Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, August 02, 1881, Image 4

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FAMt AND ffOJfK gteew* *■**—**. Ccctmaa may drop tram the vine* on account at too much moisture, or toe maah a*p froxn * rank growth when grown on too-noh soil. Bandy land io boot tor them. To prevent too much mowturo raise the hill, like a mound, eo that the roots will bo above the level at the surface, and will bo well drained. Plaster io a good fertil isar and keeps off insects. 80 lows as the Amertcaa propio prise sugar swest-cakao, and the New Took hotels consume 1,800,000 ohiokans and poultry and 5,800,000 sggs every week, the poultry buoinooo in this country will remain a good one. Give your fowls warm, clean boneea, and try, greasy rnna, if you would have them nicer of roup end canker. And feed them regu larly with good, non rishi ng food, if you would have them free from disease, lay more egg* and be more profitable every day. A aoaaMrosDSirr of the New York 7><hune remarks : •' When* we know what the future will require, it is wise economy to provide for it. Ten years hence not leas than 30,000,000 railroad ties will bo needed annually. Fence poets by the milhou will bo wanted; while the Immense eonsumptaon of lum ber of all kinds will bo largely increased. The farmers should provide for this cos tain demand of the future. When once started, unlike moot other things, forest trees will take oars of themselves. Hors is an investment with a sure profit. There are milliona of acres at rough land, hillsidee, and untillabie spots, which could bo clothed with forest trees growing into money." Fault Rwarr Goes —An intelligent farmer eays: “I prefer the Minnesota to any sweet sort I liave yet tned, lieoauao the stalks grow about five feet high. It to an almndant producer and the oars are larger and have larger kernels on them than any other of the earliest kinds Ido not like the dwarf sorts, the stalks of which scarcely grow above three feet high. The ears of such are so small aa to bo scarcely worth cooking, ami if they come a few days earlier than Minnesota, Concord ami others, thia does not compensate mo for the diminu tive aiae. In the opinion of the H'reAZy Herald, the early Minnesota ia the beet and greatest early coni. Perhaps it i* no better tn quality than the Narragau eett, but in our neighiiorhood it makes a surer crop. It is a light, delicious corn, and, of course, to market garden ers who know all about it there is no use of talking. Il is the beet early corn to plank Wiuvmn (Vu.TS. —A little skimmed milk may bo given with advantage at tbm |<erind, Mpocially if the coll is not in gdod condition, but clean, aonnd oats, ground or unground, o<maiituton the beet of all grain foods for the colt. We prefer to have them ground, and, aa cold weather approaches, wo would add about one fourth in weight of con meal, which helps to lay on fat and keeps up the animal heat. A little oil meal—say a pint a day—may also profitably bo given with the oats for a few months after weaning. Don ibo afraid of feed ing too liberally. Moro oolta are injured the first six mouths after weaning by too scanty an allowance of food than from ths opposite extreme. By all means see that the colt baa ample op portunity to romp and play. If you keep nim up in a dose box end feed him highly you will ruin him; but 10l him have a chance to rase through the fields and pasture—and grass, by the way, is the bool of all foods for oolta—and then there will bo little danger of injury from overfeeding. —National Live Stock Jour nal. To Pnanvn Mxat —Beorotary Gold gave the following recipes at the Willi mantic meeting of the State Board of Agriculture ; " Beef should not be al lowed to tr i roe. Baiting should bo de ferred until the meat is ripe. The tat of pock only should bo salted, the lean should be used for sansago meat Pack perk in olean barrels on the edge, first scattering on the bottom a few handful* of salt, then again upon every layer, pecking very oloee, and whan all is packed in pour on a brine made by di»- eolvtngeah in hot water. Bo sure to cover the pork and a board upon it, and a weight upon the board to keep all in place. When a piece is removed bo sure that the remainder is tightly proeeed down. For curing hams he uses six gallons of wa ter. nine pounds of salt, two pounds of sugar, one quart of mnlassee, four ouneee of saltpetre, two ounoro of aalerotna for 100 pounds of meal He first cov ered Um haaro with salt and les them be a couple of day*, fieah side up; then ho packed Stoma afoaa ta barrels aad poured upon them the brine above deocribed. For small hams thru weeks would bo long enough to stay in the bnne. but if large Steas, than toe would let them re main dx weeks Ho then takes them out, dnas them, but does net allow them to treses. When property drained he than motor them. To Rsoacr or nm Boajx— W* glean v 'oUewtag beat the amsHsme Ototo r "Ma form deed to hounds f by, pea a road. Ml nasally eatends to ito nt Un roedw Ibero aro atow raoopttoaal eaeea, but ordinarily the format owns the soil of half the road and may nee the grass, trees, stones, gravel, send or anything ot value to him, either on the land or beneath the surface, subject only to the superior rights at the public to travel over the road and that of the highway surveyor or other similar officer to use -such ma torials for the repair of the road ; and ■hut materials bo may cart away and neo •laewhor* on the road, yet ho has no right to wee khein for bis own private purposes No other man hao a right to feed his cattle there or rut the graM or trees, much leas to deposit his wood, old carta, wagons or other things thereon. The owner of a drove of cattle which stope to feed in front of your land, or of a drove of pigs which root up the soil, to responsible to you by law aa much as if they did the same things insula the fence. No ouo hao a legal right to pick up the apples under your trees, although the seme stand wholly outalda the fence. No traveler can hitch his horse to your trees on the sidewalk, without being lia ble, if ho gnaws the lurk or otherwise injures them. Ton may untie the horse and remove him to some place. If your well stands partly on your land and partly outside the fence, ue neighbor can use it except by yoar permission. No man has a right to stand in front ot your land and whittle or deface your fence, throw stones st your dog or insult you with abuatv* language, without be ing liable to you for treopasaing on your land. He haa a right to ;>s*» and repose in an orderly aad becoming manner—a right to use the road, but not to abuse it. ” a arnxrcar rottr,. The Mexican hotel furnishes yon lodging—that is all. You engage your room by the day er month, and you get your bed and toilet Os course we nag for ioe- water, more Americano, and the waiter brings us water without ice ; we ask him if we can't get ioe, and are told wo can. if wo send out aad buy it, B<- fore going to bed my chum thinks of his physic, and asks for watm water ; the waiter can't got uo any warm water, be cause the only place to get it is at the bathing establishment, and that is dosed at *:3O. Wo need a rpoon, and send the boy for one; be returns and reports that the rc-itaurant is closed, and the case won’t trust him with a «f>oon. Igo down to the case, when the proprietor, every polite Frenchman, says: "I am very sorry to give you the trouble to come down stair* • I am very glad to land you anything in my establishment, but I hove lived too long in thia country to take the word of one of these fellows tor a spoon."— Leiter from Mexico. THK HOKKK rttWKU Os THK WOHl.n It ban boon estimated that, in 1878, on the 270,000 mile* of railroad, there were at work 105,000 locomotives, of an aggregate 80,000,000 horse power, while the total numbered euginee amounted to 46,000,000 borne power. Taking the nomtual horse power at an effective force equal to that of three horses, ami the work of a horse aa equal to that of erven mon. it will Ih> seen that the steam en gines represent the force of nearly 1,000,000,000 men, which is more than double the amount of workers on the face of the globe. The steam engine, which is fed by coal, baa, therefore, tripled the productive power of man.— Scientific American We learn that Ellis A Uo , proprietor* of Hailey Springs, are making i.reiiara ttonv to entertain an unuoiallv large numla-rof visitora this »ummer. They are receiving communication* from nil over the*->uth inquiring rate - and making con tract* forboxrd. ITii* is o ily their due, for not only arc they most successful hotel keet er*, but their place is in every way worthy of patronage. It ia one of the Coolest, shiniest, br<waie«l places in the South ; the locality and surround ings aro delightful; the buildings aro roomy, airy, and convenient'y arranged; the accommodations, faro and attention aro first clans, and Hhoal (’rock is the most romantic stream and the beet fish ing water you ever saw Add to this the unrivalled power of the old Rock Spring in the cure of dropsy, scrofula, dyspepsia and diseaw * of the blood, skin and kidneys, and the sum of attraction* is irresistible If you have ever been there you know this is all true. If you have not, try it just once. Yon will never regret it. Address Ellis A Co., Bailey Springs, Ala. Nowoui ha* an ordinance by which only l ight bootblacks are allowed to work in the city, ami each of those has has own diatnet. Honored and Blest. When aboard of ennucut phvsicisna and chemists announced the discovery that by combining eoiuv well known valuable rente dies, the um>»l wonderful medicine was pro duced, which would cure such a wide range of diseases that most all slher remedies coaid be disprnce.l with, many were skep tical ; but pr<-ot of it* matita by actual trial has diepeliad all doabl, aad to day the dis coverera of that great wed>clue, Hop Bitter*, are honored aad biassed by *tt as beasfac tor*.—XksstocraL A Bwkduui Invwntor (Lagarmanm is aasd to barn dovisad a composing am! dwtribwtang machine which stupaaami all ckbsra. It ia compact in form, cheap in price, does the work of four compoe ttora, wvw ia dMrtbttiUig (so the story ffoeek and ptaka «p aix different sum ot kn* tWetatas Itaowtestsa. We know wharwnf w* sArrn wtaa wo say that Warner's Kass Kataev sod lu»w Owe has |*-rf.wmed mrev w. note hi I cores tliso an’ h cme ever brought tatui* Um teems putdke. curwM nntx There are two kinds of ChteMS bads, and both aro arranged fas’a complete shutting in by mm ot hanging onr teuw aad tapestry. The iryanaiui kind is like a sort ot cage, havfngaiat wood en root, just tbs rise of a bed proper, supported at a height ot about eight foot from the floor on four corner pools and two intermediate ones. Then there ia a sort of fneoe or on tall atari work running around bocuantaUy, above and l>eiow, eo that when you are in bed you aro safely penned in a sort of cage, and cannot poaetbiy tumble out. The carv ing on these beads ia sometime* very rich, and they cost much ; but the or dinary and cheaper kind is made of two frames ot wood shaped something like the skeleton of an old-fashioned ' ‘ sete tie," which aro stood up on the floor fac ing each other. A mattree* l* placed on the projecting parts of these frames, and a couple of alight sticks across the top ; then curtains or hanging* abut all I in, and make it look aa pretty as the taste and money of the owner aro able. Inside, there ia a cotton quilt, laid on the mattress frame. The occupant of the bed baa on this, having a little roll of stuff for the head, and for covering a very thick cotton quilt. Otrix A JtALIC. A New England woman was the much* disappointed wife of a Harvard University geologist. Bbe was all poetry and im agination ; he waa all paleontology and geological roeearoh. Upon a certain oc casion whan hi* scientific accomplish ments wero being praised in the pres ence of a stranger, the latter turned to her and said : "May I ask, madam, what your hus band ur ■‘Certainly,’* she answered, frankly, " he is a relic of the stone age.” A vr.KT weak tenor in Dublin singing feebly caused one of the god* to shout to at> acquaintance acroee the gallery: "Comey, what noise ia that?" “ Bo dad," said Comey, " I believe it’s th* ga* whistlin' in H l . O _ A Fool Onre More. "For ten years my wife was confiuol io her br>l with such a complication of ail ment* Il at no doctor ooulif tell what was thr matter or enrr her, and I used up ■ atnall fortene in humbtut alufl. Hix month* ago I »»w a I’. 6. H«g with Hop Bitter* on it, and f thought I would he * fool once more. I tried ii, but my folly proved to be wisdom Two bottle* cured her. «hr tv now as writ »nd atrniig ns any man’s wife, and it cost >*e only two dollar*. Such folly pay*.—H. W 4 Detroit, Mich. —Free Pres*. At< exchange tells of an editor who ap|>eared at ths grave of a eubscrilier who died delinquent, and, just before the coffin waa closed for the last time, considerately placed therein a palm-leaf fan, a linen coat and a thermometer. Every man, to be safe, should pay up all un|»id subscription* to newspaper* be fore " ahuMing off th* mortal cod." Ku»kV-Wo*T is the anuniy of indi|;r*tioi> aud bill.nwuiw*. it is suro to conquer tto tu. Is proportion to population the taxa tion 1* higher in France than in England. In France it is 86.25 per head; tu En gland, $4.85. The interest on the French debt now exceeds that of the English debt riles aa* Mssawllss* 15c. box "Rough on Hals" keep* a bona* frs* fruui flics, bed-bus*, roaches, rat*, mioa. Ac. ixnisssnos, dyap*pMa, assvoa* peomrstwn and all forma of nosral debility rsli*v*d by taking Mr.vsMi* * Parroaiaxb Bxxr Toaic, th* oalr preparation of b**f oouUlnlna Ito sntlr* nutriUom preesrttaa It contain* blood-oak tn*, f-rm pamirattna and Uf*-*uetelnln* prop* art ire. is luvaluabl*ln all *af**U*l condition*, whether th* result of exhaustion. n*r”-n* l-roe trobon orrwwi, or seat* dtomec, rartionlarty If reeolUn* from pulmonary complaint* Oss -»U. iiaaard * Qn_ srosrtatarv. Mew lata now ro *c< l ■*: UKthvii. lit* tl-.-c. any 01 i a «nl| guff. 1 from dvilßgcMoU ktvttght •> 1 b» impute wh*n BO9ADALK wtH >«Ot* bv* ; t.v lit* physaml nt fgaag ttlfott. BCMADILUI :» • *t|g>t rt .soring pIgMAUt U Utk*. Ml lfo« HKffT I VKIFIKK rvgr gwriag ’Jj b if. I • 1»« *, WrakuHi o/’tb* K:<4afifs, Krtfiip** ifos, Mt ail*, Nwrvottg <lisor4era, (totality, lilimm guga H*ini« «turt ittekes* gs 1b« Bigad, Liver, Milatya* M*i», gt« B-lIU • PAIB MIAOU wm ta Mm m 4 nt ROOKR’B WORM 4TBDP iMMtlj Bitoriy VORIM. HOLLINS INSTITUTE BOTETOURT SPRINGS. VA. The <*lh annual cession el.vsed nn the 15th of June, with nxwit sail*factory reau’t*. Over seventy diplomas were awarded iu Ecleetie, Literary, Scientific aad Cbssioal course* of atudy. The department of Music numbered over one hundred napila. The 59th session will open on the 14th of September, with 18 officers and teach ers. Fall particular* aad am ple reterenc** (tree on applica tion. The locality eajovs a mild mountain climate, few from malt ria. and the farther advantage* of min eral water* and moat picfareeqo* mwun tain scenery. CHAS. 8. COCKE, ttapt. Kentucky Military Initituts, At Fanndal* P. 0.. Franklin eanatv, Ken tucky six mile* from Frankfort, ka* the most healthful and beautiful localten ia the St* e. A fall aud able College Faculty and expense* a* moderate a* any brst claa* col lege. Thirtv teventh year b«*>a* September s<h. For Catalogues, ete., »ddr«-m*s above, t'OL R. D AIABX. Hu pt. P£LESgg|ig PERRY DAVIS’ Pain-Killer 41 SAFE AND SU«E ■EMEDV KM a, > •dip' Craaps, Mra, Dterrhoea Spfttos AND Bruim, Bums AND Scalds, Toothache AND Headache. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. AMERICAN AND FONEION PATENTS. GEORQE E. LEMON, Atty at Law, WASHIN4J r«M. I>. C. <irg« t«M«*l Htwatf* ta Marly g*wyC< n»- lyiathgU.B ladttal. R#nd akgtrk of Kbßffgl tor gnawer to »hN pel*-firi*hilßF Ne cltor<« toss MfVKM ÜBlggg a»9CBMI 11. Mtobllglte! IMX SOUTHERN STANDARD COTTON PREWN. gPvOX Ki Ms* ...j Over Fifteen Hundred in Use. <’<a be oper»tr4 by han<l, horse, waler power without allerslion Wm ■warden th*- flrut i«fetnitiiTi •* St Ixmis Vgricnltural and Merlmnirsl AsMMdtiion, And CrfpttAt Slab F*ir Assofiahon, Austin, Texismi. Price of Power Prea<, complete • 1110 “ 4t Hand power " - • * 100 “ “ Power Irons “ . . . . M “ Hand Power Irons M ... 46 Send for circtiUrs. Artdreww Southern Standard Press Co., MfRIOIAa. MIBV. CIV - WAfiTl N gmm, cTs ‘ -7XTTS7 (W v I O' w y, t ., Its BYVgtetiTrirW and l«Fh><>a»Ta *». RUM **■•*«»• *.. « to. Wl fol M fom. tom* Bawww «f gM I——l j / re. *■■«< •'<< ■ * mßr Jr hr Mr mm prr./***e<'n /•» A faiMlfflrf iiffl’" 1, .' ; —- J -f ditWTUtMKW : I fotta MOwrtikff from «*n*ml ftabSlity »n M<b m «it«sl tfaM *y labor wMßffwdlngly bar 4»aso»a io m* A vgratkoa off BtooMb okdl ao* fStosg hm mMh raltof. bol wo th a eostrary. wm fallow*-! by btorwfi—d profiUWon sod stable* chUU At thia Uma I bo—fi tba aw ot yo«r ? bow Tctxit. from which I rw •Jtsad taasoßfi imuMbdiato »od woadarfnl rsoalu Tbaaid gesorgy returned aad ’ tnuod thU my astsral (orca was oo« pßrmMnath ■bated, t bate wad Ikrw brtltoa of th* Teaic Hlaoa qtam u !>*«• * wtn> u ' bov IMA I svar did la tea bbsb« usob davtag my Uloobb. aod th* bom Wth tb* Uaoqail mwvb Md vtonr of body. Em soBM also a Nlfisrasaa of Iboaffbt norat bofms aa>oy» 1 If the Took? baa 00l dtwsa tba work* I koww aot wbaL 1 glva it bbarrafe? J. P W Bfro**8 fro** Terete de tSBaSQpSSaBQE3K9HSVHVREfIK3BHfIHQKISSI iref4an •/ »•- 1 I ■e/ /r*»i r*raa- ■ I M f M F Mp fl fl TMM /f Ms<«n« It ear-wwe I fl jf fl Jf M M M V MKg- F Msraw**M-Awv-*f .4 <- 4tg M * ntaaeai ITMU If Tit OR. MARTIN MBOICINI CO., U. »lt IMTX MAII STUtT. ST. I MU. PETROLEUM I Dad and approved by U» leading | CIA!h of EUROPE and I gfll The meet Valuable I | Family Bfl ■ g———rtOMM Arttotea rrom Tarouro—<mro m S* l Wr W A MtaM* 1 Fmu.Tstatro, iK W > A IF -1 Cr *» jff VawHu Qaamtar las fl ’ K cStl. muSx Taoagga. errs duxask ukxvmatbw *"***"***»"> —■ ■■*> ****9 •• Hmt** Ms All NT fwißi fry^aZyieTtß OBANB N»AI. AT va wM-’M BMAfo AT -nap AM fill |fl| QUAATE B OLJL T D' M [TOURS • •‘HEADACHE AMa-hmMthrorelMU.HUA.wiaMlfcvrtlm.fcT uewrn rt* <wr t: Mtlu< te any *4ar*m oe rerotro «< eta* Hwew-roa* i.Cm KMlta Bar rote by an dreaatete *A ”-**• ■■OWN CIXMICAL COMTAWT, ■nNtroor*. Md. ••••PtLLS Bookwalter Engine fff*cri*w. BaraMe and Ckoaa f 'rem|rot. tatetaartta. ffiw>on.i.-s and t**,)* u * | areroi to mroO w«U «ro ym, KVKRY *L.Ate*rKa £EMnt er- r bc ‘ •' l <”’> taul* h*ro *ro* ■>“> '■ ami Ctmsro ■“* i Su >rit LOW > Ht'-KA. 4t Hor * Fo ’~ u * u *- gj im ***** takga aa. a jIOSTETniu UiTteRS r.eble Sickly PerMtns fteeaver their vitality by puroaiug a couree of fI.MU-Uer'* Stomach Bitter*, the moat popular iprigoraot an i alterative medicine in us*. General debility, fevvr anJ ague, dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatism, ano other maladies are completely removed by it. Ask those who have used it what it ha* done lot them For sale by al Druggist and Dealer* gerwrsllv. JUST OCT! LIFE OF GUITEAI, By hrißMlf. Md oibwr* Hi* rrrafkc os/rv-r. Fully iiktg.l. Prtr* ••If I© r Mta. PnNk«h*4 bv MKW IoRKj ILLWTAAT<r> TlM*©* 7 liAiktefi nuto, RIBLE REVISION U 00HTBASTED EDITIOHB. « 'Mttoißlnf th* mH m 4 MW Ui gtakr«' lei r«l- tana ns The l»*»t snd chwapwLd illutarattal elifiwn tbg E*v a-tl T« *Urti*nf M 11.«».»* < f ar* waiting I<<t i». Itovv.ri 4rr«n«4 >•» tl»* unfigv’gg<»l» <• pctidiober* of tato rior etitUMi*. He* that the t « buyoMtain* fl»s* on ateel *nd w>v*w| Tm* t*ih*e«lv large typs rontrngUd eWtl-w** and Ajrnta are rawing an -nsy selling -! ASBNTS WAMTfcU. Head for fin-tjlarg and ettrs isrssa* ArFlrem X*r>es*L Pvaiiaftfia Co., Atlant*. Ga. uaMNMßWfoOiMiaMßßaMfonafi An Open Secret. Thfi fact Is well understood that the MEXICAN MUS TANG LINIMENT L, by far the best extents! known for man or beast. The reason why becomes an “open secret ” when wo explain that ‘•Mustang” penetrates skin, flesh and muscle to the very (tone, removing all disease and soreness. No other lini ment does this, hence none oilier is so largely usefl or does such worlds ot good. ■IUM L NHM, IF LTH, KU., dir $ & __ I Kk- IL j '* B 8 LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE C0MP0U1I: la a Poaßlve Cure call Fil tel flaamta*m« ml »» nmmew Umrta* rrmsle rroulMto. It wUI cure aattretr te* woraa lena of I'maia . plalsu. all crerta. troabtoe. la*amma»<n> aad TV.,, Uos. rslitag rod faW'Troin* rodtoe crearqa.., *pu>*l Waakwas, rod I* iwnwularty *n**M v> ts. cbroa* st ur* It vtU ituentr* rod nv*l tamer* rrom th* ut*rm i, ro mrtr ro«v ot *»retoro«rt The im.i* ,t„ eerew* hum nr* there u ehreked rery npredUr h, m ro It ivmove* talatrom, tetalnary, drororv*!! resrta, for atUrolaM*. aad rrflrrve ww*Sen*** II wire* BMUa*. B**d*nh«*. Nerrm, Pnatrsii... oronl tehUltj. aii*ple*rtiro. tut*«ro.u *M lad, twUtn. That taellng at bearing dawn, caawne **ta. «!*• I aad beekache. hl alw*r* parmaneatly cure-1 k, iu ro HMD M alltteeoaro roder allaroirotam ** ■ *,, kaneoar th* l*e, that »orere the fanaala ro*-- For tk. rare «t XMaey ComttelM* ot rttoer an U , O*m*e*ad I* *urttr|ww*d LT Bl* K. PIMUXMW VrcrTABLV. r*M pwrxttu pre**red at t» and XU Waataca area,, tyro. Uro )-rto* »1. totUref..r »t lent bym. la IS* form of I*ll*, alao lathe form of lowa«re. , rerell* of prtee. *1 .ar hoi forrtther Mn. Hskhao. freelraoae’-re all letter* oT loqulry Seed fee- pit;* let. Addre** a* above. Brerum du, tagrr. X. femur rhould he wfthoul I.TTUA X rtXXIUM* UVI3I rtLUI They <mre cooatipauoa bUiouroa aad of tlrelivar. Mooalaper bos. aa- itete by all Orogateta. -fc* MILL and FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. BELTING. HOSE and PACKING. OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS. IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS. STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, &c. Send for Price .itt. W. H. DILLINGHAM &CO . 143 Main Street, LOUISVILLE, KY. 15 Sr u: iiusliu— **.**« ntAii ■ sneof hr tb<> vtrwin of YW .vernTl ■ y<«r dulktw fovoid b foe hi wort » ■ r»-u- ■ <UD4kffi‘ *n <1 use W tzu< »tar .' *« a. i ■ Mop Bitters, Bwswig, uto Hop 3. Ts ym ar* yountr sr»4 ■ trtjff*rtng v m ■ dt*rnrtMrti or ■ lion .if } it m»r- ■ n*d or sin*->’ o|.| -,»r ■ ¥<»unv, mfT. ’u .- ■ piortaffillh < r Jr-g vn » I>-<1 us bi I ■ MW. rrly on WWvwr ynnsrv, A Tb'wi.tnd'd.■» •*> ■ you f*wl n n Maliy ■ thsl y.tur avstrm rs Ml dney ■ - t OCA < V **■ * t l W •>> ’ fl witbotttiN/ 'jrtrulfuff, IHr 1 by-- 1‘“•• * u * t t»ke Hop JtXrf. ...\ Hop&tters ■“ ter *- «■■■■■ I-,...... Q L c ... <t>... .-v. ■ unp li,' to,-. . ...i M 111 jl' ■!>.- r “ " 1 ' "" ’ M * I -A fi DlTirpC!-' w Hop B-.tero ■ B ill PAt irye-l*— *'<n- Wl “ I*-!lU|| Sah, ~r dn , r . J never 1,--*..' 4 ' 'iaroroi? I R II life. It haa ■ lAILII saved hurt- M g R**v-riro. e. t. dred b. Air ■ t>-- bs'S-DaxSgjff UAbßArrA* Mtata, H w, »*m kSafeT, young men eaeea ASdree* V AXBITTurB XkO* . ta**e*Ul*. »• Cyclopedia War. TSsgr*st IJbrmry Vr»lv«r*al isw r<<spl*tod, Urr« lypwffdiMt. ~ netrlv tr j • ewer* JepforUnsnl nihuuiau aK i.t r- r larger than CWinbfore's fcscycloprwd**. !■' !•’ •"» i iffiffgrr than Applsten’fi, » jwr o*nl wg*r than / bn* *, SA a m«r« freotioa Mt lb«ir cost. Fifteen Iwg- ' ’ '• • siDM, assfly ILOOD PM«», eoap'H* tn <l><n ; |Ui it. bsifß'wU, fMi m f>«H library eh**p. edgwa. S»A bp*cxal Urntstoclnto SIO.OOO REWARD tb« »n«nth» rs Ji-1’ » •!* • rß*ad quick foe apeHtneu i«aje» im.H f r '• RMBBIfUII B&MC FX« HVf.t iMI B. Hmm. Mkhtltr 754 Rr -tel-av Sr- a CELLULOID Wk *- Y F-CL ASSES. i R*pre*eatinx th* elroirort aalectef Tortom Cb*U aod Amber. The lightest, L*ni*om**l «ud etrs3g*et known. Hold by Optician* /•waters M*<<t by tb* SPENCER UHI tl W FG CO . IS M*>-!•* U*< * N*« ’" rk rMPORTANTW« ■■er r.m«l*a* CimirraUrf « < »llr«* •< ■ ■ate ■ reel FRKK Awlrie .. u L-T"UkJkA. - _ Wox- Olxlllaß and ANO ALL OISKASBB Cbwmml Bry Malar IsU Patoealßff •< tk* !»»••* iWARBAJiTED COBK . • I .00. Vo. Ml* bv ta> n«’ffW*° ra>b**ere- Cam, aumi*. Th.n.-re. t A ROANOKE _ COTTON PRESS :Wtoaa> Tro • jjMgfta 8 ui. ’ "" k ,ro»J -reds to V _.if )u oe< • >d» yrHwr I - - " 1 " •' / .... 1 NWWwI / is... , • i' *«. -***<*■ \ WARTDI.AdEffTS >ouy b. oooßra asm- aro *-*. ~ SUNUONT and SHADOW .;»?"*•* to. *q**« sa* -te - Jokn B. Goufjh •NtoHKfe-ro.