Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, August 16, 1881, Image 2

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cownm AO~r 2: POttabW Bvary (WMfoy. st ■«rlr*.o* C —. —X" r - 2~' . ~ - ' J.W. XEJinNEE. Eixr-rnwn It iu-boisb tfemdat, Ai arwi ia i-m mrroKiAL news noten It ia afod -for Sitting Bull it* an Irwbnmn *1 bene er>- WO OOtHi utninaro in the UuUad Staten. Tfo Rr>w* has rj«i»e a nnteber of brwfov yrawig meutb* -ra. , The f^wialatnrcand the cotton ex position will pr..l>nWy Inp. Orwsga en'Uirr im exciting n<> little ■ttMrtMW about Naw Yack rffy contniiia 54M> men who are wonb over *3,000,0'.Hl each. Jeffbrwrm county oliowa an inrrciw •4 *IIO.OOO taxable property thia yw oaer lam yeur. Tanner ta preparing for a *5 dtiy* ImL He abonld be arroated fur ill treatment to animal". An eiopmg own pin a* Hartford a few day* ago were a black man of 80 and a white girl of 16. C. JrWellborn, nf Union, han been elected Judge of the Northern Cir ontt, anti W. 8 Erwin, of Habersham Sulim tor Tbe Atlanta Conatitntion, Geor gia's brag newspaper, line failed to reach na for the pant few days. Why to, gentleman ? The tempera nee bill from ibis coun ty ia reeling nnd> r the shingles, so to apeak, of the great barn called the oapitol of the Slate. Georgia n>n»t be poor indeed if she cannot give more tbnn 110,000 to dis play the reaonro-H of our Slate at the great cotton exposition. Gyutnbere, the Hungarian who was in a trance in the Ix-high coun ty. !**•> poor house tnr 109 days, has recovered sufficiently to be abie to The court finds Cadet Whitaker not only guilty of cutting his own ears but also of lying about it. Hre dieuaiaeel from service has been re enm mended The keeper of the penitentiary re pons 1,300 convicts for felony, 31 tin der *2l years ot age, and 34 females ; •lac I*2 * rvmg four years fur attempt ing Io eacutpa A carpet-bagger has tnrrad up in Alabama where be is setting negroes exaaipUoQe from the next war at 91 apiece He is said to be d -nig a lu crative business. Hepreeeutative Shockley is a mem ber of the special judiciary commit tea, owe of the most important and hardest working committees of the Goacnl Assembly. * Th. bill before lie Legislature from Colombia, asking that Hie county eocsmissMMirrs be clotbed with |x>w ar to elect their own clerk, stands a lair chance of going tbruugb. The bill be to re the Legialatnre from thia county, looking Io an extra tax but school purposes, will hardly pace unlaws amended a<> ax to leave the matter to the people to settle. Judge Twigg* withdrew his bill before the legislature to make cotton focteriee liable tnr it juries to em ployee because the Augusta manu {lecturers assured him that if the bill passed they would discharge all mi ■m with whom they could sot make coat recta. 1 bare was considerable excitement •a *< bangs in Chicago on Friday lam, ewer the heavy and almoat con kaeou advance in corn, caused by the hot, dry weather, which amount* io a destructive drouth in some lo sahtiv- and threatens to rum the crop, or. at least, very materially re dace it everywbete tn the West. The bill to provide tor the better ■Millage men I, regulation and control cf the rnuvieie in thia State, »»« aub at Hated by a bill requiring a board of three managers at a salary of *2,1)00 each, annually, to be elected so inspect the eaanpa There was an Bcacodtoen) offered to reduce the sal artea to *1 600 each. Alter long aud cocuneed debate, the bill a» eubeti luted passed the House amidst great applause, the rote standing 97 to 44. Araoag those voting against the bill we wcuce the name of Representative •bookley We can t say that we are in favor of the bill, from the fact that (bo law at it now stands requires tho Governor to have the convict camps taspectod. and we do not believe the bM«d of nsauagrra. at an expense of *4.500 a year to the Stale, will ten - eJy the maUer much, if any. Tin- cr"p« ii. S >t> h b <v lie* a ent "ft l*y dvusight to e**ob *» «.x I <ei>t as to tbieat-u the people with great M-arc’ity and destitution. Tlh- Pi •■selent lt»- lost 03 p'i*»d» ■ since be w>*M shot; this does i*vt look very inn* h lik*- ge'ting well fest. It ia th* npii.i n ot some ernii ent p*<y sit i ins tbai *be President w.U si re y ill-, notwithstanding I lie fsvuralde builetilis tr"in Bliss anil <> her*. tie are in favor of rnlergi’g the { iB-ane sayluui building st Ml >edge- I *illr, but oppos.-ii io taxing li*. peo ple lor tliu purpose us liuilding >< brunch asylum in Nor b Sturgis. l*et the minority n puri m fuvor oi the brunch a»y turn go to tin: waste basket. kl Hrlilc nn-l t'<u Atlants. Ga . elv<* low nni * s to nieii'lisntalii cr>« kxr y. glss-wsrv, Wostwarv', tlnwirr, Intnp., mll.-rv. alv.w .mw--. loikiiurMlssH.f.s.'lJi I'ls.iiisa'ehs-ks. fruit jsis. Vium-h slid loll"! sets. Np<-eliil Orders l'-*r rt*n*»* and orirwiis. f*»r h'Sldav gifts, an- furs.inl***l aHiwisi ilally to <J. O. Itohlii ws< * <«».. A'ikusls. (is. WARNIN(i. NOI ICE is berehv given that I will not l«v snv dehtsivintraa-tnl hv Julia Kinders mv wit-. fr<mi an.t after this <latn. Auirust Sth. 1«*1 The public Will take due wnrulng herefrom. Ihuaki. Kamikkh wondekfulTj HAS JUS I RECEIVED A FRESH supply of FANCY CANDIES, Nuts Ltrmina, CANNED MEATS FISH. Etc. A large lot of FINE I IN WARE, at very low prices. Ex tracts, Spices, etc. ICE always nn hand also Sodnwatcr and Lrii’i.nade. WtTF.nMELON’SON ICE. ICE < REAM every Fatnrdiy. The ladies are aprrinllv invited to visit I HE I IITLE GEM. J. W. KEENER lias moved into Ills . m<:w !<r< >i< jc ! Oppoelie Dr. T H Bevens. He will lie glad to see all who buy fur CASH, a- bls goods are marked down to cash prlrew. I 5t ll<‘f-irei < 'll I*4 Im. I S, ■ ts; —v ::r=r IK H iULI X<». In (t«»kliitf aini Ib ntiu-i (’itrl-rv *%•••! laiii|»fo, mikl ii«Hniifiictiir«*r of «n«l anti n*- 1 Util tUwiivr in i*ii kn»«U <»f rin*»n\ N’«». - Hn«il Mrw L iwMi h»n»*i nmikK, Au<iiwtM, I Oil. Bai tfahkri hi lh«« Hext mxty d*)>. ' KIMBEY. O’-iwhl Contiitl«**i«»n Tv • I AutfiiM* I vrtowirfikiiivntM «•( Kmomi. KhKir, Jx»nl. (Kit*. Kuttrr. an*l *ll kiinlN of prahi’-** Mihrit <1: foftsnial rtlbuilioi) ami prompt rHurwa hi ovt'rv cn*»‘. IT' LIE'tSIIEK. AuitikU. tioahT in |(*E, ('iiiHnuali L» •**r ISorr. Fi*l». (mim*. I Ovwlt’r*. etc. Jack*o<i ratrcwH roar Glob* j H .trl JT BUCKLEY. wlw»hww»l«» an*l n«tnil • ftaftior in lUwalum, pi'thnlh-niw. EaHrv HtaH'inrrv: School |Un4- M MJ Rnwlatrwt, Antf»i*ta M »»w*rrtptt<M nn monthly or t enrlv for iiaprra aiad ia«a- Biiwfoa at prfavre. (1 \V BKUNEKA 00. (MUI • *h*n 'terchnnta, Mil Bnwol MrwtU I A«ur»»*ta T»>«‘ hM-hnr haiuac tn A«ir«i*ta t tnr Ft nit* V•»<••<*••>** and Gcm'cal F*n» I duov Glv* »• a trial order. ■ lIIHN KWMttXID .rvl iV f and mail .hwh-r In bireagu -uni ikwireatli' Fruit*. Fl»h. Uvalnra and (tame flu areuaißl f*'K • «<>>Malty No tn W a-hlngb'll .tirel. lugwat*. Ihuit fall whan vu.l vtwit Aoruwta to rail at Wm Mulhi-r-n'"* Mhatw amt Hal -tore Tfwar -Un-k la i-oni|4rte ami prtrw are a» low as the lowoat Ifcwu— tt add- tn nerwowal trend v hv re ; atiHHUf r-ihrt amt Iwatrw to gem or fad'd hair, and S. Irew4l<aal b> the aralp, ia why 1 Pl I v.rt - Hair lUlaaiu to »uUi a pvptdar I Jtrep lug. . / . Summer At this smarm, variom diseases es the bowels arv prevalent, end ■nay Iwaa are last through lack of kaowiedge of a safe and sure reniedv REICH x DAVlki’ PAIN KILLER is a rare rare fur Diarrboa, Dysentery, Bummer Curn p laing Ibolcra, Cholera MoHmm, etc, and is p*vf«W)y »nf<- ** Head the following: _ v Bussarpot. K Y .flfareh B. MR I 1-aaST hl.B' I'M* XIII.MS /e*U M <■■*—< for vwa*l sad Mtu la the smart Joszra Bi sum a- rtwiterw RioitM, and cmujm in Üba UnuMbcti Kara Movwmom*. Jrrwju March IX Mkl I bava oaad yonr Paia Killka in aaraxa maaa <rf rraaap. d*4ara kjcrtemftUftfMMiWl | Ca*»uvillx. Ga. Fab. K MK For twwty mra I toawi um«l roar Fau> liuh In mjr H»*w onad M tuna j timM lot bowti eooetatotakandi<*J»«w«rwrM WoaidDHt urania . VtttoiHii a UMUfi LD Um Lam X B. IruL awo. MiJkIMNK Hnrw oaad Fimt DatW Faxm Kills* for Mint f reara ll ia ram* rad rwHmAf. Bo Batter about*! alknr ii lu ba oul ctf the facoll». H I I Be as*. saM r We wlrtsewl UUs lavalaaMe r*es«Sy Ils price tela«s it WIUUu tbs reach of all Par sale by all dnicxlsu at Bhe- BOe. and tI.OO a bottle I'EIUIY DAVJJ3 A BOX, Proprietors, Providence, B. L IL3 FT AIDIj ‘VY 81 IM A<< ». <JA. Find’ay’s “Eclipse” screw Cotton Press! FIXDL rs WRill GHTI o.\ St BEU .( OTTOA PRESS! (Fir Huhl, Hors--, Waler ami St .uni Power.) F*i<‘»«iii ii<‘n. < ’ii-<•ikhxi - mid < v I'ixl M 111 m. Horse Piiv.-cn*, Gin Gent, Mill S.iltKlkw, Wati-i Wli-vls, Gu Igeone. MILL * MUHBKin IF EUFA DESCIiII’TIUY. .SliaifUn a , I’uii* vk and Huuxvtr. hint Front* (ufttli'n* utd Window bill* IlioN < UIJ A‘\> In lm t, hiy 4*l nil kind'* us Cu>UMji». of* Miuoi*y 11 s*. I will dH|di«-a<«* N«»nh<«rn pi io** ami n puicl’Hwrs ht Ph d«x*riptive Uluf And pi iu»*H. A'h!r»’t-ri ’ (’. I). jyl*2 3m FINuLAY IRON W0..K5, G 1. FOR TIIUrrY 11YS ! < 'lol liinxx sVilj 1»«- MitoMflood nt TTctipi and Nob. GI4, 616 and G3IWIBDAI) ST, AUGUSTA, GA , HE<» AIIDLRHM ()P fXJS T? fh»‘v mtJlrtSflhhviNl! Fine Kprhur >ipd bidl-foi MIX. Fl*Hi I' wild IEN IWI id vol BYionti IwftW** ht thU o**iintrv! Wf huvo th • Imtm'vH Murk *v»ll fr»»n*! IXai'l f<>igrt tlw plave— Sum UH Glti ailid b'M» i>i<«ul ntax*t. \ uu’wlinnWt a t ryUilii# Wv bay. H. BR''OKS. v \w \ \vi>\\*\ \ \ \ v&X THE Il Hold Is NOW THE flora I in AugUMlii! TEH MH I.OW FAME FHCsi -CLlfc' Merchant* hi tliiM Mini ndMning Ktati** • •mi hr buying *tuple cna kerj fnuu M<‘Hi Mini (<•., Atlanta, hi prefer* »*tMM b» Mending North and pi sing h»nv\ freight* Seth Hmmum*' • lock*. Mills iik»fi uh jui* al nutfiufiutureiw* pnuu». K M Vialt the’*Mii*dr H«♦!«•** of the South.” oi write to G.O Kobina»u and Co , August. t. for •wlalogiW’*. piio*» and tfiniM of piano* nim! organ*. a ill Hihl miuve s»i mihv make and »tyle<4 hmtiumciit from 10 to JO per wut h***» limn elaewhvre. To Merchant* <hir Monk of rnwkrv. ghiw*waie, laiufie and lamp fixture'*. wc«ml wan* aial till* at v in Ihe lalg>*t ever brought to thl* market: rail and mw ohi MdrtidH line nt good n and o»»i ahl la* c*m Umvd that *Mir pilei'!* ••Mi.ii“t t-» bent MclUuK and <’<», Alimin, <>.%. Notwithstanding the large and elegant i •♦•Wk of rl.iiwt* and oigm* at ’ Ihe.MuMc H«»nao«4 M»o S «ulh. ‘G O. Uotd'iMHi A Co. i t>«bnrra|Mi«al ia*t • •*•! lor fifteen Phe* and i <Wfn»w to till onh*ra ivtik-ii air com mg hi| toy eveiy mail. 9 1 WHEN THU riFLUH AKE WHITE WITH COTTON. •No morw’x now; ra***t txiv n>n.>n or <>r*ano until to" Yra »'ooi ran Itakv m|i tl'l.aali o«i mi < Input or fin <W*U *m a Ploilo. Mini W’’ a ill ••'ll vim «tur but Jun.-. July. luro-t «ii I N-n'b inlmr nil, Hocx H-ittom C*an Hitts. «n l wmt tlm-nl mootb* f.a ttootnkiniHo mtlunit ou»' eeiit <<t InbTrat Cbalitu'ra Throo ni.'nih-rmillL No intrr>wt. I*><uT fotwt It. Gnuwl tUini- UM-r out Mil** Now an<t S.vx-<l H«rwl InMr i*>wwifa A«< INnno- '»*l<l* B «••- All atyira. All All Iwlrra. jluhl ‘Hit. N»vml to [n-tnllnu-nt UirrtA lS«h t-rraw a4v»*w»»l only ton nrr rrat. FtlV-ru <l»i a lor I trial U.iaian-i Uwhl lunlruiMont• from aix last r»ak»H» CUtalmrura ami bril Iwfonnatlou inatlrd frwji nf Hwrnfn Aynf.l laNng lin [••»■'! up*«i by[l Hrailv or aav ■ ■th.-t Hout. by nrdrntu? al ••nor- than tiro Oral WlwUraal. liar ■• *i«l Unrau 1M..1 <rf tlw Sritb. [.TOHKN Aji Il ATEs' .••■utlnxn M u>n 11-nun-, Savaiuiali.n lnvr«U. OsvniA, X. Y ,IM>. is. WK K W» lean aatne H o**t thinrreare aa*x and It araere7*«e u i i tits reltat Would hardt, dare C. B Cowenars. CBSSWM). Bassiu Pacanx Veh. X m» 1 ha»« liMMrTi 1-01 r l-'i. l os Xn.iasataaat tram U» <W » ™ IsWodaeed, and aKre raare <4 .dawvatkm and oer I i ißte* >W s 1 ■■■ *» ■/ biMmbokl aa ÜbAraaws*Mm6J* ■ noeHjW I R Potts*, v R Ocaanl B t aroa -on Tbmnt. E*u T had Iwwn aawrraJ 4»yw mAarta* aawray J «* an ■waf—rmrtml with tmanaa yato. whan I jffiyour Palm Kil l aa.agMl found afincStMturi Si MoirTAaw •»-. Lonxm,jSa chotam. real »ree tareg McUiiile mill Co . Atlant <(I inn ilupli cab-prion on Cnn-kwy. tilnnnwnn', wnruaiMl I ulwan-, Lookiiift <ili»M'.* 1 Htiow Canon mol Lmupn. In any N<>> th'-rn iiiarkr>t. and navo a piobt In li.-irrl.L Ib-n'l loi'r. li)i|>iw<-.l hl)'Fan. It la N«nv ColKb-iletl That '' l b*- Mu-n Houtr.-of th*-South" i» ■oc.itol 111 AUKimbi. <ui ti, O. KOUINBON and (<>. 1 Sllil<lill£*' InOlra I'or At A ! ! IN THE BF.H riFVL ANI> WOItLH KE | NUM N HEALiH ItEbOlu. IIAKLEM, GA., hiwl 24 ihH< " from Auguetii, on the (inngin IliilroHil. A pure, h»>h. lieahtig pui»* mol spring waivif. ch ny glWet*, k**’*! himk, mid lhe Im , »-1 of h«M'li ly, Metlh*hr*t nn«l UapUet chuii'hee, and «»ue of lhelw-at High book in Ui' 1 Stale, the h<- Aiiow|t>ige*i iidvaiitHg’-n* of the pint**' over di other t» 'vn* on Hie (»««>rgia iuih< ad. The iota me hi Um» mrporule hunt* of thr town, on not th aide rn 1 1 it «m 11. nnd auhtddi for KESIPENCES OH SIOIiES, In an> i Mae dvtdrvd. Aonn or Xovor! hr-be lot* onn t>' tin<i ala Ihirgahi. an Hur lent |h i tpldly building up nod ihiml.a an* hi * v»i HtHiit denmod iota are ***|W'cinl- Iv buiiuti e for Augusta iiierckiint* atid bn- 1 * hie** nirn who wish Summer hoiiie* f*«i ’ then fatnilir»«. that Ui”v muy l»v herd dm - ' lug th** liiMlltti NotM'H tlolii Hie < fill pure of a cmwxSml eitv Ihr dal y acet mi initial lon tmku eimlden men of iHiMiwwt to rrarh AuguntH by 9 a. in., and to ivtuiii by 5 •» p. ni . and thoae who wiei> to nw’i» the city varlHT tlir regular ni* rn* Ing paaamip r train will put them their l»v 1 7 nm. and return them to Hmilviu at 7:10* p. m.. thim affording ev»*i y advantage and HcroinmodaUon needed to null all rlnMew. Fig further paiticularc addreaa at mytf I. V BALLAKI). oro«=* ST iutd LAnMXH * aon, fn. ' The Mime ilOtis-'of the -South. <i. O. R>*bln«nn. <>< Aufunl. m-ll in T< xao j liknura., IjiMiiaUna. Mb*iralpp|, A lai mm a ! Hund* ium! ever> Southam Hint.-north RMWTSi* Au»ru»tyran Jnntly rlal.n u> haie '• 'lUm "Muale Houta* <>{ the South." I.4*rse Chsli Contracts With Um> t»*t manufn.-tur.HM. an.l iarsw liralen al th«- "Munic HoUm* the" < > Itdannoo & C<>.. .4 Angu-<la to Ip'll <uif»-riai (►.an-*- ai>>l <w»l» al kw. ’ :*ltve liuu io |Mhl by umII dv.d- i - CleAranoe Sale OF luord-T forreture* stock an-1 nvoi 1 c*irytiur «mwta over. I will offer mv Rtock of ( *p TEIW .t.ii.iiuUntf to »»M*K»nivt over, ail frw.hg.aMlt.. new <lrt*mns andtcuh.riis., .j very i- •luctal prtwß. . Ing n»> follows: Royal V. lvet < srpr.s B *.iy F ri—eln do, T o>. MryTbn- I- d , y ~r i at.dlmpelial Tniie-I‘V d. Scotch ligrsin io. Exit . M..p. r »>. : Sr, , h , d.i, Colton Mini W.i .1 <1.., an*i Vi* tn-n .!■ : 1 J Flni -ii V.,. ~ do; * ail.! 4St <ll B ire-• -D i< ;8: -or R<> Is 111 d F Nip- I • ,1" ~ Mat'inoe ; Pt.i . lucked noil F.iny ‘ anion do' <h. M| S I,pe c Ip. 11 in.low Cornices L<«i- (oitlniire, Cl< toli'lf*. L illilu> q Uli Hind, (.L., Bullion F< i gv I’.hiio hihl Table 'ove’s; W;n h,w 'lnure- it- S-v.IJ <_,,' Fringed I’l iu <«d G «ld Bauds. V. i.e. Sufi R igs S.nyriui S t., 1..,0, \ irtaii'l B. ii— r’.a la’i -;(‘<H-o i Diwir M it-, A <-lv. t do, B n—< in <|, Mi n ., , do; Sh ep Shin M i'», Ciil'iib < 10l li-, Chromo-, Wall I’q-r mid li ~, I’tre IC Sh.idi- . I lie ><-i • n-, Cmriege uud I'uggy Mate, C,<ui I Star O<l Ciuibs muu Crash. Allg->uds si Id fur net rush in < < Ccplhuw. JAS. C. BftlUE, 713 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA. GA. "“ToW p.SpBF~~ jtfr- T<> offer the LARGEST and moßt eomfdeta stock of RY GOODS, CLOTHIhC, SHOES, H ATS. Etc. it ha. eve- been mv pleatmr to coni nei ( ce SPRING trade with. 1 bo|>e by coutinii<l a.Liilioire dur- L-/f~ mg Sming and Srinnuer, tn n>ak<- it mill more attractive, ”WM **r and hoje by fair dealing and attention to bo-ine-a. to sos" merit and receive tlie patronage us the community TVT B extctio r. THE WHITE Sup rlative in Its Attributes It Stands ACKNOW LEDGEDTHE KING of al» SEEING M ACRIXES The ha- more '‘ 11 hI 1 '■ '' 'i-i MBBHbBHBHBB : ■ I'll I I ' "I" I I' ll|> ' i h<- molo t. Tin \\ H1 i 1 t ijoh re \NI T f yi. \i> < V rtifi iteof u irr.iity re pnrehawr. AVr do not peddle thi-ni. 'hna I we ore enaldeil to »ell them cheap*-i than ■ firnt cbre-. old patent mai hinie me Mild ■ g AH by liiilil -hall luiv. _ : I ' n i -I < ■l ■ f d nt tin '>i n ('di nd ■ r Oilin' (Ilin Inl'ii- Im- n oi write for circular* and price* :" •.' J. I) A T. F SMITH .J. HORACE SMITH, N-.. 525 BR'iAD S’REKT AUGUSTA, GA WM. MULHERIN & CO., I Wholeh it.r axi> ffi tag. ' jSQQTS, Shoes, and .&£ats, 913 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., Are now receiving their SPRING Mock, which llrey offer at lowest prior* KT ORDERS BY MAIL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CARLFI L AT IL<H‘>N W M HtLHE c N A tbo jf. jf.t, €O. LEAD IN LOW PRICES! FURNITURE of all Grades. iHTTiiim mi sphim; ijeds .ill sizes 4 stiijs Nice Walnut and Chaintior Bvta. Drratdng Ca«e, Marble Top, for Fifty Dollars nn<J «P ! *\ e have put <luwu the price of tine Furniluie A> per.cent. Save money hy calling -n us befuio you buy. J. L. BOWLES A < O. F’On SP re-CLINTG- ! sie.s’s, thitiis’ .111 nil’Fiinis.ii\(ii;i!oi)s —AT— COOKS'S CLOTHING AND W STM AUGUSTA GEORGIA, h.l2 1 . * n ' l varied Mock, embracing all the htni Miaii««s 111 ( ABM Al Elf E bl lib. BLUE >LA*N>L ANDYaCH rS'iT" ««>(■ w Perfectly Fart Colort WORSTED a n d CL‘’TH Suita in belutatyla- LaRGK ateckSißAW Hau., FALL AND SDS, -a, "W, "I 1 - 31,1 For J. C. iu ACo Tlae T)ow Law cotton Planter- THE BEST MorenftbH IN Tr.F Planter* J ,b,n MSRKI I It ha« taken * End f'' other planters "" forlorn also agent for the combinthl Hinge and Koller, lor fealfM. The SIMPLEST,BEST and C.IEAPEST hinge* f-r f»rm c*** ever invent*!. Call and see them at JBHJi BJXES M ’OLk'' l Ohl aland us John B-ine, J; ( o , near ExprcZiofflcc, AUGUSTA