Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, August 09, 1881, Image 1

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i. »mb®, Bd'lpr < rwtol.ker, A. VWVFbBII. Fiupiirtur voLtme I. m Tbs bus of bar bids ™ Aosbv brow*, sM «m hteß of mmm ud taM «< IMb; WHb • Stasis sass and a abort ata mp tall. And riba Hka ths boopa on a batna assSs paU. Mssy a nark did bar W! baar; Hba bad bran a tarfad tor all tblc«a known . On m»n j a boat Uta dusky hair WouM <row aa man wbara u onaa had frown, -. Maaj aad masy a wciT-almad atuu lf«ny a brickbat o< <oo<Uy blm, Iftd many • radfnl awtftly thrown, Bal bronfbt the tear* tn brr lortn* eyaa. Orbed bounded off /Mui brr bony beck, Bilk a noise Ilka the eon ad at a nA a eraak. Many s day bad aba passed In Uta pound For helping beroaj to Me neighbor a oom; Many aoowardly car aM hound Had been transAud on bar crumpled bom ; Many a teapot and old ba pad Bad the farmer boys Usd to tor k'Ss'yte tel Old Deacon Gray was a ptoce man. Though aametliiKw tempted to he pro fins, u ban many a weary mite ha ran To drtre her out of bls growing grain. Sharp were the prank• she used to play To get her AU and to get away. She knew when the deeoon went to town : ShtaMHtaM*Utotob* a be wont by VMt 'retoH' • eye surly -jflb Lroiij Bkh hia Br>. ■h in A amnd • •ky, R “• *• r '" ■ MH ■■MM be wtfuld i> liwjtagbla msloni'iaFofcgteusd Orerturnlng bls hires o? bees; leaving Mm angry and badly stung, tnetuag the old eows> aeok was wrong. The moaaaegrew on the garden wall, The ystopint hy with their work and play; The Aft *\hwwlliadwV»w atronit and tan. And lb® (rat -baJr«T farmers paa»«H away. One by <w® lb® ml ieavr® fall. But the highway oowaublved them aIL • THE HANDSOME ARTIST. Graeme McDonald waa a young High lauder none to Florence to study the old ta*atem, w He vas an athletic, whole some, handsome fellow. He painted in the palace or wiped his forehead on a warm day with equally snail care, to all appearance, and he had brought his mother and two sisters to Italy, and stqt purted t.iym by a most heroic economy and industry. Indeed, the more I knew McDonald, the more I became convinced that there was another man built over teinu yon have been in Florence, dear reader, anti know by what royal blijsralita artiste Stfe |*e rout ted to bring Mr same I a apteudid apartments of the palace anti copy front the price ites pictures Bn tiiewtete. -At the time I have my 'ffsomo few years ago) McDonald was making a beginning of f, of •‘Ttoau’A 141 k." and near him stood the ease! of a female artist *b<k was ccfcyitiglrom th» glorioas pj<- turo'of “Jwlith and Hdl<g{*hias " in the same apartment. Mademoiselle Folio (so she was called by tbc elderly lady who always acoompaun i her) was n UUH UJfl •ByjHWnfflV-fllHlh'd TYrat- ' nre, iUW fee in wld-h-B' -st traction could ]ioeaibly reside. McDon ald was iirr«ueor»-ft neighbor, and they frequently looked rarer ehen otht r's pic tures ; but, as they were both foreign ers in Florence (she of Polish birth, aa he understood) their conversation was in French or Itahun. neither of whioh lan guages were fluently familiar to Otmme, and it waa limited generally to expres sions of courtesy or bnef criticisms teclt other's lais>rs. As I said before, it was a “proof preeaion " of a celestial umraiM k morn tag. sad the thwniueUr stand at heavT ruly idleness. McDonald stixid with lA niaui-stick acrons his. knees, drinking fro« Tritan’s picture. An artist, who had louaged in from the next room, had hung himself by the crook of his arm °vw a high peg. on his comrade s easel, •nd every now anAdhsn be rbarfwf ’ * x P^P , no “Whew I remember how little besnty . I have seen said Ingarde (thia artistuggfeurd to believe Wlh es BMBih, only the ■pwita al t retuSffcte >ouy ‘W the OodbußLr whatS ngUßnss to d. m MoDomH oeJv Ifld— •’I H»»|wimb»s fcttte, plate, woman look ta the atreteyg tbs Ksw Jerusalem for “ We ’ U 4®. to be lyrynniswHla by her fneods in i beavea, and, of ooune, to hare the same “ fmanima Mrerfeer. 'l. < HO' ak -J- r - ' rr ' r I irredeemably.plain face. Does she en derstend English, by the way—far she r might not be altogether pleaseu with my thpory f” “I have spoken to her very often Saul McDonald, “and I think English is Hebrew to her; but my theory of i heanty croeeee at least one corner of your argument, my friend I Itelieve that the original t w<« of ever* human being couWbe msflh 4s-»ut)lnl "Wiont in any esaential particular destroying tli< visible identity.” “ And vou think that little woman's face could be made beautiful F* “ 1 know it.” “Try it, then. Here is your copy of Titian’s ‘ Bella,’ all finished but the face. Make an apothems portrait of your neighbor, and, while it harmonises with the body of Titian’s beauty, still leave it recognizable as the portrait, ami I’ll give in to your theories—believing in all other mfraolee, if yon like, at tire i same time F Ingnrde laughed, as he went back to his own picture, and McDonald, after sitting a few minutes lost in reverie, turned his easel so ns to get a |>auiter’a view of his female neighbor. He thought she colored slightly as he fixed his eyes upon her; but, if so, she apparently liecame very soon unconscious of his gaze, and he was soon absorlied himself in the task to which his fnsud had so mrxfkingly challenged him. [Excuse me, dear reader, while with two epistles I build a bridge over which you can cross a chasm of a month in my etoiy.) To (liiBHR McDonald— Sir: I ntn intrusted with a delicate commieaion, which I knew not how to broach to you except by simple proposal. Will you forgive my abrupt levity, if I inform you, without further preface, that the Cotmteea Nyschnem, a Polish lady of high birth and amide fortiM).-, does you the honor to promise for your hand. If you are disengaged and yous aftec-lious , are not irrevocably given to another, I can conceive no snfflcieni obstacle to your acceptance of the brilliant connec tion. The Countess is 22, and not beau tiful, it must in fairness lie said; I wit she has high qualities both of head and heart, and is worthy any man's resjiect < and affection. An answer is requested in the esurse of to-morrow, addressed to “The Count Hauswahl, Minister of Hi* Majesty the King of Prussia." I have the honor, etc., i etc. Ha NSW ADD. McDonald's answer was as follows: To Hi* Eioellenry. Han*w«ld, Hr., •fr. You will pardon me that 1 iiave taken two days to consider the extraordinary proposition made me in your letter, Tim I subject, since it is to be entertain' <1 a i moment, retjuis.*- perhß®.*, atill further refli-ction—bnt my reply shall I* definite I an<i as prompt as I can bring myself to Im* iti stiiAtf**r so tnit*>rtant.* My first impulse whs to return your latter, dscliging the honor yml wcmldty me, and thanking ths for the com phtnaiit of bur choice. My first refli'c ti<m wss rtia relief snd toepidnss* which an independence would l.nng to a moth- i er and two sisters-dependent now on the > precarious profits of my pencil. And I i Itert nonsented to prowler toe aaatter ] .with tliisjVwß. Amt F b<A consent io. marry (frankly) for this advantage. But , still I have a condition to propose. In the Studies T have bad the oppor tunity to make ot the happmeas of im aginative men in matrimony I have ob served that their two worlds of fact anil fancy were seldom under the conUol of orie mis trees. 11 m ust bu a very ex traor dinary woman, of courae, who, with the sweet domestic qualities needl'd for oom rnrtn Hfe, possesses at the same time the elevation and spirituality necessary far the uieai of the ]>oet awl puinbir. And I am not certten, ui say <*»«e, whether ffm toruMTee of Admo secret prnuuon. fed and ptmpued te the itnagin*tion only, be not the Inseparable necessity of a poetic ] nature. For the imagination is iiMMiM ! hie of lieing chained, and it is at <w e | disenchanted and set roaming by the verj pVtoUte* *“<l cejpumy wteto are ' (b*' harWMto matritrtssfv - WhHlw rex •Iteive deitefim of all the faculties of , mtnd and brfly be the fidelity exacted ’ ' in marriage is a question every wotnsJF should < oiitejfr .before making a hna hand of an Ananjßst: * man. Aa I have I ean gcßeraic. nt, offense, and she is tikslawt mfiga whether aha can chain my tomry to well as my aff.-ctions, or I yjsfa to BB baa®U*et>ve mistress the de- of to viredouunant s quality of my natare. I can oaly proeuao. her the constancy of a huabend. 'Dus in» vilside been*' “ allowed -my , ateal w«id and ba devotion*, that ia to • say, left eaurely to myself I r * d s Devoted the Interests of ColumbteOounty and the State of Georgia. HAKLEM. GEQBGJA- TUESDAY. A’l'crST 9, 1881 ■ to accept the honor of the Oonnteas’ ’ hand. r Tour ExnrlJsncy may onmteafd my time and presence. With high consid . oration, etc., Ghauis McDonald. Rather agitated than surprised seemed f Mlle. Folie when, the next day, as she . arranged her brvfthte Bpon too abaik tl her easel, her liandaomc neighbor com menced, in the most fluent TtaHan he ' could couynand, to.-invite-her to-tea wct-tißg. Very tiAch surprised wL- MoDonald wlum aha interrupted hitn iu Eugliah, and bogged him to uae hia na tive tongue, aa «tadßnie,l|iar attendao\ would not bfca tfvtoe!? onilelightedly in hisownbouteltenguMg., and explained to lw{ hfa imaginative ad i miration, though he felt oompiutctoons, somewhat, that so unreal a aentMßeot should bring the risible blood to bar cheek. Hhs thanked him—drew the , doth from the upper part of her own | , picture and showed him an admirable portrait of his handsome features, aub | atitutod for tue masculine band of Ju dith, fa the original from which slot copied—and promised to be at im wed ding, and to listen sharply for her niur mnrr-d name in his vow at the alter. He ,-hanoed to wear at the moment a ring of red cotnalisu, and he agreed with h«r that site ebon Id stand where he could see iter, and at vt-Tir ~Tnrnt rs his patting tiiemaniaga ring upon his bride's fin . ger [hilt she should put on tldk, as a to-' ken of having received his apiritaal vowa of devotion. The day came, anti the splendid equi page of the Onunteas dashed into the square of the Ranta Maria, -with a veiled . bride and a cold bridegroom, and depos ited them at the steps of Uie to’irch. M they were followed bv other t'oroneted equipages, and gayly-dreaadH i»eople dismounted from each—the mother and sisters of the bridegroom, gayly dressed, among them, but looking pale with in : certitude and dread. The veiled bnde was small, but aba moved gracefully up the aisle, and met nos f-w- h—band at Um altar, with a. low courtesy, and mi de a sign to the priest to proceed with the ceremony. McDonald wae coteries*, but tlrm, and, ! indeed, showed Imt little interest, ex cept by an anxious look now and then among the crowd of s]>ectatorß at the sides of the altar. Ho pronounced his vows with a steady voice, but, when tlis ring was to lie put on, he looked around tor an instant, and then suddenly, and to the great scandal of all present, clasped tua bnde with a passionate ejacu- Istion to hia bosom. The cornelian ring waa on her finger—aud the Cotlht oiw Nyschrieni and Mademoiselle Folie —his bride and his fancy queen—were one 1 This curious event happened in Flor ; ence some years since—as all people I then there will rememlier—and it wan propheeied of the Counteen that she would have but a abort lease of her handsome and gay husliand. Bnt time does not any so. A more conntant him band than McDonald to hia plain and titled wife, and one more continnoualy in love, does not travel and bny pictures and jmtronize artists—though few, ex cept yourself, dear reader, know the philoa- qihyof it. a DnrtrKK pahtt. The hretens should see to it tiiat din ner ia served punctually, while the gn*"» mn-t not be late. Exact punctuality in the only politeness. Whatever fashion may sanction, or the rank of the offender seem to excuse, a want of |>uiiotiiality in a transgression near!v allied to imperti nence aud Ml-breeding. Flower* may lie used to decorate the table; but they are * grievance when they obscure the view across the table. People do not like to lean round an epergnt of flowers in order to see s friend or answer a aalu ' tativn. A low, oval tray in the center, with fonr thin, small glasses pieced cteae to it and to as to make four cor-' ners, ia a very good way. An exoaas of floral deoorainsts 4 a fault It is also a very great fault if condiment* and siut ■ able •Auoea are not witinn easy reach of ' every guest. In some houses the roll of fine bread is placed inside the napkin. I tHink" fha aiAjcritj at would pateteHtefeet that torir uapiou had not baodtati, A uapitte, fast a* it i «mc- fruto toe lauuiry.'has A* Atmos- , ■*»<•* *• -it fee* by twiatingiffitao taucy tiba|M, or arrang tag®* in aM* sa.i teta—a* the handling by servant*. The soup plates 1 are sometimes filial bafcra toe guest* eater the dining -rente The asouao for ’ thia u that it allows avery ema to begia dinner st the same titete amd thus aaseri perfect social equality. But I tiuuk meat minds will retuse the Baaoatatiomi aerh a custom >rtaga. The guest* are . not, iamisbmg, and a dtoner ta a private bouas should never ia say way suggest a abatetabie iaatituttM twitch-tender. Al MATnaima- story—Doe ta which ’ there are no wedding*. asY** “ * T* ffiri iwvehgc, because “revenge m sweet” ’ girls are said to be going out [Of fwtaon. If thi* i« true, the plumper ItbegiM the dtimmer her chances. ' I "Hr lierling’s Hlioes" ia the name *f » new lialiadrhß®/* the old man's boob'' more teHfcnni I In I>nlulM B h<> it«d aa nvaratou i>* truth, ' T» ■■ no wnan serksM State ter • UiartttemSHbr. ' » <*>• UM * CfexTutiuor »U> wmttonal'ly in veiling against iaeteon worship should riassuiber tiiat it mate* a heap of differ enee whose dare* ia gored. Wwsx * hen site on an empty china ’’Kff/7 00 •< blind instinct. What do you sell it when a girl seta her affections on ah empty-headed noodle T AoHiVALaova aai-hauge Uiiaks whan h man marries a widaw be should give upsmukuig. “She gives up her weeds’’ —haahould he equally ixjlttr Ttei Boston Daily Advrrfitrr heads ali lßiclo in It* oolumut, “ Tba tireece teAToJgy.’ BM*.* I ntended for a we would answer—Olooumr ußn* wm a daisy," but she put bar little French-heeled shoe on a banana peel, in* flash wa* »t*tialhrm<-d into a lady slipper, and then aiosa X* ambitious fir! Id Dutraqus rail in lova with a daar foraifu Duka; Whan ab® Uaroad Mat ht■ caah Waa all *» •llnging baah •ba kicked !lfc® a Baabl<B«tnuk “Ito vov play the^tano“No, I don’lV'lsy fl* jdteib.WFmv iflkter Bfoi nah, who is in Havannab, she plays jba t piaiw in the most charming man nah." “ Havcabauanay A vouMO lady was caressing a pretty spaniel ami muruinnug, " I do love a nice dog!" “Ah!” sighed a dandy, standing near, “ 1 would I were a dog. *' “Nevermind,” retorted the young lady, sharply, “ you’ll grow." Ths Boston Olobr remarks that love is an affection of the stomach. In the interest of amatory poetry, we really hope not. ,Tu»t imagine a lover warb ling beneath the lathee of her he fovea, “ My stomach, my stomach is breaking for the love of Alice Gray." "Mr wife," remarked a prominent mauufacturer, “ never attends auction*. She went once, just before we were mar ried, and, seeing a friend on the opposite side, nodded politely, whereupon the auctioneer knocked down a patent cradle, snd asked her where she wautod it delivered.” " la rr trtie that you are going to mar ry again?, ylt'» vj*{y true." “Anil whom <P> yon marry?" “My dead wife’s sister." "Is she handsome?'* "No." "Rich?” “Not at all.” “Then why have yon chosen her?" “To tell you the truth, dear friend, in or<ier not to change mother-in-law." riLKlltroKl'll TACT. A new church waa about to lie ojienixl toy tlie Bishop, ami a number of tlia neighboring clergy were invited to Iw fimwiit at the ceremony. Arrangement* had lieen made for the clergy to walk into tlie church in procession in sur plices, the Bishop last The prooaawou wa* formed, all waa ready, when the rector name to the Bishop, savlog ; All will lie spoiled ; two clergy are ooms in black gowns; they declare they will wear them in the proessei id. They are rnme tor the purpose of openly showing their evangelical principle*. ” The Bishop replied : “All will be well; they will go m surplice*." The rector assured the Biabop tiiat this waa UDpoaaibfe, and that any re monatnuM-e toe might make would only cause a disturbance. The Buihop, after agam reaasunag the rector, said to tin* clergy, who were formed two and two • “ Gfontiemeu, are you ready?” and, re ceiving a reply tn the affirmative, be stepped along the rank, and seooated the first black-gowned ctergyntan with, "Good morning, Mr. ■* will yaa have the kmdneaa to read the first leaaoci for ba tote morning?" Than, paeamg to the MQtad, he made the requeat that be would read the aacond Iseenn. The two fled to tad surylisua, sad toa pou eeeteou v«at tnto atareh with the two etaegy etad as too otitera Br dastraof the tetaXfag of Freatea hta heart waa interred m a heart iihspea marbia nsefcrt at the foot te hte parents grave, ALLItiMTUH '< I U is now twenty-one yeara sinoo that an old Canadian revnaled to the head of > a largo shoe-manufacturing firm iu Bos ton the secret of a process for the tan- 1 ning of alligator hides. The industry immediately became a profitable one, ' and aiuce then many thousand alligator hides are annually used by our home utißMtnotunirs or scut abrttal, prinqi psl^toTionrton and Hamburg. At first and . ftp* •* teofr<<’l tos trsf- I Mr. The wholesale maimer iu which the alligator* were slaughtered, how*- ever, speedily rendered tbeui ecarre m that kite** •' irate WBibwHie great source from which our supplies are ob tained, and ths trade center* in Jackson ville. The alligator* are killed in groat number*, ixitli hy passenger* on Itouel tfo* HteatulxMta plymg on the river* of j Florids aud by hunter* who follow tlii* pursuit a* a mesne of livelihood. After lieuig killed they are flayed, and only I tame parts wtooli are useful for leather, such as the lially and flank*, arc pre served. They are then (locked in a cask ! containing a strong brine aud Hout North to lie made into leather. Hither to alligator leather hae liecu used chiefly for men's lioota and shoes ; uow, how- | aver, it is coming into faehiou for lubes' ! wear. It is also meats into slipper*, pocket-books, cigar-caaaa aud various > otoemtendaul fancy articles. The traf fic in this leather, which ha* hitherto lieen of only in tins coun try, i* uow making rapid strides iu Eu rope, anil at a not far distant day will probably reach no inconsiderable pro oorUona.—FrtutApaprr. Auaxasdbs Dumas, tils, ia the author . of the following maxims. They were wrUten in ths album of the beautiful Viacomteese d'A.: " I like wicked people , I>etter than stupid people, for they real at times.” “ Men look at women from liead to foot; women look at men from tlie Feet to the heail.” “All women wish to lie esteemed. They care leas to be respcctis-L" “Yon must sever try to convince a woman by reason, bnt always by the emotions." In Hau Francisco, with the hon»e> nearly all of wood, and with > |M>pnla tiou of 23-3,000, the total aHNesmvl valua tion of ail property, real and personal, ia 125.3,000,000, in Hamilton county, Ohio, which includes Cincinnati, aud baa a tnneb larger population then Han Fran cisco, it is 1207,000,000, and in Ht. Louis, with a population of 850,0(X), it i« only >165,000,000. .. a» w i 'i ii a hi ii —-1 I! -LL |ROm A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE UCON BITTEICM ar* highly recommend.-d for all diena— en quiring a arrtain and rtbrient tonic; espocuilly Jfr- mittmt Etvrn, Want oj Appttilr, boot i>J S'rrnjfth, fwk <jf Enrrtfv, r(r. J'nrtchra th* bkKxl,itrengtlu*na the musclr*, and give* new life to the n<-rew>. They an! • like a charm on the digertive organa, mno»H!gaildyaiw|.ig«ye>p*ms<,—' , i a« 7'iwXiny li.t Food, liarhunj, Unit in llw. /itorntrh.Jimrll'iirn, rtr, Tho only Iron Preparation that will not biaokcn th* tr«*fh «t give bomlaotoe. Hold by all dn> gg lata. Write for the AB C book, *U pjt,af naeful ami amusing reading— amt free, BBOWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. ■ » - ■■■ , !■■■ BITTERS W Mu& ®r mills. ® m Pl—latioo and Mill Machinarr. EnaioM and lk>i|tra, (Gotten Hcreaa, Rha'ltng Paibya, Hangamt. Journal Bom*. Mill Oearfnr, (ladeotn, TntMn's W«t*r'Wl»*«l«. (Ha (baHat. Jurtora'a (»r>wnm«, fl aatoa’a t'ironlac Htw», Gttcunera —I Fib’, belting, Babbitt Meta). Braaa Fitiinga, < <U»be arid Cneck Valaea, Whuijg Guigar*, jLC. Iron and liras* (’aalloga, f«ie K bi, iron Front*, Bil onlei GEO. It. LOMBARD A. FOREST CITY FOL’JfDRY ANO MACHINE WOHKS. 10H to 1026FENWJCK.SCKEET, 4VOL.-.TA, OY IBT'Near tbe Water Tower j ***Kepatrin« proaijrtly d»— at 4>>smm anc*» Mr repairs of all kiada done d"2l 1 r OPERA HOUSE GARDEN ! BEN NEISZ. PROITMETOR. OHHCB W. UK O I4GARX. PHILADELPHIA AND CINCINNATI BEEN. BKt)All ANf» ELLIM HrKEEIH, AUGUMTA, ‘GA —llly TIKHB-glS'* Aw*nW* fa >• AAM'Atitto- NVM BEft JUT. ; F J. a jhflßKdKlAl 4 nr-MOK* >w»Mia®a»*«M It wa* seldom brigiit, but iMKAnesa WM aIVAI" | j ■ only (lataall pfooeot itranpearefi HiMM T* lo clouds, <ni a dark aud gloomy nuzte, no pure and so pole that we might have | iniAginrd it Xropctlimg like m<9cy and truth shintrg m a world nf toi. . oh the Rhhcf Non aitoer it ikirns forth in full gtory. There a k(*d of light i yellow cloud which is in Eng Isiu! kg own by Uic name of " haraeiails," and ta, hi I triltb, anfoa*r*nblfti|W «it lifog flxkh's, or | treseea, thrown al mat hl aft dWWtioiiH lumghm a iiumlwr' as itiieae. Os pain oohiv, like moonlight, and wrenthisl together so as ti|fucm across thf buavMA, Tike the kyji of a rnintaiw, with nm center of the Arch to the wretMtehOof' the it suprewsMi ti» na wtam wwflrg nomtoout I*'' Atefesp. utatew- Hra'luallfttetoto' l ' 1 ib * lf * QXk 'F Wfe ot again*t it, it w»« steadily approH.-hing lite xruitli’,"lna, blWiffrfainJd {ft point, rested tbere A whillft "Hie hrtffttHUii . py was awhtWv nsdr ehovwtot*4kuls. aud we were iunhstoltindte l—ato Bffui gvnt arap. N«*w **lngnka nf toghfipcou. tiuually kindled on jhu <yg| faih <i. Homutimcs one U t|y freeaee jgouid whirl aw though ft wcr? f'hJFWWof a dragon’s tall ; flwm■*tedr^‘it o to>#W i.NH, tte waved *]*poanMi<te PtM'tihMflMMily a uumto* of Ntnrigfrt, eentete «M|>ea, like a nun of fire ; thnu a tonteanfl tn ilMtiuol mottou «( to» shafeMitef light, which ye compared to > fowatafiou* dinito of spirits. —Ai. Aiurrttfi. —TO—**. From the Au*lrallsii While fifteen <■ it- pMlj in < jiiiH-nsland, Australia, frit* n kMjftr.o sculfi. they emus t* >x u pstat rata, scalps bwwa pnul tar ms rear mid a Ihlli, A r. diirllou of »lic rate to twelve Im* msfli* *ll the .Mflt-reuat' in favor of the kangarocs it is eaUuuited ' tiiat a kangaroo oat* ns riiiicli gliom us a f sheep, atiddcsftova a* nita-li is it east by the skill with wlitoli It ptiMts ont the iiio-t sllecillmit toj k"igi*. The busli of Aiistralik fJ »flr overtoil l>\ flu* multiplying ol wild imts-w-that they have to im shot douu l)i colgpion i nith rabbits and knugaroo*. In one ti- trii't nn trab stnllfrt’i got n<v*t" it hilly veers ago, niui was i.evtrr sm-ap liux'd lio wa* a cik stunt, -Hal t'ouJi a onple of tlmronglibri-d <-oit* ulthnini, t ind it has lieen inmnrk.*.! Hmt a large , pr-ipoi'tion ot Hie wild hoi «<■* >g t|>c dis . titsl ;ii> .( liis < ofor. Hoivi li 'lmved ‘tub- icry old nre oeenslomffH Shew far ' iwnv in diMtuiit raime-i. Hu uiamcbas | -hot .i.tXNi Imnu-a in two yiuua, ‘'•’ ia atiMM Th* man who expressed, an gtonlon ha<l to pay charge* clear fhrongtiDefor* io conijmny wrmki take it