Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, September 20, 1881, Image 3

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,*.-*«».«<- of th* . ,?v»irris»» '’•"" prop* totof of ll*<- War- J. t -HTiH--' 1 •» •“ "" war rraimtisibl.' f..r n ,*UTi<-te ~r m«r»Kv< l Mil of the huum. (irrsuiloo IncrrataK Dali) Id rvliMbla, Macula awl jpfferhOH coußiles! Ihlh tor iMtvrrtitang do* on first appear of th* advei tlw ho-nt. P'ef'otVlOMA AI>'FWTCTUI will be Bent t „»n> aA-lrere upon «** foftwWing ma: Ox v.-*r, raA ta alliance ... *1 no N , nr->ih». *** h ln • rt ' n » n <* SOt I'j.b-red In tb * puta"®'* at Harte-tn a, ' recuoo-ctaeu matter. M'-BridsandCu. Atlanta.Ua .offornt tow pP ,« tto-lr liumenre Rtneh of lamps. lamp ln)lw .v» xml fixture*, and aarn-nt variety . h ,„ ( re- funitahlng g<»4& Toilet ret* va dinner warrmid team-tajagenta for th.- Cnitwl Slates fur Lambeth a patent im pnwvd fly tan. GKORGH lULROAI) GEORGIA BAILROAD CO, Office General Manager. I Augusto, Ga„ ta-pt 8, 1881. Comavanciatt thrmlay. the 4th hint, the f,4l..winX paraettgvi setuMtah- will be upoi • ,U-: NO 1 -WEST Dally ,/«ivx*Ait<iiatn ....... 10 *> a m irrira Omak ■ 18 tap U1 Milledgeville ... 4 4'« i> in - Maron 645 p m “ Washington > 285 p m •• Athens 4 s<> pin - Atlanta.... . . ■ .... 54a pin NO t-E.WT Daily two* Atlanta.. 8 30 a m • Athena 930 a ni •■ Wnstihigtiuu ,11 at a ni “ 7 to a w •• Milledgeville 9 05am •• ('ailink ...... „ 157 p tn Arrive Harlem 307 pm Arrive Augusta 4 ta p in Ivrlea Ateommo4ation-Dklly, Exe-pt Sunday L> A'lXiiataS 00 1> m Lv. Him Imu 700 a m Ar Harlem 845 p m Ar A-are-4 aB3O ani NO 8-WEST Daily Iznve Aiiirnota , 5 55 p ni •■ (Slunk 118 ani Arrtv.- Rnarta ... 2 57 a m Milledgeville .. 427 am M 64 ) a in •‘ Athens ... ; aoo a m vnve Atlanta .; ...300am NO 4 -> ST Dally Jr-nve Atlanta 8 31 p m A riv* Hnrlsin 5 0* a m Leave Athens. 7nA pm Izave Maron 700 pm • Mlllr*lguvllle 915 p 111 “ Sparta 10 43 p ml Arrive Camak 3 M a ml " Amniata 030a ml sI’PERB IMPROVED SLEEPERS I(>| All, INTA and M ACON r JXO. W GREEN, E. R DORSEY, 'r-o-r.l Managur Gen. !'.»► Agent Notice to Pa sensr r. mMUENUNG FEBHVaRY Kt, 1881. ah.l until farther nullee, the paeaeng-'r tare ••rar ll*' Gronrta Rallnuul main line and Oi.m -he*. will he aa foilrrw*; Agent** rate, threeo-ota per mile. I rain rate, four rents per mile. Ctiililreri to-twreii-l ami 42 y.urs, half the l>'"'l»l»A. .. .. Minitniim ratw, bw any dtatanee 5 cents Bn-mugen* are hereby lu.Uileri that it t-iav fall to purrhaar tlekola from tlm Kla tMu Ad-nu, they wtl| be ch»rg.-<l the train rat*. Gmdtictnra are not ticket arllera. ami are •nt ali'iwr-1 v> aecrpt les* than the train rat*»f Pair <ent» per mile. Therefore, to weymllienitvantaee of the rixtmvii rate, parrtuum your tickets before eulerluu the train. Tn* rompanv reserves th* rltrht tochamr* er entirely lUinuratu theae rates, at plea*uni •ud tritiaait nothe E. R DORSEY, Gen. Potts. Agt. I.eoo Mlle TkkeL Oeorgia Railroail Co., } Office Gen. Paaaenper Agt., Augiiata, April stb. 1879. ) Cotinueneing Monday, 7th ihrt., thia company will a*ll ONE THOUS AND MILE TICKETS, good over ni»iu line an.] brauchea, ut TWENTY MV L DOLLARS each. These tick rta will be iaaueil to individuals, firms •nd families, bat not to firms and families combined. E. R. DOKHEY, Gaa. Passenger Ageot. Mil Mlle Tickets. Georgia Railroad Co., i Office Gen Pussenffer Agt. ■ Angimta, March 2, 1880. ) Commencing thia date, thia compa ny will sell FIVE HUNDRED MILE TICKETS, good over main line and Ijmncbes, at THIRTEEN 75-100 IHH.LARs each. These ticket h will hr iseued to individuals, firms or fouihea, bat not to firms ami families E. R. HOMEY, Gen. Passenger Agent. a.—.— All Farmed, Mwhera fomaeaa men. Madun im. *x . abo are teed oat by week ar w»wry. and dl wbo an atari*- Na wHb Dyiftepua, Jftnwutnin. Neuralgia ■towd, Kadery or lavrr .l.yoacmba fanyaaaait aoJ oaad **"« „ you, m fa 1 thia Tame tba yi.tertlciaae Yom Cam Uwe for >***— »fr Mernitu * otremcth, csggs? ttS~E=-rj£ '* F • Kobinnnii A Co. I’*,* I** 1 ** "nd orjmar tn Aliy point in noth* Wl 00 trta * tor hfUtro <l*ys, with »> '* r r,, tornin«, free of all expens- r “"’forUUuw, if not entirely saluta<.u>a 0-0 Robinson and Co. have completely Um music trade by fallmn ***t itMiruoMMta ala smaller marirui U*' l any dealer in America. -Ji j * fonllah mutate tn confound a rem- T <>« otnrit wim in,, quack madii-inoe now '■’wnmnn We have aand Parker'* ijirt- JTTonie wtta ton hnppl-M nw«iu t,* ~*wn<Uam and Dyatnwta, and when ran; by overw.M-k. and know It to be a "nrhu* Ueaim nmuiUv; TUmm. fk* ad PENCIL INTR. D llxhthil Weather M Couit Mmadny isdrt. B Meat ts advanrioK- ■ tk'tton ptaber* r>wt Ing. I Plant pirnr turnips mw. ■ P. aches are Very srwrvw. B Great 4<«l of slckneee In town. I OoUun pickers In meat demand. | Chiokens arc very scare and high I Bail weather ha- Ua- odtoti pkkers. ■ Cabbage Mwd much sale In Harlem. | Rev It A Conner of Sawdust, is quite ill] McCunl ba, moved lu hu new store thlsl week. ■ While goiiut to to-Tu, Dr. Deanna i 8 much! Muir. 1 We harn that Dr. Bevins Is quite sloJ •<»ln. I Quite a family move In town Ikrr the pastl 10 days. I Who la going to occupy tho store next tel th,'Gem? I An-yon going to the Cotton Exp<«ltioJ next month. K The track layers worked In the rain al J day Saturday. I A few tamers aru oIL-rlug 50 conU fori ovltim picking 1 Mr R 4>t Reawcyslittle Imbydloii on laatl SatAmlav inuinlug. I M, Du (He Court Is poetpened until indl M tnday tn Oetbber. I C. E. McCord <d the tlrin ot McCord J Dill, was In town Un* waek I McCoiil's old stand. w«aild like to se«l aome lag tncichaut open then,. I Mr. W. M. Mims presented this offlcJ with a very large sweet potato,'. I 8»-v new ads. In this Isairc; next ween ouch shall have arpeelul notice. fl Four freight trams pawed through town! last uight, sivii'Ahing uucoiuiuuii. I Ahorse runaway with a toggy Satori day nod completely d< luotWtmd It I The Picayune came very near killing al uoloiod man last Wedmiaday night I D' i'uty Nlieriff Lampkin left last nlghtl with Mrs. Ella Grover for tho Asylum. I Aduew Sandeis s|H>ita nn ugly gash uni furohead, Li > Ing to butt a post down. | Air. and Mrs F. Wyman, fr .m Augusta,! im slopping et Itrols foi 3or 4 moulin*. I I Col. M. F Stovall, ot Augusta, nowl latopplng at the popular Grt>. ILwsl liouee. I I Mr. J I. Fukm is I this uoiinty. !•> olerk-l log a Illi J L. buw li-B and Co., ul AiqfustaJ M»)or R<>bt. Wood ot Covington, spent! pail of lust I huisday in town. Come ugalul Major. I Mi.R P Gri gory of (X-onee count y. wad in town tills week, the guest of Mr. B >bert| Oe.ln. I Wetare tiudermsny ol'lignliona to Mied Zeiui Cook tor souie very ulue milk toast] while sick. I Adnew Sanders Is expci ting to go to Mill-] edgevilie next month to College, Instead ofl Athens. | Miss Susie Hundley, of Thomson, after a| long and pleasant visit, letuumd home last] Monday. I The Baptist* orc about Vi erect a new] Chutvh. Tho old one to bo sold to the high-] (wl tepid, v. I Owi 125 l>ale« ih'W rotten hnvrbron ship-] |M-I up to date. We expect to ship 1.500] bales from this [Kjlut. ] The t*e*t stiengthencr of mind nnd tasty] Is Brown's Iron Bitter*. It I* very south-] Ing and iHieelilng m He efl'tsl. ] Our young friend !»' Lxmpkin la now] with the staunch house of Wheel,* and Yar ] broiigh, cultoo factors, of Augusta, Ga. | Presiding Eldei. H H Pack*. I-o*»duct-l ng the servloea of the protraeted meeting] that hm» rommeiirod this week at the Meth-1 jdlst o‘iurch. of thh* place. I 1 he Gem, next to MoCord'a old •torr, will rerolvo a fiwli ebxk of Groceries next] •rrok Come and ace Qiein. Anything inj the Grocer)’ 9°® cfln ,ie fouml there. I We hope tube able to get out to Ooura next week, where w« expect to find many] friends ready to hand «• oveffa dollar for si year's subscilptlon to the ''Adv<qUser.’’ I Ttm |«tri>«a and friends of Harlem High! Ki-Ih»>1 are requested to meet at the Harlem] Hotel promptly at 12o’clock m.on Tburej flay next the 2W, for the transaction ofl Important busluetw By order of the Chair-] man. I The ag- nt for Wannamaker ,t Brown. th« principal Clothiers of Phtladeiphla, haajiMt| ric»4ved a new lot ot Fall and Winter sarnJ plea of Clothing, and Is now ready to takd your mensun* for a stilt of fine ci'4 be* amfl overcoat. Give him a trial and aave money! bv It. He can be found at the Geiu, uextl to McCord's old stain I I’erHonnl. I We had quite an uneXp* , cU<d nut very! pleasant visit from our unde, Mr C. B. Ved roneo and his mm, the latter part of la*t (week. We have uot met them before Ini years. These klnsmeßof ours werd {here in the interest of a great Washing Ma-| I chine, an account ot the working ot which] 'can be aeen else where, written by Dr. Cad scy. .. ■— -♦ ♦- Down Ajrttlu- W'«’k before last we were ronfind to our! room so bm not to be able to issue a paper.j but hidliig somewhat Improved last wrok.l went to our post and after groat exertlonj auceroiod In getting out oar journal. Bud Bilge Tueaday ls|t «e have been down! again, quite sick and a great sufferer. Dud psper is in f* ow hands this week, and tor all abort comings we tw OW patron* to benr| with us until we are able to take hold agaii.’i which we I rust will not be long Rwpecttully. J.W.3KSOMX*. PlKuntO Hoos —A» lowa fartut rput up 2) erne year old h<M*. and for toe Brat M day* fed them on dry eheited corn, ot wbk h they ate S 3 bushels and «aluedß37 It* '»n 10 lbs. to toe tnuhei << <»rn He tbeo fed the same ho* 1« daysoo dry oom meal dur injr whl< b time they eonsumnwsl <7 boabeta and Kamed tA3 Iba or 11 »-4 iba. to the busb- K | Tb« same h<<» * Hrw th< ‘ 4l frd tor W days on corn ro«U and water anicl oon aumhX M 1-4 bualtato o« «* rn •' id f* ll ** l Ml ton or 1» 1-4 It*, to tbs buabri of corn. He tIH-o l"i torrn U days on asm me.l cooked, and they «ato«l <» H *- '* tM " r *y 15 lbs to tbe bubbei of rncsL Excban<e- | i N«w W'vhlMg PriKTAV I Hai I'HH t,»-day has <<i exblldtina a lately | hwleubil Machine which propas** to tlo a Kwo wroka washing with He* osaU w<l ;, f tla «wr> bout. lIMM. a waHhorwomaa fwoußd require two days and twroty-live fomts worth of auapa, sad Ums «H onlv do ’ ■the work wiUi this lightning speed, but do j lit inm-h'wttor We have'Witneam-d thin Ito- 1 Ireptacle Washing Machine pateatod bvC.I M Veronee, <rf Athena. Ga., on duty to-day. 1 Inn'l we have no heattancy In saying that It ■will tn all probahßlty supeeoaAa tha oM , ■time modus operandl of ci<<thee washing. ■Thia is not only a great MVtag at Mme ■hare, ami time is nxwtoy.'' but there Is llko- Iwlse a gri-at, vary great saving of tabor amt bhat spretro Os Mier too that h> 4ay bv day ■beoaiilng more difficult to obtain. All y-ai ■have to do Is b, taiiki a tire and set Um ma ■rhino on thia tire or on a oottnary stove, ■pul In atweit twenty galkmsHof water, tand Iwhro t he heat is sufficient to pat tha water ■to bo ding, a stream of hoffiag water raw* ■through tlw - halire at the rate ot twenty ■gallonat" the mtnwto Now while thia Is ■going on, th* wnsherwoaiaa conguabait ■any other bUMltkwa and only return to the ■iiiachine after th* lapse of say shout i>ne bioui . aftei tleQHtreani of h*>t water oom- [me ces to pour up«>a the anlied ckoUtM. [Again you not only aave tim*. labor and »x --toense. but y,ai save the trouble of toet but- Ronsto le v'-pluo-d and torn and wrangled [garments mamied. For it Is welt know that |th* ordinary washing board I* very gto- Ltructlve to clothes. And ' last tho' not [b'ftst ■■ the Rec'-ptacle Washlag Machine la [a Southern liiv.-nUon, yea. a Georgia In [vontlon. and as It ha* been thoroughly tset [edlaud swan led af] prevaiaiut at t Kef last [meeting of th" North Georgia Fair Aw- I lalion, wherehnany of our State's best and [most cnb-i prising dttaana set In judgment [upon it, we think It shuald ami will' meet [with •mi'ces. Mr. Verwwre to axlllng conn |ty rights. Da. H. B. Casar | Mcßride and Co.. Atlanta, Ga . ran duptl li ato priora on Crockery. Glassware, W,h«l - and Tinware. Looking Glaam*, Show It'S’** and iauupa, in any Northern market laiid save yon a gm«l pi'dft in freight. Geu'l lagcute tur LiMulmth • Improved Fly Fan. « ■ Morulng News Serials. I A Now Story by an Atlanta Lady. Elijah |natliui>t'« Expiation ; or. Tire End of a [Dream Life. The Weekly New* of Halur [day. s ptomber 17th. contain* the opening Irliaptora of aaloteaselv interraUtg »tory. [emit red Elijah BaUuirst'a Expiation, or The |End ot a Dream Uh-, by Mita Fannie May IWItUof Atlanta Uowllliwr to anticipate Ith" Interrat ur forestall U*e judgment <gour [readers, we abstain from giving an outline ■of tills charming story, which we Maa- Lured will be read with proAt and pleasure [by nil admirers ot well wrought Action. Tha Ltory wti, run through some Ave or Six [numbers of tl>e Weekly News, I But»ortpUo«i. 83 a yrar. 11 fornix ruontba, [Murrey uau be arot by'Mtgrey Ordpr. Mexia [teivd Letter, or Express, at <m risk 1. H krtit.G, Savannah. Ga. Ia Timely Wuruhyr, or (Ute Ex*m rleuce ot a Mlnldtir, I If yousuff"! horn general debility, brought lon by too close application to bualoeea and fi xoesslve braln-werk; ot troro Increasing [prostration and sinking spells, that even a [rest or removal o( the enure will is,l relieve [make Intel>■ to do as did a reverend friend lot ours. H- ret'ifed fronrf hto druggist a [b- It tic ut Brown's Iron Bitters, having hrartl ■of lb* merit from a physician, who told him ■not to take any other Blltors tor Tonic, for [with the exception of Brown's Iron Bitter*, [they m!I contained alwdsd. ami hnd failed to trivc his pattonta lasting relief; nor should [he take any other preparation of Iron, for [with Ibe exoepUoti of Brown’s Iron Hlttora. [they all blackened Ute teeth, aisl often gave [headache, which Brown's Iron Bitters never [did, hut In fact cured headache 7 bme“”ct |«a* m<wt eatlafrebirv ; he Immediately re lallz.-d wonderful results. His ok! energy [returned, his natural force came back, and [tie felt hlmeelf altogether a rewtnau. full' [of haslUi. strength and vigor, ami h* lire |ooutiim«l to remain »o ever since. Mow ba ■recommends Brown * Iron Bitter* to all hi* ■fdeiHle which we unhraltaUngly do to all flour readers Globe 1 j. ivr. buhdelllj, COTTON PICTOB A\B COMMISSION MERCIHNT, I\’o. 10 Al<?Iuto«li Mr., O«. o remova x*. In 6onwqn«no« of ecarcitv of Storage room I have rrmcved from No. 0 Warren Block to the large BRICK HL 'Th ROOF W A REHOUSE, known a* the ‘King Wan hooae,’ No. 19 Mclntoeb aUvat, rear Georgia Railroad B ink and National Bank Anguata. The bnaineaa will be continued 'in all ita branches. I. TDELPH, 081 IROAD IBTREET, AUOURTA, OJk. COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, Gkirazteo, HARDWARE AND Tinware. Buy the * Excelalor* COOK STOVE. Fifteen difterent Hines in Stock. W. I DELPH. i 5.37 EHTABISHEO IM7. PLATT’H FURNITURE PALACE The Chewpest, the Neatest, the Largest and Oldest Establishment in Georgia. LABGEWr eaeortnxmt of Ftoe fMronsa Halts ta Besewnnd. Mahoney. Watont and Oak. of hue* pattern, and lowmt prime Park* Salt. In Ebony ami (k*L Matoaaar, Walnat and Odd. in CuV-Uo* Baw Him. Heps. Balls de Latae/Halr and Mohair Cover. l T»!m^f>oX^ y BWMsada. CmnraaadtMad TaWaa. Mdn. Srwrdn, (htoa and Hllver Caere. Hall Stands. Fsathsra and tkwted Hatr. Parlor L-Aa, Mirror Werdndim. Faney and FuMta* Chairs, Hranhwjm fchSomm. haatetaMh, Battan and Carpet Bmkern. Hiring Mattrweee. Spring Pillows, etc. PLATT BROTHERS, Afesta, 708 and 710 Broad Street, Actuate, G*. ghT Agents for the National Wire Net Maßrca?. Sign of the B»gChait Mra Maiv Martin Hardafairg, F». ■tvk: “I rmtsivt ■lOgiHiv - Issi ,4 lutmth' dtewwow; Utet rewire ,g h<wr- Ingxlown sreee-d as It it w> vM kMI tael m t halSis wwev- rv AmvulMrimMhAau au-w-*! V* beie’t me until I trad Ito wuM Jink Bit tors. They srted like a charm, and sow I enjoy perfect ItralUt. w AUGUSTA MAKK.KT. AriOUWT*. (tape. IL .• Ordtaary * l-J Good Ordinary » 1-1 AlatW Middling 40 38 MlddltatlOT-4 Good Middling 1114 C B Sidra IhJI l-t; Bribe*, u t-tall D SCR Shira I’D tan. HbouMen. mil Th* - Arrow. 1 64.1 »4; ptoewd. 1 3tal 80. Meal, bolted. »kaM; stark imral M Own white, tt fltal W; mfXreA Matl Grits. 1 45*1 M. Floe feed. 1 Mai 35 - - -I ■ ■»» ’T’o M y FVioml*. AUGCBTA. GA, *g»L 1. 1881. 1 hare acoeptol a sltnatton with | V RICHARDS t BHD I »t IhU ptaor. Ut* UIHST HI SIMS SHIM IK THE BOOTH Ami wti! be glad to serve my frtood* wlUa the CHE tPEST GDODM IN THE SI ATeJ Vtgy rrapecHuHy, E. W. DILL. Direct iMFuriathte). Mcßride A Co. are Importing di reed through tire Atlanta custom b-nrre-. crock-! iwy. eutlevy, glMtaware. etc. Tbrtr prleea are tower than was ever reeli In Georgia] Mervhanta will wire tu-’Uey by lni>li< trotu] Mcßride mid U>. - - . re- Merchant* In this so-1 adjoining Stated iwn eave money by buying staph- cro- kwy! (roa* Mi-Hrth- ate I Ci,., AlbuiLn, Ut prefer-! cnee to aetsllng North anti paving bravd freights. Glnrewaie. lam|wt, hrth Thomas] r|.«-k*. Milhill -tnilt )»<* at tuanufa. tun-tsl prictM. i2.*s I <uii<liiiur.l *«<>< M yVt A !! IN THEBEAFTU'L’LAND wdmld be NOWN HEALTH KEMOKT. HARLEM, GA., Just »4 mito* from Augusta, on the <h-**rgi« Rellroad. A pure, trreh. heeling atnnia ple-re, pur*- trad firing walers, rhway groves. 1,'.,-I Innd-, and the trert of Rra-h-tr MeUnsllst nnd Baptist r-hun-ltsw. mid one t* llials-at High S* ls«>l» In th*' Stale, -th*' ac knowledg'd a<lvaiitag>w >g th*' plm-r over all otto-r town* ou Us* Georgia railroad The s>t* are In Ute orporal'- lliulta of Uto town. "O north d<le railroad, and aultabh lor kENIDENCUf OH bIVBkX. lit miy size desired ]>iow or Xovor! there lota ran be had at a bargain as Har lem is rapidly building up and land** are In constant demand. Tnrae lot* ar»< eapeoiai ly sultabh* for Augn-ta mereltautS arid bo slues* men wh*. wish Bummer to mi"* foi Umlr lamlUea, that they may be treed dur ing Ito- heated *<as<si from the rkwe. Im pure aUm wplien- of a cruwttoi city. Tie dally a*«v>tnm<*«aUon train eualde* men u l itetonss to cwre Augusta by V a. m . am to return by 5Ju p. ni.. and thuae who wish to rem h th* city earlier tha regular ns-ru- If Ing ireMteuger train will put them than* by >■7 a. m. and return Uwu to Harlem at 7nt tip. m_ thin, affording every advantage ami if arwiwnnHakatkMi nrexVrd til salt All ctaaaes W. N. MERCIER, COTTOXW f-A O TOK. ’ ■ AND- gerebal commission MEBCHABT, Mo. 3 WXnRXN BLOCE, AOoUOTA. GI. Will (five perwoal and oadiviiM attaolioa to ibe weighi&g kod selling of Cotton- Liberal mate mivanoa* made on eonatgoioenis. .'Lmri., „'J .-rrrr n r-r. iss.-rr ■ -- ■ imti ii muss tn iinsTi ei heist imi Wr, the oMhrtaCMd, have thia day formed a 00-partaership anger tho Arm naan ot Mb 00., I Having manytrrara’ exprrtance In that line, wo tael warrant'd tn prornlatng Mtletare Men to ttores who may favwc w* with ahlpmetita. A share of the patronage of ptaatcr* laud men Hants is rt«<ireUttU) aohdb d w. T. WRILIBS I F. T, TA Wf MW. r GM>. A MIBLEY. Wtit. M 4l >■!>*». SIBLEY' & JORDAN, foOTTOT*- FACTORS. -A-iiffiimm, On. I MV WeareagrataPor the LUMMLBGIN and the COTTON HLavtM utH. ; - Allftl»a bl yf w f WHrttit. Qmi< It sale* a FroipfliHßniw Porter 'SUemlng, mWACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCBANT. 738 Reynold St / Augusta, Ga. ALSO, DEALER IN kv<M»j mid <>>£:<>» <JI jV For Selling 50c. Storage, 26c. M. O’DOWD, COTTON FACTORS COMMISSION MERCHANT No 6 WARREN BLOCK, nnn cm hi num muiEi-mn. ei. Liberal advances mape on Cutton and Produce in store. Puraanal givrti to Wsighing and Helling. C»tton Factor and Commission Merchant, 737 REYNOLD HTRKKT, AUGUSTA, GA. W Prompt attention given to all buaineM. Agent for Georgia and South CaroHna for the Baltimore f 'o«i|>onnd Hat.d Power Bakng Praaa, the boat praae for all purpoee, ma la. Send forcirculara Diffurant liaea co band. ang‘23 3m FEEDING' »HM M "WVitli CondGiiger, PRONOUNCED BY COMPETENT JUDGES TO BE jBiG3X' FULL SA'IIBFACTION GUARANTBBD OR KO SALBII Rmd what Mr. Waltu Hrnrr wrlU* oa: Wabuuoitoi. Ga., Jow i IMI. MKrnasa Wahak*. Wallack Jt Co.; Gicjitw- Th«* Hall Gin 1 bought of you mb* imwi U a PBMFBcr aucx nM! I It with thrw other firvt-elaM Ulna a«ch ImM*; threr 1 iiumhrrwl and ahlppad tn a CommlMloti Houae tn your city them to write oxi which waa ii» beat ghuMd They dl<l an, and Hall outtha ror w, , . ask. Your# truly, W. BOOTT. For dreuiom, with pUntcm crrtlflotea, apply to Wallace A Craaitoa, (ieaeral Agent*, Am ata, (a. (Hmraaaor* to Warren. Wai tare A (Ju.) COTTON FAOTOBM. THE GULLETT GIN WORKS, I I ETUI i M . ninilTUS iICIETi (I Manofaetnra the IMPROVED LIGHT DRAFT GULLETT GIN. aad l > or , tn.t»l<» Ix»ver !*■*<*«»■ FOR COTTON AND HAY. PAT’D. Agent* for th* BiatMALL Etigine. the finest farm angina mmr «Ud in ftreewf* m table, mounted or tracUon treorgia, on The Rimn Engine, B*-tum Tubular Roller, on skids or stationary This btater lore mg threw spark* and cmimX ire axplodsd by low water; alas 4toßo bw power OraapMe ouUlta of Bagtnea and Maw Milla, uuxquatad In prtoe. Mend for prima SECOND HAND ENGINES bottom Kim C. B. a co,, ZXax’loxxi, Gket. BEG LEAVE TO INFORM THE TJUDING Ft'BUC THAT THEY HAVE A FULL ind fuxi iut of GROCERIES lataMMif* kethaataoeairaadv kuwaatot*. ws hare a ROD A FOVWT, wNh for, SrfSFWEX'X.’aWiT”''- “““ “"re. rey„ re-, w rm M'FI’RF. •hteh 9o aitor at prtaee to aoM the Umra Thanktag the potato for thtar pant aatram ■Pl Wo 11^0 grain 1 aoMdt a arMOhoamw «rs tho came, hoping at all Umua to luertt thetr Booßdergw by pxjd, toumwt fair and s>|uaM d *Uag.