Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, August 16, 1881, Image 4

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- wbb FARM AM> HOHL Fftn* !<«xm *»d Vuxn—The C**nte* •eye that if a littte chloride al lime be • pnnkled on the tod, rate, msec and m sects will eooc desertlL Plante may be easily protected by it from insert jafagne by simply braahißg over tbaar item* with a etoßtfon of it It baa often been poured that a patch which ba* been treated in thia way mmatna free from grubs, while the unprotected bed* round about are literally deraatatml Fruit tree* may bo guarded from their attack* by attaehtßg te the stem* pienee of tew ■maarad with a mixture of chlorate of lime and bog's lard. Anta aad grubs al ready in p i—ran-io will than rapidly re ral* th«r prjmtkJCM Cxavbb.—Taung calms win thrive well if kept m a abed together aad well fed. The abed may bo huerod liberally, but it will bo neceeeary te trod them well. Bran and oats, with a little corn, wih bo the beet food ter them Give one putt a day lor thorn under a year and a quart or two daily lor yearling*. Coa t vcneeo in oold weather should bo care fully guarded again*!, and, if neoeeaary, half a pint of raw linseed oil, or a pint rs linseed meal, ebon id be given with ♦be food ae a remedy Flaxseed ground and mixed with corn or oats ground or uDgroand is a good appetiser and kerfo the calves in g».*>d eondition. While on milk, whether sucking the eow or on the !•»«, Wt it suffice for drink No oold water in oold woollier— Rraedari Lit* .Stock Jarraal. Cixfvbb amp Bra fob Boon— In my 'iperieno*, says a writer, I have found n< .thing so profitable tor tog pasture ar clover and rye, aad I think rye prefera ble, en.l the rem no they are better than timothy, blae grass aad all similar greases is they remain mom tender tor a tegor period than other gramas, which so soon broom* wiry and hard, partak fug of th* nature of hay, and J have never known hogg to thrive on it, al though other stock does To use ry* profitably for pasture fall rys should be sown for spring pasture and spring rye tor later pasture, and by not [xsturuig too long aad too duo* there will tie con atderable hood out, whteh when npo will, with the weeds that naturally grow among gram, make good pasture until the time to commence feeding corn—at least such is my experience. As to us ing any of the graaam named far hog f eature, 1 would prefer a good weed feature, and I will hare say that I am of opinion if some of the weeds so eagerly r .ten by hog* were daamraUcated an. I property cultivated they would prom more eetiafactory tor hog pasture than anything used of graaa kind < attruunva* or Rxnmi. - Revontl persona who have experimented with ensilage regard three and a half Ums of it aa equal in feeding value U> o*eof good hay. Home of them stale tliat they do not recommend feeding en adage alone for a long penal of tune. They prefer Io have their stock eat some dry food, ae hay, straw, linseed meal or gram. Hume mix the meal with the en silage and other* give their stock one meal each day of soma kind at dry food. Dairyman and stock-rntaera are generally looming convinced that is not wise to keep cattle very long on the same kind of food. Many dairy farmers now give thou ouws a small feed of dry meal, lean or shorts each day during the sum • mor, oven whan the grass in the pastures ts tu the best condition Other* offer them a light feed of old hay or straw, which they generally devour with eager neaa. It is well known that oows will not long give a largo amount of milk when restnoted to a diet of hay, how ever excellent its quality may be. It is likely that ensilage ia the equal of any ashstones except growing grass for coo ■Utnting aa entire ration ; but without doubt there is an advantage in feeding ■ ther kinds of food tn connection with it tn order to afford a variety Tn Vaunt or Hmr Manx —Should all the dropping* from the rooeta by hens be carefully saved ia barrels, and every spring and tall this manure bo oom post- | ed with any good soil or meek front swampa, and kept a few months, its value foe any crop would bo equal to Peruvian guano, and might, I think, bo estimated at 60 cents per fowl per annum. From Aft? hens I saved about ten barrels of pure hen guano during the year. Wnal I save from November to April I oom poot in the spring with soil First, I spread soil u> a cirei* to the depth of three or four inohm; then I spread han manure about aa inch deep; then I , spread another layer of soil till ths heap ia completed, using about four times the bulk of soil that I do of manure, the last layer being soil. The top of thto oom poet heap I make flat to oaten the rains, then I cover with any refuse er strew, than place some attoka of wood or boanis against the covering to keep it in place, and in two or three months it is ready for was, having beooano thoroughly in corporetod with tbs soil; but, aa the sea son far planting to then Marly past, I leave the heap till the next sinson. when I ms it With what I compost ia Seven, bar. Perhaps it would bo better to make a compost in March, where the al I sea to w<U admit. and neo the manure toe crupe pise toil the last of May or early June, but I can dtasover no lam by hiaptM it KU the seal omen. A I gill of thm oompoei for small frat will tie equal us effort to half a ebomlful at manure.— Woodbury A'eare Puais Furry Proocsu.—To one cup of grated farted crumbs add one eup of sweet milk, one beeten egg. half cup of sugar, ooe spoonful at butter aad ooe and one half cups of chopped rai ses and eurraata. Bake half an hour and servo with sweetened rwoaui or I sue rm saooa. Potato Ban*©.—Take about tea nice, mealy, freahly-builed potatom; when they are quite cool out them in thin altera and piano them in an earthen dish, add vinegar, pepper, salt and olim-od to tea** , mu with a wooden spoon; add a ebopped onion aad parsley; also, if desired, add capers. To Coo* Bxarvr***.—Slit the out side, or fat part, say every four inches, cutting through to tbs loan, which pre vents con traction and inermeeo ths ten darn see. Ham a bright fire aad grei iron bqt before putting it cm; turn over to prevent burning. A steak an inch and a half thick will be cooked in from seven to ten minutes. Have some melt ed butter, with a good supply of pepper and salt, and pour over the steak jnst before it goes to table. To fry, prepare >1 same way ; put a little batter or larji in the pan or griddle and let it brown before putting on the meat; oook qnwk Jy, and, whether broiled, fried or roeew cd, if you want it juicy and tender, never salt until after it is cooked. Bort Bear.—Fui one and sue half pads of lye that will bear up an egg into your soap barrel and to it add eight pounds of molted grease, free from sedi ment. Thin with weak lye as it is ob tained from the leach. Bur occsmraiaily. li should thicket; and bo ready for um in two ol three days, providing the weather is warm or the barrel stand* tn a warm place. This method makra very good soap and it i* a soring of time, strength and fuel, which is auffictant to justify one in throwing away the scrap*, which may not be quite so thoroughly “ tried out," as in ths old method. As to the scrape, the beet use they can be put to is to throw them to the bene— they will repay you. CtoICABO. r ChteAffo M>v«H All srew wT Btariy ihir ty-*ix square miles, or 23.040 seres There are 7R9 sere* in public park* .'iA5 screw in th* nvar, its braachaa, th* slip* anil th* Illinois and Michiga* oaaal The streata of th*mty taaaaure tCI mile*, are known by 907 namaa, aad oov.r 5,200 acrea. About US mua* of th* •treat* are pavad (principally with wood an blocks), Thsre are ?M milaa al side walks, 837 mitea at publis awwars and Afi9| osila* of watev pipm ( i.- iim) Tb*ro ara about twaaty-niM tuilaa at river frontaga (counting both ai<ira l( and kwalva allaa of alips and batons, making f«ty-OM railaa of water froßtaga la tba inner harbor. There are thirty two bridgea in the atty, that ooat an average of about <23,000 eaoh, aad eighteen vis dnrta, ranging ia eost from <00,006 te <230,000 e«oh. PoLiTBxaM cocta nothing, and that is one reason why so many people bestow nothing else on their chanca acquaint ances. Thrbb are 2.200,000 peo;4e lt.lng within a rwiiu* of twenty miie* ~f th. I City Hall of New York. We learn that Ellis A Co., proprietors <if Bailey Spring*, are making nrenara tion* to entertain an unusually larpe number <>f visitors thi* summer. They are receiving communications from all over the S.uth inquiring rate* and con tracts for board. This is only their due, I for’ not only srr lhev successful hotel keej ier*, but their place i* in every ‘ way worthy of patronage. It is one of the coole*t, shadiest, breexiest olaces in tbe S.uth ; the locality and surround ing* are delightful; the building* are roomy, airy, and conveniently arranged; the accnmmodatiwnft. fare and attention are first class, and Shual Creek is the most romantic stream and the lieat fish ing water vou ever saw. Add to this tbe unrivalled piwer of ths old Rock Spring in the cure of dropsy, scrofula, dyspepsia and diseases of the blood, skin and ktdnev.. and the sum of attraction is irresistible If vou have ever been 1 there you know thi* i. true. If you have not, try it ju*t once You will never regret it. Addrew* Ellis A Co., Hailey Spring*. Ala. Wb era aowtag aeads of truth or error, es dishonesty or integrity every day wa live aad evmy where we go, that will take root in somebody's Ufa. No rood Preaekiag. No man can do * pood job o( work, preach a good ftennoe, try a law sail well, doeior s palirnl. nr write * good article when he foel miftersl'le and Jul!, with *lugn»h brain and unsteady nerve*, and none should make th* attempt in such ■ condition *h*n it can he ft* aasily and cheaply removed by a little Hop Riiiers. ttee other column Alb*uv Time*. It m Baid that the word “Get!" ia rtae of the most expressive in the Engiith language. It is. when it ia emphasised by a boot toe. A TsWftto Is*. . VSm*. Mrs. C. F Fleming. Male lecturer of Mlft exm. ai»d also as aru-i of rar* msnt. wbooft mrtars of AiMaid* Stataoa » pNTHMMUMXd b< I the pro** to iw Lb* most tesuUful portrait In U>* Vmte-I Male*, is s reran! le«ta raid : •*! bs.ft ta*. troatted with kidtwy di****« mere my chudhixid. and st Anally cnlmieatsd tn ebrtta- catarrh ot th* btebto It would b* impoarnta* far m* to tewrnlw bow mar* I Ira.ft Buffered, sud 1 had ab*mfc*M<d ail bop* of ee*r heuat cured. I was. bowwvac, I—<iam*mt»d to ti« Warner • Rat* Kstne* aad Ijvwr aw*, ami it La* Aon* Ba. m>we good tkan tee axwwtenet akiil of all the phyrosanft I tare te**,treed toawag a>v entire Bfa." -m-ta laaHmnay M ta» yoaad <|n**taae. and prorea lb* rein* to all ladm* U U>e ruawdy U adnstaaa /rri n ttmtota imstiwiiaan, by the latest vewsus, he* a Jewish population of over *O,OOO. In that city, ae indeed in the whois of Koi land, the Jews have fared well There they found an aeyiam when m moot other parte of Europe ttaey had not a i Biting pin ns, atod there they hare re maned, prospered and santapiMd. It will be a matter of interest to the stock breeder* of our own and neighbor ing states to find in onr cnlums as off rial snnouncrusenl of the first semi annual fair of the Iziuieville Fair Aasr eiatton With a time selected to avoid anv rrmfitet with the interest* of our neighbors, and with an oiganixation strong and well ordered, aad eoapruaag manv of our'most oucremful and influeu tial men. no doubt is felt that the Lxiuie vide Fair will promote, in every practi cable wav. our stock integrate, and, while doing this for the counter, will oe at the same time for Iz>ui*ville one of the most important enterprise* ever put before our people. Other great fair* have roo triboted larvelv to th* wealth of cities, and ours will do no less Many thous and •trsngers will he brought her* to witness oar exhibition o« stock which it i* intended shall excel anv ever seen before. Tb* amount es stock anv one person is allowed to hold is limited to the «nm of three hundred dollar*, this being the qualification of membershin, and the fair i* entirely a people'* enter nri«e. conducted solely in the public io terr«k M*r Hkm«y C. McDowkli , la a letter before tu, expresses the opin ion of many of our »t*>ck men when be say* “I believe that the method* pro posed by the l*»ui«ville Fair A**neiatsoo will mak* that the great «tock fair of the world.” Bow* ooe has forme-1 l.flfil English serds <>f not less than f air foHers Grata be letters of the word • <i« Be Wise and Happy. Lt yes will StepslL veer sxirsyagaat *a t wrong notion* 'n deetene* yosrse? f*n» '■*» with expewsiv* Jwlwiw hw«ni»vc -ere *ll*. lh*l do l»*on »lw*v», «*4 s*e «•!» natarv'* *i«af>l«- remedies for ail y.«er », tnenl* -yo* Witt he WIW. wet* **< *.» 1 «ir- r<-»t ex|>»* v Ta* gre»t«»t r-s* edy for th<«. tte rrou «i«e an 1 i<».| tell rou. .. H»P slitter, -roly on IL *ew •aother nla-aa—Pre**. I v th r. ronrse of a •toeen or so yvtau v, editor Icarus to be a light g'*»i 'snner oo pepor. f<*v* ft dorter'* taj; by keepms th* ryiSiiD te enter with Laiary-Wurt. It wul do X Tn follovng from tbe ABegne frm nal has more than a focal appbeataou - “ Pecqde wbo wish to read the Jiamaat should take it, and not unpeae upon tbexr neighbor’s pocket and pattaaer by borrowing tbe paper regularly and. in some cnees, regularly growling out a dis like which te quite lanrmenttat with their act of borrowing.” ■*l>.*ea*e« es Nee." tnvinr laforvaatioa r'ratlv Sored hat nolattaiaiiMe from edurires shear* rvnrrsUv •earht •<il.U> TH>lN<;s FOR MOTHER.* Conlaininr muter nt high-vi inter*.t to *ll who wonhlp*** safely *ml with liille through tbe great trial o( moibrrhnod The** an th* ulie* of two work*, either or both of which i* *ent for * .!*-*>p ad d*r»«*d t • the author. Da STslvai- x Wil *ov, Atlanta, tleorri*. Thor irwk* *koal-f Ar I* Ha who bn* nothing to do iiaa oc busmen* to live. isntoswnos. nerroes renatrsooe and all form* of Keoaral ttetahty nbeved by taking Mnau’ihmmiD Bur Tone, th* only propsnUoo ot beef ooutauan* it* enure ontnUxu* properties. It oootauaUood-mak ing. forre-fteosratlng sod llfe-sustaiouw trop wtaw. is tn.sln*l4* in all snfrabtod cunliUon*. • Ir-tlx-r tbe resalt of e-tban*t**n. nrevr-n. pro* traUou. ovwnrork. <w sente ilismn., |*ct<«uurty tt rasnlUug from palexmsry oanilunt*. Osa well. liaised A Co., proprietors, X*w York. .» YdllizT Am <«• Brutatan. ' <wa, V*4»f». • Ebedta. Im.*. . t '-.ppwd liaa-to. CfcilbsMM, • «»»< •••♦ • > ■ ’ m. Fr*rk.a« g*i *«> Hf U! • t Ak.»«l.b KALVIft, ma t atfo» • uii MMBTB mnWMAVfIB bittuu .atteff .'a-tffeeriwte am 1 IteatetefiM I fob B.uW, fcrtteteyg, Ht a. ffW. IH RM> ACATABaM HXCFF - -.tea a » ■ ■'*••• ■aasabsa?* «f Uke b*a.i m-1 th.«tal. an. Marra uui nubs •.•.*« mm c*uo. PERRY DAVIE Pain-Kiile: 4a BAH tBD sulf BfBfOY FOB RbenutiuD. Niviigia. Crup, CMm, Diarrtow, OysMten. S#ram ABD Brims AX® Intacta AMD tatak FOB SALE STALL DBUGOISTS A ctzxata weak rate a hard wars tears the atber day and te juteii, “ Bwwmweh doyuutakfara bath tab for a ebddr - Area doUen sad uwety tvi eeata," was tbe rapiy. “T-be-vr wbtetted tbe eaekotacr. “Guam well bare to ktagaajgtefing tbe eoal- AMUICAI AMD FOBKICM PATENTS. 6EOR6E E. LE«(M. Atfy *t Law. i VAMHIfim. BhC. MBrtMD pwtete •» teTTta. cttMrtß «B a—<y pasyy Cftogk I Wbk tb< ~ b C mfi— p in 1 1 iiiimi Br* : •«•*<* ar I ■ ads tar atouteM MB to tibte Mtof ttab *T JU rfcarf tat Mtomdto* wteaMßD > - ikMhtedffbfetete bffta- '|*« > those sff .rved with rbroeie <* ;*ea*e* of 1 tbe liver, kidney, eaisrged ftpleen, rhea I amnssft. ekroeir dmrrtaes aad Iraaate e*m-1 plaufti* eared. No charge aatil eared, if de | sired Uorrrepoadeeesrooene-i wi<h fttacsp Addr-e* T>R. J. STOATE, Oxford Mi**. A ROA.XOKK t A COTTON RffESS. tea « iDsec-ed >«*•«■ fc Ttotera-t *»:■ A- a. *>< at— « •* k ‘• r * BMBiVi £ ” • •• »IM9M •*<*• ■«*>•'*’«• • • * Manto bear*. B**a > C- Cyclopedia War. TV* I ■bMtoiry «< < ■ta'toto* to* • •*»* li ff*i toff* ••tal»-’to'*4. terfto ** *-to* - F-* - -'l«to*tot- • •■**-" - •rffto- ■ *»««»*■• to. > » ’ ta a tosa* - -tatot.Sß < 'Jtafft —»■ • v -era state ♦ -XRI ffftoft «a« —» *4 - -* •<4- MEL taatatatot tetodteto u r .to* I 0 000 lEIMC STU C”. • • ‘ ,7 A Ato fIN J ~ ■ ■ «MBl pra/’eartan /tori J 0 J g r mar mi ■ JB Jr > abrade J>re | W r r r i r r W * Am rit*>i a B r r B B BI 9 ■ *** * *■*■**>*»• r.< ■ B Bfß Bft £mß f VaMCr/r oira ><-rr r . 4 toty Übtoff Wtoß fffftototorltEdHy bta' *■!■■■■ M *te A rtaMMOM W to ■■■** *4 M BtowA M •• Um eoetwy. by ■a* MiMiiii f > iibW— B affbt MMffDMff c«*te A« sAffi totea I fctogpM *-*• «Mte W F**/ 1*O« Tone, froffte tohsrb I loltoiff BKtotaMßff MBtataAteAß tofi BBtotartu WMtfteß T Mtato 411 Atop' ifiii totod ! IBM Biy tetottoTtol forrw •tato Mff teW-ta.msewfcy aAmMC t »*• torffcw «Mte MM&«n t*w* U- tota- «totaß 1 tototer «b 4 M BMteto toMte tlir—i W ffbßto*. to*A ffßtofcta tfcto tofoaa W'tk Uto Mto4 BMpar 4T tatety ba* <■■■» bMmb a Utem«fts wr«tor T iitam —bupert If Mb* Totote teaa aod dne» IB« aw«. I Am* am tototoA. 1 **a RAto*—Aa W*iw nMifr(li Mnii Oiwff, Tror.O. fnbta Artotok A» I estate Stated, rtra.-1 y*. V V r JT 1 ■ r mtatestow mZ ffrtata rtarn ta ■ B g B B B f B B B f B B g al rtetas. Bar* teranff BB B B Bgg B B r* >w * r -**T.r M•N* *■ * **" "to l . 1 * ff X Mu, <O] •ASr *wb n rat ot. name ssf o.ciut co., ta. tiim'' bam ithit. it. iswl 1881. - 1881. ■ * \ jBEE If THE FIRST SEMI-ANNUAL LOUISVILLE FAIR OPENS TUESDAY, SEP. 27. CLOSES SATURDAY, OCTOBER I 1881. The Most Attractive Programme Ever Offered to the Public. The Lnuiftyille Fair Assnciattm will h l ! it* tint «emt->nnualjFair from September 27 to October 1, l«Rl, bth dav« in. Iwtal. The tint Fair wili be oofinevl to an exhibition of H>>rre* ami Call).. for the accouinn.iati. nos which seven hutidreU stall- will b. furubbed free ot charge. The managers have effected arraun merit* which will make this the croat Stock lair of the world. No entrance tee will be charged forexhildon o: Hock, and onlv five per cent, wili he charged for ent nee in the spee.l ring. Tbe beautiful ground* ot the As*>ciation are accatubie by railroad and street-cars and well-made road* tor carnages. The aceom modal ion* for the comfortable seating of visitor* and for their refreshment will be ample. BeU ting. po<>i-«e!lnig and gambling of everv darnpuon will be prohibited, and no sale of intoxicating liquor* will he permitted on the grounds. Catalogue** wilt be ready tor distnbutMMi by Augu»t 20. and raav he iiad on application to tbe Secretary. JOHN B. CASTLEMAN, Pretident. S ■ M’L J. LOOK Vice-Prw’t. J- M. WEIGHT Secreury ft Bookwalter Ensinl £fcef»ta, Xtatoto. Bwrwte. bvkbv ri.*nTrx C TT "* fc .ro .a FV • »*eA beOMr uaa borw ocjb zor rizrto L B T* Poww em**. gjM KpF 2 ~ ■ t* - - * ul te AAtera. - - - , ta - _-' **• uvru. « te fciirSs Po 4» ■ii«Aff*' ad Ide aid id mAoy WeAliurt. for which qainiße i» »'• rename. I*lai-x*, bwx for thr effect* of which Hoo t tferw tetostach B. tier* it not oa)y a thorough fmbc iy. bat a reliable prereaUve. To lhi« fart toere i« an overwhelming array of tea (atony, extending ever a period of thirtv year*. All of the liver, •lotnach aai bevels Are aiao eoaqared by the Bitlerff Far sale by all Ih-ugriata aad fiesl er» ge n ♦ r all y. six _A* cts zr: vnru’i m« aa i M -ww-. «*ra .to -.*mr < Vre totatew avtoM* »-—*"• -*-• *- 'riltlr F* rz. ».l r*r» m b- . ctrxa PILES. *- Try 4 l • RteeiK* • yT I v—togamfi iA« Dfftots w la* *•«<*:• V ""Hl •* taMr«4 Affaasi, y*. J£?*p?*‘* fc ** *••• r»«« UtoOß AB rffhto Qte WaVki I«to4 s«« Tbti MU sst FACTORY SUPPLIES wu EL ra&*"S i , £ FvISdS ALL KMDS. IRON PWE, FITTINGS. BRASS WMES. ENGINE COVERNORt, Ik. s«nd for Png,- Lbt W k DILLIMGHAM |CO HI BAa Strut LOUKvCIe, ky m MUSTANG —L- Survivai of tbe fittest. I PIXIIT MERICnKYHIT Ills Hutts ■ IUIOM BCinti 13 TFIESI WnßTffi-SIW. I lilt ’I FOR EVF.'iV WIH XD op ' MAS AMD BU-T! THEOLDEST&BESTLiMIMENT , EVES MXPE IX .IXSH.-C.L I SALES LARGER THAN EVER ta Th<- Mexiesn M v-J.nv I.lnii»>n- h u ■ !—• n known tor mor- lh*n thirty Uv e ■ v si' »* III" te t ot *ll l.lnlmcnt*. for ■ Min an <! Itev I'. aal«* today are ■ l»!WT luftn <'VT It rur*« when sfl ■ o»ner> tn . a»l i- nr’nte- akin. t> n<kn ■ •nd moaele, lu Uic I ery buav. x>|<j ■ cvcrywten. MA-vaarr ax book co. h t i«h auAT. r.a fc> DIBLE REVISION JU CONTRASTED EDITIONS. >- ' *.r..|» l reL to m• • . ?*i Ato4 < h etoPtasi I; q. ,-altoA ad-Uoa ~f >*■ *. ; T ’ Ml. oc./pw.<'w,*, wa . l:i^x f %*• 4~-s- v«-th?tte»'t<'a<*T ip_: .. •p«M'«te*rs -finite, ftor «4ff , • *»* 1 .1 IM »,?a bit rr*»<aro« |«o - Bb4«hM4. TMff tßtlM«*l|b-r* rwnitiMilnl e-4it'*Bß. ard IgwDiA aze c*t at c, rs» a- •riAATSWASTKllfesltafttgi *! N iTiaiAl gaaUMMM Allfftette, Qte. For Ckxlllm and Fever ANO ALL DIIIAUI Caaro* ky Malarial r.l~*l«* »r Ik* Bift**. A WABBAMTED CUBE. Price. A 1.00. For raifttaftl! frtata "7 OA Wig*. ||]i4a; at bem« wa«!y mtota. C*Cf i toffOuiANteto ATTrwW Tara acs . njuu. Kb YOIIMG MFM U * rn tblffgrtopllF! Kara ran I UUHU NILR BBtaßUu GrteddMaa mpai sAma AAltvm VALWTTXK >A<M . - ■ ■ ~~ II ~T .■ . | . , • »wkla ywr Btoakava Ter™ and t* cttXt frw. Add eat H. Huxrrr A Ca , Firtla- f, Nte Tar Iparwtaod YHttciM t«rr MUr. | A e< Hops. Buctiw, Man- • Oan<lffhoG,’t3A. l uM> .oi » -*»-a ur-atr-w i— ot au .-Ute,- Ltetei*, ■aA ••\u*crr-u*« Bipod Purtfl«r, Liter Raa u l\a tor, *>»< *t*t -»• Ajpett Mocfr.taawr p*fflblv Icyvc rm T’wp Bitt* i . *rw vartr-j perfra t art LBtrr fi: T : vrs u a ' tirt n l - lirt Toall trfteaff eWepi yrnrrtßcaawr IrreraLar' n'lbcA ansary orwffAff, or »t» r ■Uf«a& t.-r ffikd MUA>SU*<i*Aßt IM Ur,3, - Without ntoi- »cattn<. aMMMk Kicutot *Mlt..to7uYiUW’ RyrorxAtoi are vtasi Umb .laea-re r r aliWDaßt i« 'tar ii«>p JU- Ur*, l oa t wbit ttntilyqto JBre Or* txit If v q fiffdyfwlhad or Oi«*a at >o *. It t&ay a*v > y >or Uktoffß* * • - I bun-’. v:• MOO bo paid for a i:i rafterbrijx. Im iuSwl«lnF' ' BQ-rr &r*; iabo and arg- HOP B k’wuwr a p Wnm ■ aX njr. j Graabaa anffnin. bu* tho 1 ; ' Mcdh ieo rrt-r taa.l tbr -nww m»» I aa*l a«n * aad no presua or tw- with, nt tb tx MBBMbA D.(.C.I ’ vt afiffWfft* »A*l lie rnrv { rfknuiA r.'w* i* a, . nar-vdtev AU •*! b» 'W* nd >L.MF fDT 1,1.--fttekZ Neff ante*-, Ifff. 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