Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, September 13, 1881, Image 4

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OCTB J WElf ILES. Batar- “Toto aoA WIX I ramatato. TWr dark ayw bn<M m 4 Maar, •brwtlng and *apt*< *D ter totag. Feo* aa • woodland Boar; •al wbee* la Ito buia Dator Thai ratted la yonr «“ toot jwl “ O tody I • toa mortar aarerewd Cbotong ret* tear* red afafa. “ Do yen ntlod Hot atot war* bar green aorta, dad baa tender Maa bar ayaat Maa aaaw Uw and to Ik* akaratayart My ML* DOT, Maa! " Twa. the draataM OT at vtatat My jptacSoua hfisby dUwd * The aaOT lay aMa aa Ma dtatut MOa. dad • kite aa Um paatarao vtda, bad a MUar wind ktee aat ot tea aaatt Fare met all maMa. “Al tey IB my tram I baM baa, 1 aaatay artrt toWa (ten, •at )aat aa iba aaa aaa ealttay bad Ma atad aaa drnytaay tew, • flood night, nte^ato'' aba aMaparad. bad war ntoie and attll ae tee aaaa. “ I anly I'lial bar eterer; I aaald aat bttl bar daad; ■ar bate aaa aa aail and Vr abaab aa raaad. Thongh roaa aad route bad dad, «od aauM aat ba aa araal M aaa, •BbaaCU aaba aUhlbaaaora.' I ante. * 0 lady t Ma Maa at baaraa Caaaat enlwetgh Ma pala That Mart ary tenet when 1 Boot bar eye* Weato raw aailm again, •at the onto, aaM mtM aaaa ytlkrn Ma baad That aa ay braaaa had lata I “ 1 aoold not naef>. yat I aanotohed bar aorta, bad pot aa Iba bettered (own, bad Iba daialy etwee yen teoogkl that elfkt Too aaaa aa late boa town; Tbao yoaUy la bar aradla aaaaE I laid ay darilug don. “ Tour rore-trw. ten for Tea aad Will, Hater a Sower bad ahown; Sal two Mr Iruda that aroraiay apod. •waotaala Idao Meara, dad they pturbad them both for Um bar baa da That BMghl Ml atom Mair ova. » Üba a dream II Beamed wbaa Ma nalghhnta, Wild toaat, aaaarod tread, flora bar forM Broad* Ma dn/Uay aoowr To Me ebombyardb aarrow bed; ■ow Me wiad moaned I aad Um moehlay • cat dowa la a blear at rad. “Al. alybt Ma Ideal aweyt aaaward. nweyt Irerelay, ytuiaaa by; dnl Ihrouaktbe roar aad Iba Mardaaaa I hoard bee walllug ary. My baby, tart la Mo atormy (laem. With none to eluate bar nigh. •• Wearily (teased Iba wMter, had oarer yaate I knew TUI Um aaoww ware (owe aad Mo drier wee yrare IM the May aby were aad Mm; 1 boa boom yrw-1 anyal told um • t tee. eeli with Delay too. “ lady, you lorad aw darilay; Hrr, Iwlllybl Unyera ataU, V.e walk W|U> M Uirmiyh Ma hedgerow lOM 1 tltech«rrt } *rtV«aMMlU rt ntrj m I oUoib Mo elope My heart wlU> h<l» in 111 ibOd IM hue the nMa-maeM In Ihetr mua atolar'a aad, 1 hat Um turf auy be fur for Mrd aad bao. ». it 11 i>rr ilahi foaltawd; And I bear bar wkleper, •ileed.Mydi, arewtwe . r * »nd know aba M eele with flod. • I wold '• Ceewpowti nW. «y I don't wit that I didn't do wrong, but wbai 1 do mjt b that I meant to do right Bui that don't make any differ rucc. It newer doea. I try to do my u ry Ixet, and then aomething happen*, «n-l lam blamed lor it When I thtttk what a diMp|Mdnting world thia ia, full of bamboo canoa and all aorta of awiich ea, I itw-1 n-ady to leave it It hm Hue'a fault <n the beginning ; that la, it it hadn't been for her it would n't havo happened. One Bunday aim and I were a.tting in the front parlor, »n I aim «a.« looking out of the window and batching f»r Mr. Travrre ; only ahe aint alio wasn’t, and that ahe waa jnat looking to ace if it wm going to rain, no.I H>i< mniemg her thonghta. I had juat aakod her how old ahe waa, and couldn't Mr. Trayere have been her father if ho had aiamod mother, when ahe aaid: *' Dear me, how tireaome that boy ia. IX> take a book and read, for gracioua eake.” I aaid; *' What book f Bo ahe gwU np and given me the O6aereer, and aaya : “Tbcre'e a beautiful atorv abont a good boy and a pig do read it and keep •tiU if yon know how, and I hofre it will do yon mwne good." Well, I read the atory. It told all about a good boy whoee name waa Jamee. and hia father waa poor, ao he kept a pig that <xtat him 25 <x>nte, ami when it grew up he aold it for ®3d, and he brought the money to hia father and aaid; "Here, father! take thia. Oh, how happy I am to help yon when you’re old and not gnod for much," and hu> father buret into teara, but I don't know what foe—l wouldn't bnrat into teara much if anybody gave me SMi—and •aid: *' Blear you, my noble boy; you and your sweet |Mg have aaved me from a watery grave," or something like that. It waa a real good atory, and it made me feel like beun, likewise. Bo I re solved that I would get a little new pig for 2ft eanta, and keep it till it grew up, and then aurprtae father with 529, and keep one few myself aa a reward for my good ooodnet. Only I made up my mind not to let anybody know about it till after the pig ahoukl ba grown up, and then bow the family would ba de lighted with my "thoughtful and gen eroiu act!" for that's what the paper •aid James' aot waa. Ilia neat day I want to Farmer Smith, Mid got him to give me a little pig for nothing, only I agreed to help him weed his garden all summer It waa a beau tiful pig, alioni m big aa our baby, <mly it wm a deal prwtUer, ami its tail waa elegant 1 vrapped It up la aw ohl shawl, and watched my chance and got it up into my room, which ia on the tlnni »t«wv. Then I took my trunk and > mptied it, and bored some holes tn it for air, ami put tha pig in iL I had the best fun that ever was, all that day and the nait day. taking earn of that dear little pig. I gave him one <>f mv coata for a bed, and fed him on milk, and took him out of the trank every little while for exercise. Nobody gnee into my room very often, except Pie girl to make the bed, and when she came I shut up the trunk, and she never -rmp-cted anything. I got a whole ooal wuitl. fnl of the very beat mud, ami put it in the corner of the room for him to play ID, and when I heard Bridget owing I meant to throw the bed quill over it, so she wouldn't sns[>ect anything. After 1 had him two days I heard mother say : "Hcorns to me 1 bear very queer rioiarw every now and then up stairs." 1 knew what the matter was, Imt I never said anything, and I felt ■<» : happy when I thought what a good boy I waa to raise a pig for my dear father. Bridget went up to my room al out S • >'• h«-k one ev.-uing, just liefure I was ;<>ing to lail, to take up uiv clean ..tins We were all sitting in the - .•■in. when wn heard her bollv* mis she wm being murdered. We all ran out to see what wm the matter, and were half way up the stairs, when the , pig came down, and Ufiaet the whole family, and piled them up on top of liimrelf at the foot of the stain, and l>e fore we got up Bridget came down and fell over us, and said ahe had just opened the young mMthur's thrnnk and out jumps the ould Satan himself, and •lie must see the priest or she would lie a dead woman. Ton wouldn't lielieve that, though I told them that I wm raising the pig to •el! it and give the money to father, they all aaid that thev had nev«r beard of such an aliamlonod and peremptory boy, and father said: "Come up stairs with me and I’ll see if I can't teach you that this house isn't a pig pen." I don't know what became of the pig. for he broke the jiarlor window and ran away, and nobody ever heard of him again. I'd like to see that boy James. I don't care how big he is. I’d show him that he can't go on setting good examples to innocent ixiys without suffering as he deserves to suffer.— Jimmy liroum, in Harper a YiHinp J'eople. A Bora WAHDKBtHO TBOVUHT. A good mother, whore ft-year-old boy is exceptionally conscientious and de vout, lire often been smitten with a pang of apprehension leal her darling might be too good for this world. The thought eamn into her mini! the other day, when her head wm bowed by the aide of her ohild's at prayer-time; bnt thia pain wm quickly banished by a very different feeling whan the little boy said, in a low whisper: "Mamina, can't I go to tha circus to-morrow ? There's going to be a horee on stilts. "—Sunday <Sc Aoef Ttmee. Wabscb's Hals Kidney and Liver Cure. A nan Newfoundland dog tn Louis ville, Ky., wm sheared, apparently much against hia will. After the opera tion wm ffmahed, tha dog sprung to his fest, trotted off a short distance, looked at himself and at tha man with the shears, and then leaped into the air and fell dead. Bystanders attributed the dog's death to grief for the lom of hia handsome coak If you want to enjoy a cool, shady, brassy, cosy, sociable, delightful sum mer rest, go to Bailey Bpring*, Ala. They have a perfect crowd of the aicrat sort of people there, and are enjoying themselves hugely. The water was never better, the music is delightful, the fare is unexceptionable, the attendance flrat claas, and indeed we may truthfully say that Bailey is booming It is a good thing for both guest* and proprietors that the public nre decided the conun drum, “where can I get the most benefit and pleasure at ths least expense and trouble,” in favor of Bailey Spring*. <lares of dropsy, scrofula, dyspepsia, de bility and disease of the kidneys, blad der and akin, that hare defied the doc tors and resisted all other medical springs, are getting well there every week ao easily and quickly that the in valid* almost come to the conclusion that there never wm much the matter with them. If you are so unfortunate m to be intereeted in such matters, drop • postal card to Ellis A G>., and ask for a circular. Then write to the parties whore name* are ourned to the cerlifi cate, and if there i* any humbug about it, you’ll soon find it out. BmreiteM broke into the house of a horribly ugly old maid, and, just m they apprnaohed bar couoh, the woman, who wm dreaming she wm being proposed to by a handsome young man, axolaunad: ••Tee, love, I will marry you." The tnghtansd burglars sprung thirty feet through the window-«aah, aad novar stopped anti) they ware hid under a hay stack fifteen allies from town Is It f*eaaihl~ that a rvassdv made •( swell common, sim pie plants as Hope, Bnehu. Mandrake. Osn as lisa, sic., make as many and seeh msr vslswe and wouderfnl earns ss Hop Ritter* def must be. far a hen old aad yonag, rich red poor, Partar Md Itortor. Law yr r and Miter, all testily to having been eared by them, we meat believe and doabl ao longer. See other coin ma— Post. ttmaiattr nr ret aarrcrvM, It wm past midnight and the lights m Um sanctum shone brightly •n the brave men of the staff there es ssmblai. Tbs news editor reached over for tbs brush to fasten a paragraph down over its credit. "It paste to bo hottest,'' he mur mured. *' Especially when you are acacissory ho ths set," said the city editor. '• But this,” said the editor, lifting ths old stove-polish out from a pile of loore manuscript, “is what gives the paper weight." " And thia," said the associate, hold ing an original poem on ** winter " in the gas-jet, “ lands it an airy lightneM.” ** Nary lightness it is,” saiil the news editor, “ for there's ponnds and pounds of it in the drawer." " Take care of the jioauds," aaid the city editor, ** and the pencil take care of itaslf.” ** I should re-mark,” said the proof reader, m he called for a revise. " And I should dollar," said the buai nsM manager, coming in with a hatful of manuscript. "Now you're shoutin'," sang the chornr ; "say yonr piece.” M I have come to co-operate with you, said the business manager, “See! these are the new adac." " Put a pica head on him,” said ths foreman. And longer bad they sung, but with a frown ths funny man impatient rose, and, remarking that this wm a doom paper, joked off all further debate and tha forma wont down. — Burdette. BVtIKKM BKBOBK FLKJLBVBK. There is a sagacious Newfoundland dog in Norwich. He wdl take the Ims ket, in which is a note, and go to the market, get meat, vegetablM, or what ever the note calls for, end carry it aafuly home. But he has a daily task assigned to him which he performs, rain or shine, and that i* to carry hia mistress her din ner. Bhc keeps a millinery establish ment, and doea not go home to her noon day meal. Regularly as tha day comes around, tha dog may ba seen trotting along Main street at aliout 11:30 with the basket in his month, looking neither to the right nor left, but going straight to tha store, where he Rita down and watchc* it until hia mistresi come* for it. And he in so well known, too, among the Norwich dog* that ho is never mi* leati'd. But on Monday a (granger dog undertook to have a little racket with him while ho wn* londeil down with hi* commissary store*. Ho hung to the liaaket, but stopjiod long enough to get a goed look at the cowardly enr who had interfered with him, anil then started off on a run to the *tore, where he dropped the basket and immediately retnrmsl to the street and iiegiui to m'arch for hi* iiHsailont. lie found him on Franklin avenue, and proceeded to chastise him in true canine style. In about half a minute he sat down and watched that cur put in hia best juipps for the hill-tops, giving a ki-hi at every leap.— Hartfurd tCt,i Vourant. How to get Bick. yosreelf dsy and night, e*t tp.i much without »x< rcisr; work too her I with oit rest; doctor *ll the time; take *ll die vile nostrums advertised; and then you will waut to know How t» get Well. Which is ausweroil in three words Take Hop Bitter*! See other column.—Expree* Tub pecuniary iuoeuUve for a youth to apply hia muni to study in order that ho may booome a man of great scliolm tic attainments cannot bo over-estimat ed. The salary of the average editor is about *2,000 a year, while the jockey who rode Iroquois was paid 15,000 far the race. Ma. Vasdsmmi.t s incomo Is marvelous; ao is Auterg'a Latter Elia, try it, Cameron, Am terg A Co., Ohioagt*. A Norwich couple who had a pet oat winch had grown helplre* from ag« and extremely filthy, put it out of it* misery by the agency of chloroform. They buried it in the garden, and planted a ros<- bush over its remain*. The next morning it appeared at the door to be let in, and had the rose buah nnder its arm. Ali. caution* mothers whoubl keep Kidne* - Wort in U»r hou»e to use for thrtnwlvu and tbair children. A inrw book ia out entitled " Links in Rebecca's Life. ” Rebecca wm probably a Mtisagv-maker's daughter. What an eventful and mysterious life »ho must have led 1 rate. sate, sstsa ants, fltea, insert*, cleared <mt by "tteaga ea Bata" 14c., <lr<m, wu. IWDseawnos, oyspepsaa, nervoM prostronco and all finite of renorsl debility relieved by taking M*x«ma*'s rxrTomin Baav Ttnuc, the only prepawaUon of beef containing Its entire nntribons proprrttae It contains blood-mak ing, fosve-gsoarsUng and lifo-suetaining irop srbre is invalnoblsin all enfeebled cmSitkma. wbeliier lbs resell of exbanstlou, nervons pro* tratson, overwork, or sente dises so. i«rticujarly if manning from palmonary rvmplairts. Cm well, Haaanl A Co., proprietors, jNew York.' i»ai.VK l* Ute •A*r eabVk, Bieuee. ... Vlear. TttU*r, i CJMIMai ■«, *.Wm* a*4 a I <rf rilit FitUUs «m-1 t -» w >•« CAUOUr tALVK, M Ail Ala wriMklAttßMa. PIMM IS •m. Muaura MYMWATra Btrmn Ulb* tott fAMWy Am l»yMfiiArtA. IttAkf ■ll» A Aa4 IttßW «f Ik •<«•*•, I rteM *»•. AttA. DCUkEfi CATAkaa UtUPP All tfea MteCAsrasA MMBWaA* flf tte« h«A4 »u 4 IWeS* t>a M«»rre utin HUdB caiamw <• Hkm*. Jstatee, take three two Ctakre and give the smaller om to little Tom my." James sxamuMa the cokee care fully, appears undecided, and finally tebra ■ heroic bite out of one of thorn, which he pasaea over to hia brother with Ute remark: “There, Tommy. I've to arte yvu a smaller one—they were ci the, same Htkrrottps printing wm invented by Wm. tied, a goldsmith of Edinburgh, tn lTßtto PERRY DAV ju_ Pain-Killer * SAFE and sure ■J 'REMEDY FOR Kgl Rheumatism, ■3 Heuralgia, Cramps, Cholera, Di3f ' hoea ' ■ wWWW Oysentery. Hl§ Sp,ai "t llgfl W Bniises I B ™„. PS H Scalds ' i r ((WH Toothache Headache. FOR SAT,TRY ALL DRHGOTSTS &i?teRS Though *tmkei» In Every Joint And filter with fprer anrt ague, or bilious ' remittent, the sy»trin may vet be freed from the tuitlignaut virus with ilMteUer'f* Mto ni ne h Uiuen*. Protect the »ytteni akmidnl it with Uiis bcneficieut anti-f»pA«inodic t which it farttrennnre a supreme remedy for liver enniplaint, rnnMipnttoii, dyfq epsia, debility, rheumatism, kidney troubles and other nil menu. l or mtlc by all DruggisLi and Dealers generally. AMERICAN AND FOREION PATENTS. GEORGE E. LEMON, Att'y at Law. WAAMINU VON, D. RaferAnoffA flT»a Io actual elionla In nvaxly rvery Coan if ta IHa V. H CvvrrAApondaneo invitxi. ft<nd abflrh or m.-iAI fcx O|HUte>u »« to- the £lr:.ubi|.l*, >u cbAfgA for ••r*tc«M üblvrae •uccsresful. KaUbltahAj One Dollar -A. TTBJA.n. Til. Iteet atorv Paper th lb. WmL a* colon,*, <»ff or ar<n«l and <ih<4AAlyaAioctAd raadlßM mall*r r.rtnimd uiwmbigw. tdain Tn l m.iK ' ‘"■r/uLiTZr* 0 '»* ’’"‘"“i ■’te***- p*M. lot I »»ne > r . r , K „, r ~,i«nbn safe a ! praoUam Ran Ism a«mt>lA vmw AddrwAa IU. ’T*> * w ”«. til a <ay al homa aaallw mala. (Vwfily *' • <mw‘*utfit fra*. Addi mm Tat'a < Co.. Auguaka, Mo SV A Tell cw*>osy« Addraa* R*«R«ard ” Alv U AmoriMA'i WaicbCa., PtMabcrgb, Fa. S*TF "W “IF A Tit AW and •rpanaaa to a ■ a tr«M> Ad lraaa 111 ■* <» 1 Irkrrv < nV aaai M . Me Invest Your Earnings bt C o *< wM of the I'viite; I i»i I an I Ittipfcvemsb! < •«. pan. I'lnUta tu-ira ptet tw i r,, a’ per runt, lb Abao* ’q • iTAafv N > |MW«o«»al ItahHitv f»«al .mil» in !>«nvwr R.‘al wm.. -e* » new* o .o( Itenv. - Rwl. , u s cnr bta ta, Or b-t»« » »rn of Itei 'rf. Aa? DUmbrr of •hatra al ▼«h, -tach, A«i>t '■» mail gu rweaitH tti money. < hcula.. . M ft. e k h.*. AR< Hlh < . UWK, Fraahtoal. 4. H Kavba, TTaaanrer ; M. H. Aatva, Hacielary, JiniClM! Bicxxl. ait-l wld rom| 'lately cbaugr tbe H<x>l id tha andra ••• abut tn there mcntY« An* peraon «b» will fair one j<ll ra* li n iff lit frmit I tolTwreb* mA* ba patiirest to (wriiu.l health. If such • thing lie »*•*• Lla. Hold '’irr where nr aritl by mail m N Utter ataoipak !. H. jOIIVXIN X CO., Ilwatoa. farmerly Naayar> Ws* LT TILT <3 *AT«w< Omamvm ftoa V/ U sIM S Werto. materck rw - | at Oastea.i [V *»« 1-Hmnw. , ,'n fj BtMMIOU. I« V.IW HL, KY F.O. Rm «Ma /K»«4» >-•<•* «x<« mm I a V e F F~T —1 ™ 1 ™l !■"'•>•«•'-« »w »*- -.erf. I F F » F FF F FMa Ma Ml"*' z » r 1 F/IJ. FIFfJJJJA (■iiKEE^-X-^‘l y z jßy/A '///</"mr;.-. I !***■ * w <»~oi~ f ‘*-x=SSSS!?S!?^:| ‘HF’ : 1 •”•*•* Ma * w ** 4 * <h—ei. ~ j:»~ wTrSwTKSSr A.**• /TWe frw«e T»«b44> <• «\ i-*«m <*•*•« Hk» ■ IF M J J f £J JF f & FF jfe « •«- r-*<«« ■ F F FF J M J w rm*« nnoa. M *^»*«oS«?S??WnH?SSS I SB| Mt.tTBlE FiaiM.lfUM.kßt.. i I I T s I i LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VZQgrM&E COgPOTHW' It » poaittrr Care **» • ,l ra**^ l ' '*“ Jl *ia we estlraty tks WOT* f one of OTtate all «~ta» trertto. IntemMOto- OTiTteere Hmei VbUtMf ajmS DlavtAkW®** o®- 0 ® - - ev<»aa<|Bffmw BpUiaJ WertßOT *M to porUculMly s4af*»>l U> ( CM*** •< LU*- - - - I xx n r-prte cotsots. atertrary. .OTroreafl arertes tor ata.**lente. *M teUr™—ko~* etate>ll n OT. BteMM. n~FWb~ -Jits CteSteral MOmy, tlemtaOTSte, I"Mete"’ SOT “■jCaTraWto. rfbaottag aad kMkacka. la always pemteaaotiy gored tyta are I* -ill at allttotee and mates snOTrssiteiiew art la kmsrnmy with ite towa tkal V*’’’™. rsstoecvaof Kltory COTjJaltoa it tttbar OT Ikta ‘TVTIa K vrarraßLK oaw patrXDU, prrpan"! •• 03 “•* °* W " u,r> A '"" i> tj*n.Ma- rnoeki MsbotU-forA ttolkrsatol lattotena to pUta. alao '”«*• fore emtart to pstoa, A OT bo« ,or * ,u *r “C ""“T , toMtoeamnallltetera of Uteton toao for *ll*l* la* OOdtOT aa abo»» ttmtlo* IMa filter. go tamlly akotod be wttkosl LYDU X HnkHAITS UVM rtIJJL TWy rm. o<mteto*sum. »■’■- , , *ad amtodiiy of UteUrar. tatmrteyar bol FKld toy a» IVrwggtots. -«• JTor CJlxHire arid XFB'tror ano all oiaiAsaa O-w-a* Vv toalMrtal P*la**l*« at tk* Bite* A WAHHANTKD OU RE. ; F’rloe. H 1 .00. Ver eala St *n Orasstato MILL snd FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. BELTING. HOSI afHl PACKING. OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES. ENGINE GOVERNORS, Ac. Send for Price- Litt. W. H. DILLINGHAM A CO., 1143 M<in Streel LOUISVILLE, KY. A ItOAWOKK -Hi-fcjl - COTTON PRESS. IlFl Hair In W> ****rttid« Follower h Mk i i ratty Ln nturihrt beta r.' *- ■■/. 'jrßn* / powerful, bmable. Require* B- . 1 tile rtwvtu 1 hraprf f ♦* ■ i r '*' 5‘H-rif-t t- ft h.v i. • MmißMteW rnihnte* < ••«-Hat a free . w nt r. ax-* Ma« a- to-tnrer, R»eßb< 4 u* , M. 4*. QIY WHY WAFTI MRWrT ' Y-m maart <M , glf 8 t&n' izrzjrm: w ■ ** terete - to tRHIIC BTUENuHItN a.4 P»Y|AO#aTB S»s KAlfi MfSkOT Aaa t S-s tosrek ng|sl fill’CK* T• <.“v. ”J T * Oft £ LM. toa (MK bateMto. Kaaa. Boww« at oil imßßMiara rILEOi COreua ZVaaatarv atoe ateek. Th* tomia Ua •■ - " ' la ike Medtaal IraraaUat *t»* W* klttr araoMaa, *!!..£>, yte. HL 1,1 Hire »■ art •aanTk YAI HUP MPIU v<n> wn< ald learn Tele reap I»V tn I lUuliU ..tua and ba rmrtalu < ( »t®n, addreaa VAI.BSTTVK BROM, JaAMville, W.». | i Encyclopedia— 1 TIOUETTEiBUSINESS r —TY* V** “• rely aampltte aad rsHrtU vwk aa K,.<,aeUa aad Baaioaaa aad toOal bra. I, tel la I now i - pet form all tha various dotiaa of life, and how io f ' h * Mra ,ta<e on all oeeaeton. , '*<*“*• 1* fnr rifcim retain in < a ralldteennt, n to lb. work and aava laama l. Meme, addrete .Vanaaa, rvaueaiae Ca., At, ante. fla. S 5 to S2O *"i”~ w " r '* * »*■ AdrUam ariaaae * ca., FteUaed. Mala*. | AWWWVW WAWTMMto ika Beat aad VeatOT Sal U te< Ftetcnal B.»d aad Biblaa. PrUM radnortD tor I •rerv Batten al Babhaaiaj On., rbllatoiptaa. VaT ■ .• nu. ik..a a* a. i -.. rd. a, l l r J fl ft ( xf lr ■•lu.r^ndtrte..-”,” W ■■ * I K '‘ lr7 , t,an An, ] t v a few barttna AM•»*"•«*.-u I J r® .c-tlAOV^Oal— 1..» vr«.... f . f ■ MARRIOTT MOO.. W trtlcrtrdi M. Ball! . ■ Ml j Fiirliuks' Soln. The WorldsSu:.. FAIRBAT : “ ■ WMt l } - : iW- * ° W * 1 for Weighing Oottcn at the Jiz. rw COTTON BEAM Frame, Hooki ani til ether reciLrx. Atiachancts. BUY ONLY. THE, aENUUiK. T'air'baxihLß’’ Stskridatd OF EVERY' DESCRIPTION. gg-SEN D FOR CIRCULAR -« I FAXBBA2OLS & CO 53 CAMP STBEET, HEW 03LEAFC, U UST Os DISEteAFJ* ALWAYS CUUABLU BY VblkU MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. er iciur Flos. or aiuuu. RMauataUsaa, Seratehea. Barm aad Aral da, Oarra aad Ikll a, Ntlnge Mad Ultra, Mpavta, CVMka, Cat* autd U rut ar a, Screw Worm, I,rub. Apradna A atitchra. Foot Rot. If oof AU, Vote traded Maaelea Itomrnraa. MiSTJolaOa, Bwlniay. Foundrre, BaeMactor, Nprnlua, Strain*, Eraplloaa, torr Fret. Iro.lßlta., MtlFbea.. and »U ettenuu diaeaaea. and *11(7 hurt or ace C-iv Fo»g«asr*l *aa la family, ■totteanJ aUKk yard it. THE BEST OF ALI. LINIMENTS Cyclopedia re* rani Lltewrr .rtlol arraa M~*-iret« •«w nomplAted, lAijre lypw eLc»n. < vsj ’» 1 •vAwdepArUMAtaflMMAAa hAAwlßto;'. •> ♦ • larger thA> ChAmber*** BoeytHoj-OTd • larger thAA Ap»kAUA’e, • per or»4 Urf: tt* ai t met* btaauoA arfUMtr ami. Fl*»<-« iat? ■ omee. BAarlv IMM »««•. • •IM I in bA flaaaKSMl U full hbrnrr ttewp. ■» * Adget MpwMAi term* U«1 aha. $lO 000 REWARD ” 1 ' Lite, itead tall* tar apaetote • par*, ar -i ■ xtaiucAX S3ok i x Mae B. Uate, M*aa««. T.t *, *!».■ 'A VM'wArapetefl’ irkita ftoey wlarrv ‘"•’Alik —ai » ... —— teiAIL! • «a» I* year ate*«OT>. Tarmaaalta*-* >tJD to*. Ate ma H M.uto«TAOa. tortea s >J. COTTON IS KI NG KING OFCOTTO £• Coaoa 01* me and gaaaanl ytaaateten Th- /ra»to fa are adfar Lvrre an «Ar are - " arapkleta andn** Uu fa and • Ai’i TM AN * TAYLOR COMtANI , Dy»o . . —■ IWt.toe*’ Batea, AUaata, »* retnyw'- DEDERICK'S HAY PRESSES — - oraaeniaaywtore®- ©ftChSEB tatoSj -AlLu ... te——to toy-- tllbto. amt ■;JI with fair* tb* HM*"" ' XjZ - * rttfevr. Tlw rewtv w*r *WWW hca® , ta Io, tto t* OCT-1 By i<taaii,.e*A*, an.l tAnaarU trittreat wtrtt w MM* - ■j-Ttu ortktW rvtan ahtomMe artoalreteA a towaya «*•>• tri rjaerr aDrtorirtSfaa.**4oot« ni^>* ~ f Nw 1 -’’® Up- JbAdbttMM fe** »* !v'*e» ux-i.txrcj a lAfatetMtaf. J. I,to F**W MMMFQMMttL