Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, August 09, 1881, Image 2

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FaMhM Beery Twettoy. at ■aetm.«a J. W. nOBiNKE. Kam•*»«> I’ntwn*. TtlbU’Ar Mt-orni ». tan. > - 4W KI»fTOKIAL WBWH MOTMB- Fine raina up tbe Georgia railrood OU Sunday Gwitoan'a bn|M brought Bliae to tbe White lioeoe. E M. linger*. United Htatra ooneul at V.-rn (‘rna, died on the l«t >n»L Tbe mowweneot of Judge ttira<n Weener, Ceeee to be bank st Bomb Bonnier Rill arHeed at Rockliridge Alnm Springe la»t Friday, quite re dared, bat improving. We de really wooder if Mr. <Jaa» field waa very Miiowuly weunded. beuMi lines wo ttenk bo not. Prohibition got a bfsck eye at tbe •tele oleelKHi iu North < arolina last weak. Tbo anti party woo by a greet arepwety. Henry Todd, eGeorgia darkey liv h* nt Iterien, on the e<«eot, is th® wees tneet negro in tin-K H« • aaet to te- worth IIOO.IMMI The I rearer) Doparlmeut baa of derod tXfiOO .000 of standard »ilv»r fSotlars to br eotued at tbe United Ikatie Mint during August. ia a•— «• raies going on b«tw**t> th* grant railway hue- in tbe Nor'b. In oon-eqneuce, a f—r •un onn travnl firat-<.|aas from Ba ten io < btcngu for mih f"> The nnn b r nt emigrants fr m Brunses to the UurtO l * '*tn , »'« .boi u > Mm ■Bonita of June, was 17.25 H Tin aggrawtead number < f passenger. for tbe baM year. reding Jiue 30, IHBI, ban brn® 72,®t0 Or Curry, general agent for the Penbwdy futul, k.LlreMrel- the !g-gis- Utnrn on tbe sli »e<f wisely urged (be State to increase the an- M«1 appropriation tor ctTuateiuci to MM n» SkNt dollar- A» tbe S« oiMid Georgia bUtothoo bears ite reword of being the beat <>r g unaed, the boat drilled and ibe brat > quipped in Ihe Stale they atoned be tint Io pepreneni Georgia ut th* ap pmarhing York'own eenbMiml. The Ah*U ConatltiMam -aqm the loot that M»raou biMnhiy aat oola ar* in ofioraliun tn portion* of Georgia la not a »ery hapefal sign for the fiiture —«>>haaa tbe knowledge ot Ibe fact •hould a rowan Ibe people tn the ne eewnty of taking tho matter m band. t Grant a income Mtaaid to be about •60 MM) a year froas bia aoue firm, in which iu a t ailent partner, from lu» railroad poaitirma, hie own invert- Meats and the Grant load And yet tbe eeamp ia an arnwa to have the bat prosed amend again lor kia benefit. Mr. 4.0 Butte ia revising Butte* Map <4 Gpurgta. Il baa bean ten years hi nee any aherai ions were mode it it- bn tbs mewed rd Mina we hope Haricta anti term a pronrioant plena. Um weaß, wbb all »r» tanette wadi iitib iwifri aad with the attitadea of every ntiMad ateHm will appear in alow atate Virgtaia, the tir»t cultivator of lo terau, aad which baa mined ibis crop m owe of itaatap'ea lor o century and a ball, in at teat becoming diagaated with it. Tubmco impovenabro tbe atil. and tbe dark eommou Virgima tdboroo haa become -ueb a drug on tbe WMUckei that H docs not pay to aeWivata B. Yea, kbe Slate ne»de a capitol the baetdang naw oaad torfa* pttep>*» kt tn *♦**► beteee <air catefa eowMbaano. Ttoa tagia. htavadbnui'i make aa apprqfahoa tor fan parpnaa at tbte aaaaeoa, and we woOMU proud of the opport uni ty of patetag fieoalor Barksdale and Bopemaentative Shockley on rwrord aa rotiag in tnror of th« appropriation I’tea ia certainly a bad year for tbe man who ad vert wed rewardb for roeaola Three of thews celestial va grants are wit ten teleecopie range at lbw writing, and tbo returns of mwe are expected daily for the arit fire months Aa they met tfiOO each, the fellow that idh-red Ibe rewarde aa no douta wiling to play qone Cowaeta —why. they eaeeeaannw ttenge now. If all the Gentaaea m tbe wmolry who went e|ha dhoted ebootin baltot iulo tbe Nrer of the PrredowA. there wogKhMdty boMOWb ed AhM bear Wi-ie fact, there wewM bo tete IteUo if anything kA nf the eomeerbere and anode a same bate toe aaa poaabar tend cd grehboe—and 14 a gaobee grabber wether Hot than tho on entry knowa ! •ffcreire- It s»M» t<> r»renrel lewnly ><y r»~ Morin* color and luhlth to grav «w fortrrf hair, au-l Mi lereOr-ial tu itea *iH>. >• «hy Par Mr's Hall Hsisani V Huth a pnfWlar Ag|> mt JteudMpMt’Mfr.® t i>t|L at W am PhiteiMnhin. »1 Monday and Sa«sr»U>’ heion*. at II am Hawdret. fU> Monday and Natunlay tn-, •nrc. at H a m. in rrerv ittor remth Adam*. «w»ev other tth Monday ami Mat * unlay l*-«or>-. at n am, aial ever) 4lh Hun ds v WotHtur at I JH Al HarMu. arrliwnrrv Monday nhrhl, nirpl abrt> then. M lewhuur •• tin- 3>l Muixtav nixhtaat th* lUptiat church. BELA IK MMMItIK- Hm . J » Ewncvf Hood'» Cliac-I.lst Mundav and MOtuiiiaV l«dor«- I nmf« Chwrrii, *1 Munday and Saturday taCora Harloti'a Chapa!. St Mumlay Fn*r>dahli> Church. IJI> t> m *1 Momtav t*be.'*'a<ha«ml. «Mi Mumlay Umalwin'a Chap>-I. J» p m. 4th Miuatay APPLIMO CIBITIT to-i .T. H. Ttstwmu. White (Ht, 1< MuWtav and Katuntay ha f<w»- flwnii’n eluipel. bl Mumia v and Hat urdsy ladon- Mt Mary's. »1 Mumlay and Matorrtav lad.av Appling, 4Ui Huu Mil' and Haturday la-lot<• Bv Bov -I M Atkuumw Blohm- church. >1 Mumlay Mt Txt">- ntxi. >1 Memlay Gnm-churr-h 41 h Mumiai B< Rev W. 4. Bmiawa: tHd tlnhw tat Hurday MUnw Beti. M Mumlay Harhwu. Sd HuihJoi . 4 p ni WONDERFUL •M IH IS I S HECEIVED A E E anpph <>f FANCY CAME'Eft Nu L> mona, CANNED MEATS FISH. Kt<-. lergr l-f f FIN I - W \HE -i» tin I pit ■ ' traulr, SplCrs, etc. ICE ultaay* hand also Sodawator and Idwnonade. WATER MELONS ON K’E ICE < REAM every Saturday. Th ladies a r e specialty b-vit*'! In visit i I HF. I T I TLE GEM. Ml J. W. KEENER Hax moved Into hta ’AITTV RrrOTIIC! tlpfisehs l»r. T. H Hrvan*. Hr will la- gtel C> MW all wtwihoyfor OAKH. aa hiw g-atd gn- nsorteH iteww b> <-ahb getew littMlnoMH Ctoivxlm, Y H HAULING *-slev In tloklng •*! tore H-w'in* Kt..,—. CT-re-r. ai-l lam (is. ■ml■fortun r ..f •ml w le+rek- ami re- I tail <l*alrv ia att ktmta of Ttawan-, N<>. 5* Ho—l <.lr—t •—r tawr-r marVH. Aaguata Ge Haora re- m U*- next -*sty Aar* w A. KAMHSY. G-weral r.mmiehe TV • F—whe-- M-rraant. Jare««-a atr>w<. A<■ ‘r O<nalgnHHV<ta .*! Hm>ai. F|i<ur Lent. G-wn (tats. Sutler ami all kln-tai nt pnatuee aUs-H.t; a<—rial allmilh-n ami prompt rvtwrwa In ewrv oaee EUF.NNHKR 4-urwata drome in lIX • Clmannell Lrorer Heer. Ftah. Gam* 1 lh«t--c». etc. datto-am street rwm Gtube. I J T. MTKUCY. wt-twte- are rvwal Kir?? *ro»Xire-<. Amr—ca th*ecto>tere 'ate sa srert y *"•*' C' ' W HSrXKK A m «-m o-wmi«- • raw Mnrqreala. *1 Rosul s«rmC Aswuire Wtere*<« teaa* te Arere* for aww fom a trite .wskw •ad dumreUi- Frwtla. Plate ffo«*»v- a»4 <tame ata eaawun B'K a i nanteltr Mu M> W- 1-v ffi „ sure. Auguste. 18 pi / . JJ»lA<*’»- <4A- // Findlay’s M Fclipse” feertw Cotton Preis! riKDL .l'N WEGIbHT 1105 WIEWiCOTTM FEESS I (Fur HawU. Morse. Waler and Meara Powrr.) ICitbfiit mad Mvsac Fixers, Gig Grer, Mill Mpimlkw, WataC Wlmm-H, Gulgeoo- mu *hiMm hi ui min bischiptiox. IWafUngH. Psl>>saml Hregvo- Uun Fonts h-r Stop- Houmw. Hour and Window MUI IMoN LOLL MXl>-ia tact, any ami all hlnde <d Castings. Hcjmirx of »i Mpo<*i«lty. 1 will dutdhwte Sort hern priena and ran- purotwiMTb (n-ight. Mend for ■l-fCriptlve rtrowlar and pricre. Adilrmt ( '. I). FINDLAY, AGT.. jvL2 3m FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON, G 4. jrepy*** 1 ' 1 to**! *' '1 • • " TL' : Summer Complaints: _ • At thw ltn~~ wwiaos diacaar* el the boweU are prcralenLaad ma»y hrrf 'irt/axi through lack of knowledge of a safe and eure remedy. PERRY DA VIM PAIS MJJLLKH is a auro cure for Diarrtera, Dysentery, Bummer Gomplaint, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, etc., ami is pr'/etey m/t Rcmd tfce Movrinr: BamareuL W. <■. ■arts M MHI PSBBT DaTMC PaJM Klt.I.U sreee/gtfi fw a/nr-i I'lteßlt raMg/ far <MW «d Mfa tto tU I ft JoteKPH BVBDFTT Ntmrni nt.Lt. X. Y . PHt X TW werg b*re rwam ire rto—. aad citefapr la fae Hart- tread It tor yari,, aad I! h «wr« rwe avrry ttare • JcLTCii W. Ifrrr. MDlxnnw a. lowa. March IX I*l T toara n*M fw Fai« Kitxaa ia —wm carea o< mtup, rt4k- JU»4 I, tot far* um irtxre AMbd H «avr aimoat toreaU ratfiatf L IL CaL»wklu CA«xr«▼lLL*, (iA . Feb 3a I*l Far treimty y«ara I toawa aaad yem* *am all id fa rey f—-rtjr Bare nand H many ttnrea for bmrH j r Wtafal»n<Maafa wfilKottla bottM ia Itoato—ai JR Ivm Aaao, Mr. Jaa. M MM Hara aaad PsaaT Da v»’ Pre a Kiixaßtar twah« ywara It ia refs. are*, aad riMafih >o nxMhrf •tooaU allow 11 h> ba oat of iba t Me foaatlv an* sefoly tar wtttaero tbte taavtewebl. rrmrSy. Ma price brings it Within Ibe reach oT atl For sale by all al Sbe. se». and af-OO a bottle. FKBRY DAVU A BON, Proprietors, I’rovideuce, B. L FOR THIRTY DAYS ! < ’lol liiiiAi YVill lx- Mm.<* ■*!flood nt “Onk Hall” and , ‘‘>tar" Nos. GU. 61G ami G3C. BROAD ST , AUGUSTA, GA, KEGAIIDIaENS OPt’tJHT! Di«'v nni*t ire moved! Firn*Hfw*inir rik! Sumn»»»r Cnflltn<'n* s»ill-fm SIX, EKill I'h»ml II N IhjUita’ S»n h wit* n«\rr kitouh iu 11*4** ciMiiifr' ’ ItaMm ve Um L-rgusl —to-M u»G«-e#fn t» sett n--h-f Don't forg-A the |ilace h'm 614. Uloare<>M lit.Htstallwlm You will find ever) thing re We -nV. ’ H HR''OKS ® \< s ?\v X’X’t-X W \ sXwX- THE .Atiiftixfit llott‘l IN NOW THE iii A uu'ii’-Uii ! TEIIMN LOW FAKE Fl Its I'-t L\Sb Merchants in thia and mt>4uiiig Stat'- .au< rote »««■)■ by t—iying ■-lapl* eroelu-i) troni Meßrhl--aiui tie, Alhottn. In prHet ri—a-to eeisillig Sorth ami p-yiug h-av» 10-ttflila Glarowno- lanipn, ta-th I'lioium clorkn. Mltlvlllefnilt Jan. at nuuntfuitwrer*' prwns. N M Visit the ••Mu-IC Hoiirn- ot the South.'' 01 write U-G.O ILhin—Ht nn<l On. AngnM . hw raHnhsri-'-. |U«'ro ami t.-inre ol |>l.ti-e ■ml iMg-na. Puivlmaen- «ill Hud (-a ■ imr make and -tyh-ul instrument Ironi 1« to 44 per «-i»4 ham Uwsa elsewhere. • •• • To Merchants: Our atork ■•< cmrkerv. 1 ( lamp- amt lamp tlxlurro. wo*al ! wan* and ttaamro ta tin- larg -M ever bnnurht U> this market; etel Stxl ae* "Ml aplr-i-riht line nt iravla amt v«ai will l»- oai vinewd teal -w»r (>nere> ■-rem-t be l.wl Mcßsidx •iwltXi. AUoiils, Gte N-itwoh-tamll»g th- large an-1 elmrant «*wk nt 1-tam- an-l .-<»•*» nt " I le- Mu«k- H-->w>« ikta-te uth."G O. K>i« A Ox M*irra|>l—l u»-t woeil he rtTUe-n lh*)n— ai-1 llrwaim to It* I .wrier-a tar b ere coming hi py eroiy -nail hHE\ THE FfEl.lts AKE WHITE WITH COTTON. •X«. i»rww*v •»>”» ; »SM>'t l*iv Pi mow w Oreana until eltnn nav- ••. " Yn* v<mi <«*• Bak--»i>*l »««•>>«•» »m iw ♦»> i oaait i«i < I*l •«». ami «til—-II vwsi .lu<->, I irur Tnm- XiW'at «m1 Rx-t.-mlas nt Kock HoTta.M tUnll H<n.s. nwl amt Um* . immtA* b< >rltbi*ut *>ne rrnt <4 1 Wtetwa* iWirß-* TWf*** <■><•>( tea i-nxllt. MalOtW !»«'» •n*Wa( U. <iian.lK.tm4 ■yrr rt<artn« .«< ante- >4 *kw amt Smaot . Ran 4 IntriwaK ■nfteaatenixuui- Allatrte* All jnm>* All |al.r. II ArrAamt <wt Nftarial tmma to fnateifln.nwti >wfn ttmte inm atmawl <mtv tw»l ’MtKM- MlUam.Uja ImK trial Uuara»a wml matramrwtn from Ms tw*t matntiv Ctelikaa iMWMMiKkMiw. hmM*>« «<<*antK Aw 44 Maa tentxiaml h|»« *k| I llranar IR«M nt ttea fteaa»>. LI,'HUES A, 1 uaH * ,nk Mtc ************* ** ,-, *‘ | I Ortffli, X.T. TW> W. MM N .. s-Xn reboot. bom. is CoWATtoOBO. R (-.»Frh XL I*l M*Hy rrery fHally tn Ufa aadfaoJarra a hotfa ia faatooaati. D* R Mqbton. F. fl CmrartATß f?teMyay4>, UMKVIaM B. I*l I h*ra EnowriPYanT D» via* Pain fl n i*a ahn«*t fnan tha day tt wa« tstrodfarel, and after yaara of (4«fnMkwi and tire I rcr»nl tta rmaeocn Id Dcz H Crawut B unTow-okTmmt. Kmg. I toad l«**n aavaral daya aaffertaar aaveraiy froni 11 Mito r aoonaDfwMUad wMh tnfanaa fain, wtorn I trtmd your Paix mill**, aad found ataM*t inMaut - wEHR®?* 31 Moxtaov* far. Low now. Emg DufaW a raaifanca r< twenty Mum yaw ta India. I bavarian H tn many fnaeaoFdhnbK dyam torr, and rtonbri. and never tone* it to tail to i rrtfef H Ci-arjdor Mcßride ami Co.. Atlanta Gi. can dupli »-au- prkrw <ai Crockery. Glu—ware, Wiaal ware anil Tinware, D-oklnu’ Gln-m*, Show Cree* ai><l laonpr. In anv Northern market, and save you a good piotlt in Freight. Geti'i agent* foi Lambeth’-improved Fly Faa. 11 In Now Coiicetli-d That ’ The Ylu-lc H'-u-eol tlieS-atUT' is I In Ang.o-IH. Gn G. O HOBINSON and CO. ufttS I ftiikiiiiif Ixktre 1 •''<»!• M»il<y, At A !*i»i<-i ifi<-<‘ I! IN THE ItKUTIFVL AND WORLD HE NOWN HEALIH ItESOIiT. HARLEM, GA., hIM 24 4i»ik*> h'>Ut AutfUteUt. oil Ute Ilrtllnretl. A pun*, ii»*l1UK tiliißiA- |ilte»rr. |uirv* iss»l »M*rlUK wrlptf. 4l«iVf»>, U’Vfi irt IM I*, «ui«l Ute* I re>| <»f hoc HA)’. M«*llNsh*t mid ItapliM t-hurt-lte*. mid I <h>«* «»1 fllitebt hi Huib Cm Ihmilh in Un* fatel'-. Um* mv atiiiWltxlKi'i hiln .t!dllgte*. <4 the place tiv< i di <»iht r t«twit** «hi raWnwHl Th»* toHrt «iv in Utet p»»T|mteal* l IliuiU* «»f tli»* u>wii. uri iM>rtli *-i«lt* rail fired, ntwl Miiiabto* for H>BII>ENCEH OK mX>KFX In any mmu dreirvd. A’tnvor i Itn m- tats can b-- had at a bargain, as Har h«u la rapidly bu Kling up a 1.1 lamia an- In co -4-M ileiuaiHl 1 uese hrs-re r-i-vial' . Iv a ainli.v toi Aiigii-ta m- reliant- -nd tm sinrei. men who wish Sumni--r towiiep for i Uisir taniiis-s. Utt thee ire) he f rev I dur i lug Ute h-nt-xl n a-ai tn mi the eiune, AlW pure atm.wpherv of a crowrfol city. Tbe italic am.inrwatatn-ii train-uaMea nten nt l>mun.«« U> reach A'lguata tiy 9 a. m.. amt bi return hy 3 SMI p. m . amt Uxre- wbo wish ta> ranch tlie v wy •wrln-i lie- regular morn- I UMt > -re- ..g--t train will put them there by • t« m and return th-ro tn Harlem at 1:10 p. ni_ thus aMooiing ev-t y advantage ami I scvotnrmaiathm nerefcal to suit all clasws. i FVw hirtta-r particulars addr-ro al our !«WU I V BALLARD h TIm- Mm«»c Houa ■ vi the -XHtth. f U. 0, g,iblnann. «( Auguata sell in T»xa» LouMatek, Alatmma I ,Fkola ami mmr» tiuuilw. a (Mau- ihmU. <W c "t2u»'i*^' ,n *** *“'• Ltwve Camb CaatrkcU Wfth UurtmM and hrg Rhalxa kt tfw "WkMr Bihw .4 ttw* • O B4nwa <O*.. .4 Ai*«ata. in ir“i‘ ■‘•P , r‘a« paamk ami ".<•»« at laaa ' pH.v tfcj i. ta imII BR Muail deal* ta Cleftranoe -OF - Q A I ». > F»' W f|hW s* h.lkteß. Noya) VrlvHt srpe's, Brrereia d», Tsne*tt-y B-nwu]. rt->. F.xt r , and Imperml Thrro-|-iy do. Bcotcii liigrmu <k», Extra Bwfwr aad Sn|M-,fi„. ■io, Cotion awl Wmddu, ILu»P ~>d Vieutes d..| |. „ } a. M | 4 4 Vei>H IMI d.r • and J Stmr BiWm-Is •*■; Stair Rod- «hd Fixiurre. Nvpi, r ard ( Matttege; PUI> ,t 1.r0k«.l and Fanty « AOU4I tire < brer U ladow Cornices. L«ee Curtains, Cretonnes, l^ml-r-q.iiii Bhnii,- ,J,| BnHioti Fringe. Piano »,.d Table • oversj Window Mtwrtre in »„,)] . Fnngrnl Flam -ml Odd Banda. Velvet Sofa Hogs Ktnvra- S .fe 1< UK , Vrlf vet and Bin-eels Ru Coro- D-ir Mats, Velv.t to., Brareek to,, do; bh m.Bbm Ms**, Crn-iib « loib-.Chroni—. ?y»H Piper and Border., Kus ic simto-, Fire !»ereen». Carriage and Hnpgy Mata, Cedar < he*u, Oil Clothe -10 l Crash. teaT" Aligootol i-oiil hir net ca-ti or cit* JAS. C. BAILIE, 713 BROAD STHEET. AUGUMTA. GA. “■' TWiewhT'’ MT To offer tbe LARGEST and mote eomp'ete stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, his HATS. Etc. it h— eve> been mv plea-ur to Cotn-nence f-te" SPRING trade with. I liopn by Coutii'ird addition- dur Mtf nig Soring amt Sniumer. b> make it still more aitno-tive, and ho, e by fair dealing and attention to bu-int-s t< -ye Argr m.-rit ami receive the putroiiHge of the eotntn ■ > a to ' THE WHITE K up’rla ive in 1(3 Att ibut s I Stand- I.CKNOWLEDGF-D.THE KING ..f M CIIKFA rtiti ii '■ «UT i> ) i- t" ■>■ AllnfaMjtoSWW Me do tint p« ddle Inni, arc enabled t,, -ell lln-ii clu ii]-- r than ■ fi r »t cl ,>hl patcin ms. him* «'< ml.) t-3- \ ..I write for circular* and |.rices * ' -I. D. A T. F SMITH. J. HORACE SMITH, N 525 BROAD S REF.T, AUGUSTA, GA _ WM. MILHERIN & CO., WnoLEBIU .IXO RiTAIL Dkilh*b tX jfgooTs. Shoes, and j&ats, j£jTC„ 013 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA , Are now receiving their SPRING stock, which offer al ioweat prwM- (KT ORDERS BY MAIL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAR! Fl L AT 'NATION HM Ml I.HK l N *<«.. J. £>. aOWWSdt CO. LEAD IN LOW PRICES! FURNITURE of all Grades. IIITTIUSSES nil SPRIM; IMS ILL sizes & stiffs NleaWataat a»i OAamhrrHMa. Prmwtnc ('■«», Marble Top. <" r Fifty Dollar* »n<t up l " f have put <i<>wu.ti>v price of tine Furniture J 5 per.oent. Save money hv calling "f us belvte you buy. J. L. BOWLES A (*O. 7D MOAB rr, twm Ot F’On SP.-iING! IBS’S. Bilim’ .1 II BtS’ FI RXISiIIG. (MIS —AT- COOKE'S CLOTHING AND HAT STORSI AUGUSTAGEORGIA, IM-0E FLAMMIL AMD YAC IT 'JUT. H Brita tai MwtaG/ Fast CvbP MTl® *j<l o „n | • i • lAROa stock ST EAV Hats SALL AND SXX. t w. BtA?WSSAR2. ForJ. C.>w * Co. Tlx® TDcrw T cotton IPl*. xxter. Till I EST iforeof IN T. E ifek. ♦ * ml. Irnl other p.sotera ,OT ,be orw ” a * l UMer, MT f»rM > 6al<«. The SIMi’LEST, BESTaad C lEAFKRT h-nir«4 f<>r t*v® <•'*• ever invented Call and awe them at JAMI BMKH M ’flf**. ; <Hd stand of J Q b n B-nas Ar © , a«4r Eipreaaolßev AUX 6TA, *»'