to f 12,000, whieh he thought was all the money Chartes had. He had a valuable gold watch and chain. The chain was of solid gold, a 1-reaM-nt from tbs California miners, very heavy, though jJamiy wrought, and worth atom aeverai hundred dollars He bad ateo a diamond pin of cuoaiderahle value, and two dtamood rings. Berndc, his last eeaaon m Loudon was very sac eossful; for auxne six weeks, be netted |9OO per eight He was also liberal!» paid for his contributions to Pu-m-A. But of all this bis mother never received a cent, and not so mueh as a single rel ic. Previous to > is death he had eiearrd the old hoxneatead of debt and had willed to hte mother a small propartv at Yonkers, Ji. I. What heeams of the rest ?—.ycnbnrr < MueClfy. Tas director of a certain I‘ar-ian l«nk received his cashier oue morning with an evidently dise»>mposts 1 face i "Hir," says he, “ I am unable to hide I from you longer that which is ou my heart. The banker grows pale. "Im ’ m love with your daughter." Now the l>anker breathes freely, bat adds . "An ' you sure you never make mistakes*’ ! " Indeed, sir, I never do/’ "Thea I refuse you her hand, for you can't be n «<ve," Hmated He. A workingman says: “Hebt, poverty and suffering haunted me for years, I caused by a sick family and large bills I fur doctoring, which did no good 1 wm completely discourxged, until ->ne year ago. bv the advice of my past- r. 1 procured Hop Bitters and commenced k their use, and in one month are wet- all 1 well, and none us us have been rick a day »-nee ; and I want V- say to all poor ' men, you can keep yuur families well a i year with Hop Bitters for less than ooe doctor’s visit will cost."—Christian A«l I locate. Au weak.v women are slreagtfourvl t v tbs use cf Lydia E Pink ham 's Vegetatue <\<a powad. " Ram. tins evening, dear F UMjuirvii Tfowdmuona of Otballo, waen she saw him l-wding up his old navy revolver. 1 " No, not thia seeming, love, s’m -'.her evening," he replied, as he reach-i f,- r ■ tbs pillow and wedged it acdtly down her . wwsopliagua — /‘wjL KinvvT- Wost radiefoir rars btoonsawss. t«ie« and all cmvomu dwsasra '•■•Hip I 1 " lame l>aek. sprains, hrniwra, etc. BOr, for a tsnttfo of regular stsc. at *V'. for aampie ladtle. For safe by all drug gists. w w-M It will be found (hat no man b more to be feared than the man who h wd ing | to tell you all that ho knows, Iwmna- , the chances are that he will tell you a , west teal more than ba knows. MBCW4 rMU*4 DI-«fH set -v*** by » •»•*■<« I tern* ** a am 4 « *s>U •• »• Mt (• |a*; | . taetttad Me klb« T ArMtaw «m 1 i • tae. • m -si late I «m Aw« 4 I <M»s a.- M 4 a . • » a ui , • > < | ; ivl TN I - > \ s.v IgM * Mat ism, t* ■« ■*< t-*-, I r-«smtaw.-.wd »• Ik* Mv«M*, | M« v*x«. kwtas ■ wt M«tvta.»ta« I f was a w * kvwewed I ■ 'foke l*B <l. iJAN at A » taw. .Kt i I ctab awe wa-cw taf eaaMße ♦ ‘ taai * Ask IVuggists few it. It dean oat rate, sure. rosebea. bed-bogs. flm. rvreir.i. msKka kA . T>rsskeaew ksir crow «•- t' ir»Wu<r a: hMsnan vttrw. t ..t j-.-r -I- Tig. aatu r»! |»tr -'»uai n • »«. r n v lj, ■ j-rove-i. is ifo- ,-slt thiwg thll w -Il rwkllv ero- Jwee era bair. It is s -IrbgAltv! I I naiwe lU-sOss. We want talriligwat. sesrresx- telv igaats to sou to wewtas OOILT. u srtx-le of real Mgir ' ' asset Foe warUctuan sol itees. oro- ad dress WatlJilUi AOQ- Clucagu, U- litssssnoj avepsfaut arreiea sod aU fcwuM ot rssMrv detebtv rete'««l by tekia* Mmau sPwrrosuai- Rase Itrnc, tbs only preparetsoo ot beef rosiamiag Ms snore nntntsoes precwrtMw. It roataias *VitII —h lag- foeee gesiw sfang sad :<t r »Twte‘~fo< tn i t rrtwe w lasalaatee iu all eefosUed ctadtawM wbsStav the rsealt of eiksnwUxa. aer«w» rwnw trwl* x overwork, or scute dwraa.- :«--■»< - r it roealuag from palsKWMrv Cta weu. Hasard AOs srooneSnm Sew fort. ** t^'- X '* T . 'U.i»W.Yi»rR<FQ TO B> f«»r«ua l« ■! t- --T —rpt \<rr -v y 2 R -VIBEP NEW TESTAIENT ' 1 I M h>>> Wta - sad taU-r have the bees -dto-.o n'. Fo< fell JMrttecUars ad-lrv-v* W a«s| tHISI Fl SI I SWISS. <«» CD -• .. I. dictionary New EAttfo-a of WTSSTIR. Jus USvOOO WartU .'WOO EM. -vtexg, 4600 NEW WO*RS a»d IreMwgi. Dictionary •Tover 9700 Kuuea. . rwuwbM k * * A MMaMk «b «le< Mses PEBRY DAVIS' Pain-Killer A SAFE AAO ME W MkfDV F 0« ft ml ftMMtaS Cramps, Cholera, Dante iMMNBI 11 mH Strains iS IM K Bruises. Io MM || SfJ K Scalds, hl 9Toothache ASP Headache. FOR SALE BT ILL DRUGGISTS. BlfnßS TfcK Travelrr w he Wloeiy Pr»U«Uw ▲fwintl the ei»ntHt<ca«*y of Hineea by lak mg with hiui ti*»«teH<r » Stomich Bitter*, Kjm ocviMon to coticratiiUte hitn«< !f on hi« 'orrhifht, wl rn hr other* who i aeffirrte-l !•» «!•» «owiifft*rin< from Mone one I of ihr cuwliih** far whi< h it ** a rtmr ly anti ; preventive. Aoinng • thr«v aie fever an*l | arne. bilioosnn* j U*tn Hvaeewef often at tent! ant ttpon a change of rhmate or unwonhNi diet. >Vr wale by idi Vfujrxiala and llealrr* j 4i_ R«yne*« Automatic Engine* J ! U jMftft. y ftgflh / r ysaLW 37 '*"*" ** 1 F- oib bl **v *',/< .sA t ■’32'TL rifs u -w .1 . re ‘i » » 6, wees Is yssr sww lews TsHMroStt bws. ste sss X. AsXLerseCe., TsrUssl Ms. f ff.e aeer>r<e I F f 0 0 > jr 4MT > lll™' xr •/»-•<-.a <1 J J * J B "FJ? 0 f<r.,rr<i|| W J/ JAa & iroa.ll. /M. I M 0 B W B vaeera tt al I IF Jf ~ f£ f irrroua freefr.i I f 1 *<«»»» «*•« < nnva/ffw f X: .0..12?,'"^"!”™. 1, V* we*/>•«»» **werw.«- / .'-JL'Y .[‘y lo «*’ 7**?™ y.—** <M th« contrary, w foliowml by i .Al VT* 1 **• ••• •< »*ir Tumic, from wtiw* I rw- Km <• rtk l■! ■ Hill FVr as - I aW 4 W f Wf f 1 K .... a JJ J f J J e Wf f i J jJB f ■ IV M f B 9 J A J J A B » • e ev>A r r* f A f I IB BY Til OR. HARTER MEDICINE the BEST CHEAPEST and meet ECONOMICAL ~ v. •■ a- hiKiuHot \ * <i) , LaaiavUk, a, ' WB' ' '■' Heeler, n - W?" * \ '■ *.. >V' [hr M ETTAURS - *•HEADACHE M Ep- >-.r -I , .11 .t ra „ ; ... r . 1 BKOWX CUKMICAI. COMTANT. BslUmor, - w Jt Bookwalter Engine. f*acf »w. Simplo, Dorobh and Chtap I '. H^T.a\. r XViX7.: d 74i^t^ tfWB , , '•' * ’■' ‘ ru<£s c .. - 2MJ ** • • • - Sii > - ft , *’-■** f«r 440 fc Ashna uurrsx, a tw th am Tk awents wanteb FOB Bible revision Itw M ask stesrss< HlssSrsSsA sSMlse sSlbs Isms f.sbMM. M.llisws St rssei. srs wsMsg be ■ b.s«k. te«s~w4 S, lbs CSssg fobs ywtosbsw site I bnsv sdxaMS. ess Iks, tte rss be, ■w.ltai !»• i Sss Sv Ss4 wssS. Sgsau srs lies Ills <swws, ss <»■ sAUsw. S.s4 As sWsslsrs ASSzsws s»rws*. rssuseisetfo. sussts. e« CELLULOID Mta E v e-CLASBES. ” WitmeeVnc the eboioset selected Torteiw Ate- I sud Anler lbs ligbteet. bsodsr.tnee. sod slr-ngeet known. SMd bv Orticisas sn<! lewstert. Msds bv the BPEXtTIR OPTICA! u ru <».. 19 Mildew Lane, bow Tork. MILL A FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. BELTING, HOSE ■nd PACKING, OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE. FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, Ac. Sr nd for Pricw-lisL W.H. DILLINGHAM A CO. M 3 Maia Street. LOUISVILLEJIY. aC'loiliis Bicycle A rertnaneoi i tx'iCw* total vwbMk Wtth Wbsrh a tan ri4» <*re- • ■<ae a* tt? an fed eeuiA walk —« *‘““ f *“ **■’“*• °*'* , T«x ron wra ro., tOt TRUTH \iimtM W JTaX* t ' • BAs— PW . BaatabM. » N«M' •*» Ban i■■ Mata YAIIMA MFW UNBwTaWrßpfcyl Bara MB U KIM « I vuntl RIGtl maakh OrWnaAOB <waraate*d AAdraaa VILINT!FI IRON, Ja«*evUU7 Wte S|q|se I ’PO those »ffli.-trol with chronic -iuetues of I I the Hvcr, kidney, enlarge.! suleev, rheu -1 lust-.-m, chroni.- diarrluea and female eon j plrinte cured. No clutrge antil cured, if de sired. Correspondence solicited with stamp. I Address UK J. STOATE. Oxford. Him. aiinniro &->■ t»»si»rs’Meomm w««. i.»w HH h h F X 7 • - Min tAMHAM av’» CJ„ UU U JIU U < ISCTSSS.I,O Cstslswss TRICK > " sjs Whs. (IlsSa, o ksos sss.., sssaZ . -r f saOuSi (rss. kklraa Tses aOs , aoj-jms, Ms $5 to S2O p I < SatlsaJ fl <M Uisrslsrs I Ps-s BV ■ ASHATTAMKOOgee. >• W.MN>KSB.T; FXABeaMB A tiFWIB WANTID Ar »« BaMtaOtetaM Aail -2Y la< PUNBcita BmK a»4*iW«a. Frtea* r*4no»4U R«r tact. JtMtaaa! <*o4lualagCta, Philadelphia, Pa. J HOP (A .Vediciw, a »ri«k. [ j » CONTAINS E . HOPS BFCIW* MAXDRAKEt | l» 4XIII I l»l', | AM»n»h-«WAjtt»B»rMrwfAi,qiM f IIMMr AU. QTURB JUTTBM*. th i:y < citi: A l !»|wra«r«»f BowrU TUm 1, J LIT’T hHtro** au4 I Xlli-iIF OISBH*. 5 ‘ f .1 y uua< MrrfHe*am*»»ar*4 lApcctaliy FeukAJc tuaipLaluu. SIOOO IN COLD. I sVi’i i< for a r«.«’ tbeywtb not rim IL. I? u -for LOTthing I'oporv or lujariom M fouad in Uulu. ,\»ii jour drußXlat for Hop Bltferts and try ■ thrni l-efurt? yoo Blrrp. Tukr mo othtu. S 1> I ( la an •l»«<ihttr sn>l rnrr f<<r K Dru ate nr twe. .i, opftius, loitatu ba4 ra I naiTvttra. ®[ ■MMBMB pub tab MMMHV AH wTerve »»M F, 4n*rrMa. Ifosfk Utov W ._■ , ISreAwstev. N. k .a r^es^, E KEBBI fl THE GREAT CURE • FOB ,1 RHEUMATISM ; Xl ttiaaxkMo tho Byatast tis the . **** "**‘F asseulu. suta,,.^”” ■■la tbs victims or taswsseu.-. IHOUIAND4 8F CASES ' flor tto ssw tew ot tot, terr,s..; ! H ***** EOTt - Y CURED. > >' tooSsS .■ , ; ' rwllsisswee. ,. rfr TT* - f urs mall Um impotteutori. . , . '* , Tbsnaiursl setloo ottks Kidnrr. .... ' 1 , ’ Tbs Liver is sleaassd or oil discs, . .’ , Semwteiw. d “ w * "• **S«.7 ' Ao n by Uwnmate tfa; i Is tbs most oOteito.l ! . syttwm cl *ll morbM ssorsusn.. J ' -ussd la cverr boussbold ssn ’ f 1 SPRING MEDICINE I '( AIWWTS cures BILIOUSNESS ONSHw. 1 , TIOS, FILES sad *ll VBMll.; UaewL J . one !»-.«»-( « bid. males «q u r ... 1 , Also in llssl* r«rw.,ir T < ssesslr.usi ,1 ’ ,. , ' 4 >( msslL MsitemlAsysiMste.n.-,,,, .... 1 . «rr rrorvocn nttioGisr rn: n, I WKLLS. KICaAKPSOV At.. . 1 NO FEE si A J.I, wh<» era trout!*-! with F. ■>', -**, . n*a, CoQßnnopLna, ftav »•' ■ j '- CoM«, Narwr>u*t»a*d. !*«**<•/si *«f>. > •« .j{ " Dmn»r*« of l.iwr aad Ki<l»«|r. l»T«r i Ikottdof lAa Lnngw and Air I'**- . rw . l©c<Atand og. ata 'iUt trv !»;. JVlhif O»v-li,a. gniatH Air AH d—tr- v'e-i ° f * ttekril |rr pMDpbirt Wit 11 iVHiir f - t - , to Mtw*r. N>’ charge for enowuliat - . too TatiruU treair<ir lualiv wail .t Dr. J.l>. dVIMK* CO.,t«Bes,h .- . r .> . Lay the Axe to the Root I If yon would destroy the ran- I kering worm. For anj exter nal pais, sore, wound or lamp- J ness of man or beast, use only I MEXICAN MUSTANG LIM- 1 MENT. It penetrates al! min- I cle and flesh to the veryboni', I expelling all Infl.imniaticu. I . soreness and pain, and liealiig I the diseased part as no other I Liniment ever did or can. So I salth fho experience us two I generations of sufferers, an-i I so will you say when you *i»t» I tried the “ Mustang.” I MRMNRMKMiKMi | ATTENTION Ci iVERj. I Scott's Patent Horse Fowet I The wt.rk of lour fiiiii* ! >' i«k M b«vr your hor/r' and *». • ..* *; H Him rifcht c<» ivw «<h thit f H inMchin*ry Sc.ktt’e- i’.ih iit I■ i *'n H Hnth** PfHO-r I'hi- n »<nrk . .r ■ (of the iinulerMign* <1 pnr-nt-< •! < K AtUiibl 17lb, !>.**«». ai.’i i- it • . H I time nflervd t«» tin- pnbJ <. It j tpeftil, (Itirnh!**, nn l i k«■* -I •' » **’ HI hlmhii A»iieJjolf <>! i•- ut Hiril i *Si olhrp III:»<•}» 1 llt-1 v, -it’d >< . ’ K niHii Shut h.LN ilia* I>h > rv w . " ftft the price hut be j • »(♦'<’ ’•l’. - : <>: uhv the Hnr. i I ■ - ilim overiux it. N" I.h i’h ■ m| entet* in Nil nitl f’iti/i ' ftft Mi.wte , with hi* pted < • Bl| t»> whom Rp|'ly for ’intiie S| Only nix |>ie< ri» hun‘»» . v loo?, and three |»nuinl* ) • M| qnired to put nu ii’mh.- ’tiipr • .SAMI |J. .« o| Ir .n g| For territorial »iuht' " X1 *; EM Alabama, a4ilr» *« ( \ L.'P "‘' * . JK. M| Hnlly Spring*, Mia* ftß iHltMLhy. wAjite - 4E| ciMsuMpnoa can Gl M f.HALLS I FOR THEIji S i C* ' ’!■ longs-BAL' I I'wre* Co ■ ««Lr«pl Uwr. /n. Bu.m.lifol lnl. MS ilo t»*rnfta. ■ < '• HM •twnwib >» < i aii tn-« • Ml flcv-ii*-. 1 1 4un»h-4 i» i•! w v« lh« l.iiugw, la Ii m ’ -a MM litef-Hor. an« S'rtl- i MM i v ht .rw l<4« ■ l« MM .1 \-i • HH Ilß •»! l.t. -..11. 1' MM ataVaJßCOta • JCt «•**.•’ • MM Tho Farquhar U HI <• •* r%• iwri, _> _ r . hFtfo Z\ 4HM i . i* .urti JL mUt ■ ,'•fw Mi'S M'i 1 * Mil . ibroi. —BiU <, wwtaUßi •- - ' ggBM ii-i' I a taLYON & HEALfM Monroe .0. ■ f V« Jtaclirv.-*- BAWD CATll'”- ~<M| A*. i»i. trmtevrt. «u. MWr ABwre Mfo-- . /JM lx-.! <Ntr.u. *te~x U>MM| •- * —' r, Bl ■ J F'ox CHI 1 1-- M| AM > 41 <■ '-*Mi i.nrib. BHH gWA’ll’-V.-' 'MI I'rliw.- « i Mi