Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, September 27, 1881, Image 3

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JMV JoWW A. Hwrvrnf. iw B'rietor <H th* snvitwrucß (il* l pr>H.H t-.r <if the War ; " t ,ii Ctierert HI" ”•’ wnvre*nnri»lMe for thprxntnwt"* or ra«nsgem<ait «»f Uie same. Urrtiailvn hirrr«4ng Pall) i n Colombia, Lincoln and Jefferson coonlies! * Bill* for advertising due on first appcar ,nve of th« sdierilr-mrnt. TheOtHA’teßl* AdvEUTTHKH will bn rent to*ny*ddn*» upon the following terms: On* yrei . c*«h In advance SIOO HIX month*, cosh In advance 50c Entered In the postofflre nt Harlem an recond-class matter. Mcßride and Oo- Atlanta, Ga., offer at low pricw their iinmeiuM* stuck ol lampe. lamp ' blmiwyaami fixture*, and a great variety „r boure-furnlshimr gt**i*. Tifilot sets, va eea. dinner warn and tea seta; agents for the United Slab'* for Lambetn’a patent Im proved Hy GEORGIA RAILROAD GEORGIA RAILROAD CO, Oltice General Mauiigi-r. C Augusta, Ga., Sept 8, 1881. Commencing Bunday. the 4th I net, the f .Rowing passenger schedule will be uper ’rtrd NO 1 -WEST Daily l,«ive Augusta "... . !0 80 a m »rri*r* Camak 12 25 pm '• Milledgeville 448 p m “ Macon 645 p m “ Wa-hlngton 255 p rn “ Athens . - 450 p m •• Al lan to 545 p m NO 2—EAST Dally Leave Atlanta 8 So a m Athens 0 B<> a in Washington 11 So a m •• Jl»<’"i 710 a m •• Milledgeville . 905 a ni •• Camak 1 57 p m Arrive Harlem 3 07 pm Arrive Augusta 4 06 p m Rxrlete Aecommodation-aThily, Exc-pl Sunday ],v Augu*tasoop tn . Lv. Harlem 700 a m Ar Harlem 645 p m Ar Augusta 830 a m NO 8 WEST Daily Leave Augusta 5 55 p m s 7 •• Camak ... . lis a m Arrive Suslin . 2 57 it m " .Milledgeville 427a tn •• Macon 0 40am •• Athena . 8 oo a m Arrive At I" o'a 5 00 a in NO 4 E ST Dilly Leave Atlanta . 83’pm A* rive Harlem 5 05 a tn Dwve Athens 7 05 p m Leave Macon 7 oo pm •• Milledgeville .. . ... 915 p m •• Sparta ,10 45 pm Arrive Camak 3 *0 a m ** Augusta 630 a m SUPERB IMPROVED SLEEPERS IO ATM NPA and MACON. JNO W.GREEN. E R DORSEY. <».mi -r.ii Muiager. Gon. Pass. Agent Notice to Pa ‘ener r . COMMENCTXU FEBRUARY 81. BM. aud until lartlier n<itire. the pax-eug'-i true ov-r the Georgia toll bond main Imo and brani-liee, will tie no fol lowa I Agent'* rate, three rents per mile. I t ahi rule, tour cents i»t mile. Children lietwueii 5 and 12 years, half the Oboie nites. Minimum rate, for any distance. 5 rents I'axHSHgere mu hereby notified that it tlmv lail Ui puicha— tickets h-utn the Sta ll-nil Agents, they will be charged the train rate. Ginductors are not ticket sellers, and am not allowed to accept lexx than the Irani Ute r.f four cents per mile. Therefore, to rrenreths advantage of tlie reduc'd rate, piirrh*»e your dikels before entering the Haiti I n- company reserves the right tochnngo or entirely aorognto these rates, at pleasure and without notice. E R; DORSEY. Gen Pass. Agt. 1,060 Hile ticket. Georgia Railroad Co., Office Gen. Passenger Agt., Augusta, April fiih 1N79. ) Commencing Monday,' 7th il**L, this company will »el| ONE THOUS AND MILE TICKETS, good over main line *n 1 brabches, ul TWENTI VIIE DOLLARS eueb. These tick et* will be issued to indiviiltmlfi, firm* and families, but not to firms and families combined. E. 11. DORSEY, Gen. Passenger Agent. 500 Mlle Tickets. Georgia Railroad Co., i Office Gen PaHßengi r tgt. Augusta, Marell 2, 1880. ) I 'miiuyiKiiiiL' tliiHiinte, this cotnpa hv witisellFlVE HUNDKED MILE 1 K.KEI >, gooii over main line and luneh.s, nt THIRTEEN 75-100 IXILLAR*each. Tbe*t* tickets will l>» issued to individuals, films or finnbes, but not io firms and families combined. E. R. DORSEY, Gen. Passenger Agent. t tVrwrnt* Bal.tnwM. I Ail Karmen, Mothers Btauneaa men. Mechan ics, Ac . who are tired out by work or worry, Mid ail who are ■Mara ble Wuh Djnpepoa, I Rhenmacam, Neuralgia I Bowel, Kidney or I awr I Comphnata, you cm be I Invigorated and evred I Or WW|M> K away with I *W*< yoe will find th* s Tonic the Tot > «-"« for I r~?T”r**y Health A i «t the m. < 2 O J* fcn eod ether T csmcs, as it budds I “"TZZTIiST”.-**—■ ►* hCa N v without signature of Hauoa J Fl/ j " Y —Atom* I / o r®Ston . * *’• *■>**•—*• ! Lfelogne. *•*■ • ItobuiHiHi At CJo. **sL.h**' 0 " ,n<l “’■*»•>•' tn any point In ►tvikw ' i MI t'lal for iluytt, with * ;<«/?', fHnratnir. fnv of all oxpent.- jj. ► 'UUub, u uaiuely MUttim-tun ( . " ’ -* » n»r,<, comploMy ( ''uooiftM the mnain trad* hr w»llinn ’ lru M ru merit* at a ama Her ninririn •"> dealer in America, '» *omnf<>«nd n r*m- *'m w) X T^J. th bw <|<>a<’M tnndicinoH now tr frZto -i!** ***" ■**» l PWkAi’a <i'n- " U ‘ tn* happb-at rmuJla for k '<s ..f! r * n ‘ l ar*l whorl KiurJ ’> •••erwort a, Hl know Ht» hr a M s «lh narluraUvq, l lupw. lion ad. *B»CIL IRtr."* '" T ** weather. B-nenes* brisk. Chatom scan*. Chicken, very erereff. No Mlera in Harlem noW. Appling la lively this week. Meat anti lard are on a tajom Ordinary's next Monday. Maka ready to pay your lute. Considerable sickness reported Oysters will be scarce till, year. The Ree<l House Is now Crowded Negroes never have hydrophobia. Fall apples are now on the market. Locals, like money, are hard to find. A fair crokd In attendance a< court.. One murder case for trial this wrek. It in rear time for our carp to nrriWx Full court proceedings In next teattO. CYittmlsblonere' court Tuesday next. Crlnolete are bustle*, with a nek name. Several hytuerial knots tc socr. be tkd. Vennor predicts wet weather for this week. Our corrcspot,dents are too busy t<* write. Sou ImporfsM notice'roni Tax Coiloctor. "Got any changer' was the cry Saturday. Sheriff Ivey I* as busy as a bee tills week. Siime able lawyers in aitvndanee on court. A lasy nigger and a hungt v mule make a go «i mirt*h. McCord and Co. now occupy the Ug store on tile covihw. Tim present term ofbpurt prom tecs to be very iulerveting. Loik out for the grand jury present ments next week. Wunder if Si Gordan will try the insanity* dodge fn Ida case? C. J. Clifford, ol Grovetown, is carrying a heavy stock this tail. There le said to boa good many opium eaters in this county. Bailey Jones if* hooka mackerel amt cuts bacon at McCord's. A great dual of counterfeit sliver coin Is said tola' In circulation. Negroes should not b<-i-iii ouinged in ex orbitant chai get. fur Work. The Jlhwn Wiut.-rs of Mm-on, are visit ing Mr. C. W. Arnold's family. The horn of the 'possum lumter Is now heard <x-<-a-hmally in tills set-lion. Now is the time to s»|lis’-l 4 lr* for your county pajier. Won't you do so? Our able Solicitor is a h ird worker, and soon sounds Hie lailtom ol a case. We hav» movitl Into tlie residence lately occupied by J. W. Mct'ord’afamily. Willie Hntclier had the misfortune to 1 a an interesting little child lust week. Jack Un -y "ill soon move into his neat new cottage, which Is nearly finished. 1 he popular Eh l,amkln returns to Athens next wcck.AocrmtinOu the study vt law. ILAit. Oslin now occupies the cctlage just vaunted by us. in tear of the steam mill. If you will given watermelon n cont of varnish, it will k<s'p for months. Try it. It is tliouglit cotton will iviimr lllteon cent* by January, but wo don't tsdicve It. On account ot our sickness, tho Advertiser was not up bi Its usual standard last week. Thu Ad-ertlscr was tin* first wo-kly In the State to chronicle the death of Garth-Id. IT you Mil boll A lamp chimney |h salt water before using it, it w on't break so easy We publish an important letter this w-ck from Pi of. W. M Rrownc. Take hl* advice. Tax Gdloctor Hardy Is suffering greatly from a sore ankle; be will probably not be able to attend court. Until Ids new residence Is toady, Lou Hatetier will occupy the Leonard cottage, on Ino Louisville road. The Baptist church building was sold at public outcry Saturday, to Dr. UaSey, for the small sum of to' SO. Oliver Hardy is now irmly to receive cot ton on your note for guano. Thoo notes have to Is* paid, you know. It Is claimed that Gulb'A'i enn't be tried foi murder, because Garfield did not die in the State in which he was Shot- Next week wo shall movtt our office tn the rear of the building now occupied by the Gem Variety Store-McCord's old stand. Erhau-bxi and enfts-nh-d constitutions suff-ring from dyspepsia. nervousness and general weakness cured by Brown’s iron Bitters. Who’ll bn elected chairman of the Demo cratic patty In Columbia lids week? Dr. Casey's resignation goes Into enact G'-to ber Ist, and a new chairman should be at once elected. Col. A, Wood Mori vweather whom even - body In Scranton. Pa., knows, writes and says: "I had long suffered from a derange ment of the bladder and kidneys; Il Iran made mv general health very p«s.r 1 al* l was troubled with severe indigestion i pill gave meanly temporary relief, and 1 exp.- j fenced great anxiety of mind as well as phyaical distress. A friend recommiwb-H Brown’s Iron Hitters. I have used it with I most gratifying resides, and just now my hmlth never was better, and I feel that H"' - cure Is permanent” Goop Anvitv I*kom * LkaDtso Mr.idi *n PkoFlWhoß—Ti”" iMtrmxl doctor say • Keep some kiml of lonic m.sli. im- " In Um bouse, and If any one feels unwell, make f>«- nee of It < * lr * l 's' *" r '' %*" b-th harmless a-«ed as inenUdhmH. Pm no tni-l In alcoholic pn-panitiom., th-H uw , wdl lend to IllU-Inpetance I nelthi-l l e par li.! towny rem-sly that produce* a *•'•'• . crthartle effect, for prostration of the n i • vons system ami digestive organs Is Hum , "to follow Tim mlhhwt and best medicine, ever Invented for strengthening every pai | of the lx«lv mid restoring Impaired or hwt organicfum ti •<>» to then normal owl torn and < as* whir b I- having an unparalleled an J rapidly Incrwtelug s**® tn ttM* BBffU-rn ! Hiab-s is Brown s Iron Bltura. An > drug got will pos ure it for you If requee’ him Side Li-wiallv when he finds you can not if persuaded to take some substitute It ,|..*r not ntiMlii alcohol. and la the only pn-trnrstsm of iron that cure* towri-ho nnd d-»-s not blacken Um treth. 1« l l » **'*' reviver a true Strenguswmr, and the very Lrel uiKbeumevsc Invented forperm.m-.d |v strengthening the pulmonan. r' na and digestive organa. and •umptloo. kidney n«e**re and popsi". often curing TTtruJy Liner reme<liew pave failed, for ft I* tr I, nature's best assistant. —Gazette. Flue swxd potatoes al the Om. ROLL OF liONCit. I iPBi-f In<s lliisiiims Ifoiisea. 4- i-s wiw*r* *ll. is. a chanffvd a>iv«*r ttemnenlfnmi that old relial.l* t« a >t, *h<». and hat l*>use. Muihvrin sml Co., of Augus ta. 1 hi* timiM- has npetied a tuMiM-h *1 the stand forhiArly occupied by IX-ter Keanu*, which place W nanngoit by the popular Al-I-Gouley, who 1* ably asMated by that VeWfan bandh'r of shoe 'leather, the Mg Imarted Peter Keenan. Go and see them. H. Btwks, u*' goat clothing dealer of Augusta, has a large card In our columns, to which we ask spixinl attention. He car rive a world of gisxls. not only in plain amt laig-y clMhlng. but gt-ufe' luruisMug goods geneiMiy. Here you can buy at almost your own price and will tie waited upon by avoirs of sahrimm as cvmrteuu* and at teiitivv as <ku t»e found anywhere. Brooks' reputation for small profit* has built him up a tremendous patronage Rer.d enol. Tlntt Broer, the oldest and largest furni ture dealers in tlm city, also to our readers by card in another adumn. i imii stis-k 4n sb'tv Is truly immense, ranging In variety from the plainest to the best. We liave Ihwii Inst*, ifctixl by VoMn b> say that they will xcH goixls In their line thirty-five t*r cent lower than any other house fn the City. A word to the wise is sufficient. W I Di-lpb, the king dealer In stoves and tinware, Invitee your attention to bis mam moth stock—we say mammoth liecautM' he has four laigu warerooms packed with lite line of goods. 4'ntll wusaw ttn'm withoui own eyre, we had no hlea such a stock ol ■Moves and tin ware was carried by an* luaise in Augusta, and it will more than compensate pin for your trouble to tnaki an Inspection of this stock, ami get pileus, trnfore buying elsewhere. J. M. Biirdell. so well known In thistitate and Routh Carolina as one of the bret cot ton inei-chiints of Augusta. *ollclts n sliarv of the patronage of the plMitoraof tliisan-l adjoining counties, and our planting friends could find no (letter bands than tils to trust their buslnres in. Read card. Vicftv pitoF'Kssoif WM. M. BttOWNKv Timely Warning. From ttu* Chronicle and. 4’onslitullona Ist 1-MIVTBSITT IIF tIKOWIt*, DFVAItTMKXI or AtirjcuifUßlt. Athens. Ga , August l»i 1881 -Hie unfavorable reports Hmt reach us from every quarter as to the >*i*eet o' the drouth and liiU*i»« heat upon the corn ami cotton crops In the Southern Rtatre foreshadow "tight" tlmre for the farmer during the coming year, unless lliey exert thcmselvea, while I here I* still time, td tnake up as far as possible for the failure, by planting A larger area than they Intended In small grains, millet, lucerne, turnips, and such other tts will afford fouilfru both man and lienst during the Winter and Spring. The present price of corn and tin re[xirtsot the short crop In the Weston* Stites, wl el her they bn th" fabrication* ol "rings" or "corners," or stern', realities, show plainly is to lx* exprclmi by Ui<svc who propose to rely on Inlying con with Ixirrowcd money. Diarcorn ncei-xsa rily makes dear meat; therefore, we may conlldently look for an advance iu th* price. of provisions of nil sorts. How te this stat' of things to lx» met ? The sanguine believe that the falling off In theVoUdncrop will, of iWes-dty. erne an advance In the price, and thatthl, nd vniice w ill compensate for the loss of the corn crop. This Is n fatal delusion, as every one will find out whois rash enough to tni-l to it. Tim great mass of the farmers Imlng In debt to the merchants for fertlllzora, sup plies. Ac. are comff«ll<sl to sell their cotton ns fast as they can prepare It ft r market By November 15th. thmo-frmrths of the cotbin will have pnssod out of the hands o' the producers. The speculator* will own I* and as they hold the puree they can and will control the market so as to depre** prii-es until they have taken full advantage of the farmers' necessities and become the owners of nil the fruit* <if their year's In bor. In February or March the price of cotton mar, anti probable will, advance; but how will that Ismellt the poor farmer who. In order to meet his obligations to hie merchant, was compelled b> sell all ho made at whatever price the speculator thought proficr to give? Were the farmers out of debt, so that th-<v could se ior hold their cotton ns they might sr* tit. they might Is justified In Indulging the hope to makegood by the increased prices of cotton tlrelr loss In corn;hut a < they nre over h<*4 rind ear* In debt under bonds to sell and pay over the prne -ed* by a given dav—lt l« more than unreasonable to ctpect relief from any such source. My advice, then, to the f irmer* of Geor gia. given n*Hpectfuily but earnestly Is : Ist. f'ut. save and put tinder shelter everi b'ndc of grass nponymir farms. 2d. Sow millet immediately on the richest sp>t« that are available, and you will be able, protrablv. to cut and cure a g<*>d crop of millet hav before frost Sd Prepare thoroughly an unusually largo ' turnip patch.” enrich It liberally with a gr*s! su'iorph-isphatn, atid sow ruts j lircta In drill*. • Uli Savooarofullv all your p-as and pea litnos. nnd I’, as I fear I- the caso Io a wide I extent, you have fields of com i talks wlth- I out com. cut them down and cure them In I Shocks for the use of the stock i' 1“ uttor ilV vain now to expect they will make corn. sth. How largely small grain oat*, rye. l-nrloy. wheat Prepare ami manure the land well, obtain Ute '"•st *' hl - "b' l P ,a 11 In carefully. Hvo and barl-y should tw sown as early In September •• p-wMlil* (Mt* sown the letter part ol Hopfomber or early In O-tnbor produce the heat crops. Wheatalioiitd te- sown In llie third or lourtii s-sok of (>otol*r 6th Select a rich spot, from one to two acre* In extent, break It deeply, and sow lu cerne In drills. Keep clear of grass and weeds tor the tlrat rear, until the lureme '•takes the ground.” and vou will Mnd that It is the most pfofltabto "feitch” on poor farm*. . II th** 4 *** prArnutlnrrnrr nwnsunwirataaen speedily, we can weather the storm If not. I see nothing but ruin in the Immediate fu ture. In which merchant* as well as farm ers will be Involved. WimjaM M. Jlaowxr.. professor Agriculture. Ar. THE GEM '"ILL HAVE IN A HTOCM OFFISEGBOCEBIEB THU WEEK. .Ix'gislutive. Mr.Tvd<'*s*luj| extenillug theoeiivtehm* r»T the wihisre law to Militia Di«tric«x. came wi. lie wild this p. * s-rel <giilon mcn-ure-YipfiniuGiWv nrxm no one willte distib I'adopthw this law mu*u fexire themselves in. He was not unwilling to trust the farmers of tivorgia with any measure. AV e legislate for tl«, Takmers, fropi whose horny hands flow tlie rivulblH which swell tlie ocean of wmlUi in thU Ntate. Ap plause. The bill passed yeas, «( tmy», 51. Bills passed —Requiring each county tn defray the expenses . f the Commission on Lunacy and thu expense* of carrying pau per lunatics to the Asylum. Ibwilhv bhuev tint* Wm. Muihertn A Co., of Augusta, have open.d a branch store nt tlm stand lately 's-cupled t>y Mr. Peter K> en«u. opposite ths mi-numcnt. Ihe friends of Hie firm and the nubile Will find a large stin k nt this branch store, uud nlso at their old stand, 913 Broad street, Mr K-mmn will te- pl.« M xl tt> see ide frteteds at lite Biancli Stole AUUUBTA MaiIkKIX AVOUsTA. Hept. M. Ordinary.. 712 Good Ordinary 9 l*»w Middling 10 1 2 ... Middling 10 7-b Wood Middling II St C R Rides, 12a12 1-2: Bellies, 11 l-2a!2 DHCRRidite. I*. I »H 2 Rhouhlers lOalL Tien-Arrow, 1 65,1 plcred. 1 ,85ni So. Meal, bolted. »OuM; sttM-k meal 75. Com—white, 91 05*1 «6; mixed, Mail. Grits, 1 4.5.11 65. Hne feed, 1 25*1 85 TAX NOTICE! I WILL heat the following places fob Die puVjsti* of i-oliecilmr the taxes dun for 1881: Or J T R'nlth'g, Dist No 1. OCTOBER 51 h lorn* Smith's, •• t. •• |i>h Luke’s Kiel" 3, *• 7th Dtimi’s Clinix-I, " 4, " Bth V Ptillng. “ 5. “ 4th Sawdust, " a.•• loth Grovetown, '• 7. '• nth Mrs. I*. G. Morrow's, A. •* 12th HECOND ROUND. Dr. J T Hmlth's, Dint No L OctMicr 15lh G B Isimkln , Uturo, " 2. “ 17tl> Luke'- More. ’■ 8, " )Hth Duim'H I'hnlH'l. " 4, •• 19th llnrletn, " 6, goth Grovetown "J, •• •« H | Mrs P. G. Morrow's, "8. " gLli THIRD ROUND. Dr. .IT Smith's, Dial No j, 'OctoLcr 28*l> hoi.. T s-.-tli - store, ‘ 2. " Mtn Luke’s More “ a, •• sstli Dunn’s ClmiM*!, “ 1. n 9oiti Grovetown. •• 7 •' sixt Mrs, P <1 Morrow's, " 8. November ,sth Harlem, " 6. " gnd Aptding. " 5. " In! AptnUig, 75171 At win ■ h flnic T shall posit I veiv-r-loxc O H ARDY', lax (bl. Columbia Co. IliiiTt liii|Mirlatf<*ii. McltrMe A tlx are Importing direct 'hrough tlie Atlanta custoni lioiisc. crock. ■h v. cnll.-iv. glassware, etc. Their prices are lowvi than was ever main If. tiiairgla. MerchiKii* will sire money by buying from Mcßrhti' nn>l Co. Merchant* In thia And ail)o|tdhiv ?lnt<* •an snv <• fiionov bv liliylhg staple cn. kcry troin MVBriiie mid Co., Atlanta, In prefer ■ nix' to sending Nolt*, and pnvhig licnvv r i-eiglifs (llaSsW de. Tamp*, Setli Thomas’ -leeks, Mlllvilh<lrult jins nt mnniifni t’lrers' >ric<»*. THE y*k tlJXtln-U fl IS NOW THE TSt'Mt Hi TEIGIS LOW FARE FIUbT-CLASH. Notwithstanding the Innto ami elegant ■tos-k of plant* and or gaits st “The Music House of th-- H •Utb,'' G (I Bobbison A Co. telegraphed lust weed for fifteen Ptanon and Organs to till order* Which are codling in oy every mail. ■ OS '■ M M Vialtlhr •‘Music House of tbcHoiith,” or Wille toG O Hi'blrison an<l Co, Augusta, for e.ita'logm* fnicen and terms of planrm and oigiins ruretiais-rs will Hud prices for and style of Instr umcnt from 10 io 'jOfstr cent l<»w than «dm-whcr». To Merchants : fhlr sbvk ot crockery, glas-ware. lamp* and lamp fixtures, wrssl war.- ai.d tinware Is the largest ever brought to this market; call and we our sploi rlld Im- of goods and you will !»• con - vlnivsi thn» our prinea cannot !*• Ixat Mr Billirr. ami tki.. AUaula, <Ja. send MbawgSaabigEns DAVID. LANDRETH&SOMS JPHILA The Mriste House of the Mouth, a; < > B-binson. of Augusta sell in Texas Alkali**-. Isiuialaii*. Mississippi. Alalsrina Florida and every Houtbern Htato north of tb-iigi* Augustl can Justly claim to hate the "Musli: House of the Mouth." Mcßride and Co, Atlanta, G» can dupll- Mio- price* rm Cmcirery. Glassware, Wood ware awl fin ware, Ixsrklrw Giaaass, Hhow <>•.*. and lamp.. In any Im there market wihl save y<ei a profit In freight- Gsn'l ag.-nts for UußMAh'k improved Fly Fan. The best .‘rcntfriisner of mind and body la Brown■* Iron Bitters. It I* very aoolh- Ing arxl re’Hsiidng In IU effect. ■W-. T. TiK:x_.r»r3C "" £6l BUOAD STFtBT, XXTtj’d &T A, ti-As ’ COOKING STOVES. HEATING STOVES, IIAKDWAKE Grates; AND TlnWAre, liny Ihe ‘Excelsior’ COOK STOVE. Vlitecn 'Hixes; In Stock. W I. DELPH. J. JVT. BURDEIXjTL.Hr, COTTON FACTOR DD MISSION MEICMNT, suemova n. In conacqnentff' of rcanity of Storage room I have reme veil frota Na d Warren Block to the large BRICK SI. *TE ROOF WAREROUBE, know* *» the 'King Warehouse,' No 19 Mclntosh stree‘, rexr Geonrix Railroad Bank and Nation*] Bank Anguxta. Hie buaineM will i>e continued asberotoforr fn all its branches. W. N. MER( IER, COTTOTNT F"A O TOR 1 - AND- GENERAL commission eerchawt, No. 0 WARRFA BLOCK, aVgUsTA, hVi Will pve personal and undiviiled attention to the weighing and eelling of C<>tt' n. Liberal cash advance* mads on eonaignmanta. WFIEI Os WIUSS 4 18. AUGUSTA Gi ABGBSTI HU Wei thi* drtdei-slgiiixl, have tilth day fov*iicd a w-partncrshlp undef the firm name of WHEIL.ES9 tSo CO., Fur the purpose of conducting a COW FATORACE AND COMMISSION BUSTO. Tlnvlhg manylyean*' experience In-thnt line, wo frel warrantid In promising esitefac* tion to liiiixe »ho may fn*<u us with i-hlpmeul*. A nhuro of Hie putnaioge us plantar* mid mi-ri haul!! te reßpevUull) tX'lft-tt-xl W. T. WHELKS”, F. T. YAHBORODM. ttldi ft MHLP.V. WM. M.JORDAN. SIBLEY & JORDAN, COTTOTNT jF* AC COFIS. -A. tn, 00. Wo arcdqrenujj’r Die LI'MMUH GIN and the COTTON hr.DO»i blit, special Attention Given to Wclklilm. Qillck Sale* A Proapl RetSTM Porter P’loxxxirxg;, COTTON FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 738 Reynold St.. Auguita. Ga. ALSO, DEALER IN niul 1301101 A. ■ 1 "■ ■——— - » » 1 ■■ For EelliDCi 50c. Storage, 26c. IVI. C’EOWO, coT ton Factor & commission merchant No 0 WARREN BLOCK, BLXT TO CUTTCI HO FBOEOOE OfflilGE-OOGWA H. Liberal advances nmpe on Cotton ami Produce in store. Persanal al]eniidd giVeti to Weighing and Helling. M ▲. Cotton Factor and CommissioD Merchant, 737 REYNOLD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. boV Prompt attetiiion given to all btusinemi. Agent sos Georgia tend Nomh Carolina lor the B iltimore i ompnunil Hand Power Baling Prtetetef the best prea« for all purpose, made. Fetid forcirculara. different SiM unhand. ang23 Bm jG4. & CO., BBG LLAVr TO INFORM THE TRADING PUBLIC THAT THEY HATHA rtfU* and ttiui tot us l ’ TjrWVET’T) TT76I constantly on hand, cheap Fort the cAbh ( andi VIVUv a* Bay; Coin. Bacon, Flour, Lard, Meal. etc. In addition to tto» above already targe Mock. *<• have a WJDA Ffrt’NTi wHh iqfl ( onaiantly furntehlmr tture* who wkh nice, ouul, bummer drinks, and are ptaateM w gives* a Call We have a!*o a Hoe iotiX Which tee offer at prtrew to suit the Unix* Thanking tbs public for ttodf past pdtrtS* age. we r.»rn» Uuliy aubett a omUiiuamiu'd Um MUM*, bopilig al all Uiona to mart* tßStt uuuito>-«*» u> g««M, tmoußt. fair and SQUaiu d wimg-