Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, September 27, 1881, Image 2

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CCLCWI& AD7S?.n?T?. Pvb'iikH Tr~ Trr<«y. at V.*r".cr.Ca- JJW V EBON EE. Eorroa ato I rTtnin tvbnday. tAEFFBMM* ff. '*«- EDITORIAL MEWM MOTES. Garfield wt- benrd yc«t«rd*y. JU Hill m mid lr> I* improving Si Gordac and Gaileao both pray BOW. G aft** ■ beard tb« new*-and be gan jk> p«m- The General Amembly adyoarai.. to wigbt, poaa&ly. Th* expense* Garfikl* meknew, wBI MBoont to <150.000 The Garfield fund now reweiaa over <300,000. with more to follow Tbe bill tocorporaiiog Grovetown I hn* panned. gad tbe hoy* »re b-ppy. | Mr* Mary McElroy Arthnr* ■*•- ter, will be miatreM of tbe White Home A Washington <-ffi »al kindly *etre that Arthur will be *" ktud to tbe Son th." At lb* prr>tr*e 4 '-d meeting row go lag Mt in Harlem, tnoeb interest >« being fonfWel. Ar AtUnte man tried to blow not a lamp the other night, but tk# lamp blew him oot fiiat. Tbe bullet that alew G«rfi< Id «a« loeated where rone of ll»e Doctor* ibonght it possible. After paying the < rpenaea of the Izgwlatnre instead of a snrpln* there will be a d> fictt of fIO,OOO in tbe State Trra»nry A bill h«» panned tlie Itegi-lat nr* enlarging tbe power* of county *u thoritiae a* to the levying of taaee f < pauper |>ur|x>eea. Cot’on hiw wonderfully - tinc« the rain*. In *onic ea»ee jhv j ■ew gwrw’li a> a* mncli a* »tx inches, and in of • vivid green By ch*-rr, trtbnr i* now in poa eeaaion ofthe golden •gg If h<- Itraak* it willfully, he mast *uff> r tbe direful conM-qneneea. About fifty eonnti’-a in the State hire naked fr-r and obtained prohibi to*y legial«tinn a» to wht’ky, but Co . Lirr.blt »U1 fftot* on tbe wet auk. T«*l*r lay wae t-baerved tbrongh-, Mt the United Sutaa *a a day ol hu miliation and moemh-g, in reepeet the memory o/ th* late PrwatdeLt Catton get* lower and lower day by while prnri»ion» mount up ward Tu»* ata'a of affair* appear* to paaale tbe public and th* mer ahaota equally. We ean't help but belerre that C*okhrg wM be tha power behind tbe throw*. and that Arthnr will be adrwed by h»a» m the performance •1 *very net. Who could )-o*»tbly h»ve brltevftl, when Haye* and Sherman contntne liaoalr ejected Arthur from the New York Coelom lino*', that h* woo id : an* day be Prwidenl of th* V tilled i StaleeT On the 24’h, the entire cabinei | tendered tbeir *ewf»anem to Pre**- | dent Arthur Th* Pr«*i4M*L with out formality, aaid that he did not | daairetn accept the re* gnattooa. and would eeteem it a personal favor if. they wou'd enntinne in tbe diacbarg* et tbeir doty. Tbe whaif laborer* in Savannah struck for higher wage* last week A new lore* waa et*pbyed hot the etnker* ined to prevent them Irotr gotnp »o wor . A riot ensued, in which mx or aevra of the striker* were killed aod ore • Lite man abot At last account* all wa* again quie*. Arthur wa* form»lly aworn in a* yrernlent of tbe I'nned Statee, or tbe I, and k a ahr-rt inaugural *3- dreua p’o«nu»e*i to toUow tbe eouiw which bad been n>«pped out by Gar field, ate. H* raw no need f-r an ex- ! ira aewrioe <4 CougreM, jnai I bee. bet j airvee be baa changed h» mind, and ha* ordered iheSeenario wwveee oe the 10ih OeV>l-er Frank Fan- ngtoe, of Grempomt, N. J. ag.-*» aeventewo, lee* than a veur mr l w<* **aa iveuwely married Mto* bu*ie Wfcfte at the Cberri' •t t»e Krangvl He waa too timed m» a*k tbe taiuiMer to marry them, and ha* aaeetbeert made the requeet ia a net* They each went to tbeir rewpecCire bomea. and th* marriage wm only dmaaeere-l by tbe m*<h*r •f lb* boy fin hug a note m hi* pock et. IU waa wrercoae* by th* duoov ary and bet we** bu eoba eaid that Mun White made ham uMt"* her. Th* ojaadeMint meeting* <4 the eoa pk were liroken up by Mu». F irri->g toe. wb« wa* latli* mat** and the y-Mtww man jpddenlr wrwt fte i* naw tn Calif >rni«. Jarie* h«re jwet Iwen born tw him. i,i —i *j » T w* ■ dTo My I 7 *!*! oik Im. AUOVHTA, GA, Hrrt 1. 1 1 have »ccrpt«*J a situatkai wtl h v raw J BRO. of Uli* pUer. the LAIEEST 9IT GIOS! SYJJItiTI IN THE LOUTH. ; I*l will tx- gtad to *errr my frtsnd* with Lbr CHEAPEST (>OOl« IN THEHF.ITK Very rr»r*etfuHv, E. W. DILL. M'-WrUleanU tk>„ Atlanta. <H . rtve k>w prhralo msicAantalu eroetHWi. •ixtwirr. tin ears. lamp*, cut lei v. Mv>* m*w». H.Aitur <ta»M<, it.-th Th<*ua» i kefca. hull )a<«, «m>*> alal u<U«C mSa. Special Orders For pUn>«aid for- irfft*. arc f>,r«*r<io*l .l't.<* t .tally to ti. U Uobm er» Ayv>_ A'lawMn. Oa It l« Now t'oiic.-dcd That ' Tbs M »Mc House <4 lh<- Knith" l» kte-iUxl In Af»e G. <>. BiIUIN.SoN and ( O. • ea -m Plano* mid Orjjnn* K wnth ann, a| h.Jirt iy trwfc- Hoprrior nlam«a>>4 <»nrx'M> AH kmd« of musical ln»trwm*;<je. aiwvrt niuafc' .nd noiai. I..A* rwwity t> thirty f<rr <-»*.t. aavxl in |«ur rhe»in<f at Ttw- Mu»ic H<>n»'<,f tin- Mouth'* u.O. RoUuain, i. Ga. a • a Drwi't UH wh**n rrwt iWI AiunuitA t«» call st Wai **’♦*• sixt Ha! •V*rr ThrMr •l*w lc l»» siMfc pHei* •ft* *• km sm kmnbt. JW****«* it to |w-rwm«l tuMuly t»y rt ntfwtrHf n.‘or »n i luwtrw t«» irmv «»r I hair. • r »l V* l*atw<Ww| t»» th** e»* .*lp, Im whv ’ ISvlwrA ii«h jkdaaiu la Mirti a (M»pul*»r 11 | pßO*N's IRON BITTERS nnmm num Birrmi *** a certain cwre for all <li*ew*r« req airing a cnmpAran tonic. anpe cLUly ladlgmaalou. liyapepara. Inter • ■alueat Fevrww. W*al of AppaUte. Lon. of NtrengUv. Laack of Koergi Me. KnrlcAten Um blood. MraagtAi •na the maocMn, and given new lift to Um *uvia Acta like • cftarwi oa Um rtignerire argaiMk r tun owing nil dyapeprio rynaptoan*. nwch ns taming tbe food. Belching, Meet tn Um Ikamicii. Heartbern. Mo. Tbe only Iron Preparation that will not blacken tbe teeth or give tMedadie. Hohl by all Drwg gleta M *I.OO a buttle. BMriWN CHKMICAI, CO. Bahlmor, Md. ■m rftb* •» Wx-tAgr* w* gift ftw ft—w * Cm—u Cft ftftt *■ ■■« ’*< » •*< '*«*• *• «rw«*g*. MWAM OF IMITATKXA. ■ WHEN THE FIELDS Allfc i WHITE WITH COTTON. ’No moeer n»w; caaT buy Pt->nr« or O*gan« until ecatcMi omr.m “ Yen uw I eno. Bake >»o *l-><a»h <a» an Organ or *ls I ca»n -e. a r>*o.\ ae will sell run rtur- I mg Jan . iuiv. Aug”-t *i.l Kei <,-n>trr at ‘ K»a'« < a»M R iT»s wait three f Bt-airi-* ha tbelwMuar. ailbait one cent n( htter-a.l ineb m’«-a. Ihrw ueanh- mailt. \ . I ... • (irar»t mevri--a> ng uaat eah- - t New »nd Smaaf- H.nd InMrin eel* Jrvi Pt«i <•, Sun I riren*. All ♦•'*-* AU AU Must Itw rbwcl • aft St- -rial lev -a to Inetaliowat * bayee- Cw* prvr»* adtnMnl <«ly ten nrr «r*t F.ll-ea Sara test trial tinaran ten! inarrammt* fr-«w »tx t*»t i,Mkr<*. I iblaav'M-a »n 4 tall kn'<W*Mt*n<i maiX leva :«ge*argr AnUrt Bring Mutawri op, Mi by > Hrartv -r anv Oite-r man. bv ncW-rugr al .-ere fnwn toe (inai plan., and 1 Organ IWwt of tbe K»,ta. LT ULEN A M-—«r H.<aa. Miannati. itenrgin. Lavrge t ftaft ( a»tr»d« mt* ‘Ke be-’ •noAa.turera, aw' torgw ■ntea W toe ’Mnete H «m» nt th.- anahtef, O R,gww«e, gl. • rgAug.We. W> aril *e~m,r pn*t-a> *M .wgnne at haw peter UhmTS* par" by acwll denket 1. - Fj PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER IS A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY ro« tttTEmi ako mrmt use. A Sure and SpeetS Cure fw Snr* Thro*t. Coughs. Cold*. Diphthena, Chill*, Dian+.e*. I byeewterj, Oairm* Choleva. Sum/w«r Cwcpiakrt, SickHeadichc, f.euralgia Cut*, Prutoe*. Sprcin'. RheumaMaa. etc _ . „ *wrr tn htimhawr arid rrrVtn tn afford femfiy cmu to te 1l s«4d Y>y all On«ffW<A at xw.. Mk. sod •>.<»<> a bt*U*. PKBRY DAVW & HOX, I‘roprtctorH, Rrovklouce* IL L —— -- - ... . r —: 1 BIRVEST ro.l THE PRI.PLE. « i ... - - n • • . HUh Triers ! T'o CcraprcmUe! I feme to thr Rescue! “Onk TTetll”and CLOTHING HOUSES! ■ <l4. CIO mid < ;;r, euoad street, ALGCSTA, GA. J!v Xcw | w-r» Hnllrd wVh Greet Sfitirbu-lh i> ! < hit’■* M<<»»*< fnmi #:J V v |«« *nn 'l’fbi** nn» tint i’C ft rffert. J*»vw* K b»«»l HuitM ii«mi « ’ I fh»* li* , »*rl v «x»-<>fwrnth»n <4 llw* Ihti’* ft.***! butt- jiM X*-w tfKtwlMHt If*** (»rtof 11 hi ii < »!• I stuck. >i y Wwt’** Knit* r r«* inari «** <>| «*h**Hf»n**pM. My (’I Hitntf wrr ninth* l*ct ii*l<mi I a nd* ) h«*rr* l« a fit ahciut my Cl<*tliinff thftt-well, y»Mi tniiio in nnd | <-*n **how t«i«i jti«t wtiat I mcftii. My Lum Pik**m tl»«» ••nvy <.( nil ««»inp ‘tlb»is. n BROOKS, Th** lender in ITrn«ly-mndc (’lotlnner. :«a; i>tadlimii:i> 1837 I’ I.ATT'H FURNITURE PALACE- The Chen pent, the Ncntcat, the Lnrareat mid Ohleat IjitabllHliineiit In Georgia- LARGEST aa»ortmrr-t r>f p *'u't« In R vmwnrvt. Mahoiranv, Walnut ami Oak. of latcaf pHtten-x mi-i p, Parlor Hu|t» In Flxmv ami Gol.l, Mahogany, Walnut ami G-il<l. in tjotHln.- R,w Hllk«, lt--p~, Hntln <1« Lone. Hair ami Mohair Cov. r mgn In laru>- vatletv at rrwmlly low Hcu.-- —— r’r.-tx-h Dreaxer- Manti-, arid P‘rr MtiTm*. Tt-vrafr-ada. Centre amt Card Tal.lre, Side imar-ta, China ami M'lv-r H-.1l Htan.l*. F.-ntliern ami Curled Hair. Parlor I**-, ka. Mirr rr W .olri**-, F iner amt F<4dmg Chatr*, Heerrtarlrx*. Sofax, lamugna, Uaahlaml,, Rattan and Carpet R » k<-m, Hprmg Mnltre*.*, Spring Pillown, etc. PLATT BROTHERS, Agenta, 708 and 710 Broad Street, Anpnafa, Ga. l«f"nta for lhe Nt'iona! Wire Net Mattrea*. Sign n f th® B'gChnir £2500 I’CLolsLCLgres BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, AT "WlioloMtilo and lletdil. THESE good* were purvhaaml for Caah from leading manufacturers ami are offerwi to our friandaand th* public at Um Ixiweat Price®. We have many bargain lot* which will be eecured by thow aho make an early call Wm. Ml UKBfn A CO., 722 and 913 Broad Street, Anpu-tn, Ga. W. J. POLLARD, NOS 734 and 736 REYNOLDS STREET, AUGUSTA, « L, Gottm Factor and Gonunission Merchant, AND DEALER IN I AIWO Ihaton'a Ctreular Sure. RulMer and M-athri Belting. Htmni Pipa. Water ami Steam Gaugw, CtMtm-ctiunn. OH Cupn; Pop. Gioia- ami Cli.-ck Valve*. Govrmore. Wreuehe® etc, together with every article ol nb-am ami water fitting*, ttixlliign. <-tc. General Ascent for Tnlbott & Sons. ; Talbott* Agricultural Engine* on u li«-e|«, Portable Engine* on aki la, Sta ! tiooary Ent”ne*. Tnbnlitr and Ixmoinoiive Uiilerx, Turbin* Wnf,. r \\ h«.,.| H 1 Corn and Wlma' Milla. Saw Milla, Shafting, Pulhy*. H >xea. Hanger* nt>d Patent Spark Arrt-alera. Watertown St am Engine Company. Waferiown agricultural engine* on wboela, portable engine* on akida, dairy , engines for »-m»il building*, vertical engines, stationary engines with and ; wiibont cut off. return tubular boilers with two flues, locomotive mid ver tical boiler*, u» nulla, etc. C. A G COOPER & CO ' Cooper* *e!f-prop* Ming (traction) engine*, farm agric-ltuml engine* on wheel-., poit bln er gitir* <ur *kid», stationary engine*, Incnmotive and re i'tum uthnlar botlera. mm and wheat mill, portable null with portable l»o|t a<tacked, nuut tu*< l.inca, diiatl- ss wheat •< paratora aud cat and weed ex 1' tractol; saw mt!is, doubio *>ri ample. J W < ARIWELL and COMPANY !; Cardwell vrh.-nt tliee-ber*, *■ piratora and cleaners; •*b<»g-groni>d’ thresh- Her*, htdr-tnhc cidton nrveM*; Lorre power*, mvuuiud and down; power • orn shelkr* and fe. <1 ent lint- ira wnmiam mti.Tiiimi to. , Reaper* ai d binders, reapers ud mowers eimlvtued, *ingk- biudvm, reap - er* and mower*, cultivator* and gram anwer*. FAIR iaNKy & CO. 1 ( Fairbanks’atandard -cale*. all sixes and pattern*. A’grm C.-udi drawer*. Iksri Mannlaetnrer of the following machine* *fi*g Nrldett A Goodrich Improved INL COTTON GIN, Reid * juiient anto maU« power act*W pre** (*te*n* nr water power), Smith s improved hand power cotton a»d hay pre««, cott-m gm feeder, cotton eoodenarr, m w Vir , gw*t feed ewiter. SW" Engine*, < nt ton Gin*, ete. repaired in a work rvanhke manner _TXI Mr 1 irdera solicited and prowip'lv executed. ' Fcr 'nr-het particular*, citcnlar*, gencial information, etc, apply to Ml ly W J . I*OLL\RD ? OF C/VI * T’JtxXTS I In aerter to reduce »tnck wrt nvott carry ing roods over. I will offer my stuck ( ,f f -, RI PEfS, *m<>uirtmg to MU.K* I untLo'er. nti fresh guuHs. new Uusigna andt .. very o'lucr.l price*, embnu-tug a» follows: , ’ Royal V.-lvet ( arpci*, B >dy Brussels do, Taoeatry Brnanel* do. Extra Hid Imperial Three-| ly d<>. Scotch Ingrtiu do, Extra bupwr and Rnperfi,,, do, Cott.m and W.s.l do, Hemp «nd Vienna du; », f and 4 4 VenMiah do; * and ? Stair B.wesek do| Stair Rod* and Fixture*, Napier atd ( Matting* ! Hun, ‘ hetsked and Fancy < anti.u do; < h.ap Ktript Carpeting .1 indow Cornice*. L ice Curtains. Cretonnes. Lambr. qnin Shade R|l ,| Hnlhou Fringe, Piano and Table • over*; V\ indow .'•'hade* in Scoll .p,,) Fringed Plain -m-l Gold Banda, Velvet Bofa Ruga. Smyrna B«g», Vrh vet and Rrwrarie R’i »; Cocoa Door Mils, Vrlvrtdo, Brux»»U do, Suiyr (lt io; Sheep Shin Mala, Crumb < loth*, Chromoe, Wall Paper and Border*, itns'ic Shnde-, Fire Screens, Carriage and I’-nggy Mata, Cedar 1 Star Otl Cloths aud Crash. fcT All goods sold for net ca»h or at; ceptanoe. JA3.C. BAILIE A SONS, • 713 BUOAD STUEKT. AUGUSTA. 01 . iMnwfflai ■ ftSri To offer the LARGEST atid moat eomp'ete flock of *Qt DRY COODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS. Etc. it hs* ever been my pleasure to cotn'nenee ■ffli tr-SPRING trade with. I hope by continual addition* dnr -%*a « ing Spring ano Summer, to make it still more a'thietiVe. Wind hope by fair dealing and attention tn btriinees, to JW merit aud receive tbe patronage of tbe community ivt THE WHITE Superlative in Its Attributes It Stands ACKNOWLEDGEDTHE KING of M tCHINES The " HITF. hoo I'ern used t-r more ti,*. >. ii- m-l I. .-.M i "-iti-fi- I- mjMMBfIIES fe&K ■ -t \*«4i 1 - \ I ii ■ pnrehneer. We do not peddle tlum, tlms ■ we are enabled to »ell them cheaper than ■ W firr-t cln*- 1 old jnieni in *. I: ■ t--•• h-i-hi|.| 0 £ tc/r AU ii>. I •> -> i -%- -<j. . or write for circulars and prices .:■* j, n. a t r SMITH j. Horace smuii. n•. 625 broads augusta, ga J. jf.v, LEAD IN LOW PRICE3I FURNITURE of all Grades. tiiTTIUSSCS 1)11 SFiUAi. iiiiilS .ILL MZJ & STILES N!<v> Walnut and Chamber Seta, Dressing Cane, Marble Tup, for Fifty Dollar* and Up' We have nut do-rn.the price of tine Furniture 15 ner(n-nf Save mnnev bv calling on us be tine y O u buy. IL. BOWLES A < 0.. \ \'6\s\ \ \ \£\ \ \ \ g \dv A*fW\ AA aw \ >\ !»M»W dk SB®' I FOUNDRY’ & MACHINE WORKS, NOS Gl6, 617 and 619 KOI LOCK STREET, -Aii<v-u>*tjk. On. TO OUR PATRONS: Onr F<wn<!rv find Mnchln»» W.»rk*. which tfi n*hui|f. ♦•<)lrti jn** l mwi hit niMuNl with n*w W»» «*an Itunhrt IROx AND BH\HK (’ASi INGS AND MA4'HINE"Y «4 ali <l**Mcriptk>f)*f *n<i *l r*wM«c' Itbl** prtiwMk Hll<i tlf 1 h»* ls»**t Qtllditv. J , f , iu«*S W| 11 I >4* j k Hfl <»f Mil V thill# V<»ll lliay 4HW»t hV l Um»< uh kii«»w what you need. If you u**cd men eniil to your (lUre Co .'***( Mill or Engine wnu* ti*. my It ly 18 Ol <; A. Findlay’s “Eclipse” <rtw Cot’ n t* ’ FIADL Y’S WKOIGHT Il.OJi SCREW (OTTOM PKfchN ! (tor Hand, Horse, Water and Bleant Power.) >»(<*nni u<*m, Cwl'iriit Itlillm. Horse Powers. Oin Omr, Mill Hpiielk*, Water Wheels, Gudgeon*- HILL MUUIMin' HF KUBY DKSCHII’TIOI SkafUngH, Pula-ya and Hanger* Iron Pronto for Rtor<- Hottar*. Ikmr and Window RHI* IRON CULI XINS- lu tact, any and ill kinds of Casting*. Pi<• j mi i!•« of xi<*liiii<*i*v fl Pr»«* and *ave porchnseni freight Bend for C. I). FINDLAY. AGT.. L tl23 « FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON, 0L