Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, August 02, 1881, Image 3

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f.CLSIBIA i£Wi.ti£Sk. I’" " ■■■■ S»■""* at tb» same. DaUj la (•laabia, »<? Jcfenaa mibUfi! BUto tor UresStetng (tea on first appear _ tbs adwttermrat. AMajnmxmi wto be sent Mm Mfcjwtn< temro: NI ess* te <*“- ta «*• unl eWr» at Harts* ae Mcßride «•< Co, Attests. Ga. off-rat low tbrtr Immense stork of laew»- lamp „ j-nrev ware aod teasrt*; scrota tor t*» t BlU d States for Lambeth a patent la j. roved ly tea fckOKkilA IAILBOAD GEORGIA RAILROAD 00, Ofltoe General Manager. Amruata, Ge,. Jeiv S 3. 1881. -..muroastagßanday. Uro Mth lust, tbe t »o«u* paaeeoger schedule will be ower •“* JOI-WBT Dally L-s" Aegueto “ m irriv. C*n»et ...... 11M»b -■ MiliedawvLUe 445 p m - Mana • 4S p m « Washington 210 p m " A th-ea 3 15 p m “ Atlanta. 443 p tn NO 3—EAST Dally pare Atlanta . ... . 7U a m - Athene 843 a n> - Washington. 10 45 am “ M«r>« 700 a cn - MiHedge* 11 le 858 a m - Camak 1 M p K Arrive Augusta 3 47 p m gtrlaa AiifMattea-Paliy, Bn«*t 8»»4»y Lr Augueta spm La, Harlem 705 am 4r Hart-ra 843 p m Ar. Augusta 830a tn NO 3—WEST Daily tA.a<- Augusta 5 30 p tn •• Omak Ift) atn trrrae Srmrta 345 am - MUMgvaUle ... . 4Ks> " Msron j «30a tn “ A th-oe 730 am Amae Atlanta .. .. ...,..rtl|E NO 4-1 ST Dally Izuv* Alteata 8 43pm irev*Atk*M 7 00 pm Lravr Menon 700 pm “ . 8 13 p 08 “ snerts V'lpßi Arrive Caasak .. 4 10 a m “ Augusta 700 a m M'PERS IMPROVED SLEEPERS TO ATLANTA and MACON. JNO.W. GREEN, E R DORSEY. Gasocsl Manager. Gee. Pass Agent. Notice to Pa seng rs. ivMMENCTNG FEBRUARY Ist. 1881. and until further notice, Uro passenger lam ,**r toe Genrgta Railroad main line and braacbee. wilt be as follows: Agent's rat- three oenta per mile. Tralu rate, lour cents per mile. Ctitklren between 5 aod 11 yearn, half the tbovo raff* Minimum rate, for an v dietsix- 5 cents Paaeeogerß are hereby ooUtied that It thee tall to puteharo- tickets from the Sta tt-s Agents, they will be charged the tralu rate. ..-eductor* are not ticket sellers, and are »>t allowed to acwpt tor*. than the Gain rate of four cents pre mUe. Therefore, to sslrsiitagv of the reiiurroi rate. ■ ntrroaae your BckoCs before entering Uie I train. I ns company nwrrwi the right to chang er entirely abrogate Uw rate-., at pleasure sad without notice E R DORSEY', Gen Pa«> Agt I,«M Mlle Ticket. Georgia Railroad Co, 1 Office Gen. Pareeoger Agt, r Augusta, April sth 1879 ’ Commencing Monday, 7th ibtL, thia oom pan v will a-ll ONE THOUS AND MILE TICKETS, good over thsin line and branches, at TWENTY FIVE D ILLARS each. These rick •te will be issued to individuals, firms snd families, bat not to firms and fsmilies oombioed. E. R DORSEY, Geti Paowenger Agent. M>o Mlle Tickete. Georgia Railroad Co., 1 Office Gen Panaenger Agt. Augusta, March 2, 1880. ) Commencing this date, thia cotnpa fiy wiliaellFlVE HUNDRED MILE IICKETB, good over main bne and brsneh-s, at ’"HIRTEEN 75-100 DOLLAR" each. Three tickets will b» issued to individuals, firms or frmil ee, bat not to firms and families combined. E. R. DORSEY, Gen. Paaeeogrr Agent. Iton't tall whan you rtalt Augusta to call *, * m _Mulbrein < s Boot. Shoe and Hat »t**e Th-tr sunk is cirmpleta and prices »rs as low as the loweat. Special Orders F<* pianos and organs, foe holiday gifts, Brr f<-rwanded airport dally to G. O. Bobui •re A Co, Augusta, Ga. pu )HE «' r o ? « Cologne. frjfflEi-r ' (M Faahteaahl. Psrttaa ****** 3SnMgt*Baeteew aver aart ‘‘ST' Uh TT *?***7*—■» asd a3 dw«e. at ilw. MiwMa, I aaja, Uaar, I—ary tly. md .a r ; I°**** "way with fneisyiii ar' 37..****** *"* rhaToaoc tn Bt|. No atatMr y d"**— te. ■ thr Beat FamMr g** —l aatetey agi.r— too mkl «bw Tmam. *2 ” r ° w N *•* »*’- ■ Ge . litebiason A C*> ttTerttt.“syry: L 0 aaaTlkT Maae e—pWely LBe marte trade by aelluig ■aairomeote at a atesllir margin F * 41 «*r deader la Aaaenra 6OddkL> QooL i*« *»yw Plant peas Cotton opening W. Lookoat foe mad degw OmmtaMoaere’ODart dav. Saatase are aean» around Marte*. The Hartem Itey GM> lnsrt*i. WboM have ttelre* feu mv mtto( p A good scrfng-fcroad at tke pood, now WaterorttiM are a drug on Um market. Gtaod ceJebraliou at Unwond, Tharaday. The cuttno picking arwnoci in near at hand. No new onmet nteUe to the naked eye yet. Thomson was full of Harlem beauties last week. CnaaruissCnart)' Court nenreedings next issw. Earennsh bas received ehlpwwts of new crop cotton Foddre pulling Ums approaches -lookout for raia then. Gress is about tbeocty thing In this world that gets Its dew. The Grovetown "Can't Get A ways" are in a bad tremor. • If you want a ftrsv-cUas eotron gin, cal! oo our advertisers Harlem Is preparing to do a big bnelnere next fa 1 aod winter. An Augusto beauty. Miss C. P, Is queen ing it In Tuomson. Tbe pewoomet wUI be visible tn the naked eye abreit the 30th tost. Up todxte we hive beard of but Lttle rw .t In oouon In Ibis county. We are glad to lea m that Rev Mr, Tim mog's cniid is Improving. Some portion" of our county enjoyed a hoe ra n on Wedaosday la X Peter Keen •the t wa. shoe derler of Au ;u- u is se'.iog go sis etcoet. Toe ihtksy's boa. u> the daau —so keep e. -ou your me uua. (t'l-e hmj CHy. lb * O ,'e. oo'-< Echo is the beet ->juuo •* weeki < la uie p.ate. J<K,'re Roebuck placae ua Ulster ob’ga <»>na lor a 10l of ■retcoee aod apples. Tk" tt'-st bs'o new cotioa, Geo -r’a r deed, •a." . ecaMvsd to A loan y on -be S3d. ui<. M s. Newnan h ens has our thc- xs for korue of tbe tinsel oeachea we ever saw. Sfwecal comrauoioaUoua from Pinctucky came too isle for this issue of tbe n-rper. “'i stbel »j. rows of st-mm* "e« Squire Jobo Greeu said when be*a pwwinj but corn. We learn that the Georgia -sttixwt w.!l receive n<> more w-ssl, tou-eding io burn coul alcogel b«r. Tke.e »<e a few feet-washfng Er-pt sia In vhts count v. Ejfa McCreary of War.ea-on us ineL' picacbei. M .as G eodennlog, of Columbia count ", Is to town. UM guret of Mr. Jas. H. Lofton Elts-i -. n Gazelle. On SatUrdsy iatf, orer this place, a mad dog bit Jobnny Phillips' horse; on Sunday tbe botee dieci iiom toe bite. There was a mrul dog in town Sunday' He wa- ki'lnd by bls owner, M, Eouett Dskigv, be.ore doing any injury. Won’t the Evening New give ue «n illus tmUoo of "Hon Pleasant B:^rail's Italian usou as tbe CousUtuilos L«iis 47 “Masse, one ob your oxen Is dead; 'bode. , too. 'e . .dd to tell you ob boss at once, foi feu - you couldn't stand IL" On Friday morning the large planing mb! of Perkins k Bro, of Augusto, was to tally destroyed by tire. Jesse, *3,ou>- Tom Bailey: “Ishould like to Save my mo'u-taciM dyed." Polite Bartow—“Or toluly alt; did you bring it with youF* Exit. Torn. W e learn that there was a big barbecue at T. H Pa-e.-hai s mill last Saturday. Spew ben were mads by Rev. E Bouner and D. C, Mons. Esq There arrive! st this place on Saturday last, a line saw mill, for Mr B E. Pees re. Tbe mill was bought from Lombard ± Co, Augto-ts, one of our best advert teres. The P eeldent of tbe Woman's Foreign Missiooasy Society, reqtwwto a full attend ance al lheir next meeting. Thursday next, at 4 At p. tn , AC th- Metboaist cburcti Revs. Timmons and Duvall, Meesrs J. P. and Eb. Williams, T. C Bonnett snd olbetr from Coiurchl* Attended tbe Augusta Die irkt Con fereuoe st Milledgeville last week Elberton Gasette: It te Mid that Smith, who killed his brother-in-law Calloway, to Wdte-e, and escaped jail, shot at another of bls Wife’s brothers last week, but Without any damage. Mr. Ruiua E. Murrow, of frewtooviHe. re ceo-.lva pudental Menwr University, aod who u>>4. quite an enviable stand at that to su .uiiigi, was ordained al HepxU ah Sunday before fast. J B Howard, of Macoo, a young tormre. kwt the sight of both eyre last week by w.plng tue perspiralkxi from bis taco with a ookned handkerchief, tbe poisonous dye getttog tn them Tbe Mormons to tbte State brtd their OTMifereoce at a church in Hands- n county InstSundav. A sou of President Taylor io one of tbe iraiu- They sbuuid be driven OUC Os tOO StoUA A e< w sod dangsrowe tnowtreMt silver dollar is now .a cbroiaUon. The imik-i on la •nail rropecto perfeel, except Um 4 he m-’ al Io of a white tltuA in no »•- .e>om bi.ii„ to* sdver used to the genuine. W a had < be pleasure of mreung al O oak lon Thursday I.toL friend bteilmg G. Unnk- I lev. The Professor report* niroeei. much ■ Improved io health by his recen- travels aod fivedo-n from tbe arduous duties id toe sCo<k>< naan Mr T O Cook and Ml*" Taloola H of A tanto • ere united by lhe silken to- oui <-i manmony on Iburwiay ailerooou la»l M <<*A aod nis blushing bride arrived in Ha 'em Fnd*y moialag. aod were met aa ibe train by •< iewd» and rei.itlvre, who ex icodod h-re<tv eon/.alulatiotii to the joy- OUA couple We ex'sod ecngraUitatavw. a.*l wiah our irwoda a tong life of unalioy rd bepprass". One a«lvantage to a dty roan ol going to Rarires foraSatardsy aßernooe a trip U» that tbe inhabitasto generally lake him fur aeanitaMMshoal to erect a errtoa-X villa*, or a ore retire oo the lookout tor a runaway vil«M. Io any rear ihev stare him out of rounteweere. - grewmg New,. Tbte SM«re reteisexpianateoa. “Billy the Bud of toe Na re ie road -very road, with boom of our tea, roetety folk, because tnev mistook him wuile oo hi recent trip to Hariero. at* •«* a caprtalasi or even decretive, but tor a-8 runaway villain! Telegraph Mlf you tneao btood, aroi well burrow our weapoa from (.■bSsfChristtac Severely it Nut Fatally Uaaraaeti We learn that Friday laau Mine AM.W I 'happrt. daughter of Mr. Robert Chappei aeai- McOom*ek'e *UL while waMung * tbe yard, had her etorbii* to caksh kre and she was ewviulyM not total! v burned. We dotrurttka yreKg tody wilt survive het injuries. That Barbee iia. The annual barbecue at Judge Pmrre'e oo WedtMMtoy tost, was. m is usually Uro ease, a grand sneoeea Wo could wot be present, but learn from those more fortonaie than ourself that the ijue was as nice as heart could wish, and that tbe day was highly sojoyed by all preoeet. As a «x>k. Mr. Olivet Hardy yet w<ar<« the cham pion’s bel j, and. like charopigne. Improves oo age. At the next feast we'll try to be present. Rumor reached ua on rhnrnday that Jnc. P. was 111. from the effect o. ewaiiowiag a laroi "hank. Later.-The rumor was toise and J An still Ilves, am! the country b« tet*e! A <rt>od show mg. From the books of our clevei an I atten tive experes agrel. Mr. Ed. Dill, 11* follow ing 'nfiwxnatioii tn gathered, eiiuwlng the work dooe by that company at tbte t>oinc, from January Ist. 1881. to Friday. July M: Money shipped from Hartem ... $3,782 33 Money received at Hartem 4.110 88 Packages shipped ...., 87 Faclugee received 841 Bv the above s'atemeat It will be eerei that but a fraction lean than 88.000 have oareerl through the exprew offlee at this place. In seven months, making a allowing of which toe company should be well plane ed Mitel of this amount has been received from, aod shipped to, Augusta, clearly il lustrating the large amount of business dooe even In this one way by the cidaoas of Columbia reeldlng io aod about Harlem. We would like to hear from Ibe other ex press udloes In the county. Milite Scott, a Desperate Negro, Shot by Mr. Ben Berry. F < m uro Evening News ol Thursday last, we gather lhe following : "A negro hutned Milus Scott «•« o~er taken yesterday morning on the plantation of Mr Barrett Jinking with goods In bls posaeneion stolen from Mr. Ben] mlti Ber ry. on whose place he had been employed, and upon being celled upon to surremise, refused to do eo and advanced upon M- . Berry, who bad pursued him, with a formi dable piece of Iron, threatening his life, wnea be was shot by ths latter. An InquMt w.-n held yeeterdryby Justice Oarer, acting Girooei, when the jury, which was com puted of the beet <3 ' i-as in the neighbor hood, upon hearing all the evideoce. b uu ;lit in a verdict of jus.iflab'e homicide. ’’ l nedecenscrt. it seems, wm an oid dep redator, and tad barn shot at the night be fore by a negro whoee chickens be was mj’.ing away w th." COUNTY CORRESPONDENCE Prerrvcgy, July »th. Mi . Burch's cutton is growing rapidly’. Mr. 8. C. Cawley's cotton is opening fast. I am sorry Leun writes un both sides of - t»e paper. It will take a first-class rain to wet tbe ground here. The city of Berzeila to crowded with wa termekroa. Mr W. F. Cawley's melon patch was rob bed recenUy. G. P Palmer not only got lost when be went oouittng. but slept In a shuck pen, where he was welcome. We tied tbe pleasure of having the Rev. Mr Moore of Columbia county to stay one night with us last week He once lived oo tbe suburbs of PtaMucky. The kingtng convention meets At Un wood church on F. Iday before tbe sth Sun day In October s-lt. Jap. Tbe Huudnome Widow in tbe House Gallery. Who was she? We haven’t ml remi her from our city.—Macon Telegraph and Mee seoger. (Yuu've got none to rates.i Th" lady has safely returned tu her home to Savannah.—Murulug Nows. (That’s a whooper!) Ou. no; she's in tbe mountain*, and will not be beck tu Augusta until fall—Evening News, (Too thin, Billy; won't wash—not lhe widow, but too cia.m.) You are all wrong, g*ntian>eo. all wrong. Mrs lives in Covington, and justice demands you should place yoiireclvre ngl-t uefuro tke country by eo aaaouuclng.— —Covington Star. (May tbeguod Lord for give you tur tote uosl Yuu need tbe ptay ero of toe people.) II might have been that she once ! I veil In Covington. But now she Is at her home in AUanta.-Constltul.ioa. (Yuu should blush for shame, geutiemeo; every mother's son of you) Toe charming widow Is once again enjo - mg ike pira-uresof bar bMutlfnl bums jm-t outside of Hsrlero, anti Sunday aenl us a a.iver bowl of and peaches. Vennor's Predictlrous—August. Vecnor, tbe champion weather prophet, make* U>e tullowlng predictions for this month: 1. Probable warm and oppressive, I Generally pleasant weather. 8. with fairly warm aod A cool to cold days, and fall like A evenings and nights. 8. Fair sad pleasant. 7. Sunday—beat and storms. 8. Sultry weather, with heavy show 8. era, cooler evenings aod nights. 10 Ditto. 11. Heat again in the United Hlatea, 12. with cloudy and sultry weather 13 with storms in Canada. 14. Sunday-Cooter—change. 15. Cooler to cold, cloudy ami pleasant. 14 tteurms through po.Uouo <rf Virginia 17 Hail storm* and frosts, 18. pi obable, In some eeptluoa. 13. Heat aod storms. 30. Ditto. 31. Sunday—sultry snd showery. 22. Sultry aod wlody. 33. Head aod wind. 34. Ditto. 34 Heavy stoma on tbe lab*. St 38. Lawremw aod around New York. 27. Cooter weather, with 38 Sunday-rains and ftuats tn 38 northern sections 80. Pair aod pIMMnL with cons swan- 81. tags aod nights, with iodi call one of returning heat WUI «roM Lhu. If we ware ex-«teua4or Ruanos Conk. —tor Riteons Conk, -tor Roscoe Oouk. If we were ex-tfaroator Rmrosa Conk, Well toil you what we'd do; We dgo and liy at tbe White House door, —the White House door, —the White House duor. We’d go and lay at the White House door, Aod take along Gutteau For the Year Ending April 1. For tbs year ending April 1.1881, ibe fol lowing amount of business was done by the Georgia railroad at the stations named in this county: Freight from Grovwtown, 8584, freight to do, AIJbS; passeoger earaings, 81.434. Total earnings- 83.353 Freight from Berzeila, SSM, freight to do, 31,135 , passenger earnings, 31.173 Total revenue, 32 353. Freight from Harlem, 31.740; freight todo.. 82.74*; (teeeengei earnings, 33,83 J Total revenue, 37,123. Freight bom Sawdust, 715; freight to dm, 1,247; paaeenger earnings, 8W Total rev enue, Total from the four stations. 315.735. Itoas of guano shipped to Grovetown, 138; bales cotton received from do, 370. Tons guano shipped to Benells. 333; baled of cotton received from do, 384 Tone guano shipped to Harlem. 878; bales of cotton raort veil from do. 1,401. Tons guano shipped to Sawdust. 304; boles of cotton received from do, 870. Os the cotton raised In Columbia, fully as much as 5,000 trolee are rerrlod to Augusta by wagon, aside from Uie large amount ounveyed to that city by Iron horse power, ibis year Columbia will put In not Issa than 8, OO bale*, of which amount Augusta will receive haidly lees than 8,000 bales. A great deal of freight to and from Co lumbia aarnty la received at and shipped from Darien aud Thomuon. A goutl deal of ootain from tills county Is also shipped by way of places neat er Augusta, but 1! we had a depot sufficiently large to store this Ire-giil, mueh that now goes to the stations Mlow ua. would be brought here, and are do hope that General Manager Green win see our need antt-fTTrFwUI hot build ua a new aod lai ge depot, will at least enlarge .lie piuMtet one, which is entirely too ataall. A new and la-ge depot would more than pay idHteelf la two years Death of Mrs. Louisa Heaney. Died, at the reeldeocs of Itobt. Itoaaey, la McDuffie county, four miles of Harlem, on the 15th u.L, of puerpaai perltooette, Loinsa Rceney, his wife, and daughter of Middleton Parish, In tiie 38th year of her age. Death seldom cornea a weloeiuamos song*'Jami la no ruapector of per«*HM or situations. He coiaee not with bls hue to thin uut the weeds anil noxious plants that cumber the ground, but rather with hie keen edged sytne-blade ba cute down both the on a nertal and the useful. Oft time* hoiwlret* for hie victims the one of the family whoMip'Ace It is haideat to till. Mrs. Rsaoey tided tbe 011 lin all tbe require ment* of hie—mother, daughter and nutgb bor. Her reteeiu and devotion for Mr. Wm. Heaney wtr* so minted and pronounced, that tbe tenderest spot In that big old Irish heart vibrated to her every wish and aeaU ment. He loved tier for her own worth and txx:iunastro made Roberta model wife Tbe perm nem. traits of Mrs. Heaney's charac ter were but part and parcel of that ouftibl •adon of female loveliness which makes woman to man not unly a love, but an abso lute neoeMlty Her's wax a home of wel come and sincere bospiulity, and whore friend* loved to visit, for "Lorarale” was a great fsvo-lte in tbe neUhbortiood. But while Mis. R was cultivating and observ ing tbe amenities of lite, yet early In Uie she learned tbe Important lesson that II Is Hut all of life to live nor the whois of life to die, but that after death comes tiro judg ment. She In cblldhoud attached herself to Bllver Run church, and from that time to her death was an active and faithful mem ber ; so that when st Uut the sml announce ment was inode to ber that she must die, b-1 ig ready, she calmly drew the drapery of the couch around her and fold ber down to sleep—to that sleep which knoweth no waking this side of that upper and better world, whither she baa gone. Dying Uu> I death of the Cbrtethm, she Will meet the re warua of the redeemed. H R. 0. Lealaiative. Th* following bills have been Introduced, some of which have become Laws: lb* bl'l exempting denttete from jury du ty. I‘aaaed A bill to regulate the fees of Ordinaries. Passed by substitute. A bill declaring penal any false cortUioate as to stock killed on rallroa-l. A bill to punish public offloera for drunk ennese by removal from office. Tbe enanewa fur a branch lunatic asylum in North Gworgta are sold to be very good. A bill requiring Ordinaries to provide Magistrates wltii suitable duckets was pasted. Mr Shockley of Columbia— A bill to In corporate tbe town of Grovetown. Laid on tbe table. Bills prohibiting the sale of liquor to Hcreven, Effingham, Dooly and part of Car roll counties, passed. A bill to define the offence of retailing li quors without taken the oath pre scribed by law. Paaoed Mr. Mbockiey of Columbia— A bill to pro scribe punishment formal practicing Jua- Uffl-e of the Ptteoe IxteL The bill for Increasing tbe salary of the Governor and Btate Judges otxuee up on Tuesday next to tbe Senate. A bill amending section 3535 of the Code, req □ I ring administrators to give thirty days' notice after filing returns. Mr. Strother of Llnooln-A bill providing tor the payment of the Bhertff. Clerk snd Ordinary of Lioooin ouunty. Passed Mr. Hhockley of Colombia—A bill to emend the code SO as to make prisooer* oomputeot but not compellable as wllnes sen Tabled. Tbe bill to secure uniformity la grading teachers of public eotaooto la tbe aeceozUM grades, auooedtng i« ecbdarkhip, la saaml nations, passed. A bill to Mitbortee county and «Mv boards of educaUooof put-Uc sabooie, to require peptic to be ratwtaafsd before they can be admitted to tbe seboois. Passed W. J. POLLARD, NOS. 734 and 736 REYNOLDS STEEET, AUGUSTA, GA., Cotton Factor and Co&aission Marchant* AND DEALER IN MACTIIM2HY OF AIA. EDTIVTMB. Also Dtstos's Circular Maws. Rubber and Leather BeiUng, Msaa Pipa, Water and Stea* Gauges, Connections, Oil Cup*; Pop, Globe and Check Valves. Governors, Wren nan. etc., together with every article «f steam aod water fittings, ttodtogs- General Agent for Talbott h Sons. Talbotts Agricultural Engines on wheels, Portable Engines on skids, sta tionary Engines, Tubular and Locomotive Boilers, Tnrbine Water Wbools, Oom and Wheat Mills, Saw Milla, bbaftiog, Pulleys, Boxes, Hangers and Patent Spark Arresters. Watertown Strain Engine Company. Watertown agricultural engines on wheels, portable engines on skids, dairy engines for small building*, vertical engines, stationary engines with esd without cut off, return tubular boilers with two flues, locomotive and ver tical boilers, saw mills, sic. C. & G COOPER A 00. Coopers self-propelling (traction) engines, farm agricultural engines on wheels, portable engines on skids, stationary locomotive and re turn inbulsr boilers, corn and wheat mill, portable mill with portable boll attached, smut machines, dustless wheat separators and oat and weed ex tractor; saw mills, double and single. J W CARDWELL and COMPANY. Cardwell wheat threshers, separators and cleaners; “hog-ground” thresh er*, hydraulic cotton preosea; horse powers, mouniou snd down; power corn shellere snd feed cutters. jobistoi itiYimi (D. iid inimgi. nitm i n. Iteapera and binders, reapers aud mowers combined, single binders, reap ers and mower*, cultivator* and grain sowers. FAIRBANKS k CO. I* airbank*’ standard scales, all sixes and patterns. Alarm cash drawers. MiT Manufacturer of tbe following machines: Nkblett A Goodrich Improved IXL COTTON GIN, Reid's patent auto matic power screw press (steam or water power), Smith’s improved baud power eotton and hny press, oolton gin feeder, cotton condenser, naw Vir ginia feed cottar. Engines, Cotton Gins, etc. repairs I in a werk- manlike manner, solicited and promptly executed. For further particulars, circulars, general information, etc., apply to jvMl ly W J. POLLARD. HI'LT SELF-FEEDING - COTION GIN With Ck»n«l<Mi«iei% PRONOUNCED BY COMPETENT JUDGES TO BE JBISSa? MT ÜB£! FULL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR NO SALE!! Rred what Mr. W*ltm Boott writes us: Warrsmtom, Ga., June 1,1881. Mmhhhk. Wxhrkn, Wallaob * Co.: Gxsrs—The Hall Gin I bought of you foatasa eon 1b a rxßmrr svooxsb 1 I teateU tt with three other firet-clss. Gins, each ginning a tmie; lbed-1 numbered and shlppw! to a Commission House tn your city, requeuing them to write mo which was thu best ginned. They did eo, and Hall came out toe vic tor. Yours truly, w. BOOTT. For droufors, with planter*' certificates, apply to Wallace A (ran Mon General Agent*, Au kun la. 6’a. (Buoceaaors to Warren, Wallaoe A Co.) COTTON FAOTORB. TIIE GULLETT GIN WORKS, 0.1 STOIE & tl. FlOfllffllS, ADGDSTA. GA. Manufsoture the IMPROVED LIGHT DRAFT GULLETT GIN. and K<><•!< 'm PortAhle Ixwer Ih'eais FOR COTTON ANO HAY. RAT’D. Airento for the Birdsall Engine, the finest farm engine ever sofo Ln Georgia, on skids, mounted or tractlun. The BKiwirnt Engine. Return Tubular Boiler, on skids or stationary. Thio boiler does not throw sparks and cannot be exploded by low water; also 4to 80 none power. Complete outfits of Engines and Haw Mills, unoqualed in prioo. Bead for prices. SECOND HAND ENGINES. Several Reoond Hand Engines. In GOOD ORDER, for sale tow. COTTON SCREWfI for Hand, Horse, Water or Hteam Power. Obtain new Gullett Gin Circular boforo buying and learn what ootton drainx snd planters say about It. Old Gins should be repaired at onoa. je3l ta <fc FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS, NOS Cl 6, 617 and 619 KOILOCK STREET, On,. • t T poy ,R PATRONS: Our Foundry and Machine Works, which were destroyed In .July by fire, have t>een rebuilt, enlarged snd furnished w!ih new tools. We can fa■«»**» IRIJS AND BHAHH CAB 11 Nek AND MACHINERY of all description*, and at reason adm prices and of the beat quality. Pnoea will be g I ven of any thlotf you may want toy letting us know what you need. If you need mon seat to your place to repair your Mill or Engine write us. myl7 ly €. & M Q COBB & Hcurlexn, Gkcu BEG LEAVE TO INFORM THE TRADING PUBLIC THAT THEY HAVE A FULL and fine 10l of GROCERIES In addition to the above already large stock, we hare a SODA FOUNT, with Loe. constantly furnishing thoee wbo wish nioe, 0001. Bummer drinks, and are plus red to give us a call. We bare also a fine lot of ,ult ttro/ * Thanking Uro public for their past patroa* MgffataUttmte tomtegra PEOPLE OF COLUMBIA COUNTY Let it be Known Throughout Your County* that Peter Keeaan U^ i »A^ UBT^ ioan J ul tamUE. Haud, made SIIOES sod BOOTH, and everything wise kept in a first-el ass Hha« hoßorabl * ‘‘••Hir '• hie snd aod a>m JU UT BROAD Street, opposite tha Monmnsm, AUGUSTA, GA •P" PETER KEENAN, Agaak.