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About Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1881)
COLTEEia ADVmiSSP. FaMUßatf Bvary TaaaAsy, at BsrUas. »* i. W. ▼ KRONER. Euitos amp Pvbiamhbm. TUESDAY. HEPTEM’JEB 11 IBBL EDITORIAL MKWM NOTES. Th* General Amewibly have agr.-ml to adjourn an the 23d mat Good The Leglalatnre haa psa*ed a bill tbe oM aepnol building A Mil appropriating the «•« pro ceeds fr-»m Ike fees f-«r inspection of fertilizers to tbv educational fund, baa been paawl by tbe Hoar a Tbe Hooee defeated tbe bill pro hibiting the Bale of fiqnor within three miles of any chnreh or acade my outaidv of incorporated lowna 'I be Pr> aident ia now at lx>ng Breach, auuffing tbe aea breeze, and prospering lie ha* discharged al) but two of bia physicians, Bliaa and Agnew. The Sunday School Cunvenlion of the Hepzibah Baptist Aaaociation will be held at Hepzibah on Friday, Sat urday and Sunday, October 7lb, Bdi and Oib> Great |o«a of life and property ia reported in consequence of the recent fire* in Michigan. Several villages have been destroyed and whole farn fliea have pvrisbed together in tbo flame* Ben Hill ba* been forced to sub mit to another surgical operation on bia tongue About half of tbe tong-ie I- sai lto be now cut oat. Wo fear the great Senator will yet loae his power of speech. It is thought that Tilden is catting his oarda to be the n.xt President of tbe United States If he is, we hope to eee bun diaaappoititod, for if elect ed he wnald allow bia opponent to again neurp bis place. The House would bare killed the dog bill by ndicnlooa amendments, bat Mr. Northern withdrew it Mr Hbockley favored it in a strong speech -C- A C Favored which. the bill or the withdrawal of it? Ws hope the latter. Rrpreeenlalivee Shockley of thia oonnty and Strother of Lancolu. are fighting hard for the opening of the upper ttavannah, eu that boat* and *«h can have free passage They are on the right line and we trust their efforts will be crowned with auoceaa. The great Atlanta Constitution, the pride of Georgia, baa been enlarged to on octavo form, and is now print ed with new type, which makes it look very nioe indeed ; bnt we can't any we admire an octavo aa much as a folio form for a daily, though it de tracts none from the usual liveliness at the journal. The fence or no fence question is bound to be agitated in many parts of the Stale thia fail, aa fifty free holdera can petition the Ordinary of any county to put the matter to a vote of the people. We guesa the question will hardly ever be sprung again in old Columbia, as it baa once been determined by a largo majority in favor of fence. In speaking of South, rn literary men, a writer in one of the Northern journal* has the following to aay of Paul H Hayne, a cittsuu of Colum bia county: Paul 11. Hayne is par excellence lire poet of the South—their Long fellow, aa I have efleo beard it said, although they claim a share in the k>vw and reverence we feel for ours. He is the only literary man in the South who relire on the labor of bis pen iti poetry for Um living. Through the leading magr.cinm of the North he drawa the rvmuueration of bia lit «r»n lab*>ra—meager enough at beet He m devoted to hia art, working. doubtlaM far beyond hie a'reogtli. for hi* health ia very delicate, and re cently great f»am were entertained for bi* life. He lives tn almost abso lute *ec I salon at Be i ar 1 to. near Au gusta, Gt., ministered to by b:a de voted wife and only child, a boy who dees not share hia talhera geniua l*botogrspha on aale in Augusta rep resent him quite the ideal poet in ph.wqoo, with dark hair and eyes, and mobile and kindly frat urea, cast in heroic geoid. Hia home ia plainer and oaore atraighteoed than that of any among hu brother ainger* at the North, one room being papered from floor to ceiling, by hia wife a ingenu ity, with a mosaic of wood engrav mga. Hayne in a deeceodaat. 1 was 14.1, of him against shoau Daniel Wsbetor directed hia ‘reply" that ad- •led so large’y to bra fame. He i* al Sou<b Ca/<diuian by birth, and ia now in hta fiftieth yeas—an epoch to b> i signalled by Oagood A Co., by th ipuLUtcai toe, ia a »•■*•■ rmi volume, of bisOonqJete [Kwiical works He ba- > t>e--o a wdnininona writer, and bi*! ve-eeiaof exquisite finish, delicate, au-lodiooa, brilliant in imagery, but marred by occasional affectations of obsolete phraseology and (trained I quall>turnot expression. He is strict-1 liy a lyrical poet, b>e narrative poems being feeble ami monotonous. A laky-lark, fl)mg from tlte grass with a thrust full of song, not Uie matchless eagle whose pinions tear him out of human eight, up toward the sun —it • ia to be regretted that the delight lai j port has not better learned Ma limi- ’ tatlon*. but tbe South ia justly proud of thia loveable man and tme literary art al, and points b-arles-ly to him when its literary drvubqwurnt la sneered at bv the thoughtless or tbe m licion-, and hr wears hia lanrel* worthily, m«ku g them brighter with uadi added year. • • •• MrßrMe and Co . Atlanta tie. »ir» low l>Tl>-«to mnehantaln rr-vfc.-rv. g toss ware, woodwarr tinware, tour—, cwtS-ry. slx-w ra»—. !<>>kiiur gls—. s*th Thomas’ clucks fruit )ais, vases and tolb-t seta. —• • • Rpecinl Orders F-r plan-mend organ*, for ho'ldnv gifts, are for— -nl*-1 sltn-wt * tally to G. O. IL-t-iu arm .It (<>., Augusta. (is. ft In Now (’..ik-.-iI.mI That "Tlw- Mu*k- House of tbeiSnitll'’ I* located 111 August*. Ga G. O ROBINSON and IX). —. • • • - • PfwHOO mill Organa H-ventti annual bolirf i»- tnwl--. Bnpeiinr plaoosand orirnn* All kind* of musical Instruments short musk-and mtair la>s* Twenty to thirty pee <»uit ssv--d to pur <-h*«m»r st -The Mti*l* Howwof the South" G.O. Ritdiwo. Augusta. G*. • • • Don't fall when roil visit Augusta tn rail at Wni Mulhrrtn'a ll«>t. Mine and Hal store. Thefr «t<«di I* nenph-te and price* , are as low as the low—t. Becauae it add- tn personal la-aatjr hr r—- storing color and Instr* io grav or fad—l liair. sod la to th.- s>-al|>. r- «h Parker's Hair Balsam W sisJi a popular' dreeolrur. &i«W$ IRON "sms BROWTI ntoi BITTKRA are a oertalu cure k» all diaa**n reqstrtag a oooagtase towto t espe cially LmtigouHnu. Dyspepsia. lain ■attest Forces. Waat er Appertn, Ims of Bcresgtk. Irnok of Bmeegy esc. EartcWee the Used. e«e the useadaa, awA gtvoe aww Mh. to the serves Ise ‘Mka a charm ow the digestive orgaaa. removtag all <yeg spile symptom*, asch as las* lag U*e ftrad. MMotHn*. Meat la Use Piairl, Heartburn. Mo. The ostly Iron Preparailim that will not blacken the teeth or give heartanhe. hold by all Drug gtota at gioo a bottle BKOWV CHKMK AL CO. Baltimore, Md Bow tbs* »M kawa Btoaare are mbMo bv Bbwvw r» wmi Ch*. «w 4 Ma*• eras—4 red Maes amd trwfie awl aa •owaaa or iuhtatknm. WHKN THE FIKLIIS AKE WHITE WITH COTTON. •No m.v»v now; can't buy P>*t*>a <w Organ* until cotton »«>*• In Yea y<*4 cau Kake up (lo.sah <>n an Onran or veah <m a INaixy atal we win -ell you dur ln*t June. Julv. Aw<«t atrt S.x»trvtibrr at Kom <‘t*it R trvx. an.l wait three Of.uth* for tbetwlancv. without »oc cent of totrrvwt <W*h r»ti— Thro* uxuitk- credit. No Inteowt l*u,‘: tuirrt |t Gcaixt bum- Kr rl wi mg .mi t »a|r >4 New arxl Seorwul u*l li»tr in-uit* Sflp I'utmv. ,v*‘ l kit *tvte* All cel**. AU prhee Must ba <M*t- .-pectal terms to Isatallisenl tmyrv* <la*h i>ra*« silvaiHwd onlr lee rer ew-v>t Fifteen dam teat trial Guaraa loed isatruwMWita from Hx taed luakera. <'hta*«u»» *i*l bill Inf..muttion mailed tro of Charge Arohl twang Itui-wol upon hy Beauv or any other man. by offering at .<oca from the Groat Wbofeaafe piaen aw<l Grnn Geyw-I of the bow th. LTD DEN A HATER' ftoulhi-rn Muafe Houae. SanMutak. Georgia lj*rge ('m*h Contracts With the brot manufacturers, and Large safe* at the "Mual. H-wvsr ig ths Knuth ' aasbfe t i O Robmam W Ok, of Auguata to sell kiirorlar ptar** and ocgan* al Icm PTr r than I- pahl by email dealei * Summer Complaints. y*vy TAIN KIULEK b a sure cure far Inarrbsa, Djn.lrvy, O imwrr Cossptamt, CbUcva. Orohra Morin- W, wd i> perfnby *«/c. XW , ■ ■ M. sari i ts ge to ss* vaaom vroevassv. I(XMMu.kywA,M«r*ll,W _ I I Im* wd pemr F<t« Bn IMB m «■■■ of train Um Any Ml J m mas— — mKsst M-tksras I —nW .. B. aswsUy •** saSMr *• wWkew* taw is-—lssU. " Wtthla tbs reach of-all For ml* by aU dnwgWt* al She. as*, sad a boaUa PEKBY DAVIJ3 A BOM, Troprietors, ProvWence, B. I. W. i. PULLAIU), NOS 731 and 736 REYNOLDS STREET. AUGUSTA, GA , Cottv a Factor and Gonunission Marchant, AND DEALER IN MACHIXEH A OF Al I£l> !>«*». Also Dialon * Citcular M>wa, Rubber and Leather Belting. Meaiu Pipe. Water ami Hu-am Gauges. Coonectiona. (Mi Cupa; Fop. (•»<* and Chuck Valves. Goveruura. Wrenches, • tc.. together with ev-ry art uh- <4 st—in sad water titlings, tludligp-. etc. G neral for JMboit m Sons. Talbott* Agricultural Engines on wheel*, Portable Engines O" aki la, eta thjnary E»g-ne*. Tubular and R.,i!,-r>, Tiirbiiw Water VVbeila, Otti and Wbea’ Milla, baw Milla, tybafling, Pulleys, BuXee, Hangers and Patent Mj-nrk Arrester*. Wat ♦•’•town St am Engine Company. VA'iteri**'* ll <uri< iltui 1 enginlm on wheel*, p -rtable engines oti akids, dairy • ii-'iitea tor *n>*ll building-. v»-rtievl r «gi-»e*. stationary engine* with and wi hunt ral fetnru tubular buiiera with two dues, locomotive anil ver* lical boil«™ milia, etc. C. A G COCPER Sl CO Cooper* self-propelling 'traction engine* farm agne Itural engine* on whrsele, port-bl'engine* on skwle. stationary engine*. I«e-motive and re turn tubular boiler*, corn and wheat mill, jrorlable noil with |>ortol>lr bolt attached, smut machines, dustirsa wheat separators and oat and weed ex tractor; aaa tn ilia, double ami single J W CARLWELL and COMPANY (Bardwell wheat threahera, srpiraior* and cleaner*; “bog-gr<>m<d n thresh ers, hydraulic cotton presses hone powers, mounted and down; power ■ orn abelien and feed catiera. 19ISTEI UiIETR tl HI tIIICII TALI6TT i (0. Reapers and bin-iera, rvapen and mowers combined, single binders, reap r ra aad mowers, cultivator* and gram sowers. FAIRIaNK' S co. Fairbanks standard scale*, all s>zr* and patterns A'arm cash drawers. gsC" Manatacturer of ibe f -Ib-wing mxebinee: Wi>i«tt A Goodncr Impeoved IXL •’< * 111 IN GIN. Reuls patent aoto ruaUc p-<ww aevew pre** steam «»r water p-wer ~ Smith s improved hand power eotivxs and ha< pr-ew*. e»vtt 'C g-a S-e«ier cotton cmvleaaer, new Vir zt ** >wd ratter ar~ Eaari®**. • '<*-••> Gin*, eta. repaired in a work matitike wsaaDeT UM gtr* *rd*« scbateJ and promptly executed. For tor I—w psMTicLuarv arttuan. gvnwra. .efurmatuve. etc , apply to , 21 i y W J. POLLARD j&d£O„ FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS, NOS 616, 617 and 619 KOI LOCK STREET, <>n. TOOTH PATRONS Our Foundry and M*enu>- W. rks. which were destroyed In July by tire, have hem reteult. -mlanr-t and ; nrni*b*d with m-w toots. We eati luinlsh IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS AND M ALTIINE>tY •< all il-wrrlption*. and at reason at-l* prln* ami of th* tv—t uuauty. Pnom wul to given of anyth.-ig vuu may want by letting '•* know what you orwd If y--u ne«l men seat to your piac>- to r*c*lr vour Mid or Engiuo witte ua my 17 ly FOR THIRTY DAYS ! Clot Will I><‘ Xit<-vi lit ■< *<l sit Hall” a.nd “dtetr” Noe 614. 616 and 636 BROAD ST, AVGUSTA, GA. REGABDLFJ** GF CVVST' Tb-'v mrwt Fine Sprang and S.:mmr I’aalmero Suit* f.< MIX. EIGHT and TEN l*.liar>' hncli •»* d- w lt».«rn Iwf-w* In thia oHin’r ' W r bate the Isrgr-t stork In ifenrgto V> art! fnw> • Dw.'t Crgrt the place— Noaklt. US an<l •» Hn»l 4rr> t You will hud • ver) thing a* wr aav H BROOKS. “'TEOPLE OF COLUMBIA COUNTY Let it be Known Throughout Ytiir County that Peter Keenan S ill keep* th* lead in AUGUSTA in all that pertains to FINE. Hand made SHOES and BOOTS, aud everything else kept in a finn-ciatM Shoe Houae. gujr*E»ir and honorable deallug is lit* end and aim MF* BROAD Street, opposite tbe klouumem. AUGUSTA, GA 4ft PETER KEENAN. Agent IB FUVDLAY 81 MACON, GA. Findlay’s “ Eclipse” Screw Cotton Press ! FiXDLtrS WROVKHT IKON SURE\V|COTTO.N PRESS ! <F*»r Haiml, H-mtw*. Water and Stmro Pi»wer.) Nteam l-Aig-in***-*, Sum (ind CJ-rimt Ztlillw. Hcrea Power*. GM Gear. Mill Spindle*. Water Wharte. Gulgwn* MILL . HimnißY OF MIIBT DISCBIPTIOX. Shafting*. PuEc.vs and Hanger* Iron Fructo for SUee Houses. Door and Window BUl* IRON CIIH’MNS-Ui tact. any sad all kind* of Casting* RejmirM of Machinery h. Rpooinlty. C. I). FINDLAY, AGT„ »12 3m FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON, G I. Cleßra o oe> female OF CAHPETBJ In newer to redoes etoeti a*d aval 1 carrying goods over. I will offer By . ! PEIS, BU.UUUUIK to Mo.uuu ami over, all frmb guoda. naw deaiffna aa<ge<*«. ' AM Verj rsdoevd paces, eiutirarang a* follows: '««> g Royal Velvet Carpet a. Body Bruaaala do, Taoeatry Braanel* d 0 g and Imperial Three-ply do, Swtoh Ingrain do, Extra Haper and Supert * «k>, Cotton aud Wind do, Hemp and Vienna do; j, •, J and 4 4 V*o,| du; i and J Stair Brussels tto; Stair Rods and Fixtures, Nap u -r ard ( 2*“ Mat'ing* ; Plain, < becked and Fancy < anton do; < toap Stnpe M indow Cornice*. L»ce Curtains, Cretoanea. Lambrequin Shad* .A' Bullion Fringe, Piano and Table < overs; Window Shades in 8collr»j Fringed Plain aud Gold Hands, Velvet Bofa Ruga, Smyrna 8-da f 5 vet ao-l Brussels Rui s; Cocoa Door Mata, Velvet do, Brussels do, do; Sheep Shin Mata, Crumb l loth*, Chromo*. Wall Paper aud Borden Kus tc Shsd< , Fire Screens, Carriage and Buggy Mato, Cedar ( h„.' ■ Star 0-1 Cloths and Crash. MsT All goods sold for net cash or city uiptauoe. JAS. C. BAILIE dtSONS, Tl 3 BROAD STIIBET, ADOBsTa 0a ~ “nranwßir MB- To offer the 'L Alt G EST and moat complete stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHIMC, SHOES, fctf" HATS. Etc. it ha* eve- been my plea«nr to rom-nence ’ HF-SPRING trade with. I hope by cuutintial addition* dur Mf* mg Suring and Summer, tn make it atill more attractive, -%g Mi-and hope by fair dealing ami attention to bn-mess, •dF*, merit and receive the patronage of tbe oumruuuity TVT B.Hatclier. • THE WHITE MACMS! Sup j riafive in Its Attributes It Stands ACKNOWLEIXJEDTHE KING of a" SFWIvn Mtrßis ß Tii-> has been more thin h-iir v- -r*. and Im* fgiv 1.-tl-i .Vtnt.rl-" Vl' I 1' i.p ' ll ' It *1- t ■ 1 r 1 ' A >% N I IjJff > 1 a i< - L IWw i- t- »■ IJB ■ purchaser. We do not peddle tb» m, ibn* we are enabled to sell them cheaper Ilian H first claa* old patent rna- lime* -v - *oi-l -.vjljMiOWa •ar All 11 • or write tor circulars ami prices "' ■’ J. D. .k T. F SMITH. J. HORACE SMITH, N -. 525 HRt >AD S' REFTI' AUGUSTA, OA WM. MULHERIN & CO.» W HOLES VUI *SO Hi TAIL DKvLKB* IN &00TS, Shoes, and ££.jlts, ifitc, 913 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA , Are now receiving their SPRING stock, which they offer at lowest priuea. (Kr ORDERS BY .MAIL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CARFFI'L AT rENTION WM MILHKKNttfi.. df. x». BOWJUBS a €O. LEAD IN LOW PRICES! FURNITURE of all Grades. H.ITTRISSES DO SPRING BEDS ILL SIZ'S4STILES Nice Walnut and Chamber Sets. Dressing Case, Marble Top, for Fifty DollarsMd W W* have put down.the price ot itne > urnituie Xi per .cent. Save money t>y calling t* us before you buy. J L,. BOWLES A (50, * TH BROAP FT.. AtTO’’»». » THE JVugniMtn Ilotol IE NOW THE Be«t in AiiguMn ! TERMS LOW FARE FIRST -CLASH. Notwlth»tandln« tn* largv arxl of piano* and organ* at -'Ttw Muah Hou** .4 th- South,» ”a BoUnm>n A Co Ei«n<« and <>r<an* to fill order* which an, oomimt in by every mail. m K M wntJlwr "•* H, «*’th* South." nr wrtte to U. 0 Rnbinaon a—l On. tor eatahwwm p«kw« and t*rm» ol y yjyiTT? **7.*" ,>f t"Mn»r«cnl fruru 10 u> ID per ueot mm thaa etarwtwre. To Mnrrhanta: Our atnak nf cmcknrc t-naurto to thia math, t ?’all Ilin* nf rnrwia and >mi wifi vlo.'rd Chat .«r twhw* oumm l>* to*X MißhlPk audio. AtLuda <ia. XXXX <•*>,/ \ / DA no LAJTBRXra • M” ’’****- The Munir H«usn> - “ r ,hr O. O. K.Arina.a.. <d Aurwt* ’*■'' lr Aikannar. Louuu*u*. Mf"-> * c ' ,, ‘‘; < Florida aixl rrr. rv South** l Sd* -i O*.orii Autni-ti w )u*tl' ■ " Uw 'Mu.k Hvuo. vs Uk S-vU