Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, October 18, 1881, Image 4

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ttmtt nicu or nu The Pott's eoraov m WeotmunHor Ab bey M indobtad for lAerwnrewn tn th* great nranon of Um mighty (fond who Im with -4b Mb gloomy vralla (%nnrwr wm Ironed in 1400 to Um cintoMo of Um Abbwy, witlMrt Um boiidto*. bet removed to Um oocth nttto m IMA Harbert Hpoo rar Imo boot him. BooanMßt, Drayton, Oowtoy. Denham, Drydoa, Gey, Bowe, Bea Jobbob, Hheridnu. Ooagrwve, Chartoe TN Am, Ctaipbail, Dnvid Garrick, all Ue within Wsatßitototr Abbey. Isaak Wattat'o grove m fat Mkntodc* Oteapel, near the atty of Wtaobaator. Hholtoy’. body woo (remote if, bat htt heart, which would not take the loan, i* now pro aerved is eptnto of via* Bhakopoaro woo batted la the nhoanet of Um oburoto at Stratford. Dona Swift io batted la Um eborohyard of BA Patrick'*, Dublin Miltea ia St Giles', Crippkgate, Ohap man and Bbtttey at BL GUm*. in Um Fields; Ftoinhsr nod Philip Mawringer fat Um ebnrobyard us Hl. Harior's, Booth wart; IhooßM Otway* buna! piaoe ia Bot known; Bamuol Batter ia Um rhuiwbywrd of St. Paal'o, Covoat Gar dm; Martowo ia Si. Paal'o, Deptford; Popo ia the church a* Twickenham; Ed ward Waiter ia Beaooudaid churchyard, Thouoae Gray in Um churchyard of Htoka-Pugie, whore ho conceived hie Etegy;" William Cowper ia the church at Derwham Oliver Goldsmith in the obarahyard of Um Temple Church, WlDtam Falconer wm drowned at aoa; Deed Byron in the chancel of the church at Hnnknall, near Newotead Abbey, Sir Walter Scott in Drybttrgh Abbey; Robert Barna in St. Michael a church yard, Daaafno*. Samuel Ooteridge in the ebarch at Highgate, Southey in Oootitwatte Chinch, near Kaowtck, Obattortea ia Um churchyard belonging to the pariah of Hi. Andre we, Holburn, Dr. Watte and John Banyan in the vi cinity of the celebrated chapel called the Tabernacle <rf Good Old Whitfield, Thomae Hood, Douglaa Jerrold and William Thackeray are boned in Kanaal Grona Cemetery, Wordewurth in the plMaont hiUaof Wontmorolaad; Thomae Carlyle in Um churchyard of Eooleefoch an, Scotland; George Washington at Mount Vernon; Audnixm in Calvary Cometary, New York; Nathaniel Haw thorn under a group of pine* on the braw of a hill tn HJeepy Hollow Ceme tery, Concord, Maas.; William Cullen Bryant ir Greenwood Cemetery, New York; Washington Irving at ttannyahlc, on the banka es the Hudson, ami Edgar Allan Pm in a nam at ary in BalUmore. Mu. Wtt.rarnH, Berner, the wan-known Orientalist, has ;u*t completed a oenaua from the boot obtainable authentic* of Mohammedan lam. According to him, the creed number* 175,000,000 believer*, divided into four sect*, of which the Hanitaa are 145,000,000. There were 98,960 pilgrim* at Mecca last year. But the moot singular foaturu of Blunt** record ia the spread of lalaunam in the heart of Africa. In Um Dark Oontinou t the faith tt ahva and at work, and ia pnmelytiag ** Oereelv m in the day* of Um Caliphs of Bagdad. Each year adds tbouaaada of converts to the faith of the Prophet, and the result will shortly bo the ersotaon of another Mohammedan C-Hphati ia Boodan, which is now largely Islamite The work which thia creed ha* done in the ci viliaatiuu of tire world will never be appreciated, and bow again in Africa, a* centime* ago m Europe, the Oreacent is shining brightly upon a benighted people Our debt to the Arabs ia Spain and to the Ottomsna in Southeastern Eurofw will never Im paid. Their pbiloeofther. lag! Uie foundation of almost every science we have ; iteetr oaauaander* taught uestrat egy and modon. war. It would be strange if latent took a now leaae of Ufa ia the oldest part of the eartn and sprouted freshly among its peoples. It tea system which ia indigenous to th* troptea, m eharactenatre as the fauna or the Bora of the Torrid none ; and young Afttca, under the green siamtanl of tire Prophet. stay ye* tpke bar place among loan Basooxarißt.ti wrote of Ireland in 10M: “Justice to Ireland will be beet eecured by doing jnotice to En giaad. The people of England create. I the eaapira. • • • Then* men can not bo ooocillated, they are your fora hensum they are Um fora of England. • • • They hate our order, our tevihsatton, our enterpriaing industry our dsooram liberty. Thia wild, raek leaa, indntent, uncertain aad superste ttem rare has so sympathy with the Enghah character Thoar idm of human foiteigy teas alternation of danmah broils aad coame idolatry Their history re corfo mi unbroken circle of bigotry and blood. And now, forsooth, Um cry is ratead that they have been misgoverned. How meay who sound tht* party ohibbe leth have studied the history of Iraiaadr Ho himself died without setting foot on her shora*- •• Momma, ~ said a BtUe phifosopher. “te ear old boa goiag to be sent away far the summer T“ “I guess not, my eon,’' ••• Who reply; •• but why do you aak swob a qweettoe 7 * *• Because I beard pa tell our bow hired girl that they woold have aeeh a sweet tia»e when he eeat the old bee away for th* »mn imr.” We reckus the uhl ben laid far Oar. Gounow aad bis brothers, aad (toverncr Ooiqmtt. of Georgia, are the beroes of a railroad job with millions m it About •** esoßtha ago they obtained a charter for a road from Atlanta to the MtacMaippt river or to Texarkana The towns of Columbae and Aberdeen, Mian, and the county of Monroe donated bonds to the amount of 0050.000, and an owner of coal lands in Alabama threw in a deed to 900,000 scree The Gordon party, without investing a cent then trans ferred three donataxM and Um charter tor the Georgia Western rood to the Georgia Paciftc Beilroad Company, re ceiving 0760,000 ia cash aad the right to one-third «f the first 06,000,000 oub scriptaoeo taken by the Pacific Company. Work will be commenced at once, and ■he contract with contributor* will be earned out Iris well known that many Aeserican cattle are sent abroad, but it ia not so well known that the hides are sent back to America to be tanned. Tanning-bark ia growing acarcar every year in Europe, and costa from 085 to 070 a too in En gland. while Amertaan hemlock bark is worth in this country only 03 to 06 per ton. for many year* hemlock-tantx. 1 ■oic-ieotlier hae been exported U< Euro pean oountriea, and the exports now reach 010,000,000. The exporta of hr* rattle from New York were 22,000 in 1878, 70,000 in 1877, 100,000 in 1878, 83,?96 in 1879, end 88,406 in 1800. ~As Elkton, M.1., paper lacnUon* the raa« of Mr T. Deenen, of that piaoe, vim mff.rul severely with rhenmati.- pains until bo tned a bottle of St. Jaool* Oil, which con>|>lotely cured him.—/«■ dtanaff/in (ltd. ) Juurnat. Tub Washington monument ia grad ually goifig heavenward after many year* of atand-etdl. During the year sixty four feet were added to ita height, and there ia now enough atone on the ground for thirty feet more. 001. Caaey, the engineer in charge, «ay* the rapidity with which die work can be prosecuted depen. la entirely upon the rapidity with which the marbln can be quarried and delivered. Crren by Uie Washington (Ind.) Ga tuttr is Uio fact that the colt* in Uiat lo cality have a so t of lameness in the jmut*. J. F. Myer* cured his by anoint ing it wiUi Ht. Jbcolm Oil. Tbb recent death at White Hulphur Hpnug* of Mr. Aliram B. Garrison, » well-known and much-reepected citu- ii of Ht Louis, was the result of a brave ( act done by him last winter. He had ju*t aieiqxid from * railroad train when ho saw a litUe child fal 1 from the plat form under ths wheel*. He sprang for- , want and saved the child, but, in doing so, lirwke his own arm and suffered ne vere internal injnnea. He had been ill ' for more than a year, and hi* system could not bear thia addlUonal strain. In ; spite of all that love ami skill could do ' lor him he gradually failed until death ended hia suffering*. Het Hark 49 YMnu “I w*« troubled tor mxny year* with Kid ney Complaint, Gravel. A<>.; my biee > hr I □sms thiu; I wx* dull and ln«etiv*; could I hardly cruel about; wax an old worn nut man all nvr>; oould get nothing to help me, unlil I got Hop Hitler*, and nnw 1 am a boy Main My blo« l and kidney* ar* all right, and I am aa active a* a uui of 30, although 1 am 7'l, and I have no doubt it will do aa well for other* of my age- It is wo .th a trial.”—(Father.) Munday Mercury. A Chicot county (Ark.) fanner, re turning at noon from Uie Hold, while imsaiug through the yard, diaoovercl bis litUe boy, al«>ut 1 year old, sitting near the ftuice, wiUi one end of what svmo.l to lie a leather strep in his mouth, while with lotli hands he held Uie strep near the middle. Approaching, the father waa horrified to find Uiat the chdd held a snake ami the snake squirm*.!, but the litUe fellow pulled and cloeed his month m tlghUy aa though be were trying to bite off th* serpent's hrad. Th* snake was of the black ajmcie*. and might have wound ita body around the boy and choked him to death. The child wua teeUnng, and wanted aotneUung to liite, ami in the abeeßoc of rnblmr or a potutol sick adopted the snake a* a aubatitntc. Hern* < artifice!**. Il is no vile drugged alufl, preleu.bug to b* made of wonderful foreign reeta, bark», Av., and pn*e<l up by long bogus certifi ealea «( |.rvt*ad-d miraouloue *ur*«, but a slrome, pure, effective medicine, that fur uiahe* ita own certificates by is* curve. We refer to Hop Kilter*, lh» pureet and beet ol medicine*. Mee another column.— Repub lican “o*Bof th* faatnrra of the Atlanta Ooftoo Expomteoo, ' any* the Columbus Enquirer-.S'we, •• will be the manufact ure of a auit of olotbea frnsn raw cotton ib twunty-four hour*. The cotton will bo packed, ginned, spun, dyed, woven ami maiie into a suit of clothe* fur Hen ater Brown imude of o«M day. ” Pnw*r keep taktne drsatb-Hile (bmrdonuwe bann than gwi Ktdno -Wort cure* cvaetlpa- Uou kumsMin Ebdma* *enl word to Jua tree Shewn. at Louiaville, that ba would rail next day to collect 010 which bad ktag been owing. The Juetece replied that the Alderman would get bore* whipped U be come <m that errand Than the Alderman made Um prommed vital, bat used a pMtoi before th* J wraoe could BMawtesp. Warn Io Mrs. Lyde L Hnkham, »3 Weat aeeons, Ly*o. Maa* , tor name* < t leOMa Iba* haeTtaee rwOorad I .wbrt Braith by Ib* tee of bar Veg*«*bU < utm ocml. It la * ItaMte'wtataafa *** B * J * t * ut * un> ****•°* Nettoe. Frosa Um 10th of October. 1881, to he let of Jaly, 1881, genuine Rrxrx Hruiso Watkb will be supplied to «tu tosaer* b* Ellie A Co., of Bailey Kpriug*, Ala., at the following rate. : Ten gallons in aati-eurrosive can. .06.00 Same can retlled at 4.00 Five galloßs io aati-currusire can.. 3.25 Home can refilled at 2 60 Nine gallons in glass bottles 7.50 Reaannsble freight and expreea rate* are given by ail railroads. Tbis water has been known for nearly fifty year* aa a sure cure for Dvapepeia, a *u re cure for diseases of the Kidney and Bladder, a sure cut* (or ail curable row of Dropsy, a sure cure (or Bcio(uloua case. of the Bone* or Skin, and a certain de stroyer of the terrible thirst (or intoxi eating drink that overcome* ao many worthy resolution*. Deprive a drunk •rd of hia diam for three day* and meanwhile give him plenty of Rock Spring Water, and be won't want the wbiskyt Don’t you think it's worth trying f you do, drop a postal to Ellis A Co. It will coat only a cent " Niaoiuu has a daily paper." This ia no new*. It haa long iaaued a daily •beet over the fall* Tub gvsahat anxiety ia rapmenred leet tberv sboutd o* • flaw in tb* title to property . vet a flaw tn Ib* UU* of bealtb-a fiongh or CUd-u diaragarikd l>r Bud a Cough Hyrup reniovw all mack at once. 'Vs no rx4 often Speak of any proprietory malmnf. but from what VO have read ami Uaard of Allen's Lung Bal. rn, w« aball take the Hbertr of aa ring to thoM> who ao- troubled with a cold, coach, or any Uinat << lung affectum, that from th* testimony afforded, we baro.noh o.nfideuca in Ibu article, that were w« afilirtixl in that way, wo would make a trial of ita vir tue*. Beware of the fata! con*<i|UotK»a of ixateetiug thia tumlr, N w, before it ia Um late, n*» Alk-o'a Lnng Balaam, which will cure the diacs*.. Every druggut in the laud aella it. Ask Druggists for it II aiears out rats, Bales, roaclme, bed-bog*, file*, rsrmla. inaeote Uo. rr.Mi s;r» ruow er'Tß. Niditai J. reMfigkllfi*. rt Mmervillp, Mata., ante lW* tell <4 |AM I *4Mi tAktari «Uh h!e*ditt<B nf I m<*, f->llo«Brf hp A ATTTfff rottjh. I leak Iftj •nd lle»h, and wm U» tn7 h*d. tn !N77 I was *4* n.niv4u lbs lv*|stal Th* d'xt'Mff *o-i f h«J « In at>y l«aiX b* twj bb half a <kWlai. Jki xwliwa • Frf«>rl nndlhM ! wm tUad. I gkwa tip Uie f<tondtty|J *n« WtixiAN Wktt'ff Maiaam pob thf 1 C*« • bnUle, wbtatt, •• tov fftirpffteo, t oiu mwirfvd <« fewl t«44«r, m»4 Uwiuy I feel bottlrr titeq A<r thy** «sag pa**: ! write <w>* •flx'texl mmml !■»»»<• Mm <** NfotuAM h*< i 61 M, Arid bar rexaTir>C*«l that CWffWMPTIou cab •• <t B»M. f v-Bn p-tatiivwly Ugy H hea •tl»*r (BtedkCAttß* t tat* taken ainCT tuf •echneM. ’ BAL® AM w (tbu t.Kgvnvlßg tayeaatete*« ifca l a Waßby » A STANDARD REMEDY IN MANY HOMES. I . t < ofifistote. < «bl«4b. 4 rwwp. so mtfiv-hlitte • r j s', .di.t d t. ... ith VhrtMii at.! 1.1 %BJ*i. (.I. I. I .U'A tttfetlj t-1 Lit, < R*| IN CONSUMPTIVE CASES I || I h. . • •es * : l x • I- < rtftl. fta |a fivtanant!» exited, wlwtc t l«». -ratine ata •I >.< <|y . upltowl W ill.. 1 h.-i gle-dl«*ftf« t.. lialhAY be* , 'il • I ttl'i AS AN CXPECfORANt IT HAS NO EQUAL. IT CONTAINS NO OPIUM IN ANT FORM J. N. HARRIS a CO.. Proprietors, CUtIXffATt, o. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. j|OSU.TTE|]’j BIfTERS RlrolkhtaS Vlgwr la rriaabu ratal tn great Measure, in lho« troubled with weak kidovyv, by a judieion. ua» of H'Wlvtter'a Htomarh Ritters, whieh I a rigor ale s aad atmnlatea wilhoat exciting Ibe urinarv organa. In conjunction with its infiusac* upon them, it enrrvete acidity, improve* appetite, ami ia in every way enn dunve to health ami nvrv.i repoee Another marked unallty to i'a eoatro' over fever »nd ague, and It. power nf preventing it. For •ale by *ll Pruggwu and Dealer* generally COTTON IS KING " rT n^‘ n " JXS KING OFCOTTON to (ten (to wm tad gewMkl ptanrotte ■ parprov. **■■ /mad to *wt tote. Zyrroe to rA* wtodd. F-• I'.ra*ta. W*4 PvWw Ita .rtoy tar total «o Till V'l.l MAN A TAVUIB COMPANY. Manta.,*, fc 77 7 Pffli p.B. YSetoarv. aaateta*. We PENSIONS For wta re M» et rreteto te aay WUMI w Bran Braaty re Aa. w INaaaaato. HaateMn «M*IM <w U arete* W Nw.ra, k.w law aa* data***. Tre. U* ata Arely a —aa- nadta* aww wavya Be lea* taaate and laatrareaa* _ ” «.M aß*jrTßv are. •a* faff* •• A (*■ ABaravft. * IK fi. Praß Ona I.rru Oil road* from setaeted Itvrov, oo th* ms-4xar.. ly 1 aeweU, Hsxard A On., W*w Vorfi. It I* *te.4uteiy pure and swwet. I'atxw.t* who hare oner tstoii rt prefer it to si! other*. I'bvwwtsn* hsr* decided it superior to any of the utber mi* in insrtvt. Amomo the enriomtiea of the crman* of HnUab India are the extraordinary pro frraxwi* which some per*. >ns .ieclsre they pursue. In Allahabail, 974 dree ibed tbenradvea aa “low blackguard* 1— 1 "JS. TTT*— ■- ■ A FAIRY AFLOAT. The following description of the fairy vnee! rvprvm-ntvd on tins page i» from the Cincinnati O»u»trmal: The hull is of the tinret fleeted white oak. lireced, bolted and riveter! in the mo-i .kifllnl and work manlike manner, and ir <>l feet in length. 14 leet breadth of beam, 2| leet depth ol hold, and draw* twenty itx lit* of water. Kbe larrtv* a tubular boil rr mid two lieanti ful little engines, made evprretay for her, by the Ohio Machine <• Middleporl, O. The dining-room i* snouted between the boiler and engine room-, and is artistically grained, with fnweoed ceiling. It fe fur nished in the Queen Anne style, end the silver, china anti table linen are of the finret character. The pilot-house, cal’iu. main ■u/oa nod Captain'* ofli<'.‘ are on the -saloon deck and are luxurious in their furuiehiug WLi* 7 and decoration*. The saloon proper i* frnwoed and gilded Hi Eastlake style, and the. flooring i« covered with Turkish carpet Tlte furniture, in raw silk ami walnut, ol the Queen Aune pattern, like that ot the. dining-hall, ami rich curtain* ol damask complete the imprewsion of a veritable float ing palace. The four state-room*.contain ing two berth* eaeh, are also carpeted with Brussel* ami handmnielv Irtrnidied Tin Itoat belong* to an.! was built under tin direction* of Vb—sr- A. V..g«l»r A Co.. Baltimore Md.. for their own exclusive list upon the Ohio, Miwunippi runl other " ret em river*, and t* cun by a pick'd crew ol officer* and men in their employ . The obj«t of this little steamer i* to carry. ! neither freight nor pmwngi v*. She «ns built for the firm above natned, to l»c used exclusively by them for distributing their printed matter in the river towns lor ST. JACOB* On., the Great German Remedy for rheumatism ami other [uutnul ailments. r. gu sIN ESS{JN:V E R S IT YR Ce • ) » t ffl’ nsal Blond MMk r»t». A|ru(* , i W .utril. WtiltruM. <N - l>iu 'h - !•» a. Fairchild. x« w F; y. ’ f ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. "x Best and Cbeapset MertidAcdiou —*W I Quaranlsed Aoidtera* Goi't Ord. rs If promptly attrodsd to Apply to 1 I CHAS M EWAKS GOV'T JGIMUFR. 1 ’ IM W ■’& fr .CTWfltlUTl.o. I .Tift the esaalag aaaaoo ftu»ey oolered abeaa (aspsr'ai;? 1 j-ar I oolee) will ba teataJaoeble fcw children. WATCH $1.65. *-••• A. 11. »nMVER. Eaal (Urend ; . Vi. If you are Interested In the inquiry—Which is the beat Liniment for Man and Beast (—this is the answer, at* tested by two generations: the MEXICAN MI’NTANU LINI MENT. The reason is sim ple. It penetrates every sore, wound, or lameness, to the very bone, and drives oat all Inflammatory and morbid mat ter. It “goes to the root” o( the trouble, and never fails to cure in double quick time. dJCK'V"’ « wwrtw-IGEMTS WANTED -»o beat Ml Ungar* T '»br arid . 1 aampi-ea Addn •> Ja> Braataa, l*rtrolt. MlUk Ww * mt a day al base* aaatly made. Cewtlj nH 4 frw. k44ram Twa A Os., Aquu, Me J>4 •/* a vwh ta year eva town Ter ma and *9 soil! v*)v) Ims. Add am H. I a Ltwrr g Ca . Fart laud. kia, watches 'r.-v:;?.,:; rouNG men I M. VlLUmil MO*.. >M»r<HI.. W . 1»> Fmm Wr-W.l CABM *»< »Sr. MI. >» Id l.o_ t» T» W o>.n rx (CR.) <>•.<■«. t. -™? ff MAMMATTAM BOOM CO te V lew. N* M T. F O Bas w ADRT iaWTFTT «ITTATin\- ere. *r-«a malana. eytea dHI beMraga. -Uciat Me .etmeaia aa*<i«alkd fa- h l<oa dkillfal | b«me«ia» Ail <■ .aeaae* e•**♦*»' Uy treaded M • rate raise S* ■» ■ ■ s lta*t-e* reek Mxb BOY* meaet <4$K« « Cvhana, Ohi* . and g»t » «n* ready* AgIKN r« W A NTFII tee tba Asm aad Faatmi Ball* tag bclvw' B*-»k aad UMw. Fr»c*e rad trad IT par aaaU Mateaeai FsHteMsg Ca , Fb.ladalyfea. Fa. Rayne’s Automatic Engines, tig 1 & Jas 38538? a RdtaUt frnrebk* esd I Sui'Sl »r... wrertU a Am M art.A I 5 A Iv-Cf’iAr MUr Awn*' • ♦. mM <•♦<*•; a:th a AtetcWMkt Cit <4l lb »4 i<3rMl’ »tnMr»!' “J.* I<< Im4< uiaUpßA Fncw r. V, F ima IA s «teu, C.<u/sm S T WOMRSMHTILLFS ? '.? "I"™: TRUTH V».ma< 4 ’ * >•■•» K-maM • •* er-«a* ■»««. - v. aaaa «•* >-m® 4 m*w *m Twt WR* DrBULL’S COUGH SYRUP. 4ILL and FACTORY SUPPLIES F ALL KINDS. BELTING. HOSE nd PACKING. OILS, PUMPS ALL dNOS.IHON PIPE, FITTINGS. BRASS 000 S. STEAM GAUGES. ENGINE ■OVERNORS, 4c. Send for Price in. W. H. DILLINGHAM 4 CO.. 13 Main Street LOUISVILLE, KY. B enwsl (; v !> o Ut-.n • W ■ yxir ilutir* nv..«.| ttigtit wofl. to I us. W u».w br<) a »*Tr I Hop ■.ttors. g Hop a. 3 Hvonarvi .unj-• n<’■ ffttfTr rinr fr«n any !»- ■ dtern-Akta < « If Ywq are mar 1 rted <r ffißcw. vm ■ pate* brUU* * r « mi a bed W teck- I me rely <•" Mo pg Bitter*. ■ tariw-- w. r wft n art* ifiMra* ‘no* n»* Wbr ..r J"« f*U mn of Irt n ffTw th® i » • Tst.*i « ,,rm «Jila n• f toil or ►- A Wit' it '■ ' b< *I . n*« IVBW of ta.ft Hop Hopßlttor* Bitter*. CMHBBB Hawb rft«l 4ft ... **<*''’>MEbvcvaa# *• ©• .M ’ f 1•’ d r-vsaa- >n rviute y '1 WOP totz • . r errte 7 |Mrof optum, niTirnc Hopß.irer. tltt ,. WI „. iry.osrertfn w ’Wbvrfrn*. neve? it ill mu i r- * | | I «oe rrma* FAIL i —™- IMRVfKI hurt- J iM-rWadrv, N. Y. dredo. | AToiH’u.tM. MWMfißßsraWtaacMlakMHMaMffl TTWTG A<nrclw * C'flagM (tea. AMraaa, teT *LJ JLw i»rvAVW*wA- O«b Warta. J*ltttebtev-ffh. (*» Encyclopedia °- TIOUETTEsBUSINFSS TXU w lk< ekwirew *>T •roylro 5.4 r»tl»M« rets ow Kt o' l ><wu>w** ••• S«eul Iteww h tell* tew to rotfcrm wll lb« vwrloov MUro «< U*>, Mid tew u t*MW is tte test ».lvtel*< a *. sb srwssln,, ifT.l. w««lr*. lod Sw H/euicr. WMUlnl.r > telllsssriwUww <4 tte wwk ra4 «wu« unM ts MCU. XSUrwro I.neu rvwwMrow CM., XUnts. O* For CHllla and T’evae ANO ALL OtelAttl Cw.sw* *r Mwtsrlal r.uwUt .r lk. BImO. A WARKANTBn CURE. I’rioft, *I.OO. Tar •*» tw >u Drantn* tn €9A P«' *amp •• ewt* *6 ft** 10 A4dftete •irtaawa A Oo , Mate* ANOTHER MOOR FOR AOFMTte. MAHK TWAIN’S “THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER.’ w• n 18*11 ail hia tktevi Ufiwtk*, i,.|.4ri* t -.’j*-' b**t nf yoYjr tn* to « tapul -. Bg*nl« will art yvr.itnfdly. *»>! d«-nt»r» • t. r * itii*: «< •■ ■! taf *rj«ißte |rott to rb. (tte aaiiro V..IU - > *v rrad v. ffr/ti AtrrtreuUua audimma Io 4 PAYXki, Fubl tatter a, c.i»cma art. UMiv. 4F.m*s. ... I■F - ’ - I '•• ' ■'■ 1 W K" wdt X KB if Jff U p» «./r •«!«>>> '''l B B B B B B ■■li O' I W B B^Bg Bj Bg B B^Bg BB W|#•<».<■• h«»«/«/'»«'«• } ■V g B B gB B BB B bwrr-«M« fVaaVra V -Bgß g g B fBB Bf BJB If' - «•»»<< Onraiea ? V* « fy oty labor wwascaadingtybe dawomo to w A vacation of a month did not gtva ma ranch rails/, hot w tb« aoctrary. wm followed bf Incmanad pr<-*traUon and mokiAg rhlite. At Uttoiims I ba<r.n ths oao of poor T«<’K Towir. fmen ahkh I re ■ii/esi fcinu&t imrruHl!a’« •« 1 wpadarfol raanila. IheoM wr« and I fpvod «bM tef aalurei wm not fartnAoenliy abated. I bawa naed thiw hodUaa of tbe wAngli i>aye t«x* lha is oor that I evwr did in lb* < im* tieaa daring my 11 1 we a. an! a* double ths aaaa Wuh Uta Uaaqail osr*« wi liror nf body, has com* *l**» * riesroamcf thongbt never hefora awkoysd If the Took baa not dros the work, 1 know not what. 1 wave it the credit. J. T. WaTigyw. fbmtov Christian Church. Troy, (1 gM> Jrww TwnfeA/a w\ r ■»« A fg ga I row F*-r»«- B BgB B B w B B fB Bg B bm f*As«- ■ Bgß B B T B B B g B B BB a B B tH fAe | rgefaMr R IMF g£g B g BB BB g m tr» il ar rt iM Ifg B g pxrpnx, ,iHrr-rf Twnir <« neerewiyj jkmmmm iia iibm ■!■■ i*i ■ miß 1.. imm— ■ >■■ ■■ , wM JUCTUII IT Tit DR. HALTER MEOICINI CO., al. U» aunt Mill BBookwrlter Engine. Effective, Simple, Durable and Cheap. BobAtantiaL Economical and Emilt Mim<bA to toork trWZ and >jizf full powfr clarmnL KVMRY I»L>ANTEX Who runt a t’offon (Jin or Cam Mi l *h<»uM ! Strain power u much letter und cheaper than Uoiae powv sk£ oirn low pmce& 3 Horse Power Eiißine, - - • I-*® q •• •• ...... i*o fl|. ... Mi tddnam H -i/tcuirrrg Ter descriptive ptmpblet jahkii >.*trrr.>. a c® .*rl»r«e>a nkl * MEnIUSF- j •bort llrer both KICK nn.l NERTOCS lIEADACME; «»d v- UiU aeUnx -n tbo Borvon. .yaloni, rlnn.r th» (tonach of oxeoM of bile, produtin; » ravalar booltby ocuoo of the boweU. .•HEADACHE A rail atoa 4.1 of tbeoo rtloUh Fn.LA, wfth Ml dtrertloo. ®>r * «”"■ F l *** mr», aaatlod to aay oAdrv.. on reoaipt of ihrr*-<ri i po*t»;" *»«■•••- *»r mIo by all dnantate at 13®. boU BKOWTt CKSMICIAI. COMTAXT. BalU»ere. MJ. •••• PILLS PETROLEUM JELLY Uaed and approved by th* Imduq I I CIAMS of KtTRQPB axd AMEKICA I Th* moal Valuable I R I Family I rn.- »~- IM -»■* - f M rae*u ’«*»»* K f k *** Faaahb* OH4 m W W Traarwaat •/ B ’ '"I2X TWMI _ ■• T */ Om M aad MMI ataaa et all oar foada m< VwdxaalatorM- ’ WJJW KWAI. AT me PntAIMMIA L UREB! It arts oa tkw I.ITgB. rawM.l i KlMKt*at ■ •It twitni tow mtra «ns-- Bp or. ttel te.slwr. ta ■ rarat. Bturarora., <w ta aararotazu. Duontatw aad Vkwiila sn WKIT ramrut bat , ■ Work, as Jaaectoa <Tty W “» W»rte=teU..ta,4^„H T H ten. try la* tor fs.r , ■ tat Small, or Wroata«.<» OM. . Goodwin, aa tailor in Cterdwa. Oki. H •ta n-s wrmrsta te Ur*, teim l Iff ulwr hot khtery,,^,^—•■ . JkrrwO of Salra. X V »,.□ r on i't ite «« tawtware of tows'. Tms . ■ rroa. a»<l tew, lro « <in« **bwrr*U of «CWr mt-*■ Fort maet« btaw w.ll Q I of M<M»t«VMawrw data. ■ Ste*. 1 eiStoni,, Zteß -* 7 ** **' ■ kidney diseases, * ■ LIVER COMPLAINTS.! HConstipation and Piles. M I* twit Ufte* »r >• toy Vraetekl* r.r w u U ■ tin o»ft partacte nf whfcri macras x q QotrordlKte AlkO tn ItawM Fma, ■ ’ '° r O “* rttally ;r. M Mir /lo<-<rwyft rytal rgrtocy <y ■ ha arr it atthi: nucGGirn 1 r.tcr, si o*n ■ W KU IIAUIAMH A to.. r r »» «. ■ QiWUi wen t tte dry fwwarwiU I St stncTtt. ty. R W q >ls! BieM, ar<i vtll efcarcte th* MncM la *u eatjrw • «tem la tiirtw mow th a amt pemoa ■», will take r>n«r<H**cD ntcat from I to U«e«k* L Mtfotwd io aound A**Hb. ts rich a thing Fa ire* hi* hold njrn whet* or ff*nt by mail for a Mtar I. R. JOtISMOX A. CU.. Rfftafi*, * ‘ rty Baagwr* ABH ACF.wra WAWn TO AFI ! tw7~ LIFE OF GARFIELD. I! • r wTlv h( t . turf t f «« l» Hf> and «kdtntnrirtta«|t>*i; hta .to-av-iuM.- K« h < • 'Bttte hH- hfv- : Wcxvleriul nk>dM»l-tr*teiule; i tta*4snin£: rvßH>val to r.llg ru«i; deMb,«v. r •_ 'refArftef. feplandkd j-frtraif f O«y**.M, hi* »if at .) *i ; ***«•' • r the ahontta*: ti>e *w*lk«ch«!*Jwi , h“ Cwll; Ih* (ar/vefis and lha < afoot ’ TbafoU ar.daafAsw'r* wwk. Tlfo.ff to • /«p t■! bWA . Otttth Mr -fre.k .r k k ’ Al’ .. 1 I nWAKb 1 iHtalikfa, AitoMU. AfoKguu I>rewUße«| Mwrßrld 4 Fine IMun-. » Wfinud. A'id rates Rose Map a-.d < bwt ( M. I„ f A Ne« Bwt ly Mari Til t= >a "The Prinee snd the Pauper.' t “** Ixtok fur the young of sll agri. Be-' g flook for canvassers ever publiAbe'l Hold by wtilcriptiou only. Forlernu a snd territory »pply at ouceto -—: Southern Publiahing Co , «xa Box llti. New Orieac", Li. 0B fte BBS am EMORTS STtNOIRO hST B Ktt rt • r r<4e*»n« oF aaTltnd TbUL ißilMFir Fyit it df.a Standard Cure ('•>., 1H Xa«ati He., Few FubUaLe-ra’ I'uioa, AUaaAa, Ga.Fody-Awa— ■■■« mkumaiiumiu MIIAC > J* cure in erexyctea. PrW one dollar Fk4J by dru**ta<a or tent by malt Ad drew DM. L. H. HARRIS, PHtsbar*h. Pa.