Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, July 26, 1881, Image 2

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COLUMBIA ADUTRIDtB Frtttsbrt Bvsry Tasrtsy, at Martes*. •*■ E ■- s "»- ‘ : 7 --~—i J. W. VKBuMtK. tofu* swu Fvauamaa. TVEXIMY. Jt I.V a>. i«® KbnVKIAI. MKWM Mt/FIM Th* Preotafoot to ill Ilea. Rwbi-rt lL*l*r to Elberton it <fo*d At w* go n» pesos, th* wKtacaiiofts Ur rato ar* fev<ar»bl* Tb* Pm4*d had a chill B**a» «i*y, *a*i tai* wound **a**d .iwoborg- Wba* to lb* r*al o>4*r oi lb* Wm to dtoterewo* b*tw«an Garfield *a<i Ah far? W* avail an *u*w«r. NHttoff B«»H and Ur* gang, lb*- mnrtforwra ol Goo Carter. h*v* snr reoderad U*eakM>l*«a io Major Broth arloa. Tk* goat owed id thi* ommty jn*« bow to, rwtat. If *• eau gal a good rato tbta wo-k, large aropa will be auda. Tba on veiling of tbe Confederal* nroaumaot al Culp*per Va_, oo tbe 2 *t. wa* wita»aas*d by *a imtaeaee Urueg of people. Nr at week we will pnbliah tbe programme of alarms** of lb* Mun day aebeol oortventkin to be bald al While Oak aexi week We regret that <*r*nm*tancM pre vent ns from being able to attend the barheaa* al Peerrea mill t* morrow. We wtah everybody agaod lime. The aatiooaJ educational oonv*e ttoe wbtob eoorened in Atlanta last week, w«e aiteaded by tbe aaoet premißent educators in tbe world. Lapbam eocceed* Ooakltn. Roecoe tbe Bally to no» melting with rage. He doaleleea vtew at be recent ebange for tbe woraeinlhe Preeiden't con dilioa with much eileat joy. Billy tbe Kid, one ol tbe rooet dee penta* ebarac'cre in Mexico, who was toil 21 year* old, tbe leader of a band to ootlawe and tbe murderer of a great eamber of people, baa been killed by SbenffGtrreti, of Lincoln liorretl will receive aboat •1,000 an reward* foe tbe eommrssion of tbia prareewonb* act Tbe llto into, wa* the twentieth aaahimi of tbe fleet battle of Ma naeaaa. What a variety of event* bare erooutod tbemaelvee into tboev two deewfo*. How like a far away dream ****** tba recollection of tboes day* when tbe n*wa of that flrat great battle wa* flashing over th* wire* I The eeven fy year* proceed tag bad not effected ebangee half *o nomeron* nr ao greet a* have taken pteoe ataoe thia Aral tight al Manas By reqarnd of Eugene- Verdory, i PiwideM of the <• A K Railroad, a mm meeting of lbs telia'iM of lbi« cownly is hereby called m the oonrt bowse at Appling, on Tweday, Um Wik Ang®»l< for the pvrpoee of oon •tdering tbe bee* way es oonneoting Um A- aft K. with the Elberton Air Uwe, and to aeoertaiti what amount will be anbacribed thereto. Pram dent Verdrry will a.ldremi tbe meet iug. and Hone. 8. C Lamkin and J. P. Williams are req cam od to eoevre aa large allow, lance an poaatbla Mr C D. Robereoo of Warrenton bee U>» finest orop of oottoa. sixty-firs acme. In Middle Georgia, io onr oiemon. It will certainly yield him aixtv-fiva bales When bo bought Mho land tear yearn ago, no three acme of it woald have turned out a bale It waa anld thou fr too dol lan co acre; now, |SO would fall far ■bort of aottcbing it. B>> much for proper management and attention. A lew days ago wo had the plaaaure of riding over this field, and wished for many of our oenniy planters, tool ing that they would enjoy going onr lb» beautiful farm where four-feet ruwe era cfoeod up and the stalks range btp-btgh and ere bowed down with fmit. Ove of tbs moat important matters which will ooms before the prsesm flsvsrvl Assiaibly, will be ibeaalbor ivatina el a vaw cods Aa edtuoo fwriasii as as to eoefom lo the law al th« date, aad aaveteiad wilb rater ewoe to all Ibe toisww of Ge<gi* raposta aad etber vataabte caiatiena, baa bees exaaateed by lbs Mtof«ey- Gewral, m ptareeaaea of a 1 1 ante tion adapt ad te Nuveoaber by tba Geaeral Aasesabiy. Tbe report oi Um Aitor uey t.eearal baa beea made, ia wbicb be seporte Ibe roxeaai aa aeaereta and tburuagh. aad as auch orMnaaend »l tbe tieaeral Aaaaaablv. Tbe woik ul latietvO ami aaoutaltvu wit per. 1 formed by Mn**e • •enrge N. Leatar, C. Ruwellaad & HUI The traiua tw.tohynn on Bwaday ■tagba* brtdaen Mrt»n and UrtMfc Church' Itfowctosp. A*f>i*i*cei>fo Bn. hn,|B«rtß NBi Imii. Ist fiMfor. It a Hand Liawnisi, *1 header auil Metnirlay Mr** ial 11 iw PhHtotcfoM*. *1 Munday and Matarßay Iv+wiH Hie Nawdnat. Ah Munday and Haterdey be < tor*, at II a it, la cverv other *a**U> Adame, sverr .Kker 4th fbtadav end fort- I uiday tedur*. al 11 a m. and every Uh Mea der evi-tilng »ll* At Hurt, wev lews every Maudav n4gM, except • brri than ie Lil l eton >W tbe M Huoday ntrbta at th* Hapekit rhurrh HEI.AIB MMKION **r J g Eeaar H<od'a CA*o«l. let Heiwter and Malenfoi hrtar* Head's ChwrWi. >1 Meadar an*t Materriay tehw Hart<«'a Che**l, bi H«ia«lav grlandahtp Cherrh. > to p m hl Ikiadar Pbmtoa flmeat. e>h Monday <ha«l*ln'a rheprl. imp m. 4th Munday Am.fX(l4*T«fVn' B'-v.TH.Tnutoe'- WMta riak. tat Kenria v and Matarder b>- for* Veen a chapat. bi ttenda< amt Ma' utday hadorr Ml. Mary's M M«etenv aa>i Matnrdav ha<wn» Ap|*lng, till Ihiular au<l baturday b**>rr By R*v. J. M Antumox: Ktok** rh'ircb. *1 Mopdar Ml let*- n>>a. *d Hondar Hrovaahnrah ithHondar H< H*r W J. Ronnu <Hd UiHoa mtHoirtev ttov*r R in. >1 Munday Harken, hi Mundav, 4 p ■ -*•«.» - . MHKN THE PIELTM AUE WHITE WITH COTTON. “No mnnav now; can't bey Ptaeoe or Organa earn crd*m aomee tn *' Tea ypu aan Rak* »p flO seat oe an Oman or ns oaah <« a Flaon, and »« will a*ll you dor lee tee*. Joly. AegnM and R*r.t*m6*r at k-xia Bottom Gaaw Raw, and watt thr** in. tit lia !>•< th* beta iwv without <>** eml ol lnt*t*et Ceah rates Tbm* montbu yrwdil No InTorost Ikoi't forirrl U Grand Hum tnrr 01.-ei ing 'Ut aal* <•( N*w «nd ucomaJ H"Od Instr un«H»- MO Finer*, lio(Tgnu>. All •t.vl** All rrn»d*a ATI prl.*a Mos' hrrhwndinit MpKdalterm* fc> Inatallawwl txivara. ('art prw*a adman d only ten pm rent Flß>-«n daya tret trial Guar an lr*d Inatrumanta from a(x bmt MMkar* Cntal«u*a and lull Inforuratkin makml Ir* of <ihan*>' A*'4»l l-da« tinpiaml i>|wie 4u B-attv or any other man. ov <>rdrrti»< a< nera front th* Great Wbobwal- Plan., and Organ lt*f-d id the Ibjelh. LCDPEN A RATFA* Houlltern Musk: H*>u*n, Havauoah (h-irgt* ■ m«r r ; aia aw urn t IlißtolnoMM T H HARLING. dealer In (YnAlng and iß_d* Hiw’liur Hlovm, l‘<.«Ur> and lamp* Bed manufiiutiirer aad ehrt-nair and I* tall dealer in all kind* of Tinware, No. Mr. Broad Htri-et osar k>*rr market AiigusU* o*. Bantaina In Uk- next sixty day*. JOHN HAVIRFSE flmforG-mer am' wtHitiwAlr and ictal! rirahtr in hiraOru and <ke»eatl<- Fruita. Flatt. Ot iUrr- ami Gain* (in awe>n) l( K a *pcciadr No Un Warttegtoii alrert, AuguM*. X>7 A RAMBET. G-nnral (lionuuG! V V • Pn»lu<>* Mnn-haat. Jackum atr<"*t Auiru-i*. C'HiAlgnrrwnla <>f Bac<«. Flour. Lard. Oom Oat*. Reiter aud *H kinds rd ppwlurc *uk-ft.-<|: SfiecMl atteutlotl awl prompt returns In ever' rear. ITt LIB!IHHRH. Augusta dealer in |(’F. Ids (’Uu-lniiatl lei P-1 liner. H«h. Game Orsti-rw, etc. Jackson street rear Globe Hotel. JT MV' KLEY whrtw-ila amt retail a ilmler in Iks'**. l'.-rk»tl<ols Fanev Hlalkmerv; Hph's'l H<s>k* a ►pm-l Ity. SW i Broad street. Augusts M'ihw>Tiptlnn« tak ' an n*«>klv or vearty for twpers aisl tuagn alnna al ruldlaber's uriic* (T W. HR V NEKA OO Genl < ommle abui Men-hanls. .Ml Hom I Mnw4. Augua'a Th* lending house In Angnsta for Finite Yegetahim and General Pro <lu«* Give ur a trial order. THE POWER OF CASH —— • - It ouatrvl - Um mrrcbaatpriuea aa noth lag rise doc Tuabuw Um- effect it hae ou KEENER, th« ka>Unc merchant <4 Harlem. we put before run prteee that can't I* touched by any merchant WhoOarra to cianiwUn with him: Olkiwe worth c iwtling at c Homenpune " nv “ c Piques “ Or " c Ixvwn. " o " 0 Uurects " 00c “ c GROCERY DEPARTMENT Good Coffx.*. « I i lb« for to 00 Brown Sugar, II “ Light Sugar. to I J “ SMe Mart, to ■boulder., IS " "tnda. VI • Rhv. IS " War. h. IS Meal, rwr Ihmlwl. am-; per t«i»h. Floor, extra w«»i per barrel, a 00 Octa per himhel. c Bynip, Gohh-n Drtn. n*r grllon.'e Rew Ortatna, e; ~A” Rl.vk IVnwr. pct IK e: Larri e Magno'la Hama, '* c; IVarl Griet. e ttuap. <»««l. bars 000 SHOE DEI’ARTMENT. Lmlit*' fi«r« Ikate we minted wild ieakbor. per r»atr, • ; Sendai sttppere, t MW. FVynrmt Calf Tie., • G-mt. Tew Pwt, fine • ; Deeae Rhrwe Ledta.' KM N P The. • ao and lae M Inane Merg Re K 0 The pnwvw »f aaah hrtns* these ennga |n the eeaeh nf all. Cease <M*vk or yner t—nn wglbe seas RAT DEPARTMENT. I* toe xteaelii tor aae to undertabe to give yne elf the prices It wfll pay yew to aar sm Matora buytag. aeVaey meat be aaM tatherw-rt tn da re. TtoeaMr. stock wee* emoeat to blew, and there are mure thee •XrltVerewt kwM. nl gonßa. M'a tgapvaeibte to pel ffeaaa ag tateva yea. JAJfKS IT Ffir’tm, Gx.,l? LttiltHlt Srrrf ip jF'irvr>i_ s a. y oi GJk. Findlay's Eclipse” Ecrew Cotton Pre«B ’ rw»t vs wtcrfiiT i oMZftcirWjcoTreN piks* ! (Fur Hand. Horae M alar and Steam Pourer.) Nt<inm ICMipfneflh, drvular Maw aiul Orlat Boe** Pvwm*. Gin Goar, MUI SpusUm, Water R beeia. Go !«*-«» MILL MUHBIHT 01 IYIMY HKBIPTIM. daafieig*. Pui>ye and Hangve* Iron Fn-ata for tfogs House*. Iloor and W indow SUI -4JU)J» AVM'>MKS-la lart. any ami *ll H™ds u< Irtluaga. K.<?paii*fo of a Mpooialty. I will dnplkwt* Norther* prkwa aad sew porrhassrs freight. Hand fcw ■lescriptivr iSrcular aad pvkvs. Address C. D. FINDLAY, AGT., jylt 3m FINDLAY IRON MACON, GA. Summer Complaints. Al thia •*•*«>, various disrsees as tbs bowels ars prevalent, and many ttarangh lack to knowledge to a mfr aad sore rsmady. PEBBx DAVIN PAJM KDLLEB ta a aon con far Diarrban. Dyasnlerv, Bammav Compiamt, Qmivw, Cholera Morbos. etc., sad ia ftrirdhi ta/r. Vend the follovrtiMrt x BsMMma.«. rT&wh *1 Ml o**muxT.lWlA Pwssv Divwrrsrv Xruaa •m*. u w» begsn sHar u o*o-.'hirnj " Wfcr —'-'dasifwsst Sd ktasrwm sad it 1.-r. so suwrjU* U ““ *■ r s dcuos W. Ds*. CsavwLn. Kirs* i*s Ajm_ Ba fomOy san seSkSy Bs wMfcemi Ju* iaurtnsMs rssssdy. tw petes krlaf* It wilhla IBs iseeb W all for sale by all dnngisM al as*, as*, aad BLae a boSUa PHUII PAYlli * SON, Prvprietora, PrvTidencr, IL. I. FOR THIRTY DAYS ! <’lol IkiiHf I><‘ Miwriflvodl nt “Oak VIall” and “Star” No*. 614, 616 and 636 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA. KEGABDLKAS OF COHT! Tb*v must he moved! Fine Spring and Summer (Jm-lmer* i Halts lor NIX, EIGH T anil TF.N i*> llai« l fcn< h never known lwn>r<- in ll>U ■semirv! IV* hsis lhe largest stork in G".rgi* to sell h.ui'! D-m't forget tlni place— Noa 614, GI6 and Ahi llnnd street. You will Hud « vvr> thing ** wo mv. H BROOKS. JT’TT: —: .— —rx~. •:-z. x —— *wrX X X \ XV\ THE I I ft IS NOW THE Bost in A-ttHTitMtn I TERMS LOW FARE FIKST-CLiSB Merchant a la thia and nd>>ltdng States ecu «avr m wv bv buvlug tuiple erv- k> ry fnm. M.-BrMc ami G>>. AUaut., in prefer ■-n»v- to wiwUlur Sorto ami paving IfCV. h-eurhte Giaeawaie. umi*. i-rlh I human, «-ka, Millville fruit jai>> at mmiufatlHime pneue. H M Vhdtltm ‘Muaic Hoorn-<rf the South "ot write loti. O Koi'fiwon and Co, Augusta, for rata hsruc. |iihsw and trmw of pUn—- I<nd organs. Pure I' .mere will llnd I'rlcra for •anm «uk'- and ntvie<4 instillment from 10 to V> per vault hwa than al>mwfwwr. e-• To Merchant* Our atork of Ctwtrerv. (law-wam. Umpaand lamp fixture. w.»»l ware end tinware In tlrf- lux—t er.'r btourht tn thin mnrk't; call amt aw onr "jdrw.dlrl lliraol ««k1» ami you will In- cun vlticrd that mir prtmw i-wnm-t be l«rn McßelDk and Co . AU.oils, <ia. - —a ue - I’luiion mill Orgnlia S-'Tenth annual tHdolav trade Mrfwnoi nlameand <>rr*n* -'■it ktmU of mimical luatiwewwita. aMH moan- ami mwdc t*».ks farnnty tn Uiirtv P« omit. aar»«t In pur chaalryr at •’Tlh' Slitslc -of tin- South U. <1 U e*nw «. Aaxusta. Ga. y.4wtth«la«»liri; tha lar;r>' and cLeunt shark <4 idamn ami •' I l»e Mu>4c iiietl ath."G O K<enn<u.|i A <•■» lnlnpia|>lw«l uU’ml lortltV-.-M Pmmwaml Onran- trvltll orrlera WMCtt are ouiiinx ln ' •y every mall ■ ... LegAl AdvertiaemeaU Iw- . -7- . ’ <- •» - . .'LL—" J | Fettrteafw LrWen «T Vtmwneu. ter«-nt or i« r\Umw»u« ■>»><' V— -rw. J<uw«U> K J-C**- Adndwksimknrl nnt -—4>t»i>f Kwhua Ei»p«, lain «d -aa'lj roumtv. Aareeami appHva m fur Wt-o; of 'Uami-ndvo from asM aa'ale: rliirel-ti all rd a*nwwbw Um kimtr~t amt L O-dilor-I i .4 aaM dmwaaml to tw am* arymr at my nf-h i !«• aavwUeCrwefh" Ann M-mdav n> .Uemwll i MCI, ku akmw ramw. If aav Uwr haw. wh vj ' ftw aalrt Miara <*b>a>'d V - Iw anlv I. <»<-«• aw hand aed .4V Ual -hrnaturH at oflkrw IMaMAavU M«<-. |nnt GriBGE 0 BARSET. Orhnarr ■ar MM .O4»tMtelacMM>lr. t A «a*r and -wre mvaww, of re.Sawwe ts n methfaf mforcT the hair la tnrwtnliivf b<] i Fur*<w'» Bair Unlaam wMca G dMry.adm I pupular froci tta uywn. r vh-anifo .». Mcßride ami Co.. Atlanta. Gt. ran dupli •wte pricve on Cnctmry. tilamiwntr, warn mid Tinware. Look'nit GlajM»—, Show | Caaeaand luimtM In anv Nm tlv-ru market, t aiwt eave yrai a rond pmlll in fratirhl Ih-u'l j agents hx Lauubeth'a Improved fly Faa. ft la Now Conceded That ‘ Tim Mu-le ll'KISe of the SoMth" ►» locat'd 111 Aurnata. <«a. G O. ROBINSON and CO. 1 i 2.“» 1 lnikliiifi*' 1 V»i- Xfalo, Al A. >»fk<»i’iii«»o ! I IN THE HF.II FIFCL \NI» World RE- 1 NtHt N HEALTH REBOfil, lIABLEM, GXv liml 21 mil— froni Antfwda, «»n tin- GminrU I Railroad. A pare, heah, Ixnllnx alm—- ‘ lie-re, uuic cad apriuir walin'. * hart J- 1 «nn w, level lands, ami the t»-»t <4 wa-e ty, | MidtwwliM amt BapUel chan-l-aa. and one of llM'tMVt Hurh Si tHa'is In th,-.Slate, the ar kiHiwhalxe'l adraidair—of the place uvei | all other towns <ai the Go-nna rannwd Ibe hue lie in the corporate Inuits of the j town, ~n north vide railroad, ami suitable i fcw BtMIDENCIK OK sTuKES, in any >4ze <h-eirurt. ZNoav or TSovorT “b—hue can b* had at a harjmln. as Het- i leni G rapMiv boiMtn* np ami land < sre In -oimtanl demand Tln-W hila are eapc-Mli- Iv euitab!e for Auximta metchautc ami hu- , alites mete who wish Siiniim-r liorm-r for ■ thou laotilhw. that thev may bn frm-d dm nix lb.* hmtrrt wa-sai from tl><- chaw, ini- 1 fmn-itm-apho'- <4 a i-nordad city The • lai r aovunmolaUon train eoatdes mew <4 , Ihisiiwm to reach Auxuetahy9 a. m.. and V. return by S C> p m , ami Umbw «bo Wish to rernii the eKv earlier the mcular mon,- in< naaeerufer train will put Ulen, the— bv S u. m and retirm tlw*u tn Hartem at ? tn ' p m_ Uiua affoctia< every advantawe sad aev,unm-idsCkm rws.hrt to suit all riaaaeu. For further- particulam. addewM at naae ’! uy ts I. V. BALLARD. ii ■ ' I »AV» LABWtTTH • MBS, RffiSipila, Ps 1 fbe Mimic Hoose us tfo Xiutb. h G. O. EMHwna. Os Augusta sell la T««aw |\ I Sanaa.. Louisiana. Misatseippi. AMbaasa ;! ioritta sad "very Soul hern Mate north <4 b eanrw** AaxuMa caa iueU y eiaua to bare bthe "Mwsto Humm <4 Lbe Booth" Caub CwwAmcl* H With she tend maaaafaetatwr - aad targe TBs I— •* ißa "Vtsue Hraww <4 the NaU.' Hanubie G 0 R <twwoo < C<>. of Augvola to '•w»t s'»t—r»er ptamw and al hrs 'vWKe than te P-tM by small Ceaht k. fe£«ile L . ! Aulri PETS i ! 1 ** folk»wH , *<*, Koval Velvet l arpeta. Body Promote do, Tanertry Brnnael. t iml Imperia) Ti.rewt »y do. Scotch Ingram do, Extra t .10, Cotion and W -ld*>, IL mp and Vieuug.d", A ‘ j *, t .i 4 4 y * .so; i »nd j St or H tte-Hrtfo; ®<lt R“d* BBUjbirtnm*. Napier acd ( oe? Mattmt.” - »'hsl‘ . • beeked and Paney • anion do; < b** { . Hirtfw G ind<>w Vorntrw*. L oe ('.iftam*. Cretonna*. lAtolinquin Bailton Fni.g*. Piano and Table <’over»; Window tol«4e« i„ FnncMl Plntfi G«»l» I Hands, Velvet Hos • Rugs K*>t m* N U hag* v’ rrtZd H.nssef* B l .;««>• Door Ms!., K tU*U <U, XvZ do; Sb epSbin Mat*, trimrb i loth». C'bromu*. V»tol and Iluiuie NhaiU-, Fir* Scree its, Carriage and Buggy Ms l*. C*dar (jZ? Star OilCMhii aud Craab. for Allgood* lold for art eart w JAS* C. BAIME, 713 BROAD HTHBET AUGVntA. 64. — "TiSIOW WBP4RBD ~~ T«> offer tbti LAKOEST •ltd nfcwrt Flock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHIfcC, SHOEB, ■W HATS, Etc- it baa aver been my pleaswr. u> eotn nance iff SPRING trad* with. 1 hope by couUutisl addition* <lnr -fa C-dr iug Suring ano Snnimer, to make it aiill more attractive. -»a FF” snd ho| e by fair dealing and alteulinn to baswie-s. tu Bog",merit and rec*ire the patrunag* of ibe eoramunity B.Hatclier. THE WHITE bup-rla ive in Its Att>ibut s I- Stand* ACKNOWLEDGEDTHE KING of al' M -fl! ft baa more ' n ""'I I- ttvr Mil >-.(-C . -im V.V '1.4." :•■• I'T In- tpark-t i>>' W H 11 I t' is wl- t • r !•" r ■ \r*fr ’ tn veil ! I ■ '■ N ll' I I" I ■ ■ vritf"- i>> 'I.- ' < ■ -f- 4 Ji . rfiti w»rr 11- to purchaser. We do not piddle thriu, ibu* we are enabled to sell then cheaper than H W first etnas old pa'eoi BBsehmt-e su sold .. Bo*- AH r.ier* by mail -ball bsv> ;,■< 1 r ‘l : “'■ '' ' ' ' *' l ’ : " ' or • rile for circulars sioi prices '^^^g^lL-UIUWU 111 L. - J. D A T F SMITH. J. HORACE SMITH, N•. &ii BROAD 81 BEET, AUGUSTA, GA WM. MUinERIN & CO., Wifot.ennr a»i> Ritxg. Dealeii* in igooTS, Show, and j&ats, gfitc, 913 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, OA, Are now receiving tbeir SPRING sloet, which they offer at lowest prw. (Kr ORDERS BY MAIL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CART FT I. AT ,TsLIOy _ WM MIILHKR Nll J. ib. jSOWiGiCiS CO. LEAD IN LOW PRICES! FURNITURE of all Grades. Niee Walnut and Owaih-r Bata, fhtowtruf Caae. Mar bio Top. *> r Fifty D-ilan a»1 W 1 W» have put dowa.the priceus fine Furniture to per cent. Sare money bv callW '• . M be-ford you buy. J. L. ROWLES A _ nr broad >T.. Affanrr* F’OH. SPRING! HEPS, WTUV I II B <D’ FIHSISIihS li WS -IT- COOKE'S CLOTHING MD RH 8W AUGUSTA -GEORGIA °" r,Bnw * nd Bt * x *' «“***** ttt "** 2oEL >LA, ’* L ** D YaCHT CD»TH gait, is Pvribtoly >•« C*l* WOMTIiD and CDTlfiuiUm ftebmbtyke. LaKOB tonek firiAW Hsia 3ALL AXD 83S. A. W. JMSCTm •J’ 12 3 " 1 For J < Lu'll Tile I3ow JLbcl’w cotton Planter- TtIK REST . H 0.5.1 ib- IX TLE H * n £’ J MAHAL. *” m.iitt" i** 1 It has taken tn uwvw other plantera nved Mp-lato aiao sysw* foe the ootnbiom) ni>CT gad itoflrr. MF Satfß. Tba 81M BLEW, BEST avd CGEAPEHT for farw t** •w tarawfad OaH tar! ami tfo- m at . BONKS BMIF 5 - on aisn-I of John B«om A ( o , near ofle*. AUGC’TtA •>-