Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, September 27, 1881, Image 4

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J trtrtroxx box. ft V. V. OTOBT. Mm*> part*** Io wMH wMb la • valu. * **4tor tenieiw Ate w«C «■ a La aba kaaaaae at nt*kl aa4 a»ra»t» bar atlka, IU H*7« «a bar kretete aa4 fart* bar <aa ■ar «•«/ Ito* Cbnattaa aarar atetal ■ba aaabar bar aafla aad laaraa bar aarda, IM aoAaato a ttrOt »t toM Mt»i »M* baa attar aua<*aa aa4 ala-<aa« raarba - ’ fl rail Wra arar »rte aa aoab barraa mala t 1* Ala a aaairalai A tato far Ufa » traa aught aa vafl oarry a aaiteaal boa. Taa aabrarf la a *ar bar la« aalaav jby ogotoU* ttakla ta taaaa aiwajia, Ta ba torte «Mb to* aalj ain aba Hara. • J x</m/xx anri. li'ioam, or •* kumyai," tha lUiauan drink, te Bteia of milk, augar atnl /Mat fn Batata Wi milk to wad, but hart they taka Wat at UM co*. It to put up in boOfeta with patent atoppere, aod, ao hitofljr tataiMimt to it, that tha only way to apan • bottle without losing tha greater quantity of ita ountenta ia to tu»O ft, bea.l tkrnward, in a pitcher, nkna tha top of tlu> pitcher with a doth, ■ad than, luaorting Uie hand, removt. tba claap from tba coak to ipaatiy aa poa tabte. Ite nutritive ralua to very great, ■■<! H to nut now widely known, on ac coant of ita atpawae, m generally aolil After the auger and the yoaat—■an oodoh »f aagar and a piece of oocnpwaed yeaat about the taxa of a pea to each .mart at milk —baa been added, the fluid igaltobiij to etoud ia the botUea, un corked (tha botltaa not quite full), until (armewtaboa baa taken place, which will ba tba teaa ta ■ghteaa or twanty-four keora ander terocabia omdittoua Tha botttoa era thaa corked and ptowxl ia a aottl plane for a week or two. when the product to ready Tba foraentatiun da vaioyaa taaall quantity nf alcohol, but tha lieculiartoy of tha aow milk it that the aaaeto, laetoed as betag coagulated in large tWtepa, more or laaa lifficult to di gret, to Mparated in a vary finely di- 1 ridad aßMhioe, eo that it can be readily ■aMmflated by the weakeet atomacii. Mxr-ax.4 re rx* Aaeordlag to careful invretigaU<«M, the longeet eaa-warce obaerred appear to hare heeu a hUla more than 200 yards tn length, with a period of about ulaveu aacoada. The highcet regular aea-warea •oemntoiy obaerml apjiear to bare bail a. height as not more than forty feet The bigheat wave* era generally very long; but, for that very reaaou, they are not tba daepeaL It ia believed that tba greatest elope of the external aurfaro of ■ wave to the ojwu tea novar reaihe* 30 dagreee, mad ■eldian eaceeda 15 degrm* It is poaaMe that in a etona there may be short porta** of a wava-aurtmw' ex iwptocmaily steep, aa the eeeiilt of su|>er uqpased ueves, and these may ba very dangerous to boate ; but they do not oc cur at ail ia atrupie swnlla, nor do lhev iletoraiißa toe atepe of tho large tuider lying were from wkirti a ship nwnv.e itotoMka. Moreover, too veeael'a own <iap* eurrfoe it below the aurfaou wave, and the maaa adtoHiva wave acting upon tba ahip to dhraya leas steep, M|«cially mIM Os abort waves, thaa in Uia From toam facu we am that the weil kDown wavwawUlob "ruutuouiitaiii-high have tafflr eaiateuoe ouly Ui the uuagi naMoo of toe poet. ■ vuaafl rarrrM niinnrf -curvH orr.- A aoiorml man drove a horse and waguu up to tlie passenger depot ou Woodward avenue and asked Imiw lung before a traia would pmA He was told that be tod only eight minutes to wait, emlbeeaptonrd "Dis yers hues am au auimde dat I got hold of dis mawuln', and I want to see hew to will stan' de railroad " Tba equine had seen alxiut twenty ■ nasaatn. and wee as thin as sheet-toon, and there was a general laugh at his bclßg afraid of earthing. Nevertheless, aa a lake Shore train hooted iu the die taaee, the old horse lifted bin head, pttakwtl wp his ears and evinced oouiud arabla ealmatioii. As the train came tn eight ho liegaa to dance, and th<> drive hold a stiff hne and called out: ff Mtoa I. Nnpoicou I Dai s only da Lake Ibo* mlroad cornin' in I Steady, eah—what's de use o' putUn on style !” fol the train thundared in, lbs old boms reared n; smi pawed the air, shook off a man bho grabbed the bridle, and, whneling around, he upset the wagon and ditobeil it. and went up the PnnUao pike wit rvard wheels jumping aftaße-ete • <ar was packed up in a daaed a> more aiuascd than in- jured, at * u one of the crowd re marked s horse stand the nulroad < il, the man replied : •• Well i .ua He 'jicared to atan‘ do railroad all right; but it was dot bullgwo au* de kiwrrd kyars which lie didn’t coteb on to. I e,>rrta from do way ba acted dal he's lieen run ol>er trea or to’ tunas. "—M-re Frvss. As exchange rays that William R. rhekeranu, one of the oldest tawvers in Phltotokphta, wmi wpente l and fairlr siK-casafal before ba went into the great Whittaker will forgery Now he la brolun down, penndeaa. and a oonnet, tuber rmpgeted lawyen should take waning Vy Mr Dtcksseon a and fate, apd spare no peine or expense to avoid detectoon when going into a will r«n waxen Mtrnrxvo. Mr. Murray, the ex-preacher, writes enthnaiaatiraHy to the Boaton Hrrald in favor of the little Texas mustang Texas ■ jnat the place for the busi ness, and |bs tough little mustangs are the right stock to taka bold of for im jH-ovement. He says that they trace their origin baa-k to " a race of equine kings and quetoia," and have only date nurated under, hard uaago. M I have aeon these littlff 800-pound bones,'' he ■ays, ** travel eighty mites with a 180- pound man up, under a Southern sun, in a ride acrues country, without road ways, from son to sen, and that, too, with little gram, perhaps nothing but the gram they can get from the prams at night—many at Jthexu pace-—pace like the wind—pecs so fast that they play with you cm the fwaine, though you have a blooded mount that can run like a greyhound. Others trot—trot natu rally—with sthtee well out and perfect knee action, ami wifi do notiuug but trot, however hard pressed. I have race*! through the prairie grasses and flowers st the rump of a mustang stall ion fifteen and one-half hands high, and blood Iny in Color, with a tail black as night and that would sweep the ground a foot, and l>eeu unable to break up his trot or range up to lua aide, although my mount was a'three-quarter-bred mars of 1,100 pounds weigtit, that took to the chase with her eyes blazing aad ears laid heck in away that plainly told iier ndcr that site felt a good deal as he did.” Pr would tie attopneed Doan ■■ popu larity that ouly ofte snbetauos it now known to tha knffld sos the ndtaf of rhsumaUam, anj that ta St Jacoto Oil.— ,9. fx»Us (Mo.) ZHyatoA. ZO.VS BB4XCIT rOBTVXB TBI.LKK*. But even great bulking, bearded fel lows, who ought to know better, contin ually go to the madams for lucky num bera, and for her aolutiou of their dreams. Hometimes an ugly customer makes his sppearance. One day, so says the madame, a fellow came in, the worse for liquor, and liegan to use insulting language. " I see you advertise to living together those who are sej>arated,'' said he, at length. " Tea, sere," said the madams, divin ing at a glance the sort of person she had to deal with, aad, reaching over, ahe touched the district alarm for a po liceman. What's that for I " asked ths bully, getting up. " Zat ia to bring together rxsu- who ars separated, aarc," said the madame, blandly. The bully got up and ma<fo for the door. •• One dollar, aare, eef you please I" said Qis madame "By xis Mme xc po liceman ta at ae bottom of as stairs I ” The dollar was paid, and the bully was allowed to go, unmolested.—Boston TravrUer. Mh. E. Pcisuaw., No. 11 Alia street. New York, used Bt. Jacobs Oil for rheumattate with enure relief—write* a New York journal.— /UcAmond ( 17i.) f'Ariarian .idioca/e THK MAX MMO MAX a DAILT. Enough is aa good as a feast for some men. A man in Hartford, Ct.— prob ably a relative of Mark Twain—yearned to run a daily. His yearning waa satia kod. He run it three days, the last nin lieuig into the ground. In ita obituary it says; “Our ambitioa to run a daily paper lias l>eeu aatiafieil for the present. We have h«d the experience. • * • If anyliody on the Hill heaia to-night any particularly sonorous snoring, they msy know tlist it ta an ex-editor of a de funct eity daily putting in a square night's s’eep ouoe more.' Werthlrw Muff. Not so fast, my friend ; if you could -ee the strong, healthy, blooming men, w.nnen and children that have been i rsiteil from bed* of sickness, suffering nnd almost death, by the m<r of Hop Bitters, rn* Would mt ‘‘(lloriou* and invsluiibh-remedy.” Acvoth»r column. Philadelphia Pre**. Emixvst oculist* having pronounced the reading of German text to be injuß , ou* to the eyes, 11 le Hwiaa Government i ha* rvaolved to discontinue ita uae aa I much a* possible, and all their official auuouncements will henceforth be printed exclusively in Koniau charac ters. It has long lieeu a matter of snr priae that the Germans retailed their uneduth, barliane Gothic ami did not adopt the lieautiful symmetrical j Roman letter* Bnt after the outland ' l»h Gothic ba* made them a weak-eyed nation ami nearly deatromi their sight they will proliablv discard it Iw-foee they become totally blind Kraww-WosT owrws pAas. n baa a soorntag and baatloc acttoD that » rery potent. A MAX, who was tiahing for trout, caught bia book <m a bag <t gold and brought it safely to shore. Aa be looked at the gold be sadly said : "Just my luck ; never could catch any fish. *' KBmM taka Waraar • flats Ixtow and Livse Oars. Dvsixu the teat fifteen years at aiav «y tbs ttouth named 46,875,901 batea of o-ttoo During the first fifteen rears under frewdosn—that ta, from 1866 up to IW-the Dtusbei of bates produced A nriwa thief was oosnpaataoMtaiy re leased from the Bhode Island State prison, and seat to pass his t■■■intrig days at horns in ProvidMcw ; bat before bis death be crawtod oat and robbed seven houses. Ma. Bcchaxar, brother at the late ex-Preatdent, la a lively and haudaome aid gentlemsn. now ta* years old. He is a good talker, and la mnch intereetoi in politic*. ■ Beaatlficr*. Ladies, you cannot make fair -k in, rosy cheek* and sparkling eyes with all the co.metio of France, or beautifier* of the world, while in poor health, and nothing will give you such good health, strength anil bouysnt spirits and beautv as Hop Bitten. A trial is certain proof. Hee another column —Telegraph. Rtcaavao and Brewer, Louisiana planters, agreed to settle their quarrel with a duel. Rifles were to be the weaj>- on*. and the place a dismal pert of tha forest ia Madison perish, with two sec onds aa the only witneaees. Everything waa conducted in careful accord with the code upon the point when the prin cipals took their positions. Thes Bras er, without waiting for the word, hastily fired two shot* and ran away. Rich burg suffered only the toes ot bis cost-col lar,but waa for aa instaat so dumbfound ed that the bullet which ha sent after the fugitive wsa too late to hit. Notice. From the 10th of October. 1881, to the Ist of July, 1882, genuine K<m k Bphixu Water will be »iipj>lie<l te cus tomers by Kilis A Co., of Bailey Hprings, Ala., at the following rate* : Ten gallons in anti-corrosive can fi.3.00 Same can reti I led at........... 4 (Mi Five gallon* in anti-corronive can.. 8.25 Same can refilled at .. 2.50 Nine gallon* in glass bottle* 7.50 Reasonable freight and expre** rate* are given by all railroad*. This water ha, been known for nearly fifty year* a* a sure cure for Dyspepsia, a sure cure for diseases of the Kiduey and Bladder, a sure cure for all curable cases ol Dropsy, a sure cure for Scrofulou* case* of the Bone* or Skin, and a certain de stroyer of the terrible thirst for intoxi eating drink that overcome* so many worthy resolution*. Deprive a drunk ard of his dram for three day* ami meanwhile give him plentv of Rock Hnring Water, and he won’t wane the whisky. Don't you think it’s worth trying t If you do, drop a posts! to Ellis A Co. It will c.Mt only a cent. IXDiasrnow, dyspspsu, nsrvotu peostrsunn sod all form* of gsuoral debility rslierol by taking MxxaKAS's Psrroxixrn Bur Toxic, ths ouly preparatluu of bs*f ooutalniiia ita *nUrs nutritious ivopertlas. It contains blaed-mak tn*. fores-xvnerating and Ufs-suatslnlnx prop erties. ia mtaluabl*ln all enfeebled conditions • U>* ressll of *»h*u»tiou, nciTons pro* tretloii. overwork, or acute dlaeaae, particularly If resnltlng from pulmonary eooiplalnta, <*•- wall, ttaxard A 00., proprietors, N*w fork. ■Ua**Mlaiswati u Ito. boi “Bosgk ea Bats* traps a boss* frva from file*, bed-burs, roaekes. rata mice. Ac. mow to ser tiwa. naittw. Il to MfMigfl will iu*l ft O’* dwvax gaanoto Wuvfbt ea bf Impute toiten R‘Mlil»ALl* wil 1 ie •tore health to Ihe ph «live I m {en*fl»ttaei«* <e • fiyrup. pleiMnt te laMa, an I th • ttxxw rtrfttrtKß 9Xi,r Maowwct, e«» ■< Wotiiil, >i>eo<4#is, Wmto i.eee of the KiJuvyt, kt (•«. Melette, Mervoue Oebihty, Biitoua ou«a piaurty •>» I Di»e*«ae e« the Bleofl, Live*, Kilcsyi, •t tuath. to, etc •AKKBM PAIR PAJUOU euree ** Mee au4 • DR ROiKR'M WORM STBUP leaieeuj flaafonya | WoRMH " 1 ...y PERRY DA Vi. Fain-Killer 41 SAFE ANO SURE REVEDY FOR Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Cramps, Mn, Diarrhoea. Dysentery. I —.— Sprains Bruises Scalds. I Toothache AND Headache FOB SALE BY ALLDRUGOISTH IM.W! Bk»wt. aad will r*»eat bMcly efeance thr btoM tn CBttra •rt'W ’■ Ito re* An» icrw-n * ’ « at!l talc reartll n*' r ' I «<• !?•*<*•■ toe MWtcml tanned to* aJ*B. f •»» I* a ttoteff t* . ■ i a. o*l4 r'm when* or tov p»a ] -ur • letter *» m 1. K JOHXHOY A CO.. Bw*iew. Al '-a*. (••vwvrty Re»|»r Ma, te> Wane Oil eßay al b*«m eamte ewta. < *<iy 4 ota<»wt*tto*fo A4D«« Tare Ar». Angaoba. Me, \«rw r« w A WYYLBb ttoa Bote Ptata- *etl lag Kr vwm Breflto and iktoiea. Pi .<*• red »* *d n par etatat. MalMAWtai Ptabktoßtteg Ce., Phil ale* rh*a. I A s■7 *7 "7 A WBMB*» »• f f <On UM flrwa AAlrane 111 VMary. A«««ea<*. W*. OmirM'll IMS <waeto<we Own AAfl'wee Bla 4m* VV AIV UIjO 4WROTOM Wafiato Ce M Pbtoetoarg' Fa la pfo to' • tojeee ae*Lp.«e *wrt* tree •3 *• u a atom* Mutu A ta. PwrUa*<L Ma*»e < YTIS’C ae*w**m CVetaa*. Wee aan tef U Av O tete »te tea Date, re.*.- r*. A TOUGH HORSE STORY. The Cincinnati ffafwirer lately published the following burse storyr, which we give just as it appeared: “A ennous imAamv of -iqr*iiiy in th* taw oer urrerl recently in the stables of Mr. A. Tougtamau. situatei! no North Elm street Mr.T. has for a lom: time Ireeu inAh«- babit us utung HT. Jatute On, the GreakGerman Remedy, m bis ex tensive stable*. Among Mr. T.'- many horse* is a great, powerful ('anaduni draught Horae. Thw animal in four** ol time got ao that that he knew the BT. J.MXite On. tiottievery wel!;soweU, in fact, that oueday recently ou Mr. T.'s retoru from business, upon entering the stables he caught him licking the son- shoulder of • heast which stood lienide him; the animal, giving a wise v«. "e siiricy tohmlicktug work.turned hi* head anil caught up with hi* teeth troni the l*»v used a* its rer-eptuble u hottleaf Ht.Jacoß* On, He threw the Imttle on the floor with violence enough to break it, and then rielilrerately licked up the Kt. JACXIKX OIL and applied it to the cut Reader*, we have seen the lawsof aiw* i.iiion belied by brings with lew* *en*e than Toughman * bor*e. Th* word has paaaed nnicaig u*. and w hen we see a man who won't try the Oil, we say. ‘ He is worse than Toughman'* horse. To many this may appear a* a very “tough story; and were there n<fi proot* innumer able of the efficai-y of the Great German Remedy they would I* - justified in designating IL The testimony, however, is plentiful and pointed, and is from people ahosn long experience in malter* apper taining to horseflndi entitle* their opinion* to profound conmderatiou and respect. UOSYIITERi timRS ThonKh Mhwkru in £v*r> Joint And frbrr with frvrr ttfMi rvmitlent, the nyMrin may vet be freed froiu th'* iunt viru* with Iloßtrtter’i* Stem arh Ritterw Protect tta rystetn agsfaet it with thin Iwneficieiit»nti-M|m«mo<nr, which ia furthermore n aunreme remedy Inr li»er eompLaint, ronttipßliou, JrwpepMa, debility, rfeeutnstiMu, kidney trouble* and othri ad iM»*nt . e by nil and Peilcr* generally. MYtWIt J* lIT.T f'l Os»- rthl >Ua .eT t I * < • ' ihir Ptw»u. lb* » tat >ih- , er plug 11.• ou -IU l » a i‘t» N ■ uuo h.« ' ' r w| <Urc<l *u<jV up . r ~r‘ M •• Iw lvrh ✓ pl CM otrpi l" ~au I » ' ’re « ”7 vt < r. T > *ty ’>L amJLfoamw Ml - ■■■■■HHdMHMU jl ✓ MA.sffufluoed by n lie -ms y r* IdflO »l tk lUA'Gtfl. fi l l ” s _ i! BlMtal (►< g »|pg. i ‘ •• •di* th* • II toy t» » w V. K. MMBbAwS 4b CO.. ENCYCLOP/EDIA ow TlGwrvii BUSINESS This toiba •hatpMi I*4*l; •"■pi*** aal r»ttabl« ■ * • • »• ■ >.»W • tMuf. rm ail «*ftfß4«OM of bf», au-1 bow (• • P|*w t > tewofl tfltoatoU bII ftrrfos’on* a Wlff ctretilar# r ,ng ■ • <ha flat «1 »i A4irM« \ifiwu rVwraaixa Allanta. «»a YOUN6 MEN I' ' : ftfcww. foldiffM V4LBKTISB BRA* , Janx* k, W . » An Open Secret* The fact i 8 well understood that the lEXICAN MUS TANG UNIMEM is by far the brat external known for man or berat. The reason why become* an “open secret ” when we explain that " losUng” penetrates skin. *rah anti mnwie to the very bone, removing all diseaxe and xoreneta*. No other lini ment dor* thin, hence none other is no largely uaed or dora nnch world* or good. Tor Ottilia and W»te-w»w AMD ALL otaaaaaa ■* * te MaMwtal r*l*—»ws •< te* "wIBBAMTID OUBB. Prlo«. • I -<M>. Vor te. Sv *B prearre. . _ roANOKK - COTTOM WUffSB. CHtoUMB. / r •> - . . « / .... . / i*... p'-« ■toJPfofou >. r . i • u.- r- ■v’.lraMm*.< « sv*.,*'* * ate*<te>. X.C. Cyclopedia War. V*. «,.»l I.ltew-7 W Mte»wltea ... JLfote, 1 -/r •n-f avei V 1 a MfUBMI •ffßWffiaßß * BOW !•*.*• about 4*> pot W , , lr-KT2yAte te*. rite.. >*-«- IMO. »* ad ja> 9*** to*•• to al no 000 ntwARD yffixxtrrJfTJ Jomb B. AflJßtoM. ■aoa*nr. Row Ye’ » Mpimß m ■ <m MB - Ihe Mronawfll. Cbewwrat *'••! rrv*l L t UIZSI Durable wtftii AND PICK MT FEN- L IT C.OI w *'® l *’*• ’ —*• x .. —. Wtrwor B*tofd Frocwa will iaat alb- um*. If pou will would aa»e ruuoor <w 4m»fn ompl-’F’ merit, aend for til unrated •licttlar. Aiidrm- A- TOIA1». fmitmwy fftllw. W. Y. -** ULI. illite *8l» **>*»•» ihisu " • a day hug tuy Ri'-»' Med ••• Will f"a. i l>r. Fanch‘M, >‘>w Rnintwelt, MABA i nnerm WirvTa aty M a4» of Batgraf ■ W..V hfo -se. 1r ■< ll!u.trated on.a eg • ■ PUwQ laaar Lottib, riytnerme, M. T. T'rar?, <S. AM. 1. <WlwtUvilt..O«llt» Cw x T si » School SfT5 • *aar VnetMrmwmf _ _ , rtor J t . BtftßAßs A. M-. Friooloal i>4Hr < OJhM<B MAMB WBWKY I I Any < na •en-hn* «• tbwir addrnmi will receive by ■‘r » r»*-l AiU |-ritcuiara Wa n-w bneinera by which v ■ « male r female, cwn earft ib an boneet war, , . ~ remi ts. si'". x„ bomb,.*''*<i*rte wvsrrs.v rCITLT IV , Loti ».» O, Collate, lunttio., IteS. HOP jA Vlcdlclne, sol a Drink.l | COXVAIXS ■ HOI-H, 111 CIIC, .UAMIKAKI, | DAXDELION, | AM.IH. fl V'l lii-rMri.u »t qi .LI ■ nil >.r su. um.ii Bi it.*. ■ 'rin:v (i ke J A’l iHte flaeeof theJMontarh, Jtowt l». Blood. K Ln r. kldiH i-. uu'l I :nijr< • >rsana. y« r- ■ tuußMcaa. Sirrr>lr**»rv*an I r»j>cclaHy || I rinalc t ornplalata SIOOO IN COLD. MHi be D'kid for * r*’ 1 * tbrv will not cure b« lp. oi f ir anitMntf h’lpuro or lujurloo* gg fouud ID lb, rn, H Aakynu* <!ruE<lat for Hop Bittern an I ’-y H tbctu brfut. you sleep Take uu attorr. ■ bin r beoiateaad Irrratm Into cure for K jnrM. n»- of rfiatw, ■ narcotic*. K Pexd fob Cimcvlab. ■■■■■■ All atatoe ta4d »f Arac>’»<«. ■ < l. abtater. X. k, A r eneto.Ona. g I , Uxy e< Ka<lao.j lY Fa* IJterßlurw. 1 Fee n * ’’f' • ll* If* It mo veto. I I lime v 4 taaoitooaM<y ff -ufakf ■ MA'tUfiTrAN BOOK CO I( W. !«*; Mt.. N T. F.O. B»-« to* B rfb I UooL aa taw put itohed,prnt Uy 111 , | a ScbluuntoUhcu) UUU * Practical trratlM- on r by an <»kl Any toy a few bourw amtatowti*,!, I.cnme nrofloriiL (No |wr iktK<wlrrtjremw|Utrrd ) Iti'.iV rtoalb oungnunaDii wvuu s { MARRIOTT A OO . RigTnc Bt. B« ‘ttrnrovT*. j lal tel cy Wrltto* CABM fcr lie,: fitt for Wc . lub aw f'dr Sl.7* by ma.l. C. K. SbIU», Craaon. U Bilk *M PACTSRY SUPPLIES ' ALL KINDI. BKLTINS. HOSt ■nd PACKINS, OILS, PUMM ALL KIMQS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS GOGBS. STUM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS. Ac. Send to' Price Uct W. H. DILLINGHAM A CO. M 3 Main Street. LOUISVILLE, KY. INVEST YOUR EARNINGS ■ ta the etneh as the heaver I .an 4 and Itopovawteni Cuob P* r *baa two per <eat per ui A boo I JBtaJyWe Njperaonal itebillty Iteai only iu Datives Rael Eaiaia Dfvidai.da fa. 4 i»gularlf. Organived bi Memlneil bQal&Ma men as Deaver. Keter t© any as <>«u Banka, or bualneee men as Denver. any a ember ed ■haree el Ten Itollare eaeb, tent by mail an ol myey. (lieu I are Pent flea Addieet . „ . . ARCBIB C. FIBK. Preeideal. A. ■ Kawaa. Treaaerer ; M. N Smiyb, Be C 4 Lacitnar St., Deaver, Cal. One Dollar -a. ybbjr •I— t 0... „p. Imq Drmium H-n f f ***. <• ihecriber ffete ■ 1 f "r ea oele ropy Addrvm LMuago f.LßßnffiS&tt < re.ji k SIX *■”**’■• sown: V« WMaM . CTS -”» w • M *ssl i^»'_ l t i " ”' W J BK' M U 111 '■" l I 'V/U-J, ~JL Ml Vs J fJd gjk pa OK HH'*'' <•<. .- nr- I iJMEE^ MMWMBhwyMMBnI ’«■<■ «•<•<•/'■••m ffKWTmHW: I ■*« mt—4.- a- —Bxft— . u , 'Vwoeatoea A • uSLJWLi L2s*!? 0 *° Booh ee aiteet Uel »r UN* iorraaeed (nwCmtlrm and ■inh» M ®i! ?CLf*** MM* ranch relief. but M the contrary. »• ’ ■ ~ _ •liM»d aiw»M At I began the oeeot jour I*u>n 1 .•«>>• .tr•« wt 1 ••• <*< I*nBAXM»QUj abetS? rCwT 1 *- 1 > txTt’ /▼Wo fre« TeaUe U«l Iff- - '■ "-f— «»——— kMy J. jp.a JP J 1 JL - I.f i*^a "*jS ; •■’”• ”1“ p «- u»m mkoiqimk co.. IgtuVvn wi»(«»'»' 4lt *~ BoOKWAL'itB lENGINE. Efftictire Simple. DuraU* and Cheap i .mi»rt, Sul xtanlu., -, '!>h«<«A &«<ira>U.Al to <r>-1 »-> 7 -rW fOr/*■* K V 1-: 11 jj-jgaaais nin« a (Wlr»n 6’l Zw T' •' ,r * tff x • i ia mu* ’* V* >/.‘.<Ji •■evr. «■' . i^MMKjMyr^W 3 Horm I'uHrr £ *®*‘ A'Mrxui Manufa-'tii OM*AMt w "' r ‘ -4@C> 1 h?*g i *y 7 kjf > UMW' 1 " A ' ” m. ameirrcAN and fonkicn PATENTS. GEOR3E E. LEMON, AWy at Law S*. C, M Kite ttteu « mrl, .teyCM,, I. I*. U.k” ( «,**»*.<» I.rted, e,*4 k “ steal fc* tesloa mW ite te»«te,l.i,. Mrvtaee an lean eeecmfuL BMaUmned IMS COTTON IS KIMG KING OFCOTTON Ohio IF YOU WANT THE BUT ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS, OR AXT KIND OF MACHINERY, ADDIUI F. P. CRAVELEY, Manafnclnrer and Healer, _NEW ORLEANS. FsUj' Stiles, i The World’s Standard. I FAIRBANKS’ z r? r « * BMTS- 1 For Weighing Cotten at the Gin m ii I n\ 71 B n\ n 1“ / 11—*' n A z I Lt COTTON BEAM Frame, Hooks and all other required Attachments. BUY ONLY' THE GENUINE r’air'bsLxilEs’ Standcurd SCALES OF EVERY' l»l;SCK11*TIOX. ■WSEND FOR CIRCULAR,-»• | FAHLBAKTKS A CO., 53 CAMP STBEET, NEW OUStfS. U fubteterV o»te. lUuu, O» TMlrlf* »*•-*