Columbia advertiser. (Harlem, Ga.) 1880-18??, October 25, 1881, Image 2

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Fakhttad Fvary ?u«»d»y, »• H*r iw.Oio J. W . VKKONEE. EntTUKASU iTDMiOUcb. TVEWAY. OCTOBER *5. twit -~tee-... . Latst news from Mr. J. W. Vrro* noo, the edhor of ilii* paper, who is •till ! n Warrenton, are io the t-ffect that bs i* undergoing an extraordi nary ba I rptdl vs atfliction. He t* now arable to leave hie bed under any eii carnal antes. and it ee> m* that the concentrated skill ot b e physi cians, fell far shopt of affording him any relief in Lis pro!rec ed din •« We have not lo*l hope of hie reouv ery J*b however, end feci aomewha' that by our m x' teeae, wo <• ill be ». bl. to report biiu in a mors favorable condition Mr«. Roberts, mother i-i-law of Mr. V« r< ik* i» also very ill in the same het- c w.tb him. Hi r lliende are continually get lu red around her l*e<b«ide wsii,ng and Watching, ki h but 'itJc h pj of her t ecove' y — *;'*■*- - Many an unw i«e parent labor a hard and liwe apauni.l ? all Li* life for the purpose of lent ">g enough to give l>ia children a titßr; in this world, a* it ic called. Selling a young man afloat with money left by his relatives i» like tying blmhlms ondir tbs arms of one whs cannot swim; ten dances toons he wi.! I >«e hie bladders and go to the le>tloin. Teach bint bow to swim and he will never nerd b'a-L tiers. Give y<>nr ch J a » >nml e in ration and you have dot e enough for him. Sec to it that bis tn >iala arc pure, bis miml ctiiajl, and li whole nittirr made a tbaervietd to laws which go turn man, an I you bate given h -u what u. I be of more value than the wealth of the Indies. Tbe Mau<.ii Fa l«.t week wax a aucceaa. —— «»- Gl<r HKADY FOit IT. Twenty Truined Elcplinnfa. I'll teen Hundred Wild llindu, (Imil Cl roue hi TWO King*, Twetily-lwo Pertoriuliig Mimß* lluiix, it Hlimuii living Blown Front a Cmiiioii. Miiuiiillceii t Free Public l*roee*>l«Mt. Adam Pon.paugh'H Final Allow, the Inig «anup ' i the world, tn t<> vxlil -Ist KA 11l RDAt . OCT Will, idti'l noon mid cvoalna. Bl Augusta Ariump'.mmU have burn wnnprtt , lor i.duoo rains tai alt llnea ol lintel to and from Augusta on the dav the F<x<*|SiUgli Show la to bt, there. Tile gru'ld el IIUMCOMIII a 111 lake |iU<e al ab-nil Un u'chuk uu Uw Iwiomi of < ihlbl Um day. 11l dull great aiastniubu demon- Htratlon then- will apfwwr twenty bug., vlo i.hanla, liuixli la of magidllc -nt borer*, a (litem giggiaaia vlHUiola. UIIIM full tuud* of uitial., t ratify duaetl druuxdaika; and there Will al-i Im repri-MMiled lint lawitllul Ol iridal rueiMUKWOf tla< <h*|uri .uni of India Uooktl flixu lh,lli’, In which In to be seen the famous bai-thouaainl dollar I.muiv, Whom Fontaiugh baa axiirul to inawailf) ladla K'aifcli.and for alau< ayi <ie<win* («> • tlw aum ol t<*u thousand doltnrw Ihe <M. on la >xb(l*lbd I*. two separate r'-iga. and ill's in what neiffliloihixl <x charur* 1 Ml a <*mk> .rsiug the 'oatshow; "An beta m lluuuui and oivimugh, we have ta< Inwileni y hi n«wi ung. without hat of flimtrndh tliih. that F.*'atiuwuh'a«*<sww<l coiublualhai la the aupaMhn id IWi.uni n tu both magnitude! wl tm-ift l l.eiv tno<r>i luo been an exhibition bnaight hen- that baa pnwnlrni nuvh a woa.hgful array of novel tWw aa Forrt*a«Utb'w tt la an ebarduti' fart, and Ml who vigil the exhibition will mo a human Intuit blown from a <*.<ummwhl< h !-> hsuted with |n>wde< ami Hied Wt full lbw of the aud-r-ton; so. tun, tbe tlrUor will woe the woode.-uiollrg |wtlornimM-m> of tie- gt>*at Irani of y bugeHepiaania, anti y twarbhaakd ala'UrMMainl t, ir k hot Me. And them Ohs a in the Watra-sf ~1 act rd Ute bun ■ • w»F.Wv< wtifla .al, Marlama Z dla, Who Bdra backseat , a*id forward u»vt a 3 4 Im It Wile, streu h '-.Hie hatub 1 f<*< fnan Um Jfrutiixl. ami »h.vdn law bain- met the same hitch wire. Nowh.-mweot i t F.*n*p*ugh'a groat ahow, van bn* u the miraculous per lonnamya ol Uw>4h<l> a-id Vdlkxt Troupe df Mky>vn.-s. Ihrw sender ?ul perfoi mere •wvn pyre-ahi*, nuitag.* ' t hat-splm ‘ tg. »tanl r-aeh it rm the othai'n brads, and, hi fact, ilo neat ymr y at* that la perlot uted W|mmi a hortavor up. st thegnat al liiaeln-ua I'tUM. upon Un* Hwaer.i a. <4 bicycle while It In Utomlag kn<>«ml tin* arena at tnrn ly miU.wwm boa*-. Two imxiatfvi l« oaitainn. in mbllttrwt an tn<‘ tert mm, Utfcnr. glnrffon, vtc ,w ntonMm hip,«>|>i mua. riihaawnw, rura hrata, ami, hi lact, it I* a writable Jioah a ark." * U u*i«-<teak a liberal patronaipn for the trreat nhow from our town, amt aaaun* our ranitern who Onntmi|.ialn tcolnt; that Urey wlll4Mloly«n<M every taaluiv arlvetUeud. uh Inveitllt it, W mav or uioanu row 10 cwvm. Uripl the famoui map man, who tuada all the tn apa hr (ioa Grani aud the Union 'Armies cortifioaten of which ho publtabod, baa j ot, inwnt* tel a waj of Kalita;; a rdraf pinto from alar I, so aa io print Lloyd'a new R ail r<*d roouty map of for 1881, am <»e entire dtaet of atrouK luieu (xperTotir Ret targe, on a lightning <<*<*, colored handirorne'y in countiea »early for maftav to any jtart of the world for 25 canta a copy, <»r Mo int ed with llollcra to hang on the wall for 50 ©eata, or uM»biadEd<.iwn for 10 c»«**. Thia m ipahowa all the R ril roada and railrca I atatiou*. villager, towna, gold tniaca, and peat offie. a to 1881; tbe name and leugih and lea* nunal atatloo* of every Railroad in Ooorg ai* given, makmg it a Rtil road, ahipptug and traveler* mi|; -4bia map show a a mUFon placoa on tl ■«» d awry houat* aboald have a copy. •taod pr>eo to J. T. LLOYD, At lame, Ga., and you wiil yet a c py by rv. tarn mail. AUauia Cuuaidutior, lllk oux i at n .co bvcb w a awurr I.r A ar J. 1 > i-rt. InWittnir» bv* r-.,u*Ji a hurry |o .-rolit West dtijwaawsa-, ll lattes but s MIkIiI luUr llarry to bte* laltsu l.wvus tui away. 1 he i.mruo Is an unruly rosadw-r, hOliu •swlly siml (kSm<muu> lame; Ils ml.i.u- wars w orate tbau an nalrr; l'y hundiwls ;ou nutoU-r its statu. Would we harp on the sins which we’er certain Lurk down In «ur own bract* unarm. B. niff Uhsii lortu to tlie World without curtain, Not U, mg the slightest to screen ? Or give nnrwelwe )uat the asm* Pleasure Os chanty which we’ie bralosud. \\ uuiilu i L..U1U14 bo Ira* ot u pleasure, Aisl hying oft leas of a kind r "I w.hil<l take, mydrar frteod*. how much ionffrr. Wn<*i speaking, tn apeak well. and not l*l. Wliil- the soul would grow nobler and MniMt**r. Ila ifakel s ihalrv to fulfill ? O" wh*t, If yiair neighbor haa fallen, A ti itl>- frieu what he <mki> was, CouMili-r. it i»h‘t your it lllhm I'o gu hl»*ul picking up ttaws. Don't lake the rMenalve by saying, ••I've told isiljr juat wiutl was true.” ‘l ia a gaiue al w liiiji inure mix tit be play- I'lg. If Uh- truth were all told al«>ut you. W. 're pl -ntr at home for InanacUon. A ili-iil rieir.- than soiihi will udinit. Our own li»e« hav" I'iA l»vu |» i mo tion, But how tulfflilly i-oiue allott oi It. Wh but j iurney thl» way once folwvrr. Wlial'a<ku>.i once and for aye; Then why re t, with earinwlt-nneavor, la are u record of beauty, 1 pray ? With no word of 111-will toward another. No action «••'<! Hkn tiidlsown; For. If w- i-sn'i treat each a* brother, Why not alhuitiy let aui-ti aliMie ? Now, dear frlends,don’t b<* In a hurry to < rydlt the newx ol the day, Fot a <li*nl of life's fret and It* worry la prelaeeil by two wonla, "Timy any.” gROWHtj IRON ems ’till nunwiTß num bittkra arw • certain cwre ftw all liter**n* requirtag a conapleke umtot Sffpr (Maliy ißdiceaUou. Djfapaia, Iwaar ■atttffwi Fevers, Waal of Appease, Loan <>f lter«*n<Ui. lawk oC Kaargy, etc. Enrtobea Um> blood. MISWJtk mm tke mwaciM, aod gives m*w lUS to the ■ srv as Acts Tike a obarm on the dlgesUve cogaso. rr—ovtsg all dyspepteo •neb as tasting ibe food, Betaking, Heat in the Btonirh, He*l«bnru •to. The only Iron reparation that will not blacken the teeth or give hendachc. Sold by aJ* Drwg gtet* at *I.OO a bouta. BROWN CHKMITAI. 00. Baltimore, Md. •m tUi *n Iraa w* m*s by »■*«• CwamiM O»- •** has* ■> —* am* Vw* m»4 iraAn mar* mi MW»H OP tMIYATIQMJ. WHEN Tin: eh I i»s are WHITE WITH COTTON. “ io money n*>w, can't buy I*l or O' ran* until o>u<x> w>n<<« In." Y«e y,e> o.c )tuk<* >rp *lO cash on an Or*ran or *23 •a*di Oh a Plioo. and wIII *u-li you du.- •ng Jum-. July. nisi B<*<,temt»*r at Kim'K Borrow Cash Ratio, and wait three mouth* f«>i tb<*hOiatHv. without <>is< ee"t of |,>b iv«t. t'aah rale* Three month*< n liL Nolnt<-n*«t. IhMi't forget it. Uraud Siun *.*er < l>*m Ing out aab* of New and SeeuCMt i H«i«l Imdr im«nl«—SOU Piano*. MOOnrane. All styles. All gtaile* All pritws Must t>e dosed out. Special term, to InatallmiMit buyeta. Oa«h prices advamvd only ten per cent. Fifteen days lot trial. Guaran teed Instruments from six tswt msker*. Catshigues ami full Information mailed Im* ofohaige Avoid Ind ng Imixaed upon by B.*ait vor anv other man. by ordering a. ■ nice from the Great Wholesale Plan** aisl Organ Depot of the South, LUDDEJr A BATIX Southern Music H<mw, Ssvaiiuhti. <h«,rgU The t»**t stnmirthrner of mind and body la Hrusm's li.*n Hit t *r*. It I* icry sooth ing aiMt rnfitwidug m its Meet. It Im Now C'oiieeded That "Tbe Mush- House of the South" is located In Augusta. (In G. O ROBINSON and CO. —» I II U ■!■ Piano* mid Orgaux Seventh annua) boUUv trade. Superior ntatsiaand organ* AH kind* of musical (n«tmtn<*it* »le*.t mush* an I music tsioka. i Twenty t*> thirty t»*r cent. »sv>d in pur . I.»*but st'Tle* Mu*ic H*>ua*'of the South" (U.O. R-June-n 'Augusta, Ga. Ibwil full when vwii vialt Augusta to call st Wm Mulhwin'a Boot, Six** ami Hat et-we Thrir stew* I* cmiplete aad pricea are aa ivwja* Uxi lowest • B-cauar tt add* ta. pevwauii beauty *>y rr storing «>*>* a»l lustre t*, rrar or twlwl hair, and hi l>m><*tda| pt th* ansip. •« ahy Psrnor a Hatr BaXsaiu t* such a (•ov’Rar dr eUUg. UeuroloXa kipraAne. Pain in the liaa-k and Hide. w Tbare is anthkis awwe aaialul thai. U>«-s <'nea«r» tart the ya‘n ran be renewsd amt the AMw ra>«<l hy ive «k rStlfil DAVIS- Hll.V Kll i.r’R. Thia rassady h as* a rhsap ttewahi or |-<-tr..leutn t-o-luc* that muff be kept away r-tffs fire or bou *• aveM s-ingrr «T oaplaalou, nor a II u untried ixperimenl that may do dxj<v harm than (fond PAlff KIULSEXt haa been in use for forty years and the onlrenal testimony from all naris of the world is. IT WKVKB FAILS. It >a* only effect- a permauein cure, but It rcllere* *utn aJmnat tiMtantanwaw'y Bein< a purely iqptable remedy It is eafc in tL* hands of the anon tnexnerh-nred TUe rerard of cur* l.y the use of Pars KILL Kit wnxd<l fill TOluaw* The follow luff retracts hum latten tvocirvl show what those sbo have tried it Ihiak to oovom gortObf fonm rtw. »t‘- - Um PjUM Lu.uul. wtorh aieoduy Fmwn wtllsa from the Bailors BjMlCmiSSktotl thro* rnr>with &rard*u I ■ m at flu. Marwj. Tbe£«tor« • • HajßMai am«wi op nfjr ewe U dkmwtr I jrnur Paxji Killjib. a»d it Ito mtliri I imwr iwtafamd m v Bod am abto io f< Am my uaoai All drugzUt* Keep Pant Kikxkx. !t« prW i* an km that U to with In the reach of all, and ll will aara many ilm<”« pg r<»4 In iUm-w MIU *>c.. SO*., am! <I.OO a bottle rssRY davis a soa, Rmwaw, ». I. GRAND OPENING! OF THE 0. K CLOTHING HOUSES, jVlx>iat OctolMfr ilrcl.. 74« BKOaIkNTKEET, L'KIFEIt GLOBE HOTEL. AUGUSTA, GA., Will lluiu show Lite finest stock of Men's Yonlh'i* Bovs auil Children b CLOTH IBG Tlinl has ever been exhibited in thiw plsce. Will bo sold during the entire xoHaou nt prices far In-low anyfLitig <»vcr in lbw city before, in oouuectMU with Ibe noted OIK HALL MW HOUSE, 614 and 616 Broad street, W bich ia now k’lowing the largest and best atock of Clothing in the Sta'e. i'beir slock comprises everything from n cheap WorkuigSiiittoafine Wur»tud or Blaek Chub IheMi tMHt. Before buying anything in this line look to your uwu lutcrebt, and examine their Two Large Stock*. H. BRCOKS, The leader Hi Fine Itcadj-iinule Clothing. 15.37 ESTABLISHED i* 2k r r r JL ,, *M FURNITURE PALACE The Cliea|M*at, the Neateat, flic Largest nud Ohleat Eatubliahinciit in Georgia. LAIIGEST ns-wirtmont of Fino Ibwlnxitn Suits In Ibi<w*wn«»l, Mahocrnnv, W»)n<it and Osk. of lairat patti-rui. Hti‘l lowest print.. I’urlor Suit *ln Elsmi and Gold, Mahogany, Walnut *od Gold, In t’oti-lltio Bmw Silks, K'-ps, Sutln d« Laine. Hair and Mohair Coyer tmra in tatnre variety nt r-niraily I—w l| v Friwh lirrsw-r* Mniill*-and Piei Mirni>«. IbvMividH, Centro and Card Talilex, Sido b-Minta, < Ulina and Silver C.iw-v, Hull KLiud., Foal li'-ra and Curb.i Halt. Pirlor Di-k«. Mirrui W anlrtibea. Fmicv and Folding ( Imliw, Nx-n-tai io- Hofaa. I oi-bgca, \Vuahtandi, Uatlaii and ib.ln-n., Hpnug Spitiut I’iliows, Me. I’I.ATT BROTHERS, Agents, 70S and "10 Broad Streel, Augnnta, Gn. fcy- \gont» for 110- Na lot.n) Win- Ni t Matin »- Sgn of i)i.. BigCbair. 2300 Facßages BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS, ' AT fin<l THESE g-Msla were purchased for (Wall from iradlng manufacturers and are offered 1 t > our friends ami the public at thn Lowest Prieoe. We have many baigalu kill, which will Lc muml by these aim make Bn early call. Wm. MUIIIKBIN & CO, and 913 Street, Angu.ta, Ga. W. J. POLLARD, NOS. "34 and 736 REYNOLDS STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IN M A < >l' KIA’UH. Also Dlstoii'aClrchbii .Saw», Bubtier and Leather Ddling. htteim Pipe, Water and Steam Gaugos. Co«iiH<cGooa. OU Cupa; Pop. Globe an<l Check Valree. Govemocw, Wrenches etc, tuffutber with every article ut ateani anti water fittings, findings, etc. General JAg;ent for Talbott & Sons. Talbotfa Agricoltnral Engines on wheels. Portable Engines on akida, Sta tionary Enginne. Tubn|ar and U>eoni >tive Boilers, Turbine Water Wheel* (Torn ami Wheat Milla, saw Milla, Shafting, Rulh-ja, Bjsea, Hunger* and Patent Spark Ar router*. Watertown Strain Engine Ompany. Watertown agricollursl engines on wheel*, po-table engine.* on aki<i«, dairy engines for *m«ll building*, vertical engine*, stationary engine* with and without cal off. return tubular boilers with two flirna, locomotive and ver tical boilers, saw mills, etc. C. & G COOPER & CO. Coopera self-propelling (traction) engine*, farm agric Itnrnl engine* on wheel*, portxbl* engine* on skill*, stationary engine*, locomotive an ! re torn tubular boiler a, corn ami wheat mill, portable mill with portable boll attached, auiul machines, duath-sa wheat separators and oat and weed ex tractor; sa-r mill*, doable and single. J W CARDWELL and COMPANY. Card well wheat thrnebcm, separators and cleaners; "hog-ground" thresh er*, hvdranlic cotton presa»-»; horse powers, mounted and down; power corn ahellrtw and feed cutterw. iinmiiummci m hoh. mm 4 to. Reapers and hinders, reapers and mowers combined, single binders, reap ers and mowers, cultivators and grain sowers. FAIRSaNKy & co. Fairbanks'standard scales, all sixes and patterns. Alarm cash drawers. Mff* Msantactnrer of the following mnehmes: NeblcU A Goodrich Improved IXL COTTON GIN, Reid's patent a a to rn aUc power screw pre** (steam or water power), Smiih'* improved hand power cotton *od hay press, colt >n.gin feeder, cotton oondenser, new Vir ginia fsed colter. Mg* Engine*, lotion Gia*, etc. re pair el 10 a work manlike manner 49* W-l>rd»ta solicited and promptly executed. For farther particular*, circulars, general informstior ata, apply f>> j at ly W J. BOLLARD. O. E Walworth. Saco. Me.. writes: l *xi-rtenred um> «U*i -abeffrsu i*l» Ui the ride Uy tte lu* U yimu l’u> Kll. UM E. York says I tew nwS ynnr r*t> Kiua* far tbcußM-nffs. n,.l te> r rwami re*i bantex tartan Seaman says: H*w ie*l Pers Kxixu for thirty jwr*. •i” te*.foßnllt • *w*/*<Nw nmMr for rteumarwa *ud kn ■»— Mr. Bsrffna wnaa: It reu. toriw rrßaf la tenef itnirarrtu nu. Otltert, msmtm*. Pe., write*: Fewi w*oal aat. I ksov ynwPm* Inin to Uw t•* nfftete* I eu m* sale. —.or In order to reduce *tnck ami avoi 1 carryinff rood* over. I will off.-r my »<« k . f ( ah PEIX emounuuff U> s*>.<» and over »JI fa*h ««*!>,. miw atm. lUfch “ very n-duced pncee. einbraciuff •« follows. Woval Velvet Carpets, Body Binssela do, Tapestry Biuki« b du, J., v and Imiienal Three-ply d<>, Scotch Ingrain do, Extra Super ami Snpnjj lt .10, Cotion and Wind do, Hemp aud Vienna J, J *ud 4 4 Vem-ti... do; ' ami x Stmr Biu**el* do; Si*ir Rods and Fixtures, Napier ai d ( <c „, Matting*; Plain. ’ becked and Fancy < auton do; ( b.ap Stripe Carpet Ul( ,. w m.low Uornicce, Lace Curtains, Cretonne*. Lambrequin Shade n U< j Bullion Fringe, Piano and Table ( over*; Window Shades in 8co)l. Kl | Fringed Plain nnd Gold Hand*, Velvet Sofa Ruga. Smyrna S-.fa Rug*, Vel.' vet ami Bruasel* Ru ( *; Cocon Door Mata, Velvet do, Brnaatla do, Bmy rim do; Sheep Shin Mata, Crumb Clothe, Chromo, Wall Paper and Border. It net ic Shades, Fire Screens, Carriage and Buggy Mats, Cedar < hest** Star Oil Cloths and Crash. feiT All goods sold for net cash or city uc ! ceptance. JAS. C. BAILIE & SONS, 713 UIIOAU BTUEET. AUGUSTA. GV M.OOOfflffl) BoT To offer the LARGEST and most complete Hock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHIraC, SHOES, jflT HATS. Etc., it ha* ever been my pleasure to commence Tbß trade with. I hope by continual addition* dur *W Out" ing Spring and Summer, to ninke it still more tractive, -ton W and hop* by fair dealing nnd attention to bu-inesa, to J9* merit aud receive the patronage of the community TVT B Hatcher. THE WHITE Sup.rlative in Its Attributes It Stands ACKNOWLEDGEDTHE KING of •)' MF.WfNG M -r’IIXES h>r rniiro t;.,!, four v. Il*, mid ill-* :t.-r ' I '' __ i!. WHIIT.I* :h- H'l \I: l; \ \ ;i l 1 I'■ inK-’:' '* i 4-_rA|_lwnS| i> I-- - | jQCLMMMbI purchaser. edo not peddle thens, I hue we are enabled to sell them cheaper than ■ first elh»* old patent niai bim e art mbl W M Al < id, I-• -linl • '• r oi write for circul.-irs. ami prici h *- J. D. A T. F SMITH J. HORACE SMITH, No. 525 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA J. !», SBOW&B8 CO. LEAD IN LOW PRICES ! FURNITURE of all Grades. IIITTIIIwrA IMISPIIIMi BEOS ILI.MZ \iV\il . ' Nico Walnut and Chamber Seta, Dressing Case, Marble Top, for Fifty Dollars nn<l up! We have put rlown’.the price ot tine Furniture 25 pertaont. Save money by csllb’k on us befote you buy. J- L. BOWLES A CO.. 717 BROAD BT W ATOOB7A. GA. \d ' \d'-\ r.\ o v<\ \\ 'f'X j\ <J\ v\ <>\ '\o \<A X?\ y4>\ VA \ \ \ \»\ FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS, NOS GIG, Gl7 and 619 KOLLOCK STREET, HgiiMta, Oft,* TO oun PATRONS: Our Foundry and Mnchlne Works, which were deatroyei in Julv by lire, have luvii rebuilt, aixl furnlehcd with tww tools. We can tuimwi IROS AND BRASS CASHNOS AND MACHINEUTuf all detk ription*. and at n-u~* aide priuea aixl bf the bw»l quality. Prices will betfiven of anything you may want by letting ns know what you need. If you need men scut to your piaeu lo repair V'">r Mill or Engura write us. niy 1< ly Wheelright & Blacksmithing. BEST WORK, AT LOWEST PRICKS. • Uy W. 11. COOPER, IlfirliMii, <-»• I AM JUST COUPLE TINO MY NEW BLACKSMITH AND WHEELRIGHTBHOP. aw! am now prepared u> have done all work in my line, from Repairing to Building l,,jt and out, all kmds of Vehicles, auchaa Buggies. Carnages, Wagons, Ac. Horse Shoeing, I Will Shoe your Horses at moderate rates and guaiantee satisf ction in tvtry case. Giye m? a trial. I WILL HAVE READY IN A FEW DAYS A LARGE STABLE, I' l ' Which 1 will be glad b> furnish mv frt -nda sad patrons with shelter an.l a place. When they omm U, urwn. FREE OF CHARGE Partlm wishing to . 'I” o** 0 ** kept over night ml fed. will be aaTxntnodatral ou moat rsaaonable term- > ' desiring to furnish tbe»r own fend, and only gee a stable for their hors** *t night- « also be accmntixidatot cheap SUlMee will be eecu rely l-x-ked every night ~ I nwpectfully eoiictt the patrouag** of the P.upU <8 Harlem and the county. always haw pair tutk 4»ue at who.t aoticn and Ml wurkuuuillke stvi<*. (MXJJui W. H. WOUi'tU-